In a situation when bangs become uninteresting and there is a need to remove them, a pressing question arises: how can you pin up bangs beautifully when you are growing them out? There are a great many ways, you just have to choose the one that you think is most suitable or invent a new one. Let's look at the 11 most interesting options stabbing.

No. 1. Headband

A good old headband is the most convenient and reliable way to pin up your bangs when they fall over your face and spoil the overall picture of your hairstyle. And the girl who considers it an option for schoolgirls is wrong. Today, a headband is not just an accessory for fixing unruly hair, but a fashionable element of the image. Designers have introduced options for all occasions: casual and dressy, Greek, decorated with beads, crystals, pearls, feathers. In this case, the bangs can be laid perfectly smooth or with the effect of slight negligence.

No. 2. Scarves

Shawls with beautiful drawings or polka dots will not only remove bangs, but also create a piquant retro look. With their help, you can comb the strand back, create a voluminous tuft, or completely disguise it. For a business look, accessories in dark colors without prints are suitable, and for everyday and romantic occasions - bright scarves with rhinestones or beads.

No. 3. Hairpins

All kinds of bobby pins, crabs, and hair clips will help you pin up your overgrown bangs beautifully. In this case, the strands can be pulled back, having previously been combed, or combed to one side, sprinkled with varnish and secured with a bobby pin. Regular hairpin will become an element of a strict image, and a brighter and more elegant one will complement an evening hairstyle. When combing back, you can additionally experiment with the location of the hairpin: place it near the hairline, or on the top of the head.

No. 4. Parting

An option that looks no less impressive is when the bangs are evenly parted into two parts, securing each section with hairpins. The short variation is simply secured with bobby pins, while the long variation is twisted with flagella, braided or tucked behind the ears. True, this hairstyle will not suit everyone - only those with oval faces.

No. 5. Braids

Overgrown bangs can be temporarily and reliably “liquidated” by braiding hair. To do this, make a side parting, grab a small strand from most of the hair, divide it into three sections and begin to form a French braid, weaving strands into it from the right and left. Secure the braid with a thin elastic band. There are many options for braiding bangs: the braid can be lowered over the forehead, braided along the face, on both sides of the parting, or several thin braids can be made, running from the forehead towards the back of the head.

No. 6. Flagella

One of the interesting ways to thoroughly pin up an unruly strand is to form flagella. To do this, divide your bangs into several identical sections (3-6), twist each part in the form of a tourniquet and secure it with a hairpin, elastic band or crab. Hairpins in the shape of tiny flowers will create something like a wreath, creating an elegant look.

No. 7. Half-tail

The easiest way to get rid of bangs for a while is to gather the top strands into a half-tail, and then secure it with a hairpin, lacy ribbon or elastic band. In this case, the winners are the owners long hair and long bangs. The hairstyle brings freshness and slight playfulness to the image.

No. 8. Backcomb

A classic bouffant will help you not only remove annoying strands from your face and open your forehead, but also give your hair a luxurious volume. The combed strands are sprayed with varnish and pinned up or to the side using a hairpin or bobby pin. At the same time, it is allowed to comb the bangs to the side at any angle, thus masking some errors in appearance (for example, a scar) from prying eyes.

No. 9. Tuft

A stylish, creative, wildly original tuft will suit bold, theatrical personalities with very short bangs, clearly expressing their position in life. Tufts, mohawks, punk bouffants and other masterpieces of rock culture are created using strong hold styling products. Treat your hair with gel, foam or wax, comb it towards the back of your head, and then give it the desired shape. Secure with varnish for safety.

No. 10. Twist

This one the simplest way It will take you no more than a minute to pin up your bangs. Gather the top strands together with the bangs, twist them into a voluminous rope and secure them at the side with a bobby pin. The resulting twist will become a natural decoration of the hairstyle.

