Eyebrows for square, round and oval faces, which are chosen correctly, will be able to significantly emphasize the advantages, as well as hide the shortcomings. Irregular eyebrow shape can add even more roundness to an already round face, and elongate an oval face even more. Still, eyebrows are, although small, but such important detail any image. Every girl should learn how to choose the right eyebrow shape for her own face type in order to always look irresistible.

If you are one of those who believe that the shape of your eyebrows should not match anything, then you are wrong. We suggest you learn how to choose the shape of your eyebrows yourself, following the recommendations of our article.

For square

Owners square face stand out from all other types due to several characteristics:

  • the hairline is square;
  • cheekbones, forehead and jaws are located on the same line and have the same width;
  • cheekbones are much wider than those of owners of other face shapes.

For a square face, eyebrows should be selected in such a way that there are no sharp angles in their shape. This will visually make the face even squarer and add roughness to its features. It is best to give your eyebrows a rounded shape and slightly raise the outer tip of the eyebrow. The bend should not be too deep, as this will give the face a surprised expression. The ideal eyebrow option for a square face is slightly rounded eyebrows with an arch with a bend of medium depth.

The inner ends of the eyebrows should also not be made straight or square; they should be slightly rounded or shaded so that straight lines are not noticeable. It would also be worth mentioning that overly thin eyebrows are completely unsuitable for a square face, as it will not look aesthetically pleasing. The correct eyebrows for this face shape are rounded, without sharp corners. Their color should be as close as possible to the hair color. You shouldn't make your eyebrows black if your hair is light-colored. This will make you look like a Tajik and will amuse the girls around you.

For a round face

Choosing the right eyebrows for a round face shape is not at all difficult if you know a few simple secrets. First of all, it should be noted that a face is considered round if the width of the forehead and chin are almost the same. At the same time, the hairline also has the shape of a semicircle, and the length and width of the rounded face are also approximately the same.

Secret correct selection eyebrows for a round face is to make it visually longer, give it an oval shape. If you make round eyebrows on a round face, you will get a ball effect, and then the width of the face will become even greater. This way you will achieve the opposite effect, which will not look very attractive.

Perfect eyebrows for a round face, they must have an acute angle to slightly elongate the face. You should not make the bend too deep, as this will make you look like Pierrot rather than achieve the perfect result. The depth of the fracture should not be very large, slightly less than average.

If the face is full, then what suits it best are not too wide, arched eyebrows with a vague blur at the inner edge. An excellent solution for those with a round face is eyebrow tattooing., since thanks to this approach you will have the opportunity to adjust the master’s actions in advance, after which you can forget about eyebrow tinting forever. The only downside is that if your face is round not by nature, but by being plump, then when you lose weight and your face becomes longer, creased eyebrows will no longer look beautiful. It’s better to model your eyebrows yourself at home.

By the way, if you have a hairstyle with bangs, you can try almost straight wide eyebrows. However, they may not suit everyone, but you can experiment with the curve as you please.

For oval

An oval face shape is considered ideal nowadays. The lucky owners of this shape will not have to adjust or change anything, so the eyebrow shape can be absolutely any that suits a particular girl.

An oval face is characterized by the following features:

  • the width of the forehead and chin line varies significantly;
  • the cheekbone area is narrower than the forehead area;
  • the face is elongated and oblong;
  • The chin is often sharp, but there are exceptions.

There are several options for beautiful eyebrows for an oval face. The first option is kinked eyebrows, as the most common and standard form. These eyebrows are best suited for girls with almond shaped eyes, will open your vision and make it clearer. However, you should know when to stop. For an oval face, eyebrows with a soft bend, not raised too much, are suitable.

The second type of eyebrow shape for an oval face is horizontal or straight. Such eyebrows are distinguished by the absence of a break or its insignificant size. In this case, a slight tilt towards the inner corner of the eye will look great. Straight eyebrows for an oval face type should be positioned symmetrically to each other to avoid the feeling of unkemptness.

