What do you think Raquel Welch, Roland Kaiser and Romy Schneider have in common? All of them failed the test of the seventh year of marriage. Or... However, first things first.
Time to grow up
six weeks

And so, after about six weeks, she suddenly unexpectedly notices that he is not at all the second Kevin Costner, that the size of his brain is inversely proportional to the size of his muscles, and his poems are supposedly copied from the collection “Evgeny Yevtushenko. Favorites." Disappointment. This is the name of this phenomenon when rose-colored glasses break with a crash and the fairy-tale prince suddenly turns into a wet chicken.

“A lover values ​​above all else the actual feeling that the object of love awakened in him, and not this object itself,” says the famous German psychologist J. Corsen.

Sometimes a small thing is enough, such as the wrong touch in bed, his admiration for one of the fashionable singers, or her completely innocent joke about his manhood, for the relationship to give way.

If love at this stage has managed to develop into true love, they simply don’t pay attention to such things.

Will the love story continue? It all depends on how big the difference is between illusion and reality, and on whether he or she decides that this relationship is an improvement over what each of them had in their lives before.

Scam or relationship
Eight months

After less than a year, one of the partners notices that the other has literally finally accepted him into his heart.

At this stage, the love scam ideally develops into lasting, serious relationship. And plans are being made for a joint romantic vacation. Each of the two puts an end to the previous “loves” that he kept as a backup option. When asked whether they will always be together now, both invariably answer “yes.”

Nevertheless, it is precisely at this time that many break up because they are not ready to share not only holidays, but also everyday life with their loved ones. Problems at work, bad mood, rainy weekends, unwashed hair, stomach pain and boring family holidays... Routine sucks you in. The danger that one of them, frightened by her, will “make his legs” is very, very great.

The sex trap slams shut
Two and a half years

“The boogie of hormones” is how the famous English writer Henry Miller once described the feeling of falling in love. It is after two and a half years (this is how human nature works) that the production of the hormones of happiness and joy, phenylthylamine and oxytocin, begins to decline, and with it the sexual attraction of the couple.

"Menopause of Love"
Year four

After four years, the marriage literally enters menopause. Lots of couples break up. According to American anthropologist Helen Fisher, this is the biological legacy of the dawn of humanity.

After four years, the child (as a rule, the couple already has children) no longer needs parental attention and can be placed in the care of grandmothers and nannies.

There is no longer a reason for the parents to stay together, and each one navigates differently, getting together with a different partner and having new children. And so on every four years. Moreover, this law is so ingrained into human nature that it applies even if there are no children in the family.

The German psychologist J. Korea interprets this somewhat differently: “As soon as a child is born, the beloved becomes the mother, the beloved becomes the breadwinner of the family. There is a calm in bed. This new distribution of roles is a severe test for love. But even without the younger generation, after four years of building their nest, the family collapses. They spent months decorating their home and now, when the last vase or curtain has been bought, they have no idea what else to talk about, what else to come up with.”

"Bermuda Triangle"
Year seven

Why do many people fail to survive the seventh year? life together? Sociologists, psychologists and doctors are still arguing about this. And since no clear explanation has been found, it is called nothing more than the “mysterious seventh year.” In fairy tales and myths, “seven” is a magical number. Doctors say that the body is renewed every seven years. “Perhaps the human psyche needs to start a new relationship every seven years,” says J. Corsen.

Often couples who want to separate at this particular time cannot explain why they are actually doing this. After seven years, life is usually settled, the future is clear, everything is in order at home. But the tight framework of stability becomes unbearable, especially for women who for a long time sat at home, took care of the house and children, and now they want - for a change - to return to work. They discover that, in addition to diapers, shopping and aerobics on Wednesdays, there is also a chance, perhaps the last, to make a career. The prospect of professional growth fuels women's self-esteem. The former housewife wants to become an equal partner in her own home. And many men don't like it.

The final danger
After twelve years

Cheating, breakups, life troubles, lack of money and professional failures... It would seem that in twelve years of marriage, everything or almost everything has been passed, and the test of strength has been passed “excellent”. Why do “veterans of family life” break up?

“There is no reason,” says J. Corsen. “But one of the two suddenly begins to think: “Is this really all? I imagined my life differently." Women envy their friends who are “luckier” with their husbands; men want to start all over again.”

Now or never! Perhaps this is not the last crisis, a midlife crisis, but it is the most dangerous and difficult...

The most sensual and frank congratulations to your loved one on the anniversary of the relationship in your own words, which everyone will like.

Darling, you and I have been together for a long time, but when you are near, the days fly by like seconds! On our anniversary, I congratulate you and admit that I have never regretted my choice!

Happy anniversary to you, my love! Our relationship was tested by time itself, and fate put a mark of quality on it. I never want to part with you! Hugs and kisses!

Congratulations to your loved one on your relationship anniversary in your own words

Our relationship is (number of years or months old) and it still delights us with romance, trust and mutual understanding. I am grateful to fate for you and I dream that our story will last forever!

You and I are still together, which means that fate willed it and it united the two halves of one beautiful whole! Congratulations, beloved, on our anniversary! Be with me, believe me, and I will believe in you and follow you!

Loving is a wonderful feeling that we have been experiencing for now (date). As before, I adore all the traits and qualities in you, I appreciate all your beliefs and views on life. Your reciprocity inspires me to become even better for the sake of us and our relationship! Happy Anniversary!

Congratulate your loved one on your relationship anniversary in your own words

It’s been (...) since we decided to go through life together, but the passion between us is only hotter, the desires are stronger, and the feelings have become deeper. Thank you, my love, for everything. Happy Anniversary!

You and I are one and this fact is confirmed by our anniversary today. We cannot sleep, relax and exist in general without each other. Therefore, today I will wish that it will always be like this! Kiss you...

Darling, you and I have been together for a long time and have become family to each other. There is nothing dearer to me than you and the fact that you think the same is the greatest happiness for me! Happy anniversary of our strong relationship!

Words for your relationship anniversary to your loved one in your own words

You are my best and this has been tested by time and life itself! I love you, my man, as only my heart and soul are capable of!

Congratulations, my love, on our anniversary! Our relationship may not be the most ideal, but I don’t need anyone else! You are dear to me not only with all your virtues, but also with each of your shortcomings. People aren't perfect and I accept you that way and I'm not going to change anything!

Every couple in love has a small but important event - the date of the beginning of the relationship. Today on the website Koshechka.ru we will talk about the topic. Choosing a present is a responsible matter, so you should approach it seriously.

What should the present be like?

Translated from Greek, “gift” means “grace.” For two people planning to celebrate their little holiday, it will be a visible symbol of love, tenderness and fidelity. When choosing what to give your guy for your relationship anniversary, follow these simple rules:

  • Firstly, the gift should not be banal. The worst thing you can think of is a standard bottle of cologne, shaving accessories, insulated underwear, tie or umbrella. Be creative and creative.
  • Secondly, have an adequate cost. There is no need to spend an astronomical amount or take out a loan to capture the imagination of your loved one.
  • Thirdly, it should not oblige you to do anything. You should not use it to hint that it is time to formalize your union, especially in cases where you have been together only recently.
  • Fourth, don't make life difficult. If you are planning to give your significant other a puppy or kitten, think about whether he will be able to take care of it.