No. 11. Laying

Try to style your overgrown strands beautifully. To do this, divide your hair into a side parting, straighten your bangs with an iron and twist its ends outward, directing the strands to the side. You will make it spectacular evening option hairstyles If you have short bangs, try curling them with the rest of your hair and lowering them onto your forehead. It will look very perky and unusual.

We hope that we were able to solve your problem of “how to beautifully remove bangs when you grow them” by presenting 11 of the most interesting ways.

A girl's beauty directly depends on her hairstyle. Fashion trends change every year, some hairstyles become a thing of the past, others come to replace them. But, despite these factors, bangs always remain popular in fashion at all times, because thanks to them, a girl can radically change her appearance, emphasizing individual facial features. However, sometimes you get tired of bangs and have to grow them out. Of course, I want this to happen as quickly as possible and we will tell you how to grow bangs.

How to style short bangs

While the desired length of the bangs has not been achieved, they will have to be styled in some way so that they do not interfere. Exists a large number of ways to style short bangs. Although lay or stab short bangs not easy, let's discuss the simplest and fastest options.

Pin your bangs to the side. To do this, you can use bobby pins selected to your taste or choose a hairpin with a large flower. Accessory in in this case plays an important role. This installation is one of the simplest.

The next way to style unruly bangs is to pull them back. This can be done using invisible, plastic headbands or fabric headbands. Holding your hair to the top of your head, put on a headband, then move it forward slightly to create a little volume.

The third way to disguise bangs is to weave them into your hair. The bangs and nearby strands must be gathered into a half-tail at the level of the frontal part, intertwined and secured with hairpins or bobby pins.

How to increase hair growth rate

The average hair growth rate is 1 centimeter per month, however, if some procedures are done very well, the bar can be raised up to 7 centimeters per month.

  • First, you need to try not to expose your bangs to high temperatures, this may interfere with hair growth.
  • Secondly, review your diet. Try to eat more fruits and vegetables and reduce the amount of flour and sweets.
  • Thirdly, you can take special vitamin complexes or nutritional supplements that stimulate hair growth.

Massage treatments

Another important procedure that accelerates hair growth is scalp massage. Massage stimulates blood circulation, thereby improving blood supply to the hair follicles. The massage procedure can be completely carried out independently, without turning to specialists. This should be done at least twice a week. Massage should be carried out several hours before washing your hair, because as a result, the work of the sebaceous glands increases, and the hair may look dirty afterward. Also, you need to approach this gradually, you shouldn’t be too zealous. It is necessary to ensure that the massage brings only pleasant sensations; if this is not the case, then you are doing something wrong.

So, let's move on directly to the massage procedure:

  1. We do a light, shallow kneading of the brow ridges three times.
  2. We perform vertical stroking of the frontal muscle once.
  3. We perform slightly intermittent stroking of the frontal and temporal parts three times.
  4. We repeat the spiral-shaped continuous rubbing along the hairline at the temples three times, slowly moving to the behind-the-ear part.
  5. We do wave-like stroking of the frontal part of the head three times.
  6. We carry out circular rubbing of the temporal and frontal muscles. Once will be enough.
  7. We do it with our fingertips circular movements over the surface of the scalp three times.
  8. We perform deeper rubbing all over with our hands from the hairline to the crown three times.
  9. Lightly tap the scalp with your fingertips.
  10. Finally, we iron the hair from the crown to the shoulders.

Folk remedies: recipes

Gives a good effect folk remedies. Hair masks that allow you to quickly grow bangs are aimed at improving nutrition and irritation of the hair follicles, which gives a certain impetus to increasing the rate of hair growth.

Pepper mask

You need to mix 1 tbsp. l. pepper tincture with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil(you can also use regular vegetable oil). Apply the resulting mixture to the hair roots, wrap with polyethylene or a towel. Wash off after 1-2 hours. This mask helps accelerate hair growth and give it a healthy shine.

