Applying makeup to your face every day is a daily routine for many girls. Actions are honed to the point of automatism, every gesture and stroke is performed along the usual trajectory. But few people know all the subtleties and details of how to make the right and beautiful make-up at home. But there are a lot of details here that girls who are just getting acquainted with cosmetics and trying to learn something should know about, and it wouldn’t hurt for beauty veterans to remember.


No matter how much one would like to have a magic wand that correctly solves all problems with one swing, such a miracle does not exist. Simple makeup is not only about applying cosmetics, but also about successful preparation. Clean and smooth skin cannot be achieved with a wave of the hand; you will need at least daily washes with healthy milk, daytime and night cream. In 2016, Asian cosmetics mostly contain supernutrients, and face masks are so common that some families put them on together in the evening. Therefore, their skin remains the youngest in the world and clean long enough for an older woman to be confused with a young girl.

But if you start doing makeup correctly, right now all these useful jars will not help you put on makeup on your face. Remember a few basic cosmetics, which are able to make a girl’s skin, if not ideal, then at least well-groomed and clean in 2016:

  • cleanser - for example, micellar water or cleansing gel;
  • daily cream;
  • makeup base;
  • women's foundation;
  • correctors and concealers.

Do not under any circumstances ignore them in 2016, when manufacturers are trying to produce high-quality cosmetics. A high-quality base will make the shadow last all day, and a good foundation will properly hide imperfections. Each of them is important and necessary, do not forget to apply them. You can look for good lessons or pictures that will show you step by step how to apply them correctly in 2016 and help you learn.

However, remember: your skin is whatever you try to put on it. A thick layer of cream is harmful for a young girl, and very a large number of foundation will clog the pores. Choose cosmetics for your skin depending on the situation.

  • To leave the house for a short time, just cleanse your skin in the morning and apply cream. The fear of leaving the apartment door without makeup is a disease.
  • It is better to make simple everyday makeup natural, but long-lasting, so add a foundation and correct skin imperfections with your own hands.
  • An evening out requires perfect makeup, here you can use your entire arsenal to even out your tone. Take a look at special lessons in advance and select pictures with useful examples. Remember that the foundation must perfectly match your skin tone so that you can apply it without worry. And don't forget to lightly anoint your neck so there is no noticeable difference.

Of course, you decide for yourself how much different cosmetics to apply, but each new layer greatly weighs down the skin and harms the pores. The lower the quality of the products, the less time they should be on the girl’s face. The instructions contain the composition, make sure it is safe. In 2016, you should be more careful with this so that simple makeup turns out really great.


Having dealt with the skin, the next point that every girl should pay attention to is the eyes. Although many people mistakenly try to paint their lips first, in fact, professional makeup artists leave them for last - there are special lessons where masters tell and show their art step by step; it’s not difficult to learn. First, properly tidy up your eyebrows: get rid of excess hairs, try to paint the arch line with a pencil or special shadows.

Many girls do Permanent makeup, to simplify this process, however, even such eyebrows require care. You should learn in advance how to change the shape and correct the bend - there are many articles and reviews on our website, the pictures will show a lot of examples, and the lessons in 2016 will explain everything step by step. Depending on the size and shape of the face, makeup artists give various tips on modeling. Don't be afraid to spend a little time on this.

For the eyes, as for the rest of the face, a makeup base is required, but it must be special, since a girl’s eyelid skin is more delicate and weaker. Try to apply it very evenly and correctly, and then let it dry. Then the shadows will last longer and will not smear if you apply them carelessly. All those beautiful pictures with perfect beauties from magazines in 2016 are done exactly like this.

The color of the shadows must be chosen to match the shade of the eyes. Take a look at your face as a whole and think over the image: eye shadow, lipstick, and blush. Everything should be combined with each other, and only after that try to paint your eyes with your own hands. If you do not have experience in this, in the corresponding section there are various pictures with examples or video lessons that will tell you everything step by step and help you learn. But you don’t need to repeat all the steps exactly: master the technique from the picture, and with its help, emphasize your individual strengths. This way you can show yourself how beautiful you are.

