You can often hear a girl say that she doesn’t know how to kiss. However, it is difficult to agree with this, because everyone knows how to kiss, just not everyone has tried it. A kiss is not a special gift at all, but an innate human ability. You just need to develop this skill.

How to kiss for the first time?

  1. It’s better for a girl to practice before her first kiss. For example, rehearse lip movements in the air. But it’s still impossible to guess what the kiss will actually be like, so during the real first kiss it’s better to forget about all the learned movements and rely on your sensations and feelings. Your emotions themselves will tell you the right path.
  2. During a kiss, you need to touch the guy as much as possible, try to touch different parts of the body. But don't forget that the first kiss should be romantic, so don't rush. Don't try to set records for the longest kiss. Let it be the most tender kiss.
  3. Kissing is a very pleasant process, but not everyone is able to enjoy it the first time. This can be explained by the fact that many people think too much about their actions and evaluate the situation. But as soon as these thoughts disappear, the girl immediately understands how pleasant it is to kiss. So it’s better to immediately try to turn off unnecessary thoughts, relax and surrender to the process entirely.
  4. During a kiss, substances enter the brain that lift your spirits, give you energy and vigor. Of course, in order for the first kiss to be the most pleasant, you need to kiss with your loved one. After all, then you will feel comfortable and at ease, and your loved one’s lips will definitely be the most delicious.
  5. Don't be upset if you don't know how to kiss. Learn to lightly move your tongue over your lips, fold it into a tube, turn the lollipops in your mouth, breathe through your nose - and everything will work out. Psychologists advise before the first kiss to imagine in detail everything that is happening. Turn on your imagination to the fullest and mentally imagine your first kiss. This will give you confidence.

Kissing for the first time is better without:

  • Alcohol, onions and tobacco
  • Witnesses - parents, friends, passers-by
  • Hickeys and bruises
  • Runny nose, tickles and herpes

How to kiss for the first time: a few rules

During the first kiss, light biting is quite acceptable, as a kind of preliminary stage before the kiss.

It’s also good to use some cunning and treat the guy with something tasty through a kiss. But here you need to be careful.

For the first kiss, touching only the lips is great, that is, a kiss without tongue. Survey results show that men like such kisses no less than kisses with tongues.

Of course, you need to carefully prepare for your first kiss. Don't forget to keep your breath fresh. When brushing your teeth, also pay attention to your tongue. Avoid foods with strong odors before a date. Before a kiss, it is important to let the guy know that you like him, laugh, smile, touch his hands, put your head on his shoulder.

The most important thing in this matter is not to rush. The best thing you can do is give the guy a wordless signal. Let him understand what you want. Take the guy by the hand and pull him towards you. If he responds to your signals, then he is ready. But if he turns away and retreats, it means the time has not come yet.

How to kiss for the first time: sequence of actions

Also, while kissing, pay attention to the action of your hands. As the duration of the kiss increases, you can touch your partner by the shoulders, stroke his back, and head. Touching your face will also work. The most important thing is not to be afraid, because the first kiss is not scary at all, but even very pleasant!

How to kiss for the first time: video

Don't forget that the same rules apply to guys. Watch a video about how to kiss for the first time: download >>

Text - nusha

How to kiss a guy or a girl for the first time?

In life, in photographs, in films, on the Internet - everywhere there is the opportunity to see people kissing. Kiss it good way express affection and sympathy for a person. There are many different kisses for all occasions. How to kiss correctly while giving pleasure to your partner?

Preparing for a kiss

For a pleasant kiss on the lips, it is necessary to provide for some easy points:

  • You don't want your lips to be dry or chapped. You should use chapstick regularly. Before a date, you need to eliminate bad breath.
  • it is necessary to first relax and open your lips;
  • watch yourself: sometimes gestures and facial expressions repel a person. You should avoid nervous and twitchy gestures, crossing your arms;

  • while communicating with your partner, casually touch his hand, or better yet, like most couples, hold hands;
  • You need to look not only at the eyes, but also at the lips of your partner. Before kissing, you should relax and tilt your head slightly so as not to touch noses. Most people tilt their head to the right;

  • there is no need to freeze during the kiss: you can touch your partner’s hair, hug, or run your hand along the back;
  • If a girl is kissing a guy for the first time, she should remove her hair from her face, it is best to put it in her hair - a young man is unlikely to appreciate it if hair gets into his mouth.

What not to do

When kissing, you should avoid the following points:

  • kiss in a public place. Not everyone likes to watch people kissing, and small children have no need for such a sight;
  • You should only kiss the person you like. In case you doubt your feelings, you can be satisfied with a kiss on the cheek;
  • don't attack your partner. Everything needs to be done slowly. To begin with, you should touch your partner’s lips with your lips and if he reciprocates your feelings, kiss him.

There are many types of kisses. Don't choose just one type; everyone loves variety.

Chaste kiss

A traditional version of a tender kiss. A good option for the first kiss with a girl. You need to grab your partner's lips with your lips and lightly suck. The tongue is practically not involved - it is enough to touch the lover’s lips with it, touch the teeth. When you don’t know how to kiss correctly, you should try it on your own index finger right now: squeeze it with your lips. Thanks to this, it is possible to fix the force of compression and prepare the lips for the sake of delivering pleasure to the partner.

French Kiss

A provocative and passionate kiss with tongue, otherwise called a hickey kiss. The partners’ tongues take turns penetrating each other’s mouths, caressing the partner’s tongue, cheeks, and palate. You should not open your mouth too wide; on the contrary, you should open your lips slowly. When French kissing, breathe through your nose; not everyone likes it when someone exhales into their mouth.

Siamese twins

This is an equal kiss. One lover grabs and sucks the partner’s lower lip, and the second – the upper. Next, if there was a kiss on the upper lip, you should move on to the lower lip. And vice versa. Try to arrange it so that your partner's lip is between your lips, and squeeze your lips a little.

Teasing Kiss

The partner kisses the corner of the lover’s mouth and performs the chaste kiss technique.

Moth fluttering

The fluttering of a moth is a lot of air kisses on the lips, cheeks, forehead and nose of the partner.