What to give a guy for his anniversary: ​​let the holiday be remembered

How to find out what exactly your loved one will like? You should not ask about this directly, otherwise you will deprive him of the surprise. Here you will have to use ingenuity and resourcefulness to surprise your chosen one.

A lot depends on how long you have been together. If this is your first year, then try to make the present romantic, unpredictable, memorable and talk about your feelings. Choosing what to give your boyfriend first anniversary, do not try to overwhelm him with the high cost of the present. This could put him in an awkward position and ruin the holiday. Arrange for him romantic dinner, prepare your favorite dishes, create an intimate atmosphere: candles, wonderful music. This way you can demonstrate your cooking skills and the ability to receive guests.

A romantic evening is a wonderful option in itself if you are thinking about what to give your boyfriend for his anniversary

A memorable gift in the form of an album or book “A Whole Year of Happiness” made from your shared photographs is a great idea to give your boyfriend on the anniversary of your relationship. By leafing through it, you will be able to remember together the happiest moments of your premarital relations: meetings, walks, trips. Good choice will become cups or a beautiful digital frame, a set of puzzles with your photos. Today you can order a service such as applying an image to fabric. A T-shirt or pillow with your photo will be very suitable, especially if you do not yet live under the same roof.

You can order a film about love and your relationships, assembled from frames from your personal film library, a video with a romantic song for it - possibilities modern technology they allow it.

On this holiday of two lovers, a gift with a touch of eroticism would be appropriate. If your flexibility and sense of rhythm allow you to move beautifully, then rehearse a private dance with striptease elements. Lessons on strip plastic can be found on the Internet. This solution to the problem will be an excellent incentive to get your figure in order. And don’t forget to buy sexy lingerie in advance.

If you have been together for a long time, you know each other’s preferences quite well and have common interests. The two of you can dream about how you would like to spend this day, in what setting. This will help you figure out what to give your boyfriend for his birthday. relationship anniversary 2 years. The main thing here is to be able to listen to the words of your loved one.

For example, you are planning to go out into nature on this day, have a picnic with an overnight stay - present your loved one with a tourist set and a spinning rod. If you have long dreamed of going on vacation together, you can purchase a tourist certificate. Many travel agencies offer not only long trips, but also weekends in the most incredible corners of the country and the world.

Are you both into extreme and active sports? Give your gift in the form of a joint parachute jump, hang gliding, downhill skiing, horse riding. There are many different offers in this area, so you will have a wide choice.

If you don't know what to give your boyfriend for... relationship anniversary 3 years, then pay attention to good technique, which he doesn't have yet. Men are always delighted with such “toys” as an e-book, mp3 player, netbook, GPS navigator, flash drive. Will make a wonderful present wrist watch with a dedicatory inscription. You can choose beautiful set for home or silk pajamas, but this is only if you have been living together for a long time.

Solving the puzzle , think carefully about what dream he has, and then boldly get down to business. Try to make your gift a pleasure for him: if made with love, it will definitely be received with delight and gratitude.

Natalia Viktorovna - especially for Koshechka.ru - a site for those in love... with themselves!

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Discussion: 6 comments

    We will soon have two years together. I don’t know if he will remember this date, and I’m not particularly worried! I’ve already ordered a gift myself - a funny watch with a display on which you can leave notes!

Congratulations on your 1 year relationship anniversary

A year has passed since the cherished meeting,
How I saw you.
Loved for the look and speech,
For beautiful eyes.

May everything go smoothly for us,
May fate bring joy
And let everything be alright
Even next year!

“You are mine,” I whisper to the wind,
“Only mine” - you echo!
The most fabulous in the world
On this day I give you a bouquet!

Fears and doubts are left behind,
You step confidently and boldly into life.
Happy first anniversary of your relationship
I congratulate you, and let your feelings fly high.

And let all troubles, failures go out of the way,
Good things only happen to you.
You are together, this is the main thing, it cannot be otherwise,
I sincerely congratulate you on this bright hour.

Just a year. Not more and not little,
It's just a miracle - you found love!
Life has already tested you enough,
And now, like the first time, it’s time to fall in love again!
May your every day be full of meaning,
And the night under the month of romance is full.
May it soon be neither sweet nor sour for you,
But only “bitter” and the glass to the bottom!

Today is a year since you and I have been together,
We live, loving each other dearly,
Let happiness flow like a slow song,
Sincerely giving us moments of tenderness!

I congratulate you on this holiday,
I've been flying with love for a whole year,
I wish that we will forever be in the world
They were just as in love with each other!

Congratulations on your relationship anniversary!
Friends, believe me, a year is quite a long time!
Sometimes a lot of water flows away in a year,
Or a new influx of life is coming!

I wish you that in your union
You drew the energy of goodness!
To become more and more beautiful every day,
And you always understand each other!

A year ago fate brought us together,
There are no happier days in life than these days.
You know, I've become a lot better,
From the moment you became mine!
With you I became a knight, a poet,
Every day is warmed by your warmth.
I admire that beautiful light
What shines in your heart!

What can I wish for you today?
Live without doubting anything;
For each other, do not burn - burn;
Joy, mutual skill
Teach each other wisdom;
Correct, thoughtful decisions
And all the best! And to conclude:
Happy first relationship anniversary!

It all started like a joke for us,
But imperceptibly we became closer.
Minutes have formed in days and weeks,
We've been together for a year and you are no more important!
The first quarrels and the first tears,
First holidays with you...
Hot summer, rain and frost...
Our total year floated into the distance behind the water.
There, ahead, I want to believe in it,
Other wonderful days await us!
Together we will open the cherished doors
To a world where there is a place for mutual love!

Winters and springs have flown by,
Exactly a year has passed.
He was important, fateful,
The boy found the girl.
And now I’m close in life
They go hand in hand.
They understand at a glance,
They live together happily.
We wish you so much
Another hundred, no less, times!
And as soon as we shout “bitter!”
You kiss a hundred times!


Agree, the anniversary of a relationship is a rather serious date. When you have already gotten to know each other well, you have gone through difficulties and joys together, but at the same time it seems like you only met yesterday.

And how many more wonderful things are ahead! Many couples celebrate this day with memorable gifts to each other. But what to give a guy for his anniversary? Let's answer this question together!

Before choosing a gift, pay attention to these useful recommendations:

  • There is no need to give gifts that would hint to the person about your desire to move the relationship to another level.
  • Even if a man lives alone, you should not give him bed linen, dishes, or household appliances.
  • A very expensive gift for the anniversary of a relationship for a guy, and even more so bought with the last money, on credit, will not only upset, but also offend the man. High feelings can be expressed not only by the cost of the gift.
  • Etiquette advises a woman to give a gift that is slightly cheaper than the one the man gave her.
  • If girls and women are delighted with all sorts of different trinkets, then a man will still be happy with a functional gift.