Eyelashes need to be painted at the end of eye makeup. Once the shadows are applied, lines and possibly arrows are drawn with eyeliner. Then pick up a tube of mascara. There are also separate lessons for this process that help you learn quickly, but intuitively in 2016, any girl understands what needs to be done and how to apply mascara.


Before applying color to your lips, remember the basic rule of makeup: don’t overdo it. The emphasis on a girl’s face should be on one thing. If your eye makeup is quite bright, it is better to be careful with your lips: use nude lipstick or a calm lip gloss. At the same time, if your eyes are not flashy, you can allow yourself to paint your lips with bright shades and apply a little mother-of-pearl.

Makeup artists have their own secrets on how to correctly change the size and shape of the mouth with cosmetics. You can look for special lessons from 2016, step-by-step instructions will explain everything to you and help you learn everything super quickly. But don’t get too carried away with these techniques, so as not to end up with a fake mask instead of a face from a glossy magazine picture. Remember, naturalness is in fashion, especially if you are interested in how to make beautiful makeup at home for everyday use.

Finishing touches

At the end of the process, take out the powder and blush, it’s time to set the feminine makeup and apply additional accents.

Start with powder: you will need at least two shades as there are lighter and darker areas on the face. In order not to confuse them, look for suitable pictures or study useful lessons in photos or videos. Usually the lightest places on a girl are her nose and chin, and the darkest space is at the edges of her face. This will visually reduce the size of your face. Similar secrets of makeup artists all over the world help you gradually achieve almost any effect with your own hands; they are not difficult to learn.

Using gentle movements, properly apply a lot of blush on the cheekbones - the natural blush should be calm.

After finishing your beautiful makeup at home, take another look at yourself in the mirror. Is the view really good? Did you overdo it with cosmetics or, on the contrary, forgot to put on something? Didn't they accidentally hide some dignity of the face, did they highlight the shortcomings? Every makeover is a learning experience that will be useful in future attempts, every failure is an opportunity to learn something. If you don't succeed the first time, try again.

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A woman at any age strives to be beautiful. And for this there is a whole arsenal of cosmetics: eye shadow, blush, concealers. Properly applied makeup will not only make any face more beautiful, but will also help disguise imperfections. It is not necessary to resort to the services of a makeup artist; you can master the art of makeup on your own. This article will tell you how to do makeup at home. Photos and pictures of the step-by-step process will also help you with this.

Everyday makeup option at home

Daytime makeup is suitable for any occasion - get-togethers with friends or work in the office. Consequently, it is distinguished by naturalness and the use of a minimum of cosmetics. How to do this simple makeup at home - photo with explanations below.


Cleanse your face using any usual method. You can also use a scrub, then the tone will be more even. Apply moisturizer and wait until it is completely absorbed. Assess your skin: in places where there are pimples or redness, use a concealer. Shape your eyebrows using tweezers. Now you can start applying cosmetics.

Applying makeup

  1. Apply the foundation properly over your face. It’s better to do this not with your hands, but with a sponge or beauty blender. This way you will avoid the effect of an unnatural mask.
  2. If your skin is prone to oily shine, use powder. Apply it in a circular motion, Special attention focusing on cheekbones and temples.
  3. Now it's time for the eyebrows. Fix them with colored styling gel.
  4. Now you can apply shadows to match your eye shade. Shade the borders properly with a brush.
  5. Carefully draw arrows with eyeliner or pencil.
  6. Apply mascara in 1-2 layers. To add curl, first curl your eyelashes with a curling iron.
  7. Final accent - lipstick. Its shade depends on your preferences. But remember: one thing should be bright, either the eyes or the lips.

Read also: Step by step photo daytime makeup for brown eyes

There you have it, beautiful makeup at home. Photo as a keepsake and you can run errands!