Also, owners of an oval face can choose arcuate shape eyebrows This shape is especially suitable for those with a high forehead and bangs. At the same time, the width of the eyebrow can be either large or small. Thin eyebrows aren't for everyone, but you can give it a try.

Girls with an oval face shape very often resort to the help of a tattoo artist, since eyebrow tattooing allows you to forever forget about the problems with its modeling.

Picking up correct form eyebrows to suit your face type, do not forget that some shapes may not suit a particular girl. Don't be afraid to experiment, and one day you will find a middle ground that might just suit you.

“Moon-faced, bright-eyed, black-browed” - the rounder the contour of the face of the oriental beauties of antiquity, the more poets praised the beautiful features of the diva. Today, the world standard for facial harmony is considered to be a lean oval shape; this is due to the parameters of thinness imposed by fashion, when the face inevitably takes on angular features. Chubby girls sometimes peer with tears at the mirror reflection: cute soft cheeks, snub noses, plump lips and resort to all sorts of tricks to visually stretch the facial contour to the stereotype. Is this necessary? The naturalness of nature is the most beautiful thing in the world. But, if you really want to, you don’t have to exhaust yourself with diets, suitable shape eyebrows for a round face will help create miracles of transformation. How to choose the ideal option?

You can choose beautiful eyebrows for any type of face

What kind of face should be considered round?

If the contour has approximately the same dimensions of the height of the face (from the top line of the forehead to the bottom of the chin) and its width (along the lines of the cheekbones), then the girl has a round face. The contours of the face are usually soft, with smooth transitions, rounded cheeks and chin, with a predominance of horizontal lines, in the absence of clearly defined reliefs and angles.

Choosing the right sizes


Most importantly, they should differ in a slight kink. To determine the ideal line sizes, you can use a regular pencil:

stand in front of the mirror, outline and outline future lines, according to the directions.

    We place the pencil parallel to the nose to its wide wing, pointing upward. In this case, the point of intersection with the eyebrow will be the beginning of the line correction. This is the starting mark.

    We move the pencil at an angle so that it intersects with the pupil of the eye. This midpoint on the brow will serve as a place to create a beautiful gull-wing arch.

    We will mark the last point at the intersection of the eyebrow line, when we try the pencil from the wing of the nose through the outer edge of the eye. This is the ending point.

We also determine the length of the other arc. When the markings are made, we draw beautiful lines.

How to choose the perfect eyebrow shape for a round face

The shape of the eyebrows can be beneficial to decorate the face, but if confidence in the correct design on your own is not enough, it is better to carry out the first correction in the salon.

    lines smoothly rising from point 1 near the inner corner of the eye to point 2, then slightly falling towards the temple 3 - “rising” eyebrow,

    arcs starting from the 2nd point, tending upward to the 2nd mark. A kink is made there, and a descending line is made in the direction of the temple, and the end of the ponytail is slightly raised,

    the lines from 1 to 2 are slightly curved in relation to the eye, at point 2 they fly up, and towards point 3 they go down - a “curved eyebrow”.

These directions are not a standard at all; draw other shapes with a pencil, but eyebrows with a raised, high “swing” are suitable for visual lengthening for a round face. They ideally smooth out excess cheek plumpness and narrow the width of the cheekbones. In addition, clarity of lines and colors is required.

Technology for correcting straight, wide eyebrows at home

Today, on the shelves of cosmetic stores and on Internet sites, various stencils for decorating the shape of arches are advertised. Their sizes can be easily adjusted to fit individual lines. Apply the detail to the eyebrows one by one, draw in the gaps with a silver (other) pencil. Anything that is not painted can be plucked. With curved stencils, you get the perfect eyebrows for a round face. Line width is medium. Threads and wide panicles are unacceptable. The color shade is chosen as close as possible to the natural shade of the hair.

Stages of removing excess hair.

    Sit in front of a wall mirror, prepare tweezers and alcohol-based disinfectant lotion to lubricate the instrument and eyebrows. Bright lighting is important.

