Some citizens have recently been interested in a rather situational issue. It concerns whether an additional payment is due to the pension for 30 years life together spouses. In order to get an accurate answer to this question, you should consider it in more detail.

In general terms, it can be noted that such a program does exist, but it is very dependent on the place of residence of citizens. So, for example, in St. Petersburg, upon reaching 50, 60 and 70 years of marriage, married couples have the right to receive a lump sum payment.

There is an unequivocal answer - at the moment there is no increase in pension for marital service for thirty years. However, there are other ways to receive benefits. As an example, you can present the other spouse as a dependent if his pension with all allowances is smaller.

Of course, this option refers to an addition to the existing pension payment, which is issued to the breadwinner to provide for a dependent person. Thus, the additional payment is made to the person whose pension is greater. But this method has absolutely nothing to do with the time that the spouses have been married, even if it be at least one year, at least fifty years.

In order to receive this kind of allowance, one of the spouses personally submits a corresponding application to the Russian Pension Fund authorities at the place of residence. In addition to the application itself, you must also attach additional papers. The main condition for receiving the bonus is Cohabitation citizens and their presence in a registered marriage.

Question about working pensioners

As for citizens who continue labor activity even after achieving retirement age, they will receive an increase in the form of an insurance pension. Thus, starting from 2017, every working pensioner begins to receive insurance supplements in a larger volume. However, the final amount is limited according to a point system.

According to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, it is noted that out of the total number of pensioners in the country, which is about 43 million, almost 17 million continue to work after reaching retirement age. The same applicants who received insurance pensions last year due to old age or disability and for whom the employer paid an insurance premium, can count on recalculation of this type of pension without the need to apply for this.

The total size of such an increase directly depends on the total salary of the currently working pensioner. That is why it is impossible to introduce additional payments to pensions for 30 years of marriage of spouses in parallel with points.

Features of scoring points

The formation of the point system began in January 2015. The essence of these changes was a new format for calculating pensions, in which the amount of all bonuses depends on the points accumulated by the participant in the program. The cost of one point changes every year, so there is no stable indicator; it can be either lower or higher, depending on the results of the current year.

The very meaning of this program lies in its accessibility and transparency for the population. This makes it much easier to calculate the number of contributions paid to the Pension Fund. This also allows you to track their distribution among all pensioners in the country.

With these changes, all state funds allocated to support the program can be used to compensate for benefits received by special categories of citizens. In addition, this allows for a more convenient calculation of funds contributed to the fund by employers, if any.

However, in fact, it turned out that since 2015, a limit of three points was established at the time the program was put into operation. The amount of one point began to be calculated precisely from the above-mentioned contributions from employers for the entire accounting year. This volume is correlated with the sum of points of those citizens who retired on time or early, or under special conditions. The main condition here is that this change be below the inflation rate.

Unfortunately, the introduction of the points system did not bring the expected result. The transparency of all accrued funds was simply violated, which subsequently led to citizens’ distrust in the pension formation system. However, the system continues to operate to this day and since 2015, every citizen must accumulate a certain number of points and years of work experience by the time of retirement.

As of 2017, a citizen is eligible to receive an old-age pension if he has 11.4 pension points and has at least eight years of insurance coverage. But every year these requirements increase, however, the maximum number of points cannot be higher than thirty.

The nuances of the scoring system

The Russian Pension Fund, when introducing the points system, stated that for people receiving a “white” wages There can be no problem at all with a lack of points. But, as it turned out later, employees of such organizations who had approached the threshold of retirement still faced a similar problem and did not have enough points.

The only advice for citizens from the head of the Pension Fund was to continue working in the same place for an additional five years. Moreover, it was promised that even if they did not have enough points, they would already be able to apply for a regular social pension.

The motivation for this answer was the fact that a citizen who has worked in one place for less than five years cannot receive a pension at all. Moreover, this period is planned to be increased by the end of 2017 to eight years. This is justified by the fact that if the employee has no work experience, issuing such payments to him is impossible. Another condition was added here - it is necessary to monitor the payment of insurance contributions by the employer, sufficient to provide the employee with a minimum level of pension.


As you can see, at the moment in Russian Federation The supplement to the pension for 30 years of marriage of spouses simply does not apply. However, depending on the region of residence, you can choose similar conditions that can provide an additional increase in your pension.