Evening makeup at home

For special occasions, a bright evening make-up will come in handy. Use it for holidays, parties, going to the club. This type of makeup involves the use of bright colors and bold solutions. Choose what suits you and go shine. So, evening make-up yourself - a photo with comments and descriptions.

Romantic option

Ideal for dates.

  • Apply foundation or BB cream.
  • Set with translucent powder to create a matte finish.
  • Use bronzer to sculpt your face.
  • Choose the shade of eye shadow depending on your eye color. The beauty of brown ones is emphasized by warm natural colors, golden or red. Silver, lavender and blue suit blue-eyed girls. Green eyes harmonize with emerald, swamp shadows. For greys, blue and silver shades.
  • It is better to highlight eyebrows with shadows or special lipstick.
  • Now it's time for the lipstick. Choose nude colors that are close to your natural lip shade.
  • Complete the make-up by adding shine with highlighter. The main thing is not to overdo it.

Club option

Becoming a dance floor star with such makeup will not be a problem. Before you is a huge field for imagination and experimentation. Makeup for a disco is not limited to using the usual shades. Let's try to do this makeup at home. Photos of examples will clearly illustrate the possible options.

  • Shadows can be chosen in rich and rich colors. It is better that they still harmonize with the outfit. And sparkles and mother-of-pearl will help you stand out from the crowd. Play with different combinations to achieve the desired effect.
  • Lips are another important part of makeup. Trace the outline with a pencil, creating clear lines. If your eye makeup is very bright, the lipstick color should be muted. Add glitter for shine.
  • A good addition for a seductive look is false eyelashes.

Read also: Step-by-step photo of correct makeup with facial tone

Now you know how to do makeup at home, photos of step-by-step stages will help you not to make mistakes. Be creative, don't be afraid to try new things and remain irresistible!

Any master class for beginners is carried out step by step and consists of several stages.

  1. Facial cleansing.
  2. Hydration.
  3. Application of primer.
  4. Applying foundation.
  5. Correction of face shape.
  6. Masking flaws.
  7. Drawing the eyes.
  8. Applying blush and lipstick.

Now let's look at each action in more detail. This is very important because professional makeup It’s quite difficult for beginners; any missed detail can ruin the whole result.

Applying foundation

A cream or special base is applied only after cleansing and additionally moisturizing the face. It is also advisable to apply a primer, which will help even out the texture of the face and hide minor skin imperfections. You need to apply the tone using a brush, sponge, or apply it with your fingers (you should choose a more familiar method).

The application technique is always approximately the same and includes three stages.

  1. Apply the cream pointwise, in small quantities, to the nose, forehead, chin and cheekbones.
  2. Using light, slightly patting movements, distribute the base from the center to the hairline. Be sure to make sure that there are no clear boundaries between your skin and the foundation.
  3. Correcting the shape of the face. You can understand how to do this at home yourself by watching the video tutorials below.

Experienced makeup artists say that eyebrows hold up the entire face. In reality this is true. It is especially important to take this fact into account when doing makeup for beginners for every day.

We correct the shape of the eyebrows step by step:

  1. Comb the eyebrows down.
  2. Using light movements, paint over the gaps in the direction of hair growth.
  3. We draw the tails of the eyebrows especially carefully.
  4. Using a brush, distribute the pencil along the length of the hair.
  5. Apply fixing gel.

Shadow application technique:

  1. Using a damp brush, apply shadow along the bottom of the eyebrow and blend it towards the bridge of the nose.
  2. We apply a new portion of shadows to the top and extend the tapering tail to the temple.
  3. Carefully comb the eyebrows with a special brush.
  4. Fix with gel

Important! All movements should be smooth, gaps should be filled with stitches, imitating your own hairs.

Advice. Makeup for a beginner is best done with the help of shadows; with this method, a natural eyebrow line is obtained easier and faster.

This video master class clearly shows how to shape eyebrows at home:

Eye makeup

The design of the eyes can be very diverse. Consider the basic rules of makeup for beginners at home:

  1. You should start with a base for the shadows; it will ensure even distribution and prevent them from rolling off.
  2. Shadows must be applied pointwise and blended with a brush.
  3. There is no need to paint over the eyelid with one color; you should use at least 2 shades.
  4. The eyes will be more expressive if you draw the space between the eyelashes with a pencil or shadows.
  5. Mascara should be applied at the very end.

