Floor. Boys typically weigh more than smaller girls at birth.

Heredity. Obviously, tall, stately parents will have larger children than a petite young mother and father of average build.

Nutritionmoms during pregnancy. Often, with a woman’s high-calorie diet, the fetus gains weight even before birth.

Physical and psychological condition moms during pregnancy. Stress and illness certainly affect the health and, as a result, the baby’s weight.

Mom's bad habits- smoking, alcohol. In this context, the child’s weight also depends entirely on his health.

Baby's weight at discharge

You need to be prepared for the fact that in the first days of life the baby will lose a little weight - by 6–10% of his birth weight. This can easily be explained by the fact that the baby is experiencing stress. He needs time to adapt to new living conditions. Mom's lactation should improve. At first, the newborn will make do with small portions of colostrum, since his stomach is very small. Subsequently, weight gain is calculated from the figure at discharge.

Weight gain in infants is a consequence of various reasons.


Well-being. When a baby is unwell, he eats worse.

Type of feeding. On artificial feeding Babies gain weight faster than infants.

Quality and quantity breast milk (with natural feeding).

Child's mobility. Active kids are more fit than lazy ones.

Modenutrition. When feeding “on demand”, weight is gained faster than when feeding “by the hour”.

Age. In the first months, babies grow faster, and gradually weight gain slows down.

Weight gain norms for newborns

So how much weight should a newborn gain? A normal gain in the first month of life is considered to be 90–150 grams per week. Over the course of 2, 3 and 4 months, the baby should “grow” by 140–200 grams per week. From 5 months to six months, the increase will decrease to 100–160 grams per week. Then the baby will gain weight little by little and by his first birthday he should weigh about 3 times more than when he was discharged.

Newborn weight table by month

This table, of course, is rather arbitrary. It is important to remember that children are individual in their development - one may grow faster, another slower. If the baby is healthy and cheerful, parents should have no reason to worry about “unusual weight gain.”

A child’s weight at birth is one of the most important indicators of the baby’s health. Along with height, chest and head circumference parameters, skin condition and color, weight play a very important role in the further speed of adaptation and development of the newborn.

A child’s growth is one of the most stable indicators and, as the child grows up, it maintains an upward trend. The same cannot be said about the weight of a newborn. In the first days after birth, babies tend to lose weight and by the third day of life the baby’s weight can decrease by as much as 10%. This feature should not unnecessarily worry a young mother, because weight loss after childbirth is a natural reaction of the baby’s body to the stress experienced and to the changed conditions of the surrounding reality. After birth, the processes of nutrition, blood circulation and breathing of the baby are transformed. In addition, the act of sucking the mother's breast requires constant physical effort from the baby. These features influence the fact that the newborn’s weight is lost in the first days of life.

Children also lose weight when breastfed from birth artificial mixtures. IN in this case the child loses less weight and gains it faster. This is due to the stable composition of fats and carbohydrates in artificial nutrition. In the first days, a breastfed baby receives extremely healthy colostrum, rich in proteins and vitamins. At the same time, the fat content in it is less than in mature milk, and the calorie content is correspondingly lower.

Premature babies and low-weight babies also invariably lose weight. At the same time, these groups of children can lose more than ten percent in the first days after birth, gradually making up for the lost values ​​during the first month.

Leaving the maternity hospital, the baby’s weight remains fairly stable and begins to grow at a normal rate of 20–40 grams per day, gradually approaching the initial values. From the tenth day of life, the baby gains 150–300 grams per week and by the end of the first month can weigh a whole kilogram more than after birth. This trend of rapid weight gain will continue throughout the first three months.

Normal weight in full-term infants at birth.

At birth, the average weight of full-term newborns is 2.5–4 kg. At the same time, these indicators, depending on many patterns, are quite difficult to predict. Method ultrasound diagnostics allows you to calculate the baby’s mass only approximately. Doctors note that firstborns, as a rule, weigh less than their brothers and sisters by an average of 500 grams, and the weight of boys exceeds the weight of girls by 100–300 g. Recently, the trend of the birth of “hero boys” has continued, when the weight and the baby’s growth is fixed at high rates. The maximum weight of a newborn, recorded in 1955 in the Guinness Book of Records, is 10.2 kg.

