I’ll tell you a little for those who don’t know who Monster High are. The children of legendary mystical characters study at the school of monsters. They study in high school and face problems that are extremely relevant for modern teenagers. But they are not ashamed of their characteristics, but, on the contrary, are proud of them! After studying these heroes a little, I realized that they are not such monsters. Just regular teenage girls. They face school difficulties, go to parties, dream of love, follow fashion and experiment with their appearance. Distinguish them from ordinary people it is possible only by skin color, fangs and other features of appearance, ability to cast magic.

On one of the sites about Monsters, I saw a story about how a beauty cup suddenly disappeared at a school of monsters just before a beauty contest. A great idea for a quest.)))))) At each level of the quest, one school student appears and helps my daughter and her friends find this cup.

All party participants received stylized invitations in advance.

And so the day came. When everyone had gathered, I gave my daughter a note with the site address and quest number. Their favorite song began to play, which they immediately picked up and began to sing along in chorus.

And so on the screen is the headmistress of the school of monsters, Bloodgood.

I thought the whole adventure would end there, but the girls looked at each other and pressed the START button.

Level one. Draculaura's hint.

While they were reading, their favorite song was played. Then we looked at Draculaura. We thought for about five minutes what a sleepy kingdom it was. And where to look for the task. But they realized and ran to the birthday girl’s room. We looked everywhere, but not by the bed.)))) Hurray, we found it. The box was hidden behind the bed. And there is a note and hearts.

There were a lot of hearts, but some had letters written on them that could be used to form the word FRIENDSHIP.

Friendship was the answer to the first task.

Level two. Claudine's hint.

The girls quickly guessed that it was a TV. But the catch is that we have three of them.)))))) We searched everything. And of course they found a task from Claudine.

Let me explain a little.

1st number number of steps 16. There are 8 steps in one flight of stairs. But the girlfriends counted the steps with the span between the floors. They ran around counting four times until they came up with the correct answer, that you only need to count the steps.

The 2nd number is five since we live in a 9-story building.

3rd number of our apartment number 36

They figured out quickly when guessing the 2nd and 3rd numbers.)))))

The answer to the task was 16536.

Level three. Frankie's tip.

The girls couldn’t guess, they had to give a hint. The calendar, that’s where you had to look for the task.

The envelope contained the task, a sheet with the code and encryption.

The encrypted note read: Monster High students wish Ksyusha a happy birthday! The answer to the task is Ksyusha.

Stage four. Laguna's hint.

A mermaid and dolphins live in our bathroom, which my friends immediately guessed. But there were as many as 6 white doors. They examined everything. They even looked into washing machine.))))) And they found it.

The puzzles were like this

Answer: dolphin

Answer: sperm whale

3. (two words)

Answer: starfish

Answer: piranha

I made the puzzles myself on a website for creating puzzles.

And so the correct answer is piranha. By the way, there is a hint on the assignment form)))). But we struggled a bit with the puzzles. But we managed. Well done.

Level five. Cleo's hint.

For some reason, the girls immediately decided that they should look under the pillows in their room. And they found their older brother under the pillow. There was an envelope with an assignment and a magazine.

The girlfriends did not immediately guess what the words were. Then they began to carefully look at each page. On the page with Cleo, we noticed the highlighted numbers 642. Well done!

Level six. Abby's hint.

The daughter knows that her mother is a creative person. And he knows where mom has beads. They immediately found a cup and a note.

There was a lot of joy. The girls jumped for joy. So many emotions.

By the way, I forgot to say there was a sweet surprise waiting for my girlfriends in the cup. When we had eaten all the candies, we went to enter the word cup.

The whole quest took us about an hour. But impressions for the whole week. After the girlfriends had refreshed themselves, they said that they wanted more. She promised to do a longer quest for her next birthday. I had to be content with cartoons about the school of monsters and books that were received as a gift. Books are also about monsters))))).

P.S. Sorry for so little description, it’s difficult for me.)))))

There is nothing cuter than sharp fangs, falling off arms and a burning hairstyle! Do you agree? Why not? Ahh, so it’s your kids who are thrilled at the sight of gray-green zombies?! A terribly bright and terribly juicy party in the style of Monster High will certainly leave an indelible impression in the memory of fans of the series! By the way, it’s not just teenagers who like horror stories – adults can also use it to fool around, plunging into an atmosphere of horribly charming chaos.

