Everyday makeup for girls with brown eyes does not have to be bright. In this case, makeup should only highlight the natural beauty to advantage, and not divert all attention to itself. ELLE studied all the color features of makeup brown eyes.

Makeup for brown eyes can be studied step by step using the example of celebrities. Jessica Alba, Jennifer Lopez, Keira Knightley, Natalie Portman, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Kim Kardashian, Eva Mendes, Mariah Carey, Monica Bellucci, Penelope Cruz have different shades of brown eyes from light amber to deep dark oak. The paparazzi regularly pamper the public with photos of these stars in everyday life, but outside the film set and red carpets, Hollywood divas practically do not use makeup. Makeup for special occasions is too complex and bright to be repeated in the office, but you can take as a basis not the technique, but the shades that star makeup artists use, and transfer them to a more accessible real life.

Jessica Alba, Penelope Cruz

Monica Bellucci, Catherine Zeta-Jones

Keira Knightley, Natalie Portman

Everyday makeup for brown eyes can be done step by step in five minutes. There are very few stages of makeup. Brown-eyed girls are never “colorless”; they are always a bright and dynamic type that requires a certain design. The main color palette for brown eyes is focused on a wide range of brown shades from light beige cream, coffee, chocolate to more dark colors cinnamon, oak, dark chocolate. Makeup for brown eyes should be harmonious, emphasizing the shade of the iris, so makeup artists advise choosing a range of shadows several tones lighter than the shade of the eyes. In this case, the shadows will work for their intended purpose and will create just a shadow on the eyelids, and will not greatly emphasize their presence.

Makeup for brown eyes looks like this step by step: correcting the shape and shade of the eyebrows, applying eye shadow (a simple technique), tinting the eyelashes with mascara.

Acceptable shades for brown eye makeup: gray, dark green, the whole purple range. Least suitable: blue, light green, red.

Everyday makeup for brown eyes step by step execution as follows. Degrease the skin of the eyelids with powder, apply a base under the shadows. Using a brown shade of kajal, draw a line along the upper eyelashes, go a couple of mm beyond the lash line and lift the tip. This is not an arrow; it is not intended for light everyday makeup. Kayal pencil, unlike eyeliner, creates a fuzzy line that can be shaded and it will become invisible, but it will visually increase the thickness of the eyelashes and highlight the eyes.

Cover the entire surface of the eyelid with the lightest shade of matte eyeshadow or powder. Using a soft brush, pick up a dark base shade and brush over the bone. The upper limit of the eyeshadow color should be above the crease of the eyelid. The transition from light to dark shade needs to be shaded. Apply the same shade of eyeshadow under the lower lash line. The outer corner of the eye can be highlighted with the most saturated color by making a neat tick. This is an optional step in daytime makeup.

It’s impossible to imagine beautiful makeup for brown eyes step by step without shaping your eyebrows. The color of the eyebrow product should be combined with the shade of your hair and eyes. The wrong color of eyebrow pencil will ruin all your efforts. For those with brown eyes, black, brown and dark green mascara is suitable.

This same simple makeup can be easily transformed into an evening one. To do this, apply glitter or pearlescent shadows to the central part of the eyelid. For a deeper, languid look, you can make eyeliner with a black liner and choose a richer shade of lipstick.

Bright shades in brown eye makeup are possible with careful execution. Blue, light blue, pink, aquamarine, orange shadows will highlight the depth of brown eyes very favorably in contrast. But in everyday makeup, it is better to combine shadows, pencils and eyeliners in rich shades with light brown and sand colors, rather than using all eye makeup products in a monochromatic color scheme. The easiest way to do a quick summer makeup look for brown eyes: Apply a solid gold or bronze shadow to the upper eyelid and draw a line of emerald colored pencil as the lower lash liner.

Carefully thought out makeup for brown eyes will help highlight them favorably natural beauty and expressiveness. Let's try to figure out how to highlight the color of your eyes and make them sparkle even brighter with any hair color!

Every girl has more than once wondered what ideal makeup should be like: for brown eyes, one color is used, for blue eyes, completely different ones, and even almost colorless eyes can be made bright and expressive with the help of correctly selected cosmetics and its proper application.

