Select an option knitting edge loops very important and depends on how you will use the edge of the knitted fabric in the future: stitching, connecting the parts with a certain seam; pick up stitches along the edge for further knitting or the edge will serve as the finished open edge of the product. Edge stitches are usually considered to be the first and last stitches and are not usually taken into account in the main pattern of the fabric, but sometimes an edge can be knitted from two or three loops from the edge. Let's look at the types of main and decorative edges below.

The most common edge with formation along the edge of the chain, such an edge is well suited for further stitching, it forms an even flat edge with the only drawback - it curls. When knitting this edge in the front row, remove the first loop as a front one (thread at work), then after knitting the front row, knit the last one; turning the work over, in the purl row, remove the first loop without knitting as a purl (thread before work), and knit the last loop purl.

Very similar edge with the same chain, with less twist in my opinion. In the front row, knit the first loop with a knit stitch crossed (behind the back wall), knit the last one with a classic knit stitch, in the purl row, remove the first and last loop without knitting it like a purl stitch (thread before work).

To create a crisp edge without curling, knit knotted edge, this edge looks harmonious in garter stitch. It is knitted almost like the first version of the edge with a chain, but in the front row, remove the first loop as a purl, placing the thread in front of the work, knit the last one as well; in the purl row, remove the first loop as a knit stitch (thread behind the work), and knit the last loop purl.

If you need to get a tight, neat, non-stretchy edge, for example, for the open edge of a jacket, scarf, belt or placket, this works well. double chain edge option. This edge is knitted on two loops at the beginning and at the end; when calculating the loops, take into account not two, but four loops. In the front row: slip the first loop as a knit stitch (thread at work), knit the second loop with a knit stitch crossed, knit the penultimate loop with a knit stitch crossed, slip the last loop. In the purl row, knit the first and last loops purlwise, and remove the second and penultimate ones as purl stitches (thread before work). If you are knitting a front for a jacket, then knit the edge " double chain” on the open edge, and on the other a simple chain for further stitching.

Decorative a non-curling edge with a straight chain on the sides is suitable for decorating a scarf, belt, straps and other open edges of products. Knitted on two loops at the beginning and end of the fabric. In the front row, slip the first loop as a knit stitch, knit the second loop purlwise, also at the end of the row, knit the penultimate loop purlwise, and remove the last one without knitting. Turning the work to the wrong side, purl the first two and last two edge stitches.

In knitting, edge loops play, although not the main role, but nevertheless, without them it is impossible to form smooth edges of the fabric. Their second name sounds like the edge loops of a knitted product. If you look at the standard knitting pattern, you need to use the first and last buttonhole of each row. There are exceptions when not only two, but four or more are involved in the calculation.

So, let's take a closer look in photos and videos at what edge loops are and what the main techniques are in knitting.

Loops along the edge of the chain

This technique is one of the most common in needlework. During stitching, thanks to this edge, an even and flat edge of the product is formed. But there is one significant drawback - it curls.

To knit such a pattern correctly, you need to remove the first stitch in the front strip and continue knitting the row to the end. Then you should turn the knitting over and remove the loop in the purl row, but do not knit it. The final loop is made inside out. The photo shows an example of what this type of edge knitting looks like.

There is another method where the edge loop twists much less than the previous one. The first loop in the front row is knitted, wrapping around the back wall. The last one needs to be done in the classic way. From the wrong side, the primary and last loop is also removed, but without knitting.

Knotted edge

To knit smooth and uncurled edges, the product is knitted with a knotted edge. This look would look great in garter stitch. This knitting method is similar to the previous one, but there is still a difference. Holding the working thread in front of you, you need to remove the first loop as a purl. The latter is also knitted in knit stitch. You do the same manipulations from the inside out, only you do it the other way around.

Double chain

If you want the product to have a dense and neat texture with a non-stretchy edge, then this is suitable for you next option, in which the edge loops are knitted in a double chain. This method can most often be found in scarves, belts and the open edges of jackets. This edge is made with knitting needles on two loops, which are picked up at the beginning and at the end of the strip. On the front side, the initial one is removed, and the second one is knitted in a crossed way. The penultimate one in the row is also knitted with a cross, and the final one is simply removed. On the reverse side, the first and last buttonholes are knitted inside out, of the remaining two, the first is removed, and the second is made inside out. When you knit a front for a jacket, you need to knit the open edge with a double chain, and the other with a regular chain, so that you can sew them together later.

Decorative edge

This pattern will look smooth and not curl on the sides. It is suitable for the open edges of scarves and belts. To do this, you need to take two loops, which are located at the beginning of the strip and at the end. On the front side, the first is removed, and the second is done on the wrong side. The same thing happens with the last two loops. If you turn the work over to the other side, you need to knit all four edges inside out.

