One of the most mysterious shades is blue. This color has something special magical property, which beckons. It gives a person self-confidence, calms him down and even allows him to quickly get rid of stress.

A representative of the fair half of humanity, dressed in clothing of this color, inspires confidence. This type of decoration has been a real hit for several seasons now. It is very firmly included in the group of women's toiletries. Moreover, the choice in favor of such an outfit is made by both very young people and older women. It can be easily combined with other items of clothing, which allows you to get the desired result.

Take advantage of all the advantages that this wonderful tone gives a woman, diversify your wardrobe with several beautiful blue dresses. If you are faced with the question: “What jewelry will suit blue dress?”, then these photos will be able to answer it. And in this article we will look in more detail at which jewelry made of metals and stones are suitable for this outfit, what kind of costume jewelry, accessories and bags are appropriate here.


“What kind of jewelry should I choose with a blue dress to look decent?” - the answer to this question interests every fashionista. Here, listen to the following recommendations:

  1. The color of the sea and sky goes perfectly with the mysteriously shimmering silver color. Blue stones will help add shine to your look. At the same time, all other elements of your image should be kept in some cold tone. Silver jewelry under a blue dress harmonizes perfectly with shoes of various green tones.
  2. Bijouterie golden color also very often used by fashionistas. This jewelry matches a floor-length blue dress just perfectly. In this case, the decoration may have red or pink stones. An ultramarine evening outfit can also be complemented with green stones.
  3. When choosing jewelry, be sure to keep in mind that it should match not only your outfit and your color type, but also your makeup. Do not forget that in makeup the emphasis is either on the eyes or on the lips. Otherwise, you may unwittingly come into vulgarity that a real woman not necessary at all. If you doubt any combination, just try it on yourself in advance, and everything will immediately fall into place.

Now you know what jewelry will go with a blue dress, so feel free to go to the store.


The ultramarine-tone decoration looks very chic. Almost every woman can safely wear it. But for such an outfit to sparkle in a special way, it needs a worthy addition. Not every woman wants to wear jewelry. Many people like more sophisticated things. “So let’s try to figure out what kind of decoration will suit a blue dress and dresses made in various shades of this color, and will combine with it most advantageously?

Outfits in these shades can be safely worn to the movies, to work, or on a date. Classic vestments require almost no decoration. When wearing it during the day, you can additionally use a ring and earrings with blue agate or aquamarine. When going on a date, this outfit can be complemented with a brooch, earrings and a bracelet made of natural pearls.

Fans of boho style simply adore denim sundresses and dresses. Jewelry for a blue denim dress can be from genuine leather, wood, shells and various precious stones. Pendants, earrings and bracelets made of lapis lazuli, variscite, kyanite, turquoise and amazonite look great with such outfits. Stones such as agate, rock crystal and moonstone will help add tenderness to the image.

Decoration for a blue dress intended for an evening out can be made of silver or gold. Gold jewelry looks great on red-haired girls and blondes with a warm shade of hair, and silver - on girls of a cold color type.


When choosing a bag, you need to consider the occasion and place where the blue outfit is worn. TO short dress A small bag of pink or gold color is suitable. This is a good set for the evening. If you want to dress like this during the day, then take a white bag with you.

A bag to go with a blue dress that is designed for work. Must be black, beige or white. It can be medium or large in size. A beach outfit is best complemented with a large white bag.


The blue color palette is multifaceted. Ultramarine, turquoise, cornflower, and blue-black fall into this group. It is recommended to select accessories for a blue dress, taking into account the shade of this color. The shade and cut of the outfit is also of considerable importance. It’s one thing to dress formally for work, and quite another to wear full-length evening attire. What accessories go best with a blue dress? Let's try to figure it out.

Photo of accessories for a dark blue dress

Blue decoration and white accessories look very harmonious. For example, a floor-length sundress can be complemented with white flat sandals, a large white bag and a hat of the same tone. The ultramarine outfit harmonizes perfectly with jewelry in a neutral beige tone. You can, for example, hang beige jewelry around your neck, tie a brown belt around your waist and put beige shoes on your feet on a small platform.

Decoration in a cold, rich tone, intended for an evening out, goes well with a bracelet and belt embroidered with rhinestones. The stones, shimmering in the light, help emphasize the depth of the outfit. Such decoration cannot be complemented with makeup done only in blue tones. Such an image looks inharmonious.

The ultramarine outfit and accessories made in yellow look unusual. Yellow can be a strap, handbag and shoes. If you are not afraid of increased attention to your person, then feel free to use red accessories. This look will look very stylish.