Garrett Sander came up with completely unique characters. They are all different, they have different dreams and aspirations, experiences and hopes. They crave communication, recognition and warm feelings. Just like ordinary children, there’s just one “but”... The parents of these wonderful teenagers are the most sinister and legendary monsters! What will happen if Frankenstein, Gorgon Medusa, Dracula and other scary guys leave offspring? Full Monster High!


To hit the bull's eye, start with a choice color range. At your disposal deep black, flashy pink and juicy turquoise. The first two shades predominate; it is better to distribute them equally. Turquoise complements the picture (you can add a little yellow, purple and light green). A black and pink stripe or check will fit perfectly on tablecloths, paper decorations, napkins, dishes, etc.

Most decorations are easy to make yourself by printing templates from the Internet or drawing and cutting out pictures. Hang garlands of bats along the walls and under the ceiling, stick images of Monster High characters, skulls and bones, vampire and wolf fangs on the cups. Small cards with drawings can be used to decorate the table - glue them onto skewers and stick them into pastries, cakes, cookies and other sweets.

Paper dishes, whistles and pipes, party hats, tablecloths and napkins, ties and wigs in the Monster High style can be purchased online. If you are planning a small party for 10-12 people, purchasing a disposable set will cost mere pennies. If you want to do everything yourself, the Internet is full of drawings and templates - the series about the most charming monsters is very popular!

It’s easy to make severed hands from painted gloves, dropped eyes from ping-pong balls, and garlands of teeth from chopped pieces of chewing gum. Toy mummies, zombies, spiders are also in the theme. Scary? So the guests shouldn’t be scared: your goal is to create a decoration for a cartoon that is funny and cute, despite the elements of horror films.

If you have time left, spend it making a background for memorable photos, or even better, make a tantamaresque with characters. It’s not difficult: a sheet of plywood, whatman paper with a pattern, cut out faces, in place of which will be the delighted faces of the guests. And don't forget about air balloons– a lot of balls! You can twist something terribly cool out of long “sausage” balls.


The easiest option is to give children accessories in the Monster High style: wigs, horns and ears on headbands, caps, false fangs, and for girls - hairpins, baubles, bows and beads. It’s easy to buy online or make it yourself: the same black-pink-turquoise color scheme plus glued pictures (with a glue “gun” to the headband or hairpin). You can order or buy bandanas, T-shirts, tank tops, and baseball caps with images in the theme online.

If the party is at home, you can invite the kids over for the night and have some pajama fun! Pajamas are bright - striped, polka dot, floral. The “Pajama” series of dolls is one of the most beloved and popular among young children. You can buy sleeping sets with themed designs, and if you try, you can find pajamas that are very similar to the dolls’ outfits.

The most difficult option, but also the most interesting, is a costume party. There are a lot of characters in the Monster High series - more than forty! The images are recognizable, bright and attractive, especially for fashionable girls. Although the boys have plenty to choose from - Deuce Gorgon with a snake hairstyle (son of Medusa), blue-skinned Hold Hyde with fiery (literally) hair, the boyfriend of the charming Frankie Stein - Jackson Jekyll. In the photo below there are three popular characters: Claudine Wolf (dark-skinned werewolf with cute ears), Draculaura (daughter of the legendary vampire), Laguna Blue (daughter of the sea monster):

It’s not difficult to choose suitable clothes - cartoon characters often change their looks. For a party, all that remains is to weave colored ribbons, tinsel or threads into her hair - almost every doll has bright strands of a certain color in her hair. You can dye your hair strands with mascara, which washes off without a trace. If the skin should be pale, very dark, pinkish or green, you can wear a translucent blouse and stockings desired color(mesh fabric).


Despite their terrible heredity, the children of monsters do not feed on human blood or raw meat. These are decent, well-mannered monsters! True, they love sweets very much, so there should be a lot of cakes, sweets, eclairs and other goodies on the table. Don't forget about marmalade and toffees in the shape of worms, spiders, and skulls. And stock up on drinks.

Fruits and vegetable slices will also be used. After a little alteration, young carrots will pass for severed fingers, mix “cherry” tomatoes with olives and sprinkle with thick “tomato” blood, cut out silhouettes of bats and skulls from hard fruits. Let poisonous fly agarics grow here and there from tomatoes and eggs with mayonnaise. There shouldn’t be too many horror stories – just highlight the atmosphere.

If you are afraid that the monsters will remain hungry and bite each other, offer them something more serious than sweets and fruits. Snacks in baskets and tartlets, canapés, and small sandwiches are perfect. Don't forget to decorate the table - drawings on dishes and napkins, skewers and cocktail tubes with pictures.