Despite this, it is possible to receive lump sum payments for spouses living together for 50 years or more as additional support. The main obstacle to the formation of a full-fledged program of additional benefits to pensions is the establishment of a point system, which simply makes it impossible for it to work in combination with other programs to help people who have reached retirement age.

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The bonus for one of the spouses of pensioners is based on the second spouse as a disabled dependent. The bonus that exists is added not exactly for the length of married life, but as an additional payment for a dependent. It turns out, for example, a husband whose pension is higher, while retired, is himself disabled, and he also has a dependent, disabled pensioner wife. So the allowance is due to a disabled person who also has a disabled person as a dependent. The spouse with the higher pension is paid extra. Additional payment to the pension for 30 years of marriage of the spouses: additional payment is made as a disabled person for a dependent by Federal Law of December 17, 2001 N 173-FZ “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation" provides for an increase in the fixed base amount of the insurance part of the labor pension for those pensioners who are dependent on the persons specified in subparagraphs 1, 3 and 4 of paragraph 2 of Art. 9 of this Law. This category of persons includes, in particular, the spouse of a pensioner who has reached the age of 60 or 55 years (for men and women, respectively) or is disabled and has limited ability to work. At the same time, the spouse of a pensioner is recognized as his (her) dependent only if he (she) is fully supported by him or receives assistance from him, which is for him (her) a permanent and main source of livelihood. Regions may have their own laws, let us give an example from the law of the Moscow region of December 21, 2005 N 5/163-P Additional payment to pensions for 30 years of marriage of spouses: regions may have their own additional payments ON MEASURES OF SOCIAL SUPPORT FOR FAMILY AND CHILDREN IN THE MOSCOW REGION AREAS Article 10. One-time benefit to spouses for the anniversaries of their life together 1. The right to a one-time benefit for spouses for the anniversaries of their life together extends to celebrants in connection with their 50th anniversary, 55th anniversary, 60th anniversary, 65th anniversary, 70th anniversary ( or more) of their life together, having a place of residence in the Moscow region on the anniversary day. 2. The amount of a one-time benefit to spouses in connection with the anniversary of their marriage is: in connection with the 50th anniversary of their marriage - 5,000 rubles; 55th anniversary - 6000 rubles; 60th anniversary - 7,000 rubles; 65th birthday - 8,000 rubles; 70th birthday (or more) - 9,000 rubles. (as amended by Law of the Moscow Region dated December 26, 2007 N 228/2007-OZ) A one-time allowance to spouses for the anniversary of their marriage is paid in the amount established by this Law on the anniversary day. (paragraph introduced by the Law of the Moscow Region dated April 22, 2011 N 53/2011-OZ) ★COMMENTS ON THE VIDEO★ SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL Supplement to pension for spousal service Supplement to pension for length of service Increase in pension after 80 years in 2017 Increasing pensions for working pensioners in 2017 last news Additional payment to pension for 30 and 50 years of marriage of spouses Which pensioners benefit from recalculation of pensions for children? Recalculation of pensions for children born before 1990, new information from the pension fund Sberbank has developed a program for pensioners Pensions for working pensioners from August 1, 2017 Additional payment to pension for work experience of more than 40 years in 2017

Citizens of retirement age, in addition to monthly security, have the right to claim fringe benefits and allowances. The list of preferences and the amount of benefits is different for each region, so not all Russians are entitled to an additional payment to the pension for 30 years of marriage of spouses.

Is there a pension supplement for 30 years of married life?

Benefits for pensioners are provided at the federal and/or regional level. For example, among federal beneficiaries are:

  • disabled people;
  • heroes of labor;
  • military veterans, etc.

In the regions, the list of beneficiaries depends on the adopted legislative and regulatory acts. To date, neither at the federal nor at the regional level there are benefits for pensioners who have been married for a certain number of years. In addition, in Russian legislation there is no concept of “matrimonial experience”.

One-time regional payments to anniversaries

For residents of some regions, one-time payments are provided to pensioners celebrating their anniversary (for example, in Moscow and St. Petersburg). This type of incentive is awarded to citizens who have lived in a registered marriage for a certain number of years. Please note that payments are possible only starting from the golden wedding, i.e. from the 50th anniversary of marriage.

