A show of wedding dresses made from a very unusual material took place in New York - toilet paper. Thus, American designers decided to demonstrate that brides do not have to spend a fortune on expensive wedding dress.

Most girls believe that the most important thing in a wedding is Nice dress. Ever since childhood, future brides imagine themselves in luxurious white dresses and, when the proposal is made, they are ready to pay any money to make their dreams come true.

However, American fashion designers decided to create more affordable, but no less chic Wedding Dresses. The secret to the low cost of such masterpieces is unusual material, because designers decided to use paper to create wedding dresses. But not a simple one, but a toilet one.

At the same time, couturiers claim that their paper dresses not only look great, but also amaze with their strength and wear resistance. The main thing is not to spill anything on yourself or get caught in the rain.

To create unusual wedding dresses, designers used only toilet paper, glue, tape and thread. To make one such dress, fashion designers used from 5 to 100 rolls of toilet paper.

Talented couturiers skillfully embodied the leading trends in wedding fashion on paper: corsets, lace, flower petals and bouffant skirts. And the boundless imagination of designers even extended to accessories. Veils, hats, veils and bouquets made from toilet paper look very elegant.

From a distance, these paper dresses cannot be distinguished from classic fabric wedding dresses.

And the main thing is that these wonderful things are very inexpensive, unlike.

Many young people, when getting married, are faced with a lot of waste. They are ready to take out loans and get bogged down in debt, just so as not to lose face in front of their relatives and friends. However, if you want, you can fly into space and, if you want, save a lot, at least on a dress, for example. This unusual competition is proof of that. Talented designers from around the world gathered for the 11th annual competition of wedding dresses made from - what would you think? - from ordinary toilet paper. Yes, yes, you read that right!

You've probably already mentally prepared yourself for this spectacle... But in fact, wedding dresses made from toilet paper look no different from ordinary ones. Moreover, many of them are 100 times more beautiful! Do you think I'm talking nonsense? Take a look and see for yourself!

Fashion designers from all over the world competed for the tidy sum of $10,000.

Almost nothing in these dresses, of course, except for the material, distinguishes them from ordinary ones. They have everything: full petticoats, beautiful lace, elegant ribbons, all kinds of floral appliqués and ruffled bodices.

The winner of the competition was a chic tuxedo dress from Dona Winkler, probably inspired by the video for the song “Ordinary World” by the legendary English pop-rock band Duran Duran. The highlight of this creation was the top hat with veil and bow tie.

Winkler admitted that it took her three months, 22 large rolls of toilet paper and a lot of glue to make the dress.

One step down was a delicate dress with a voluminous paper rose on the shoulder and a floral headband.

Third place went to a layered dress decorated with hundreds of roses made from toilet paper.

Competition winning dresses.

The audience also paid attention to other dresses. Many people remember the wedding dress with splashes of gold.

The dress with angel wings impressed me with its sophistication.

Stylish dress for opponents of conservatism.

Another dress that surprised you with its abundance small parts. The finest work!

Classic option.

Each designer was very meticulous in creating the image.

Winner with a check for $10,000.

Apparently a dress self made Even toilet paper will not be very cheap, however, you can always turn to seamstresses you know whose hands grow from the right place, be original and at the same time save some money. Are any of your friends getting married? So give them an idea and share this article with them.

For the third time in the United States, a company dealing with the question of “how to celebrate a wedding most economically and at the lowest cost” is organizing a competition of wedding dresses made from toilet paper.
A little shocking, isn't it? Most people use toilet paper only for its intended purpose, but some craftsmen create real miracles with this material. Perhaps the very idea of ​​a wedding dress made of toilet paper only causes bewilderment, but certainly not among the participants in this competition. Having seen their creations, what surprises you is not the material from which they made IT, but the question is HOW did they do this?
The Toilet Paper Dress Wedding competition is being held for the third time, and was first held back in 2005. The winners receive gift Certificate for $500, and the second place winners received the same certificate for $300. Sometimes the jury awards an Honorables Mention prize, which is expressed financially in a $50 certificate.
We have selected ten of the most worthy and original works. And even though in these dresses it is better not to get caught in the rain and splashes of champagne, from the outside they look no worse than thousand-dollar installations in expensive stores.

1. The winner 2007 is Hanah Kim.
Judging by the photo, Mrs. Kim herself doesn’t really need a wedding dress made of toilet paper and is participating in the competition out of love for art. However, this can be said about the other participants. Hana Kim herself participates and even reaches the final for the second time - in 2006 she already managed to take second place. But in this she was the absolute winner.

“A traditional wedding dress is not for me,” decided 25-year-old New Yorker Jennifer Cannon... and got married in a dress made of toilet paper. The wedding venue fully matched the bride's appearance - the ceremony took place in a public toilet in Times Square, where only invited guests were allowed on this occasion. Those gathered at the ceremony had an “important mission” - they showered the newlyweds with scraps of toilet paper. This original wedding became the final chord of the competition for the best wedding dress made of toilet paper, which was held in the USA in August of this year. The winner of the competition was Hana Kim - a 25-year-old New Yorker got married in an outfit from this designer.

