When talking about cosmetology and oily skin, cosmetic or essential oil is rarely called as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent. And in vain, because this is one of the paths leading to health.

It is believed that oily skin does not need oils and is even harmful. But this is a delusion. Cleansing with alcohol means that the sebaceous glands begin to work with greater activity.. Lack of lubrication is perceived as a threat, and then fat is produced with new force. Also, the cause of hypersecretion of sebum can be a lack of essential amino acids that the product has.

Oils have many useful properties The main thing is to choose the right product.

In this article:

Suitable Options

Vegetable oils have a different chemical composition, and therefore not all are equally useful. What oils are suitable for oily skin faces?


Essential oils differ from real fats in that they do not leave characteristic stains on paper, they evaporate at room temperature.

Since they are formed only in plants, they have strong medicinal properties. This quality was learned to be used in cosmetology to improve the condition problematic skin.

Essential oils are not harmless, so they should be handled with care. In their pure form, they are not applied to the skin, but are pre-diluted with a “base”.

In case of contact with the mucous membrane of the eye, it is necessary to immediately rinse with water. After contact with the undiluted preparation, the skin is immediately washed.

Sometimes such drugs are used in pure form from tea tree or black cumin - pimples are lubricated with liquid, but applied only to the affected area.

Tea tree oil is traditionally used for oily skin.. The chemical composition contains two components that provide an antimicrobial effect - these are cineole and terpinene.

Relieve inflammation, normalize fat hypersecretion:

  • eucalyptus;
  • fennel;
  • sandalwood;
  • rosemary.
  • Melissa;
  • lemongrass Chinese;
  • lemon;
  • grapefruit;
  • carnation;
  • bergamot.

Calming ylang-ylang, lavender, patchouli, chamomile.

Although oily skin ages more slowly, it also needs toning and smoothing. In the first case, extracts from juniper, geranium, lemon, mint, rosemary, ginger are used, in the second - lavender, lemon.

Essential oils for oily skin are added to creams, water for steam bath, masks (for example, based on white or black clay).

Contraindication to use"esters" - individual intolerance to one component or mixture as a whole, as indicated by:

  • violation of respiratory function;
  • increased heart rate;
  • noise in ears; headache, dizziness;
  • tachycardia;
  • nausea;
  • rash, redness, itching.


They are also called carriers, transport, fixed. Here are oils that are suitable for oily skin types:

  • apricot - restores cells, normalizes the production of fat, improves complexion, has no restrictions and contraindications (with the exception of individual intolerance);
  • grape seed oil, odorless, light, soft, normalizes the sebaceous glands, heals wounds;
  • jojoba - regenerates, fights inflammation, being thick enough, not used in its pure form;
  • calendula - destroys pathogenic microbes, heals (the label should contain the Latin name of the plant Calendula, and not Tagetes - African marigolds), the most useful qualities of the product obtained during maceration;
  • almond - eliminates inflammatory elements, does not allow the expansion of pores;
  • walnut - quickly absorbed, treats acne;
  • Hypericum - anti-inflammatory;
  • Peach oil- eliminates inflammation, improves elasticity, regenerates;
  • black cumin - cleanses pores, treats acne, has a resolving, anti-inflammatory, regenerating effect;
  • blackcurrant seeds - bleaches, kills bacteria;
  • aloe - stimulates healing, fights inflammation, protects against infection.

Cosmetologists have not come to a consensus about the possibility of using coconut oil for excess fat content. Opponents of its use claim comedogenicity - the ability to clog skin pores. Anyway, it is not applied to the skin in its pure form, but is used at a concentration of 10%.

It is believed that olive oil is only suitable for dry and combination skin, and oily skin is harmful. This is not entirely true. Owners of this type of skin can also use the product, but in masks and combined with fermented milk products.

Successful combinations

Vegetable oils are useful to combine. Then there is synergy, when one product enhances the action of another. You can use only base oil on your own, but not all. Those that are not suitable for self-application are mixed with other types of oils.

But how to compose such compositions correctly?

Cosmetic oils for oily facial skin do not conflict with each other, so they are combined as desired, but taking into account the characteristics of the skin. In one product, it is allowed to combine up to 4-5 types, choosing an ensemble that the skin will like more. Carrier oils are practically odorless, with the exception of those derived from seeds, nuts.

For essential oils, different compatibility rules apply. They are classified according to high, medium and low volatility. It is recommended to take 2 drops of high, 1-2 medium and 1 low volatility oil. Of course, you can get by with one flavor.

Choose scents carefully. You can do this according to the picture with the "seven-color". Each color here corresponds to the name of the fragrance group - floral, exotic, gums, spices, trees, herbs, citrus. The compounds are most harmonious if aromas are taken from one or neighboring groups.