Knowing how to choose accessories for a blue dress, you can easily create a beautiful look that will attract a lot of attention!

Are you one of those millions of women who struggle with excess weight?

Have all your attempts to lose weight been unsuccessful?

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But dresses in blue shades are often underestimated, because these colors are very expressive and, if you choose the right shade, can suit almost any girl.

In addition, the variety and richness of shades of blue allows you to choose jewelry for a blue dress, both for an everyday look and for a special occasion.

How to choose the right jewelry for a blue dress?

The choice of jewelry for a blue dress depends precisely on it - on the occasion for which the dress will be published.

For everyday wear, a bright blue dress does not require a lot of active jewelry. It is better to choose something small, elegant and very feminine.

In such circumstances best combination– these are earrings + ring. It is better to choose the color of the metal silver or gray, since blue is cool color, and gold will look inharmonious with it in most cases.

These can be either simple metal jewelry or with details in the form of small stones - blue, pink, purple, white, transparent.

It should be noted that such stones large sizes or such decorations in greater quantities will make the image less everyday, leading it towards solemn splendor, so in an image for every day you need not to overdo it.

Pearls, small and delicate, which will properly highlight the blue of the outfit, can also be suitable as earrings for a blue casual dress.

By the way, blue dresses of some styles do not require decorations at all, only the most inconspicuous ones - a sheath dress, for example.

To be moderate, for an everyday look, a blue dress can be complemented with white jewelry. If these are discreet, small accessories of this color (strap, ring, bracelet), then they will not create the impression of a sharp, aggressive contrast and will only refresh the image, diluting the rich blue color.

Although, who knows, maybe the color of your dress is not saturated at all, but dark blue, muted? In this case, the choice of jewelry is much wider, because there is no such strict dictator in the face of a bright, demanding color.

For a dark blue dress, you can choose the same thin belt at the waist in almost any color: white, gray, soft pink, black, beige, even the same blue, but several shades brighter or lighter.

The only thing that a blue dress of any shade will not tolerate is massive plastic jewelry (large bracelets, beads, geometric earrings made of this material).

A blue dress even sounds very stylish and therefore imposes special obligations on the wearer of this dress. A sense of style and moderation are encouraged.

Here are some more photo examples of how to choose jewelry for a blue dress:

Jewelry for a blue dress

What about jewelry for a blue dress? The concept, of course, is very flexible, but still, when you hear the word “blue,” an image of the sky, blue and beautiful, appears in your mind.

By the way, when choosing clothes, representatives of the fairer sex prefer blue rather than blue. The fact is that blue is a calmer, less pretentious and demanding color.

It is easier to wear it and choose jewelry to go with it. Jewelry in gray, silver, white flowers. But here, even when creating an everyday look, you can choose larger earrings, a more interesting ring, and you can add some kind of neck decoration.

Blue color is a little naive and touching, so it is permissible to choose a pendant of the above or brighter colors on a long chain.

This will make the image more flirtatious, but to create a more mature image, a string of pearls will help us out, as always, emphasizing the calm and elegance of the blue color.

It will not be a mistake to choose jewelry and bright colors for this dress. Hot pink, pale pink, lemon, light green, burgundy - all these shades will be combined with the dress in a non-standard way and will make the image more interesting.

Turquoise dress - choosing the right jewelry

As for jewelry for a turquoise dress, this special shade of blue, in principle, can be combined with the same thing as blue.

But the color is brighter, more expressive and original, so you need to be wary of such a dress being overloaded with details of other colors.

By the way, the turquoise shade is perfect as a base for creating a total look.

For the spring or summer season, you, dressed from head to toe in turquoise (within moderation, of course), will fit just perfectly and will look intricate and ultra-stylish.

Choosing accessories for a blue dress is a very interesting stylistic task. After all, with the same style and shade, they can create images in completely different fashion trends with such a difficult item of clothing to combine.

Choose accessories for a blue dress when it comes to casual look, you can, based not only on the chosen model of the outfit, but also on what stylistic direction the beautiful lady decided to embody in her appearance.

In most cases, owners of an iconic dress are limited to a belt. The choice is laconic and generally correct. Its color palette can be classic (black or white), or it can convey the mood of a beautiful lady. It is recommended to start your experiments with a brown color scheme, playing with the width of this accessory. Depending on the mood and the chosen shoes, the belt can be wide with ethnic decorations or, on the contrary, thin, reflecting the romantic mood of its owner. For the latter case, the shade can be chosen in a pink or lilac pastel palette, especially if the image is created for a blonde. For those who want to add brightness to their look, stylists recommend complementing their look with a classic satchel, but with a predatory print, the main tone of which repeats the color of the belt.

