There are probably no other tools in the kitchen that are used with such intensity as a carving knife. Such a household utensil is an indispensable assistant for every housewife, allowing you to create culinary masterpieces and quickly cut up food. Without a good knife, it’s difficult to prepare a regular breakfast, but holiday dishes I'll have to forget it completely.

Choosing a meat knife

Cutting meat is a fairly popular procedure that has to be performed not only by chefs from elite restaurants, but also by ordinary people who cook at home. And availability good set knives to implement this action will significantly simplify the upcoming processing of products, allowing a skillful housewife to create a real work of culinary art.

Plus, a good knife for cutting meat is a great gift. to a loved one or a friend. And although there are superstitions surrounding the gift of such an item, it is unlikely that anyone will refuse such a gift.

And if you find a quality tool from a leading brand, the recipient will be incredibly happy and satisfied. After all, such a product will serve the new owner for many years, faithfully coping with its task.

When choosing a new carving knife, it is important to be careful and take into account all the subtleties, including the least significant ones. Initially, it may seem that making a purchase is not difficult, but this is a deep misconception. Due to the variety of shapes, materials and manufacturers, it is very difficult for an inexperienced buyer to find the best option, which forces them to make rash decisions and respond to cheap promotional offers.

Finding the perfect knife for cutting meat and bones The following features should be considered in detail:

  1. What shape does a particular model have?
  2. What material is it made of?
  3. What price range is it in?

Main varieties

Recently, the concept of minimalism has become particularly popular. And if we are talking about buying a tool for infrequent cooking alone, you don’t have to choose ready-made kits. You can find one suitable option, which meets the individual requirements of the consumer. But avid cooks have many more knives in their arsenal, since each of them is designed for a specific task. Among the cutting knives there may be models for processing:

  1. Meat carcasses.
  2. Birds.
  3. Vegetables.
  4. Bakery products.
  5. Cheese.

For these products, you can additionally buy special stands and hangers that allow you to conveniently store them in the kitchen. In general, the choice of cutting knives is very extensive - you just have to figure out what exactly you need.

A popular solution is the “kitchen trio” set. It includes three different models with a convenient shape and a straight blade. The size range includes the following options: 45 centimeters (the largest model), 35 cm (medium) and 25 (the most compact). These knives are convenient for processing fish, vegetables, sausages and other foods with a dense structure.

Among the advantages of these tools is their versatility, which makes them indispensable assistants for all housewives. A professional cook is unlikely to be able to satisfy his desires with such a set, so he will have to additionally buy several special-purpose knives.

The next popular option is called “serrated sharpening”. The product is equipped with a wavy blade and works like a saw. It can be used to cut foods such as bread, muffins, pastries and cheeses. Depending on the model, the shape and size of the blade differ significantly. Ham knives also have a similar wave-like shape. But they have a narrower and sharper blade.

Butcher models

When purchasing a butcher model, problems sometimes arise. What will satisfy a true butcher? Knives for this type of culinary work are characterized by a thin blade with a decent length. In addition, they can be divided into several subcategories depending on the direction of cutting.

For example, there are models with a short blade for mushroom pickers for processing meat carcasses with bones (such devices are equipped with a wide blade with a specific sharpening). But it is advisable to buy a professional tool only in cases where meat-based food is cooked regularly. If such an action cannot be called frequent, you can get by with universal models.

Material of manufacture

When looking for a good carving knife for meat, it is important to know which material to choose. For thousands of years, steel knives were considered the most popular option. A similar trend has continued to this day, only for the manufacture of cutting tools they began to use higher quality stainless steel with a high carbon content. The usual type of stainless steel or carbon (carbon) steel is also suitable for the production of knives. Each material has both pros and cons. And in order not to run into trouble when using a new tool, The following points should be studied:

If we talk about the composition of the alloy, then it is advisable to give preference to models whose blades are made of chrome-plated stainless steel. Tools treated with alloying technology and containing molybdenum or vanadium also receive positive reviews. Leading brands always include material information on the packaging or package insert.

If you have to buy a knife from an unknown brand and the quality of the steel looks questionable, it is better to pay more attention to a visual inspection of the tool. The presence of any visible defects, gouges and inclusions is a serious reason to refuse the purchase, as this is a direct hint of the low quality of the steel. In addition to steel products, knives made of ceramics and plastic are popular. The latter option is in demand only for soft products, for example, desserts and layered salads. They are generally not suitable for working with meat, due to the lack of the required sharpness and rigidity.