Is cream needed?

But cannot be replaced solely by the rest of the oil. The skin needs different nutrition, and there are no certain vitamins, substances in oil mixtures. In particular, this applies to water-soluble vitamins, fruit hydroacids, etc.

With frequent use, oils stick together dead tissue particles, which causes acne and black dots, and this is the main problem for owners of oily skin.

A film is formed on the surface that disrupts the access of oxygen, respiration, and the flow of moisture. But the main drawback is the lack of water. Oil can be used, but only as additional remedy, no more than 1-2 times a week, preferably after steaming the skin and peeling.


essential oil of lemon

You can cook it at home. They do it like this.

  1. On a grater, grate the lemon zest enough to fill half the selected bottle.
  2. Pour into a bottle with zest olive oil.
  3. Leave the dishes on the windowsill on the sunny side for 2-3 weeks, shaking the container daily.
  4. The liquid is filtered, the zest is squeezed out.


For 100 ml of distilled water take:

  • ethyl alcohol (96%) - 15 ml;
  • essential oils of chamomile, geranium, lemon - 3 drops each.

The liquids are mixed, poured into a dark glass bottle, stored in the refrigerator.

Mask No. 1

This recipe will help get rid of inflammation on the skin, acne and pimples. As components use:

  • raw protein of one egg;
  • almond oil - 10 ml;
  • St. John's wort tincture (40%) - 15 ml.

Beat the protein, add the rest of the ingredients. The mass is applied to the face, left for 15 minutes, washed with cool water.

Mask No. 2

Add 3 ml of black cumin oil to the gruel, stir, apply to the skin. After 15 minutes, wash with cool water.


To use oil or not to risk? There are no hard and fast rules, and what works for one person may not work for another. The choice of oils should be approached carefully, tested. If during the first week of use there is no result or the condition worsens, then the remedy should be abandoned, replacing it with another one.

So that ready-made cosmetic mixtures do not deteriorate and do not go rancid, they are stored in dark glass containers in a cool place. After use, the neck of the vial is wiped dry so that a rancid smell does not appear.

Useful video

The best oils for oily skin types.

In contact with

Owners of oily skin often believe that face oils are not their topic at all. Therefore, girls in advance set themselves up exclusively for oil-free cosmetics. And they turn out to be wrong.

A common myth: oily skin needs to be cleansed as diligently as possible, it does not need to be nourished at all, but only “fat-free” moisturize. Accordingly, oils for oily skin are allegedly harmful by default.

In fact, too persistent cleansing - especially with alcohol - provokes increased activity of the sebaceous glands. Fat-free skin receives a signal: there is no fatty lubrication, it must be released more actively. We again diligently cleanse, more and more harshly - the sebaceous glands work even more actively. Vicious circle. Facial oils can be the solution. Of course, well-chosen.

Essential oils for oily skin

There are two types of oils used in cosmetics: essential and base oils. Let's start with the basics.

The function of base oils: moisturize, nourish, protect the skin. Active substances are dissolved in base oils - for example, the same essential oils. Not every oil is bad for oily skin. Just like “not all yogurt is the same,” not all fats are the same.

Often the cause of increased activity of the sebaceous glands is precisely the deficiency of essential fatty acids. As a result, we have oily, and at the same time, flaky skin, inflammation, acne, and other unpleasant symptoms. And it is the intake of the “right” fats that gives the skin a break, and the sebaceous glands stop fulfilling the five-year plan in two weeks ...

Oils provide essential fatty acids to the skin, it receives nourishment and hydration - and returns to normal. Oil for oily skin restores epidermal lipid barrier and the water balance of the epidermis, as a result, the protective functions of the skin are enhanced, it becomes softer, smoother, matte.

Oil for oily skin should be light, well absorbed, non-comedogenic. Of course, in the end, everything is determined individually, for someone, grape seed oil may turn out to be comedogenic. However, there are general trends.

You can't ruin your skin with oil: what base oils are suitable for oily skin?

So, oils that are suitable for oily skin care: grape seed oil, jojoba, hazelnut and walnut oils, rosehip oil, apricot seed oil, raspberry seed oil, black cumin oil.

An unshakable rule, which for some reason is not mentioned everywhere. Oils should be used ONLY on damp skin. That is, the standard care using oils is as follows: cleanse the skin (milk or washing), use a tonic (decoction, mineral or rose water) and apply oil to a WET face. With quantity accurately and without fanaticism! After 10 minutes, blot your face with a tissue. By the way, it often turns out that facial oils suitable for you, applied to wet skin, are completely absorbed, leaving no oily sheen. So maybe you don't have to get wet.

