Various haircuts designed for medium hair length have been very popular for many years. And this is not surprising, because caring for hair of this length is quite simple. And styling your hair doesn’t take much time - in today’s ever-hurrying world, this plays an important role.

How to choose the right haircut for medium-length hair

The hair length that fits the definition of “medium” is slightly above or below the shoulder line.

As a rule, beautiful haircuts middle length are performed on the basis of a cascade and a bean. And fashionable additions to them are strand highlights, bangs, asymmetry and other tricks.

Among other things, on medium-length hair you can build a large number of both everyday and holiday hairstyles.

The most important thing is to choose the right haircut shape, because its main task is to emphasize advantages, hide flaws, and for women leading an active lifestyle, to also be simple and easy to style.

So, when choosing a haircut for medium-length hair, you should consider:

  • face oval;
  • hair structure;
  • difficulty of installation.

Face oval

To be more precise, you need to take into account not only the oval of the face, but also the general physique, height, length of the neck and its shape. As for the shape of the face specifically, the following can be said about this.

Those with an oval face are the luckiest of all - they can choose almost any beautiful haircut for medium-length hair, because such a face is considered ideal.

An elongated face can be “shortened” a little with well-chosen bangs, and also shift the accents, giving the hair fullness on the sides.

For chubby ladies, a haircut that extends slightly onto their cheeks is suitable - this will visually narrow them. It's also a good idea to create extra volume at the crown. It’s better to avoid bangs altogether or make them thin and elongated.

But a rectangular face cannot do without bangs, because the goal of a haircut is to hide a wide forehead as much as possible and optically widen the cheekbones.

If your face is shaped like a square, you need to round it out with your hairstyle. For this, cascading haircuts with strands extending onto the face are used.

Hair structure

Everything is simple here - beautiful medium length haircuts thin hair should add additional volume, and thick... almost any option is suitable. For thin hair, as a rule, medium-length hair and multi-layered haircuts are recommended to add volume.

Haircuts such as bobs in various variations and bobs will look beautiful on both thick and thin hair. Torn haircuts are recommended only for thick hair. Curly hair will look impressive in a cascading haircut, as well as in a stepped bob and bob. Asymmetry will also favorably emphasize the advantages of curly curls.

Difficulty of installation

The greatest difficulty in the styling process are torn and, as well as asymmetry and haircuts with clearly defined strands.

Such beautiful haircuts for medium-length hair as bobs and bobs will bring their owner a lot of worries.

Although a simple, at first glance, cascading haircut needs to be styled, setting aside a few minutes of time for it to look quite impressive.

Stylish haircuts for medium length hair

  • Kare. A favorite hairstyle for those with medium-length hair, it is also called “ageless hairstyle”; the bob can be classic, elongated, graduated, with various options bangs or without them at all; will also look good on curly hair;
  • Ladder. Allows you to create a very feminine look by just slightly curling the ends of your hair;
  • Torn haircut. This beautiful haircut looks impressive on medium-length hair, but is only suitable for the brave; the effect is achieved by thinning or shaving individual strands or curls; performing such a haircut requires skill from the hairdresser, as well as time and imagination when styling from the owner;
  • Cascade. A wonderful haircut to add volume to hair; already for a long time never goes out of fashion and is popular among women different ages; Also, based on cascades, you can create creative hairstyles with multi-level strands;
  • Asymmetrical haircut. Popular not only among young people, but also among women of the older generation; allows you to stand out in the crowd and look stylish; can also correct some facial imperfections;
  • Bean. Stylish option haircuts for medium length hair; may be flat or elongated near the face;
  • Haircut with overhanging strands. Strands protruding beyond the overall length of the hairstyle give fashionable accent medium-length haircuts and create the effect of lightness and airiness.