Let's look at the most common variations of brown eyes:

  • Light brown

Dark, but at the same time slightly blurry, with a languid look, such eyes look very mysterious. It is important to highlight their unusual beauty without overshadowing their interesting shade. Brown, gray or black eyeshadow colors in combination with brown eyeliner are suitable for this. Use cosmetics in darker shades than your natural eye color, but do not overuse too dark colors: just shade the outer corner and crease of the eyelid.

  • Amber

Yellow pigment is quite rare. If you were lucky enough to be born with this unusual eye color, highlight it with gold, sea green or greenish eye shadow. Complete your look with a bold, dark eyeliner to add contrast.

  • Nut

This type of eye is also light, but with an attractive greenish tint - brown-green eyes. The winning options would be shadows in light colors - golden, light lilac or pink. For evening, you can use darker purples or browns. Don’t be afraid to experiment with the color of your eyeliner; you can safely replace the classic black one with a purple option.

  • Dark brown

A classic color among other shades. You don't have to for a long time spend time in front of the mirror, trying to make beautiful make-up: any colors and shades will suit you, from discreet bronze to bright green. Experiment!

  • Black

This eye color is found mainly in burning brunettes and girls with oriental appearance. Use bright, rich colors of any shade (green, blue, purple), or, on the contrary, a delicate color scheme of the same colors. The main thing is not to overuse too dark colors, so as not to give the image too gloomy.

You will not meet a person with monochromatic eyes, unless he has used colored lenses. As a rule, one or more additional shades are mixed into the main eye color, which must be taken into account when applying makeup.

Beneficial shade of hair color

  • Brunettes Black mascara is best suited, giving the eyes more mystery. Choose shadows and eyeliner depending on the natural shade of your eyes, also taking into account skin color. Makeup for brunettes with brown eyes is quite simple, since their appearance is expressive in itself. Golden-brown tones are perfect for dark-skinned girls, while fair-skinned “Snow Whites” can afford delicate and romantic shades of pink, lilac and blue.

  • The same advice will be appropriate for brown-haired women, with the only difference that light shades of shadows will not be able to highlight your beauty. It is better to use golden browns, grays and slightly darker blues and greens.

  • Fair-haired, brown-eyed girls It is preferable to use a dark brown eyeliner, as black will stand out too clearly against the background of your hair. Looks great on these girls natural makeup without obvious accents, but this does not mean that playing with color is contraindicated for you. Use colored eyeliner, cornflower blue, olive or violet, and matching eye shadow to highlight your eyes.

  • Brown eyes are less common among blondes, and even less often in redheads. Owners of blond hair need to be especially careful with their choice color range for makeup. you should avoid black mascara and eyeliner if you do not want to look too provocative. Give preference to brown, blue, purple shades and choose pastel shades - warm peach, sand or chocolate to create light makeup, not a burdening look.

If your skin is naturally quite pale, then you need to avoid reddish shades, excessive yellowness and too bright greens, as they will give your face a tired, sickly look. You don’t have to completely abandon this color scheme: you just need to choose the right shades! For example, instead of lush greens, use olive-colored shades.

Makeup of stars with brown eyes

Who else to learn from, if not from the stellar owners of brown eyes? Their makeup is done by professional makeup artists, and there should be no mistakes here. Let's look at two typical examples with different colors hair.

Typical hot brunette with brown eyes You can call the incomparable Kim Kardashian. Being the owner of large expressive eyes, Kim perfectly selects both natural and dark makeup for brown eyes.

If you also have dark skin and black or very dark hair, then you should pay attention to the makeup of this diva.

For everyday makeup use natural colors that match your skin tone. These can be powdery, pastel or smoky shades of shadows and black mascara. You can afford to use black eyeliner in daytime makeup; thanks to the color of your hair, it will not look vulgar.

If you decide to highlight your eyes, do not also focus on your lips, let it remain on one thing.

In evening makeup
Kim most often uses the popular makeup - smoky eyes. It perfectly shades the eyes, making them even deeper and more expressive. Dark brunettes don’t have to be afraid to use dark shades, varying them from brown to black.

Let's consider makeup for brown eyes suitable for fair-haired girls .

Let's choose Jessica Alba as a stellar example in those days when experiments with hair color led her to blonde.