First, each oil needs to be tested, that is, use it alone for two or three days, without mixing it with anything. If you like the result, the oil suits you, you can start making mixtures. Then it is permissible to use in small quantities those oils that have wonderful properties, but you cannot afford them in their pure form - because of the possible comedogenicity. For example, avocado oil has excellent moisturizing and regenerating properties, but it is not suitable for all owners of oily skin: a rather heavy oil. But in the amount of 10% in the mixture behaves perfectly.

Essential oils for oily skin

Essential oils for oily skin are often the perfect solution. A little about what they are. Essential oils are highly concentrated aromatic substances. They are called ethereal because of their high volatility and evaporation, by analogy with ether. They are obtained by steam distillation of various aromatic parts of plants.

With a few exceptions, essential oils are almost never used in their pure form. Do not neglect safety precautions when handling ethers. Trying to find the most effective oil for acne, you risk getting a chemical burn - if you do not know the rules for handling oils. Essential oils are used diluted in a carrier. It can be base oil, honey, salt, milk - depending on the destination.

Essential oils for oily skin are, first of all, the well-known tea tree oil. Its antibacterial properties are well known and widely used in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Important! You can use tea tree oil for acne in its pure form! With problematic skin, it is not at all necessary to purchase the "tea tree" series - you can simply use tea tree essential oil for acne.

Also use in its pure form is acceptable for lavender oil. With the rest of the esters it is better not to risk it. It is clear that you want to find essential oils for oily skin, which once again will make your skin perfect. But this is the case when you go quieter - you will be more beautiful. With ethers, it is better to under- than over-.

So, let's list all the essential oils suitable for oily skin care: tea tree, lavender (it is permissible to apply undiluted oil to the inflamed area). Other oils should be used only in diluted form and micro-doses: lemon, grapefruit, orange, sage, rosemary, ylang-ylang, juniper, sandalwood.

Let's stop a little on "diluted". The proportion is as follows: for 1 tbsp. base oil - 1-2 drops of essential oil. Wait until the ester dissolves in the oil - and only then use the oil mixture.

Oil blends for oily skin

Important! Store oils for oily skin (as for any other) should be in a glass bottle in the refrigerator. Never store mixtures with essential oils in plastic containers!

Try these formulas:

  • 10ml hazelnut oil, 10 ml. grape seed oil, 10 ml. jojoba, 3 drops tea tree oil, 3 drops rosemary, 1 drop grapefruit oil
  • 10ml grape seed oil, 10 ml. apricot kernels, 5 ml. raspberry seed oil, 3 drops lavender, 3 drops sandalwood
  • 10ml jojoba, 10 ml. hazelnut oil, 5 ml. avocado oil, 5 ml. ylang-ylang, 2 drops of sage

Use for oily skin mixtures with such oils:

  • Pure tea tree essential oil Tea Tree Essential Oil Paul Mitchell (USA))
  • Essential oils of lavender and mint Lavender Mint Essential Oil Paul Mitchell (USA))

You have read about the benefits of oils for self-care and would also like to try, but your skin is already, to put it mildly, not very dry? It's not a problem! We will tell you which oil for oily, problematic skin of the face, head and body to choose instead of a cream. Here are 6 products that are the best in this situation.

At first glance, it may seem that oil is the last beauty product that oily skin needs. There is nothing more wrong! Not so long ago, it took a long time to convince women that oily skin also needs to be moisturized, that the key to success is not actively smearing it with overdrying cosmetics, because that is even more annoying. Now it's the turn to make sure that oil for oily skin is a good ally, that it is quite possible to take care of it with their help. You just need to know which of these tools is appropriate to choose.

Essential oil for oily skin has the same benefits: it is a natural product with a huge dose of valuable components, and at a reasonable price. Take a look at our list of products ideal for oily and acne prone skin. All these oils are very quickly absorbed and non-comedogenic, which is very important in such a situation.

Best oil for oily and problematic skin

1. Black cumin oil

It is ideal if you are struggling with acne or if your skin is prone to comedones. Black cumin oil for oily skin is useful because:

  • cleans the mouths of the sebaceous glands, helps to remove black spots and prevents their appearance;
  • additionally affects the regulation of sebum levels;
  • softens and treats inflammatory processes, has antibacterial and antifungal effects;
  • demonstrates a powerful anti-aging effect, protects against free radicals and evens out skin tone.

