Many in childhood had to think about how to erase a pen from a diary or notebook in order to remove a low grade. It is possible that there were some notes written in ink in the margins of the book. These inscriptions could require quick removal. Removing pen or ink from a sheet of paper is often required by artists who use it for their sketches.


You can use conventional chemicals to remove ink. Before removing excess ink, you must keep in mind that this procedure is quite complex. This may require various ways and means to make the sheet white again.

The stain can be rubbed cotton swab by dipping it in acetone

Ink is easily removed after using acetone, which is the main component of nail polish removers. The stain can be rubbed with a cotton swab dipped in acetone. Traces from ballpoint pen of blue color Easier to erase than black ink stains. Acetone or hydrochloric acid can be used to remove stains from thick paper. Before using them, it is necessary to test the effect of these compounds on unwanted thick sheets.

A fairly strong product is Belizna bleach with a 70-80% active chlorine solution. To remove ink, you can use a mixture of glycerin and ethyl alcohol, taking them in equal proportions. Any chemicals require careful and careful handling. The cotton swabs used should be constantly changed and the brush cleaned.

Medical alcohol (isopropanol) can be successfully used to remove ink marks. Traces of a pen from a damaged sheet can be removed with a cotton swab dipped in the composition. Those areas of the sheet where you want to leave ink should be covered first.

If you need to clear a large sheet of ink, the cotton swab should first be left in medical alcohol for 5 minutes. It is necessary to use a substance that does not contain flavorings or dyes. Isopropyl alcohol can be any brand.

You can remove ink using lemon juice, which you will need to pour a small amount into a cup or glass. A cotton swab is first dipped in the juice and then gently used to remove the ink. Taking advantage lemon juice, you must remember that it can corrode the sheet, especially thin ones. Ink is easier to remove from thick paper.

To remove ballpoint pen marks, you can use a paste mixture of water and baking soda. To prepare the pasta, you will need a glass bowl. To apply the soda mixture to the sheet, you need a cotton swab.

The paste should be carefully rubbed over the area of ​​the sheet from which traces of ink should be removed. Then the paper must be dried without washing the soda off it. After the moisture evaporates, the soda will begin to fall off. An old toothbrush with stiff bristles will work to remove the ink.


Sometimes you need to remove ink from the printer. To do this, you can use a regular blade, which carefully removes the letters. The blade must be held perpendicular to the sheet. You should not press it very hard, otherwise you may tear off the entire sheet.

When choosing what to erase your pen with, you can use a special eraser. Before removing erasable ink, you should carefully examine the packaging. Usually it indicates the color, which should be blue, not black. Manufacturers provide pens for such ink with a special eraser at the end.

You can erase ink using sandpaper

In any case, you should try to erase the pen with an ink eraser. If you use a rubber eraser, it will be difficult to remove the ink. This item is designed to remove marks from a simple pencil. Be careful when using a vinyl eraser, otherwise you may damage the sheet and not remove the ink from it.

You can erase the ink using sandpaper. For this purpose, you can use fine-grained sandpaper and a small block. It is possible that you need to remove ink from a small area, and the bar is too large.

Before removing the ink from the sheet, you should cut out a small piece of sandpaper and then glue it to the end of the pen where there is no sharpened rod. When removing ink, you must be careful and press hard on the sandpaper. To remove its residue on the sheet, you need to blow lightly.

To remove ink, you can use a fine grit whetstone. This will allow you to make a smooth surface treatment of the written sheet than when using sandpaper. Removal can be accomplished with a miniature Dremel sharpening tool that has rounded edges.

You can remove ink marks from the margins of books with a grinding stone, which is ideal for this purpose. If the sheet is not too dense, then the structure of the grinding stone may be too rough for it.


You can use a correction tape to remove errors along a horizontal or vertical line. white. For other paper colors, you can purchase a liquid of a more suitable shade. After scanning a sheet of paper with correction tape applied, it will not be visible on the copy.

To correct an unsuccessful fragment, you can take a small piece of paper to cover it. You must use clean paper suitable color to cut a piece out of it. It is necessary in order to cover the place on the paper with an error. You can make appropriate corrections on top of the pasted piece of paper. Its edges should fit snugly to the sheet and not bend upward.