Platonic kiss

This kiss is not provocative, like the French one, not chaste, like tender. You should bend your head a little and move in the direction in which you intend to kiss your partner. The lips need to be pulled out much more than in the case of a gentle kiss. To find out that everything is correct, you can practice: try to kiss the air. There will be a sound. Also, when kissing a partner, a loud “smack” should be heard.

The main thing in a kiss is to observe the partner’s response. Usually, this interests men rather than women. When a woman responds to a kiss and blissfully surrenders herself into the abyss of your kiss, this is immediately and unconditionally visible. When your partner looks like she’s attending a boring lecture at the institute, is it worth thinking about what to do to turn her head? The main thing to remember is that there is nothing more beautiful than achieving the desired success through trial and error, this also applies to the problem of how to learn to kiss. Today we may not have managed to do a great job, but tomorrow, taking into account all the nuances, everything will work out. Women know how to pretend and dissemble, but during a kiss, they, as a rule, do not remember their talents and do not hide their feelings. When kissing, you should always follow the rule: kiss the way you would like to be kissed.

Video on the topic of the article:

How to kiss correctly for the first time?

How often can you see people kissing - in parks, in movies, on a nearby bench... But you don’t know how to kiss correctly. The first kiss should give a lot of emotions and be unforgettable! Before we talk about how to kiss correctly on a first date, let's talk about how to prepare for a kiss.

Before the kiss

  1. What kind of person is nice to kiss? Well-groomed, neat and tidy. It’s probably already clear to you that for this you need to come to a date fresh, rested, in beautiful, neat clothes.
  2. A prerequisite if you want to leave a good impression is a clean and healthy oral cavity. Teeth should be healthy and clean, breath should be fresh.
  3. And finally, moral preparation! The first kiss is pleasant, there is no need to strain and be nervous. It’s clear that you’ll still be worried, but there’s nothing complicated or scary about a kiss, so don’t stress yourself out unnecessarily.

Well, now about how to kiss correctly for the first time. Many people, especially girls, are interested in whether it is possible to kiss on the first date. It all depends on what kind of relationship you want to have. If you don’t just like your partner, but seriously like him, and you want a long, strong relationship with him, then it’s better to wait until the second, or even the third, date with a deep kiss. In most cases, relationships are built in such a way that the faster a guy and a girl open up to each other physically, the faster they lose mutual interest. First we need to get to know and interest each other spiritually. Therefore, on the first date, a light kiss on the cheek will be enough. If a guy wants to show his gallantry and respect for a girl, he can kiss her hand.

If you just like the person and you are not going to start a serious relationship with him, you can kiss on the first date.

Kissing technique

First you need to choose the moment and understand whether your partner is ready for a kiss. For the first kiss, a quiet place without prying eyes is suitable; it is better if the atmosphere is romantic. To check your partner’s readiness, you can move towards him, hug him, and kiss him on the cheek. If your partner does not move away from you, then you can try to kiss him.

  1. First, close your eyes and lightly touch your lips to your partner's lips. If he doesn't pull away, you can continue.
  2. Kiss your lips more forcefully, you can also kiss the skin around your lips. Make sure your lips are not too wet or too dry - most people don't like that.
  3. Stick your tongue out slightly and try to penetrate your partner's mouth with it. If he allows, do it gently.
  4. The first kiss should not be sluggish, too energetic, too long or extremely short. Find balance. The main thing is not to rush, but also not to do everything very slowly. When your tongue is in your partner's mouth, begin to gently caress his tongue, teeth and palate. When people kiss, they basically caress each other's tongues in sync. In a kiss, you will quickly catch the general wave and understand how to move. Just try not to lick your partner.
  5. No need to hold your breath, it will only get in the way. During a kiss, people breathe calmly through their nose. And so that this very nose does not interfere, position it at an angle to your partner’s nose.
  6. Caress each other's tongues softly and tenderly. As soon as one of you starts to pull away, the other should do the same. The first kiss should not be forced. After the kiss is over, there is no need to be embarrassed, you both wanted it! Smile at each other and hug!

This is roughly the technique of the first kiss. Kiss for good health!

“How to kiss for the first time?” - this question torments all young people who either experience wonderful feelings or want to experience them. Your kiss often determines when those very serious relationship and how long will they last?

I like him

Usually the first kiss has one distinguishing feature: He is the most sincere. Nowadays, young people fall in love quite early, begin to build their relationships and get married early. However, for our ancestors, the kiss was a real “ritual”, sacred and great. Often, paintings of kissing people became magnificent decorations in world-famous galleries, and the best poets glorified their first kiss in brilliant works. And the person who has kissed at least once understands perfectly why.

The first secret of a real kiss is sympathy. If you really like a young man, he is attractive, young and simply charming, you can rest assured that such a hero will be remembered for a lifetime. Try to give your first kiss to a person who really deserves it; after all, such an opportunity comes only once. And his lips will definitely be remembered for a long time, because this will be perhaps the first independent act, the “start” of a completely different life.

If you don't know how to kiss a guy correctly, don't hesitate to ask a good friend about it or you can watch a movie in which such a scene appears. More than one generation has learned from famous films such as Titanic! The desire to learn how to kiss is never shameful, especially if it is caused by tender feelings.

First kiss: how to make it successful?

A well-known opinion: a person always learns from his mistakes. And it rarely happens that the first action, the first creation or the first attempt to win a heart turns out to be successful. However, don’t get upset and give up: if you remember some rules, everything will definitely work out! They will tell you how to learn to kiss for the first time, what is necessary for this and why it is important to remember the consequences:

  1. Stage 1. Kissing technique. A special technique will tell you how to kiss correctly for the first time. To do this, try to “kiss” mentally, and then repeat this movement with your lips without a partner. If you feel that everything is working out, you can proceed to the second stage.
  2. Stage 2. Tomato juice. Many films show how funny the hero learns to kiss on tomatoes. In fact, this is not a joke at all: tomatoes will tell you how to “use” your lips correctly.
  3. Stage 3. About the consequences. Unfortunately, some of our actions, including kissing, have consequences: after contact with an unhealthy person, you can become infected with certain diseases, for example, herpes. Therefore, think carefully before taking such a step: can you answer for it?

A hint about a kiss

If you finally went with your boyfriend to romantic date or simply left alone, hint to him about your feelings.