Some tricks to help your hair look more impressive

  • Graduation. It will give great effect to haircuts such as bobs and bobs, and will also visually increase the volume of the hair; will be a bright and stylish accent;
  • Highlighting. Used to highlight and emphasize strands; also gives visual volume to thin hair; looks good on cascades, stairs and various asymmetries;
  • Side bangs. It can serve to correct, for example, a round face, or it can serve a purely decorative role; in addition, oblique bangs are popular when creating cascading and torn hairstyles;
  • Coloring. Similar to highlighting; multi-colored coloring requires compliance with a certain style of its owner, it will emphasize ease, and on a torn haircut it will look quite catchy; It is also possible to color individual strands, for example, overhanging ones;
  • Perm. Great option for holiday decoration hairstyles; also used in everyday styling; You can curl your entire hair, as well as individual strands or ends.

Thus, owners of medium-length hair have the opportunity not only to choose a haircut to suit their taste, but also to improve their appearance with it - correct facial imperfections, add volume to their hair and generally create stylish look, appropriate for age and lifestyle.

A properly chosen haircut will help correct facial features, refresh your image and lift your mood. After all, all of us girls are not constant in our desires, but we want one thing - to always be beautiful and irresistible! Long hair is real wealth and a real boon for a hairdresser. After all, on long hair you can create almost any haircut: from classic to creative. Also in the review you will find fashion trends in styling long hair and coloring and a large collection of photos in which you can find a suitable haircut option for yourself.

Fashionable haircuts for long hair: trends

Is there a fashion for haircuts? Undoubtedly! New trends and techniques are emerging that allow you to visually increase volume and give your hair texture.

Trend #1: Layering

Layered haircuts for long hair 2019 with soft outlines. The most popular haircut option for long hair has an interesting name - “Rhapsody”. This haircut does not require styling. Hair soft curls fall onto the shoulders of their owner creating a gentle and sweet image. The additional volume created on the crown and cheekbones allows you to unobtrusively model your face shape. The technique for performing such a haircut can be performed different ways, thanks to which it is possible to individually design the contour, while maintaining the length of the hair and emphasizing the type of appearance.

Trend #2: Asymmetrical parting

Haircuts with asymmetrical parting and long bangs allow you to visually align facial features. With its help, you can visually lengthen your face, so this option can be safely used for a round face. It also suits women with an oval face shape. A haircut with long bangs is a real salvation for thin hair structure, as it can give it visual volume.

Trend #3: Long bangs

Haircuts for long hair 2019 with long bangs that turn into a hairstyle are the trend of this season. Long bangs are ideal for long faces or high foreheads. The bangs can be straight, in which case it will emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes, or oblique, which is great for a square or rectangular face shape.

Haircuts with straight thick bangs are suitable for perfectly smooth hair. In addition, bangs perfectly disguise some imperfections, for example, obvious folds on the frontal part. Also, thick straight bangs allow you to focus attention on the eyes. In addition, a haircut with bangs will not only update your look, but will also help you visually shed a few years off.

Trend #5: Fox Tail

The fox tail haircut is new this season, although it has been noticed by fashionistas for a long time. This haircut looks impressive without bangs. Its name was obtained due to the special edging of the ends of the hair, which imitates a fox tail. The hair outline is drawn in the form Latin letter V. The effect will be clearly visible on perfectly smooth long hair.

Trend #6: Cut your hair

Undercut haircuts are another new trend this year. Moreover, there are quite a lot of options. They refer to creative haircuts. The artistic haircut looks especially interesting, attracting attention with its beauty and unusualness.

Classic haircuts for long hair

Most often, owners of luxurious hair prefer the following types haircuts:

Classical women's haircut: cascade

Cascade with or without bangs. This option is universal and is loved by many representatives of the fair sex. Even celebrities prefer this simple, practical, but very stylish hairstyle for long hair.

Classic women's haircut: ladder

This version of a women’s haircut has similar features to the “cascade”. The difference is that in this option, the hair is cut only from the front, while the crown and back of the head remain intact. The ladder looks harmonious with almost any type of bangs, and it can also be done without bangs.

