Kinder-bazaar magazine, 2002

All parents of twins believe that they have won a double prize from fate, and they are absolutely right: for patiently waiting nine months for a miracle, mom and dad are doubly rewarded: not one, but two children at once!

The children themselves find themselves in a completely exceptional situation: they are faced with an absolutely unique experience - living life accompanied by a companion. It is known that the twin bond is a bond no less strong than those that connect mother and child. The lives of the little ones began in close proximity to each other, and then - day after day - they are not separated for a minute.

Strictly speaking, twins are not a very precise concept. Twins can be mono- or dizygotic twins, depending on whether the babies developed from one or two mother's eggs. In the first case, children are always same-sex: after all, in the genetic sense, they are exact copies of each other. In the second case, twins can be either the same or different sexes, and the similarity between them is no greater than between siblings born in different time: They share only 40 to 60% of their genes.

One person in duplicate?

Identical (monozygotic) twins grow and develop in an unusual atmosphere from childhood. The twin pair attracts a lot of attention from literally everyone: they are admired by grandmothers on the street and doctors in the clinic, kindergarten teachers and teachers. junior classes. This is precisely the problem: those around you are impressed by this picture of similarity, forgetting that in front of them are two different people, each of whom is a separate personality. The stronger this admiration, the more children are subconsciously convinced: their main advantage is that there are two of them and they are “the same.”

When adults address children by last name and in the plural, as if forgetting that each of them has their own name, the idea that twins are one is reinforced. Often those around them easily confuse the names of the babies or cheerfully emphasize with their behavior that the little ones are “impossible to distinguish.” Thus, the tendency towards psychological “merging” within the twin pair intensifies.

The psychological connection between twins is indeed extremely strong. Kids are ideal for each other as partners in all games: after all, they develop almost synchronously. They spend much more time together than siblings different ages and can boast of excellent mutual understanding. It would seem: what could be better? The parents received from fate as a generous gift two wonderful children at once, and each of the little ones, complete with their parents, also received an excellent friend. But it's not that simple.

The more similar twins are to each other and the better they get along with each other, the less they need to learn to communicate with others. It happens that identical twins-terletes, who each adore their own copy, do not speak “humanly” at all. Communicating with their “Alter Ego” in bird language, they feel great. The little ones play their own special games and it is unclear to them why other children so strange and different from them exist. Each of the kids often even responds to both names in turn, without realizing that only one of these names belongs to him. Some mothers and fathers don’t see anything wrong with this, and even strive to dress their children the same! As a result, a so-called “twin situation” arises, when the little ones identify themselves with each other and consider themselves as a single whole. The twin couple, as it were, creates their own “microcosm”, where no outsider can be admitted. And even for mothers an exception is not always made.

Monozygotic twins often develop very differently. They begin to recognize themselves in the mirror and use their own name later than ordinary children. Growing up, little cunning people share among themselves the skills necessary for life in a special way. For example, only one of them knows how to contact the outside world, expressing the interests of both (“Mom, we want to go to the zoo!”). But the other one can read and knows which button to press in the elevator. The skills that each person needs in full are distributed equally between the twins, as if they do not plan to part with each other! As a result, the twins master complementary functions, and each of them turns out to be completely helpless apart from the other. In addition, they subsequently find themselves disappointed because they expect from others the same level of mutual understanding as from their co-twin.

Black and white cinema

One of the most harmful and destructive myths regarding monozygotic twins is the myth that twins are born “as a set” - one good, the other bad. And unfortunately, there are people who believe in him. The unconscious idea is that a twin pair is one person, but the “good” twin embodies all the positive qualities of that person, and the “bad” twin embodies all the negative qualities. It may seem that what was said is nothing more than someone’s stupid joke, but any mother of twins can tell you how in the park (supermarket or on the street) some aunt turned to her, smiling radiantly. With the words: “Charming cuties, and like two peas!”, she pointed her finger at one of the crumbs and continued: “Well, this one is probably bad, and this one is good?”