Ceramic products

Ceramic knives are a real know-how in the world of meat cutting tools. They are an innovative invention that has only recently entered the market. The manufacturing material used is high-strength zirconium dioxide, which contains various additives with different structures and properties. The name “ceramic” has nothing to do with the fired clay that is used for household work.

Most likely, it indicates the production technology used: the knife blade is baked under the influence of highest temperature within a few days.

The sharpening of a ceramic knife is of such high quality that it does not change for almost a couple of years. The only disadvantage of a ceramic knife is fragility. If dropped, subjected to intense impact or impact, such a tool can quickly become deformed.

Responsible brands introduce special additives into the composition that prevent damage to an expensive product when it hits a floor tile or falls from a height. Due to increased fragility, the meat cutting machine ceramic knife should not be used for processing carcasses with large bones or opening nuts. This option is most likely fillet, and it is extremely convenient for cutting fish products and meat.

The special manufacturing material allows you to freely wash the ceramic knife in the dishwasher without fear that it will lose its performance properties. Elite models of such knives are equipped with high-quality handles made of metal, plastic and wood. The latter option is not only attractive in terms of aesthetics, but also convenient to use and pleasant to the tactile sensation. After purchasing a knife with a wooden handle It is important to consider a number of rules:

Processing and sharpening

The next criterion for choosing a good knife for processing pig meat, poultry, fish products, and so on is the degree of processing of the material and sharpening. Knife blades are created by rolling (this is typical for models in the middle and lower price segments) or by forging (this technology is used in more elite models). Manufacturers who develop exclusive models give preference to the manual forging method and manual sharpening. This is justified by the ideal quality and durability of the product.

Currently, three types of blade sharpening are practiced:

Models with one-sided sharpening are widespread in eastern countries, including Japan. For Russian people, the more famous option is universal sharpening. A well-made knife has a uniform and straight sharpening strip, without nicks or dark inclusions.

The last word is laser sharpening. It involves processing the blade with a light beam, which guarantees the highest precision of hardening. Unlike other technologies, the laser does not sharpen the blade, but hardens it, and in individual sections, as a result of which it is hardened in “stripes.” This technique makes it possible to create self-sharpening inventions with a long service life.

It should be noted that steel knives, even the most professional and expensive ones, can easily be self-sharpening at home. All you need for this is to prepare a special sharpener, whetstones or sandpaper. As for ceramic models, it is better to sharpen them in special services or get a professional diamond sharpening device.

First of all, you should pay attention to the fact that most knives in stores are divided into two groups: steel and ceramic. The former are characterized by ease of sharpening and unpretentiousness in terms of care and maintenance. Such knives are not afraid of falls, and they do not require preparing a special surface for cutting. Ceramic models are sharper, but fragile. In fact, when choosing one of these two options, you only need to take into account your preferences and the intensity of use of the product.

When trying to choose the perfect knife for slicing, chopping and processing ground animal or meat with bones, also It is important to consider the following points:

  1. Alloy material, its composition and quality.
  2. Handle shape and material.
  3. Ease of use.
  4. Degree of sharpness and sharpening.

A knife for hunting is an absolutely irreplaceable thing. Butchering a shot carcass, walking through dense bushes or cutting small branches - all these are tasks that cannot be done with an ordinary penknife. At the same time, choosing the right tool is quite difficult, especially for a beginner in this matter. Avid hunters say that the best knives come only with experience.


Blades in hunting are divided according to their purpose. There are quite a few of them, since the operations they must perform are different.

In general, all types can be divided into two large categories:

  1. General use, needed to finish off an animal. They have a straight blade without any grooves, firmly built into a simple handle equipped with a stop.
  2. A hunting knife designed for a specific function, for example, specifically for skinning or separating meat from bones, butchering an animal.

Hunting knives can also be divided according to the type of blade:

  • the top edge is straight;
  • drop point - a sharp hunting knife in which the upper edge is rounded from the middle to the tip, with the tip located in the center of the blade;
  • at trailing-point, the upper edge, on the contrary, rises, and the tip is located at the top of the blade;
  • in clip-point there is a smooth upper edge, which sharply rounds below the tip;
  • the skinner has a straight spine combined with curved cutting edges;
  • a blade resembling a dagger in which both sides are sharp and symmetrical.