    When making adjustments, it is better to remove the lower area of ​​eyebrow hairs; the upper area is touched only when creating a break.

    Using tweezers, grab each individual hair near the root base, with the other hand you need to slightly stretch the skin, then sharply pull out the rod.

    In order for the areas to be plucked to look symmetrical, both eyebrows need to be corrected one at a time, especially to shape the curves.

    Wipe the arches with lotion, then cream.

The procedure is tedious and therefore leads to unevenness. After some time, you need to make sure that the design is perfect and evaluate the work done with a fresh look.

A few tips for painlessly correcting beautiful eyebrows

With constant care, pain decreases, since the area of ​​the correction site remains minimal, and the eyebrows do not grow.

In addition, stylists offer several conditions that contribute to loss of sensitivity when plucking:

    pre-steam the skin,

    apply hot spot compresses,

    make local cooling with ice cubes,

    be sure to stretch the skin along the hairline,

    lubricate the eyebrow line with an anesthetic antiseptic.

Pulling in accordance with the inclination of the growth of the rod, and not against its direction, will help get rid of acute pain. In addition, it is better not to carry out correction on critical days, during which time the pain intensifies.

beautiful face with beautiful eyebrows - this is the ideal look of a woman

All owners of a round face are pretty, very feminine and look much younger than their age. Mother nature endows them with a beautiful line of neat eyebrows at birth, but if there is a nagging desire to get closer to the fashion standard - the oval contour of the face, it is important to know that in no case should you correct the short straight horizontal shape, as well as the semicircular arched line of the eyebrows. These options will visually expand the face even more.

They should not only be beautiful, but also thick enough, have moderate length and densely lying hairs. In addition, it is recommended that they match your face type as correctly as possible. Of course, nature itself creates a unique and individual eyebrow line, but with the help of correction you can emphasize their beauty. If you are trying to give your eyebrows the right shape, then you first need to pay attention to the oval of your face. Ideal eyebrows for a round face should have a broken line, a high rise and a short ponytail.

Which face is considered round?

What eyebrows suit a round face? You must first decide which person can be considered such. It has long been known that it consists of three different parts: upper, middle and lower. The top is the forehead and the lower edge of the eyebrows, the middle is the part between the eyebrow line and the tip of the nose, and the bottom is from the end of the nose to the chin. If you have a round face, then the middle part will be much wider than that of girls with an oval one. In addition, as a rule, such women have more pronounced cheekbones and a fairly soft chin. Sometimes chubby beauties can boast of an upturned nose.

Round face and eyebrows

Of course, every day we are told that beauty is a subjective concept, because all women are good in their own way. But, unfortunately, ladies with round faces always think that their image is too simple and “rustic”. This shape is considered not as elegant and delicate as, for example, oval, and is also too cheerful. But if you look closely, you will see around you a lot of beauties with round faces who don’t even think that something is interfering with their image. So what is their secret? It's all about making the right adjustments. Of course, they do not correct the face itself, but only some of its details. And eyebrows always come first. But in order to turn into a real moon-faced beauty, you need to know exactly which eyebrow shape is best for a round face.

What shape should I give it?

Before you make a correction, you should find out which eyebrows are considered classic for a round face. There are canons that should never be forgotten. Firstly, eyebrows must look neat. Secondly, their line is ideally clearly defined, and the thickness and color are harmoniously combined with the hair.

To determine the ideal eyebrow length, you must always remember enough simple rule. Makeup artists memorize it by heart: eyebrows for a round face should start on the line that can be drawn from the wing of the nose (while it passes the outer corner of the eye). The break line should run along the pupil. Knowing this, you can always correct your eyebrows yourself. To make it more convenient for you, use a pencil to mark the points where the important lines will go.

Ideal option

Eyebrows for a round face should have an upward shape. Their tips can be made upturned and located slightly above the temple. Also suitable for you is the “gull wing” shape, which is considered quite popular today. To choose the right eyebrows for a round face, you don't have to visit a makeup artist. You can look through photos of Hollywood moon-faced beauties and look for inspiration from them. The rounded shape of the eyebrows will not be superfluous, especially if you deviate a little from the rules and make their bending point closer to the outer edges of the eyes.