1. Monster High is a party with fiery music, dancing until you drop and songs (not monstrous at all, but meaningful and instructive). Music and songs are freely available online - download and have a blast! Stylish cartoons often take to the stage and compete with each other, showing off their talents with all their might. Include several music competitions in the program - arrange an audition or shoot a real video against the backdrop of a bright poster.

2. And charming monsters simply love to be fashionable - girls will certainly enjoy playing stylists. You can arrange a show by preparing a bunch of bright clothes and wigs. You can invite an artist who paints on faces with washable paint. Or invite the girls to do stylish manicure with stickers and drawings from the cartoon. Or let them race to dress up two mannequins so that they get the character named by the leader.

3. Dilute the scenario with a quiz and mini-exams on your knowledge of the topic. Print out several photos of dolls, cut them into pieces and mix everything together - which team will assemble the doll faster, looking for the right pieces? Invite the children to take turns calling the names of the dolls - who will remember more? Invite teams to name the character based on the description:

She is a little mischievous and capricious, but very beautiful! She has a pet and a glow on her face gem. She is almost 6000 years old! (Cleo de Nile)

She loves the color purple, eats nightmares and is friends with a dust bunny (Twyla)

Even though her fangs stick out upward and her lower jaw protrudes like a bulldog's, her charm is hard to miss! Her skin is blue, and her hair is white, pink, and blue, and at night it turns purple. (Abby)

It has a fin on its back and scales on its skin. (Gil Webber)

It’s completely unclear what she’s muttering! She moves strangely and her eyes blink at random. But she has the most stylish glasses (Gulia Yelps)

4. Draw a full-length Frankie Stein on two sheets of whatman paper. Cut into large pieces. Two more sheets will be needed to glue body parts - to collect pictures. The fact is that Frankie (who looks just like his dad!) has a habit of falling apart. Usually everything is limited to a lost arm or leg, but today she was unlucky - the baby tripped so hard that she fell into pieces! Have teams race to glue the pieces onto whatman paper, helping the clumsy piece become whole.

5. Prepare competitions with overcoming obstacles, running and jumping - almost all familiar games can be remade by connecting them with Monster High. For example, a relay race with a spoon containing an egg. Of course, you can't drop it. After all, this is the eye of the careless Slow Mo! Instead of an egg, you can take a ball or a plastic eye from a joke store. Shall we play basketball? After all, this is the favorite sport of monsters! Of course, this is not entirely convenient at home, but there is a way out - let the ring be large and the ball plush. All that remains is to blindfold the athlete, promote him and give him the opportunity to surprise his friends with incredible accuracy.

Prepare gifts for your monstrously cute guests: books, CDs with games or cartoons, dolls, stationery, notepads and notebooks, purses, cosmetics, accessories or decorations in the Monster High style. All this and much more can be ordered online. Or make it yourself if you want to give your children something unique as a souvenir of the party.

In conclusion, a video. He is at English language however, everything is clear without words.

Party in the style of Monster High. How to organize a Monster High themed party? Of course, you can order animators and clowns, but you will have to do something yourself, and this is even more interesting!!!

Monster High themed party ideas.

What could be more interesting for modern active schoolchildren than an incendiary holiday party based on the “good horror films” of the trendy animated series Monster High? Good Fairies, Cinderella or Pinocchio are a thing of the past for these guys. Participation in thrilling adventures with “great and terrible” mystical heroes - here it is cherished dream young dreamers!

What you should stock up on for a Monster High party in advance:

  • luminous disco souvenirs as a gift to all children
  • prizes for all children: candies, pictures, stickers, Monster High stickers, jellies in the form of worms, tongues, eyeballs, horror films
  • Musical accompaniment in the style of Monster High burn to disc

If you couldn't find any sweets for the real monsters, well, no, no.

Take regular sweets and stick Monster High stickers on them or paper prints with faces from Monster High, advises getmeholidays.com, it will be funny and the children will like it. You can also decorate with ribbons.

Interior decoration in Monster High style:

It doesn’t matter where you hold your monster party, the main thing is to decorate everything around it in a stylish and terrifying way! Remember that the main colors of Monster High are black, hot pink and turquoise. So, what will you need:

  • Black tablecloth, maybe even several. Ask your mom to buy the cheapest black fabric at a fabric store or market. It is not expensive, and will form the basis for further design.
  • Monster High posters, pictures, garlands, you can buy them, or you can download them from the Internet and print them on a printer. Below I will offer you a couple of my ideas, but remember, your imagination is not limited, come up with it yourself!