Also, hunter's knives can vary in length, weight, balance, and so on. Here it is worth considering specific models.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is worth understanding that the ideal knife is a non-existent concept. There is no universal option, since it cannot be completely tailored to all the hunter’s needs. However, you can choose an individual, optimal option. Such a blade will perform the main functions and, if necessary, it will be possible to perform auxiliary ones.

Each specific hunting knife has advantages and disadvantages. If it is convenient to finish off prey with a sharp long blade with protection, then lead small and long work cutting the carcass will be inconvenient for them. The narrower the specificity, the less suitable the product is for other work.

If everything is quite transparent with finishing, the names of knives intended for cutting are usually divided into the following types:

  • The classic version has 12-13 centimeters, its blade width is 3-3.5, and its weight ranges from 120 to 180 grams. This is a lightweight and convenient option for long and painstaking cutting with excellent balance, which makes work easier.
  • A large product from 13 to 17 centimeters will be useful for chopping blows and careless cutting; it will be difficult for them to carry out delicate work. Weighs from 180 grams, is quite heavy and clumsy, but quite durable.
  • The folding model can be used for short cutting, but does not have balance, so you won’t be able to work with it for a long time.

As for the advantages over kitchen and other format products, then:

  • The variety of models will allow you to find the best blade for a specific situation or activity. There is no need to adapt, you just need to select the product according to the purpose of use.
  • These are practical and durable blades that are needed specifically for work, and not to show off to friends, although this is also possible if you buy a collectible model, but the most beautiful knife is usually far from practical.
  • Comfortable handle, made to be easy to hold in your hand, not slip, and protect your hand from cuts.

Hunting knives also have disadvantages:

  • The best, really high-quality blades are expensive. Sometimes, it is even prohibitively expensive, and this is in the context of the fact that it is desirable to have several of them - for different purposes.
  • Without knowing the nuances, it is difficult to choose the right, suitable blade.
  • They often require careful care, as do all expensive and good things.

A correctly chosen tool will have no drawbacks (except perhaps except for the price), so it’s worth understanding the topic very carefully and spending your money really usefully. The most beautiful knife is not always the best.

How to choose the best

The best knife for hunting is the one that is convenient and easy for a particular person to work with. To put it simply, it is different for everyone. In some ways, this is a matter of habit, in some ways it is a conscious choice, but in any case, you need to adhere to several rules that will allow you to choose the ideal option.

In order to choose high-quality knives, you must first look at the geometry of the blade. It is this factor that ensures the most efficient performance of the main task of the tool - cutting.

The most sensible option is a wedge-shaped thin blade. It cuts well, but gets dull very quickly due to its small thickness.

In order to increase the “life” of sharpening, the geometry is changed slightly, thickening the metal. A hunting bladed weapon must be not only sharp, but also durable.

The handle is also important.

A hunting knife should:

  • Do not slip in your hand;
  • To be safe means to have a limiter;
  • The handle must be strong so that the blade does not fly off at the wrong moment;
  • The blade should fit tightly and securely into the handle;
  • It is worth remembering that the most beautiful knife with an elaborate handle is usually only suitable for symbolic collections, and not for long-term work.

Steel knives can be equipped with a handle made of any material. Some hunters like wood because it quickly warms up in the hand in the cold, it is pleasant to the touch, beautiful, and some like metal because it is reliable. Each specific handle, depending on the numerous ways it is created, may have its own advantages and disadvantages, so information needs to be clarified about a specific model.

Please note that a folding knife for hunting must have a high-quality mechanism. To check this, you need to try to “shake” the blade. If it deviates slightly, even if it is barely noticeable, the product is not of high quality and will most likely quickly fail. In addition, the mechanism itself must securely fix the blade so that the buyer does not lose his fingers one day, and it is also important that it opens and closes easily enough.

The best folding knife in the world is the one that is bought at the right time. They will not be able to cut up a carcass for a long time or perform other specific work on an ongoing basis, but this is a universal and compact product that will cover and help in case of need.