How to carry out correction at home?

Even in modern world the most popular and effective method eyebrow correction remains plucking. It is not only as accessible as possible, but also allows you to perform all the necessary manipulations at home. Despite all its simplicity, if you want the eyebrow shape for a round face to suit you perfectly, you first need to practice well. What do you need to remember to make the perfect home renovation?

1. First of all, the room should be light enough. Remember: the better the light, the easier it is for you to see any errors in shape, length and thickness. Eyebrows for a round face (photos can be seen in this article) should be created in natural light. If it is artificial, then it should be as close to natural as possible.

2. Prepare necessary tool. To pluck your eyebrows, you will need a fairly large mirror, a soothing anti-irritation lotion that can be purchased at a cosmetic store, a set of tweezers, and a disinfectant solution (preferably alcohol-based). First, wipe the plucking area with lotion to prevent possible skin irritation. Clean the tweezers thoroughly with the solution to prevent infection.

2. Carefully prepare the object of immediate correction for the procedure. Before plucking your eyebrows, wash them well with soap. Then carefully comb each hair. This way you can form perfect curve and do not remove the desired hairs.

What can I do to prevent plucking from being painful? Current advice

1. Before starting the procedure, try to rub a frozen piece of ice in the plucking area several times. You can make a decoction of different herbs in advance and freeze it. This way you will not only numb the skin, but also improve its appearance.

2. You can go the other way: instead of the cryotherapy procedure, use a warm compress. It will expand the pores, soften the skin and make it less sensitive.

3. Many makeup artists try to slightly pull the skin under the hair before pulling it out, so the pain will be less.

4. If you do not think that you can save on beauty, we recommend purchasing a special cream that helps relieve pain during correction.

General rules for creating eyebrows for a round face

Many girls, who for the first time try to find out on their own which eyebrows are ideal for a round face, make the mistake of defining their face as round. Stand in front of the mirror and look carefully at its main parts. If they coincide with those that distinguish moon-faced ladies, you can safely begin correction.

Pluck only those hairs that are in the bottom row, and do not touch the top row. To remove a hair, you need to grab it firmly with tweezers and pull sharply in the direction of growth.

Take your time. To make eyebrows look neat for a round face, you need to be quite patient.

It often happens that natural density is not quite enough to create perfect image. In this case, you can use a special pencil, with which you will visually make your eyebrows thicker.

Not every girl has been blessed by nature with an ideal oval face shape. But we want to bring our appearance closer to perfection in order to please ourselves and others. Using the secrets of makeup artists on how to properly brighten up the oval face with cosmetics, you should not neglect the information on what shape eyebrows should be for a round face. After all, it depends on them how harmonious the appearance features will be.

What eyebrow shapes are suitable for a round face?

Eyebrows that look most flattering and natural on a round face are:

  • "winged";
  • ascending;
  • round;
  • house.

As for horizontal eyebrows, they will visually expand the face even more. In addition, with this shape your look will become gloomy and dissatisfied.

To make your eyebrows look beautiful and natural, follow these simple tips:

  1. The shape will suffer greatly if you start plucking hairs along the top edge. They will lose their naturalness, and the bend will not be so impressive.
  2. Don't make the outer tip too sharp. Maintain the most natural shape and width that nature has given you.
  3. Many girls make a big mistake by plucking their eyebrows without comparing them with each other. You can often see that one line is higher than the other.
  4. Shorten hair that is too long or maintain its shape by styling it with gel or wax.
  5. If the eyebrows are too light or very sparse, you need to fill them in with a pencil or shadows.
  6. Remember that the eyebrow color should be 1-2 shades darker than the hair color.

“Winged” eyebrow shape on a round face

The graceful break is ideal for any face type. It gives the eyes an expression of confidence and playfulness. Moreover, this form can take several years off its owner. In addition, curved eyebrows for a round face can be easily corrected at home. That's why women prefer them.