Of course, it will be very inconvenient if a girl begins to immediately confess her love and make plans for the next 10 years. But you can show that you care about a potential partner:

  1. Carefully monitor the guy's reaction, pay attention to his lips. If a young man begins to intuitively move towards you or lightly hug you, you can act.
  2. Take the guy's hand or lightly touch it. Tactile contact is very important.
  3. Lay your head on his shoulder and tell him how good it is for you, how great it is that this guy is around now, and what a beautiful day it is. Choose a romantic phrase that is most appropriate in this situation
  4. Get closer to the guy's lips and watch his reaction. If a certain connection has been established between you, you can start a light kiss. If the guy pulls away, wait a moment.
  5. Remember that the first kiss should be very tender and sensual. Your lips should touch lightly; it is not necessary to kiss persistently and roughly. It should feel like the touch of a moth, not your mom's vacuum cleaner.
  6. After the kiss, wait a while and sit in silence. Let the young man continue the further conversation.

Initiative girl

Of course, such actions will be appropriate when both partners feel sympathy for each other and the situation is especially romantic. But it also happens that the young man turns out to be too shy or has a lot of unwanted fans around him.

In this article we will fully analyze how to kiss correctly in the classic version. In the classic version, this means using the lips. This type of kiss is the most popular. Among all the others, it can also be called a tender kiss. And also! How to kiss correctly in the classic version?

First of all, we need to distinguish two stages. The first stage includes everything that happens immediately before the kiss. In other words, preparing yourself, your chosen one and the environment.

The first stage is perhaps more important than the second, since if you go through it poorly, then you may not get to the second at all.

The second stage, as you understand, is the most pleasant. This is where the kissing process itself takes place.

In order for everything to go at the highest level, you must adhere to the basic rules, which we will fully discuss below. So, let's find out in detail how to kiss correctly!

First stage

1. The first thing to do is prepare your lips. Lips are our main tool that we use to kiss. Therefore, they should be pleasant and relaxed. To make your lips pleasant, you need to avoid chapping and moisturize them if necessary; there are many different ways to do this.

2. I think this is already clear to everyone, but we can still remind you! Both from the mouth and from the body should not be unpleasant odor. If you miss this moment, you will most likely be left without a kiss.

3. Everyone appearance you must show your friendliness and openness. Your gestures should be smooth, your body should be without contraction, completely relaxed. Arms and legs, under any circumstances, should not be crossed. You need to smile more and look into the face of your chosen one, and never show negative emotions on your own face.

4. Now let's move on to subtle maneuvers! You need to pass the touch barrier. That is, make sure that your touches are familiar to your partner and do not cause him any embarrassment. This process should be gradual, first touch your hand unobtrusively, then you can hug. This should be done calmly and not focus too much attention on it. Here you can use your imagination and come up with your own own methods overcome this barrier.

Second phase

1. Now let's talk about the process itself! When you have chosen a time and place, then proceed. Slowly tilt your head towards your partner so that your lips end up touching. At the same time, pull your lips forward a little until they remain relaxed. At the first touch of your lips, close your eyes and turn your attention only to the sensations associated with your lips.

2. Now, gently and slowly, with your two lips, kiss any lip of your chosen one. After this kiss, which should last between two and four seconds, lean back so that there is a gap of three to four centimeters between your lips.

3. After you have leaned back, gently open your eyes and look into your partner's eyes. This is a very important point! Looking in the face, you must determine whether you should move on or whether you need to pause. How to determine this? If your partner liked everything, then there may be a smile on his face, or a straightforward look, as if passing through you. He may turn his head and eyes to the side out of embarrassment - this is normal. If the face begins to distort, to look dissatisfied, then you need to stop.

4. If you see from the previous step that everything is going fine, then go back to kissing one of your partner’s lips. Kiss them in order upper lip, then the lower one, while giving the opportunity to kiss your lips. This alternation of kisses on the lips is classic version kiss. From time to time, watch your partner's reactions, which will tell you when to stop. If you want something more, you can also use the French kiss, which is done using the tongue. You can read how to do it correctly in our article, which is called “How to kiss with tongue”, this article can be found in our side menu.

It seems like we have sorted out the basic rules so that we know how to kiss correctly.

How to learn to kiss correctly

Let's talk about “adult” kisses. Agree, you always want to appear before your partner in the best possible light, to show what you are capable of, and sometimes even to surprise. After all, if experienced Casanovas are always trying to hone their skills, what can we say about us, about mortals and ordinary people who crave tenderness and affection, or about those who have not yet experienced this dizzying “kissing” pleasure?

Most likely, none of you have ever noticed that we are used to kissing several times a day. WITH early childhood and until the very end of life, we kiss our parents, children, loved ones and even beloved animals. With a kiss you can express your love, passion, affection, tenderness, gratitude, express your consent, declare a truce, in general, many different feelings.

MirSovetov suggests talking about “adult” kisses. Agree, you always want to appear before your partner in the best possible light, to show what you are capable of, and sometimes even to surprise. After all, if experienced Casanovas are always trying to hone their skills, what can we say about us, about mortals and ordinary people who crave tenderness and affection, or about those who have not yet experienced this dizzying “kissing” pleasure? People strive to learn how to kiss in order to satisfy their natural need. This need is as real as the need for food, drink, love, a constant connection to the Internet...

This need for passion and the need to touch someone, to hold your loved one in your arms usually brings two people to each other. The desire for human contact occurs at the behest of instinct, it comes naturally, and cannot be explained. Despite this, the kissing technique can be explained. And anyone can learn to kiss.

The art of kissing

So, what can you do to ensure that you and your partner remember your first “adult” kiss forever?

Do not be shy. The fact that you may have never had to kiss yet does not mean anything. Believe me, the fact that you feel dizzy, your knees are shaking and your palms are suddenly sweaty are just signs that you are really in love. This is nothing compared to the emotional and physical pleasure you will get from your first kiss.

If possible, make the environment intimate and romantic. Candles or dim lamps are perfect.

Don't forget about your breath. Bad breath can discourage a girl from kissing. If you haven't had time to brush your teeth, chewing gum, an apple or a few sprigs of parsley will come to your aid.

When kissing, do not freeze in one position. Gently run your hand through your partner's hair, touch his ears, stroke his shoulders, back.

Do not be silent. Just because you kiss doesn't mean you have to be silent like a fish. Tell your loved one (or loved one) something gentle and pleasant.