To remove errors along a horizontal or vertical line, you can use a white correction tape

The pasted piece of paper will be visible upon careful inspection. If you make a copy of the original, the corrections will be less noticeable. Trying to disguise blots from spilled ink may not be successful. You can try adding additional elements to the drawing, that is, a background or shading.

If you have to worry about someone needing to erase ink from a receipt or other document, you can use gel paste. It is difficult to choose a removal method for such a pen. To avoid accidentally removing ink from desired areas, you must use masking tape or paper.


You can use correction fluid to mask the ink. Despite the fact that it does not erase the ink, but only covers it, making it invisible, the use of corrector is common. This thick white liquid can be used to cover up any unwanted marks or errors in handwritten text. To apply the corrector, use a small brush with a sponge at the end.

Using a proofreader, you can cover up any unwanted blots and errors in handwritten text.

To correct ink marks, apply correction fluid and wait until it dries. After this, the product takes on the appearance of a crust or scales. Before removing ink from paper, you should check what consistency the correction fluid has. Immediately after application, the composition will be wet, so you must handle the paper carefully. Do not touch the brush from the bottle with correction fluid to other surfaces.

Correction fluid can only be used if the marking is barely noticeable. Choose only high quality white putty, otherwise it may turn into crumbs. The correction fluid should not be thick or clear. If after the first application the effect was not noticed, you can repeat it all over again, finally drying the sheet with the corrections.


If the drawing turns out to be damaged after accidentally drawing unnecessary lines, then you can add an ornament or additional decorations to it. As a result, the corrections will not be noticeable. They will look like the original design when creating the drawing.

Copying an ink image without an erroneous fragment is carried out if there are no blots or blots. This method is labor-intensive, but it is suitable if other methods have not given a positive effect. The drawing is finally completed on a new sheet of paper. This method eliminates noticeable corrections and additional marks. They will no longer be in the new picture.

To remove a small fragment of an erroneous recording, you can use the most ordinary razor blade

To prevent a sheet of paper from looking deformed, you can hold it under pressure for a while. You should first lay out the drawing with clean sheets, and then place it under a heavy flat object, for example, a book. The paper can be fed through the fax rollers. To level it, use a warm iron to iron the sheet.

To remove a small fragment of an erroneous recording, you can use a very ordinary razor blade. In this case, it is important to have a trained hand, otherwise there is a risk of ruining the sheet of paper completely. In any case, you should use this method by removing upper layer from a damaged piece of paper. It is necessary to ensure that the structure of the sheet is not disturbed.

Before wiping the pen off the paper without leaving a trace, you can scratch the problem area with a razor blade. After this, you will need to take an eraser and rub it with pressure over the treated area several times. The “ruffled” surface of the sheet will need to be smoothed out with a flat, heavy object - an iron or blade. Unnecessary writing can be erased with a finger, which should first be moistened in water. To mask the recording, the top layer of paper must be gradually rolled up with your finger.


If an important document has been damaged as a result of unnecessary underlining, then it will be quite difficult to draw a line without certain skills. We remove blots from sheets or ink notes from the margins of books, following all the rules. This requires extreme care and caution.

If chemical compounds are used to remove ink, the most common remedy is a solution of vinegar and potassium permanganate

If chemical compounds are used to remove ink, the most common remedy is a solution of vinegar and potassium permanganate. Only 1 tsp is required. vinegar 70% concentration, in which potassium permanganate crystals should be dissolved in a small amount. Use this mixture to carefully remove pen marks. You can take a thin watercolor brush, and also place a clean sheet under the surface to be treated in advance.

The leaf may appear brown or purple due to the use of potassium permanganate. In this case, you will need to wait until it dries completely. Removal of brown stains is carried out using 3% hydrogen peroxide. This substance can be used separately to remove not too bright ink stains.

You can use cotton swabs or balls as a working tool. Instead of hydrogen peroxide, a solution of hydroperite is suitable: dissolve 2 tablets in 100 ml of water at room temperature. If the marks from the ink pen have not completely disappeared, all steps should be repeated again.

You can prepare the following composition:

  • oxalic acid - 10 g;
  • citric acid - 10 g;
  • water - 1/2 cup.