Creating an intriguing curve is not difficult. To begin, take a pencil or brush and place one end to the wing of the nose, and point the other to the pupil, as shown by the line in the photo. There should be a curve where the pencil crosses the eyebrow.

Rising lines for a round face

The shape of the eyebrows for a round face, the ends of which are directed upward, narrows the upper part and lengthens the lower part. But here you need to know one little secret. In order for the rising lines to create the effect of an oval face on a round one, they need to be given a slight bend.

If by nature your shape differs from the desired one, then you should turn to professionals for correction or decide on a tattoo procedure. But if you're lucky, then straight lines will help to add plucking using a thread.

Round eyebrows and round face

This shape is also called arcuate. If you like the effect of rounded lines, then remember that the perfect arch emphasizes the round shape of the face. To avoid this mistake, move the rise closer to the outside corner.

Round eyebrows give the look softness and mystery. With such a curve, you will become a mystery woman from whom no man can take his eyes off.

House-shaped eyebrows for a round face

This form is chosen by many Hollywood actresses. Among them are Eva Longoria, Christina Ricci, Olivia Wilde, Courteney Cox, just look at their photos. Such eyebrows for a round face make your look open and a little naive, as if you are constantly surprised by something.

If this form is not given to you at birth, then try to create it artificially. When plucking, do not make the bend angle too sharp and the inner edge low - this will give your face an angry expression. In addition, if the eyebrows for a round face are thin, then you will look like an actress from the 50s, which will not beautify your face.

A training video will help you avoid mistakes in eyebrow correction, which is worth watching even for those who know how to do it:

Correctly shaped eyebrows are the key to an expressive, beautiful look. They are able to stretch or soften the contours of the face, giving facial expressions confidence or femininity. At the same time, incorrectly adjusted eyebrows can make your facial expression look rough or sad. Of course, an experienced salon technician can easily decide on the shape, but if you decide to do the correction yourself, then you should know that eyebrows for a round face should have a certain shape and curve. Which one exactly? Let's try to figure it out.

Features of a round face

High-quality work is impossible without understanding what exactly you are adjusting. The correct eyebrow shape for a round face can greatly change it, visually elongate it, and make it slimmer.

A round face type is characterized by the following features:

  • Almost equal distance from the center of the face to any point on its contour.
  • Smooth, soft lines.
  • The widest part runs along the line of the lower edge of the eyes and the middle of the forehead.
  • The chin and cheekbones are poorly defined.
  • Low forehead.

Important! Often fat girls People mistakenly believe that the face shape is round; the effect is created with the help of chubby cheeks. In order not to miss in determining the type, we recommend doing calculations.

All face types are placed within certain proportions. IN in this case the ratio should be as follows:

  1. Measure the length of your face from the hairline to the extreme point of the chin, divide the number by 3.
  2. Measure the length from the base of your nose to the tip of your chin. This is the second number.
  3. The second number should be less than the first.

Now that you have calculated everything exactly and know that you are one of the round-faced girls, it is worth talking about what eyebrow shape is suitable for a round face.

Suitable forms

When we talk about eyebrows for a round face, we must first of all remember that they should visually lengthen it, and in no case emphasize its spherical shape. To achieve this goal, the contours should be broken with a slight downward tip. In this case, you shift the viewer's attention to the verticals.

Based on general rule, you can choose different variations of shapes. Straighter lines will make the face serious and stern. This option is great for business women. When you want to make your facial expressions softer and kinder, create soft curves.

We have identified the ideal eyebrows. Now it’s important to say what definitely doesn’t fit. These are rounded shapes, they make the face even rounder and fuller. Otherwise, you can choose several fashion trends, you can see how they look in the photo.

Creative forms

In the case when we are talking about suitable contours specifically for a round face, it is worth noting that the basis will almost always be the same shape. But its types may differ:

  • Winged eyebrows. Their lines resemble the curve of a bird’s wing, the shape is beautiful and graceful, and perfectly elongates the contour of the face. The main thing is to know when to bend, otherwise you risk making your appearance too tragic.