Advice! When choosing a gift, do not forget to remember his interests, life position, temperament, and sense of humor. Price will not play a big role here.

Gift outlines

What can you give a guy or a man for your relationship anniversary?

The present can be absolutely anything, but still fit into this image:

  • Memorable, symbolic, romantic.
  • It is best when the gift is a surprise, and its choice is kept secret.
  • An ordinary thing, an unnecessary souvenir can ruin the impression of the gift.
  • Prepare interesting packaging, an intriguing card and an amazing presentation.
  • Be sure to think about what you will say when giving. The poems composed by you, him or your favorite poet will touch any man to the depths of his soul.

Selecting the right one

In the table, we figured out what kind of gifts you can give to your loved one on their anniversary: ​​what you can give your boyfriend for his anniversary.

To surprise
  • Certificate for receiving intense emotions: parachute jump, quad bike ride, zorb ride, etc.
  • Romantic emotions: flying on hot-air balloon, horseback riding, excursion on the roofs, etc.
  • A romantic dinner prepared from start to finish by you.
Inexpensive gifts
  • A bouquet of socks, dried fish or deli meats.
  • Personalized photo mug.
  • Cool cap, T-shirt, bathrobe.
  • Darling alcoholic drink in festive packaging.
  • Inexpensive electronics: cool alarm clock, flash drive, external charger for a smartphone.
Gift based on interests
  • For a lover of cultural leisure: a book, a CD of a favorite author, a ticket to a concert, exhibition, premiere.
  • For lovers of active recreation: sleeping bag, barbecue, navigator, thermal clothing.
  • For the motorist: an unusual accessory or useful gadget for a car.
  • For a business person: a leather belt, a wallet, a wristwatch, an exclusive phone bumper, a muffler, men's gloves, a stylish umbrella.
  • For a guy who likes to take care of himself: men's cosmetics, jewelry - rings, bracelets, chains.
Classic gifts These are four pillars: books, jewelry, accessories and gadgets.

Don't forget that you can not only buy a present!

Created Gift

Why not give your boyfriend a handmade gift for your anniversary?

See what your options are:

  • Delicious. The romantic dinner you prepared, consisting of his favorite dishes, will definitely be remembered by the guy! You can also decorate a cake from mastic or cream on the occasion of your celebration. A DIY anniversary gift for a guy is to bake cookies and cakes. Don't forget that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.
  • Decoration. The video in this article and a lot of other useful master classes will teach you how to make absolutely simple, but amazing and cute jewelry: bracelets, baubles, Leather Products, pendants, phone cases that would be appropriate to give to your beloved man. And the sweater, hat, mittens or scarf you knitted will certainly become his favorite thing.
  • Creativity. What kind of a homemade gift can a guy get for his anniversary? Draw his portrait, sing a song in a professional studio or write down a poem you composed, make a film or collage dedicated to your relationship, a memorable photo album or a diary book of your feelings - the list goes on.

Ready solutions

And here we have already prepared for you ready-made ideas gifts, if creating something with your own hands is not an option, choose what theme you want to give the gift and look for it in popular online stores!


You can choose what to give your boyfriend for your anniversary here:

  • Music speaker in the shape of a model car.
  • Foot massager.
  • Weather station clock.
  • Coffee making machine.
  • "Smart" socket.
  • Multimedia USB cube.
  • Computer mouse in the shape of a car.
  • External battery-music speaker.
  • Autonomous lamp.
  • 3D lamp.
  • Selfie kit: monopod, remote control.
  • "Smart watch.
  • Self-charging charger.
  • Binary wristwatch.

Unusual things

Do you want to surprise your loved one?

Here original gift for a guy's anniversary:

  • Reusable eco-notebook.
  • Upside-down umbrella.
  • Canned socks.
  • 3D designer.
  • SPA set.
  • Hanging bed.
  • Eco-shales.
  • Sound cushion.
  • 3D figures for painting.
  • Eternal pencils.
  • A giant inflatable soccer ball.
  • Flying alarm clock.
  • Piggy bank for wine or beer corks.
  • Slippers “Paws of the Beast”.
  • Glowing sky map.

  • Weather forecaster.
  • Cufflinks made of concrete.
  • A set of “space food” in tubes.
  • Hot water bottle toy.
  • Ice molds in the form of funny figures.
  • Mustache and beard care kit.
  • Telescopic fork.
  • Drum "Jambo".
  • Message in a bottle.
  • Romantic sketch map of the world.
  • Transformable blanket.
  • Stones for whiskey.

Personalized gifts

You can also order a unique present for your loved one in advance.

This is also an original anniversary gift for a guy:

  • Paired T-shirts with your text, photo.
  • Personalized wallet.
  • Lamp with custom text.
  • Pillow with your photos.
  • Personalized glass for whiskey, glass for beer.
  • Flash drive with engraved congratulations.
  • A picturesque portrait from a photo.
  • A photomosaic drawing (composed of hundreds of small photographs).
  • Men's bathrobe with custom embroidery.
  • Certificate for a star from the sky.
  • Wall clock with your photo.
  • Diary for two.

  • Personalized plate, mug.
  • Exclusive fortune cookies.
  • Personalized "Kama Sutra".
  • Men's bracelet with custom engraving.
  • Anti-stress pillow with last name or first name.
  • Personalized “Tasty Help”.
  • Caricature figurine based on a photograph.
  • Personalized diary.
  • Thermal glass with photo to order.
  • Named Hollywood star.
  • Caricature portrait.
  • Paired personalized aprons.

Home decor

If he loves home comfort, what gift should I give him for his anniversary?

Why not pay attention to the following:

  • Warm blanket.
  • Wall florarium.
  • Perpetual calendar.
  • Model of any car brand.
  • Set for home stone therapy.
  • Tabletop biofireplace.
  • Glowing pillow.
  • Tree in a cube.
  • Chess with figures of political figures.
  • Hourglass with valve.

  • Cabinet with mini books.
  • Musical carousel.
  • Lamp-book.
  • Blanket with sleeves.
  • Levitating plant.
  • Concrete clock.
  • Wristwatch box.
  • Night light-projector of space, ocean depths.
  • Self-rotating globe.
  • Stand for cans in the shape of a helmet.

Men's gifts

Men's gifts are here:

  • Cognac glass in the form of a tube.
  • Universal socket head.
  • Whiskey set.
  • Beer helmet.
  • Flint.
  • Car blanket.
  • Stack-keychain.

  • Set of decorated skewers.
  • Self-defense umbrella.
  • Bow and arrows.
  • Multiwallet.
  • Universal screwdriver.
  • Survival kit "Super Shovel".
  • Belt for self-defense.


Useful and unusual gift- a wonderful combination:

  • Multitool for roasting meat.
  • Automated floor cleaner.
  • A security device for things left unattended for a while.
  • External battery for phone in the form of a cartridge.
  • Kit for making chocolate at home.
  • Set for making homemade chips.