After dissolving oxalic and citric acid in water, you should try to remove the ink with this composition. Another composition option for their removal is a solution containing:

  • hydrochloric acid - 10 g;
  • table salt - 10 g;
  • water - 30 ml.

You need to take a glass with a hole through which you should slowly inject citric acid with a syringe. It should eat away at the ink. Soda or salt can be used as an absorbent. To remove colored ink, you can use a saturated solution of potassium permanganate. To prepare it you will need 50 ml distilled water at room temperature. Only a freshly prepared solution is active.

Minor blots and errors in entries can be quickly and effortlessly covered up with a proofreader. If we are talking about important documents, in which obvious corrections are unacceptable, ordinary office tools are not enough. To avoid having to urgently redo an accidentally damaged ID card or re-execute a valuable contract, you can resort to little tricks. This will significantly save time, money and nerves. There are only two ways to get rid of unnecessary writing on a sheet of paper: physical and chemical.

Read in this article:

Physical way

Needed for work sharp blade, a soft eraser and a little patience.

Suitable exclusively for removing a ballpoint pen from a fairly thick sheet of paper.

First you need to very carefully scrape off the top layer of paper with the inscription, shake off the resulting lint and polish the damaged area with an eraser. The method is not the most reliable and, if you overdo it, you can completely ruin the document.

Chemical method for any type of paper

Based on the principles of interaction of ink with various solvents. There are many recipes for products that can erase pen from paper. They are used depending on the quality, thickness and color of the sheet. It’s easy to make an effective stain remover at home from available reagents. By strictly following the manufacturing instructions and recommendations for use, you can achieve good results.

To remove inscriptions with a gel pen, it is worth applying a little potassium permanganate dissolved in two teaspoons of concentrated acetic acid. Distribute the liquid directly onto the ink marks, first placing thick paper under the area to be treated. When the inscriptions are gone, residual stains from the vinegar solution can be removed by ironing the painted area through soft cloth.

A 50% alcohol solution of glycerin will help get rid of blots and remove ink from paper. It has a less aggressive effect on coloring pigments, so a repeat procedure may be necessary.

Stain remover recipes for white paper

Regular laundry bleach will help remove writing from white paper. “Whiteness” will work great with ink if you carefully apply it over the pen and leave it for a while. An aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid with the addition of table salt. The remaining solvent should be eliminated in the same way as in the case of potassium permanganate. These products actively fight any dyes, so they cannot be used on paper with colored designs.

Convenient distribution of any stain remover to remove inscriptions without a trace is ensured using cotton swabs or thin paint brushes. Before the ink removal procedure, you should test the selected mixture on an unnecessary sheet of paper, identical in its properties to the document being processed.

December 14, 2015

It is very easy to make a mistake or blot in a text, be it an official document or an ordinary school notebook. But getting rid of the results of your miscalculation is much more difficult. But there are still several proven methods that tell you how to erase a pen from paper without leaving a trace - we’ll talk about them.

It doesn’t matter what exactly led you to the problem: the desire to correct a grade, to save a colleague’s reputation or your own by correcting an accidentally damaged document, to get rid of the fruits of children’s creativity on a driver’s license or wallpaper, etc. The result is the same - the ink must be removed. And in this matter, much will depend on 2 factors:

type of surface (thick, thin, vinyl) from which the ink needs to be erased;
features of this ink (for pens or pens).

It's all about the ink!

It is mistakenly believed that there is no 100% recipe for how to erase pen from paper without leaving marks. This statement is explained by ignorance of the characteristics of ink and paper. If you initially identified the wrong type, then some methods will not only not help, but will also do harm.

In short, ink is a liquid dye. For the most part, the composition of modern inks for different pens and nibs is almost the same, but there are also specifics.

For feathers, the consistency is a little thicker and more viscous, which can make removing them from a thin paper surface more difficult. The inscription with such ink is rich and matte. The feather is used in exceptional and ceremonial occasions.
The most commonly used pens are regular ballpoint pens. They have a thinner ink consistency. The lettering may be a little shiny.
Gel pens, which get their name from the gel-like state of the paste used in them, are popular today. The inscription with it is more brilliant in comparison with a regular ballpoint.
Capillary pens, also known as felt-tip pens or markers, whose ink contains alcohol, are widely used.