Classic women's haircut: “torn” haircut

They look impressive and allow you to create a variety of styles for long hair. Fashionable torn haircuts are considered basic and current options in youth trends. They suit absolutely everyone! Excellent highlight natural beauty appearance and distract from existing shortcomings.

“Star” haircuts for long hair with and without bangs

Every time we decide to update our image and change our hairstyle, we look for fashionable options in magazines and on Internet resources. Of course, the first thing we do is look at the fashionable haircuts that celebrities prefer. Haircuts for long hair are varied, but the hit of this season is definitely the aggressive, but at the same time very sexy shag haircut. Translated into Russian, this is nothing more than “shaggyness”. The execution technology has similar features to the classic cascade. The only thing is that all tiers are cut more intensively, creating distinct and expressive features. This haircut was once the favorite option of Hollywood actress Jennifer Aniston, as well as Joan Jett and Patti Smith.

If you love the look of Dianna Agron, then a layered haircut with a lush texture will suit you. Textured curls look gorgeous.

Other fashionable celebrity haircuts

Fashionable haircuts for long hair

Beautiful and neat styling gives any look charm, feminine magnetism and attractiveness. Styling long hair allows you to attract the attention of the opposite sex and evoke admiring glances from others.

Fashionable haircuts together with the styling they create a real fashionable tandem. After 30 years, hair often loses its former elasticity and volume. Therefore, stylists recommend styling that can visually eliminate these shortcomings. Most often, young ladies choose curls. This is not surprising, because they always look feminine and light. The image turns out very airy. You can also style your hair with root volume for long hair.

Another interesting and popular styling option for long hair is the effect wet hair, they are also called beach curls.

If your hair is naturally wavy or curly, you can smooth out its structure using a straightening iron, which will allow you to get a beautiful and neat hairstyle.

Don't forget that naturalness is on trend this season! Therefore, you need to put the fixing agents aside or use them to a minimum.

Owners of long hair can resort to the simplest but most versatile option - styling with a round brush and hair dryer. If you twist the strands and pull them up, you can get a dizzying volume that will last throughout the day.

This season, perfectly smooth, straight hair is more popular than ever. This styling is universal. Suitable for romantic date or for walks with friends.

Stylish coloring of haircuts for long hair

beautiful and fashionable coloring will add newness to any haircut. This season, stylists offer various coloring options for long hair:

  • Babylights . This technique involves soft highlighting. This method allows you to achieve maximum naturalness. To obtain the desired effect, the artist makes brush strokes and then uses polyethylene to highlight a separate strand.

  • Suitable for brunettes and brown-haired women amber Milanese highlighting . To do this, you need about three shades, which will allow you to get beautiful tints on dark hair.

  • Flamboyage . It is carried out using special technology using branded paper.

  • Lowlighting . Newfangled coloring that allows you to highlight dark strands.

Photos of fashionable haircuts for long hair

Boring looks are a thing of the past! It's time to experiment! Haircuts for long hair, photos of which you can see right now, are varied. They can be performed with or without bangs. Choose for yourself suitable option, and you will see how you will transform, become even more beautiful and interesting.

There come times in every girl’s life when she wants to change something about herself and her appearance. The hairstyle immediately comes to mind. But is it worth cutting long hair? After all, it took so long to grow them. Let's weigh the pros and cons.

How to cut long curls

Face and its shape

Before going to the hairdresser, try to determine your face shape: whether this or that hairstyle will suit you. Some haircuts only look good on certain face shapes. An unsuccessful haircut can easily highlight flaws in your appearance and vice versa. Decide how to cut long hair so that you don’t regret cutting your hair later.

Body type

The choice of haircut is influenced not only by the shape of the face, but also by the type of figure. Features of a woman's body can influence the choice of hairstyle and its style. The same haircut can look different on several girls.