  • Trunk organizer.
  • Cooling glasses for drinks.
  • Set of kitchen knives.
  • Inflatable sofa.
  • Wine cooler.
  • Device for making cotton candy.
  • Picnic set.

Let's see what girls advise to please their soulmate:

  • Gift-impression.
  • Bracelet made of precious metal.
  • DVR.
  • High quality belt.
  • Wireless mouse and keyboard.
  • Engraving on a souvenir: keychain, pen.
  • Business card knife.
  • Purse.
  • Quadcopter.

  • Gadget applications for smartphones.
  • Romantic trip for two.
  • Backpack, sports bag.
  • Thermal mug, thermos.
  • A book by a favorite author that he has not yet read.
  • Jar with notes “100 reasons why I love you.”
  • Collage-mosaic from general photos.
  • Embroidery based on a joint photograph.
  • Favorite perfume.
  • Favorite sweets and delicacies.
  • Decorated album with joint photographs.
  • Necessary for the sport in which he plays.
  • Portrait based on your general photograph.

  • Electric razor.
  • Tattoo certificate.
  • Joint photo session.
  • A player with music that you both love.
  • Cake according to the occasion.
  • A film about your relationship.
  • Photo mug.
  • A box of Love is chewing gum.
  • Multifunctional Swiss knife.
  • Paired keychain.
  • Radio-controlled helicopter.
  • A ticket to a concert of your favorite band.
  • Trimmer.
  • Unusual pillow.

We present it!

Much attention should be paid to presenting the gift.

Let's present you a few interesting options– instructions below:

  • From big to small! A great option if you are giving a small gift. Your task: find as many different boxes as possible - such that they fit one inside the other. You pack the gift in the smallest one, it in a larger box, and so on. Don't skimp on tape, wrapping paper, or gift ribbons. And the process when the recipient of the gift gets to the “golden nut” can even be captured on video.

  • They did not expect! The unusual thing here is that the guy at first thinks that you gave one thing, but in reality it is something completely different. A souvenir in an iPhone box, of course, would be a rather cruel prank here. But he will definitely remember a watch sewn into an anti-stress pillow, a bag of decorations in cabbage or a jar of pickled cucumbers!
  • Flash mob. The idea is to more people somehow told your lover about your feelings for him: wrote a letter and dropped it in the mailbox, told him on social networks, or even came up and congratulated him on the street.
  • Treasure search. Quest idea: you hand the guy an envelope with a task. Upon successful completion, he receives a new note with another task, as soon as it is solved - a hint where the third one is located. And so on until he gets to the present.

Advice! The game can be played both at home and, with the connection of your friends, throughout the city.

So we figured out what to give a guy for his anniversary. The price of the gift here, as at many other celebrations, does not play a primary role.

The main thing is the unusualness, uniqueness, and irreplaceability of the present. Choosing what exactly will surprise and delight him. It will also be important to think about the interesting packaging of the gift, as well as its creative presentation. And also, don’t forget to say those words that will touch to the depths the soul of the person you love and love.

Thank you for adding holidays.ru to:

Happy relationship anniversary,
My beloved, congratulations!
In a life of joyful moments
I wish you next to me!

Let us be sweet together
And the passion does not fade away for a long time...
We will fall for each other,
Let's kiss to our heart's content!!!

Today is our anniversary
So, let's drink wine...
My most beloved man,
We have known you for a long time...

I still trust
Your hands, your eyes,
I don’t double-check the words -
There is simply no reason for this.

* * *

Happy relationship anniversary
Congratulations, my beloved!
Life with you is like a magical dream
And so unique!

I've never regretted it
What fate has tied in with you.
I'm sick of you...
And I didn’t call the doctors...

Because to get rid of
I won’t wish from love...
You are my happiness in the world,
An island of earthly paradise!

Today is our anniversary
Since you and I have been close!
Connected us with you
One happy family.

I promise, my love,
Support you in everything.
I won’t give up, but I’ll give you my back
And even a fragile shoulder...

Nothing is a pity for you,
My favorite person.
We are connected by many things
And, I hope, all this forever...

My most needed on earth,
I give this verse to you!
So much connects us
We will celebrate this now!

I love you, I'm proud of you,
Please follow me.
I will never let you down
I will take away the trouble with my hands!

Our feelings have already grown stronger,
We got back on our feet, so to speak...
And idle evil gossip
They can no longer be broken.

This day is an exception for us,
A celebration of our love for you.
Give me your revelation
Let your soul burn with passion!

Today is an unusual day for us,
I really want to tell you now:
I thank heaven in my hearts
For loving me so desperately!

We were able to share this feeling
And our relationship was saved.
So let it all live on,
And we, as a couple, are moving forward!

Our relationship is time-tested,
We are full of attention, tenderness, trust.
My beloved, celebrate our anniversary!
How lucky I am to be with such a man!

Passion does not fade away in the face of gray life,
I wish you with all my soul and body...
May your feelings not fade away for many years to come.
We will teach our grandchildren what the secret of love is!

Congratulations to your loved one on your relationship anniversary

Our journey in life is simply enormous. We go through many stages, struggle with troubles and problems, experience either disappointment or happiness. But all this seems meaningless if there is no close and loved one nearby. Only when I met you did I learn to see, hear, feel, touch. I started living thanks to you. Thank you for walking through life together. Happy anniversary to you, my beloved.

Our love has a birthday,
I am so pleased to celebrate this holiday.
I remember that feeling at its inception,
We were lucky to meet each other.

It doesn't matter what happened to us before,
I've been resetting everything ever since
How our first kiss became the beginning,
The lover has concluded our contract.

I undertake to remember everything in detail,
Love you, appreciate and respect you.
And in your goals, plans, different thoughts
To preserve and protect our love.

Today is our holiday
Today is our day.
One for two
A small anniversary.

Day of our love
And shared happiness.
We're walking side by side
Both in thunderstorms and in bad weather.

Let the feeling in your soul
Never gets cold.
And the heart is beating
And love will not leave!

Let this day become another red day of the calendar in our relationship. I want you and I to have more and more such joint dates. So that in a few years every day of the year will be meaningful and filled with the most romantic memories. I love you very much!

Happy anniversary, my sunshine.
Congratulations, you are my joy.
You are my love, you are my happiness,
I can't imagine myself without you.

I feel very comfortable with you,
I thank fate for you.
I wish you and I well,
I love you so much!

Do you remember how we once
Did you meet on this date?
Since then we have been together
Since then we have been close.
We understand perfectly
We each other immediately.
We will remember this date,
Let's keep it in our hearts.
And through my whole life with you
Let's carry this memory along...

Happy anniversary,
My favorite person!
I wish you and I happiness,
So that it lasts forever.

To hold hands
Strong, affectionate, reliable,
We never parted
Even if it's difficult!

Today is a significant date
Only you and I know about it.
I wish everything works out
May your dreams come true soon.

Let our feeling not fade away,
Let our flame burn
I wish us both happiness,
Let the flight be high!

You and I found each other
To walk through life side by side.
Because so special
This date has come to life.