Garlands Party Monster High

Read how to make paper figurines of a 3D model of Monster High here.

Black and pink Balloons will always come in handy.

Print out a funny skull with a bow - the Monster High logo, stick it on black or pink cardboard and decorate it whatever you want.

Monster High Costume

Monster High costumes, of course you need costumes, but here you can use your imagination, dress in black and pink, put on Monster High badges, and you're done! You can make the task more difficult.

Monster High Party Food

Even if you don’t know how to cook and you have to buy all the sweets, you can easily arrange festive table in Monster High style. For this you will need Monster High paper decorations. Look how simple it is.

Print it out and hang it on strings, or stick it on wooden sticks to decorate food.

Paper stickers for cups and straws for drinks. Monster High paper figurines will decorate your desk. You can safely use ideas for a table in the style of Monster High Costumes from our monster party.

If you don’t have such a Monster High cake on your birthday, don’t despair, buy a lot of terrible sweets, jellies and candies in the form of worms, tongues, eyes and other horror films, decorate everything with paper stickers with the image of Monster High. Place large vases with Monster High stickers (stickers can be printed on a printer on plain paper and glued with PVA glue, it will then wash off), fill these vases with popcorn, chips, chewing marshmallows, Marshmallows, guests will be happy!

Monster High games and competitions

Be sure to select and rehearse a couple of games and competitions with guests in advance. They may be completely simple, but believe me, it will be fun. Give everyone the Monster High style prizes that were written about at the beginning of the article. Make sure that all the guests get prizes, even those who did not participate in the games and competitions. The main thing is that everyone is happy and everyone has fun!

Source getmeholidays.com. Reproduction is permitted, but a link is required, please enjoy!


Do you love animated series and dolls?Monster High? Do you dream of becoming the Horror Queen of Monster High? Then you're in luck!

In this article you will find ready script Monster High style parties! Throw a scary stylish party at home with friends with cool competitions, games and entertainment!

How to have fun at a party?

Now all the monsters are assembled, it remains to determine who will become the Queens of Horror of the School of Monsters! To do this, each participant needs to go through a series of cool tests and take part in various scary entertainment. First you need to pass the Monstrotest for your knowledge of monsters and the animated series. For each correct answer, 1 point is awarded.


Which monster took part in the Fashion Show in Season 1, Episode 3?

A) Draculaura and Frankie Stein; B) Cleo de Nile and Gulia; C) Cleo de Nile and Claudine Wolf

How did the Monster High Horror Support team end up in a camp on a gloomy beach?

What does the date Friday the 13th mean in the cartoon?

A) The most unlucky day; B) The most successful day; C) Birthday of one sad monster.

Who sent Toralei and her friends to Trigonometry Camp?

A) Gulia; B) School director; C) School of Horror support group.

Which monster loves comics?

A) Spectra; B) Gulia; C) Frankie Stein.

Who did Abby choose on speed dating in season 3?

A) Heath Burns; B) Invisi Billy; C) Hoodoo Voodoo

Which of the monsters accidentally switched bodies?

A) Cleo and Frankie; B) Claudine and Draculaura; C) Gulia and Cleo

What is a skull-bolt?

A) football; B) volleyball; C) bouncers

Cleo's favorite game?

A) bambina-bambina; B) tortula-tortula; C) gargoyle-gargoyle

The hottest guy in Monster High?

A) Deuce; B) Hit; C) Hoodoo Voodoo

Test answers: 1) C. 2) B. 3) C. 4) A. 5) B. 6) A. 7) C. 8) C. 9) C. 10) B.


Here everything depends on your imagination, read the sonnet in a panic, while dancing, sing the sonnet, even stand on your head, but the monologue should turn out to be truly special!

After all the monologues have been read, voting takes place: each participant writes on a card the name of the participant to whom she gives her vote and signs her name below. All cards are collected and votes are counted. The participant with the most votes becomes the Queen of HorrorVerse!

And here is the sonnet itself:

The beautiful is a hundred times more beautiful,
Crowned with precious truth.
We appreciate the aroma of delicate roses,
Living hidden in their purple.
Let the flowers, where vice has built its nest,
And the stem, and the thorns, and the leaves are the same,
And the purple of the petals is just as deep,
And the same corolla that a fresh rose has,
- They bloom without pleasing hearts,
And they wither, poisoning our breath.
But fragrant roses have a different ending:
Their soul will be poured into fragrance.
When the shine of your eyes goes out,
All the beauty of the truth will flow into verse.