The main factors on which the baby’s weight depends:

  • heredity indicators;
  • duration of pregnancy (a premature baby has low weight, a newborn born later than expected has a high probability of exceeding the normal weight indicator);
  • lifestyle, dietary habits of the mother during pregnancy and her psychological comfort (stress and heavy physical activity increase the likelihood of giving birth to a low-birth-weight baby);
  • gender of the baby;
  • chronic maternal diseases (large children are often born to women with diabetes or obesity);
  • multiple pregnancy, etc.

Immediately after birth, doctors check the parameters of children with approved values. The table of the Research Institute of Pediatrics of the Russian Federation and normal weight according to WHO are slightly different.

Newborn weight table (WHO)

Weight indicators in gramsVery lowShortBelow the averageAverageAbove averageHighVery tall
Girls2000 2400 2800 3200 3700 4200 4800
Boys2100 2500 2900 3300 3900 4400 5000

Quetelet index

One of the most popular methods for assessing a child’s birth weight is the Quetelet index. This value is determined by dividing the height of the newborn by its weight. At the same time, the resulting value, which is included in the range of values ​​from 60 to 70, is evidence of a normal child’s weight at birth and one of the factors of full development.

Table of approximate calculation of the Quetelet index for infants

Example: Height - 51 cm, Weight - 3100 g.

At the same time, indicators less than 60 indicate a lack of body weight, more than 70 indicate its excess.

Weight loss in newborns

Children weighing less than 2500 g are assigned the status of low birth weight. In this case, it is not so much the baby’s weight deficit that is important, but the condition and formation of his internal organs and vital systems. Therefore, babies born at 28–37 weeks are classified as premature babies. The weight of a premature seven-month-old baby is only 1500 grams with a height of 41 cm. Such babies are often not ready for independent breathing and feeding and need special care and close monitoring.

In some cases, with chronic diseases in a young mother (heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, etc.), a baby born at term is underweight. In such cases, the child is diagnosed with malnutrition. Treatment of such babies consists of individual selection of a special highly nutritious diet. Newborns diagnosed with melon have a slightly greater tendency, compared to other children, to be thin.

Multiple pregnancies can also cause underweight babies. If babies are born at term and their organ systems are developed, then medical intervention is limited to observation.

Excess weight in newborns

If a baby is born weighing more than 4000 grams, the doctor classifies him as a large child. Baby “heroes” are often born to tall and plump parents. Recently, the number of newborn babies with high birth weight has increased. Why is there still an increase in the birth rate of large children? There are several versions. The reasons for the birth of large babies include: diabetes and obesity in the expectant mother, unhealthy diet of a pregnant woman, hemolytic disease etc. Often children with high weight are born to mothers who took certain vitamin complexes and some hormonal supplements during pregnancy medicines, drugs with high glucose content, etc.

Correction of excess weight in a bottle-fed baby involves individual dosages of the formula. When breastfeeding, children develop quite harmoniously and by the age of one year the problem disappears on its own. Sometimes a pediatrician may prescribe massage, swimming and other physical activities for children.

The first thing doctors do after giving birth is to weigh and measure the baby. These numbers are very important. They show whether the child is normally developed. Any abnormalities in a newborn primarily affect these indicators. At the same time, different standards are provided for premature babies, since they develop a little differently.

Baby's weight at birth

A child’s weight is one of the most important indicators of his health. Now this parameter can be determined even with ultrasound diagnostics in the early stages of pregnancy. If deviations from the norm are identified in time, it will be possible to adjust the mother’s behavior and nutrition so that these violations do not lead to drastic negative consequences.

It is important to know the size and weight of the unborn child immediately before birth. If the fetus is too large, doctors will advise C-section, will be able to prepare and take all measures to prevent injury to mother and baby.

It is no coincidence that height and weight are measured immediately after childbirth. This will help predict the further development of the child, prevent possible diseases, etc. These same parameters will affect a person’s health in the future, when he becomes an adult.

The weight of a newborn baby depends on its gender. As a rule, boys are larger than girls. Also, second and subsequent children are heavier than firstborns. There is also such a pattern: larger babies are born in the northern regions than in the southern ones.

What should the weight be?

The ideal weight of a child at birth should be at least 3 kg, but not exceed 4 kg. However, an error of 0.5 kg up or down is allowed. Doctors consider a normal weight to be between 2.5 and 4.5 kg. With these parameters, there is no talk of deviations. These average norms apply to fully term children born at 37-40 weeks of pregnancy.