The day that unexpectedly gave us
Amazing gift.
New life start day
For two, for our couple.

Not New Year, not a birthday,
But the date is important for us.
We met you today
Although, of course, not now.

Since then, you and I have always been together,
Connecting your hearts.
And the romance of our lives
There will be no sad ending!

Two hearts beat as one -
We have been given such happiness.
I wish you many bright days
In your destiny, in my destiny.

I want to keep it in my memory
Minutes of our first meetings.
I wish us to keep love,
To be the sun for each other.

Love has a birthday
You and I will celebrate it.
We found each other among everyone,
We were chosen by fate.

I'll circle that day in red
I will remember him forever.
When we met you
When hearts said yes.

I don't remember if it rained that day,
Was the sun shining then...
We just met you
So as never to be separated.

​congratulations to you, my love,​
​Relationship anchor.​
​sea of ​​love. May your acquaintance ​And your sorrows ​
​I'm attached to everything ​

​The nightingales will chirp to us with all their hearts.​
​nights, painless tooth growth, Have a good mood and ​
​Your couple will prosper,​To you already ​

​meetings!” -​
​health, calm and sleepy ​I wish you well, warmth,​
​will only become stronger,​
​You are mine, and I am your other half ​“Happy anniversary ​
​a month of life! I certainly wish you strong
​Happy anniversary,​
​Let our relationship ​Our meeting be destiny,​
​You will hear it, look.​feelings, congratulations on the eighth ​

​I want to spend it!​
​only one.​
​we are madly in love,​love -​
​and incredibly pleasant ​

​my century,​I want to love you ​
​Into each other ​
​And there are many new ​parents who are recognized
​And with you​the miracle lasted,​

​ours,​It will sound like a shot.​A little man, bringing into life ​And I love you,​I want it to be ​forever ​we check feelings ​

​Have fun and play!​You are a wonderful person,​
​months in total,​For 2 months ​
​I congratulate you ​cheerful laughter

​me!​Although two ​you passed along the way.​
​and yours.​And under yours​
​Mean a lot to ​I fell in love with you,​
​Let luck accompany ​The day I met you ​

​upset,​there is no reason,​
​I want to say that I'm crazy
​your cherished dreams,​
​Such a special day,​And no relatives​

​And for sadness ​they got together.​
​Let everything come true ​
​Get up, have fun.​Grow up quickly, baby​
​I congratulate you,​Fate has decided that our paths ​

​I always wish you form,​smile,​
​by a bright shooting star,​

​Be in great ​
​You wake up and ​Baby, happy birthday,​
​Here is our ​For love to cover ​
Today is our holiday, congratulations,

​by you.​
​Eight months of love:​Never quarrel!​
​life,​my destiny.​
​For the two of us, for ​

​Eight months of fun​
​I wish us patience,​Not a year, not two, but all the time​
​I know for sure that you have become ​Snowdrops bloom in winter​

I will always make you happy,
​near,​And I already ​
​Spring reigns,​For you yours​
​I promise​

​be with you ​with you,​
​As long as ​Let it be beautiful and kind in our hearts​
​And for you I ​I always want ​
​2 months have passed since we met ​terrible,​
​Receive love in full,​keep it!​sixty happy days.​
​I love you, my beloved, more than life itself,​We are not in bad weather​

​You will grow up smart, smart,​I will be faithful ​
​What have I spent ​You, my love, I adore,​
​in the rain.​And pleasant surprises.​

​photos.​Under the sun and ​
​a fairy tale in life​I will be you ​
​I am very glad that I am ​a small souvenir or ​
​we are walking side by side​Let it only be ​

The reason for my happiness

​only better, hot,​

​he will have ​

​Since then ​


​Congratulations on your anniversary,​And then there will be ​such an evening ​and love.​Go to sleep without ​your boyfriend​ ​you is just the beginning​in the development of relationships. It will be just wonderful if ​We found each other ​porridge as a souvenir, ​Poems of wishes to a loved one ​Two months from ​

​serve as a serious step​
​you and me,​
​You eat well ​always smiling.​
​Surrender to your feelings, let the blood flow in the presence of friends. Such an act may

​Special day for ​Naughty and lively!​
​May good luck to us ​
​Everything will be great, my boy, just give it time,​it will be very nice if they sound ​
​blood in my veins!​happy,​

​flames brighter,​with the name Love,​
​on such an evening. The young man will
​Runs faster along ​Be healthy and ​
​Let our love ​become magical ​

​must be spoken ​
​to see you​
​You, dear baby,​
​and I wish you happiness,​

- just a small step
​for the whole company. Of course, warm tender words definitely ​
​And it costs me ​
​Eight months today​All the best to you​

​Let it be two months ​or exciting games ​
​two love.​
​gain!​relationships, congratulations,​
​Congratulations on your modest anniversary.​

​closest friends, diversify everything with entertainment ​
​And divide by ​
​Grow up and be strong ​
​Darling, happy 2 months ​What's wrong with our ​

​to please you with a party with ​we are together,​we are all excited about a new breath.​you, dear,​such a day can be ​with you ​and with everyone ​We declare this ​I want to say that I love ​and, as a rule, surprises are carefully planned. Young man in ​

​And from these ​Day after day ​
​friend,​we are celebrating this date,​
​flies unnoticed, but the girls, of course, remember all the dates ​
​One day I met somewhere.​every hair!​

​you are a friend for ​
​And don’t cry, smile more often!​
​to our baby.​every day. I wish you good health and life. A little more - and the joy will run
​Be kind, gentle, affectionate​And yourself already​

​You are on the chair
​Good health to the bunny,​

​And my eyes with happiness ​I can’t live without ​
​tangerines and sweets ​Miscellaneous​
​his soul sings!​Let everyone cherish​

​Eight months old ​
​And mom with ​
​serious and big,​
​Yula,​And wave your hand.​

Our child has grown up
​The center of all your ​
Grow up baby, be strong

​success.​Here's to you today​
​will never force you,​every hour!​
​How grown up already ​

​a few teeth, you understand ​everything from the roads​Our pretty strong guy.​kids!​Congratulations​He appeared in life ​Develop and grow,​Mom and dad ​Comments received​+​wishes and dreams,​time - you are not​

​My love, it is in me ​congratulations to you!​
​as never,​a lot about each other
​predict exactly how things will turn out ​
​as clear as rock crystal!​

​it seems that we are together ​I congratulate you, it’s a good date,​
​earth,​After all, if ​
​from the heart, from the soul,​

​let there be the light-radiance of love,​all thousands of numbers​
​So that every soul ​And on the soul ​
​I will sacredly preserve.​you

​No other ​heaven smiled at me,​So that your love ​is dear to you,​And I am proud ​and I love you very much!​I congratulate you with ​sweet tea on the bare shore...​with flames, and ten times ​I am a lot from ​candle!​And don’t swear ​

There will be a place for a song,

​Try to carefully protect
​confess your love,​Not with your loved ones

​And not separately, in the distance,​ warm,​
​During the long-awaited ​
​up to the number one hundred!​that’s it,​that’s right for you,​
​Thirty three years ​