Don't tense up, be relaxed. Tense lips can, on the contrary, push your partner away, or he will think that he is causing you some kind of inconvenience.

Don't stop at just one type of kiss. Many men prefer the “French” kiss, or as it is also called “wet” kiss. Believe me, gentle biting and sucking on your partner’s lips can make him even more excited than just “communicating” with your tongue.

How to understand that a girl is already “ripe” for a kiss? You may not believe it, but more often than not, she burns with impatience and waits for her chosen one to finally dare to kiss her first? This usually happens because the guy can’t gather his courage for a very long time, putting himself under certain time limits and creating uncomfortable situations. If a girl looks into your eyes and doesn’t try to look away, she makes it clear to you that she’s ready to kiss, and you shouldn’t delay any longer.

Women, which, by the way, is not always true, believe that by kissing a man you can determine what kind of character he has, how suitable he is and whether he is worthy of moving into a more intimate relationship with him. But don’t be afraid to show yourself, open up to your beloved.

How can you tell if you are a good kisser?

The most important thing is to monitor your partner’s reaction. This probably concerns more men than women. If a woman moans quietly or is contentedly carried away into the abyss of your boundless kiss, this is immediately noticeable, and you will certainly understand that you are not in trouble. If your partner looks like she’s sitting at a philosophy lecture, think about what you can do to turn her on? Remember, there is nothing better than achieving the desired result through trial and error, the same applies to the question of how to learn to kiss. Today, you may not have a wonderful kiss, but tomorrow, taking into account all the nuances, you will kiss your beloved so that she will be ready to explode with pleasure... Women know how to pretend and deceive, but during a kiss, they usually forget about their abilities, and do not hide their feelings.

MirSovetov advises you to pay attention to some “signs” that will clearly tell you that you should learn a little how to kiss. For example, if a girl closes her mouth, gets distracted, averts her eyes, or, God forbid, falls asleep covered in your drool, then this is the first sign that you are doing something wrong. If immediately after the kiss she asks about the latest political news reports, or says something unpleasant, making it clear to you that she is not interested in you as a “kisser” - go ahead, use all your imagination and forward to victory - practice, practice and practice again !

The biggest mistake when kissing

You forgot about your partner. You want to kiss only for yourself, getting great pleasure, and you think that since you like this kiss, then your partner will definitely like it too. But MirSovetov would like to remind you that she, too, has preferences, feelings, expectations, and you will do very wrong if you ignore them.

If you think that your wide-open mouth will eclipse all the expectations of your beloved, then again, you are deeply mistaken. Of course, you shouldn’t hold your lips shut, as if you are a partisan and won’t tell anyone anything - strive to find a compromise, your partner will definitely show how she likes to kiss. Reciprocate, and she, in turn, will respond to you.

How can you learn to kiss better?

Practice. Practice. All comes with experience. The best way to learn how to kiss is your own imagination. Your imagination can sometimes do such things that you will not even immediately understand that these passionate kisses are not an amazing reality, but just your imagination.

So, sit back and relax. Imagine the object of your adoration in front of you. Imagine how you approach her, run your hand through her hair, and how you begin to kiss tenderly. The main thing is to put more emotions and feelings into such fantasy. The brighter the picture, the better for you, since you did not waste time on rehearsals.

And, finally, MirSovetov will talk about one important point! Learning to kiss only on the lips is not enough. Individuals of the weaker sex have a lot of erogenous zones. Thanks to our ubiquitous sociological researchers, it is known that 97 percent of women are instantly aroused by a kiss on the neck, and sometimes almost reach orgasm. All you have to do is walk up to your beloved, hug her tightly from behind, brush back her hair and kiss her tenderly. When a girl feels a man’s hot breath on her neck, his bites and kisses, she is simply ready to dissolve in her arms!

A kiss is a bliss during which the souls of lovers unite. Don't be afraid to experiment. Kiss your lover the way your heart tells you. You will always cherish the memories of such kisses.

Video! The dry theory of “How to learn to kiss” will never give you the opportunity to feel all the joy and excitement that is transmitted when bringing a kiss to life. You can see how to kiss, see a fairly clear example of a gentle and simply beautiful kiss (which, by the way, lasts for two and a half minutes) in the video “Demon vs Heartbreaker - You are my high.”

How to kiss correctly? Learning to kiss passionately (+ video)

What is a kiss? A lot has been said and shown about the kiss as such. In movies and in life, in novels and in magazines - people kiss everywhere. This phenomenon is understandable, because a kiss, like nothing else, can express the affection and attitude of people towards each other. But, you see, a kiss is a different kiss, and, of course, a platonic kiss is different from a passionate one.

Below we will tell you (and show you - there are demonstration videos at the end of the article) how to kiss correctly and for what occasions this or that type of kiss is suitable. Learning to kiss is very simple!

Before the kiss

In order for a kiss to leave only pleasant and exciting memories, you should follow some simple rules.

Prepare your lips for a kiss. Your lips should be smooth and pleasant. After all, you must admit that chapped and dry lips look unpleasant and cause nothing but disgust. Therefore, both men and women need to take care of their lips, making them attractive. Here are just a few ways to prepare your lips for a kiss:

exfoliate or scrub your lips using brown sugar;

moisturize your lips with a special lip balm;

Relax and part your lips before kissing.

Look friendly and seductive. Sometimes our gestures and facial expressions can say even more than words. Therefore, try not to cross your arms, do not touch your face, look only into the eyes and smile. At the same time, be careful - catch your partner’s body language, listen more and talk less, and then you will certainly understand whether he likes you or not.

Break the touch barrier. During communication, you can, as if by chance, touch your partner’s arm or shoulder. Learn to do it gently. The ideal way is to hold hands, as many couples do. If everything goes well, kiss your partner on the cheek. If your lips are closer to your ear, continue kissing and watch your partner’s reaction.

Look at your partner's lips. To maintain eye contact, look not only at your partner's eyes, but also at your partner's lips. Do not forget to smile and radiate friendliness. It is advisable to do this discreetly and sincerely, because it is not a fact that your partner has not read a similar article.