2. Linseed oil

Flaxseed oil is characterized by a high content of omega-3, omega-6, omega-9 fatty acids, vitamins B and E, protein, zinc and calcium. What does it mean? What is one of best oils for oily and acne prone skin. Linen product:

  • normalizes the secretion of sebum and slows down the transformation of the skin into oily and shiny;
  • softens and treats inflammatory processes;
  • prevents the formation of comedones and scars after acne;
  • stimulates the regeneration of the dermis and epidermis;
  • accelerates the healing of purulent acne;
  • reduces skin redness.

3. Raspberry seed oil

For many, this is one of the latest discoveries, and very pleasant. Raspberry seed oil stands out among its "colleagues" for its very high content of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids, which support the care of problematic skin.

Why should this be included among the best oils for oily skin? Such a product:

  • improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • prevents the formation of comedones;
  • has antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • provides a brightening and moisturizing effect;
  • Raspberry seed oil is also worth having on hand because it supports skin's UV protection as it contains a natural SPF.

Best suited for mature skin prone to various defects.

4. Perilla oil

What is special about it is that it can treat acne because it inhibits the development of the bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes) responsible for its appearance. Perilla oil:

  • acts as an anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial agent, prevents blockage of the sebaceous glands and the formation of comedones;
  • has a brightening effect, due to which it evens out skin tone;
  • accelerates the production of collagen and elastin and strengthens blood vessels.

5. Evening primrose oil

Such a product primarily reduces the secretion of sebum and at the same time moisturizes the skin very much. It will be ideal even under make-up. Evening primrose oil additionally smoothes the skin and evens out its color, relieves irritation, favors the healing of acne and prevents their appearance.

6. Hemp oil

It is an oil for oily and problematic facial skin because it is extremely light, has an anti-inflammatory, regenerating, softening, moisturizing effect, fights against wrinkles. Hemp oil, due to the content of extremely valuable GLA - gamma-linolenic acid (a constituent element of the structure of ceramides), minerals, vitamins and amino acids (methionine and cystine), becomes an ideal cosmetic product for dehydrated, sensitive, allergy-prone skin. It is also noteworthy that it stimulates the synthesis of collagen.

Almost every person in his life faced with excessive oily skin. The cause of oily skin is sebum and its excess. This skin condition occurs in both men and women, it is caused by excessive work of the sebaceous glands. As a result, the glands begin to produce more sebum, especially during puberty. Oily skin looks untidy, oily and shiny. As a result of this, the pores expand, become clogged with dirt, dust and the remnants of dead skin flakes, after which comedones form and inflammatory processes appear on the skin. Oily skin needs to be treated correctly, with improper treatment, the work of the sebaceous glands changes.
Pores quickly begin to clog, the protective properties of the skin weaken and immunity decreases. To prevent and eliminate problems with oily skin type, essential oils will help us. Contrary to popular belief, many essential oils actually regulate the production of sebum on the skin and also treat acne successfully. Essential oils are potent, so you only need a few drops, and the dosage is almost always listed on the essential oil package. Essential oils soothe, tighten the skin, tighten pores and reduce inflammation, as well as treat acne and normalize oily skin.

Using essential oils for skin

Essential oils should only be used with base oils (transport oils) that are suitable specifically for oily skin types, such oils include:

  • grape seed oil;
  • Coconut oil;
  • almond oil;
  • apricot kernel oil;
  • hazelnut oil;
  • jojoba oil;
  • Sesame oil;
  • laurel oil.

Base oils also have a positive effect on the skin, prevent irritation, tighten pores, nourish and moisturize well, and also treat acne and acne. If transport oils are used correctly and regularly, this will help prevent rashes, redness, oily sheen and peeling, and the pores will be visibly cleansed. As a result, the skin will become matte and healthy look, and the relief of the skin will become even.

How to prepare butter mixture

The oil mixture is prepared by mixing 2-3 drops of essential oil (the dosage can be increased if indicated in the instructions for the essential oil) with 5-10 milliliters of base oil. One or more essential oils are added to the base oil. You need to mix only essential oils that combine with each other, adding it to the base oil and insist from two hours to four days.

Essential oils for oily skin

Oily skin has a positive effect, essential oils of rosemary, tea tree, eucalyptus, lemongrass, thyme, clary sage, cypress, etc. All these essential oils have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, wound healing and antiseptic properties that perfectly tighten pores, regulate sebum secretion, treat acne and give a healthy look to the skin. So, let's take a closer look at all the essential oils for the care and treatment of oily skin.

rose essential oil

Rose essential oil is ideal for sensitive, dry or aging skin. But it also has a positive effect on oily skin, it not only has a tonic and astringent effect on the capillaries, but it is also effective for reticular veins and rosacea. According to the scientists, it also contains therapeutic compounds that may promote the healing process, especially anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agents. As a result, rose essential oil helps improve skin tone and texture, and is effective for conditions such as dermatitis, psoriasis, and acne. Rose essential oil regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, heals scars and dermatitis on the skin, and also has tightening properties. Oils such as sandalwood, bergamot, clary sage, orange, palmarosa, geranium, patchouli, lavender, neroli and jasmine are combined with rose essential oil.