  • The crescent is a more specific and unusual shape. It has no angles, and it may seem that it is too round for this type, but if a specialist chooses the right angle of the arc, the result will surprise you. This model is best done in a salon.

  • Today at Hollywood stars With round faces, you can increasingly see straight eyebrows. This is a rather risky step, because the slightest error in proportions will only expand the horizontal line of the face. This type of modeling is also best done with a professional.

  • New fashionable optioneyebrows with alternate thickness. For example, the base is quite thick and natural, and the tip is barely noticeable. Please note that this move is not for everyone, contact a specialist, he will tell you options based on the shape of the eyes, the width of the cheeks and cheekbones.

As you can see, chubby girls also have plenty to choose from. Once the desired result is determined, the modeling itself can begin.

Tips to help you choose the right eyebrow shape for your face type:

Modeling principles

The correct one largely depends on the correctness of their modeling. In this case, it is not so important what type of girl you are; there are main stages and “golden” rules for carrying them out.

  • Defining boundaries. Each face is unique, so it is impossible to name the beginning and end of eyebrow growth in millimeters. To determine your ideal boundaries, use the following method. Place the pencil on the side of your nose so that it passes through the inner corner of your eye. The place where the straight line intersects the brow ridge is the point where the eyebrow begins. Next, move the pencil so that the diagonal runs from the wing of the nose to the middle of the pupil, this is the point of maximum break. Finally, draw a straight line from the nose to the outer corner of the eye. The diagonal passes through the end of the eyebrow.
  • We proceed to correction, that is, plucking out hairs that extend beyond the resulting contour.

Important! The thickness of the eyebrow should not change until the breaking point, then it begins to decrease, making the tail thin.

  • At the next stage, the eyebrows are colored and styled. These procedures are not always necessary. As for styling, you can choose biomodeling or daily makeup.

Of all the listed modeling stages, the most voluminous and, perhaps, the most responsible is correction. Therefore, let’s take a closer look at her technique.

Correction rules

Eyebrow correction is an integral part of self-care. Despite the fact that modern trends dictate lush natural eyebrows, their neatness needs to be maintained, and for this you just need to monitor the growth and shape of the hairs.

Anyone who has plucked their eyebrows at least once in their life knows that there are several methods for this procedure. You can use thread, wax, laser epilator or other professional procedures. But the most common technique is using tweezers. This is what we will take as a basis, although a larger number of rules apply to other methods.

  1. Cleanse your face.
  2. It is advisable to apply a disinfectant to the eyebrow growth area, this will help avoid infection when micro-wounds appear.
  3. Comb your eyebrows so that all hairs point in one direction.
  4. Set boundaries.
  5. Start plucking the hairs one by one, preferably adjusting the eyebrows at the same time to achieve greater symmetry.
  6. To make plucking easier, stretch the skin a little.
  7. After correction, you can apply a soothing cream or compress to the skin and apply ice.

Advice! Plucking with tweezers is a painful procedure; to slightly reduce the discomfort, before the procedure, apply baby cream to the skin and let it absorb.

An eyebrow pencil will help you bring your contour to perfection. Also, do not forget about professional procedures. Now salons offer biotattooing of eyebrows using natural dyes, biomodeling, coloring. Used to maintain your look at home cosmetics: eyebrow shadows and gels, pencils, powder, modeling and tint gels.

Interesting! Today, many masters offer to take a short course in eyebrow architecture. In just a few lessons you will be taught how to choose the right shape and color, and carry out quality corrections. This skill will help not only in creating an image.

Now you know which eyebrows go with a round face. Don't make common mistakes, create lines wisely, then it will be difficult to take your eyes off you. Also remember that in order to save your own effort and time, you can always turn to a specialist for help. The procedure for eyebrow correction is inexpensive, but maintaining an already formed shape is much easier than creating it.