Queen of the Horror Cheerleaders
Monster School

To become the Queen of the Cheerleaders, all the monsters must take turns dancing the fiery dance of the Monster High Cheerleaders at the Monster Championship from Season 2, Episode 12. The winner of the vote becomes the Monster High Horror Cheerleader Queen.


To cheer everyone up at the party, each monster takes turns pulling out a prediction for the future from the bag!

"A terribly happy week awaits you!"

“Terrible Luck will overtake you!”

“You will have a terribly romantic admirer!”

“You’ll make some terribly interesting new friends!”

“You will be invited to the most terribly romantic date!”

“A terribly pleasant surprise awaits you soon!”

“The one who is terribly dear to you will call!”

“You will meet your terribly long-awaited love this year!”

Game "Truth or Panic"

Participants sit in a circle and take turns asking each other the question: “Truth or panic?” If a participant chooses “truth,” then she must answer any question truthfully; if she chooses “panic,” then she undertakes to perform any panic action.

Examples of questions.

  • Who do you like?
  • What's your worst secret?
  • What is your most cherished dream?
  • What's your funniest thing?
  • What are you most afraid of? and so on.

Examples of panic actions.

  • Show a scary trick.
  • Call an unfamiliar number and call the gargoyle.
  • Take a scary selfie.
  • Play like a panicking girl for a minute.
  • Like the person the next participant names.

A fun one that can be easily prepared with your own hands will help end the party deliciously.

Many modern girls simply adore Monster High. Monster High is a cartoon, it is bright and unusual dolls, it is an amazing style in clothes and hairstyles, makeup and accessories. So why not give your beautiful daughter magical holiday– Birthday in the style of your favorite Monster High?

Birthday invitation in Monster High style

Let's start, perhaps, by making an invitation card for a birthday. You can find ready-made holiday-themed templates on the World Wide Web and print them out, or be more creative and make birthday invitation cards in the Monster High style with your own hands from scrap materials.

We present to your attention several ready-made invitation card templates in Monster High style.

When filling out the invitation card, you can not only indicate the date and time of the start of the birthday party, but also familiarize your guests with some rules. For example, entering a party only in the image of Monster High, the obligatory presence of your favorite Monster High doll, etc.

How to decorate a room in Monster High style?

You can pre-print all sorts of Monster High themed posters, placards and banners. Hang black and pink bunches around the room balloons, pre-made shards with bows are tied into a single composition called a garland.

Today Monster High is so popular that it will not be difficult for you to buy everything you need to organize an unforgettable party in specialized stores or toy stores. These can be stickers, bracelets, table napkins, disposable tableware, tablecloths and balloons, all made in the Monster High style.

On the festive table, be sure to make a pedestal for Monster High dolls, which guests will definitely bring with them. Dolls will not only create a festive atmosphere, but will also be a special element of holiday table decor.

Place white candles in black candlesticks on the festive table to add mystery and solemnity to the event.

You can pre-weave a web from ordinary white threads and decorate a festive table, curtains, sofas and chairs with it.

Birthday menu in Monster High style

The absolute highlight of a Monster High-style birthday should be the birthday cake. You can order a birthday cake at a pastry shop, attaching the sketch you like to the order, or you can try to make it yourself, using multi-colored mastic and cake stencils.

The entire appearance of the dishes should make it clear that the theme is Monster High. Let there be sandwiches in the shape of shards on the table, a signature salad in the shape of a mummy (see photo master class), cupcakes and cookies, drinks in glasses thematically decorated with gelatin worms and shards.

In a word, use all your imagination and you will definitely succeed.

Entertainment program for a birthday party in the style of Monster High

Thematic face painting can be an excellent option. Paint the birthday girl and her guests as Monster High characters and be sure to take an original group photo as a souvenir.

Organize a competition to create the most beautiful mummy on speed. For the competition you will need rolls toilet paper or bandages.

Guests will especially enjoy the festive darts. Make a small screen in advance from cardboard or foam plastic, attach inflated balloons to it, inside of which there are small souvenirs. With the help of darts for the gift, each participant in the holiday party will be able to get a small memorable souvenir; for this they just need to hit any of the balls.

The news portal "site" wishes you a great time in the company of Monster High!