Before moving on to the description of the methods, let us remind you of the basic rule: always check the method on similar paper! Take the same piece of paper, cardboard, piece of wallpaper, etc., apply the same ink, practice. Then the result will not be unexpected

Taking out the gel pen

You can erase gel pen from paper without leaving marks using the following methods.

Method 1. Manganese and hydrogen peroxide

So, to remove a gel pen from regular paper, you will need manganese, cotton wool (make a small roller out of cotton wool; for convenience, you can roll cotton wool onto a match or a pencil) and hydrogen peroxide. It is necessary to dilute a thick, creamy solution, stir well so that the manganese absorbs the liquid. Carefully apply the resulting mixture onto the inscription. And here it is important to wait only 5 seconds, then dip the roller in peroxide and quickly, without pressing, collect the manganese solution from the surface.

If there are stains on the paper, you can remove them using the same hydrogen peroxide, blotting with a cotton swab or cotton swab. Irregularities are smoothed out with an iron (place the paper between 2 clean sheets and iron).

Method 2. Manganese and acetic acid

In solving the problem of how to erase pen from paper without leaving marks, a method similar to the previous one will help. Add acetic acid to a small amount of potassium permanganate by eye and stir until a uniform, rich purple hue is obtained. Don't let the brightness of the resulting color fool you. Next, the purple liquid must be carefully applied (using a cotton swab or through a syringe) to the inscription and wait until it dries completely. After the procedure, stains remain, which can be easily removed with a cotton swab soaked in peroxide.

Removing ballpoint pen ink

Method 1. Glycerin

You can erase ink from paper without leaving a trace by mixing regular pharmaceutical glycerin with simple medical alcohol (1:1 proportions). The mixture should not sit for long. It must be mixed before direct use. Next, apply the mixture onto the inscription with a cotton swab and just wait. The ink should disappear. If necessary, the paper can be ironed using the above method (between 2 blank sheets).

Method 2. Household chemicals

A very simple and affordable method for removing ink. Will do household chemicals for removing Cinderella-type stains, Vanish, Amway PreWash, Amway SA8 or Domestos. The principle is similar: apply a thin layer of the product with a cotton swab and wait until it dries completely. The ink should be absorbed from the surface into the product during the drying period. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

Removing ink from wallpaper
Method 1. Starch

If this finishing material is thin, then to solve the problem of how to erase a pen from wallpaper without leaving a trace, it is worth using methods in which the applied products do not contain much moisture and have a consistency similar to gruel or cream. Then the surface of the wallpaper will warp less.

Mix starch and warm water in equal proportions. Apply the thick mixture to the stain and remove with a dry cloth or napkin after drying.

Method 2. Salt

For thicker wallpaper, use the following method: take water and hydrochloric acid in equal proportions, add 1 tbsp to the solution. l. salt (per 100 ml). Mix and apply to ink. The procedure can be repeated, but in most cases the ink disappears after the first application.

Method 3. Laundry soap

This method is ideal for vinyl wallpaper and is very easy to implement. Lather up laundry soap(preferably real, “Soviet”) in warm water to form a soap solution. Using a clean, soft kitchen sponge, apply the solution to the stain. Wipe the treated area with a dry soft cloth (do not press hard) after 10 minutes. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

In conclusion, one more rule for removing ink from a paper surface should be mentioned. This matter does not tolerate fuss and haste. It's more like jewelry. And, before you try one of the methods given in the article, get ready for painstaking work. Take your time - and annoying mistakes will really be erased, remaining in the past for you.


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  • July 3, 2018
  • A stroke or a special correction pencil are not the only ways to remove ink from paper; there are a lot of available tools that can successfully cope with this task.

    For cleaning you will need a 20% peroxide solution, cotton swabs and paper napkins. The algorithm of actions is not complicated and does not take much time:

    • apply peroxide to the stain with a cotton swab;
    • the peroxide along with the ink is removed with a napkin;
    • the sheet is left to dry.

    With vinegar

    An effective remedy would be a combination of peroxide with vinegar and a small amount of potassium permanganate. To prepare the solution you will need:

    • mix vinegar with potassium permanganate;
    • add 10 to 20 drops of peroxide;
    • mix the ingredients until smooth.