Overall t The theme of a bag as an accessory to a bright wardrobe item is very interesting. In many ways, what it should be like is determined by the cut of the dress. So, judging by the photos of fashion blogs, in street style preference is given to envelope bags or large clutches replacing them. In this case, the shade of the bag can be a single color scheme not only with the already mentioned belt, but also with shoes. Street chic offers backpacks, bagget bags, totes or messenger bags, their color scheme contrasting with a blue dress, especially if it is tailored in the Greek style.

And don't give up hats. For example, a blue dress with red accessories in the form of a belt or gloves will be perfectly complemented by a slouch hat of the same shade. For a less vibrant look, this wide-brimmed headpiece can be shaded in a subtle pastel palette of mint, green, yellow or brown. If the image is chosen in the Casual direction, then beautiful lady It is recommended to try on a fedora, Breton model or tribble with such a bright dress, but made in the most natural tones of beige and green.

Another great decoration will be a headscarf, which serves both as a headdress and as a hair band. So, this accessory, decorated with a white polka dot print, will ideally complete an image in a nautical or country style. Bright shades and patterns of red, orange or yellow palettes will help create a look with a slight pin-up flair.

It’s worth mentioning separately what accessories will suit a floor-length blue dress when considering its everyday option. Stylists recommend limiting yourself to a minimum of jewelry, focusing on the most attractive area. Thus, for those with thin wrists, massive bracelets in ethnic style are shown, for ladies with an ideal neckline - necklaces, pendants or chains selected in accordance with the neckline, and for those who have a beautiful neck area - long earrings. In an everyday look, you should give your preference to costume jewelry, leaving jewelry for another occasion. When choosing jewelry, it is worth remembering that the center of the image in this case is the floor-length dress in a blue shade, and accessories only distract the eye from possible flaws in the figure.

Ideal choice for the office

In a business look, the center-forming accent is the correctly chosen accessories for a blue sheath dress (the main style of office style). Image experts recommend limiting their color scheme to brown, beige, black or gray. This outfit is complemented with thin metal pendants or earrings of a classic style, as well as a watch on a metal bracelet. As a deviation from some rules within the framework of classic business style, a blue dress can be complemented by a single or two-color neckerchief. However, it should be tied with caution so that its appearance does not resemble the style of flight attendants. The look is completed with strict black briefcases and/or satchels.

Stylists provide greater freedom by offering accessories for a blue dress in the Smart-Casual direction. It's worth starting with their palette. Instead of those described earlier, beautiful ladies are allowed to experiment with muted tones of red, green and yellow. Moreover, in contrast to strictly business and casual, all accessories in this direction can be designed in the same tone, including shoes. However, it is worth remembering that active tones (for example, purple) are best suited for brunettes in Smart-Casual. But for those with a different hair color, it is better to use pastel colors.

As for the accessories themselves, in this stylistic direction they are chosen in a laconic form: thin belts, elegant chains and small earrings. Hats in this image can be presented in a neutral color or in the color of the shoes with a fedora, slouch or cloche. But the choice of bags is very diverse, ranging from an “envelope” to a “briefcase”, taking on the shade of one of the accessories.

The accessories for a dark blue dress in a business style deserve special mention. For them, stylists recommend choosing a classic palette of warm shades of white and beige. The very tone of the dress will inevitably either add age to the beautiful lady, or overly highlight the white skin. Therefore, when choosing jewelry, a belt, a headdress or a neck scarf, you should carefully evaluate your own color type and choose accessories based on it.

Selection rules for special occasions

You should choose accessories for a blue evening dress based on the dress code stated in the invitation.

White-tie provides that a beautiful lady can complement her blue (and necessarily dark-colored) dress only with jewelry made from precious stones and metals, white, black or elbow-length gloves that match the color of the dress, only black or pumps that match the tone of the outfit. high heels and always skin-colored stockings. Provided that the shoulders in the dress are bare, the strictest dress code allows you to throw a fur bolero over them. If necessary, judging by the photo, you can complete your look with a discreet small clutch.