Essential oil of rosemary

Another of the best essential oils for oily skin and acne is rosemary essential oil. Rosemary essential oil is extracted from the fresh flowers of medicinal rosemary. It has antiviral, antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Which favorably act on oily skin, rosemary essential oil treats acne and acne well. In addition, it reduces excess oil on the skin and also relieves acne. The anti-inflammatory action of rosemary essential oil reduces the redness and swelling caused by acne. The tart essential oil of rosemary is added to facial wash, moisturizers and skin scrubs. Rosemary essential oil restores youthfulness to the skin, improves blood circulation and skin tone. It is a versatile oil for problem skin care. Thanks to the antiseptic and astringent properties of this oil, it will prevent sagging skin, acne, and also tones the skin. Rosemary essential oil will give you healthy and glowing skin. Combined with rosemary essential oil are oils such as essential oils of lavender, cedar, thyme, frankincense, cinnamon, clary sage, grapefruit, eucalyptus, basil and mint.

Eucalyptus essential oil

This is one of my favorite essential oils for oily skin and I use it a lot in my skin care routine. It contains strong antibacterial, antiseptic and regenerating properties that effectively eliminate bacteria, regulate the sebaceous glands and reduce sebum production. Eucalyptus essential oil is mainly used to care for problematic and oily facial skin, as well as skin prone to acne and inflammation. Oils such as essential oils of geranium, tea tree, mint, cedar, lavender, juniper, rosemary, lemon and thyme are combined with eucalyptus essential oil.

Aloe essential oil

Aloe vera essential oil has healing, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, moisturizing and soothing properties. Regular use of aloe essential oil reduces redness, inflammation and acne, as well as has a cooling effect and prevents the formation of wrinkles. Aloe essential oil is rich in vitamins B, C and E, and this oil also has minerals such as allantoins, proteins, beta-carotene and amino acids.

thyme essential oil

Thyme (Thyme) Essential Oil – This oil is one of the best in treating oily skin and acne. Due to its antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, it is able to prevent such manifestations as eczema, acne, blackheads, cuts, wounds and purulent inflammations. Also, thyme or thyme essential oil does an excellent job with bacteria, cleanses the skin and improves blood circulation. Combined with essential oil of thyme oils such as essential oils of rosemary, bergamot, lemon balm, cedar, tea tree, lemon, chamomile and juniper.

Essential oil of clary sage

Clary sage essential oil is used for skin health, this oil has a particularly positive effect on oily skin. It fights the signs of skin aging well, reduces swelling and redness caused by acne. Also, the essential oil of clary sage regulates the production of sebum and treats purulent formations on the skin. The important linalyl acetate ester found in sage essential oil reduces skin inflammation and acts as a natural treatment for skin irritation and acne. Clary sage essential oil also inhibits the spread and growth of bacteria, reduces feelings of anxiety and stress, and helps normalize hormones. Combined with the essential oil of clary sage oils such as essential oils of juniper, lavender, frankincense, grapefruit, cypress, bergamot and cedar.

Essential oil of basil

Another of the most effective essential oils for oily skin and acne is basil essential oil. It effectively treats scars and scars after acne, and is also indispensable for other skin defects such as papillomas, warts, burns and acne. In addition, when basil essential oil is added to homemade body lotion, it perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin, as well as smoothes wrinkles and regulates sebum production. When adding basil essential oil to a lotion or cream, it is necessary to mix it with the base oil. Combined with basil essential oil, oils such as essential oils of bergamot, clary sage, lavender, myrtle, lemon, eucalyptus, juniper, neroli and rosemary.

Chamomile essential oil

Chamomile essential oil has a positive effect on oily skin, this oil is known as a strong essential oil that reduces pain and swelling. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which is very effective in treating acne. Its soothing properties present in the essential oil can relieve the redness and irritation caused by acne. In addition, chamomile essential oil effectively treats acne and acne, as well as smoothes wrinkles and whitens the skin. You can add a few drops of essential oil to your homemade facial cleanser and wash your face with it daily in the morning and evening for positive results. Oils such as lavender, rose, tea tree, bergamot, geranium, jasmine, lemon, neroli, ylang-ylang and patchouli essential oils are combined with chamomile essential oil.