The main condition for the allocation of financial assistance is an officially registered marriage. From this date the calculation is carried out. The fact of cohabitation is not documented. You can apply for a one-time benefit at your place of permanent residence through the social protection department, the Multifunctional Center (MFC) or electronically - via the Internet. In addition to the application, you must provide:

  • passports of both spouses;
  • marriage registration certificate.

In Moscow

For Muscovites who have lived together for 50, 55, 60, 65 or 70 years, registry offices and wedding palaces organize special honoring programs. The capital government, for its part, provided a one-time payment. Only one of the spouses can apply for it. The amount depends on the number of years lived together:

In St. Petersburg

For married couples where both spouses are registered in St. Petersburg and are citizens of Russia, a one-time social supplement for retirement in connection with the anniversary of their marriage. Only one of the spouses can receive a payment of the agreed amount.

There are many additional payments that retirees may not have heard of. An additional payment to the pension is due for 30 years of marriage of the spouses.

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All pensioners upon reaching this age have the right to receive one or another pension. However, there are a number of other additives and conversion possibilities that are regularly discussed on the Internet and beyond.

A spousal supplement is one possible way to add points or another alternative.

What it is

A pension supplement is an additional payment to pensioners for certain achievements or social help from the state.

It is difficult to say for sure who is entitled to it, since any public funds can only be issued on the basis of laws.

As for the additional payment to the pension for 30 years of marriage, it is not on a federal scale. That is, not every Russian pensioner can take advantage of this right, but only those who live in a region that is ready to allocate funds for this and has a written obligation.

This additional payment has been in demand for a long time, but such a law has not yet been adopted at the federal level, which makes it much more difficult for pensioners to understand what they can count on if their marriage is 30 years or more.

The easiest way is to take such a question and check it, because... in most cases, residents of Russia are entitled to bonuses for living together.

Requirements for accrual in Moscow

The capital's budget can boast of its capabilities, unlike many other, more remote regions of Russia. But here too there are special conditions.

An additional payment to the pension for 30 years of marriage of spouses in Moscow is not provided, but this opportunity is available to couples who celebrated their “golden wedding”.

This means that funds are given to those pensioners who have lived together for 50 years or more. In 2019, local newspapers again raised the issue of this type of payment, and said that the local government intends to double the amount of such additional payment.

Let us recall that previously the amount was set at 10,000 rubles, and the right to receive it was the spouse who has larger size pensions.

The law explains this by the fact that the spouse receiving the smaller amount is a dependent, so the supplement must be given to his breadwinner.

Although the increase is one-time in nature, if the couple reaches 55, 65, 70, and 75 years of marriage, the amount of the increase will be even greater.

This year, funds were included in the local budget for payments to increase the early amounts. With 55 years of experience, they promise 25,000 rubles, and the largest amount can reach up to 30,000 rubles.

Absolutely all regions adhere to the condition of receiving funds through an application, so in order for pensioners to be rewarded, they must first complete the paperwork.

The main requirements that are put forward to candidates for the award, in addition to length of service, are the following:

  1. Both partners must be of retirement age at the time of application. For women this is from 55 years old, for men from 60.
  2. Evidence that one spouse has a significantly higher pension than the other. This is explained by the fact that he is the breadwinner of the family and requires supplements.
  3. In addition to being married, pensioners must have jointly acquired property, a household, etc.

If all conditions and requirements are met, pensioners can go submit an application and wait for a response. Sometimes an application is rejected if the breadwinner's pension is similar to that of the dependent.

This may be due to the fact that the difference in pension accruals is insignificant, which does not allow one of the partners to be considered the breadwinner, and takes care of their other half.

Typically, for an application to pass, the difference in receipts must be more than 2.5%. In this case, pensioners will have a chance to receive a bonus.

Where to go

Regardless of the region of residence of pensioners, the additional payment is processed by the territorial body of the Pension Fund.

There you can get advice about the possibility itself, find out the conditions for receiving it, and the individual size.

If the region supports this opportunity, the pensioner will be asked to fill out an application, after which it will go to the commission that decides on the amount of funds.

The legislative framework

Law “On Labor Pensions” No. 173 - Federal Law contains information on which categories of pensioners have the right to receive additional funds.