You should also pay attention to the following video master classes:

Spectacular evening makeup:

Hollywood Makeup:

Applying blush

A natural blush on the cheeks refreshes the face, making it more youthful and sculpted. To properly highlight your cheekbones at home, you just need to adhere to the following rules:

Lip makeup

This stage completes the master class. For daytime makeup, it is enough to apply gloss on your lips; for evening makeup, you can use bright shades.

Application technique:

  1. Apply foundation to lips to fill in hollows and wrinkles. Then the lipstick will go on smoother and last longer.
  2. Draw an outline using a brush or pencil (its shade should match the color of your lipstick).
  3. Using smooth movements, spread the lipstick over the surface of your lips, then apply another layer.
  4. Apply highlighter or gloss if you need to make your lips look fuller.

The following video master class clearly shows how to do lip makeup step by step at home.

After you watch video tutorials on makeup for beginners, facial design will seem surprisingly simple. Now you can do makeup for any occasion at home: for work, a party, for video and photography. And finally, we suggest you look at bad advice, and maybe find out yourself somewhere.

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In this material we will tell you about all the tricks and rules of makeup for beginners and offer several options for simple but effective looks. If you are just starting to use cosmetics, but don’t know where to start and what products to use, read our article.

Makeup Basics: 3 Rules

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Matching foundation

Creating makeup, as a rule, begins with applying foundation. A properly selected product will hide skin imperfections, even out skin tone and prepare your face for subsequent stages. The foundation can be powdery, creamy or in the form of a light fluid. When choosing it, rely on its type (ours will help you determine it). For oily skin Powders are suitable for normal and mixed tonal fluids, and for dry foundations a nourishing creamy texture is needed.

Minimum funds

If you are new to makeup, use as few products as possible and gradually add new items from the world of cosmetics to your arsenal. To get started, the following set is enough: foundation, mascara, light shadows and blush. Such a minimal set will hide skin imperfections and give it healthy looking, and mascara and shimmering shadows will instantly make your look more open.

© lorealmakeup

Proper makeup remover

If you have started actively using cosmetics, it means standard procedure care, it is necessary to add one more step -. In addition to the usual washing gel, you will need a makeup remover. This can be a two-phase product with added oils, micellar water or hydrophilic oil. Choose what suits you best and does not irritate your skin. High-quality facial cleansing is the key to beautiful and healthy skin.

How to do eye makeup for beginners?

Unusual eye makeup doesn't have to be complicated. Follow our instructions to create eye makeup in trendy red tones.

Prepare the eyelid for applying shadows, spread with a thin layer or primer. Powder light shadows on top.

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Add a lilac shade to the crease of the eyelid and blend into a light haze.

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Apply a dark shade with glitter to the entire eyelid. At the outer corner, gently blend, combining with purple shadows.

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Emphasize the lower eyelid with darker purple shadows, a small dense brush is suitable for this.

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Use a soft black pencil to line the mucous membrane of your eyes.

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Apply mascara to your eyelashes. Eye makeup is ready!

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If you don't know which eye makeup to choose, take our quick test: it will tell you the right way.

How to quickly create lip makeup?

If you choose bright lipstick for your makeup, follow our tips for applying it.

© lorealmakeup

Moisten your lips with a nourishing balm and after a couple of minutes, remove the residue with a napkin. Using a pencil that matches your lipstick, begin drawing the outline, starting with upper lip. Draw a line from the top corner of the lip to the middle.

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Repeat the same action with the second corner, creating a “cross” in the center of the lips.

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Mark the central part of the outline of the lower lip.

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Place small dots between the already drawn lines and the corners of the lips. With their help you can easily complete the outline.

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Connect all parts of the circuit.