Essential oil of cypress

Cypress essential oil is obtained by steam distillation from cypress branches, it has astringent properties that deeply cleanse the skin. It also effectively tightens the contour of the face and tightens pores. In addition, cypress essential oil is able to increase blood flow to the skin, as well as tones and reduces sebum production. Oils such as essential oils of jasmine, clary sage, orange, bergamot, juniper, grapefruit and lemon are combined with cypress essential oil.

Sea buckthorn essential oil

Sea buckthorn essential oil has protective antioxidant properties and is low in linoleic acid. Therefore, when mixed with other oils with a higher content of linoleic acid, an anti-aging effect can be created. In addition, sea buckthorn essential oil effectively eliminates scars, acne, acne and uneven skin, and also smoothes out fine wrinkles and promotes the speedy regeneration of the skin. Also, sea buckthorn essential oil is suitable for skin care around the eyes, because it is completely hypoallergenic. Oils such as bergamot, calendula, geranium, neroli, orange, carrot seed, lavender and rosemary essential oils are combined with sea buckthorn essential oil.

Lemongrass essential oil

One of the best essential oils for oily, acne-prone and porous skin is lemongrass essential oil. It perfectly nourishes the skin, has cooling, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Lemongrass essential oil perfectly cleanses pores, normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands and prevents inflammation.

essential oil of orange

Orange essential oil is one of the effective essential oils for oily skin and acne. The citric acid present in this essential oil is able to regulate the production of sebum and other impurities. In addition, orange essential oil increases blood circulation. It also works as an excellent antiseptic that prevents pimples and acne. Orange essential oil perfectly tightens pores, eliminates acne scars, reduces wrinkles and restores skin elasticity. Oils such as clary sage, lavender, cardamom, coriander, ylang-ylang, sandalwood, neroli, rosemary, cypress and juniper are combined with orange essential oil.

Essential oil of bergamot

Bergamot essential oil is effective for oily skin and acne, and is an excellent treatment for problematic skin. Its antibacterial properties help in getting rid of pimples and acne. In addition, bergamot essential oil perfectly regulates the sebaceous glands and tightens pores. You can add this essential oil to any vegetable oil(almond, olive, etc.) and use it on the skin. Jojoba base oil 10 teaspoons, then add bergamot essential oil 10 - 12 drops, tea tree essential oil 5 drops and lavender essential oil 8 drops, and then pour all the above ingredients into a clean glass jar or bottle and mix thoroughly. This oil mixture is used for oily skin and acne-prone skin, as well as in the form of a massage oil, it is used every day, before going to bed. Cooked oil perfectly relieves acne and acne, as well as for the prevention of acne in the future. Oils such as essential oils of cypress, juniper, lavender, lemon balm, neroli, ylang-ylang, patchouli, coriander, eucalyptus and cedar are combined with orange essential oil.

essential oil of oregano

Oregano essential oil is also effective for oily skin and acne, it has antibacterial and antiseptic properties, and it also has great potential to eliminate unwanted pimples and acne from the surface of the skin. Oregano essential oil effectively treats such skin diseases like eczema, psoriasis, scabies, pimples and acne. This essential oil is diluted with base oils, such oils include jojoba oil, olive oil, and coconut oil. Apply diluted oils regularly to get healthy and clear skin. Oils such as lavender, eucalyptus, pine, rosemary, cedar and bergamot essential oils are combined with oregano essential oil.

essential oil of lemongrass

Lemongrass essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of lemongrass leaves and stems. It is rich in vitamin A, which helps to increase the regeneration of skin cells. In addition, it also removes dead skin cells, as a result, scars and acne spots become less noticeable. This essential oil is one of the ideal essential oils for oily skin, it is good at removing excess oil from the surface of the skin. This oil has bactericidal, astringent and antimicrobial properties that are great for treating acne. The astringent properties of lemongrass essential oil helps to reduce open pores of the skin, it is good for tightening pores, whitening the skin of the face, and also gets rid of age spots. Lemongrass essential oil works as a natural astringent that does not dry out the skin and regulates the sebaceous glands. It is used not only for the face, but also such oil is successfully used for a steam bath and herbal sauna. If you use lemongrass essential oil regularly, it will remove and prevent acne and pimples.

essential oil of palmarosa

One of the essential oils for oily skin and acne is palmarosa essential oil. This essential oil helps keep skin hydrated, regulates sebum production and stimulates skin cell regeneration. In addition, it is a natural antiseptic and also has antibacterial properties, which is very effective in removing the bacteria that cause acne. Combined with palmarosa essential oil oils such as essential oils of ylang-ylang, lavender, sandalwood, myrrh, geranium, frankincense, jasmine and rose.