Get closer to your partner. All you have to do to do this is relax and bow your head slightly. Do this smoothly, unobtrusively, position yourself towards him so that you both feel comfortable. And don't forget to look into your eyes!

tender kiss

It is incredibly sensual and romantic, and allows you to understand and feel each other better than any other type of kissing. Below, albeit in theory, we will tell you how to learn how to kiss correctly, giving pleasure to both yourself and your partner. All you have to do is test it in practice! So let's get started:

When touching your partner, purse your lips slightly and close your eyes. Don't tense your lips or stretch them too much. In this case, they will become tense, which corresponds to a platonic kiss rather than a sensual kiss.

Gently touch your partner's upper or lower lip. Then you can lean back, but no more than 3 cm.

Open your eyes slightly and smile. Only in this way will your eyes meet, and you will understand whether it’s worth continuing or whether that’s enough for today. If it is still worth continuing, move on to the next stage.

Kiss your partner's lower or upper lip again. Try to make sure that your partner's lip is between your lips, and squeeze your lips a little. Don't know how to kiss a guy correctly? Right now you can practice on your index finger: squeeze forefinger lips - this way you will not only determine the strength of compression, but you will be able to train the muscles of your lips so that you both enjoy it.

Move to the other lip. If you kissed the lower lip, then you can proceed to the upper lip. The principle is the same - you grab your partner’s lips with your lips and gently, as if sucking, kiss them.

French or passionate kiss

This is a sensual deep kiss when one of the partners touches the other’s tongue with their tongue. This kiss stimulates the lips and tongue, as well as the entire oral cavity as a whole - all these areas are very sensitive to touch. Below we will tell you in detail how to kiss with your tongue correctly.

When touching your lips, try touching them with your tongue. Obviously, it will become clear to him that you are hinting at a French kiss. If your partner does not understand this, then the desire to try a passionate French kiss should be left for better times.

Open your mouth slightly and try to push your tongue into your partner's mouth. The tips of your tongues should meet and seem to rub against each other. After this, you can move your tongue to the side.

Proceed to the next stage of the kiss. Open your mouth again, but this time try to push your tongue as far as possible, so that more of the surface of the tongue is in contact.

Touch his face with your hands, keeping your fingers in his hair. Take a deep breath, and then passionately kiss his lips as if you are very thirsty and just can’t get enough - this is how you need to kiss passionately correctly. Continue sucking and biting his lips. Learn to do it naturally without overacting.

Finish the kiss with gentle touches. Continue kissing, but gently - so as to leave some understatement and the desire to kiss you again.

Below you can watch a video on how to properly kiss passionately.

Platonic kiss

This is the kiss of affection. It doesn't have to be as deep as French and as romantic as tender. So:

Tilt your head slightly and move closer. Turn in the direction you want to kiss your partner.

Pull out your lips. The lips should be pulled out much more than with a gentle romantic kiss. How do you know what you're doing right? Try to kiss the air. Did you hear the sound? So here, when you kiss your partner’s lips or cheek, a loud and non-binding “smack” should be heard.

Don't linger. A platonic kiss doesn't have to last long. Otherwise, this is not a platonic kiss at all. Learn to feel the ideal duration for such a kiss: it should last as long as that same “smack” is heard. Moreover, in some cases it is possible not to touch the partner’s skin, but to imitate a kiss.

Problems with kissing, who doesn't?

Bad kisser. Yes, this happens too. Kind, attentive, sociable, but doesn’t know how to kiss. Dont be upset. Once upon a time you didn’t know how to kiss, but somehow you learned to kiss correctly! Incompetent people will eventually learn to kiss even passionately, but you will have to show maximum tact and patience.

Is he taller or shorter? Does your neck hurt because you have to constantly raise your head or, conversely, lower it? These problems can be solved. You can kiss while sitting or, for example, lying down.

Be here now. Kissing won't be enjoyable if you're busy doing something else. Leave the questions for a while: “what do I look like,” “is my mascara running,” “what is he thinking about now,” “does he like it,” “am I doing everything right?” Don't pick on yourself, just enjoy the moment.

Don't rush things. If you have been dating not so long ago, then do not rush to kiss passionately using your tongue. Watch your partner’s facial expressions and wishes, perhaps he is not yet ready for such kisses.

Practice. Don't doubt your kissing skills. Kiss as best you can, only with practice can you learn to kiss both passionately and “in the usual way.”

And finally: do not overuse your tongue and do not force it into your partner’s mouth, especially if you have only known each other for a short time. After all, some people find it unpleasant when they kiss with “too much tongue.”

Kissing correctly: video

First, a video about how NOT to kiss. The video is in English, but everything is clear here without words!

Excellent video demonstrating the usual tender kisses and passionate passionate kisses:

How to kiss with tongue correctly?

Kisses using the tongue, also called “wet” or “French” kisses, are especially desirable when the object of love and passion is nearby. Translated from French, such a kiss is called “the kiss of souls,” and this is no coincidence: it is in a kiss with the tongue that partners unite not only their bodies, but also their souls.

The technique of “French” kissing is multifaceted, and the first time it can be difficult to tune in “on the same wavelength” with your partner. However, you only need to take three steps to teach a master class to any, even the most experienced, tongue kissing expert. Read this page to the end (preferably with your partner) - and then all you have to do is hone your French kissing skills in practice, since the theory is simple and accessible to everyone. The only condition is your desire and the presence of your loved one nearby. Are you ready to learn how to properly kiss with tongue with your boyfriend or girlfriend if you are over 14 years old and watch the video?

So let's get started!

Where to begin?

First of all, you should remember well: a kiss with a tongue begins with a regular kiss and is its continuation. Don’t immediately pounce on your partner and stick your tongue into his (her) mouth! The French kiss is developed gradually.

Correct head position

The quality of the kiss, including French, is guaranteed correct position heads. Therefore, you need to tilt it a little to the side in order not to collide with your noses.

You should move from a simple kiss to a complex one gradually

First you need to find out if your partner is willing to kiss with tongue. To do this, during a simple kiss, slightly open your mouth. When your lip is between your partner's lips (or vice versa), run the tip of your tongue across his or her lips. This will signal that you want to kiss with tongue. If your partner is not against such a kiss, then you can open your lips a little wider and push the tip of your tongue into your partner’s mouth. This should be done slowly. The thing is that the tongue is very sensitive, and the most gentle touch can bring great pleasure.