Pearl edge

The pearl method of knitting edge loops is used to process the edges of blankets and shawls. This pattern cannot be twisted, does not stretch, and appearance remains very neat. These edge stitches are worked on the base of three stitches. If you knit from the face, then you need to make the first and third purl, and the second knit. The last loops in the row are made exactly according to the same pattern. On the wrong side, the work is done in the following sequence: front, then back and back again.

Knit and purl stitches- This is the basis of knitting. There are many ways to knit and purl. But there are two main ones: classic and “grandmother’s”.

Important! There are no classic, granny, French, English, etc. knits and purls. Knits are knits, purls are purls. There is only different ways knitting these loops.

Today we will start mastering the classical method.

1. If knitting a pattern requires, for example, 15 loops, then cast on 17 loops on the knitting needles, because the first and last loops in the fabric are edge loops (marked in purple). They do not count towards the loops of the pattern itself. Therefore, in verbal descriptions they usually indicate: “cast on such and such a number of loops plus two edge loops.”
After set row knitted, turn the knitting needle to the other side clockwise. This direction should be followed constantly when moving from row to row:

2. As a result, the tail and the working thread from the ball should be near the right hand:

3. The first loop in the row is considered to be the loop following the first edge stitch. The last loop in the row is the loop that goes before the last edge stitch. The edge stitches in the photo are marked in purple, the first and last loops are marked in pink:

4. We throw the working thread (the one that stretches from the ball) through the index finger of the left hand and place it between the palm and the remaining fingers of the hand:

5. B right hand take the second knitting needle. We do not knit the first edge stitch, but transfer it from the left knitting needle to the right one, inserting the right knitting needle into the loop on the left one, moving from right to left. So we retake the first edge in all rows: front and back. Let me immediately note that this is only one of the ways to design edges; others will be discussed in the following lessons. :

The edge was removed. She is now on the right knitting needle:

6. We will knit the first row facial loops. To knit a knit stitch, insert the right knitting needle into the loop on the left knitting needle, moving from left to right. By moving the knitting needle from top to bottom, we pick up the working thread:

And pull it towards you into the loop on the left knitting needle (pink color). Drop the loop from the left needle (purple) from the left needle:

The front loop is knitted:

7. We knit the row to the end. We knit the last edge stitch. In all other rows (front and back), the last edge is the front one.

Turn the knitting to reverse side for the second row, which we will perform with purl stitches.

Purl loops.

1. Insert the right knitting needle into the loop on the left knitting needle from right to left and place the right knitting needle on the working thread as shown by the arrow:

2. We pull the right knitting needle together with the working thread into the loop on the left knitting needle as shown by the purple arrow, while pointing the index finger with the working thread towards ourselves for convenience:

3. Drop the loop from the left needle:

The purl loop is knitted:

This is what the side of the fabric with purl loops looks like:

If we knit only knit stitches on the front side of the fabric, and only purl stitches on the back side, then this pattern will be called facial surface. When we knit a knit stitch, on the other side of the fabric it looks like a purl stitch, when we knit a purl loop, on the other side it looks like a knit stitch, so with knit stitch it turns out that on the face of the fabric all the stitches are knit, and on the wrong side - purl .
At circular knitting For example, when we knit socks and mittens, we do not turn the fabric after each row, but knit it all the time in the round only on the front side of the fabric with facial loops. Therefore, such a pattern in this case is called stockinette stitch.

Closing the loops of the last row when knitting.

When we have knitted the last row, we need to close the loops from the knitting needle:

There are several ways to close the loops of the last row. Today we will study the most basic one.

We remove the edge from the left knitting needle to the right one. We knit the next loop according to the pattern and throw the edge loop through the knitted loop. We knit the next loop again according to the pattern. What does the picture mean? This means that if we have a knit stitch on the knitting needle, then we knit it with a knit stitch, if we have a purl stitch, we knit it with a purl stitch. We are now closing the loops in the front row, so according to the picture - front loops:

So, we knit a knit stitch. Knitted. There are two loops on the right needle. Now we insert the left knitting needle into the first of two loops on the right knitting needle and throw it through the second loop on the right knitting needle. So we close all the loops. Just try not to tighten the loops, but to stretch them freely:

The closed row will be in the form of a pigtail:

Knit and purl loops in the classic way video tutorial:

How to knit edge loops?

Edge stitches begin and end many projects made with regular straight knitting needles. It is thanks to the use of this technique that neat edges are obtained on a seamlessly knitted product or part. Therefore, every beginning knitter must know how to knit edge stitches.

There are several ways to determine the execution of the edge. But no matter which one you choose, you will definitely need straight knitting needles, high-quality yarn and a little patience.