Black-tie provides a certain “freedom” in choosing accessories. In addition to those already described above, strict dress code experts allow you to wear a watch decorated with precious stones, but at the same time made with gold or silver plating. Among pairs of shoes, preference is still given to pumps that match the dress, even if the blue dress is midi length. As for the jewelry itself, you don’t have to wear jewelry, replacing it with status jewelry in a contrasting shade to the dress. It is worth remembering that the daytime look in this dress code involves wearing a hat. “Tablet” or wide-brimmed - the model is determined depending on where the event will be held. But in both cases the color palette is chosen depending on the color type of the beautiful lady. And finally, a clutch. Its color can echo the tone of the dress, or it can continue the color palette of the jewelry. In this case, an important condition is the tonal difference from the shade of the shoes.

When choosing accessories for a blue dress, when the invitation states the Coctail dress code, the beautiful lady is recommended to focus on bright jewelry that matches the color of her shoes or sandals. In this case, shoes must be on high heels, regardless of the occasion (wedding, daytime or evening event) to which the dress code is confined. Unlike the two types of images described above, in this one, such an accessory as a bag can be represented either by a clutch or a square, oval or designer mini-handbag on a thin chain. And in this case, stylists are allowed to choose an accent color for her image.

Maria Zakharova

A woman devoid of good taste will look tasteless even in a stylish dress.


There are a huge number of elegant clothing items on sale. If we talk about a blue dress, it can be evening, cocktail, short or long. A romantic look should be complemented with various accessories and elegant shoes. By creating a harmonious image, you can conquer those around you. Remember that the color blue represents dedication and determination. A woman who chooses this shade gives the impression of a strong personality who can easily overcome any obstacles.

What to wear with a blue dress

When choosing this type of clothing, pay attention to the shade, prints, and design details. A blue dress is often worn with elegant boleros, a cape-silhouette coat, mink coats, leather jackets, textile bombers, denim windbreakers, fur jackets (jackets are also suitable). Remember that such clothes can be different styles, based on this, you should choose other things.

What colors does it go with?

If you don’t know what color to buy a jacket, coat, bolero, fur coat or jacket, then give preference to black and white shades - these tones go perfectly with blue. Outerwear may echo the main part of the wardrobe, but it can also be different: choose jackets, windbreakers, boleros, jackets, shoes and accessories in yellow, orange, brown, gold, red, pink, blue, silver shades.

Jewelry for a blue dress

Blue Evening Dress wear with silver accessories, gold jewelry (this is a classic combination), pearls. Complete your look with elegant chains with pendants, elegant bracelets, voluminous or miniature earrings. With these products you can easily create an elegant evening look. Remember that for everyday life you should not wear too much jewelry - use one or two plain or contrasting accessories (thin chain, modest beads, matching earrings, ring).

Accessories for a blue dress

If you go to a club, then combine different clutches with such clothes (for example, from denim). Sometimes it is appropriate to complement the image with daring studded bags, sequins, beads, rhinestones, and embroidery. For work, take comfortable, business bags in dark colors (for example, black), and for a walk - a shoulder bag with a long strap, a comfortable leather backpack. The shade of the clutch or bag can be matched to the main tone. If the accessories (sometimes the outfit is worn with a wide belt) are contrasting, then it is desirable that they repeat the color of shoes and tights.


Pair an evening blue dress with shoes (there are many versions of classic pumps on sale) and stiletto sandals. Wear blue, white, red, black, gold, silver shoes. The last two options for shoes and sandals should be chosen depending on the jewelry used. If you are wearing gold-plated jewelry, then give preference to gold shoes (gold accessories go well with yellow shoes).

For a casual outfit, buy loafers or wedge sandals, and in addition, you can get beige shoes. Keep in mind that if you wear high-heeled shoes, your figure will appear more refined and your legs will appear longer. Try to match your shoes to your clothing style:

  1. Classic products go well with business style.
  2. Combine casual summer clothes with simple sandals, sandals, moccasins, boots, and ballet shoes.
  3. Complete your sports outfit with wedge sneakers and ankle boots.

Fashionable blue dresses

Today, a dark blue evening dress with a V-neck is in trend. Asymmetrical lines are encouraged in clothing. Products can be cool shades, made of light, sometimes transparent fabrics. They are often complemented by elegant belts of different colors (bright yellow and red tones are welcome). If you prefer simple outfits with calm shades, then wear them with black and white straps.

Floor-length blue dress

If you need to visually stretch your neck and emphasize your décolleté, use long earrings or a necklace made of large beads. Choose an outfit from OLIVEGREY with a deep neckline (you can order it in the online store):

  • Model name: fitted, floor length.
  • Price: 10380 rub.
  • Characteristics: no pockets, no pattern, available V-neck neck.
  • Cons: cost.