Day makeup for brown eyes with light hair and skin tones provides the most natural colors. Ideally, it looks like you didn't spend a minute on it. Brown eyeliner and soft warm shades of eyeshadow give the face freshness and openness.

While creating evening look it is allowed to expand the arsenal of cosmetics used. Everyone’s favorite smokey eye effect is also suitable, the main thing is to choose the right shades and shade them carefully. Using Jessica as an example, we see a soft, enveloping look that can be achieved using warm, smoky tones and brighter eyeliner. Owners of a cool blonde are allowed to use a blue and light blue color palette.

Daytime makeup: step-by-step instructions

What will you think if you meet a girl with brightly made-up eyes and lined eyeliner early in the morning? This looks at least inappropriate, so you should draw a clear line for yourself between daytime and evening types of makeup.

Let's start with something more natural and simple option and learn how to do makeup for every day, following simple step-by-step instructions:

  1. Perfectly even skin tone. Apply Foundation, concealer or powder that you are used to using. Products must be proven and suitable for your skin color, otherwise the contour of your face may stand out as a tell-tale mask.
  2. Completely cover the surface of the upper eyelid with the chosen color, which will serve as the basis for makeup. Try to stick to natural shades that don't catch your eye. Shade the crease of the upper eyelid with darker shadows, thus creating the effect of depth.
  3. Carefully color the space between eyelashes using a black pencil. Using black or brown eyeliner, draw a neat, even arrow along the contour of the eyelash growth.
  4. Apply a light shade of eyeshadow to the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid or use a special pencil.
  5. Carefully blend the shadows and soften the line of the eyeliner. This will give the look naturalness and softness.
  6. Gently fill in your brows with light eyeshadow or a brow pencil. You should choose a shade that is several shades lighter than yours. natural color. Manipulations with eyebrows are best done at the very end of the makeup, this way you won’t overdo it with color and won’t make your look heavier.

With a little practice, nude makeup won't take you more than 10 minutes!

Here is another example of light daytime makeup for dark brown eyes:

Evening makeup lesson for those with brown eyes

Going out makeup allows you to make your eyes more expressive using a varied color palette. Here you can take advantage of the most contrasting combinations. Let's take a step-by-step look at evening smokey eye makeup for brown eyes:

  1. Moisturize and correct the skin of the eyelids, eliminating all possible minor imperfections with the help of a corrector and foundation. Lightly powder your eyelids.
  2. Apply the eyeshadow base evenly over both the upper and lower eyelids.
  3. The first step in creating a smokey eye for brown eyes is to apply a pencil contour: the eye contour must be outlined with a soft eyeliner. It is forbidden to use liquid eyeliner; it will create a too bright line that you will not be able to shade properly. Choose a shade based on your color type, hair and eye color.
  4. You don't have to draw it perfectly straight line: in the future, its contour will be softened due to shading. Start with a thin line in the inner corner of the eye, gradually expanding it towards the outer corner. Draw a line on the crease of the upper eyelid.
  5. Draw a line along the contour of the lower eyelid, following similar instructions, the only difference being that along the lower eyelid the line will be thinner and softer.
  6. Blend the drawn line as thoroughly as possible - this is the main feature of this technique.
  7. Choose shadows from the same color range as the outlined contour line. You can use multiple colors. The main requirement is to create smooth transitions from one shade to another. They should not be noticeable, the eye should be evenly shaded, as if the shadows themselves spread over the eyelid.
  8. Apply mascara to your eyelashes thoroughly. To create an evening look, you can use false eyelashes.

For more detailed and visual instructions on how to create smokey eyes, check out the following video:

Make-up for the holiday should be special. In the evening, the image of a brown-eyed girl is created much brighter than for daytime. All paints applied must be durable, because it is quite possible that an evening event can last all night, and no one needs such troubles as, for example, running mascara.

Professional makeup artists love to work with brown eyes, explaining that this color is favorable for experimenting with any color range in makeup. The only condition in such experiments is not to get carried away with the brightness of colors, which is absolutely not required by the already naturally expressive look of brown-eyed ladies.

Nuances and rules for creating make-up

Brown color can have different shades and depending on this you should select the tone of the shadows:

  • for light brown eyes – plum and pink tones;
  • for brown-green – khaki and emerald;
  • to yellowish-brown – lilac and violet shades;
  • dark brown goes with beige, purple, pink and blue tones.