2. Second place 2007 – Katrina Chalifoux.
As for the roses on the dress, we can definitely say that they are not made from toilet paper. Athletic tape is mentioned as a material for them. We believe this is a gymnastics rubber band.

Catherine Chalifox "made" her wedding dress from seven rolls of toilet paper, which went into creating an elaborate floral top and cascading ruffle bottom that she says took weeks to complete.
“This is a challenge to those who think that toilet paper can only be used for its intended purpose,” said the winner.

3. The 2006 winner is Stephanie Stutzenberger from Gumming, California.
By the way, it is curious that the jury usually tries not to indicate the place and region of residence of the participants.

4. Second place in 2006 - Hana Kim, whom we mentioned earlier.
In 2007 she will take first place. By the way, is it just us, or is there really a different girl in the 2007 photo?

5. Winner 2005 - Rebecca Shuman.
And don’t ask where she got that paper!

7. Honorables Mention Award 2005 – Jaymi Horne.
The jury especially singled out the top, which was literally woven from paper.

8. Honorables Mention Prize 2006.
In 2006, there were three winners with this award. This can be considered third place.

9. One of the competition entries in 2006.
Just good dress and a nice photo. Most of the works were clearly not shot by a professional photographer, so in addition to the beauty of the dress, we also took into account the quality of the photo when selecting. This is one of the best.

Wedding dress made from toilet paper

For the third time in the United States, a company dealing with the question of “how to celebrate a wedding most economically and at the lowest cost” is organizing a competition of wedding dresses made from toilet paper.
A little shocking, isn't it? Most people use toilet paper only for its intended purpose, but some craftsmen create real miracles with this material. Perhaps the very idea of ​​a wedding dress made of toilet paper only causes bewilderment, but certainly not among the participants in this competition. Having seen their creations, what surprises you is not the material from which they made IT, but the question is HOW did they do this?
The Toilet Paper Dress Wedding competition is being held for the third time, and was first held back in 2005. The winners receive a $500 gift certificate, and the runners-up receive the same $300 certificate. Sometimes the jury awards an Honorables Mention prize, which is expressed financially in a $50 certificate.
We have selected ten of the most worthy and original works. And even though in these dresses it is better not to get caught in the rain and splashes of champagne, from the outside they look no worse than thousand-dollar installations in expensive stores.

1. Winner 2007 - Hanah Kim.
Judging by the photo, Mrs. Kim herself doesn’t really need a wedding dress made of toilet paper and is participating in the competition out of love for art. However, this can be said about the other participants. Hana Kim herself participates and even reaches the final for the second time - in 2006 she already managed to take second place. But in this she was the absolute winner.

“The traditional wedding dress is not for me,” decided 25-year-old New Yorker Jennifer Cannon... and got married in a dress made of toilet paper. The wedding venue fully matched the bride's appearance - the ceremony took place in a public toilet in Times Square, where only invited guests were allowed on this occasion. Those gathered at the ceremony had an “important mission” - they showered the newlyweds with scraps of toilet paper. This original wedding was the final chord of the competition for the best wedding dress made of toilet paper, which was held in the USA in August of this year. The winner of the competition was Hana Kim - a 25-year-old New Yorker got married in an outfit from this designer.

2. Second place 2007 - Katrina Chalifoux.
As for the roses on the dress, we can definitely say that they are not made from toilet paper. Athletic tape is mentioned as a material for them. We believe this is a gymnastics rubber band.

Catherine Chalifox "made" her wedding dress from seven rolls of toilet paper, which went into creating an elaborate floral top and cascading ruffle bottom that she says took weeks to complete.
“This is a challenge to those who think that toilet paper can only be used for its intended purpose,” said the winner.

3. The 2006 winner is Stephanie Stutzenberger from Gumming, California.
By the way, it is curious that the jury usually tries not to indicate the place and region of residence of the participants.

4. Second place 2006 - Hana Kim, whom we mentioned earlier.
In 2007 she will take first place. By the way, is it just us, or is there really a different girl in the 2007 photo?

5. Winner 2005 - Rebecca Shuman.
And don’t ask where she got that paper!

7. Honorables Mention Award 2005 - Jaymi Horne.
The jury especially singled out the top, which was literally woven from paper.

8. Honorables Mention Prize 2006.
In 2006, there were three winners with this award. This can be considered third place.

For the seventh time, a competition for wedding dresses made from toilet paper was held in the United States. This year the competition was presented toilet paper dresses about a thousand copies. The main criteria for competitive selection were appearance products, the originality of its execution, the reasonableness of the use of raw materials.
Toilet paper could be used in unlimited quantities when making an outfit. But besides this, Cheap Chic Weddings participants could use adhesives different types, adhesive tapes and threads. The dresses turned out beautiful, although somewhat unusual. But there are strange types of clothes from

First place took a dress made of toilet paper by Susan Brennan (Michigan).
She needed 4 rolls of paper, packing tape and hot glue to join. The winner received a prize of $1,000.

The second was Laura Lee (California). Her dress took 5 rolls held together with tape, duct tape and adhesive spray. The prize was $500.

Cynthia Richards from Georgia took third place with her dress made from 20 rolls of toilet paper and several types of glue. She received a $250 bonus.

Here's a little more work.