With biological and psychological points From our point of view, such a polar distribution of personal qualities in a twin pair is a fantastic phenomenon, but children grow up the way their parents see them. And if mom and dad really interpret their little ones as “negative” and “positive” of the same “photograph,” the kids will sooner or later begin to adapt. Sometimes parents, without realizing it, push their children towards one or another distribution of roles. For example, the twin born first is treated as the “elder”, as a result of which he takes on the role of leader, suppressing the “younger” with his initiative.

Of course, opposite-sex twins are children who developed from different maternal eggs, that is, fraternal or dizygotic twins. They may not look alike at all, but sometimes opposite-sex twins bear a striking resemblance to each other. Probably because no one seeks to emphasize their differences: after all, everyone already knows that they are different. Each of them feels their own uniqueness, realizing their differences from their brother or sister. The conditions in which babies are born have a profound impact on them. Relationships in opposite-sex twin pairs are closer, and mutual understanding is deeper than that of brothers and sisters born at different times. The nature of these relationships clearly and unambiguously repeats the family pattern: kids take on parental roles. For moms and dads, this is a unique opportunity to see themselves from the outside.

Such a brother and sister spend their entire childhood hand in hand and feel great together. Perhaps the children will begin to move slightly away from each other in adolescence when girls are ahead of boys in development, but this is a temporary phenomenon. Only a couple of years will pass, and the old genuine and deep contact will return. Men who grew up from such boys have a keen sense of women, and women who have twin brothers understand men perfectly.

Boys and girls, as well as their parents...

Monozygotic male twins tend to have a very close psychological bond as a couple and feel closer to their father than their mother. Tomboys understand each other completely without words, are in solidarity in all exploits, and go to any “business” together. And if mom suddenly wanted to know who repainted the unfortunate neighbor’s cat with oil paint “to look like a tiger,” the only answer she can get is the answer: “We.” Now you understand that you can’t cope here without dad? The father in such a family resembles either the commander of a small platoon, or the leader of a small gang because only he can curb the indomitable energy of the children. The father of twin boys is always busy.

Surprisingly, if the boys are fraternal twins, the situation in the family changes radically. Dizygotic brothers realize that they are different and feel closer to their mother than to their father. After all, she feels their differences much more subtly and approaches each individual individually. Dads here, not grasping all these subtleties, often find themselves a little isolated.

Monozygotic twin girls are a real theatrical show. Babes with early age They get used to the increased attention of others and learn to take it into account. They are flirtatious and use their uncanny rapport to completely charm you. Four-year-old artists will recite a long poem in chorus, drawing noisy applause from the guests, and six-year-old young ladies, fixing two pairs of beautiful eyes on mom and dad, will always achieve what they want. These sisters are best friends.

Dizygotic girls behave in approximately the same way, but in this pair there are more differences, stronger competition and more pronounced jealousy. Young ladies may even quarrel and use mom and dad as a means of influencing each other. Babies are diplomatic and, as a rule, do not show preference to any of their parents. If there are other children in the family, girls establish a closer connection with the “free” parent.

Tug of War

One of the specifically twin problems is the problem of rivalry, and its roots go back to the situation of constant comparison between toddlers. Deep down, children want to be different from one another, and when a situation of “equalization” arises, they often rebel. In a hidden form, rivalry can also manifest itself in the opposite way: in the desire of kids to have everything the same, at the same time, and equally, as well as in their zealous struggle for “fairness.” If one asks for a drink, the second one comes running headlong, one found an acorn, and the second was in grief: there were no more acorns nearby. One crumbles his bun for the pigeons, and the second has already eaten his and now doesn’t know what to do. The only way out of such situations is to “appeal to reason” in children. Try to explain to the kids that it is better not to repeat everything one after another like monkeys, but to listen to their own desires. Say: “Igor, ask for a drink if you really want it, and not just because Petya asks for it. After all, you are not Petya! Good way Teaching children to be attentive to themselves means individually preventing certain desires. So, you shouldn’t ask: “Children! Are you hungry? A much better question is: “Who is hungry? Are you Artem? And Andrey? Who should I buy a bun for? Who wants ice cream? and encourage children to make different choices.