For a sultry summer, you should choose an item from the Seven Devils assortment made of light fabric (complement your look with massive jewelry made of wood, metal, plastic, and natural stones):

  • Model name: floor-length product with bare shoulders.
  • Price: 7500 rub.
  • Characteristics: materials – cotton, viscose; no pockets, there is a pattern (plants).
  • Pros: suitable for every day.
  • Cons: not everyone will be happy with the cost.

Evening Dress

For a special event, you can buy a blue dress in the online store. In the C.H.I.C collection you can find several interesting options, among them:

  • Model name: evening off-shoulder.
  • Price: 1466 rub.
  • Characteristics: material – 100% polyester, no pockets, sleeves, or pattern.
  • Pros: elegant appearance, pleasant to the body.
  • Cons: none.

Create an irresistible look for an evening celebration with an outfit from Baon:

  • Model name: long sleeves.
  • Price: 5599 rub.
  • Characteristics: material – 100% viscose, print – plants, no pockets.
  • Pros: suitable for both a party and a walk.
  • Cons: none.

Blue and white dress

An excellent option for every day is the classic from PAROLE by Victoria Andreyanova (goes well with black shoes):

  • Model name: floor-length, long sleeves.
  • Price: 18810 rub.
  • Characteristics: material – 100% viscose, turn-down collar, animal print, pocket.
  • Pros: for every day.
  • Cons: expensive.

In the summer, wear a light, elegant product from Altex to work, study, or for a walk (goes well with the color of the sea green):

  • Model name: tight with floral print.
  • Price: 2185 rub.
  • Characteristics: floor length, materials – cotton and elastane, no pockets or sleeves.
  • Pros: for every day.
  • Cons: not everyone will be happy with the length.

Red and blue dress

Suitable for a hot day original idea with floral print from AKIMBO (free delivery in some stores):

  • Model name: floral print midi.
  • Price: 5800 rub.
  • Characteristics: materials – polyester, viscose, elastane; The cut is close-fitting, there are no pockets, there are long sleeves.
  • Pros: for every day.
  • Cons: none.

If you need a floor-length outfit for the summer, choose some option from MeiLLer:

  • Model name: tight, floral print.
  • Price: 4390 rub.
  • Characteristics: materials – cotton, elastane; three-quarter sleeves, belt, no pockets.
  • Pros: versatility.
  • Cons: none.


To create a feminine, charming look, use a lace outfit from Stets:

  • Model name: with lace inserts at the top.
  • Price: 1499 rub.
  • Characteristics: floor length, materials – polyamide and elastane, no sleeves.
  • Cons: none.

If you don't understand fashion trends, but want to look stylish, feel free to get an original product from Fashion Up:

  • Model name: above the knee lace outfit.
  • Price: 1491 rub.
  • Characteristics: materials – polyamide, elastane, polyester; short sleeves(three quarters).
  • Pros: Suitable for a party.
  • Cons: none.

Blue satin dress

For those who prefer unusual options, a unique product from designer Viktor Anisimov will do:

  • Model name: anis-0046.
  • Price: 4999 rub.
  • Features: high waist, floor length, straps.
  • Pros: for any figure.
  • Cons: none.

When it's warm outside, give preference light summer along with thin straps from H&M (if your city is Moscow or St. Petersburg, then finding the item in stores will not be difficult):

  • Model name: pleated dress.
  • Price: 1199 rub.
  • Characteristics: seam at the waist, has a belt, pleated top.
  • Pros: for any figure.
  • Cons: none.

Dark blue dress

As everyday option use a dress from Nicole (the manufacturer produces a lot of fashionable women's outfits in nautical style):

  • Model name: above the knee with a tapered hem.
  • Price: 4490 rub.
  • Characteristics: elastic at the bottom, three-quarter sleeves.
  • Pros: versatility.
  • Cons: none.

Excellent evening dress is a dress from the manufacturer Balza blue:

  • Model name: flared maxi.
  • Price: 9990 rub.
  • Characteristics: belted, three-quarter sleeves.
  • Pros: suitable for a celebration.
  • Cons: expensive.


A charming and delicate look will help you create a floor-length outfit from the manufacturer Avbusto blue:

  • Model name: product with flared hem.
  • Price: 7890 rub.
  • Pros: suitable for a celebration.
  • Cons: not a budget option.