First of all, you need to properly prepare your face. It all starts with cleansing it and applying a matte cream - thus removing the effect of shiny (glossy) skin. The skin around the eyes should also be treated in a certain way.

Any flaw can be hidden through the use of a corrector. In this way, you can disguise wrinkles, even out the relief, and hide circles under the eyes. Make-up will last longer if a foundation, such as a matte foundation, is applied to the eyelids.

When the skin on your face is smooth and clean, it’s time to apply eye shadow. It is clear that what color of shadows for brown eyes you choose is an important matter, and the entire final look of the evening will largely depend on this. make-up. Choosing the right shadows in this case is not so easy, because a lot must be taken into account - what shade are the brown eyes, what color is the girl’s hair, what is her skin color type:

  • if a girl has brown eyes and light-colored curls, makeup artists recommend giving preference to beige, dark pink, green and sand tones;
  • brown-eyed dark-skinned girl It is best to use brown-olive paints;
  • fair-skinned, brown-eyed ladies you should use greenish and blue tones;
  • brown-eyed girl with dark hair as shadows it is best to use black, brown, soft pink, chocolate and silver tones, although fuchsia is also suitable in color;
  • dark eyes always decorate with purple, beige and blue shadows;
  • yellowish-brown color purple and lilac tones are emphasized;
  • light brown look good with pink and plum shades;
  • for green-brown Emerald shadows and khaki colors will be harmonious;
  • look of brown eyes will become more expressive with brown, gold and silver colors, and with lilac and blue colors it will become more attractive and vibrant.

What tone the mascara will be is also very important. Classic version, when the choice falls on black mascara, it is ideal for brunettes, but a fair-haired girl with brown eyes will look better with brown mascara. If a brown-eyed woman uses blue mascara for makeup, her look will become especially bright. In any case, you should not forget that your mascara for the evening must be moisture-resistant, otherwise you will have to touch up your makeup every now and then.

Don't forget about eyebrow shaping. A brown-eyed girl will look much more interesting and well-groomed if they are slightly corrected. For evening makeup, make them in darker colors than you do in everyday life. For this, dark shadows are useful, which are applied to the hairs, and they can be strengthened with a fixative.

It is best to take a sharpened pencil and draw strokes in the direction of hair growth. You should start from the center of the eyebrow and move towards its outer edge. Finally, the strokes should be shaded. You can also use shadows. A natural shade can be achieved by mixing different tones.

There is no brown eye makeup without seductive eyeliner. Feline winged eyeliner and alluring, intriguing oriental makeup seem to be created specifically for brown-eyed beauties.

Armed with all this knowledge, you can move directly to makeup. Here are just some ideas with step-by-step instructions that brown-eyed girls can use to create their evening make-up:

Arabic motifs

This type of makeup is always rich colors and brightness. First, the tone of the face is evened out using a foundation that matches the color type. Then blush is applied to the cheekbones, reminiscent of a fresh summer tan in tone. The peculiarity of this makeup is also long eyebrows, not as usual. You should use pearlescent shadows, although you can experiment with matte ones. A composition of two or three bright shades will look great.

About contrasting shadows in make-up

Girls are fond of makeup with shadows of contrasting colors, no matter what color their eyes are. For brown-eyed people, the best choice will be shades of blue and lilac in the shadows, because they can emphasize their attractiveness, focusing on the expressiveness of brown eyes. If a girl does not like to boldly experiment, she can opt for slightly muted colors - light blue or purple. But for evening makeup best choice the color will become deep indigo and purple.

Evening make-up, based on turquoise, green and blue colors, is also able to decorate girls with brown eyes, and this is easily explained, because everyone understands that the clear blue sky, delicate turquoise of the sea and spring greenery cannot but be combined with the brown tones of the earth cover. Such shades are harmonious in nature, which means they will come in handy for harmonious makeup for a party.

"Metal" shades

Make-up with bronze, gold, steel tone, pink and silver are also suitable for evening makeup for a girl with brown eyes. The warmest in this case will be golden shades.