A child is considered low birth weight if his body weight is less than 2.5 kg. In this case, difficulties arise with nursing him, special nutrition and conditions are required. This newborn will stay in the hospital longer than usual.

The capabilities of modern medical centers allow babies weighing only 1 kg to be delivered. Such children are more lethargic, sicker, and their immunity is weakened. In the first months of life, they require close attention and careful care. Then they gradually catch up with their peers. In the future, no special problems arise with their development.

If on later During pregnancy, low fetal weight is diagnosed, then the expectant mother is transferred to a special diet enriched with vitamins and nutrients.

The main reasons why low birth weight babies are born:

  • prematurity;
  • malnutrition;
  • multiple pregnancy.

Excessive fetal weight should alert doctors and parents. It indicates developmental disorders. The most common reason for this is obesity. It is caused by the mother's poor diet. It is necessary to add fresh vegetables and fruits to the diet, and completely eliminate flour, fatty, and high-calorie foods. Also, excess weight can indicate the presence of endocrine diseases in both parents and the baby.

First of all, a large fetus is dangerous for the woman herself: complications may arise during childbirth, for example, rupture of the perineum. Most often, doctors advise a cesarean section. Otherwise, there is a high risk of birth injuries.

The connection between weight and height

However, weight or height are important not only in themselves. The ratio of these parameters is of great importance. So, if a baby is born with a body length of 56 cm, and his weight is 2600 g, then this ratio will not be normal. The child weighs too little for his height.

You can calculate the correct relationship between these two most important parameters using special correspondence tables or using the Quetelet index. To do this, you need to divide your body weight (in grams) by your height (in centimeters). The result obtained is the Quetelet index. How many units is normal? This is considered to be a value from 60 to 70. If it is less, then the baby is underweight. If it is more, then it is already considered that there is excess body weight.

Why might weight deviate from normal?

Of course, all normal values ​​are averages. In some cases, the deviation is predictable and quite expected. Many factors influence the weight of a newborn:

  • Heredity. If at least one of the parents is tall and densely built, then it is very likely that a large baby will be born. If mom or dad, on the contrary, are very fragile and short, then most likely the child will be small. If you know how much the parents weighed at birth, you can roughly calculate the weight of their baby.
  • Maternal nutrition. Dietary habits greatly influence the intrauterine development of the fetus. The mother needs to eat properly and regularly. The diet should be rich in various nutrients, vitamins and minerals. You should definitely include a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits in your daily menu. Cereals and grains are beneficial. It is also necessary to pay attention to the methods of cooking: it is better to exclude fried and smoked foods from the diet.
  • Bad habits of parents. Women who smoke and drink are much more likely to give birth to weak and low-birth-weight children with various developmental disabilities. Therefore, pregnant women should absolutely not smoke or consume alcoholic drinks and drugs.
  • The mother's mood also affects the condition of the fetus. Stress, quarrels, even bad mood negatively affect the unborn child, which can also lead to weight loss.
  • Healthy and strong children are more often born to women who lead a healthy lifestyle, creating an atmosphere of goodwill and good mood around themselves.
  • Excess weight in the fetus may occur due to problems with the endocrine system in the mother.
  • In multiple pregnancies, the weight of future children may decrease.
  • Chronic diseases, especially gynecological ones, do not allow the baby to fully develop, so a low birth weight baby may be born.

Excess and underweight: danger

It is necessary to constantly monitor the weight of the newborn and check the relationship between weight and height. The child’s well-being depends on this. When you are underweight, some conditions develop, and when you are overweight, others develop.

Why is underweight dangerous?

  • violation of thermoregulation, children with low weight quickly freeze;
  • immunity decreases, the baby becomes sick;
  • Hypovitaminosis and anemia develop.

Why is excess body weight dangerous?

  • developmental lag from peers (it is difficult for the child to control his body, it is more difficult for him to unlearn movements);
  • obese children are more likely to suffer from various allergic reactions;
  • The mother of a large baby must undergo examination; his excess weight may indicate the presence of diseases.

To avoid such consequences, every effort must be made to ensure that the child’s weight is normalized in the first months of life. At the same time, you must remember that weight and height are closely related. Of course, you shouldn’t go too far. You should always take into account the general condition of the baby. If he grows, develops normally and has no complaints, then we can only be glad that the baby is strong and healthy!

