The French braid is a very common and popular braiding technique. Many women decorate their heads with this hairstyle and Hollywood celebrities. As for the history of its appearance, everything is quite ambiguous. Many fashion designers say that this type of braiding appeared in the Middle Ages thanks to one court hairdresser with golden hands. He was originally from France, hence the name. But there is no evidence of this fact in documents or writings, so the mystery of its appearance remains unsolved. No matter what, you simply must learn how to braid a French braid at home, without visiting a beauty salon. The weaving pattern is simple, and you can see for yourself. You need to braid from three strands, while the braid itself should be tilted slightly to the side. Let's start learning this perfect weaving.

French braid: classic version

Classics are a timeless subject. A regular braid of French origin will always be relevant. We will explain to you how to weave this masterpiece!

Separate a strand of hair at the base of the forehead and divide it by 3. The volume of the braid will depend on the thickness of the bundle taken. We begin to weave like a good old braid, gradually adding side strands located below. We hold the left and central strands with our left hand, while with our right we pick up the strand on the right side and weave it into our masterpiece. In this case, a large strand should appear on the right, which we will intertwine with the central one. The action is repeated on the right side. When we reach the end of hair growth, you can tie the remaining hair in a ponytail or continue weaving a regular Russian braid. The photo, which explains the technique step by step, will help you cope with the task.

And here is the result of weaving!!

Option "vice versa"

This type of braiding is called a reverse French braid. Ultimately, with this weaving technique, we get a voluminous hairstyle that attracts the eye.

We start by carefully combing the head of hair and separating 3 strands at the top of the head.

We begin to weave a reverse braid by crossing the right strand with the central one. At the same time, it should pass under it, and not above.

Place the left strand under the right.

On the left side we separate a small bunch and connect it to the central one, which should currently be on the left.

We place the new strand that appears under the bottom of our Frenchie. The next step is to cross the new strand on the right side.

The whole braid is woven according to the same pattern, with strands being added one by one. At the end of weaving, secure with a hairpin. If desired, you can decorate the braid with flowers or hairpins with the addition of rhinestones.

Exquisite hairstyle is ready! We go out into the world, shocking the opposite sex with our masterpiece hairstyle.

4-strand French braid

Quite a complex option, but no less beautiful. The effectiveness of the hairstyle will allow you to wear it both in everyday life and at a celebration. Detailed description according to the diagram below. Learn and persevere. With such a braid you will not go unnoticed!

Decorate with ribbon

A common version of the French braid is braiding with a ribbon. The main thing is to choose a ribbon that matches the color of your outfit. For this hairstyle, you will need to braid a classic French braid or the other way around, with one significant difference: the tape should be secured invisibly under the central strand and pass through the hairstyle without kinks or twists. Look how effective this hairstyle is.

Bun option: instructions in the image

There's a date in the evening, but you can't figure out how to style your hair? No problem! You will undoubtedly like this spectacular braided hairstyle of French origin as an option for a meeting. Following the instructions, it will not be difficult to bring this creation to life! You just have to move from the back of the head, this is how it differs from the usual standard.

"Fish tail"

This weaving is suitable for any lady who dreams of impressively and neatly styled hair. Be patient and tune in to the result.

Comb dampened hair back with a comb. In the temporal region, select a strand on each side and cross them over the back of the head. Hold the crossed strands with one hand, meanwhile, select a strand from either side and place it above the strand above. Using the same pattern, select a strand from the opposite side. In this way, our masterpiece is woven to the end and secured with an elastic band.

There are no restrictions in performing such braids. Hairstyle variations are unlimited!

The French braid is considered one of the most popular weaves, as evidenced by numerous photos in fashion magazines. On its basis, unique and inimitable images are created, and besides, this hairstyle suits all women. Braided method french weave The braid is appropriate in any situation. The hairstyle is perfect for both business style and for a walk or party.

French braiding

Classic method

Many people are interested in the question of how to braid a French braid and whether it is possible to do it yourself. It will take a little skill to hold the slipping strands with your fingers, but after a few practices, a stylish and beautiful braid will be easy and effortless.