Knitting edge loops

  1. First, remove the outermost stitch in the row without knitting. This is done like this: make a movement from right to left, inserting your working (right) knitting needle into the thread bow located on the edge. Next, transfer the resulting loop to the working thread. This loop should remain on your index finger left hand.
  2. Do not forget to take into account the fact that often in knitting manuals the first loop is defined not as the edge loop (that is, the edge loop), but the loop located next to it. And then, if 17 stitches of a row are indicated, then you will need to cast on 19. Neither the last nor the first stitches are in rapport (many knitters talk about this about an element of multi-colored or embossed sequentially repeating jacquard pattern) will not be included.
  3. Continue knitting. The edge loop should be formed using the “chain” method in the form of a series of several elongated loops. Remember to only knit the last edge stitch on the knit row. The first edge loop of the future “chain” is simply removed in this case, and the thread must be placed before knitting.
  4. Knit the edge loop that closes the row as a regular knit stitch. Then, turning the work over, perform a purl row. Result: the last loop knitted in the row turns out to be the first, that is, the edge loop, and, as indicated in the sample, is removed onto the knitting needle.
  5. Using a chain-shaped edge will help you complete individual cutting steps that ultimately need to be sewn together.
  6. To properly knit an edge stitch, knit a knotted edge. To do this, remove the edge loop, and be sure to place the main (working) thread behind the knitting. Here, the last loop in the row, as in the “chain” technique, is also knitted.
  7. By knitting in knots, create an edge several rows high. Along the edges of the product, knots of working thread should appear at equal intervals, which are necessary for catching the elongated edge loops. As a result, the edge will be well fixed and will not become too elastic.

The edge loop, the creation video of which is presented here, will look great in any product, and in terms of strength it will not be inferior to the other two types of edge loops.

When starting to knit, beginning needlewomen sometimes face the problem of how to finish a row so that the edge of the fabric looks even. An edge loop is used for this purpose, the knitting rules of which are the subject of the article.

Knitting an edge loop

An edge loop is a loop that opens and closes a row. This is necessary in order to knitted fabric it looked neat, its edges were not deformed and could easily be connected to other parts of the product. The edge of the fabric is the vertical edge of the knit. Depending on how it is designed, different results are obtained. For example, if you knit the outer loops at the beginning and end of a row, you get a fabric with a stretchy edge. If you remove the edge at the beginning of the row and knit the last one, then the knitted fabric will not stretch. The edge loop is made either knit or purl. The difference is that when knitting, the front - working thread is located behind the work, and the back - in front of the work. When a loop is removed without knitting at the beginning of a row, and the last one is knitted purl-wise, you should always pay attention to the position of the working thread. It must be behind the knitting needle.

Types of edge loops

They can be varied, their design largely depends on the main design of the product. The choice of one or another type will depend on whether you want to hide the edge loops with a connecting seam, or whether you will weave them into the trim or strip.

For the seam, the following option for edge loops is suitable - “knotted”. The first row is knitted with facial loops. The second row - the edge stitch is removed, the rest are knitted purlwise, the last loop of the row is knitted. Thus, a knotted edge is obtained when in the purl rows the side loops are knitted with the front ones. It turns out that there is only one edge loop for two rows. The "knotted" edge is suitable for a seam called "over the edge".

To lift the loops in each row, remove the first loop without knitting. Next, knit in rapport. It turns out that the removed loop will be stretched into 2 rows. Therefore, a “chain” is obtained from the loops, which is very clearly visible during their lifting.

Edge loops are perfect for processing open edges: vertical holes for buttons, vests, jacket trims. For example, a placket is knitted with a single elastic band, which has buttonholes. The edge loop is designed as follows. In the first row of the front side, remove the first loop, then alternate 1 front and 1 purl until the end. Knit the second row with an elastic band, knit the last row. Alternate these two rows until the required height is reached.

Sometimes a pattern called “Confusion” is used for planks; it is also called reverse elastic. The number of stitches cast on must be even. Knit the first row in the sequence: purl one, knit one. Continue to the end of the row. Start the second row with two, then knit alternately knit and purl, so knit until the end. This edge is used when making some parts of the product that require double edge knitting. Please note that if there are no explanations in the description of the product, then the front loops according to the pattern should be removed as front ones, and the purl loops should be removed as purl ones. At the beginning of each row, the edge loop is removed with knitting needles as usual, the next one is knitted behind the front wall. The penultimate row in the next row is removed unknitted, and the working thread must be in front of the loop.

For practice, you can make a row of a small number of loops and knit them. It is better to mark the right edge of your knitting using colored thread. Now knit on the right side with facial loops, using a double edge stitch. A regular edge stitch is knitted on the left side.