Pointing arrows

When working on brown eye makeup, makeup artists have great opportunities to think creatively and implement their ideas. This is the case when arrows will come in very handy - they will make a girl’s look clearer and emphasize the shape of her eyes. The arrows are aimed with a pencil or liquid liner. For an evening out a successful combination It will be a make-up with plum eyeliner and pink-violet eyeshadow.

Creating a smoky makeup look

This makeup also harmonizes very well with brown eye color. Feature of this make-up- in the absence of any clear lines. The most optimal basis for it would be light colors on the upper eyelid. Drawing lines along the roots of the eyelashes will emphasize the shape of the eyelids below and above, but the borders should be shaded with black paints using a brush. The edges of the shadows themselves should not be visible - they also need to be shaded.

It is best to use gray or dark violet shadows for this. The main idea is to make the transition from shade to shade as smooth as possible. Light-colored shadows are applied under the eyebrow - this gives the effect of a raised eyebrow and a more open look. Such make-up requires highlighting of eyelashes, so mascara should be applied to them in two or three layers.

Smoky Eyes step by step

This smoky makeup look will decorate a girl of any age. To perform it, you can use a step-by-step scheme for creating makeup with black and purple tones that will decorate any brown-eyed girl:

  1. The face is cleansed and foundation is applied.
  2. Apply thick black shadows to the upper eyelid (movable), the structure of which should be creamy. This structure is easy to shade, and therefore can be done make-up it won't be difficult. In addition, the use of such shadows eliminates the need to use a pencil, because the contour will already be emphasized by the shadows themselves. The line should thicken closer to the outer edge of the eyelid.
  3. Next, take a soft brush and blend the shadows over the entire eyelid. so that the color gradually “fades out”.
  4. We use the same color to line the lower eyelid. Here you will need a thin brush. Here the line tapers slightly towards the bridge of the nose.
  5. Apply a layer of plum-violet eyeshadow on top of the shaded black eyeshadow., they should be shaded over the crease throughout the entire eyelid.
  6. We use a bleached lilac color under the eyebrow and on the inner corner of the eye. This will give your look freshness and your eyes will become more open.
  7. IN Take a clean, soft brush and blend out the shadows.
  8. Using black mascara, carefully paint over your eyelashes. Apply one layer first, then a second (on both the lower and upper lashes).
  9. The final stage of this makeup is applying blush to the cheekbones and choosing lipstick. It should be a calm shade, since the emphasis in this makeup is aimed at the expressiveness of the eyes.

To perform such makeup, it is absolutely not necessary to go to the salon to a professional makeup artist; everything can be done at home yourself. The highlight here is correct selection shadow colors. They should match the tone of the hair, the iris of the eyes and the girl’s outfit.

So, to blue dress For a brown-eyed girl, smoky eyes using golden tones are best suited.

Correcting drooping eyelids

This problem usually appears with age, when the skin begins to lose its elasticity. Although it also happens that a young girl has the same problem. This is possible with frequent lack of sleep, rare walks in the fresh air, overwork and an overly busy work schedule.

The impending eyelid makes her whole face look tired and the girl seems much older than she actually is. But in this case, you can help, and for this, makeup artists have their own secrets:

  1. For makeup in this case, you need to use shadows exclusively in matte shades., in this way you can avoid the fact that others will pay attention to the drooping eyelid.
  2. There is no need to give up a slight shimmer under the eyebrow - it will be quite appropriate. It is also important to apply light-colored eyeshadow to the corner inside the eye.
  3. For a make-up in the “smoky eyes” style, the colors should not be too heavy or oversaturated.
  4. When coloring the crease of the eyelid, continue the line beyond the contour so that it appears visually raised.
  5. A brown-eyed girl with drooping eyelids should be careful with eyeliner makeup for evening makeup. It’s better to use a pencil, not eyeliner, and be sure to lift the end of the arrow up.
  6. If it looks harmonious, a woman with drooping eyelids can use a gray or brown pencil instead of a black one - in some cases, this technique is refreshing and youthful.
  7. If you need to divert attention from the impending eyelid, focus on eyelashes, carefully painting them along the entire length, paying attention Special attention outer corner.

Brown-eyed girls quite often have a bright, attractive appearance. They have thick dark eyelashes, beautiful eyebrows, juicy lips and beautiful hair. To be able to successfully highlight your strengths, you need to know some tricks.