Some parents complain that their children make " star Wars” even in a situation where you should introduce yourself. For kids, it turns out to be fundamentally important in what order their names will be called, and the one who was introduced last will be offended to the depths of his soul. As a “way out of the clinch,” you may be offered a certain “knight move”: the one whose name is shorter (longer), whose name begins with the letter that comes earlier in the alphabet, or the one who was born first, appears first. It seems completely wrong to me when moms and dads are encouraged to use tricks and tricks like this. The easiest way to develop personality in a child is to treat him as a person, and not as a talking parrot. I think you should just talk to the little ones and explain to them that it doesn’t matter at all how you introduce yourself, and that arguing and sulking is ugly. It is necessary to understand where children have such an intense desire to stand out: perhaps each of them feels a lack of parental attention and thus tries to “catch up.” Perhaps they simply miss the time that mom and dad spend with them.

For families where the problem of twin jealousy is urgent, any competitive fun like: “Come on! Who will eat the soup first? Firstly, eating in a hurry is harmful, secondly, half of the soup will end up on the table rather than in the stomach, and thirdly, the losing twin will feel unhappy until the evening! On the contrary, it is useful for such kids to play partner games that develop imagination and require cooperation. A giant construction set is suitable for this purpose: it is simply not interesting for one child to play with it.

A wonderful game - real gardening, which in winter can take place within the confines of an apartment. Let the children plant indoor plants (from which you have prepared cuttings in advance) together in pots. Provide them with your sensitive guidance and, like a director, distribute roles: one can hold this rhododendron (or ficus), and the other can fill the pot with soil, and so on. Your tireless Michurins will understand the value of cooperation and realize that everyone’s help was irreplaceable: as a result, all three (the twins and the aforementioned ficus) only benefited from it.

The way to yourself

The mothers and fathers of all same-sex twins face a difficult, but very interesting parenting task. They have to, without violating the unique twin bonds, raise a separate personality in each child. This is especially difficult when the twins are monozygotic.

The formation of a child’s self-identification cannot proceed normally if adults do not see him as a unique person, different from others. Agree, in a situation where a toddler is constantly confused with a sister or brother, this is quite difficult. But the main thing is not even that. Parents should forget that someone once probably told them at least once: “monozygotic twins are one human being in two copies.”

There cannot be two identical people, because in addition to genetic information, each of us carries within us personal experience stay on this earth. This experience is unique and shapes each person in a way that is different from others. Surely you, too, have happened to inhale the smell of poplar buds in the spring and freeze under a flurry of surging memories, or, while hurrying along an unfamiliar street, suddenly feel in amazement that you have already been here. Each of us daily weaves our own invisible, thin lace of steps, actions, views, choices made, words spoken and unspoken. Each person lives his life himself, and no one can do it for him.

The main “psychological step” that parents of twins must take is to move away from the very moment of comparing children. After all, a persistent search and collection of differences is a sign of parental anxiety, and an attempt to continuously compare children is the preservation of a situation where children are considered not individually, but in pairs. Moms and dads must firmly understand: despite the fact that they had twins, their children are different people, and each of them should be considered separately.

In special cases, special measures are appropriate, and this is where parental ingenuity comes into play. Let moms and dads never even think of buying two identical toys in a store. Children should have different clothes and personal items. Everyone has their own bed and their own toy box. And girls, of course, have different hairstyles! Of course, toddlers still celebrate their birthdays on the same day, but everyone should have their own gifts and birthday cakes. Don't forget about name days - this is a great opportunity to give targeted attention to children. And ask that grandpa never address them as “Hey, bedbugs!”

When the time comes to take the children to kindergarten, during the first adaptation month it is useful to take the kids there not only together, but also in turns. This way, the children in the group will get to know each of the kids separately and will no longer confuse them, and the twins will gain the experience of “independent life” in a group. However, don't go overboard in encouraging children's independence. Jealousy is highly expressed in twin couples, therefore, emphasizing the individuality of each baby, distribute your attention equally.