Along with the question of the possibility of payments, there are nuances about the conditions for receipt, so I suggest you consider them. The following factors influence the receipt of funds:

  1. Place of residence or region of residence of a couple of pensioners, because These payments are issued only in a few regions.
  2. Official length of service in marriage, which is of primary importance in the right to receive.
  3. Size provided pension payments separately by each spouse.
  4. On what means do the spouses live: exclusively on pensions? state provision or have a job.

Rules for supplementing pensions after 30 years of married life

This surcharge exists only in some regions, and is issued only once as a reward for elderly loved ones.

However, there may be several such dates, so a couple who received an increase will be able to qualify for the next one in a few years.

An example of such payments is the city of St. Petersburg, which has long had such a regional law on payments, but it also has other conditions for receiving.

But pensioners living in this region can receive funds after living not 30 years, but 50 or more.

This suggests that although this opportunity exists, to accurately answer the question the pensioner needs to contact the Pension Fund at his place of residence and clarify whether his region has such a rule or not.

An additional condition for obtaining such an opportunity is not only joint experience, but also joint management of the household during these years.

The complexity of the issue of payments lies in the absence of a fixed federal law, therefore, to receive an additional payment, each pensioner can contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and find out about this opportunity, options for receiving it, as well as the conditions under which it is due.

To make an additional payment, the pensioner must visit the Pension Fund, write an application, and provide the following documents:

  • passports of both spouses;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • a certificate from work, if one of the spouses or both continue to work in addition to the pension.

Based on the application and data, the commission will review the claim within the specified time frame and make a decision on the amount of additional payment.

The amount of funds is determined based on the established amounts according to regional laws, as well as the individual characteristics of the couple:

  • pension size;
  • length of life together;
  • salaries.

You should be prepared for the fact that there is no guarantee of receipt even after submitting documents, since no federal law has been adopted to date.

For those couples who, in addition to having a farm, can be provided with an alternative - a discount on utilities, which is also a good option.

Another problem may be the required length of time spent living together, because... many regions support pensioners who have been married for 50 years or more.

There are many regions that are already actively involved in encouraging pensioners and giving them respect in the form of money, but this does not happen everywhere, and such an opportunity remains inaccessible to other regions.

If, nevertheless, our country decides to introduce this surcharge at the federal level, absolutely all pensioners who have lived together for more than 30 years will have the right to the surcharge.

In any case, to provide funds, you will need to apply. But it’s too early to talk about this, and we can only observe isolated experiments in regions in which they pay money if they have been married for 50 years or more.

Application form

When contacting the Pension Fund, the pensioner will receive a standard form, where it will be necessary to enter the personal data of both spouses, indicate who is a dependent and breadwinner.

Photo: sample application for pension recalculation

At the end there is a date and signature of the applicant. An application form for recalculation of pension payments is available.

Table of regional programs

Due to the fact that the surcharge is financed and decided exclusively at the level of individual regions, local authorities may have conditions for retired couples not only as a surcharge, but also other benefits.

For example, instead of a one-time bonus, pensioners will receive a discount on utility bills.

Regional surcharge programs:

Types of surcharges Recipients
Transferring benefits into money Pensioners entitled to benefits can refuse them in favor of money. This applies to disabled people and WWII veterans
Compensation for utility bills Pensioners living only on pensions are entitled to a discount
Automatic assistance when a pensioner reaches a certain age Pensioners who have reached the ages of 70 and 80 are entitled to special benefits and double pensions
Supplement to the cost of living Pensioners with a pension less than the established one living wage in the capital, have the right to a supplement
Indexing program Automatic increase in pensions, which is carried out according to the plan twice a year

Amount provided

Each region includes in the annual budget an amount that can be realized as a bonus, so this information can be obtained by contacting the Pension Fund.

There are also individual factors that influence the commission’s decision. The additional payment is received by the spouse whose pension is at least 2,500 rubles higher (he is considered the breadwinner), while the second spouse receives dependent status.

Today there is increased interest in the question: is there an additional payment to the pension for 30 years of marriage of spouses? What is this - fantasy or reality? Taking into account the level of living of our Russian pensioners, it is not surprising that citizens are increasingly interested in additional payments, benefits and other benefits. First of all, let's look at what additional payments to older people are established by law.