    When the mixture is ready, you need to pour it generously on the ink, using a napkin to remove the solution along with traces of contamination. Then, using a cotton pad soaked in a weak peroxide solution, remove the remaining stains. To dry the cleaned sheet, line it with paper on top and bottom, iron it with an iron heated to medium temperature.

    Medical alcohol with glycerin

    This recipe makes it possible to completely remove the mark of a ballpoint pen from paper, preserving the natural color of the sheet:

    • both components are mixed in equal proportions;
    • heat while stirring until the mixture becomes liquid;
    • apply carefully along the contour ink blot, using a toothbrush or cotton swab.

    Accuracy is necessary due to the specific composition of glycerin, which can leave traces of processing.

    Soda with alcohol

    An effective combination from ink on paper is the connection medical alcohol with soda. To do this you will need:

    • about 200 grams of alcohol;
    • water, half the volume of alcohol;
    • about 10 grams of soda.

    The solution is applied with a cotton swab, the treated stain should be blotted with a paper towel, then the sheet is dried.


    The substance has a strong corrosive effect, so it is not recommended to use it in its pure form. Acetone-based nail polish removers are better suited for these purposes. The stain removal procedure is as follows:

    • a drop of liquid should be applied to the ink stain;
    • After a few minutes, the treatment area should be blotted with a paper napkin or towel.

    A small line can be removed using a toothpick, cotton swab or pipette.

    The same tool is suitable for completely clearing the sheet of inscriptions. To do this, pour the solution into a container, lower the paper into it, then remove it and dry it.

    Soda and salt

    To remove ink from paper, it is recommended to use salt under the Extra brand, which dissolves quickly. It is mixed in equal parts with soda, then poured onto a flat, horizontal surface. Next, the sheet is placed with ink down on the mixture and left until the inscriptions disappear. If you have plexiglass at hand, you can use a more complex technique:

    • a hole is made in the glass so that the cleaning composition does not spread;
    • about 100 ml of distilled water is mixed with 10 g of citric acid until the latter is completely dissolved;
    • the sheet is placed on a mixture of soda and salt with the side facing down;
    • plexiglass is placed on top so that the hole coincides with the stain;
    • using a pipette or syringe, pour a drop of solution into it.

    The plexiglass must be pressed well so that the citric acid solution does not spread over the paper.


    Starch gruel copes well with gel pen marks on paper. To prepare it, you will need to mix equal parts of starch and warm water. After this, you will need to apply the mixture to the cleaning area and wait for it to dry. When the ink is absorbed, the cleaning agent is removed with a dry soft brush or sponge.

    Vinegar with dishwashing detergent

    To remove ink, the components are mixed until smooth. The resulting mixture is evenly distributed over the inscription and left for 10 minutes until the ink is absorbed. After this, the cleaned area is treated with a cotton pad with a detergent. Ingredients should be used in minimal quantities and with care so that the structure of the paper is not damaged.

    Table salt with hydrochloric acid

    A potent composition will be a mixture based on hydrochloric acid. The method is suitable for removing ink from documents. Pre-cooked saline solution from 20 grams of salt and 30 ml of water, to which no more than 10 ml of hydrochloric acid is added. The stain is treated with a cotton pad or ear swab. Residues are removed by blotting the cleaning area with a damp sponge. The procedure is completed by thoroughly drying the sheet.

    Household chemicals

    This category of cleaning products includes: White, Domestos, and other chlorine-based bleaches. The contamination is treated with a cotton swab. After 20 minutes, blot the stain with a damp sponge. The sheet is then covered with a clean, plain cloth that does not leave marks, and ironed with a medium-heat iron.

    Oxalic and citric acid

    To remove ink stains, up to 5 grams of each ingredient are enough, mixed in a container of sufficient capacity. The mixture is poured into a glass half filled with water and wait until the acid is completely dissolved. Using a small diameter brush, the solution is applied to the ink mark. When it is absorbed, the area of ​​paper should be treated with a damp cotton pad, blotted with a napkin and dried.

    Sodium sulfide

    The substance is diluted with a small amount of water. The resulting solution is applied with any available means. Then remove with a paper napkin or towel. During the cleaning process, a strong odor will be released, so it is better to carry out the procedure in a ventilated area.