You need to mix 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 2 tsp. burdock oil and 2 egg yolks. Apply the resulting mask to your head, rub in and leave for half an hour, then rinse off. Egg yolks have a wide range of beneficial properties, in particular, are involved in accelerating hair growth.

Honey mask

2 tsp. mix honey with 1 tsp. cinnamon and 1 tsp. olive or vegetable oil. This mixture must be applied to the hair roots and washed off after an hour. Honey contains a huge amount useful substances and microelements that have a beneficial effect on hair growth.

Mix 2 tbsp. l. mustard powder, 1 yolk, 2 tsp. sugar, 2 tbsp. l. olive or vegetable oil and 2 tbsp. l. hot water. Apply to hair and wash off after an hour and a half. This mask can be used once a week to speed up hair growth.

Diet to speed up hair growth

To speed up hair growth at home, you need to follow a certain diet and be sure to include some foods in your diet:

  1. Raisins stimulate blood circulation, which naturally helps improve the nutrition of hair follicles.
  2. Beef contains zinc and vitamin A, these substances strengthen hair.
  3. Green vegetables promote the secretion of sebum, which is a natural balm.
  4. It will be useful to increase the amount of onions consumed in your diet. The beneficial microelements contained in it strengthen the hair.
  5. Fish contains protein, zinc, and vitamin B12.
  6. A good source of iron is wheat.
  7. Eggs contain a large amount of vitamin B12, which has a beneficial effect on hair growth.
  8. Poultry is an excellent source of protein and iron.
  9. Milk adds shine to hair due to its calcium and vitamin B12 content.
  10. Another great source of protein and iron is natural soy. It helps in saturating the body with oxygen.
  11. Thanks to vitamin A, carrots help restore the structure of the hair.
  12. Legumes are an excellent source of vitamin E. A lack of this vitamin can lead to weak hair and hair loss.
  13. Citrus fruits are a source of vitamin C. It protects hair from damage.
  14. Cabbage contains a huge range of essential microelements and is a very important product for hair growth.
  15. Nuts contain vitamins E, B, and protein. They are good for accelerating hair growth.

Compliance simple rules, will allow you to achieve faster hair growth, because often we ourselves have a negative impact on our hair without noticing it.

  1. Head massage should become a daily healthy habit.
  2. You need to go to the hairdresser and cut off 1 centimeter of hair. Renewing length accelerates hair growth.
  3. Your diet should be dominated by fruits and vegetables. You should limit your consumption of sweets and starchy foods.
  4. It is necessary to choose hairstyles wisely. Excessive friction can cause split ends and hair breakage.
  5. It is recommended to moisturize the ends of your hair with a special serum every day.
  6. Buy a comb made from natural materials and comb your hair slowly.
  7. It is necessary to reduce the effect of high temperatures on the hair, this destroys its structure.
  8. It is necessary to use shampoos that do not cause dry scalp.
  9. To speed up hair growth, you need to make various masks, for example, those whose recipes are given in this article.

In addition, we recommend reading the articles “Rules for hair styling” and “Rules for combing hair”.

Video: experience in growing bangs

Representatives of the fairer sex tend to change very often.

The fastest change of image is new hairstyle. But if everything is clear with the haircut, then growing curls is sometimes quite difficult.

How long does it take to grow bangs?

Nature intended it this way that, on average, a healthy person hair grows 1–1.5 cm per month. Having carried out simple calculations, we find that it will take about six months to grow bangs, and for female beauty this is an unaffordable luxury. Since all this time you will need to pin or hide your bangs, and this does not always look impressive.

But there are methods and methods that allow you to grow bangs up to 5 cm per month. We will talk about them below. It turns out that it is possible to make your hair longer in a short period of time and to grow bangs in 1–2 months. But let’s try to figure it out.

How to quickly grow bangs at home?

So, if you set a task grow bangs quickly at home , then it is necessary to resort to radical methods. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Method No. 1. Cosmetical tools

The key to success is high-quality cosmetics made from natural products.