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Fill in your lips with pencil and then lipstick. This way the coating will be uniform and durable. In this way you can create both glossy and matte lip makeup.

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Everyday face makeup for beginners

Skin preparation

Cleanse your skin and apply moisturizer. In a few minutes you can use . Choose depending on your skin type. Apply concealer to the area under your eyes and hide imperfections with corrector. Blend all products thoroughly so that no borders or uneven texture are visible.

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Eye and eyebrow makeup

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Lip makeup

Apply light lipstick or gloss to your lips. For everyday makeup It is better to use moisturizing lipsticks with a creamy texture. They take care of your lips and are easy to touch up throughout the day.

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Setting makeup

Use a fluffy one with some powder on it to set your makeup. Apply blush and, if desired, highlighter to the apples of your cheeks.

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Find another makeup option “for every day” in our video.

Day makeup

Daytime makeup is done in delicate shades, and the technique for creating it is as simple as possible. Follow our instructions to freshen up your look in five minutes.

For daytime makeup, a light foundation in the form of a cushion or will be enough. Apply it in a thin layer using a sponge.

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Using concealer, lighten the area under the eyes, this will remove bruises and refresh your look. Apply concealer locally using a brush and blend with your finger. The warmth of your hands will warm up the product and distribute it in an even layer.

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Apply a refreshing blush to your cheeks. Blush in a stick is perfect for daytime makeup; they are easy to apply and blend.

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For eyebrows, use a pencil or tint gel: these products will highlight the eyebrows, but will not make them too graphic.

Apply soft pink shadows with tiny gold particles all over the eyelid; they will instantly add shine to your eyes. Apply volumizing mascara to your upper lashes.

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For lips, use peach gloss, it will add volume and moisturize your lips. Makeup is ready!

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evening make-up

Evening makeup requires extra staying power, so choose a foundation that will stay on your face all evening. Apply it with a brush, this way you will achieve a denser coverage. Hide all imperfections and dark circles under the eyes with.

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Apply primer to your eyelids. To create makeup you will need three shades of eyeshadow from the same brown-bronze range: light, medium and dark. Apply the lightest shade to the corner of the eye, add light bronze shadows to the center of the eyelid, and darken the outer corner with the deepest shade. Erase the boundaries between the shadows by blending them slightly.

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Draw a light arrow with a dark brown or bronze pencil. This trick will visually make your eyelashes thicker. Curl your eyelashes using a curler and apply two layers of mascara.

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Simple makeup for beginners: step-by-step Photo instructions

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Start your makeup by preparing your skin. Cleanse your face with cotton pads, moistened with tonic. Apply moisturizing day cream and lip balm, wait a couple of minutes. Then carefully distribute the foundation using a sponge, brush or fingers. Check for borders on the lower arch of the jaw, apply a little foundation on the neck to avoid the effect of a mask.

Every woman dreams of looking perfect. The main role in creating a magical and enchanting image is played by the face. Thanks to correctly applied makeup, you can completely transform your face, hide some imperfections and highlight your strengths. Therefore, every girl should know how to do face makeup step by step so that it lasts all day and makes her face beautiful and expressive.

Basic rules for quality makeup

Before you start applying makeup, you need to remember three basic rules:

  • Facial skin should be clean;
  • Cosmetics must be of high quality;
  • It is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the skin, face shape and eyes.

Washing your face is not enough to make your skin clean. It is best to use special tonics and lotions for this. Don't neglect hygiene procedures after the end of the day. All dust, dirt and decorative cosmetics must be removed, otherwise the girl risks losing good color faces. At night, the skin needs to breathe, and pores clogged with dirt and cosmetics will not be able to do this fully.

High-quality cosmetics does not mean purchasing an expensive product. You shouldn’t storm the first market stall you come across; it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to find decent samples here. Even good cosmetics under such conditions will turn into a spoiled product. And since the manufacturer of such products is usually unknown, you can get severe skin irritation or allergies.

Taking into account individual characteristics means that you need to choose the right foundation color in relation to the skin. Understand what colors decorative cosmetics fit. And correct the shape of the face and eyes using special cosmetics.