    Curdled milk or milk

    These products are considered tried and true for removing ink from paper. The substance is applied with a cotton swab or disk. During the application process, it is important to completely treat the entire stain or inscription to be removed. When the product dries completely, the mark will disappear.

    Soda with toothpaste

    This composition is used for cleaning thick paper; for example, it can be used to remove ink from wallpaper. For removal it is advisable to use toothpaste no dyes. The components are mixed until smooth. Apply the resulting mixture with an old toothbrush, evenly distributing it over the area of ​​contamination. After drying, the product is removed along with the ink.

    Hair fixation spray

    Such cosmetics usually contain solvents, which make it possible to remove ink from any paper. The product is sprayed onto the area to be cleaned, left for a few minutes, then wiped with a paper towel or soft cloth. You can clean fabric items in the same way; in this case, the residues of the treatment are removed with a brush or by hand.

    Shaving foam

    This facial care product is also effective at removing pen marks. Simply apply the foam to the desired ink area and leave for a few minutes. Then the composition is removed with a damp sponge, and the sheet is dried.

    Medical patch

    Medical plaster refers to mechanical methods of removing such stains. A less effective replacement would be adhesive tape. Using scissors, a piece of the patch is cut to the shape of the spot, glued to the sheet and immediately removed. This method is suitable for thick, unlined paper, since the top layer is removed along with the dirt.

    razor blade

    The oldest and well known method. Despite the well-known roughness, with the right skill, stains can be cleaned almost completely. The blade is pressed against the paper and the top layer is carefully cut off, then leveled with a fingernail. The last step is repeated until the fibers are completely smoothed out.

    Many of the listed techniques can change the color of the paper, leave greasy spots or other traces. Therefore, it is not recommended to use them for important documents, and before cleaning ordinary records, it is better to check the reaction of the paper in advance. To do this, apply the selected product to a small piece, and if its color does not change after treatment, the substance can be used.

    In the era of computerization and electronic document management, paper media continues to be used. And ways to erase pen from paper without leaving traces help students, schoolchildren, secretaries, and office workers save time on reworking papers with outdated or incorrect data, typos or clerical errors.

    On white paper, errors can be covered up with a proofreader, but for colored forms this method is unacceptable. Using publicly available tools, you can correct typos at home as accurately as possible, as if they never happened, and save a damaged document.

    Important! There are documents in which erasing ink and correcting information is undesirable and even illegal. Corrections in a passport or birth certificate are regarded as falsification of documents, and sick leave with corrections is considered invalid.

    Chemical compositions

    To completely remove traces of ink from a sheet of paper, choose the optimal method for specific conditions. Methods using chemicals and compounds that many housewives have are suitable for the home.


    This solvent copes with many contaminants of various origins, and pen ink also lends itself to it. Acetone cannot be used in its pure form - the solvent will corrode both the pigment and the paper. Acetone-containing liquids are suitable, or, alternatively, nail polish remover. It is in every home where girls or women live, it can be bought in almost any store, and it is inexpensive.

    We remove traces of pens, working correctly:

    1. Slowly, carefully and in small quantities (using a cotton swab, pipette, toothpick) apply the liquid to the problem area.
    2. Using a cotton pad or soft cloth, carefully blot the liquid from the sheet. Movements are made in a vertical plane so as not to stain the sheet.
    3. If ink contamination remains, repeat the procedure.

    Advice! For complete cleansing, the entire sheet is immersed in liquid and then dried in a room with good ventilation.

    Hydrogen peroxide

    A cotton swab or the end of a rolled-up cotton pad is moistened in peroxide and a thin layer of liquid is applied to the inscription. Then the liquid with the ink dissolved in it is removed with a soaking motion using a soft cloth. The sheet of paper is dried after the procedure.

    Advice! Hydrogen peroxide can be replaced with hydroperite.

    Product with ethyl alcohol

    A composition of ethyl alcohol and glycerin is prepared by combining the substances in equal parts. The resulting product is applied with a cotton swab, following the contour of the letters or numbers being erased.

    Another composition based on ethyl alcohol is used: 200 g of ethyl alcohol, 10 g of baking soda, 100 ml of water. It responds well to marks from a ballpoint pen.