Therefore, it is best to turn to proven, well-known brands that have proven themselves well and received positive reviews. Approach the problem comprehensively and use several hair growth aids at once:

  • shampoo;
  • rinse aid;
  • masks (mousses);
  • balms.

Remember: you should not overload your hair, so periodically replace cosmetic products with recipes traditional medicine, where 100% natural ingredients are used.

Method No. 2. Folk recipes

Masks based on mustard, red pepper, onion and garlic will help stimulate the hair follicle and allow hair to grow faster. These products are affordable for everyone, unlike the rather expensive ones cosmetics. In addition, when you make it yourself, you can be sure of its naturalness. Here are recipes for hair growth:

  1. Mustard mask. Turn 2 tablespoons of mustard powder into a creamy mass with water. Add 1 tbsp of castor oil to it. Mix and apply to the bangs area, having previously lubricated it, not reaching the roots by 1 cm, with clean oil. This is done so as not to dry out the hairs. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes and wash your hair as usual.
  2. Honey mask. Mix egg yolk and honey in equal proportions. Apply to scalp for 20 minutes twice a week.
  3. Pertsovka. Pour vodka over the pepper and leave for at least 14 days. Pepper infusion is also available in pharmacies and is quite cheap. It is mixed with castor oil 1:1 and rub in the area of ​​the bangs.
  4. Tomato rub. Grind the fresh tomato in a blender and rub the resulting mass into the bangs area. If necessary, such rubbing can be done over the entire head.
  5. Onion juice. Chop the onion and squeeze out the juice. Add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil to it and apply. This remedy is considered the most effective, although the smell remains. To remove it, you can use an acidic solution (vinegar or lemon).

Method No. 3. Head massage.

Since hair growth directly depends on blood circulation in peripheral vessels, stimulation of these areas becomes a necessity. The easiest way is to resort to massage. It is carried out with light massaging movements daily.

How to grow bangs without them getting in the way?

The main disadvantages of growing bangs include the fact that during the process of their growth, they get into the eyes, hang down in uneven hairs and terribly interfere with their owner. It is at this moment that many girls abandon the idea of ​​growing it out and cut off their short bangs again. But this method is quite radical.

You can remove your bangs so they don’t get in the way using hairpins, hoops, headbands, bobby pins, or simply braid your overgrown locks.

How to grow bangs and look beautiful?

If the decision to grow bangs has been made, then before you begin a long period of growth, you need to decide what exactly your bangs will be like in the future. After all, the shape of your face determines which bangs suit you.

It’s also worth considering how the image will change after the bangs grow out. It’s great if a hairdresser consults you, he will also advise which long bangs will suit you.

Knowing what the ending will be, be patient, since no one has yet managed to grow bangs in a week. Don't forget to consider your hair type when choosing cosmetic products to accelerate growth.

How to cut bangs to make them grow?

How to wear and pin up bangs when growing them out?

Initially it will save the bangs that have begun to grow invisible With its help, you can hide your bangs back or to the side. It will also save you if, when combing, individual strands of ungrown bangs come out.

When the length of the curls reaches 10 cm, you can safely divide the bangs in the middle and style them into an overall hairstyle.

Can be used as an accessory original hairpin , which will serve as an additional decoration and make the image interesting.

Headband perfectly masks bangs and suits any type of hairstyle. With it you can create an interesting hairstyle or just let your hair down.

How to braid bangs beautifully when growing them out?

In addition to hoops, all kinds of hairpins and headbands, it will look original when growing braided bangs. Still preserved fashion trend braiders and fashionistas can take advantage of this when growing bangs.

You should give preference to tight braids, as short hairs may fall out of lush ones.

How to grow bangs? For girls who love to experiment with their appearance, this is a pressing issue. Many react so sharply to strands of hair falling into their eyes every now and then that they cannot withstand the 3-4 months necessary for growth and again take up the scissors. But it’s easy to help the cause! You just need to provide the cut off curls with proper care, and for the period while they are in their “infancy”, stock up on several options for interesting and practical styling. After all, one of critical issues, when you grow bangs - how beautiful it is to pin them up!