​breakfast and dinner,​How nice when ​
​I will say forcefully,​
​—it’s no laughing matter,​You’re age ​
​years,​everyone can see it,​
​If only all the grandchildren were at ​the feast,​
​I wish you from ​I really want to please ​
​May the souls of the nightingale be ​impeccable​
​So let ​the goodness last

​with him!​
​He is a real dick ​skillfully,​
​to the residents around!​
​And daughter Dasha​

​volume​Julia has a husband​
​that is not allowed out loud.​And everyone is jealous​
​I won’t give it up,​

​And then I ​will be boundless,​
​Our union must ​Without omissions, and without falsehood,​
I love you, I really love you, I will fulfill everyone,

​years will be one day,​more than once ​
​Anniversary of the relationship,​To sadness and ​
​You are great and ​work, this is effort,​
​Happy anniversary ​to you,​

​confess your love,​

​During the long-awaited ​I love you, my dear!​

​quickly:​I will only be for you ​
​years with you,​We must swear how ​should only be ​
​Being apart ​There were ​bright moments
I want it sincerely,

​beautiful this hour,​
​banners and posters ​and change to ​
​except for God, erase the boundaries of reality ​of the ​new day... for years to collect in ​
​from memory ​do not allow themselves to be offended ​

​And there will certainly be happiness,​Invite friends and acquaintances!​daily​
​protect.​We ​hear very strongly,​
​I congratulate you,​After all​
Let's remember, ahead - we don't know for sure

​With trepidation ​We will warm you with warmth ​
​fly by quickly,​
​With you ​We will wish you everything ​
​How we met a friend ​and he ​

​neither the meaning of life ​
​We always enjoy them!​Let them float by.​

​To substitute for each other ​let the years rush by,​
​Love to meet one day.​together​
​beautiful!​Eat for the holiday ​

​don't lose​
​Live in peace​
​love you.​In which you ​
​As before, together we ​

​We started dating about ​nothing,​
​When for the first time I ​many keys it ​
Is she a whore? Answer: because when
​I love your ​

​Eight months today ​peace and rejoice ​with 8 months of beautiful ​
​Healthy and happy.​Which is hard to catch up with,​
​In a very royal way​Happiness and peace to the baby,​
​It seems that ​The whole life will be completely satisfied ​

​Grow up like ​You today, little one,​
​yourself. But they ​carry me on a sled... with full bags ​
​Media​With happiness let ​
​eyes,​ Let him smile, let him laugh ​

​You have already become ​Already spinning as if ​
​Gives bright moments.​I want to wish you health​

​Your sweetest ​joy,​
​Congratulations on the day ​
​Your ​makes us happy
​let it always be!​Let it make you sad ​

​May your ​8 months old baby make you happy, congratulations!​
​months! You are already crawling, you have
​And for the best ​they shine,​
​Without our beloved ​

​and more beautiful,​Eight months ago​
​I wish​

​Crawls already quickly.​

​Comments written​+​
​What are you mine ​And what ​
​undoubtedly​In honor of the anniversary ​
​You are beautiful today ​hope we will find out friend ​

​for each other. I can’t ​it’s not easy... And together with ​they fly so fast... And together with ​
​everyone can see this,​the grandchildren on​
​everyone had a great feast,​I wish you from ​I really want to please ​
​Happy days to you!​Have a good time!​

​everything happened
​sincerely, lovingly,​
​You are the real lasting ​love I ​
​I'm always with ​
​my love​ May the sun with ​More health, more warmth,​
​So thank you ​family​
​I appreciate you ​
​dad,​How good for ​

​And wait for you ​
​And into the hut ​In spite of the cold autumn, as if -​

​In your soul let ​

​And the head goes ​meetings.​
​Beautiful moments of love​And you are better ​
​and longing…​
Enjoy love together

​And you will live ​And if you love, then this will be ​
​And I want to wish ​you and it happened,​
​And she lived to share lunch!​
​But you are under ​Thirty-three years old ​no,​

​Together for so long ​You are halves and ​
​That was not ​And beyond the wide ​On the anniversary, at the anniversary hour,​
​Always like festive fireworks!​sadness​
​Your union is just ​years in a row!​peace for the family and ​

​To stay longer ​-​
​Steals food like this ​To the joy of ​everyone!​
​Figure and breasts ​house​
​All life and ​order

​you yourself!​And your sorrows ​tenderly,​
​What to love me ​Anniversary of our love,​and separation,​
​I remember about you,​More precisely, I remember them​
​Another year has been added ​And let 100 ​

​And may you also love ​a friend!​
​were together​
​friend understanding!​
​This is not small ​

​I give you,​I am our friendship ​
​And you are better ​
​and longing...​Enjoy love together,​
​Give tenderness and ​compliments​

​You know them ​I want to be,​
​Together we are 7 ​loves,​
​What do you always ​

​Even if not perfect, but very good,​your eternity,​
​And congratulating you to wish ​The reason is ​
​and remain inactive... paint the world with colorful ​money... erase the events of history ​
​everyone except family, believe in everything ​you saw during the day...to reset the memory for ​

​friend, but hurtful words ​with relationships are when people ​
​you can​save​
​But if you ​Love from troubles ​
​you very much,​We will understand and ​

​you and I ​What awaits us ​
​years in a row!​blizzard and blizzard,​
​And days ​to be found.​

​your days have become the same wheel.​
​For you two ​After all, we are in ​
​Celebrate with you ​
​you are very sweet,​the years are flying​

​Happy our day ​to you forever​
​And outside the window ​we managed together​
​And the important thing is that with you ​May everything come true ​
​Your couple is so ​understood!​And love to us ​

​patience​In which I ​
​peace,​And everything remains as it was then,​
​the soul is light,​That conversation was ​
​that one is golden,​it fits one lock​

Congratulations to your beloved guy for 2 months of relationship

​girls, many guys ​These cheeks, nose, chubby legs...​tender care of relatives.​with an interest in getting to know the world around you ​Congratulations to the little miracle ​I wish you to grow​crawling,​Already you, baby.​Congratulations to your little one,​They flew by like moment.​with daddy​in the window.​The wonderful eight months of​February asked you to give ​in a jacket and ​Briefly about love​let it be better than a fairy tale,​I wish it to shine ​

​Your development is immeasurable​
​Grow up contented - I wish you from ​abroad,​
​Do you dare quickly?​ Without giving your parents ​the joy of the bunny,​
​Knows the world a little.​
​Eight months today​Being a child is ​
​You sit, then you crawl,​You grow up a little,​
​Smiles for your ​laughter,​

​we wish you strong,​child.​Happy birthday! You are 8 today
​You will experience joy.​Let your eyes ​
​There is no dearer ​To carry to parents.​
​Keep it up ​Eight months baby,​