Let's look at how to choose the right knife:

  1. First of all, you need to start from what exactly you plan to do with the tool.
  2. A high-quality product will be more expensive, but compared to consumer goods, it will last much longer - this will pay off.
  3. You need to immediately think about where and how it will be worn; the best hunting knife should not fall out of your pocket while running or rattle annoyingly in your backpack against a cup.
  4. First of all, look at the geometry of the blade, and only then at the steel.
  5. For work, buy a comfortable knife, not a fashionable or the most beautiful one.

That's all the basic rules for choosing a good hunting blade.


After the buyer has figured out the geometry of the blade, the handle and other nuances, he needs to pay attention to the steel. This, of course, is not a primary factor, but still far from unimportant. The most beautiful knife in the world, if we consider the blade, is a product made of Damascus steel. Made from a bunch of metal rods, it ultimately creates numerous iridescences on the blade.


There are many different metals. They can be used to create homemade hunting knives, professional products. It is believed that the most durable knife is made from high-carbon raw materials. It doesn’t matter what will be made from it - a hunting dagger or a drop point, if it’s done well, it will last a long time.

In order to decide which steel is best for a hunting knife, you need to know its types and methods of manufacturing the product. For example, Damascus and damask steel are durable and high-quality, but quite expensive. It is much easier to buy cheaper and almost the same parameters steel of a simple sample. Although it is worth repeating that the most beautiful knife can be made from these two expensive options.

For a beginner, it is enough to know two high-quality types that are widely popular all over the world. A hunting dagger, like any other blade, will be of the same quality.


The best steel for a hunting blade in the hands of a beginner is X12MB. It has a high density, resists corrosion well, is quite viscous, and has excellent temperature resistance. It makes a durable product that makes it easy to skin the carcass. It also makes excellent forged hunting knives.

An important factor in hunting conditions will be the long “life” of the sharpening of this tool. Tools made from this steel are perfect for long-term use in extreme conditions.


This carbon steel has a diamond additive. This adds hardness to it, which improves the cutting function of the product. When deciding which knife to choose, you should pay attention to this type of raw material. It is of high quality and will allow the tool to last for a very long time and, at the same time, there will be no need to sharpen it often.

However, steel knives of this type have one drawback. Steel can quickly corrode if the blade is not cleaned and maintained after each use.

Attention to the blade

Don’t chase a high price, choose a steel that you don’t mind spending money on. In order to cut up a chicken once a year, it is not necessary to buy a combat blade or product self made made of damask steel or Damascus steel.

In general, you should choose steel for hunting knives based on the area of ​​use. Take into account your laziness, even if the steel grade of the knife is the best, it will quickly deteriorate and become corroded from lack of care.

Remember, even the sharpest knife will eventually become dull and will have to be sharpened. There is no such thing as an eternal sharpening that will last for years with constant use.

Weapon care

Regardless of what steel the blades are made of, they need care.

It is essentially simple:

  • Once used, wash it, because even the most beautiful knives can quickly lose their appearance and worse than that- practicality.
  • Lubricate the blade regularly with gun oil to prevent corrosion.
  • If the handle is wooden, also periodically treat it with oil to prevent it from drying out.
  • Store and carry your hunting blade in a sheath or a special case if it is a folding product.
  • Don’t do what the blade is not supposed to do by its nature - don’t chop wood, don’t pick holes in the fence, and so on.

Also, one of the main rules of care is to constantly improve your skill in use; hunting knives are loved by professionals.

Choosing good steel knives for hunting is difficult, however, if you understand the topic a little and make an effort, everything will turn out as good as possible. The main thing is to weigh your decision well before making the final purchase.

Manufacturer selection

To learn how to navigate models and prices, it is worth getting acquainted with the highest quality models on the market. The best hunting knife is chosen not only intuitively, but also with knowledge of the offer.


Foreign production of top quality knives is located in Finland, China and the USA. The latter are especially famous, since a significant part of the population is fond of hunting, which means there is a great demand and an improving supply.

Here you can buy unique knives for a lot of money with excellent properties, or you can buy very modest ones, but only slightly inferior in quality. It doesn’t matter whether you choose the most beautiful knife or a very ascetic model for any purpose, choose first good manufacturer. This will save you a lot of problems and frustrations. This does not mean at all that you need to choose the most expensive knives in the world and the most reputable authors of such options. However, the seller, like his products, must inspire trust.