Grow it or cut it off?

It is a rare woman who is not tempted from time to time to change something about herself. Transform from a blonde to a brunette, and from a brown-haired woman to a redhead; straighten curly hair, straight - curl into tight spirals, cut off the bangs...
It's a pity that the results of our experiments do not always meet expectations. And if in the case of paint and ironing it costs nothing to return everything to normal, then rashly snatched strands above the forehead turn into a real problem. And then the question arises - how to quickly grow bangs so as not to constantly remove annoying cowlicks from your face?

You have a whole arsenal of available tools at your disposal:

  • homemade masks;
  • salon treatments;
  • a whole set of small tricks.

Unclear? Now we'll explain everything.

But first, let’s decide whether it’s really worth growing bangs? After all, this popular element of the hairstyle has a lot of advantages: it softens the features of an angular face, corrects the shape of an elongated one, allows you to look younger and more perky, makes your look more expressive, hides minor appearance flaws like problem skin on the forehead or a receding hairline... On the other hand, only the bangs that suit you can cope with all these tasks. And choosing one without the help of a professional is very difficult!

First of all you need:

  • Vitamin A (liver, eggs, carrots).
  • Vitamin B (bananas, walnuts, legumes).
  • Vitamin C (citrus fruits, black currants and... potatoes).
  • Vitamin E (vegetable oil, seeds, sea buckthorn).
  • Vitamin H (yeast, oatmeal, cod).

It would also be a good idea to purchase a special vitamin complex for hair at the pharmacy, containing all the necessary substances in the correct proportions.

Other little things

Protect your hair from winter cold and summer heat

What else can help in the glorious task of restoring bangs?

  1. Combs made from natural materials. Iron and plastic often cause microscopic scratches, injuring the scalp. A wooden comb is more useful in this regard.
  2. High temperature protection. If you can, skip the hair dryer and straightening your bangs. If not, apply thermal protection to it.
  3. A haircut. Regularly, once every 2-3 weeks, trimming the ends by 2-3 mm, you will prevent them from splitting. The hair will breathe fully, which means it will grow well.

The main thing in the article

How long does it take to grow bangs?

Nature intended it this way that, on average, a healthy person hair grows 1–1.5 cm per month. Having carried out simple calculations, we find that it will take about six months to grow bangs, and for female beauty this is an unaffordable luxury. Since all this time you will need to pin or hide your bangs, and this does not always look impressive.

But there are methods and methods that allow you to grow bangs up to 5 cm per month. We will talk about them below. It turns out that it is possible to make your hair longer in a short period of time and to grow bangs in 1–2 months. But let’s try to figure it out.

How to quickly grow bangs at home?

So, if you set a task grow bangs quickly at home , then it is necessary to resort to radical methods. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Method No. 1. Cosmetical tools

The key to success is high-quality cosmetics made from natural products.

Therefore, it is best to turn to proven, well-known brands that have proven themselves well and received positive reviews. Approach the problem comprehensively and use several hair growth aids at once:

  • shampoo;
  • rinse aid;
  • masks (mousses);
  • balms.

Remember: you should not overload your hair, so periodically replace cosmetics with traditional medicine recipes that use 100% natural ingredients.