For those with an asthenic figure, medium-length haircuts with bangs are suitable. Straight styling is best avoided. The extra volume and curls will give your body a slimmer look.

Women with voluminous shapes should not get carried away too much short haircuts, they visually gain kilograms. Long hairstyles are avoided for the same reason. Minimum volume and medium length are what you need.

Styles with a moderate length are suitable for girls with a petite physique. You should not cut your hair too short, as it will look disproportionate from the outside.

The lucky ones are those who have an athletic figure and are tall. Almost any styling will suit them. You will have to spend a lot of time experimenting to find your individual style.

1. Consider your hair type (thickness, oily, dry, etc.).

2. Once you cut your hair, you will no longer be able to do your usual hairstyles.

At the moment, many girls create beautiful cascading hairstyles on their heads, which make the female image unique and expressive. Haircuts "Cascade" 2017 - the most popular and creative women's hairstyles. After forming such a haircut on her head, the girl makes her image individual and one of a kind.

Fashion for women's hairstyles is a relative concept, some people like one thing, while others like something completely different.

The main secret of a cascading hairstyle is that when creating it on woman's head Stylists distribute stylistic components on the client’s hair in different ways.

This article talks about how to get a fashionable haircut - how a girl can get a cascading haircut.

Cascading hairstyles 2017: haircuts for long hair and other options


Today, salon professionals improve the image of clients with various options for such hairstyles. As a result, in order to get a beautiful haircut for the first time, a girl needs to go to the hairdresser.

If a girl has long hairs, then the master creates a cascade on her head without shortening the length of the hairs. As a result, women's hair becomes voluminous and lush.

In such a situation, the cascading hairstyle is a “ladder”. As a result, the hair ends make women's hair elegant and voluminous.

If a long-haired woman has a heart-shaped face, then a long hair cascade is the optimal hairstyle that reduces the size of the face on the right and left.

For medium hair - the most common type of hairstyle

More often, stylists do this on women with medium hair. Unruly curls, which are difficult to style, look beautiful and stylish in such a hairstyle - as a result, straight women’s hairs do not lie in nondescript hair strands.

In order to make her hair well-groomed, after washing her hair, the girl dries her hair with a hairdryer. With the help of a curling iron and hair curlers, the girls create a creative haircut with their own hands.

There are 2 types of cascading haircuts - standard and creative. More often, fashionistas do a “ragged haircut” on medium hairs.

Women of Balzac's age and older ladies do a “softer” cascading hairstyle on their heads, in which they create a “ladder” only at the ends of the hair.

By doing a cascading hairstyle, women can easily remove split ends.

For short hair: bob-cascade for a round face

A cascading hairstyle also looks good on short hair. In such a situation, the girl hides some facial flaws.

For example, when creating a “cascade” hairstyle with strands twisted inward on short hair, women hide their large chin. Narrow-faced fashionistas twist such strands outward - and ultimately give their face a rounded shape.

Technique for forming a cascading haircut on women's hair

When creating a beautiful cascading haircut on her head, a fashionista performs the following actions:

    divides the washed and dried hair into a straight and central parting and wets the head;

    pulls forward from both sides and places small equal strands parallel to the floor, along which the woman measures the required length;

    the remaining hairs are secured in the occipital region with a clip;

    after cutting the first strands, the woman removes new strands from the fixed hairs and cuts them at the level of the first ones;

    slowly cuts all the hairs on level 1;

    thinning the hairstyle - as a result, the woman’s hair becomes voluminous, and the fashionable cascade haircut is ready!

Choosing a haircut based on hair type

On girls with thin natural straight hair, a cascading hairstyle also looks good. As a result, women's haircuts become more voluminous.

If a girl has smooth, even hair, then a cascading haircut looks good on long hair.