  • was the baby originally full-term or premature;
  • constitutional, hereditary characteristics of the parents;
  • gender of the child;
  • type of feeding (breastfeeding, artificial);
  • presence of concomitant diseases.

There are weight and height tables (centile tables), which show the average weight and height norms. You can find them on the Internet. But, as a rule, they are intended more for doctors to objectively assess the child’s development. It will be quite difficult to understand them yourself, and even impractical.

The weight with which the baby was born does not always affect its development during the year, if we are talking about a healthy child born between 38 and 40 weeks of pregnancy. Birth weight depends on how future mom What diet did you eat during pregnancy, what kind of lifestyle did you lead (active or sedentary).

A child’s weight of 4,000 grams, for example, at birth does not always mean that he will gain more than a baby weighing 2,700-2,900 grams. It all depends on the factors described below.

On average, the weight of a full-term baby is within the following limits: for boys at birth 3,500 grams, for girls – 3,350 grams. Deviations from the norm are allowed from 2,700 grams to 4,000 grams. Body length ranges from 46 to 56 cm, with an average of 50 cm.

Let's analyze the norms of weight gain by month for newborns.

Norm of weight gain in newborns by month

In the first 6 months of a newborn’s life, the rate of weight gain per month averages 800 grams. In the second half of the year, the normal weight gain for infants is 400 grams.

In total, the child’s weight increases week by week, respectively, by 200 grams before six months and by 100 grams per week after 6 months.

Child's growth by months

The growth of a healthy child during the first 12 months of life increases by a total of 25 cm. More accurate indicators are given in the height and weight tables.

Norms for monthly increase in body length:

  • 1st quarter – 3 cm monthly;
  • 2nd quarter – 2.5 cm monthly;
  • 3rd quarter – 2 cm monthly;
  • 4th quarter – 1-1.5 cm monthly.

More accurate indicators of the normal height and weight of children under one year are given in centile tables of height and weight.

Features of height and weight gain in premature infants

If the baby is premature, then the increase in body weight and length depends on gestational age (meaning the week in which the baby was born). As a rule, the schedule for gaining weight and body length in such children is individual for each specific case. And indicators of weight and height vary in relation to full-term children.

Let's break down the baby's weight by month in case of prematurity:

  • during the first 6 months, the average monthly weight gain for children born with a body weight of up to 1,000 grams is about 600 g, with a weight of 1,000 - 1,500 - about 740 g, and with a weight of 1,500-2,500 grams - about 870 g ;
  • in the second half of the year, children born with a body weight of up to 1000 g gain about 800 grams of weight monthly, and for larger babies the gain per month is 600 g.

The growth of premature babies during the first year of life increases by 26.6 - 36 cm. Usually by 2 - 3 years they catch up with their peers.

How do the constitutional characteristics of the body and hereditary factors affect the height and weight of a child under one year old?

Most parents like to compare their child with others. For example: “Here, a friend (neighbor, relative) has a child the same age as mine and weighs much more than mine. Why are we not improving? This means something is wrong."

And it seems that there is something to think about, but there is no need to panic. We are all different in genetic structure, some are thin and tall, others are stocky and short. So, these are the types of constitution described:

  • normosthenic;
  • asthenic;
  • hypersthenic.

The development of a child also depends on factors such as heredity. If mom and dad short, and there is no one tall in your immediate family tree, then you shouldn’t expect your child to gain 5 cm every month. This principle partly applies to the child’s weight. We cannot change what is inherent in nature.

Gender of the child and rate of weight gain in infants by month

Boys in most cases initially weigh more at birth than girls. Accordingly, the increase in both weight and height will differ. These differences are also included in special centile tables.

The influence of the type of feeding on the weight gain of the newborn

At this point I would like to note such a nuance as overfeeding the child. Previously, it was believed that overfeeding could only be done on artificial nutrition. However, there are cases, quite often, when a mother overfeeds her child.

In both cases, there is an intensive increase not so much in body length as in body weight. That is, if a child gains monthly growth around the average and 1,500 - 2,000 grams in weight, then it’s worth thinking about whether we are feeding the baby too much and too often.