First you need to decide on your color type. dark skin and Brown hair they say that warm colors are suitable for make-up: brown, gold, plum, olive, bronze, etc. For fair skin and hair without a golden tint, cool tones are suitable: lilac, gray, silver, menthol, fuchsia, turquoise and etc.

Light makeup for brown eyes for every day is best done in light colors. It is also preferable to choose matte textures so as not to overload the face. For the evening, you can, without hesitation, use bright cosmetics, glue on eyelashes and add shine.

Daytime makeup for brown eyes does not require any tricks, because brown eyes already have an advantage - their look is very bright and expressive even without makeup. Nevertheless, daytime makeup is necessary for any girl, regardless of eye color, it’s just that brown eyes will require minimal effort and less time spent. To create makeup for brown eyes for every day, you will need a very small set of cosmetics that will help highlight all the advantages of your look, hide signs of fatigue and generally refresh your face.

The makeup will turn out to be especially sophisticated and professional if you look closely at the shade of the eyes. After all, you can often see in them not only dark chocolate notes, but also light, gray, greenish ones.

Here are some tips to help you choose eyeshadow shades:

  • Pale pink, plum and beige colors complement eyes as dark as dark chocolate.
  • Olive-brown shades will appeal to girls with light brown, or as they are commonly called, hazel eyes.
  • Aquamarine, light blue, pink and lilac shadows are suitable for grayish-brown eyes.
  • The contrasting pink palette, as well as neutral gray, will appeal to owners of brown-green eyes.

Skin color and hair shade play an important role in choosing a palette for brown eyes:

  • Blue colors look especially impressive if you are a burning brunette and have dark skin. A bold experiment will add some exoticism to the image.
  • If you have blonde hair, choose greenish, beige and dark pink shades. Those with porcelain translucent skin will suit lilac shades. Even if you are brown-eyed, you can embody the image of a blue-eyed blonde. Due to skin tone, blonde hair, blue shadows, your eyes will also appear blue.
  • If you have brown hair and fair skin, feel free to choose shades precious metals, chocolate, white, lilac tones.
  • If you are a redhead with brown eyes, a palette of green and gray tones will suit you.

Choosing a color palette for brown eyes

When you start choosing shades of eyeshadow, you need to take into account their natural compatibility with each other. There is a certain technique that helps to combine colors correctly. If you stick to it, makeup for light brown eyes will look appropriate and very harmonious throughout your entire look. A simple method is based on choosing shades that smoothly transition into each other.

Makeup artists recommend doing beautiful daytime makeup using blue shades. You can use such common tones: sea green, lilac, indigo, plum. These colors will not only highlight your look and make it more expressive, but will also harmoniously fit into the image of a spectacular brunette.

With the right combination of shades, you can come up with not only new and original ideas evening makeup, but also daytime options that are suitable not only for walks, but also for daily visits to work.

If you want to use three colors, it is better to combine shades that contrast with each other. If you want to use more shades, also give preference to opposite shades, which will look impressive next to each other and when shaded correctly.

Makeup for brown eyes with step-by-step implementation

Secrets of daytime makeup

During the daytime, you can apply light makeup that will highlight the beauty of your eyes and correct their shape. To create this option you will need a base for the shadows, a brown and white pencil, blush, mascara, as well as brown, light and mustard shadows

Makeup is performed as follows:

  • The shadow base is distributed over the upper eyelid. A white line is drawn under the eyebrows with a white pencil, which will emphasize their clarity. The line needs to be shaded with a brush.
  • Use a brown pencil to make strokes at the outer corner, which are then shaded.
  • Then, starting from the inner corner, apply light, mustard and brown eyeshadow. The borders of the transition are shaded.
  • Eyelashes are painted, blush is applied, and clear gloss is applied to the lips.

Advice! For girls with dark hair, it is recommended to use gold or lilac color for daytime wear. It is better not to use blue and green. For blondes, any pastel shades are recommended for this type of makeup.

Festive makeup in blue and lilac colors

Very impressive, perfectly emphasizes brown eye color.