There are also manufacturers of high quality knives on the domestic market. The buyer can be sure that the Russian versions are in no way inferior to foreign ones in terms of characteristics. Moreover, you can buy not only ordinary copies, but also the coolest knives you can imagine.

A short list of worthy domestic brands, the production of knives in which can easily outshine foreign ones:

  • LLC PP Kizlyar;
  • Air Chrysostom;
  • BASCO;
  • Northern Crown.

On the market you can find forged hunting knives with the personal markings of the handmade master. With a skilled craftsman, they are not only on par with branded ones, but even outshine them. Which knives are the best - handmade or not - should be chosen based on money and parameters only if you trust the craftsman.


The strongest knife steel is the one that contains the most carbon. Damascus steel is considered one of the record holders. It is forged from a bundle of rods of different levels of carbon saturation. Do not believe in supernova impurities; the hardness of a knife is determined by this parameter. All other additives protect against corrosion, make it more flexible, and so on.

Anyone who decides to buy such a product will have to choose: buy the largest knife or a miniature one, choose a hunting dagger or a practical folding version. The main thing is that you should not rely on “experienced advisers”, since what may be convenient for one person may seem like real torture to another.

Hunting knives, like your lifestyle, need to be chosen according to your character!


It doesn’t matter whether you are the happy owner of a large farm in the countryside or just sometimes like to spend the weekend hunting, you definitely cannot do without a good knife for cutting up carcasses and skinning. After all, the taste of the meat and its shelf life largely depend on how quickly and efficiently the carcass is skinned.

Knives for cutting animal carcasses

A cutting hunting knife is called a “skinner”. It is distinguished by its curved “flying up” shape and the relatively small size of the blade, as well as the presence of a groove on it for draining blood. Thanks to all this, the knife easily copes with any cutting tasks, be it a large animal or a small bird. The blade, made of flexible and durable steel, allows you to bypass bones, separating the skin from the meat as cleanly as possible. In addition, the skinner knife is convenient to use for skinning.

Household knives and saws for cutting carcasses

For cutting pig and cattle carcasses, it is rational to use household knives or saws. Unlike a miniature skinner, such knives are much larger in size: a thick spine and a reliable, durable handle with a recess that prevents fingers from slipping. Most often, the handles of household cutting knives are made of durable plastic that can withstand repeated treatment with boiling water and considerable physical stress. There are also special requirements for the quality of steel for such products, because a knife for cutting carcasses must be both flexible and durable, preventing chipping.

Saws for cutting carcasses can be either manual (hacksaw type) or electric (disc or band). Their purpose is to disassemble the carcass into half-carcasses, including along the ridge, as well as to divide large parts into portioned pieces along with the bones.

A hunter's complete arsenal is never complete without a specially designed knife for skinning the trophy. Experts in their field will never go hunting without a high-quality and reliable assistant. This means that a tool such as a knife must be selected correctly and strictly in accordance with its intended purpose.
There are knives whose purpose is solely for skinning, cutting up carcasses or finishing off prey. And there are multi-purpose specimens. It is clear that a kitchen, combat or professional knife is not suitable for hunting.

Types of knives for skinning.
It should be noted that the primary difference is not in the general appearance or material of the knife, but in the blade. This is exactly what should glide smoothly and not spoil the skin of the resulting trophy.

The first and main type of knife, the purpose of which is skinning, is considered skinner. This shape of the knife blade ensures smooth, minimally traumatic skinning of prey. The skinner is intended for this purpose only, and any use other than separating fat from the hide may cause damage to the hunting tool. This knife is equipped with a relatively short blade, 10–13 cm. Despite the length, the skinner has a fairly wide blade. The upper edge of the knife is straight and does not decrease towards the tip. In some cases, the blade may be missing a point. The handle of the knife is also small; for convenience, it is made the size of a palm. However, some models are equipped with a full handle. This is a personal choice of the hunter and his individual convenience. The butt of the skinner is sometimes equipped with a skinning hook.

The second type of knife often used for skinning is considered drop point. Unlike a skinner, such a knife can be used both for skinning and for cutting a carcass or separating fat from the skin. This knife is characterized by a lowered butt line. The tip is on the axis, thanks to which, when pressed, the drop point cuts well and also stabs perfectly. In some models of knives, to facilitate easy entry into the material being cut, a “false blade” or a second full blade with one-and-a-half sharpening is made.