Before you start braiding, you should prepare an elastic band or hairpins to secure the braid, a mirror and a comfortable comb, and then follow the instructions and repeat the techniques shown in the photo:

  1. First, you need to carefully comb all the curls and comb them back without parting. Then a wide strand is separated, it is divided into three equal parts, which will form a braid.
  2. The beginning of the French braid repeats the weaving of classic three-part braids: the strand on the right side is intertwined with the strand lying in the center, as a result they change places. The left side of the curls is intertwined with the central one, and then everything is repeated. A regular three-part braid forms the top part of a French braid, resulting in a neat hairstyle.
  3. Holding firmly with your fingers the strand lying on the left side and the central part of the braid, you should separate right hand hair that lies below the strand on the right and pull it tightly to this strand of hair. This manipulation is called picking up and allows you to make the strand thicker.
  4. The resulting wide strand on the right should be intertwined with the central part, then hold these two strands tightly, forming the left component of the braid.
  5. The strand of hair on the left is also formed using an additionally captured part of the hair, just as the right part was formed, and is also intertwined with the central one.
  6. By alternating these manipulations, the braid is braided to the back of the head.

At the back of the head, the hairstyle can be fixed with hairpins or an elastic band, or you can continue weaving a regular braid of three strands. To make it stick better, it should be sprayed with a styling fixing agent. The photo shows in detail how to weave a French braid so that it turns out beautiful and neat.

Sequence of weaving a classic French braid

The locking strands fix the shape of the braid, so the smaller the additional strands of hair, the better the hairstyle will hold.

Reverse method

If the classic version seems boring, you can do a reverse braid.

This weaving is a little more complicated than the classical method, but it looks voluminous and original. The principle of weaving is practically no different from the classical method, however, a reverse braid is formed by laying strands not on top of the central part, but under it, as shown in the photo below.

Reverse French braid pattern

To braid, divide the curls into three equal strands and weave a classic braid, placing the side parts under the central part. After the upper part is formed, weaving should be used to pick up additional strands. In this case, each strand is also placed under the central one. Thus, everything is woven to the end.

You can diversify this hairstyle by braiding two braids. To do this, all hair should be divided into two equal parts, each of which, in turn, is divided into three strands. Each braid should be braided separately. At the top of the hairstyle, a regular braid is formed, then strand picking is gradually introduced to form a French braid. After the braids are braided, they should be secured with an elastic band or a hairpin.

Once completed and secured, you can add additional volume to the braids. To do this, gently pull out the strands with your fingers, as if fluffing them. This method will allow you to create effective and voluminous hairstyle as in the photo.

Three braid hairstyle

Weaving inside out or the reverse weaving method is an excellent basis for many styling. The advantage of this method is the ability to “stretch” the strands and visually give the braid thickness and volume.

Interesting and an unusual option is weaving three braids inside out. To do this, you need to divide all the hair on your head into three parts. First, the middle braid is braided and its tip is fixed. Then you need to carefully fluff the strands to make the styling more voluminous. Next, the side braids are braided, and the strands that form the braid are also stretched. Then all three braids should be fastened together using hairpins in such a way as to hide the resulting partings, and fix the ends of the braids together with an elastic band, as shown in the photo.

Three braids inside out

Weaving options

French weaving and reverse weaving are the basis for many original everyday looks. The main advantage of braiding is that it suits absolutely every woman, regardless of hair thickness. Braids can also be braided on not very short hair, as long as in a bob hairstyle.

French braiding will help you create original evening and everyday hairstyles:

  1. In grunge style: braid a thin braid at the temple, and comb the rest of the hair to the opposite side.
  2. For romantic women good option There will be a French braiding obliquely with the lower part of the hair loose.
  3. For volume: separate a small strand from the top of the head and braid a thin reverse braid with a catch, and then carefully fluff the braided strands.
  4. With loose curls, two braids, braided from narrow strands, look good, as in the photo.

Loose curls and braid

In order to remove hair from the face or braid a braid at the temple, you should use only one side of the strands. This will allow you to make a beautiful and graceful braid from a small strand of hair.