Essential oil of juniper

Another of the effective essential oils for oily skin and acne is juniper berry essential oil. It has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, making it a popular natural remedy for skin irritations and infections. Juniper essential oil also works well as a home treatment acne to get beautiful and flawless skin. In addition, it removes toxins well, restores the skin and protects the skin and body from harmful toxins that lead to acne. To treat acne, apply 2 to 3 drops of juniper essential oil topically to the affected area. For sensitive skin, do not forget to dilute juniper essential oil with coconut oil or jojoba oil before using it. Oils such as eucalyptus, sage and lavender essential oils are combined with juniper essential oil.

Carrot seed essential oil

Carrot seed essential oil is one of the most effective essential oils for oily skin. It is excellent in helping to regenerate skin cells, which in turn improves skin tone and complexion, as well as heals scar tissue in the skin. With regular use of carrot seed essential oil, the skin will become matte, oily sheen will go away, and acne scars will disappear.

Myrrh essential oil

Myrrh essential oil can reduce the aging process of the skin, helps in the treatment of oily and problematic skin. In addition, myrrh essential oil is effective in treating eczema, chapped skin, acne, and sun-damaged skin. Myrrh essential oil, when used regularly, gives the skin elasticity, even skin tone, reduces inflammation, smoothes wrinkles and treats acne. Oils such as sandalwood, clove, lavender and patchouli are combined with myrrh essential oil.

Essential oil of frankincense

Frankincense essential oil has the function of fighting bacteria and infections that negatively affect skin health. It effectively treats acne, helps reduce acne scars, tightens pores and reduces wrinkles. In addition, frankincense essential oil has protective properties and also stimulates the growth of new skin cells. If you use it regularly, the skin will smooth out, the facial contour will tighten, acne and scars will decrease, and the skin will take on a healthy look. Combined with essential oils of frankincense oils such as essential oils of geranium, sandalwood, grapefruit, lavender, basil, orange and patchouli.

Essential oil of geranium

Geranium essential oil is an excellent choice for treating oily skin. It effectively treats acne, tightens the skin, reduces wrinkles, improves blood circulation, heals burns and increases the elasticity of the skin.
The use of geranium essential oil can reduce the appearance of acne and various rashes such as eczema and ringworm. Also, this essential oil regulates the production of sebum, promotes rejuvenation and regeneration of the skin. Oils such as rose, clary sage, clove, sandalwood, lavender, bergamot and patchouli are combined with geranium essential oil.

essential oil of lemon

Lemon essential oil is one of the most amazing essential oils for oily skin. It effectively eliminates oily sheen, heals acne scars, brightens dark spots and exfoliate dead skin cells. In addition, lemon essential oil slows down the aging process and moisturizes the skin of the face well. Oils such as essential oils of lavender, mint, neroli, cypress and juniper are combined with lemon essential oil.

neroli essential oil

Neroli essential oil is very beneficial for mature, sensitive and oily skin. It has bactericidal, antiseptic, regenerating and rejuvenating properties that promote the regeneration of skin cells, treat acne and acne. In addition, it well prevents stretch marks, smoothes and tightens the skin. Combined with neroli essential oil, oils such as essential oils of cypress, juniper, sandalwood, jasmine, rose, lavender, cardamom, myrrh, ylang-ylang and rosemary.

patchouli essential oil

Patchouli essential oil is an excellent remedy not only for aging skin, but also great for oily skin. This essential oil promotes the regeneration of new skin cells, reduces wrinkles, treats acne and tightens the contour of the face. Patchouli essential oil has antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic properties. In addition, it treats dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema and acne well, and also relieves stretch marks. Oils such as ylang-ylang, lemon, neroli and rose essential oils are combined with patchouli essential oil.

Tea tree essential oil

Tea tree essential oil is the most popular oil for oily and acne-prone skin. It effectively treats acne and blackheads, fights bacteria and regulates the production of sebum. With regular use of tea tree essential oil, the skin will become fresh and healthy, inflammation will decrease, acne will disappear, and the skin will become less sensitive. Oils such as lemon, rose, eucalyptus, lavender, mint, geranium and cedar essential oils are combined with tea tree essential oil.

Essential oil of lavender

One of the effective essential oils for oily skin is lavender essential oil. It helps the regeneration of new skin cells, reduces acne scars, dark spots, and also promotes the rejuvenation of mature skin. In addition, when used as an aromatherapy oil, it helps reduce stress and also has a relaxing effect. All essential oils are combined with lavender essential oil.