The third universal type of skinning knife is a tool with a blade like clip point. The butt of such a blade has a bevel, the blade is narrower, and the tip has an awl-like appearance. There may or may not be a sharpening on the bevel of the butt. The rounded rise of the blade allows you to increase the length of the cutting edge of the tool, which makes skinning easier. This knife will also be useful for cutting a carcass and other ordinary hunter manipulations.

What to look for when buying a skinning knife?
When choosing a skinning knife, pay attention to the following factors:
- a hunter’s knife must be wear-resistant;
- maintains sharpness well;
- the tool implies quality and practicality;
- the material of the blade is of great importance. The ideal option is Damascus steel (it should be protected from moisture and dampness, and wiped dry after finishing work);
- the handle should be straight, without bends or deep grooves. Preferably made of wood - the warmest and most natural material.
When choosing a skinning knife, you should remember that this particular tool is a kind of extension of the hunter’s hand. Often patterns and various engravings are carved on the handle, but such tools will not be ergonomic due to the numerous protrusions. These knives are best added to your collection. Inexperienced or novice hunters often directly compare the length of the blade with the practical skills of the owner. In fact, everything is absolutely wrong; on the contrary, it is the skill of using a short blade that is an indicator of the hunter’s level.

The meat must be cut before it can be cooked and eaten. Moreover, so that there is as little pulp left near the bones. Cutting meat is not an easy task. You can't do this without special skills and experience. Specialists know the sequence of operations, the direction in which to cut in order to obtain high-quality pieces. One of the difficult steps in cutting a carcass or part thereof is separating the meat from the bone. But skill alone may not be enough. You need a high-quality tool that will allow you to do this quickly. In this case, both the hands and the knife should remain intact. What kind of instrument is this, and how does it differ from the others?

Cutting tools

  • Boning knives.
  • Cleavers.

Let's take a closer look at these varieties.

Boning knives

Knives for cutting animal carcasses, trimming and separating meat from bones are called boning knives. How are they different from the rest? Can any long knife be called a boning knife?

In order to efficiently cut meat and separate it from bones, you need to have a very sharp knife. But this is not enough. In order to easily work around the bones, separating as much meat from them as possible, the knife must be very flexible. But since in his work the deboner has to perform operations of varying complexity, he needs different knives: both flexible and rigid.

According to their sanitary and hygienic characteristics, they must be suitable for working with food, which is meat.

All knives must meet certain parameters.


The blade of such knives is long and quite narrow. Its end is sharpened in the shape of the letter V. Professional boning knives are designed in such a way that they easily enter the meat. They are usually designed for processing pork, beef, lamb and poultry. The meat should not stick to the blade.


Boning knives can have a length from 130 mm to 300 mm in increments of 10, sometimes 5 mm. For deboning, products from 13 to 15 cm are usually used, for trimming - from 23 to 30 cm.

Typically, each specialist uses several knives in turn, depending on the type of carcass being processed. They are personal instruments tailored to a specific master. After all, the more convenient it is for a specialist to work, the higher his productivity.

Material for production

The boning knife experiences quite heavy loads during operation. In addition, during sterilization it is immersed in hot water, which kitchen knives usually don't like. Moreover, it is exposed to the aggressive environment of meat juice. To ensure that boning knives for meat last as long as possible, they are made from of stainless steel with high carbon content.

Chrome-molybdenum steel is also used. It is hardened by heat treatment in a vacuum.


Sharpening a boning knife takes place in several stages. The preliminary one is carried out using special machines, and the main one is done manually. And to achieve impeccable smoothness, it is polished using grinding and polishing wheels. For these operations it is convenient to use universal sharpening machines.


The shape of the handle is of great importance for comfortable knife operation. After all, a person needs to wield it throughout the entire working day. Therefore, the handle should be comfortably fixed by hand and not slip. That's why its surface is a little rough.

While using a knife, your hand may slip towards the blade and cut yourself on it. To prevent this from happening, there should be a protrusion at the end of the handle to prevent possible injury.

Knife handles are often made of polypropylene, a very durable plastic. It has a low specific gravity, so the handles are light. Products made from polypropylene have an attractive appearance.

Polyoxymethylene and micarta are used. To prevent the blade from falling out of the handle, it is riveted. In professional knives this is done using aluminum alloy rivets.