Using artificial curls in unusual colors when weaving will allow you to create a bright and unique look without dyeing your own hair.

Evening hairstyles

Using french braids, you can do a lot of original evening styling. Combinations of braids and curls with decorative elements will help create a spectacular formal look.

For example, you can braid two small back braids, and curl curls from the central part of the hair. Intertwine the braids at the back of the head and decorate with decorative hairpins or artificial flowers, as shown in the photo.

Evening look with French braids

Many are made based on French weaving wedding hairstyles. A bun of braids looks original. To do this, you need to braid a couple of braids using the French method to the back of the head, without braiding to the end, and form a low bun of loosely flowing hair. You can give your hair a unique shine using special sprays. For a wedding look, you can use ribbons, artificial flowers, hairpins with rhinestones and beads.

Another option is to braid two thin braids with a pick-up on one side and place them like a hoop around your head. Gather loose curls beautiful hairpin or leave them loose.

Braiding a braid. Video

You can learn how to weave a “reverse” French braid by watching the video below.

A braid is not only beautiful, but also very convenient. Having mastered the basic techniques of classic French braiding, every woman will be able to create original hairstyles on her own. Braids are a great option for every day and for special occasions.

Recently, the “French braid” has become especially popular among the fair sex due to the variety of options and beauty of shapes. And although this type of weaving did not appear in France at all (the earliest mentions were found in rock paintings in Algeria and are more than six thousand years old), there are several versions of why the braid is called “French”. One of them says that for the first time this method of weaving was widely advertised and introduced to the masses by a certain French stylist, placing it in contrast to the “English braid”. According to another version, in the eighteenth century, the hair of majestic persons was braided in a similar way by the court hairdresser at the Palace of Versailles. Which one is true is not important. The main thing is that the “French braid” suits everyone and looks great on any woman’s head.

French braiding (classic version)

The essence of weaving any of the “French braid” options is to add additional strands to the main strands of the braid from the free mass of hair.

The classic version is created as follows:

  • Hair should be thoroughly combed. Those with thin hair are advised to backcomb the front of the head first.
  • It is necessary to separate a small strand of hair above the forehead and tie it inconspicuously silicone rubber.
  • On each side of the central strand you need to separate one more strand of the same size.
  • Make a binding by throwing the side strands over the central one, as for a simple braid.
  • On the next binding, you need to add hair from the free mass of hair to each side strand. It is necessary to grab the strands on the sides and parallel to the height of the braid.
  • Braid in a similar manner until you run out of free hair (approximately to the base of the neck).
  • Next, you need to braid the braid to the end and secure it with an elastic band.
  • The silicone rubber band on the top strand must be disguised under the hair or carefully cut off with thin nail scissors.
  • You can leave the weave tight, or you can add pomp. To do this, you need to slightly lower the lower elastic band and stretch the parts of the braid along the entire length.
  • To keep your hair looking neat for a long time, you can spray it with hairspray.

To make any braid bright, original and festive, just add decorations, for example, a colored shiny ribbon.

Some tips for choosing tape:

  • The tape should be soft (without a metal frame inside).
  • The optimal width is 1.5 centimeters.
  • Before use, it is advisable to wash the tape so that the color does not fade or stain the hair.

How to weave (two of the most simple options from many possible ones):

  • A “French braid” with a ribbon is woven exactly the same as a classic or volumetric version, but instead of a central strand, a ribbon is used. It needs to be secured with a bobby pin chosen to match the hair under one of the top strands.
  • After dividing the hair into strands, from which a “French braid” will later be formed, it is necessary to tie a ribbon to the middle strand. Both ends of the ribbon must be equal and must be much longer than the hair (otherwise the ribbon may not be enough). Halves of the ribbon are added to the side strands. After this, a “French braid” is braided, but you just need to try to shift and add strands so that the tape always remains on top. It is best to rearrange the hair first and then place the tape on top of it.

French fishtail braid

Among other variations of the “French braid”, for its originality, “ fish tail ik", also known as "spikelet". It can be straight, oblique, tight, or fluffy, with a combination of other elements, for example, regular braids, buns, plaits or ponytails.