Stages of applying makeup to the face

Makeup can be divided into two general types - simple and complex. By using simple makeup gives a special freshness to a woman’s face, complex - helps correct imperfections such as excessive pigmentation, small pimples or scars.

Depending on the type of makeup, the stages of applying it differ. But there are basic steps that must be completed in both cases: applying makeup base, foundation, giving eyebrows correct form, lip and eye makeup.

Depending on which part of the face the emphasis will be placed, the sequence of applying makeup can be changed. Before the process itself, it is necessary to take into account the time of day and season to choose the right shades.

Now let's look at the main stages of facial makeup:

  1. Skin cleansing. For this purpose they are used special means, which allow you to simultaneously cleanse and moisturize the skin. They should be selected depending on the characteristics of the skin. Usually a tonic lotion, cosmetic milk or cream are used;
  2. Applying foundation. This is a very important stage of makeup, which we will consider in more detail in a separate paragraph;
  3. Changing the shape of the face with blush and powder;
  4. Eye makeup. This is the most exciting stage of makeup, which should be discussed in more detail below;
  5. Lip makeup.

Each of these stages also has its own characteristics and components. No wonder professional stylists have been studying this science for years. You can master some facial makeup techniques with the help of video lessons at the end of the article.

Applying foundation

Correctly applied foundation is the key to perfect makeup. Professional stylists recommend applying it along facial massage lines. We start applying from the top of the forehead and end with the chin.

It seems more convenient to do this with your fingers, but then it will be difficult to achieve an even and smooth application. It is better to use a sponge, distributing the foundation from the middle of the face to the edges.

The foundation will lie smoothly and well only on a previously cleansed face. Do not apply the foundation in several layers, otherwise you can achieve a mask effect. The layer should be thin and almost invisible. If there are flaws on your face in the form of dark circles under the eyes, small pimples or bright blood vessels, do not use foundation to disguise them. For these purposes, there are other means - concealer or primer, which should be used before applying foundation.

It is better to have a foundation of several shades, so a lighter tone of foundation is applied to the eyelids, under-eye area and forehead than for other areas of the face.

When all the flaws have been corrected and the face has become smooth perfect tone, it should be powdered. This is done using a wide bone in the case of using loose powder. If you are using compact powder, use a sponge. For creamy powder, special sponges are used. The powder is selected half a shade lighter than the foundation. Apply with gentle movements starting from forehead to chin.

Avoid powdering your face with pronounced pores. Also, do not apply powder to the area under the eyes, this will add several extra years to your face, and your eyes will lose their natural shine.

Step by step eye makeup

There is one universal rule of makeup - if the emphasis is on the eyes, then the lips should not be bright, and vice versa, if the lips stand out, the eyes are only slightly emphasized.

Classic eye makeup goes through several stages:

  • Eyelid tinting;
  • Eye correction using pencil or eyeliner;
  • Eyelash dyeing;
  • Dyeing eyebrows and giving them a certain shape.

The eyelids are tinted using a base foundation followed by applying shadows, starting from the outer corner of the eye to the inner. The pencil can be used both under and over eyeshadow. To visually widen your eyes you need to hold thin line at the base of the eyelashes of the upper eyelid.

Eyelashes are tinted with high-quality mascara in several layers. Then you should comb them with a clean brush to remove excess mascara and any lumps that have formed. You can apply special shadows to your eyebrows, or carefully adjust their shape using a special pencil.

Lip makeup

Use lipstick or lip gloss to highlight them natural beauty, so you shouldn’t choose very bright or, on the contrary, pale colors.

Apply makeup base to the lips. Then you can draw the outline using a special pencil. But it should look very natural, completely matching the color of lipstick or lip gloss. Otherwise, your lips will look unnatural and vulgar.

Then, using a brush, apply gloss or lipstick to your lips. Let it dry a little, lightly touch your lips paper napkin and apply the next layer. This application of lipstick ensures uniformity and durability.

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