Boning knives must be hard. This property is measurable. There are many methods, but the most accessible and generally accepted is considered to be based on measuring the depth of penetration into the material being tested using a special hard tip of a device called a hardness tester. Depending on the material from which the tip is made, eleven definition scales are distinguished, indicated by the first letters Latin alphabet. The unit of measurement is denoted by HR, to which a letter is added indicating the scale on which it was carried out. Knives are determined on a scale marked C.

The highest possible value for the steel from which knives are made is 70 HRC. But in reality their hardness does not exceed 65 HRC. A knife with a value greater than this value will be very fragile and therefore impractical. Therefore, usually high-quality blades have a hardness rating ranging from 56 to 62 units. There are also harder ones, but in such cases the blade is protected with special plates made of mild steel. This is found in Damascus sabers.

It is not possible to check the hardness level at home, so you have to trust the manufacturer. In order not to be deceived, you need to buy knives from well-known manufacturers that enjoy an excellent reputation. Or check the quality from your own experience, risking making mistakes.

Professional boning knives

All knives can be divided into kitchen and professional knives. We use kitchens at home when preparing dinner for the family. And in production they work professionally. This doesn't mean you can't cut meat or other foods with a professional knife at home. But you won’t be able to work as a kitchen worker while trimming meat in production.

Professional knives are divided into boning, chef's, cutting, vegetables, fish, bread, vegetables and others.

Knives "Tramontina"

These knives are designed for professional use. They don't break and hold an edge for a long time. The blade is 2 mm thick and made of stainless steel.

Boning machines feature a beautiful polypropylene handle white. The antibacterial “microban” coating protects the knife from dirt and does not allow the proliferation of various pathogenic fungi, mold, and microbes. Customer reviews indicate that the coating does not wear off over a long period of use, no matter how long the knife is used. The shape of the handle is comfortable to grip, large and light, and does not slip in the hand.

The blade is highly polished and does not darken over time. It is sharpened in the shape of the letter V, which allows you to cut accurately, easily and accurately for a long time.

Eicker knives

The blades of Eicker knives are made from chrome plated. In order to relieve them from brittleness, the steel is first alloyed with molybdenum and vanadium. As a result, they get very sharp knives, which do not become dull during operation. Therefore, they are not sharpened, but only straightened and polished. To do this, use a special grinder - a sharpener made of chrome-vanadium steel.

Eicker boning knives are equipped with a conveniently shaped handle, which is molded from nylon with fiberglass and rubber. Therefore, they do not slip and fit well in the hand. Boning knives of this brand do not break or form cracks. They are not afraid of falling from a height. It is safe to work with knives with such handles because the protective ridge prevents accidental cuts. It helps to cut meat carcasses easily and without much effort. Customer reviews speak about this.

The Eicker series includes hard, semi-flexible and flexible boning knives. Using a set of such tools, you can perform all the necessary operations for cutting meat.

How much does a boning knife cost? The price of a professional Eicker brand tool is approximately 800 rubles.

Giesser knives

Giesser boning knives are made from chrome-molybdenum steel with a hardness of 56 HRC. The blades are treated with silver to protect against germs. Each product has its own number, according to which it is repaired or replaced. Lifetime warranty on PRIME LINE knives from the manufacturer Giesser. Price - about 1200 rubles.

The Japanese boning knife of the KAI SHUN brand is made of Damascus steel. Its blade is sharpened on both sides, which allows it to easily penetrate deep into the meat. The handle is made of ebony, treated with special substances to prevent rotting and insect penetration. It is very strong due to the high content of oily substances in the wood. Does not deteriorate, does not rot, does not break.

The all-metal ring (bulster), located at the junction of the handle and blade, prevents the accumulation of meat residues and injuries during operation. At the end of the handle there is a special “heel” made of steel. It protects the knife from destruction due to accidental impacts, making it last longer.

Blade length - 150 mm, total length - 272 mm. Plain type sharpening. Blade hardness - 61 HRC.

This knife is easy to work with. Customer reviews speak about this. The hand does not get tired for a long time.

The price of such a product is about 10 thousand rubles.


Wide boning knives have a 15 cm long stainless steel blade. Ergonomic handles in various colors allow you to work for a long time without feeling tired. The hardness of the blade steel is 56 HRC.

Price - about 1 thousand rubles.