How to do a French fishtail braid:

  • Clean and thoroughly combed hair should be divided into two equal parts with a straight parting in the middle.
  • The French version of the Fishtail starts from the very forehead, while the regular one starts at the base of the neck.
  • To form a weave, it is necessary to separate small (conditionally equal) strands from the edge of each part of the hair and alternately throw them to the other side.
  • In this way, the fishtail is braided along the entire length of the hair, and at the end it is secured with an elastic band or a hairpin.
  • To add French charm to your hairstyle, you can decorate it with flowers.

The classic version of the “French braid” looks somewhat flat and is not always suitable for women with thin hair. However, stylists and hairdressers have found an excellent solution to this problem - this is the “reverse French braid”. It is also called “inverted” and “volumetric”.

When creating a “braid in reverse”, they are guided by the same principles as in classic version, but only the side strands are placed not on top of the central one, but under it.

The inverted French braid is often used with a variety of buns. The bun can be formed from the braid itself or collected separately, and can also be located above and below the braid.


  • The first step is to weave a “reverse French braid” (one or two as desired). It can start in any part of the head (at the forehead, at the neck, behind the ear, and so on).
  • The braid is woven to the desired location and secured (with a silicone rubber band or a bobby pin to match the hair color).
  • Then a bun is formed (braids, strands are twisted, or a donut is used).

The “French braid” looks very interesting, braided not straight, but to the side or in a zigzag. That is, weaving should begin not at the forehead, but behind any ear. Then weave not downwards, but diagonally. If a zigzag is planned, then when you reach the edge you need to turn the weaving in the opposite direction. Otherwise, the execution technique is no different from the classic version or the “reverse braid”.

How to braid yourself with two French braids

Such a wonderful weave as a “French braid” will look great in a double copy. This option will especially appeal to young girls for its originality, beauty and practicality. After all, you can do it for school, for a walk, for a party, or for a date.

  • You will need two mirrors, which must be installed opposite each other so that if you look into one of them, the back of your head can be seen in the other.
  • Divide the hair vertically into two equal parts.
  • Temporarily remove one part to the side and pin it to keep it out of the way.
  • From the second part, form a “voluminous French braid”, moving from top to bottom and tie with an elastic band.
  • Release the second part and do the same with it.
  • Fluff and decorate your braids.

Refined and sophisticated young ladies will love the “French braid with bows.” This hairstyle will look great with evening dress or a wedding dress.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • It is necessary to separate a small amount of hair from the forehead and tie it so that it does not get in the way.
  • The remaining hair needs to be braided into a classic “French braid” on one side.
  • Secure the finished braid with an elastic band.

  • Then the hair that is left should be combed and moistened with water to prevent frizz.
  • You need to thread a hairpin into the first ring of the finished braid.
  • Separate a thin strand from the mass of loose hair, moisten it, form two rings, one of which is threaded into a hairpin and pulled through the braid.
  • Hide the remaining tip under the hair.

  • Separate another thin strand and do the same steps, but only in the next division of the braid.
  • Same with all the hair left behind.
  • Straighten your hair and spray with hairspray.

And lovers of loose hair may find the “French braid” useful. For example, to create a romantic hairstyle, which hairdressers call a “French waterfall.” In it, the hair is woven into a braid and directed downward so that it really resembles streams of water.

Weaving order:

  • The braiding starts from the temple like a regular braid.
  • Three strands are separated. The bottom one is placed on the center one, then the top one is placed on the center one.
  • Lower again, then upper.
  • Now a small strand of free hair is separated above the braid and placed there, with their ends (the upper and additional strands) left hanging.
  • Next, the lower strand is thrown over the hanging one, which takes its place.
  • The top strand is thrown over again.
  • Now you need to separate a small strand under the braid and throw it on the top one (just like before the bottom one) and so on.
  • According to this pattern, all the hair around the head is braided (from temple to temple).
  • The ends of the “waterfall” can be left straight or curled.

It’s not without reason that people have been saying for centuries “the braid is a girl’s beauty,” because it can make any lady a little more beautiful, graceful, pretty, romantic and feminine.