When both partners are ready for a French kiss, it is necessary to moisturize the lips well

To do this, just run the tip of your tongue in a circle, first over your lips (this will give them a sexual shine and increase your partner’s desire), then over the lips of your partner. At the moment the tongues touch, you can run your tongue around your partner’s tongue clockwise, then along the inside of the lips (for men, this zone is the most erogenous). You can do whatever you want with your tongues, the main thing is that both of you like it: light sucking, barely perceptible touches, movements from side to side. The only limitation - and this should be remembered once and for all! – You can’t bite your tongue. Even the most gentle biting can nullify the partner’s desire to kiss with the tongue.

Finishing with a French kiss

It is necessary to finish the kiss with the tongue slowly. Remove your tongue and kiss your partner with closed lips. Kiss your neck, ear, nose. You shouldn’t suddenly stop the “French” kiss, because... this can cause confusion and bewilderment for your partner.

You can’t stick your tongue too far into your partner’s mouth, because... it can interfere with breathing and even cause a gag reflex (and besides that, it’s just unpleasant);

you should limit yourself only to the mouth: few people will be pleased if half of their face is licked;

It is necessary to restrain your own salivation so that your partner does not choke in your saliva (it is advisable to swallow saliva about once a minute).

Don't limit yourself to tongue kisses only. They are able to diversify the love game and awaken sensuality, but very often the partner (especially girls) lacks tenderness in kisses. Excessive enthusiasm for “French” kisses can create the impression that a person experiences nothing more than passion. Therefore, even if you are fluent in the tongue kissing technique, you should only use it with your loved one (after first making sure of his (her) consent).

The secret of success is practice!

As you can see, mastering the tongue kissing technique is not at all difficult! Be natural, don’t be afraid to experiment, gain practical experience. Discuss with your partner what you like about this kiss, what you don’t, and what you would like to try. The steps we have proposed are nothing more than a tentative plan. Each couple, having received the basis, develops their own, unlike others, “French” kiss.

Let's talk about “adult” kisses. Every person wants to appear before their lover in the best light, to show that you are capable of much, and sometimes you can even surprise. After all, if the Casanovas are trying to hone their skills, what can we say about us, ordinary mortals who want affection and tenderness, or about those who have not yet experienced the dizziness and sweetness of a kiss?

Few people noticed that she kisses a couple of times a day. From early childhood until the end of our lives, we kiss loved ones, children, our parents and even animals. With the help of a kiss, we try to express our gratitude, tenderness, affection, passion, love, declare a truce, express our consent, in general, all kinds of feelings.

People want to learn how to kiss properly to satisfy their natural needs. These needs are as important as love, drink, food, constant Internet connection...

This need for the need to touch someone, for passion. Everyone wants to embrace their loved one. The desire for contact with another person occurs at the behest of instinct; it cannot be explained, since it comes naturally. Despite all this, kissing technique can be learned and improved. And anyone can do this.

What should you do to ensure that the first “adult” kiss leaves a perfect imprint on you and your chosen one?

  1. 1. Just don’t be shy. If this is your first time, this doesn’t mean anything. The fact that your palms are sweaty, your knees are shaking and your head is dizzy are just signs that you are in love. This is nothing compared to the physical and emotional pleasure you will get from the kiss itself.
  2. 2. If you can, make the setting more romantic and intimate. Dim lamps or candles will help you with this.
  3. 3. Be mindful of your breathing. Bad breath can discourage a guy or girl from kissing. If you forgot or didn’t have time to brush your teeth, a few sprigs of parsley, an apple or chewing gum will help you.
  4. 4. When you start kissing, don’t freeze in one position. Gently stroke your partner's back, shoulder, touch his ears, run your hand through his hair.
  5. 5. There is no need to remain silent. Just because you started kissing doesn't mean you should remain silent. Say something nice and tender to your loved one.
  6. 6. Be relaxed, don't tense up. If your lips are tense, it can only push your partner away, or he will think that you are unpleasant.
  7. 7. Don't stop at just one type of kiss. Most men love the “French” kiss (“wet”). Believe me, gentle sucking and biting your lips can add even more excitement.

How can you tell that a girl is ready for a kiss? In most cases, she herself burns with impatience and does not understand why her chosen one cannot dare to kiss her. Most often this happens when a guy cannot gather his courage, he puts himself in invisible boundaries and creates uncomfortable situations. When a girl looks you straight in the eyes and doesn’t look away, she’s trying to let you know that she’s ready and you shouldn’t delay.

Girls, which is not always true, think that by kissing they can determine the character of a guy, how worthy he is and whether he is suitable for them. But never be afraid to show your feelings and go for it!

How to determine if you know how to kiss?

The most important thing is monitor your partner's reaction. This applies more to guys than girls. When a girl is contentedly carried away into another world or moans quietly, you can see it right away, and you can understand that you are doing everything right. But when she looks like she’s sitting on steam, it’s worth thinking about what you can do to get her started! You need to achieve the desired result through trial and error. If the first time you were unable to show what you are capable of, then the second time you should take into account all the mistakes and kiss her so that she explodes with pleasure... Girls love to deceive and pretend, but when they start kissing, they forget about their abilities and cannot hide their feelings.

TeachEto recommends paying attention to “signs” that may tell you that you should learn to kiss. For example, if a girl tries to close her mouth, looks away, is distracted - then this a clear sign, which indicates that you are doing something wrong. If immediately after the kiss she asks about the political situation in the country or something else, it means you missed the mark. But don’t be upset, turn on your imagination and go ahead – practice, practice and practice again.

The biggest mistake when kissing

The most important thing is training and practice. Everything will come with experience. Your imagination can sometimes do such things that even you will not immediately understand that everything that is happening is not reality, but only imagination.

So, relax, imagine your ideal in front of you. Imagine how you approach her, run your hand through his (her) hair, and how you start kissing. It is important to invest more feelings and emotions.

And, in the end, Teach This to do with you alone important point! It's not enough to just learn how to kiss on the lips. The weaker sex has a lot of erogenous points. Thanks to sociological researchers, we know that 97% of girls are instantly aroused by kisses on the neck. All it takes is to hug your beloved tightly from behind, brush back her hair and kiss her passionately. When she feels a man’s hot breath on her neck, kisses and light bites, she will be ready to dissolve in your arms!