  1. Apply base or primer and beige shadow all over the upper eyelid up to the eyebrows. Now take blue-blue shadows onto the brush and apply to the upper eyelid, starting from the middle to the inner corner.
  2. To darken the corner of your eye, apply a little dark blue eyeshadow. The shadows should go towards the tip of the eyebrow and follow the slope of the lower eyelid, as if continuing it.
  3. Use a clean brush to blend out the color transition. Apply a light ivory shadow to the inner corner of the eye. You can use light sparkling shadows.
  4. Apply purple eyeshadow into and above the crease and blend well for a smooth color transition.
  5. Line the lower eyelid with blue-blue shadows, and darker ones closer to the corner and also blend for a soft line.
  6. Finish your makeup with black eyeliner with a small winged line. Apply black mascara to your eyelashes.

Evening elegant makeup is ready!

Makeup for every day

Everyday makeup for brown eyes is best done in nude matte shades. Every girl must be able to do it.

It's simple - follow the instructions:

  1. Light natural shadows are applied to the entire moving eyelid. You can add white color to the inner corner of the eye.
  2. A neutral brown shade is applied under the drooping eyelid in the crease. Here it is very important to shade everything for a smooth transition.
  3. Soft pink, lilac or peach shadows are applied to the eyelid directly above the pupil.
  4. We emphasize the shape of the eyes on the upper and lower eyelids with dark brown shadows or a pencil.
  5. Once again, blend everything with a brush.
  6. We paint the eyelashes with black mascara to create volume.

Natural makeup for brown eyes is ready!

Smoky makeup for brown eyes step by step

A very effective smoky smoky eye makeup will create a captivating and deep look.

  1. Apply a soft black pencil along the contour of the eyelashes on the upper and lower eyelids.
  2. Using a brush or your fingertips, blend the sharp transition.
  3. Apply brown shadows to the entire moving eyelid, extending beyond the crease, carefully blending, avoiding a clear transition.
  4. Apply black or dark brown eyeshadow near the eyelashes and blend well. Smoky makeup should not have clear or sharp lines; all shadows should have smooth and natural transitions, fading to the eyebrow. Apply light beige shadow under the eyebrow. Mascara and smoky makeup is ready!

Makeup at home step by step

In order to do daytime makeup for brown eyes correctly step by step, you should use our recommendations:

  1. Thoroughly cleanse the surface of your face using light lotions or toners.
  2. Then apply foundation over the entire face, excluding the area under the eyes, neck and décolleté.
  3. Next, apply the powder evenly over the entire face, including the eyelids.
  4. Use blush to give your face a natural glow.
  5. Apply matte pastel shades to your eyelids and use a pencil to correct the corners of your eyes.
  6. Apply the finishing touches to the eyes using mascara. Use the mascara that best suits your look. It can be a lengthening, volumizing, waterproof mascara in black or brown.
  7. Using an eyeliner, draw wings on the upper or lower eyelid as desired.
  8. Complete the look with lipstick or lip gloss.

Drooping eyelids give the look a sad expression. To eliminate this deficiency, you can perform corrective makeup. This type of makeup has the following features:

  • Mother of pearl is applied above the eyebrow.
  • For drooping eyelids, you should not use clear lines. All contours and eyeliners are carefully shaded. It is worth using loose shadows.
  • Smoky brown shadows are applied to the crease and blended well.
  • Thin arrows will add originality

Brown-eyed girls quite often have a bright, attractive appearance. They have thick dark eyelashes, beautiful eyebrows, luscious lips and beautiful hair. To be able to successfully highlight your strengths, you need to know some tricks. In this article we will look in detail at how to do natural makeup for brown eyes, evening and other variations.

First you need to decide on your color type. Dark skin and brown hair indicate that warm colors in makeup are suitable: brown, gold, plum, olive, bronze, etc. For fair skin and hair without a golden tint, cool tones are suitable: lilac, gray, silver, menthol , fuchsia, turquoise, etc.

Light makeup for brown eyes for every day is best done in light colors. It is also preferable to choose matte textures so as not to overload the face. For the evening, you can, without hesitation, use bright cosmetics, glue on eyelashes and add shine.

It is very important to shape your eyebrows correctly. They should be the same color as your hair (or a little darker). Remove unnecessary hairs with tweezers and draw an outline with an eyebrow pencil. You can watch lessons on the Internet about correct form eyebrows for different types faces. To create density, you can add dark shadows. Draw along the outer contour of the eyebrows with a light corrector and shade well.