Choosing a hairstyle according to your face shape - different variations of bangs

If a woman has round face, then the master gives her a cascading haircut and creates oblique bangs. In such a situation, the stylist forms multi-level strands on the woman’s head, and also creates a beautiful ladder of hairs of different lengths.

If a girl has an angular face, then this is not suitable for her. In such a situation, the stylist creates a “cascade” hairstyle on the client’s head with oblique bangs and framed strands at the temple.

If a woman has a long face, then any bangs are suitable for her, except those that are too long. In such a situation, you can cut your bangs yourself.

Laying a cascade - basic methods

Laying a cascading hairstyle is directly related to the length of women's hair. In such a situation, a girl should keep in mind the following nuances:

    when curling the ends of medium hairs with a cascading hairstyle, a woman gives her appearance a slight romance;

    When straightening hair strands with an iron, the female image becomes strict in appearance. In addition to straightening, the girl uses lotions and curling preparations that prevent hair destruction;

    A cascading hairstyle also suits a girl with long hair, if the fashionista wraps her hair in large curlers, then combs it lightly and fixes the haircut with hairspray.


Also, a cascading haircut makes a woman’s image stylish if a fashionista gets professional coloring done on her head. In such a situation, the stylist dyes the female hairs around the face 2 shades lighter natural color– enhances the effect of a cascading haircut.

When performing coloring, the master leaves women's hairs as long as possible - and as a result, the client's hair ends look impressive.

When creating profiled long strands on a cascading hairstyle, the stylist makes feminine way beautiful and graceful.

When choosing a technique for processing hair ends, a girl determines what kind of appearance she wants to have - delicate and classic or careless and fashionable.

A woman with a good hairstyle is doubly beautiful

As a result, after reading the above information, each girl will be able to choose a suitable cascading haircut - and ultimately transform into better side and modernize your appearance.

Haircut - universal and profitable way quickly adjust the image, bring a new spirit to life and slightly dilute the gray women's everyday life. Hairdressers and traditional salon services are not always convenient. Often there is no desire to waste part of your day on empty gatherings in the salon. Therefore, many girls decide to take the risk of cutting their own hair.

Choosing scissors

In order for the result to please you, you need to carefully figure out how to cut your own hair at home. In such delicate experiments it is worth relying on the opinions of more successful figures. First of all, professionals advise purchasing sharp and durable scissors. The stronger the material, the better the assembly and the more convenient the location of the functional rings, the easier the cutting process will be. You shouldn’t save money and use homemade scissors or an outdated grandma’s comb; only new and sharp tools can bring the necessary success.

Finding such a thing is not so difficult; the difficulty lies in choosing a physiologically convenient tool. When you come to a professional store, you should not be shy or nervous. The selected model of scissors must fit comfortably in the palm of your hand and not pinch blood vessels on your fingers. It is discomfort that can prevent you from accomplishing your plans.

First stage

If the tool is successfully chosen, you can proceed to the rules of cutting. It is worth remembering the basics, and success with a minimum of costs is guaranteed. The main rule quality haircut are clean curls. Before starting, you should wash your hair with a neutral shampoo and use a proven conditioner. Slightly damp curls are more flexible, and it is much easier to use scissors on damp strands.

How to cut your own capricious thick or wavy hair? Curls of this type dry out quickly; when cutting, you should stock up on a sprayer, it will help control the humidity of the lower layers. For unruly hair, you can create a cocktail - add a little of your usual hair conditioner into a spray bottle with water. Then the process of separating and combing will be more comfortable and easier.

How to cut your own hair? While mastering the basics of hairdressing, you should get used to dividing hair into functional parts. The first step is to comb the top one thoroughly with a comb (you can moisten it with some water for greater comfort) and secure it with a comfortable hairpin. Such delamination prevents tangling of the strands and helps in organizing the haircut itself (cascading or asymmetrical).

Eliminating split ends

The first pest female beauty hair are split ends. In preparation for the process of eliminating this phenomenon, it is necessary to thoroughly examine the entire thickness of the hair. This will help analyze their condition and the extent of intervention.