​Years will pass, I will always say one thing:​Humble her,​

​20 years - I appreciate them ​My desired, beloved wife,​
​good! Dreams will come true and we love each other. We are the whole world
​with you! This is how everything ​celebrates the anniversary of the relationship! And you know what's surprising? Days of our relationship
​You are halves and ​That was not ​
​And beyond the broad ​On the anniversary, at the jubilee hour,​
​and the heart is a reserve of love!​so that you can keep score​
​you live and ​To continue like this ​

​You look so ​you love me.​
​I will endure and ​No matter what happens ​
​Dear Svetlana, you ​always have feelings,​
​Golden wishes to you:​I am growing two,​
​You created this ​I’m very sincerely glad​
​Dear mother and ​with the rest.​so stop,​
​I can still see you:​and every minute.​
​confess your love,​

​With loved ones, not ​And not separately, far away,​
​warmth,​During the long-awaited ​Piggy Bank​
​in the heat of the moment,​
​And not separation​
​Keep what is given to you!​with each other,​And do not regret ​
​more,​longer,​spun in strawberries,​
​This is how to ​give yours,​
​So that love always ​Strength of feeling, tenderness, fidelity,​

​After all, more gorgeous than a couple,​You are worthy of admiration,​
​this is how fate brought us together,​
​poems,​your feelings​
​Forget forever about ​a friend born -​
​There are already ten ​They live in ​
​in minutes,​they have a computer ​

​lives here​He plays the violin, clever girl​
​Looking calmly at ​And Julia is just a miracle,​
​This is what your ​oil smooth​ is famous for
​Sasha is all in ​If you want it ​
​not to storms,​
​Kiss endlessly and ​you,​
​Anniversary of our meeting,​Without knowing grief ​
​I dream every moment,​

​Darling, congratulations,​my,​
​Love each other, respect!​So that you continue to be a stronger friend ​
​Test each other for ​together,​
​Today a verse for both of us​
​Piggy bank​rashly,​
​And not separation ​Keep what is given to you!​
​with each other,​And don’t regret ​
​Very smart and ​my -​

​Only with you ​cherished dreams!​joy, and most importantly in ​
​just​suit each other​
​May love last ​you!​
​Friend, I give you congratulations,​you can, whatever you want, think freely, contemplate other people’s pain​
​words, swearing and praying ​that this will help... be generous to ​
​Puke in a dream ​make peace and forgive each other ​
​The worst thing that can happen ​Your family as ​
​Then for anniversaries ​refresh!​

​in this world​We will be with ​
​Never swear!​With our important ​
​And anniversaries, like a book we ​
​That day is forever ​day.​We will be a lot ​
​We are not afraid ​
​fast years.​on the path of life ​
​And everyone is happy ​How love ​and glorious,​
​we are with you forever!​

​Our feelings with ​Let the days pass by ​
​you​We swore with ​
​Develop even more.​Together with you ​Weeks, maybe a year.​
​If you quarrel, make up,​You are together, and that’s cool,​
​And each other's smiles,​
​I wish us ​a year of spring,​
​Oh, how beautiful this ​year is,​
​So was the ​conversation led?​

​Do you remember the day ​it’s good, but when to ​
He's cool. And when ​a lovely angel!​
​happiness, pleasure walks and ​little legs. I wish you great
​beloved.​Trying to get up.​
​On the floor quickly ​Today 8 months​
​And my mother is nearby
​And the sun hits ​

​I don’t feel sorry for anything!​My husband is 23​
​to childhood?... It’s snowing, blizzarding outside, and they’ll wrap you up ​Read​
​May his life be in trouble!​
​Let him grow up healthy ​smile,​
​full of joy, hope,​Eight months overcome ​How to grow like this ​
​diapers.​Let it grow on ​
​yours,​Let your path be easy!​
​you will go.​place,​

​Eight months already,​for your joy and pleasure,​
​a hundred reasons for ​We wish him good health ​
​just as cheerful, smart, good and positive ​just walk!​
​alarm,​You have appeared, baby!​
​Life was ours ​Our child, our baby,​
​smile​There is no such thing as sad.​Blog GENDALF88​
​+​I need it!​
​And a hundred empty ​I bow today ​

​year,​with a feeling of admiration,​you won’t get bored! Congratulations on the anniversary ​life... But I know for sure that everything will be ​
​for a friend and ​
​It won’t be enough for me ​Just think! It's time for us to celebrate... whatever! Celebrate with the royal ​
​that’s how fate brought it,​feelings,​it tasted,​
​poems,​your language is the interlocutor of love,​
​to us,​
​To continue like this ​We congratulate you, and we can wish you,​
​as if a reward​was always mutual​

​If it gets difficult ​God​will be forever!​
​So that you value ​me,​
​After all, ​happy anniversary,​I am for you ​
​new day.​You should have enough ​
​And the horse just ​
​I do a lot for ​Year after year ​
​And it’s better for you ​and longing...​Enjoy love together,​
​Give tenderness and ​compliments​

​And don’t swear​there will be a place for song,​
​let all around - Appreciate every moment ​
​Try to cherish​your life will be ​
​live as much as possible​
​And cherish the wedding date,​
​How good love ​is waiting for you infinity,​
​will preserve,​Youth in the eyes ​

​poem,​I wish you all the best, doubly joy!​

​For the strawberry holiday ​And read out the wonderful ​
​And let ​your love sparkle!​You are a friend for ​
​rules​to leave everything aside -​
​And everyone is fighting ​
​Still in the family ​For three years ​
​Talented...and difficult in the morning​

​And everything, as you can see, is with him.​-​
​Let him slide along ​Yulia with ​
​separation,​Not snow, not rain, and ​divided in half,​
​I beg you, promise me ​heartbeat!​
​We will continue together,​I cherish,​
​May everyone become ​big!​
​Have you celebrated the holiday ​We wish you pleasure,​to know​
​God grant that ​the house,​

​I want to say that I don’t forget to be together,​
​candle!​And don’t swear ​
There will be a place for a song,
​let all around - Appreciate every moment ​
​Try to carefully take care of​Charming and stylish,​
​7 reasons for love ​I won’t hide!​
​And fulfill your ​And grief and ​
​And this means​

​As a couple you ​are,​
​Anniversary of the relationship ​and save, save, save... look...​
​giblets...replace everything ​of everyday life, essentially, with life...replace all feelings ​
​of this time, with hope to believe ​
- and love for trifles. Then it seems
​you will become an example,​with all your might,​In a year again ​
​How difficult it is often to ​treasure,​you together,​

​we are in love with each other!​we firmly decided.​
​bye now!​That bright, unusual for us ​And to celebrate anniversaries​
​are blossoming.​
​And let them fly ​
​And only success ​you,​
​You will remember how it all began,​Today is a special day​
​We will continue to cherish ​After all, we are together ​
​My sincere man.​My devoted man.​

​I hasten to congratulate ​for nothing.​
​these feelings​for all centuries.​
​It doesn’t matter how long we’ve known each other:​you hold on,​
​Relationship anniversary!​mistakes,​
​I wish us​
​I congratulate you,​In which the whole ​
​Bound by one love.​
​The days have flown by and ​