Nowadays it is fashionable to do eye makeup using mono and gradient techniques. In the first case, one is selected suitable color and is applied to the entire upper eyelid (can also be applied to the lower eyelid). In the second case, several shades are already used, which are carefully shaded. Remember only the basic rule - light shades are applied to the inner corner of the eye, dark ones - along the growth of the eyelashes and to the outer corner. In order not to think about the correct composition of colors, buy ready-made shadows with an excellent combination in duo-, trio-, quad versions.

The look of large eyes can be emphasized with dark kajal on the inner eyelid. This will visually narrow the shape of the eyes and add drama to the face. If your eyes are small, then you can use light kajal according to the same principle. The look will open up and be more fresh. Both options can be used for daily make-up.

Brown eyes should avoid red, terracotta and brick shades. They will make you look expressionless and sick.

Makeup for every day

Everyday makeup for brown eyes is best done in nude matte shades. Every girl must be able to do it.

It's simple - follow the instructions:

  1. Light natural shadows are applied to the entire moving eyelid. You can add white color to the inner corner of the eye.
  2. A neutral brown shade is applied under the drooping eyelid in the crease. Here it is very important to shade everything for a smooth transition.
  3. Soft pink, lilac or peach shadows are applied to the eyelid directly above the pupil.
  4. We emphasize the shape of the eyes on the upper and lower eyelids with dark brown shadows or a pencil.
  5. Once again, blend everything with a brush.
  6. We paint the eyelashes with black mascara to create volume.

Natural makeup for brown eyes is ready!

Playful arrows

You can create everyday makeup for brown eyes using black eyeliner. This daytime option is perfect for an office, institute and other strict institutions.

The instructions are very simple:

  1. Apply a thin layer of nude shadow to the entire surface of the upper eyelid.
  2. Brown or gray matte shadows in the fold, blend well.
  3. Now you need to draw an arrow using eyeliner. We start from the middle of the eyelid as close to the eyelash line as possible. Don't make the arrow too long so that it doesn't look vulgar. Its width thickens towards the outer corner of the eye. The final touch is to stretch the arrow along the entire eyelash line as evenly as possible. It's all about experience. Each time you will do better.
  4. Then we apply black mascara and our everyday makeup for brown eyes is ready!

Makeup in shades of green

It often happens that there are green inclusions in the pupil of a brown eye. Colors that suit such beautiful eyes are very suitable: marsh, bottle, grass, light green, etc.

We offer a lesson on how to make green makeup for brown eyes step by step:

  1. Using black matte shadows, highlight the outer corner. Draw the shape of the end of the leaf.
  2. Silver shadows need to be shaded and extended dark color into the fold.
  3. Cover the rest of the eyelid with green shadows of a suitable shade.
  4. Apply light green color to the inner corner.
  5. We line the lower eyelid with dark green shadows.
  6. Extend the light colors to the inner corner.
  7. With black shadows thin line We emphasize the shape of the eyes.
  8. The last stage is black mascara in two layers.

Light smoky eyes

This version of make-up can also be done as a daytime make-up. You can see how to do everything correctly in the photo lesson.

  1. Use a black pencil to draw the upper and lower eyelids as close to the eyelashes as possible. Vary the width of the line yourself - for the daytime version it is better to leave it 1-2 mm.
  2. Now you need to shade the pencil. We do this with a synthetic brush or clean fingers.
  3. You need to fix the color with shadows to match the pencil. You can also do a brown or purple smokey.
  4. Create a smooth transition using shading.
  5. Apply a light shade of eyeshadow under the eyebrow to open up the look.
  6. Finally, paint the eyelashes with black mascara. Our daily smokey is ready!

You can learn how to do competent make-up for brown eyes using various tutorials and videos from the Internet. The main thing here is not to be afraid to experiment and be able to draw the right conclusions about the results.

Now you know all the subtleties of makeup for brown eyes. You can easily create light daytime makeup, charming winged eyeliner, languid smoky eyes, and even a mysterious version in green tones. Do not forget about the advice of makeup artists and then you will not make mistakes and will be able to present your brown eyes in the best light.

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This video tells and explains all the intricacies of step-by-step makeup for beginners. If you are just starting to dive into the world of cosmetics, it is recommended to watch.