A word to the victim

The birth of twins in a family is an extraordinary event. Parents will face difficult tests of patience, wisdom and ingenuity, and children will face a life full of exciting adventures. But for older children, having twins in the family can be a real blow. The baby, who just yesterday was the only object of attention for his family, has now moved not even to the second, but to the third (if not fifth) plan. It seems to him that the world has turned upside down, and peace will never return to his home, which recently was so cozy and quiet. And supporting the little sufferer is the most important task. He needs to have fun separately from the twins and have his own “corner of privacy.” Remember that it may hurt the firstborn if he sees how newly-minted blood brothers are now playing with forgotten but once beloved toys. Do not allow the younger generation to “waste” the things of older children, even if objectively they are of no value. You may have to buy a lot of things again, but if you want to use the treasures of your eldest child, I think you should first secure his consent. Some time will pass, and peace in the family will be restored again.

A huge amount of research has been conducted and thousands of scientific papers have been written on the topic of the psychological connection between twins. Some talk about an unconditional mental connection between twins, which is formed in one zygote. Other scientists argue that all the similarities in the behavior of the twins lie in their absolutely identical upbringing.

Of course, if two or more people dress in the same clothes, go to the same school and receive the same upbringing, then it is logical to expect the same behavior from them. However, all these fabrications are shattered by famous story twins Jim Springer and Jim Lewis, who were raised in different families hundreds of kilometers apart, but in the end their characters turned out to be the same. There are also more mystical cases that modern science simply cannot explain...

Mysterious connection. Eyewitness Oleg tells

I was born in 1980 on November 2 at 04:09, two minutes later my younger brother Eugene. All my life, Zhenya and I were inseparable, we went to the same kindergarten, then to the same school, even to the same clubs. We both loved to get the maximum adrenaline, as children we climbed on the roofs of houses, when we got a little older we started racing bicycles and even bungee jumping.

As we grew older, our hobbies diverged, my brother became interested in auto racing, and I became interested in medicine. It is worth noting that Zhenya became the best racing driver in the region, and took part in many prestigious competitions. My life was much more boring - I worked as an ordinary surgeon in a city hospital. Despite the fact that we had completely different interests, we spent all our free time together; we could not live without each other.

One day I was performing a planned operation. The operation was simple, when suddenly I became terribly ill left hand, the pain was so severe that I had to stop the operation and find another surgeon to continue it.

I injected myself with a painkiller and after 20 minutes the pain went away. I went to the emergency department to look at the medical records of the patients admitted. And then Zhenya comes towards me, accompanied by two nurses. It turned out that exactly half an hour ago he had been in a car racing accident. Fortunately, my brother escaped with only a broken left arm.

Those who are interested in the topic of twins or twins know how medicine explains “technically” this miracle of birth. This is the simultaneous maturation of a pair of eggs.

There is also the option of fertilizing one egg with two sperm. These options are still being explored. But what's really going on in the spiritual world before the birth of such people?

The topic of this reincarnation study was my interest in the topic of twins and twins, from a spiritual point of view.

Are twins for real? one soul in two bodies or that ?

The peculiarity of the sessions was that the people I invited did not know the topic of the study. “So that they don’t have time to prepare mentally,” I joked.

My clients and I explored the same questions:

  • details of location and time of incarnation,
  • main milestones of life's journey,
  • example with the ability to feel each other,
  • some comical and funny incident from the incarnation,
  • planning for incarnation in the body of a twin,

All texts of reincarnation dives are given in abbreviated form, but with full preservation of the original meaning.

1. Triplets girls, Caucasus, early 18th century

The girl Zulfiya was born in the mountains of Armenia, she has an oriental face, black eyes and dark skin. The environment was appropriate for the place, her mother in local traditions, with her head covered.

The girl had two sisters - her absolute copies. The parents were very proud of their triplets.

She felt a very close connection with her sisters. They all felt each other at a distance. One day one of them ran away to the edge of the village and got lost in the mountains.