What types of pension supplements are there?

There is an annual indexation of citizens’ pensions, and there are also one-time payments, such as, in 2017, a one-time benefit to pensioners in the amount of 5 thousand rubles. In addition, the state has established the following types additional amounts to the insurance part of the pension for women and men who have reached the ages of 55 and 60 years, respectively:

  1. Social– are assigned if the total amount of all income of a citizen is below the subsistence level, which is established in a particular region. Besides, he doesn't work anywhere at the moment. Paid from the federal budget monthly.
  2. For the children— a supplement is charged if, when applying for a pension for the first time, information about children born before 1990 was not provided.
  3. Additional disability payments resulting from injury or illness. This requires an appropriate package of documents - a medical report, a decision of a medical and social commission. The amount of additional payments depends on the disability group.
  4. If old man has on maintenance of dependents, then he has the right to apply to the Pension Fund for additional payment.
  5. The state pays specially established allowances for civil servants and municipal employees.
  6. Rely additional payments for special merits- this applies to such categories of citizens as labor veterans, participants of the Great Patriotic War(WWII), residents of the Far North, flight crew members, combatants, holders of state awards, orders, etc.
  7. Mothers of many children Additional payments are also required, paid from local budgets.
  8. Citizens who have turned 80 years old automatically increase the size of the fixed amount of their insurance pension by 2 times. So, in 2018 it is 4983 rubles, respectively, after reaching the specified age, payments will increase by this amount. For residents of the Far North, the premium is higher and is calculated separately, taking into account regional coefficients.

At the state level, additional payment to pensions for long-term cohabitation of spouses is not established by law.

However, in some regions there is one-time support for such married couples. A certain amount can be allocated from the local budget and presented to the spouses in a solemn ceremony. The longer the joint experience, the larger the amount. But in this case we are still talking about 50, 60, 70 or more years of marriage.

For example, in 2017 in St. Petersburg, local authorities provided one-time financial incentives to couples who had lived together for 50 and 70 years.

Nothing is said about payments for 30 years of living under one roof. Nevertheless, the additive can be obtained under certain conditions.

The legislation does not provide for additional payment to the pension for 30 years of married life.

However, in some regions, local authorities may decide to make payments for a long period of cohabitation. In addition, older people may receive additional cash benefits or bonuses regardless of this period.

The possibility of their implementation depends on a number of reasons:

  • From the region where citizens live. Not all local officials support the initiative to encourage long-term married couples.
  • Depends on the size of the pension payments of the husband and wife.
  • The fact that the spouses work or live exclusively on government benefits is taken into account.

How to get additional payments

To establish a premium, several steps must be taken:

  1. To find out whether additional payments are provided for a long period of living together, you should contact the Pension Fund office. If the answer is yes, then apply for them.
  2. Provide both spouses with a passport or any identification document.
  3. Bring a document that confirms the fact of long-term cohabitation.
  4. Provide information about whether any of them are working.

And these are not all the conditions. To receive a payment, it is required that the marriage be legal, a joint household be maintained and common property acquired.

Regardless of the length of the marriage, local authorities can provide bonuses to older people, provided that one spouse has a smaller pension than the other. The difference must be at least 2.5%.

In this case, citizens apply to the Pension Fund, the spouse with a smaller benefit receives the status of a dependent, and the one with a larger benefit receives the status of breadwinner. Additional payments are assigned to the breadwinner.

Dependent status can be assigned to any family member living with the pensioner - minor children, seriously ill people or relatives who have reached 80 years of age or more.

However, additional payments are not automatically assigned. To receive them, you must appear in person at Pension Fund with an application and documents required for a specific case. For each married couple the decision is made on an individual basis.

Let's summarize

The law does not provide for additional accruals to pensions for 30 years of married life. However, it is possible to receive additional payments if:

  • Both spouses have reached the appropriate age (husband 60 years old, wife 55 years old).
  • None of them work.
  • The amounts of insurance pensions received by husband and wife differ by 2.5% (minimum 2.5 thousand rubles). One of them is recognized as a dependent, and the breadwinner receives additional payment.
  • In the region where the spouses live, this program is supported.

To apply for additional cash benefits, you must contact your local Pension Fund office.