After all, uncontrolled feeding leads to consequences such as delayed motor development and skills. The child later turns over, sits down, stands up, it is difficult for him, the excess weight interferes. The development of the musculoskeletal system is disrupted, obesity and many unpleasant consequences are possible.

Concomitant diseases and physical development

Babies with certain diseases gain less in both height and weight. Or, on the contrary, a situation arises when the presence of a certain disease causes a greater increase in comparison with healthy children. There are many diseases, let’s try to figure it out by highlighting the most common groups of diseases:

  1. Diseases of cardio-vascular system. Congenital heart defects, especially complex ones, with circulatory disorders, heart failure. The reason for the weight deficit in this case is the following point. Due to the presence of the defect, the heart does not function fully, blood circulation is insufficient, the exchange of oxygen and nutrients between the organ tissue is reduced, muscles and blood vessels also suffer. This is expressed in delayed development of the child’s body.
  2. Diseases of the bronchopulmonary system. BPD (bronchopulmonary dysplasia), malformations of the trachea, bronchi, lungs, severe intrauterine pneumonia. All these diseases affect circulatory disorders. There is a decrease in the supply of oxygen to tissues and organs, which entails poor growth and weight gain of the child.
  3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Malformations of the intestines, esophagus, liver, bile ducts (intestinal atresia). Such problems are solved promptly in early dates after birth. Gastro-esophageal reflux (pathological reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus), viral hepatitis, inflammatory bowel diseases, in which the absorption of nutrients through the intestinal wall is impaired; suffered acute intestinal infections.
  4. Diseases of the endocrine system. causes excessive weight gain due to the accumulation of excess fluid in the newborn’s body and the formation of edema of the subcutaneous fat. This disease can be excluded by neonatal screening, which is performed on all newborns up to 1 month.

Usually blood is taken from the heel of a newborn in the maternity hospital. Genetic syndromes such as Praderra-Willi, Shereshevsky-Turner, and Itsenko-Cushing can influence large weight gain. These diagnoses can only be made by your attending physician or a specialist (geneticist, endocrinologist).

And in conclusion, I would like to give advice to parents. In order not to wonder whether my child is developing normally, I just need to visit my pediatrician every month, who will examine the child and monitor weight gain and growth. Then he will tell you how the baby is developing. If necessary, prescribe timely examination and treatment, if required.

Some babies are born large, others tiny. This is influenced by many factors. According to WHO indicators, a child’s normal weight at birth will convey the state of his health.

general information

When a newborn is underweight or overweight, it is important to determine the cause of the problem. The normal weight of a child at birth ranges from 2.5 to 4.5 kg. Boys have a higher rate than girls. For babies, the upper limit is 4 kg.

How much should a baby weigh at birth? The optimal figure is considered to be from 2.6 kg to 4 kg. It is believed that the mass depends on the numbers that were noted at the birth of the parents. In fact, in the womb, babies develop according to different laws.

Table of normal weight of a child at birth:

During pregnancy, mothers expect to find out ideal weight child by age, head and tummy circumference, length femur. If only this indicator differs, and no other deviations have been identified, do not worry ahead of time.

The normal birth weight for a boy is 3.3 kg and for a girl 3.2 kg. The table evaluates deviations for timely contact with specialists. The main role is played by height and body weight. They are used to establish the Quetelet index. To do this, weight in grams is divided by height in centimeters. A value between 60–70 is considered normal.

An ultrasound does not always accurately determine what a child’s weight should be. Often the indicator differs from birth weight. Women in labor noted a difference of half a kilogram. When performing an ultrasound, a woman is determined to weigh about 4 kg, and the baby is born at 3.5 kg.

Reasons for changes

The first day after birth, the weight of children decreases by 100–200 g, provided that the mother gave birth without any special deviations. The maximum reduction occurs at 300 g. This occurs when swelling is relieved, the intestines are cleansed, and the diet has not yet been established. Everything returns to normal on the 5th day, after the 10th day the mass will begin to increase regularly. When breastfed, the baby recovers more slowly than when bottle-fed.

What determines the weight of a child at birth:

  1. gestation period;
  2. gender of the newborn;
  3. chronic diseases;
  4. multiple births.

Premature babies are often low birth weight. If the newborn is born later than expected, the rate will be higher. Nutrition during pregnancy and psychological stress matter. Stress and physical activity increase the risk of having a low birth weight baby. Large babies are born with diabetes or obesity.