French braid: video

The French braid is a braid with an unknown history of origin. Some fashion historians say that the French braiding appeared thanks to the French court hairdresser and therefore began to be called “French”. But this version still has no documentary evidence. What is French braiding?

This is a braid made of 3 strands, it is pressed tightly to the head and slightly. A French braid can be braided “in reverse”, in a zigzag, slightly similar to a “fishtail”, and also resemble a wreath.

Weaving French braids is not difficult, but to become an expert in this matter, you must undergo a series of training sessions with friends who long hair. After a while, you can easily braid your own hair. With this hairstyle you can appear anywhere and at any event.

What do you need for weaving?

The most important thing in this matter is the desire to learn and, of course, free time. Before weaving a French braid, you need to purchase the following tools:

  • Good massage comb;
  • A comb with a long pointed shaft at the end;
  • Hair tie, you can choose either a simple one or with decorative decorations, it all depends on your preferences;
  • Colored satin ribbons, you can include them in braiding or simply tie a braid;
  • Invisible hair clips, they will be needed if your hair is not too long or if unwanted strands are falling out of your hairstyle;
  • A product for lightly fixing hair, it can be mousse or varnish;
  • You can also decorate the head and the weaving itself with various interesting accessories to suit your taste (ribbons, beads, rhinestones, coins, flowers, lace, feathers, etc.).

How to do a French braid? Weaving technique

In order to master French braiding, you should start with the most simplified version.

  • This braid is braided directly from the forehead, including bangs right up to the back of the head.
  • To make the braid look most impressive, it is best to braid it on clean, freshly washed and dried hair. As we already said, this is a three-strand braid.
  • The first thing to do is to separate 3 strands from the larger mass of hair using index finger starting from the forehead, and the remaining free thumbs add a little of the rest of the hair to the braiding on both sides of the head. This will give you a tight, dense braid of all your hair.

This is not the only variation of the French braid, there is also an inverted, reverse French braid, it is also called the reverse French braid, and some hairdressers call it. The gentle, romantic braiding instantly captivated modern beauties; such a braid can often be seen on girls running on a date with their loved ones. How to braid such a braid? The technique is similar to the classic French one, only this weaving is purl.

  1. Comb your hair well so that there are no tangled strands left, and then spray a little hairspray on it or apply mousse to the roots.
  2. After this, you should distribute all the hair on one side. You need to start braiding from the forehead line. You need to select 1 large strand from the rest of your hair and divide it into 3 even parts.
  3. The outermost strand on the right side of the head must be pulled onto the strand located in the middle, and then the central strand onto the right strand on the right side, and the left one on top of it. Repeat these steps again.
  4. Strands need to be woven into a braid on both sides of the head until you reach the back of the head. Having reached the back of the head, continue braiding until the end of the hair length.
  5. Once you've finished braiding, tie the braid with an elastic band or ribbon.

Another option is careless, disheveled or. It is very easy to do, you just do a classic French braid, and then carefully loosen the braid and let a few strands out of the braid.

French braid headband

Hair should be clean, freshly washed and dried.

  1. Apply hairspray or mousse to fix it and feel free to start braiding your hair.
  2. You need to make a parting following the hair growth lines, the parting is located from ear to ear. Tie the remaining curls with an elastic band or pin them with a hairpin so that they do not interfere with you.
  3. Start weaving on the side of the left ear, the weaving can be any of the French weaving techniques. The strands for braiding should not be too wide.
  4. We braid the hair towards the right ear.
  5. Once you have no more strands to add to the braid, tie the curls or continue braiding until the very end and then pin the end with a bobby pin.

French braid zigzag

This braid will be easier to braid on the second day after washing your hair. This way the hairs will not fall out of the hairstyle and the image will be flawless. Short, medium and of course long hair is suitable for braiding. If you have long or medium-length hair, then the first thing you need to do is pin up your bangs and part them on the side on the side that you find more comfortable for yourself.