Our heroine Zulfiya somehow felt the light of the presence of her lost sister. She somehow “knew” where she was. With the help of Zulfiya, they quickly found their sister, the girls grabbed hands and ran...

There were any number of comic incidents in their lives.

The triplets were constantly confused, and dad marked them with ribbons. So they constantly entertained the inhabitants of the village, fooling everyone with their similarity. But the girls were not malicious.

During intrauterine development, children felt like one whole. There was a feeling that The soul was alone and wanted to be upset.

This unusual embodiment enriches the Soul with energies.

Spiritual Mentors suggested that I should even live in different regions. And here in this story one Soul lives in three different bodies.

This is a completely different experience, unlike incarnation in different times or in different places.

Through such an incarnation the soul accumulates and enhances your spiritual potential.

Although when Soul was planning such a life, she was offered another option to choose from: a gypsy nomadic family in southeastern Europe. There would have been more extreme moments of life, which the Soul did not want at that moment.

2. Twin girls, France-Britain, late 18th century

This Soul experience was explored through the Akashic Records - a repository of information about everything human experience, events, past lives.

There are different stories in the incarnations of twins and twins: sometimes different Souls agree to come into this World together, and such Souls can be from the same group of Souls.

Although such Souls are very similar in energy and vibration, and very similar in their purpose, they cannot meet. Most likely, they will never intersect.

We were told that any Soul can incarnate this way, if it desires such an experience.

The mentors suggested looking at one example with male twins, without interfering with that experience. The client and I, of course, agreed!

The contract was concluded by two Souls, who in the previous incarnation were a loving couple, and now did not want to part.

Now they are two boys, completely identical in appearance. Two twin brothers feel and internally hear each other. Time passes, gaining momentum, these boys are growing up... Now they are already 18 years old...

All the comic episodes of that incarnation are associated with confusion in childhood, and in his youth with meeting girls. The brothers are so alike that others cannot tell them apart.

Only at the energetic level does one feel that they are different - one twin’s Soul is more “whole and healthy” than the other’s. Once in his field, the second brother begins to recover.

Their passing away occurred at different times - one brother in his youth, the other in old age.

When one Soul lived according to plan, having received the desired rate of energy charge, it decided that it was no longer necessary to live the entire further journey together. It was the choice of the Soul itself.

The Spiritual Guides accompanied the viewing with an explanation that on the earthly plane, the death of a child for parents and those around them is always a great grief and regret. But there is a higher meaning in everything, which can only be understood from the position of “viewing from above”:

The child's soul may leave early to give the parent the experience of compassion.

If there are no feelings in the family, then the Souls take on such spiritual teaching task, ambiguous by earthly standards.

All such issues are resolved at the Divine level.

4. Twin boys, Spain, early 19th century

This experience of the Soul in male incarnation in twins was associated with a rather tragic story.

... The man was writing something with a pencil in his office, by the light of a lamp on the table. In another episode, he, again alone, stood on a steep cliff, a sultry breeze blowing his clothes...

He had a brother to whom something happened. One of the twins died suddenly in his youth, passing away at the age of 14-15.

During the joint period of their lives, in their twin incarnation, they communicated with their brother, like one whole, always energetically feeling each other. And this time, at the very moment of leaving, he was the first to discover his brother.

We decided not to plunge into the tragedy of that story in order to continue research on our goal when both brothers were still together.

Between them there was invisible connection, because they are twins and very similar to each other.

There was a moment when one saved the other in a moment of danger.

While still a baby who could not speak, he began to pull at his mother, as if something had happened. The brother got his foot into a hole, and he would not have been found if not for the premonition of his twin.

A comical incident came to mind very vividly during my studies, during an exam. There was some kind of exam going on, one twin brother was sitting in the hall of the department, the second brother was outside the door, the teacher was walking with his hands behind his back...

One brother took the exam twice - for himself and for another!

And something funny related to the girl. They met the same girl, and she did not immediately understand that they were different people. She didn’t even know that she was communicating with twins, what a miracle it was.

How did such an extraordinary life go when our character lived his life alone?