Method No. 2. Folk recipes

Masks based on mustard, red pepper, onion and garlic will help stimulate the hair follicle and allow hair to grow faster. These products are affordable for everyone, unlike rather expensive cosmetics. In addition, when you make it yourself, you can be sure of its naturalness. Here are recipes for hair growth:

  1. Mustard mask. Turn 2 tablespoons of mustard powder into a creamy mass with water. Add 1 tbsp of castor oil to it. Mix and apply to the bangs area, having previously lubricated it, not reaching the roots by 1 cm, with clean oil. This is done so as not to dry out the hairs. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes and wash your hair as usual.
  2. Honey mask. Mix egg yolk and honey in equal proportions. Apply to scalp for 20 minutes twice a week.
  3. Pertsovka. Pour vodka over the pepper and leave for at least 14 days. Pepper infusion is also available in pharmacies and is quite cheap. It is mixed with castor oil 1:1 and rubbed into the bangs area.
  4. Tomato rub. Grind the fresh tomato in a blender and rub the resulting mass into the bangs area. If necessary, such rubbing can be done over the entire head.
  5. Onion juice. Chop the onion and squeeze out the juice. Add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil to it and apply. This remedy is considered the most effective, although the smell remains. To remove it, you can use an acidic solution (vinegar or lemon).

Method No. 3. Head massage.

Since hair growth directly depends on blood circulation in peripheral vessels, stimulation of these areas becomes a necessity. The easiest way is to resort to massage. It is carried out with light massaging movements daily.

How to grow bangs without them getting in the way?

The main disadvantages of growing bangs include the fact that during the process of their growth, they get into the eyes, hang down in uneven hairs and terribly interfere with their owner. It is at this moment that many girls abandon the idea of ​​growing it out and cut off their short bangs again. But this method is quite radical.

You can remove your bangs so they don’t get in the way using hairpins, hoops, headbands, bobby pins, or simply braid your overgrown locks.

How to grow bangs and look beautiful?

It’s also worth considering how the image will change after the bangs grow out. It’s great if your hairdresser consults you, he will also advise which long bangs will suit you.

Knowing what the ending will be, be patient, since no one has yet managed to grow bangs in a week. Don't forget to consider your hair type when choosing cosmetic products to accelerate growth.

How to cut bangs to make them grow?

The condition for stable hair growth is periodic trimming. All professional hairdressers say this.

By cutting off the lower split ends, you allow the hair to grow purposefully without being “distracted” by restoring breaks.

For active growth, the bangs need to be trimmed every two months by 0.5 cm. Whether the hairdresser does this or you cut the ends yourself does not matter, the main thing is to remove the damaged part of the hair.

How can you remove and hide your bangs when you grow them?

Do you want to look good while growing bangs? Then learn how to style it correctly while it grows, since hanging long strands on the face cannot make a girl attractive. Once you learn how to properly hide your bangs, you won’t even notice how quickly they grow. You can start hiding your bangs in original hairstyles when they reach 7–10 cm. But how to do it beautifully, look at the photo:

How to style bangs that you grow out: photo examples

How to wear and pin up bangs when growing them out?

Initially it will save the bangs that have begun to grow invisible With its help, you can hide your bangs back or to the side. It will also save you if, when combing, individual strands of ungrown bangs come out.

When the length of the curls reaches 10 cm, you can safely divide the bangs in the middle and style them into an overall hairstyle.

Can be used as an accessory original hairpin , which will serve as an additional decoration and make the image interesting.

Headband perfectly masks bangs and suits any type of hairstyle. With it you can create an interesting hairstyle or just let your hair down.

How to braid bangs beautifully when growing them out?

In addition to hoops, all kinds of hairpins and headbands, it will look original when growing braided bangs. There is still a fashionable trend for braiding and fashionistas can take advantage of this when growing bangs.

You should give preference to tight braids, as short hairs may fall out of lush ones.

Hairstyles for those who grow bangs: the best photo ideas

How to grow long, side-swept bangs?

If you are the owner of oblique bangs and decide to grow them, then the simplest solution for styling them will be, namely cascading haircut. The main “trick” of this hairstyle is a smooth transition less short hair to longer ones. In such a range, the bangs that have not yet grown out will get lost and will not attract attention.

If the haircut option is not your thing, then the bangs that are starting to grow should be hidden under side styling. This way you will get rid of bangs that are in your eyes and will look attractive.