A kiss is when the souls of two people in love unite. Don't be afraid to experiment. Kiss your lover (beloved) as your heart tells you. You will always have memories of such kisses in your memory.

If you like someone and you're pretty sure your feelings are reciprocated, you might be wondering: Is it time for your first kiss? The first kiss gives a storm of emotions, but it is completely normal to be nervous and doubt what and how to do. In fact, the person you want to kiss probably feels the same way. When you're ready for your first kiss, choose the right moment, such as during a date. Then touch the person and lean in for a kiss. When you're done, hold hands or hug each other for a while.


Prepare the ground

    Choose the right setting for your first kiss. Despite the passionate desire to kiss for the first time, it is better to choose convenient time and place. Wait until you are alone with the person you want to kiss. Then talk to him to make sure he feels comfortable and in a good mood.

    • For example, you should not kiss a person when he is busy or upset.
    • A suitable setting for a first kiss might be a date or a school disco.
  1. Flirt with a person to create the mood for a kiss. Smile at him and keep your arms open at your sides so it doesn't seem like you're closing yourself off. Lightly touch his wrist, arm, or upper thigh if he doesn't mind. Also, give compliments, ask questions about him and listen to what he has to say.

    • Watch the person's behavior to see if they are flirting back. If he makes eye contact with you, smiles, has an open posture, and talks a lot, he's most likely flirting with you.
    • However, if you notice that he pulls away, crosses his arms, or looks down frequently, slow down and give him some space.
  2. Use chapstick to keep your lips soft, but avoid sticky lip gloss. No one wants to kiss dry, chapped lips. Be sure to smear your lips with hygienic lipstick so that they are soft and pleasant to the touch. Choose an unscented option (in case your partner can't stand any scents).

    • Sticky lip gloss can be unpleasant when kissing due to its strange texture. Just use regular chapstick.
    • If you usually wear colored lipstick, you can apply it when you're about to kiss. However, choose a durable option that is less likely to wear off. Also, don't apply it right before kissing.
  3. Use mints or chewing gum to freshen your breath. Bad breath is a big turn-off, so be courteous to your kissing partner. Suck on a peppermint candy or chew mint gum a few minutes before attempting to kiss.

    • Choose mint candies or sugar-free chewing gum because sugar can make bad breath worse.
    • Carry a pack of mints or gum with you so you can freshen your breath when needed.

    Advice: If you plan to kiss later in the day, avoid foods with strong odors, such as garlic, onions, and dairy products.

Lean in for a kiss

    Touch the person gently to initiate physical contact. First, touch his arm or shoulder. Then move your hand to his hair or face and gently stroke it for a few seconds. If you feel ready, gently brush the hair away from your partner's face, and then put your hand on his shoulder or press your palm to his cheek.

    • You can also try putting your arm around his shoulders.
    • Start touching slowly. Start small by touching the person's arm and continue only if he smiles and leans towards you.

    Advice: it's okay if you change your mind about the kiss, and you don't have to do it if you realize you don't want to. It's completely normal to be nervous and change your mind. If this happens, change the subject by asking the person to do something else. Say something like: “Will you show me that game you were talking about?” “I wonder what everyone else is doing? Let's go have a look!" -or: “I'm hungry! Let's go get something to eat."

    Make eye contact to show your interest. Make eye contact and look your partner in the eyes for one to three seconds. Then turn away for a few moments. Keep looking at him, but look away periodically.

    • If a person makes eye contact with you, they are likely interested in you and may be open to a kiss.
    • If he's avoiding eye contact with you, he probably doesn't want to kiss.
  1. Ask if he wants to kiss. Getting consent is the best way to make sure you both want to kiss. You may feel scared, but it can actually be very romantic. Here are some options:

    • "Can I kiss you?"
    • "Can I steal a kiss from you?"
    • “Would you like to kiss?”

    Advice: if you're too afraid to ask, that's completely normal! Many people are afraid to ask for a kiss. Consider writing the person a short note. For example: “Will you kiss me?” or: “Can we kiss?”

    Move closer to the person. Close the distance between you by moving closer to him or leaning in his direction. Then wait until your partner also approaches you, thereby showing his interest in the kiss.

    • If he moves away, he might not want to kiss. It's better to step back and give him his personal space.
  2. Tilt your head in the opposite direction from his head. Pay attention to where the person tilts his head more: to the right or to the left. Then turn your head in the opposite direction. This way, your noses won't bump into each other while kissing.

    • You don't need to tilt your head too much. Just make sure your nose is not directly in front of his nose.
  3. Close your eyes before kiss . When you approach your partner's lips, close your eyes and do not open them until you finish kissing. This will help avoid awkwardness during the kiss.

    • If you stare at your partner while kissing, they may experience discomfort. Besides, open eyes can kill the mood.
  4. Part your lips slightly and press them against your partner's lips. Don't tense your lips. Remember to tilt your head slightly so your noses don't bump. Kiss your partner gently for a few seconds. Try not to get any saliva on his lips.

    • It's normal to keep your lips pressed tightly together while kissing.
    • Don't open your mouth or use your tongue during the first kiss.
  5. Put hands behind the head or on the lower back of the partner. Sometimes it's not easy to know what to do with your hands while kissing. Try placing them behind the person's head. You can play with his hair or stroke his neck while kissing. Alternatively, simply place your hands on his lower back.

    • These aren't the only places to put your hands, but they're a good start if you're new to kissing.

Complete the kiss

  1. Move away to give both of you a chance to breathe. Don't kiss for more than a few seconds. Stop and create some space between the two of you. Take a moment to breathe and realize what happened.

    • You can kiss again, but it's better to take a short break first.
  2. Smile at your partner to show that you like him. Remember that he is likely just as nervous about the kiss as you are. Show him that you liked him by looking at him and smiling.

The first kiss is an important stage in the development of any couple. Many lovers are convinced that from this moment their romance becomes a serious relationship, and not ordinary flirting. However, the significance of subsequent kisses between a guy and a girl should not be underestimated!

How to kiss a guy first

Kiss for the first time

When you decide to kiss a guy first, you should prepare yourself mentally in advance if you need it, so that this kiss does not look ridiculous or forced. From the outside it should not be visible that you are nervous or are thinking too long and seriously about the next step. Let everything look easy and relaxed, kiss your chosen one and smile sweetly. There is no need to complicate anything at such a pleasant moment.