Essential oil of ylang ylang

Ylang Ylang essential oil is great for oily skin. It prevents the formation of acne, stimulates the growth of new skin cells, smoothes fine wrinkles and improves the elasticity of the skin. Ylang-ylang essential oil treats acne, pimples well, soothes irritation and relieves inflammation, and also prevents premature aging skin. Oils such as essential oils of jasmine, sweet orange, bergamot and cedar are combined with ylang-ylang essential oil.

Essential oil of jojoba

Jojoba essential oil reduces the production of sebum, reduces inflammation and moisturizes the skin well. With regular use of this oil, the skin will not look greasy, and will also become beautiful and matte.

Essential oil of sesame

Sesame essential oil has antibacterial properties that effectively remove bacteria. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that soothe irritated skin. However, this essential oil is not suitable for all people, it works in the opposite way, causing acne, because the fatty acids present in this oil can clog the skin pores. Therefore, before using sesame essential oil, it is necessary to test on a small area of ​​​​skin, if after a while the skin remains clean, then this essential oil is suitable for you. If you can't use it on the face, then you can use it on the body.

tamanu essential oil

Tamanu essential oil has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. It perfectly reduces scars, treats acne and damaged skin, and also stimulates the growth of new skin cells. Tamanu essential oil is an excellent remedy for damaged skin, it is good for treating stretch marks and acne. An allergy test should be done before using this essential oil.

fennel essential oil

Fennel essential oil is effective in treating oily skin, it cleanses the skin well and gives the skin a healthy look. Fennel essential oil is also great for mature skin, reducing wrinkles, promoting new skin cell regeneration, and regulating sebum production. Oils such as lavender, orange, ginger and chamomile essential oils are combined with fennel essential oil.

Essential oil of cedar

Cedar essential oil is good for dry and oily skin. It relieves inflammation and irritation of the skin well, and also treats eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, acne, pimples and fungal infections. Combined with cedar essential oil are oils such as sandalwood, pine, ylang-ylang, juniper, clary sage, coriander, frankincense, myrtle, rose, bergamot, lemon and rosemary.

Note: Cedar essential oil should not be used during pregnancy because it can cause miscarriage.

Peppermint essential oil

Peppermint essential oil perfectly regulates the production of sebum, and also reduces inflammation on the skin and stimulates blood circulation. It treats acne and acne well, and also helps in the treatment of eczema, scabies, bruises and swelling. Oils such as clary sage, eucalyptus, lavender, rosemary, cedar, cypress, orange and lemon are combined with mint essential oil.


Before using any of the essential oils listed above, you should test for an allergic reaction.

Problematic skin can be divided into 3 types:
- sensitive and dry, which is prone to early wrinkles and irritation;
- oily skin with enlarged pores;
- combination skin, which has problems of the first and second types.
Although the treatment of each type of skin is selected individually, there are base oils that effectively cope with all the "charms" of problem skin.

Olive oil for problem skin

This oil is rich in acids (linolenic, oleic and linoleic), vitamins D, E and A, as well as polyphenols, tocopherols, sterol and squalene. It has an excellent effect on the skin: it relieves irritation, accelerates healing, fills the skin with moisture, evens out its color and even smoothes wrinkles. This is why olive oil is so popular cosmetic product used for problem skin. When it comes to dry skin, olive oil can be used as a day and night cream (it's quite light and doesn't clog pores). As for the effect of olive oil on oily skin with enlarged pores, it is amazing: this cosmetic product not only moisturizes the skin, normalizing the functioning of its sebaceous glands, but also reduces pores.
Olive oil does not cause allergies, so it can even be used to care for children's skin.

Peach oil - effective help for problem skin

Peach kernel oil is very similar in composition to almond oil and apricot kernel oil. It is rich in saturated (palmitic, behenic, stearic, myristic, etc.), monounsaturated (erucic, oleic and others) and polyunsaturated (linoleic, alpha-linoleic) fatty acids. Thanks to such a diverse composition, peach oil perfectly moisturizes, fully nourishes, remarkably softens and perfectly soothes the skin. This oil is recommended for owners of dry and sensitive skin, as well as for oily types.
This oil can be used for eyelid skin care.

Almond oil is a great choice for problematic skin

There are a lot of valuable substances in almond oil: vitamins, fatty acids, tocopherols, etc. This oil is wonderful! Due to the presence of vitamin A, it moisturizes the skin. In turn, the vitamin F present here normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and prevents the expansion of pores. At the same time, this oil relieves irritation, removes inflammation, maintains skin tone and nourishes it. Almond oil can be used on its own or together with essential oils, for example, sandalwood, lemon or rose.