    Old method using "Whiteness"

    To remove pen marks other than Whiteness, you will need nail polish remover. This method of removing ink has proven to be simple and effective.

    First, the text or blot from a pen is treated with “Whiteness” - a cotton swab is moistened in the liquid and rubbed over the stain. After the wet area has dried a little, it is treated with an acetone-containing liquid (nail polish remover) using a cotton swab. You need to moisten the mark from a ballpoint pen using rubbing movements in several passes.

    As a result, the place where the work was carried out becomes blank paper. Because it is wet, it is dried out.

    Potassium permanganate with vinegar

    Pen paste that has leaked onto paper or unnecessary notes can be removed using a method popular on the Internet using vinegar essence and potassium permanganate.

    In a small glass container, the ingredients are mixed in small quantities. So much potassium permanganate is used that the liquid, after dissolving the powder, acquires a garnet color.


    1. The resulting composition, using a cotton swab, is applied to the place with a typo or other information that needs to be removed.
    2. Leave for 30 seconds.
    3. Hydrogen peroxide is applied on top, which dissolves the remaining contamination and removes the reddish tone of the paper from potassium permanganate.
    4. Iron a damp sheet of paper, covering the wet area with a moisture-absorbing cloth. As a result, the paper becomes clean and smooth.


    Using toothpaste to remove ballpoint marks is safe and effective. The paste is slowly rubbed into the paper, and the residue is removed with a damp cloth.

    Solar alternative

    Almost all dyes fade when exposed to direct sunlight. Ink pigments are no exception. If the paper is placed in a sunny place, the ink will fade and become discolored, and to avoid getting a completely clean and darkened sheet, cover the necessary information and free areas with foil or paper.

    Mechanical methods

    Under mechanical influence, the ink of a variety of pens becomes invisible: gel, ballpoint, capillary. The method does not involve dissolving the ink, but rather removing blots or erroneous information by cutting off the top layer of paper.

    Advice! In order not to rub the document into holes, it is advisable to experiment on an unnecessary sheet.

    Eraser and blade

    The ink is wiped off with the corner of the eraser so as not to affect the necessary information. Adjusting the blade along the contour of text characters is more accurate. The layer of paper is scraped off using the corner of the blade, or cut off to give the metal an arc shape. The roughness that appears is removed by pressing the irregularities with something smooth, for example, a nail plate.

    Medical adhesive plaster

    To reduce unnecessary words, letters, numbers, a cut piece of adhesive tape is glued on top. Its size and shape are adapted to the location with erroneous information. The glued piece is pressed with force and carefully, carefully removed from the paper. A top layer of paper with ink remains on the surface of the removed patch.

    Advice! To avoid leaving colored spots on the paper, you need to use a white-based adhesive plaster.

    Abrasive paper

    Sometimes the ink is scraped off with fine-grit sandpaper. Working with it pointwise, you can remove even small letters and dashes.

    When the ink is colored

    Colored inscriptions are displayed using the following means:

    1. Composition of oxalic and citric acid. The ingredients are taken 1 part at a time and diluted with 10 parts of water. The composition is applied with a thin brush along the contour of the symbols. You can immediately see how the ink discolors and the notes disappear. Thanks to the precise application of the product, it is possible to effectively remove the error and easily correct the number in the document.
    2. Chlorine bleach (for example, “White”). It is applied with a cotton swab dipped in the product. Press the wet area with a dry cloth to absorb moisture; if necessary, iron the top with a warm iron.
    3. A solution with salt. It is prepared by diluting it in 3 tbsp. l. water 2 tsp. salt and adding 10 ml of hydrochloric acid. The composition turns out to be caustic and toxic - it must be used with extreme caution. The product is applied to the problem area with a cotton swab. After the ink disappears, the processed part of the sheet is blotted with a damp sponge.
    4. Vinegar. It is applied to paper, and then, when the spice dissolves the ink, the wet mark is blotted with a napkin or cotton pad soaked in water.

    Office work, secretarial work, study and teaching are closely related to paper and hand writing. In a hurry or by mistake, entries may need to be corrected or deleted. Ink is decolorized without harming the paper by chemical means; mechanical erasing methods are used on plain sheets. But they all require extreme caution and accuracy, so it’s worth assessing in advance whether it would be easier to simply rewrite the document or work.