He became either a writer or a poet. He always had the feeling that the twin brother who died sends him thoughts and ideas for creativity.

Exploring on the subtle plane, the answer came that it was a division of one Soul.

At that time the Soul needed to know two experiences - experience of life and experience of death.

How to Gain a Deeper Understanding of Yourself

All clients were greatly impressed by the dive sessions and remained in their pensive awareness.

As a result of these four research sessions, we discovered an additional the deep meaning of the birth of twins. More options for choosing a Soul have been added to the “incarnation card” collection.

Just imagine what opportunities for knowledge open up for us after studying at the Institute of Reincarnation, and what unusual research can be carried out on a wide variety of topics.

This skill greatly expands the picture of the World for both clients and consultants, and provides new opportunities for personal growth.

In addition, from such thematic immersions our clients receive a lot of unexpected things about themselves and their inner world.

photo A special connection. Can twins live without each other? A festival of twins was recently held in Vyksa. More than 30 couples, like two peas in a pod similar to each other, walked along the red carpet, surprising the audience.

It is believed that twins are special people. Many people around them perceive them as a single whole, ignore their differences, believe that twins think alike, feel alike, and never quarrel. There is also an opinion that there is a special connection between them all their lives.

Is it so? We decided to ask them themselves. Timofey and Semyon Vanchin, 4 years old:

Twins Syoma and Tim are very different boys. Semyon, despite the fact that he is one minute older than his brother, is physically weaker. Tim is stocky, dense, taller. In all his movements, his parents say, there is a certain degree of sedateness, measuredness and restraint.

Syoma is almost the complete opposite. He moves more, runs, and is less diligent than his brother. He is also very emotional, often smiles, caresses, and hugs.

The brothers also have different tastes for food: one loves sweets and flour, the other meat. Tim is interested in car brands, knows a huge number of them, distinguishes them on the street, but Syoma is not interested in cars at all, he is interested in everything related to nature: plants, animals, insects.

Their sameness is manifested in mutual love. The brothers are really very attached to each other, they get bored when alone. Although, sometimes they quarrel a lot over little things. They can fight, pinch and scratch each other. But despite all this, they love to make crafts together, go for walks, and listen to fairy tales. Sergey and Igor Ukhabov, 31 years old:

The Ukhabov brothers are distinguished only by close people, because in appearance they are very similar. Sergei is 10 minutes older, but despite this, many consider Igor to be the “older” brother. He is larger than his brother and since childhood he has been considered a ringleader, a lover of pranks and hooliganism. He is more categorical and stubborn than his brother, who is softer in character and can make concessions in case of conflict.

They actively took advantage of their similarity to brothers. For example, in high school, Sergei passed the history exam for his brother. Moreover, he received an “excellent” for his ticket, and a “B” for his brother’s ticket.

At the age of 17, Igor went on a date instead of the sick Sergei. Now, if twins are traveling in the same car and one of them forgot his driver’s license, the second brother can present it. Until now, no one has revealed the little tricks.

Since childhood, they have been connected by a common love for hockey: now the Ukhabov brothers play in the Regional Hockey League. But they like different women: Igor - blondes, and Sergei - brunettes.

There is still a very close connection between the brothers. They call each other ten times a day. Yulia and Olga Klementyev, 38 years old - As children, the Klementyev sisters quarreled and fought so much that their parents only grabbed their heads. One day in the village Olya literally threw her sister into a well! From there, Yulia was taken care of by her relatives. In retaliation, she pushed her little sister into the underground.

But when they grew up, the situation changed dramatically. The girls entered the Olympic reserve school and realized that together they are strong. Of course, there were incidents. One day, the sisters wanted to pass exams for each other, but the physics teacher noticed their substitution.

According to the sisters, their connection was so strong that they suffered from the same illnesses at the same time. If there is otitis media, then both have it. If some kind of bump pops up, it will happen again to both Yulia and Olya.