The parameters of a child at birth weighing less than 2.5 kg indicate a deficiency, so they resort to special nutrition to normalize the child’s weight at birth. Despite the fact that babies are considered premature, by six months they have completely caught up with their peers.

The standard weight of a child at birth will differ if a woman smokes, the blood vessels narrow, and placental blood flow decreases. The indicator is affected by anemia, oxygen deficiency, bronchitis, pyelonephritis. Load on the body occurs when a woman gives birth before 15 years of age and after 35. These factors interfere with the normal functioning of the placenta and disrupt the transport of nutrients. There is a delay in fetal growth and development.

When a newborn weighs more than 4 kg, it means he is overweight. Children often suffer from hypothyroidism and metabolic disorders. This happens in 8% of cases.

The cause of excess body weight is:

  • post-maturity;
  • diabetes;
  • poor nutrition.

If the due date has passed, the fetus still continues to gain weight. When a mother develops diabetes mellitus, the baby’s glucose level increases and growth hormone increases excessively. A woman is admitted to the hospital at 32 weeks to monitor blood and urine sugar levels. During pregnancy, the mother does not eat properly, which leads to excess weight of the child during childbirth.

Insufficient indicator

Low fetal weight is observed even in the womb. Babies born at 28 weeks weighing 1.5 kg are considered premature. They are given the status of low weight. Newborns are often not ready to breathe and feed on their own, so they need additional care.

Babies of twins or triplets are considered full-term. Their weight is less than 2.5 kg, but this is normal. Newborns are completely ready for life outside the woman’s body. No therapeutic intervention is required, only observation by specialists.

Causes of insufficient baby weight:

  • heart diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • several fruits;
  • poor clotting;
  • problems with the uterus;
  • ecology;
  • frequent consumption of coffee;
  • smoking;
  • infections;
  • age of the woman in labor.

A deficiency leads to disruption of thermoregulation. The baby is cold and does not warm up for a long time, so a lot of time is spent restoring the temperature balance. Children are susceptible to various diseases, colds, hypovitaminosis, anemia, and they have reduced immunity.

To restore the normal weight of the fetus, a diet, vitamins are prescribed, and the number of calories is selected. Attention is paid to the general condition, the formation of internal organs and vital systems.

The woman is prescribed vasodilators, which improve blood circulation and relax the muscles of the uterus. Medicines against fetal hypoxia are needed. With positive therapy, the usual terms and methods of delivery are maintained. If the weight is not gained, early delivery is performed.

In the hospital, such children are cared for in a special way; after discharge, they receive normal food. You need to feed little and often. Give sweet water between meals. If necessary, the baby is fed with a mixture rich in proteins and fats.

Hardening, air and sunbathing are recommended. Activate muscle growth and weight gain with the help of gymnastics. Subsequently, the children are no different from ordinary children, either mentally or physical development.


A bad indicator is that the baby is overweight. Doctors treat this with caution, since the indicator indicates a disturbance in the development of the newborn and problems with the endocrine system in the mother.

The reasons for increased weight are:

  1. genetic predisposition;
  2. second and subsequent births;
  3. developmental delay;
  4. poor nutrition;
  5. different Rh factor among parents.

The high risk of perineal rupture leads to women being prescribed a cesarean section. After birth, the newborn will need extra attention.

During the first year, parents control the baby’s development. The woman is prescribed a balanced diet with low-fat dairy products, vegetables and fruits. Avoid fatty flour dishes, baked goods, smoked foods and foods high in calories.

At the beginning of development, the baby lags behind its peers and does not keep up with physical development. Subsequently, allergies and communication problems arise. Weight is adjusted with individual dietary dosages. Breast-feeding leads to harmonious upbringing, so the problem will subsequently disappear. Sometimes children are prescribed swimming, massage, and physical activity.

The mother should focus not only on the weight of the baby, but also on the general condition. If a newborn feels normal, it means he is growing strong and healthy. In order not to worry about excess weight or lack thereof, you should take care of this during pregnancy.

It is necessary to refuse bad habits, eat a balanced diet, see specialists on time, take vitamins and microelements. These are factors that influence the baby’s excellent well-being and good health.

The weight of a newborn child must be regularly monitored to avoid fattening. You can avoid problems if you do this at the initial stage of growth. They develop the composition and nutritional standards, clarify the nuances with a specialist.