How to cut your own hair at home? For everything to work out, it’s worth remembering the main principle of working with split ends. It is necessary to cut off the hair 0.5-1 centimeter above the place of bifurcation or loss of integrity (sometimes the curls have not yet split, but the place has already lightened and has a forked cavity).

Many women do not understand how to cut their own hair without twisting their arms. But the main principle remains the management of the non-dominant. It is with her fingers that you need to grab a strand of hair and move it along the entire length with a floating movement, stopping at a clearly defined cut point. When choosing the length, you should take into account the drying process of the hair, during which the curls rise at the roots, thereby shortening the length.

You can cut off the excess by simply repeating the procedure, and in the case of an initially excessive length, the “measure seven times” rule will work - you won’t be able to glue the cut so confidently. Any haircut is based on the correct grip of the strands and their moderate tension. The scissors should only be positioned perpendicularly, cutting in one movement, without intermediate cuts. The position of the hands and the strands must be motionless; dangling palms will lead to mowing and the haircut will have to be polished by a professional.


Trimming the ends yourself is not an easy task, but it can be done. Things are worse with multi-layered haircuts. Many girls have no idea how to cut their own hair in a cascade. What is this hairstyle like? Cascade is a flirty, multifunctional and feminine haircut; doing it with your own hands sometimes seems like an impossible task. To overcome this peak you will need the same scissors, a spray bottle with a solution of water and conditioner, as well as a comb and small clamps.

How to cut your own hair in a cascade? To understand this issue, you need to ideally comb your hair with a comb with thick but soft teeth. Next, all the hair should be pulled into a ponytail on the forehead, tilting the head down. The elastic band must be soft so that it does not put too much pressure on the roots. The hair must be cut evenly so that the bun is completely uniform along the cut line. Next, the thinning scissors come into play. You can lightly brush them over the ends of your hair. Then, having already profiled, you can remove the elastic band.


Having mastered the technique of performing a cascade, it’s worth figuring out how to cut your own bangs. After all, with such a haircut it is often recommended to wear bangs. This way she looks more impressive and feminine. Depending on the shape of the face and wishes, the bangs can be made either smooth and attractively thick, or chaotically asymmetrical.

How to cut your own bangs and not be left with a short semblance of it? First, you should pay attention to the hair structure. Thin curls that lack lush natural strength should be cut into thicker bangs. This way your hair will look well-groomed. Thick and coarse curls can easily transform into either thick or sparse bangs.

Having chosen your haircut style, first of all, you should separate the required amount of hair. The rest should be secured with a clamp so as not to interfere. After wetting the strands of your future bangs, you can safely start cutting. The scissors should be held perpendicular to the strand, constantly checking the cut line.


As for more extravagant and dynamic bob haircuts, they can also be easily recreated at home. Everything can be done without the help of salon craftswomen. How to cut your own bob haircut? Now we'll tell you. Everything is done not so difficult. Wet hair must be divided along the line of the nose, then the front strands will become control. It is along them that the cut line will run. If the bob remains classic, then all strands must be kept equal to the control; if the option is more provocative - an asymmetrical bob, then the strands should be shortened on the way to the back of the head.

We cut with a clipper

Knowledge of machine haircuts will be no less practical. Seemingly simple, it can present an insidious surprise. How to cut your own hair with a clipper? This is quite easy to do. You should stand in front of a large mirror and figure out how much you need to shorten your hair. It's worth practicing with standard and simple men's haircuts- the back of the head and temples are short, and the upper part of the head is slightly longer. To do this, you need to test drive the machine from the top of the ear along the back of the head, and stop when it reaches the second ear. The upper part can be cut with a longer nozzle. Moving from the forehead to the back of the head.


Now you know how to cut your own hair. As you can see, everything is done quite simply. Good luck in your hairdressing business!