  1. On the side where the smaller part of the parting is, you need to select 3 identical strands and start weaving. The correct zigzag braid covers the hair only at the top.
  2. When you find yourself on the opposite side of your head, go lower and turn the braid in the opposite direction and continue braiding. With this manipulation with a 90 degree flip, you will achieve the desired zigzag.
  3. After this, you braid the braid and gradually it takes on the shape of the letter Z.
  4. You collect the remaining hair in a bun and tie it with a beautiful ribbon or elastic band.

Spit - French Falls

- These are chic French braids with flowing strands. Such hairstyles cannot be classified as easy, but if you put in the effort and a little patience, you will learn how to weave one of the most beautiful hairstyles.

  1. Choose 3 equal-width strands near your forehead. We will call these strands top, middle, and bottom;
  2. The strand on top should be placed on the middle one, and the bottom one in the middle, between the top and middle strands;
  3. We leave the bottom strand alone. From the bottom side you need to select a new strand, it will also participate in the process. With this strand we repeat the same thing as in the second stage. Just like in the classic variation, the top strand should be done with a grip. After completing one of the tiers of the braid, all the lower strands remain;
  4. We bring the braiding to the point you need and tie the hair.

These, of course, are not all the variations of how you can make beautiful French braids. With time and desire, you will master the rest, no less interesting options braid

Video: how to braid a French Waterfall

How to make a braid more original?

If you are tired of the usual image of such a hairstyle, then you can make your image more interesting by simply adding a beautiful ribbon to the weave; it can be of any color and texture. For someone new to braiding, it may be difficult to incorporate this type of ribbon into your hair, but time and practice will improve this situation. To make weaving easier, use only thin ribbons. In addition to the ribbon, you can decorate your hair with rhinestones or fresh flowers; with the addition of such accessories you will get a feminine and sexy look.

Video: French braiding

Master this beautiful hairstyle and become even more attractive!

The French braid is a common weave that enjoys well-deserved popularity as one of the simplest and most effective ways to create a hairstyle. There are many varieties of French braids, here you will find suitable option for each. It’s already difficult to surprise anyone with the classic version of French weaving. This braid, popularly called a “spikelet,” is actively used for a variety of occasions: from a neat hairstyle for a daughter in kindergarten, to evening version"coming out into the world" Many people want to learn how to weave it step by step.

French braids options

Of more interest are the various variations on the theme, here the stylists’ imagination really runs wild!

It is difficult to list all the modified forms, probably even for an experienced hairdresser.

In our article we will look at the basic methods of weaving French braids. These are simple and effective ways to create a neat hairstyle without leaving home. Step-by-step instructions with photos will help you navigate, and practical skills will help you achieve the desired result.

The name “French” is purely conditional: history, unfortunately, has not preserved either the name of the inventor or his nationality. There is a version that the name has become a household name, denoting something extremely fashionable, elegant and stylish (it’s not for nothing that Paris is the capital of fashion).

Traditional French braiding technique

The classic “spikelet” is not at all difficult to weave; all you need is a little skill and experience in such manipulations.

As facts show, even many dads are successfully able to braid their daughter’s hair in kindergarten or school by making a spikelet (following mother’s instructions, of course). To begin with, let's decide on necessary tool : a regular comb is quite enough, but if you take a hairdresser's version with a sharp tip, everything will become much easier. It is better to lightly moisten hair that is too fluffy or unruly with water or a special product. Now we can begin. How to do yeast mask

at home, read ours.

waterfall on long hair

  1. Algorithm for weaving a French braid “waterfall”:
  2. The hair is combed and parted at the side.
  3. We weave from left to right (and vice versa, for lefties).
  4. A strand is taken from the temporal part, divided into three parts and the weaving itself begins.
  5. Braids are similar to traditional ones, with one difference: the top strand, after it has been used, is released downwards by analogy with streams of water, which the hairstyle symbolizes. The braid is braided to the edge, then secured with invisible pins or, conversely, emphasized with a spectacular detail. Variations simple hairstyles

presented for girls in kindergarten.

waterfall: photo of step-by-step weaving

A great idea would be to curl each individual strand: this way you can get a truly evening look and a rather sophisticated hairstyle at home.