On a date or meeting with friends, wear bright and stylish option from Romanika blue:

  • Model name: midi with flared hem.
  • Price: 7790 rub.
  • Characteristics: there is a belt, three-quarter puff sleeves.
  • Cons: high cost.

Azure color

A strict, formal look can be created using an outfit from GRAY CAT (the manufacturer produces many items in delicate shades with a unique finish):

  • Model name: maxi outfit made of natural fabric.
  • Price: 8980 rub.
  • Characteristics: materials – linen, cotton; There is a turtleneck, flared hem, belt, three-quarter sleeves.
  • Pros: suitable for celebrations, dates, walks.
  • Cons: expensive clothes.

For the summer, an excellent option would be a strict style in blue from FROGGI (the brand has many office clothing options that have a straight cut):

  • Model name: midi length outfit (above the knee).
  • Price: 2499 rub.
  • Characteristics: materials – viscose, polyester; three quarter sleeves.
  • Pros: light outfit, refreshes the look.
  • Cons: none.

A short

If you are planning a celebration, then buy a defiant mini from BGL FASHION GROUP (go to the celebration in red shoes):

  • Model name: Three-quarter flared sleeves.
  • Price: 7776 rub.
  • Characteristics: materials – viscose, polyester, wool, elastane.
  • Pros: festive option.
  • Cons: none.

Ladies with a slim figure should buy an outfit from Issa Plus (can be ordered by mail):

  • Model Name: Above Knee Length.
  • Price: 1771 rub.
  • Characteristics: materials – cotton, elastane; three quarter sleeves.
  • Pros: for a holiday.
  • Cons: none.


For plump and slender women there is an option with full skirt from To be Bride (keep in mind that the company often has sales of products):

  • Model Name: Floor Length V Neck Outfit.
  • Price: 18,900 rubles.
  • Characteristics: material – 100% polyester, short sleeves.
  • Pros: can be used for a special event.
  • Cons: none.

Lovers of everything exclusive and expensive should pay attention to the spectacular blue outfit from ANTONIO BERARDI:

  • Model Name: Floor-Length Open Shoulder.
  • Price: 154458 rub.
  • Characteristics: materials – viscose, elastane; round neckline, zipper at the back, long sleeves.
  • Pros: exclusive for celebrations.
  • Cons: expensive outfit.

Knee length

The blue outfit from Vittoria Vicci has a strict look:

  • Model name: short evening with flared skirt.
  • Price: 3432 rub.
  • Characteristics: materials – polyester, viscose; knee-length, round neckline, collar, three-quarter sleeves.
  • Pros: suitable for office, celebrations.
  • Cons: none.

INCITY offers a universal dress:

  • Model name: narrow bottom.
  • Price: 1199 rub.
  • Characteristics: materials – polyester, elastane; Knee length, round neckline, short sleeves.
  • Pros: Suitable for office, party.
  • Cons: none.

With open back

For the evening, choose a stylish blue option from the manufacturer DRESS (promotions often apply):

  • Model name: dark blue outfit with a flared skirt.
  • Price: 3900 rub.
  • Characteristics: materials – cotton, polyester; Floor length, V-neck, short sleeves.
  • Pros: suitable for a celebration.
  • Cons: none.

You can go to the club in a floor-length dress from La Selva (some stores offer a discount on the item):

  • Model name: lace product.
  • Cost: 22,000 rub.
  • Characteristics: materials – polyester, viscose, elastane; The cut is close-fitting, the back is half-open, there are no sleeves.
  • Pros: suitable for parties, celebrations.
  • Cons: expensive.

How to choose a blue dress

Choosing a clothing model is not so difficult, but pay close attention to the shade:

  1. Keep in mind that the darker the blue outfit, the more formal it looks. Light things, as a rule, refresh and rejuvenate.
  2. Blondes can buy products in rich light shades, brunettes can buy deep dark blue colors, brown-haired women and redheads can buy things with a lilac undertone.
  3. When purchasing a new product, be sure to consider the shades of the items that dominate your wardrobe. Evaluate how it will fit with existing products.

Pay attention to the style of the product:

  1. If you prefer the trapeze style (loose cut), it will make your legs slimmer (this is due to the wide hem). Remember that such things are not recommended for people with broad shoulders.
  2. Cylinder style in blue color will emphasize the waist. It is not worth buying if you have curvy hips or full knees.
  3. The high waist of the product masks flaws in this area.
  4. Wrap-around clothes will help hide wide hips.
  5. A blue sheath dress will visually lengthen your figure.
  6. Straight blue fabric products are recommended for ladies with small breasts.