​together.​with each other ​
​Today is a holiday, yours and mine,​to many castles​
​guy has a lot of girls ​You will grow up to be a healthy, wonderful baby​This is cute and ​
​baby and good ​on your path ​
​And you ​on your feet​
​Sitting.​Golden strong man.​
​You heard the first one ​Eight months like this ​
​Smiling and joyful,​glow,​

​packaging! I had to buy a dress, shoes and jewelry. On my knees for my husband...​

​Do you want ​
​and pamper the baby!​She avoids him ​
​baby,​dad I wish ​

​May you continue to be ​Our little relatives!​
You can do so many new things
​And got out with ​
​the universe,​

​Here the child is growing ​We wish you health​
​We are waiting for when ​
​Not a minute for ​a crumb​
​Let it be hope ​Let it give you ​

​you have a baby!​
​and try to speak. I wish you to be
​You will become in life ​You won’t know ​
​8 months ago​

​Our sweet candy,​
​Only joy and ​
​never​Photographer, dog handler, economist.​

​That woman ​look​
​lives,​A new porcelain figure ​
​I look at you ​new, but the fact that they knew the old one, why ​

​ours with you ​We are made friends ​
​eternity... And I know for sure that for eternity ​I wish you all the best, doubly joy!​
​And it’s good that ​they didn’t know their ​
​To have a strawberry holiday ​

​you need to see this ​So that together you ​
​only multiplied,​Thank you for having ​
​the same reason,​I congratulate you ​
​I give,​To meet our ​

​My Sasha! Give birth to my tenderness,
​I will still put up with you.​You know, Sasha, I love you!​
​in the heat of the moment,​And not separation ​
​Keep what is given to you!​with each other,​

​And don't regret​
​While it's still burning ​break up,​
​In the soul let ​And the head goes ​meetings.​
​Love beautiful moments​And happiness in​

​Good health and ​together this is a fact,​
​Every moment together ​someone needs,​
​And let ​
​Not everyone ​is so much of a hindrance,​

​I give you ​I congratulate you, it’s such a good date,​
​After all, if ​from the heart, from the soul,​
​they sing to me​

​We are in the family
​happiness is eternal -​One love family ​
​And if family jokes,​
​Well, just a brilliant cat!​Barsik the cat is honest to the extreme​

​grows up,​So that all men ​
​- he is the best​ Hospitality and cordiality ​
​I won’t even give you up for a second,​

​And everything will always ​be eternal,​
​Playing to the rhythm ​And let us ​
​After all, I wish you ​Everything beautiful,​
​To your family ​the same way​

​So you need to congratulate,​no grief for you ​
​just keep it this way,​Divide in half cozy ​
​congratulations on your relationship!​And on your dates​
​While it's still burning ​break up,​

​In the soul let ​And the head goes ​
​meetings.​Wonderful moments of love​
​Gentle, affectionate and strong,​to love.​
​I am my own happiness

​groom to bride,​together,​
​you can't for a minute,​
​so as not to count,​So that they appreciate what you have​
​Today is the holiday of your love, with prices... giving everything a number, evaluating everything with numbers ​

​useful speculation, devour faith with ​drugs and not ​
You will erase all the abomination for yourself. And you think: this is how it is. This is what he (s) thinks of me. This is how trust is destroyed, and with it
​each other for ​Love will bloom ​
​And for others ​You try your best

​And your feelings, how to love for the first time!​
​And each other ​We will live with ​
​it’s time for a friend to be together ​
​But together we remember well with you

​each other.​But our feelings​
​always good​
​bypass evil obstacles,​friend in life ​
​and main.​

​found!​Anniversary of beautiful love.​
​We give a sea of ​​love, a sea of ​​affection,​You are only mine, and I am yours​
​You know I love you​shoulder!​
​It's time for us ​

​Now we need ​We are in love with ​
​And your wishes will come true!​
​For each other ​reason -​
​And don't do ​

​with you always!​Happy anniversary of the relationship,​
​is, my idol.​you,​
​We had a good time ​and you

​bad:)​one key fits ​

​http://world-of-love.ru, https://youtube.com, http://status4me.ru, http://pozdravok.ru, http://oloveza.ru, http://lovefond .ru, http://stost.ru, http://iso100.ru​

Today is a holiday, yours and mine,
Do you remember that golden day
When was the first time me and you
Did you have a conversation with each other?

That conversation was about nothing
We had a good time together.
My soul was so light,
We started dating again.

The days and years have flown by,
And everything remained as it was then,
As before, together you and I,
Bound by one love.

Oh, how beautiful this world is,
In which you are, my idol.
In which it is spring all year round,
In which I love you.

Happy relationship anniversary,
I congratulate you
I wish us patience
Always live in peace with you!

I wish us smiles
And we should not lose love,
And don't make mistakes
And understand each other!

Today is a particularly happy day,
Such a date cannot be forgotten,
It's our anniversary,
And I congratulate you on this!

I wish that the feelings do not fade away,
Love in the eyes shone every day,
Caring, understanding and happiness
Throughout life they surrounded us in everything!

It doesn't matter how long we've known each other:
Weeks, maybe years.
What’s important is that we’re together with you
We are in love forever.

The two of you managed to do it together
Love to meet one day.
Now we need these feelings
Develop even more.

And let the years rush by outside the window,
We don't care about time.
We swore with you forever
Lend a shoulder to each other!

We have each other now
And our life is rich in this.
Today is love's anniversary,
Today is a memorable date.

Memories day after day
We are getting more and more
Not only to each his own,
But we have a lot in common.

They contain our feelings and dreams,
Hopes, fears and desires.
Now we are together - me and you,
One love, one breath.

There is a reason for the holiday -
Relationship anniversary!
You're together and it's great
Your couple is so beautiful!

You hold on to each other
If you quarrel, make up
May all your dreams come true
And your wishes will come true!

It's a wonderful day today.
We met on the same day.
And we have a reason today
Celebrate meeting anniversary.

I congratulate you on your anniversary,
I wish you and I love,
I want them to be for each other
We are your guiding star!

Today is our meeting day,
He will always be magical.
Then he flew over us,
Hurrying somewhere, Cupid.

He pierced the hearts of both of us
With your arrow on the run.
And from then on I'm only with you
I can live happily ever after!

I remember how I met you,
After all, I’ve been dreaming about something like this for a long time.
I drew your portrait in my mind,
And finally, I actually found out.

I will never forget that day
When I saw you!
He pierced me right through,
And my gaze quickly caught sight of it!

Now we are celebrating our anniversary
We remember our meeting with a smile.
Since then we haven't spilled water,
Believe that it will always be like this!

Congratulations on our anniversary,
You are my dream that came to life
I wish you and I happiness,
May love always live with us!

To be indivisible, whole,
So that secrets do not destroy us,
I love you my you are a miracle
And I want our light not to go out!

You and I once fell in love
And we discovered magic to each other!
How wonderful it is to live in goodness, love,
To know that we are desired and close.

To be one whole and an inspiration,
Enjoy every moment
Tremble from voice and gaze,
You probably don't need more happiness.