How to make a beautiful zigzag

If you try a little with the direction of weaving, you can get another type of French braid - a zigzag.

A zigzag made of several braids looks very beautiful, and therefore covers all the hair. will give additional volume.

  1. zigzag braiding
  2. Algorithm for weaving a French zigzag braid:
  3. Comb your hair and make a side parting.
  4. We start weaving from the temporal part, grab a strand and divide it into three parts. The strands are grabbed only from one side, the weaving continues to the other side of the head. When weaving is completed, we sharply “unfold” the direction of the braid, now we move in
  5. reverse side
  6. , in the same way.

For those with fairly long hair, you can make several “zigzags”.

There are a lot of zigzag options; you can make several braids; with certain skills, you can try to make a simple pattern of several zigzags.

The above instructions are a basic method; you can add many variations to your skill. Kare is a popular option among.

We weave in reverse

Another variation of the traditional French braid is the reverse braid. Visually, this braid seems to be done from the bottom up, what's the catch? Let's figure it out now!

reverse voluminous French braid

  1. The algorithm for weaving a French braid in reverse:
  2. Take a strand of hair from the top and divide it into three parts.
  3. Weaving is performed as in the classic version, only the next strand does not cover the previous one, but is “hidden” under it.
  4. We grab the side strands of hair and also, adjusting them to the base ones, bring them underneath the main strand of hair.

We traditionally fasten the bottom. A chic effect can be achieved by fluffing your braided hair a little.

To do this, in the finished design, starting from the top, the hair rings are slightly extended. Gradually, in this way, we reach the bottom, making sure that the rings have a uniform structure. The hair looks very voluminous and voluminous, even if in reality it is not. It is a mistaken opinion that weaving such braids is the lot of long-haired people. Girls with short hair

They can also show off French hairstyles, albeit not as chic. There are quite a lot of weaving options for the length of a classic bob. If your hair is very short, you can try to do something similar using fixing agents.

Ribbon as a decorative element Before mastering this type of braid, you should learn to perform the simplest basic techniques well. What’s good about this look is the variety of decor.

You can take regular satin ribbons, multi-colored openwork ribbons, and even combine several colors at the same time. always attracts the attention of others.

ribbon as decor for a French braid

  1. Algorithm for weaving a French braid with ribbon:
  2. The hair is divided into three parts, and a ribbon of a suitable color is tied to the central strand.

The braid is made according to the planned pattern, the ribbon is involved in weaving, the peculiarity is that the left strand must always be passed from the bottom of the braid.

This way the tape always remains on top. Inside out French braid hairstyles Having fully mastered the initial techniques of weaving French braids, you can begin to perform more complex options, from which you can already form a full-fledged

Most girls are quite capable of doing such a miracle on their own. Good helpers in this matter will be professional products fixation, especially for those with voluminous curls.

Some basic options holiday hairstyles we will give below, but the main clue here will be your imagination and additional accessories: unusual hairpins, hairpins, ribbons.

Reverse headband weaving - step by step

headband weaving

It is performed according to the braid-zigzag principle. We begin to weave from ear to next ear. Looks good with or without bangs. It can be either an independent hairstyle or an element in a complex. Thus, you can completely braid your hair in a circle (we get an unusual effect).

Openwork French braid - step-by-step instructions on how to braid long hair for girls

It is very loved by many brides as a romantic and beautiful wedding hairstyle for medium hair with a braid, about which you can find out in more detail. The secret is in separating weightless strands of hair when braiding in reverse. The braid itself should not be woven tightly, individual strands can be removed after, or they can be pulled out during the braiding itself. It all depends on the desired volume of the openwork braid.

complex version of French braiding

Element of a hairstyle with a pick-up - how to make such a braid correctly for beginners

You can give your hair an unusual shape using a simple technique - a pick-up.

The algorithm is like this:

  • We begin to weave a reverse French braid;
  • every other time, we put one strand from below, the strand is taken from one side and will stand out a little in the overall picture.

single braid

There are lower and upper lifts, depending on the side where the strands come from.

By combining simple French braiding techniques, focusing on your hair type and length, you can create truly homemade hairdressing masterpieces.