Kiss a guy on the cheek

If you don’t dare to kiss a guy right on the lips, preferring to give him the initiative in this, then you can do it a little differently - kiss him on the cheek. Of course, this can be done in passing when greeting or saying goodbye, but it is better to wait for a romantic atmosphere, then there is a chance that the young man will move on to more decisive actions. There are advantages in both situations - in the first case (kiss when meeting) you will show that you are not embarrassed by very close contact with this guy, and in the second case he will most likely understand that you are ready for the next step (kiss on the lips ).

Kiss a guy on the lips (in a hickey)

Keep in mind that almost all guys like French kisses - we are talking about those types of kisses when partners not only touch their lips, but also use their tongues. Undoubtedly, such a kiss will inflame anyone young man, and it is important to realize this immediately. Start with gentle touches of lips to lips, and only after that move on to tongue penetration. At the same time, you can press your body to your lover and stroke his back.

By the way, such a kiss should not be initiated if the young man has not shown any signs of sympathy for you - you simply may find yourself in an uncomfortable position and regret your determination.

If you're shy

It is important to understand that if you kiss a guy, nothing supernatural will happen; you don’t need to feel too embarrassed because of this! It is possible that after this the young man himself will be embarrassed, but your task is to show that everything is normal. You can defuse the situation with a joke or not draw attention to the situation at all.

How to behave after a kiss

The first kiss for girls, as well as for guys, is an important event, but you shouldn’t attach too much significance to it. After this, many girls expect some special reaction, an incredible attitude, and so on. It is best to perceive the first kiss as a logical development of your relationship. Of course, slight embarrassment is quite appropriate, but nothing more. Smile sweetly at the young man, look closely into his eyes - this is quite enough to show him that your relationship has moved to another level.

How to understand that a guy wants to kiss you

It's not difficult at all! If a young man has a desire to move to a new level of relationship, almost any girl will be able to notice this. In such cases, the chosen one tries to talk as much as possible nice words, often looks at your eyes, lips. He also wants to be as close to you as possible - to touch you or just be in close proximity. However, a young man who is too shy may behave differently, but be that as it may, if his embarrassment becomes more obvious than usual, then this is also a clear sign that he likes you, and accordingly he wants to get closer to you.

How and where to kiss a guy to make him want you

Kiss a guy on the neck and turn him on with a kiss

As you know, intimacy between a guy and a girl begins with a kiss. Of course, you can go “straightforward” and kiss the guy on the lips right away, but you can “go further” by kissing his neck first. When you are in the most comfortable environment, in close proximity to each other, cuddle up to the young man, bury your nose in his neck, inhale the smell of his skin with pleasure, and then gently kiss the same place several times. In this case, it is advisable to stroke the other side of his neck with your palm, and then touch your lips to his lips - this will surely turn on your chosen one.

Get a guy excited with a passionate kiss on the lips

A passionate kiss on the lips will certainly excite a guy. If your goal is to evoke a strong desire in a young man, then during a kiss you can show him how pleasant it is for you to be around. Gently touch his face with your fingers, stroke his neck, shoulders, and back with your palms. You can also gently run your hand through your hair. Most likely, you will be able to “hook” one of your lover’s erogenous zones.

Seduce a guy into a kiss with your behavior and words

If you want to provoke a guy to kiss, show him with your appearance and behavior that you are as comfortable and pleasant as possible in his company. Initiate physical contact - touch your hand, hug. Act relaxed, smile and flirt, let him see that you are interested in him as a man.

How to kiss a guy so that he really likes it and falls in love

It is important that the guy realizes that you are not an easily accessible person. Even if you want the kiss to be followed by a continuation, he should not think that this is a common situation for you. This is why it would be a good idea to choose a time so that shortly after the kiss you need to say goodbye before new meeting- that is, it is better to initiate the first kiss not at the very beginning of the date, but closer to its end. In this case, this incompleteness will provoke the guy’s thoughts about you until the next meeting, and will further inflame his fantasy. As you understand, under such circumstances it won’t be long before you truly fall in love.

In addition, it is important to behave as naturally as possible and not pretend to be a violent passion - you can get carried away, overact and look simply funny.

I want a man to kiss first, what should I do?

Excite and make a guy kiss you

If you want your chosen one to kiss you, choose the right time for this. A young man who is clearly attracted to you will certainly want to kiss you under almost any circumstances, but you should still be sensitive and not persuade him to take this step if he is seriously upset about something. This insistence may seem inappropriate, and subsequently the guy will simply decide that you lack any sensitivity.

In general, you could excite your lover with just your appearance. Of course, it is better to avoid vulgarity - just dress in feminine clothes that maximally emphasize your figure. Speak to the guy in a calm and gentle voice, try to avoid a raised tone, hysterical laughter or shrill notes - your voice should attract the guy, making him seem to plunge into some kind of nirvana. Let your movements be smooth, and your gaze seem to be slightly drooping. When convenient and appropriate, touch the young man - his hair, arms, back. You should exude an aura of femininity and intimacy. Some girls manage to behave this way completely naturally, but in general, this can be learned.

Induce a kiss with reciprocal actions

Some guys are hesitant to kiss a girl, simply not being sure that they like them or that such a step is appropriate at the moment. However, with your actions you could very well push the young man towards a kiss; he should see that, in general, you are ready for this. Act relaxed around him, initiate tactile contact by taking the guy by the hand, hugging him or running your hand through his hair, he should see that you are comfortable in his company and like to touch him.

Kiss spell

To carry out this ritual, use a silver spoon (in general, the spoon can be made of any other white metal). You will also need a glass of holy water. If there is no holy water in the house, pour ordinary clean water into a glass and keep it in a dark place for a week. Now immerse the spoon in the water and, while looking at it, say:

“My beloved person (his name), I, the servant of God (your name), want you to miss and yearn for me alone. And white metal and spring water will help bring sadness and melancholy. Let you follow me on my heels, And I would visit you in my dreams, and never leave you in my thoughts. I appeal to the powers of heaven, the powers of earth. I ask for help, I repent and submit! Amen!"

After such a conspiracy, the young man will often think about you and want to be with you - accordingly, he will strive to kiss you, the object of his desires.