Now Yulia lives in Nizhny Novgorod, and Olya left for St. Petersburg. Until now, they often call each other and share their most secret things with each other. They like men completely different. Yulia is married to a sporty man, fit and strong in character, and Olya has always liked soft and calm men with a far from athletic figure. Come on, tell the difference

There are two types of twins: identical and fraternal. The first ones are very similar and sometimes seem to be a real copy of each other. Such twins are always of the same sex, have the same blood type and are very similar to each other not only in appearance, but also in physiological characteristics. But fraternal twins can be of different sexes and not look very similar to each other.

Among identical twins, a mystical invisible connection is often noted. True, some scientists deny such a connection. They believe that twins, even when separated from each other, choose the same model of behavior only due to the fact that they grew up and were brought up in the same conditions. They explain the emotional connection by the close emotional contact formed between the twins from the first months of life.

The first twin in terms of time of birth is more inclined in development to focus on one of the adults, showing more responsible, leadership, ambitious, and sometimes aggressive qualities. And the one who is born a little later is more carefree and gentle, more cheerful and cheerful, but at the same time with a streak of perseverance.

Opposite-sex twins, according to psychologists, make ideal spouses: girls have knowledge about male psychology and know how to help a man, and boys become understanding, gentle husbands.

Very often, parents try to emphasize the similarity of twins in everything. According to psychologists, this is not worth doing.

There is no need to dress twins the same, give them the same gifts and treat them as if they were one individual, advises psychologist Dmitry Poletaev. - You need to communicate with them as independent individuals, although you need to take into account the close connection between the twins and each other.

According to the psychologist, it is important to emphasize the individual traits and abilities of twins. They need to be encouraged to develop on their own. And then the close connection between the twins in life will only help them. The most famous twins in the country:

Olya and Tanya Arntgolts. At the end of the 90s, the sisters came from Kaliningrad to Moscow and entered the famous “Shchepka” the first time. Both became one of the most recognizable stars of the new generation of Russian cinema.

In societies dominated by so-called primitive thinking, twins have always been given a special place. Their birth was generally considered supernatural. In the myths of many nations there are twin heroes, creators of the original evil and good, symbolizing day and night, life and death. Among the Komi, these are the twin gods En and Omol - the creators of the heavenly and earthly worlds who created the first people. Among the Huron Indians these are the divine twins Ioskeha and Tawiskaron, among the Melanesians - Kabinana and Karvuvu, among the Nias - Lovanangi and Lature Dane.

The Christian religion also contains such dualism - God and Satan, whose confrontation is considered the engine of all things.

The Komi divide the universe familiar to us into two worlds - the real one, given to us in direct sensation, and another world, the spiritual double of the first. By turning to the twin world, the Komi sorcerer manages to influence real life.

Each person, according to Komi beliefs, has a so-called ort, a “double soul,” which usually manifests itself on the eve of a person’s death. He is usually hiding behind you, behind your left shoulder. During sleep, the ort can travel separately from its owner.

Binary, duality, “twinness” is recognized as an attribute of the highest supernatural power. One of the secrets that the Perm woman magician T.N. revealed to me. - this is the concept of the ubiquitous connection between paired, dual objects and divine twins - powerful root causes of events that oppose each other. It is this connection that is proposed to be used to increase your witchcraft power.

Of course, placing two identical spoons next to each other is not enough to feel a mystical response. Summoning items must meet some important requirements; they must have a special vudzor - a spirit-double of the items, which usually appears only through the efforts of a knowledgeable person.

“Twins” is just such a magical object. But in the hands of an ignorant person these are just painted cubes and nothing more. The oracle manifests its power only when interacting with the subconscious of a prepared person.

During mantic manipulations, through a person’s hand, “twins” connect to his internal intuitive resources. At the same time, human consciousness associates the cubes with the Perm ancestor gods and thereby animates the symbol. When you look at the cubes and think that these are “twins”, you associate them in your mind with the Biarmian myth - the Permian gods come to life and enter into dialogue with you. For a short time, a mystical channel opens between your subconscious and mythical reality, and your consciousness can catch the incoming information. And then each question finds its answer, and the unclear suddenly and miraculously becomes clear.

You become a medium, realizing your natural magical potential.