About the types of state pensions pension provision

State pension provision directly affects the interests of the country's disabled population. State pensions are intended for members of society who are not covered by the compulsory pension insurance system, who have not earned work or who need additional financial support.

The article provides detailed information about the types of state pensions and the conditions for their assignment.

These payments are designed to compensate for lost income, harm caused to health, and also provide a means of subsistence for persons recognized as disabled. Payments are made once a month.

State pensions are financed directly by the budget Russian Federation. They do not depend on transfers to non-state pension insurance funds or on contributions to the Pension Fund (PFR), as is the case with compulsory insurance.

Types of pension payments in the Russian Federation

In Russia, as a measure of support for certain categories of the population, the following state and social pensions are provided for state pension provision:

  1. state pensions for long service;
  2. social and government:
  • by old age;
  • by deprivation of a breadwinner;
  • on disability.

Social pensions under state pension provision are intended to support members of society who, due to current circumstances, are unable to work. These payments are provided for residents of the Russian Federation permanently residing in Russia: Russian citizens, stateless persons or foreigners.

General conditions for assigning pensions for state pensions

Pensions are assigned no earlier than the date when the right to it arose, in the same month when the application occurred.

Long service pensions

The assignment of a state pension for long service and insurance pensions for disability and old age, according to the law, occurs simultaneously.

Recipients are government employees of the Russian Federation (civilian and military), law enforcement officers, test pilots and astronauts.

Pensions for length of service are unlimited, with the exception of cases where pensions are assigned to civil servants and test pilots in addition to insurance pensions for disability. In such a situation, the duration of payment of the specified pension cannot exceed the period of disability.

For government employees

Federal government positions include positions directly of the President of the Russian Federation, Prime Ministers, State Duma, Federation Council, as well as their deputies. The list includes ministers, ambassadors, chairmen and judges of the Supreme and Constitutional Courts, federal judges, the Prosecutor General, the Chairman Investigative Committee, Chairman and auditor of the Accounts Chamber, Chairman of the Central Election Commission, Chairman of the Central Bank, heads of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, employees of these departments, municipal employees. The full list of government positions in the Russian Federation is established by Presidential Decree.

According to Law No. 166-FZ “On State. pension provision”, civil servants after dismissal, subject to specified conditions, are awarded a pension for length of service.


  • minimum acceptable ;
  • replacement of federal government positions for the required period;
  • The reason for dismissal is included in the list given in the law “On State. civil service RF" No. 79-FZ.

For retirement, the requirement is sixteen years of service in 2018, in each subsequent year the established period is increased by six months so that by 2026 it will reach twenty.

Minimum term for government replacement. RF position is at least 1 year.

The following grounds are allowed for dismissal:

  • agreement of the parties;
  • the contract has expired;
  • the contract is terminated on the employee’s personal initiative;
  • refusal to replace another proposed position on one of the following grounds: due to deteriorating health, as a result of replacement, the essential terms of the contract change, or refusal to transfer to another locality from the state. organ;
  • at the initiative of the employer due to incompatibility with the position held: unsatisfactory state of health or due to failure to pass certification and non-confirmation of qualifications;
  • reduction;
  • abolition of a government department;
  • termination of a contract for reasons beyond the control of the parties: reinstatement of an employee who previously held a position by court, the occurrence of an emergency;
  • complete inability to work according to a medical certificate;
  • reaching the maximum permissible age.

State and social pensions

State employees who terminate a contract on their own initiative and held government jobs until the moment of dismissal. positions of the Russian Federation for a period of seven years or more, with total term service from twenty-five years, the pension is paid until the maturity of pensions assigned for disability and old age.

The pension is forty-five percent of the average monthly salary minus the insurance pensions established for old age and disability with fixed payments. For each year of exceeding the minimum length of service, 3 percent is added to, up to a maximum of 75 percent.

To apply for a pension, an application is filled out in the personnel department of the government agency of the Russian Federation where the position was filled. If a government body has been liquidated or reorganized, then the application will be accepted by the department to which its functions have been transferred. Instructions for filling out applications are available on the Pension Fund website. A passport and documents confirming the passage of state registration are provided. services. Additionally, if available, documents must be presented indicating that the service was left due to deteriorating health.

For military personnel, security forces

According to Law No. 4468–1 on pensions for military and law enforcement officers, work with pensions is carried out in the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the FSB, and the Service for Control of Traffic in Narcotic and Psychotropic Substances. State pension benefits are paid not by the Pension Fund, but by the government department at the place of work.

Law 4468–1 established the amounts of pensions for employees of these departments. The law provides for a long service pension for all military personnel, except for foremen, soldiers, sergeants, and sailors - they receive such pensions only if they served under a contract.

For twenty years of service, the amount of the state pension is half the salary. In the future, the pension increases annually by three percent, but not more than 85 percent.

With a total work experience of twenty-five years and a minimum continuous government experience. service from twelve and a half years, the pension is calculated as follows: for twenty-five years of service, half of the salary is accrued, then for each year over the minimum length of service, the amount of the pension increases by one percent.

For astronauts

male astronauts require at least twenty-five years of service in the relevant position; women only need to work for twenty years. The minimum length of service required for being a flight tester is ten years for men and seven and a half years for women.

The minimum pension will be 55 percent of the amount of salary received, three percent is added to it for each year of excess of service, but not more than 85 in total.

When leaving due to health problems, it is enough total experience from twenty to fifteen years old. Then the pension will be different - for each year that is not enough to reach the required length of service, the amount is reduced by two percent of the amount of salary received.

Cosmonauts receive two pensions at once: for length of service and old-age insurance, excluding fixed payments to it.

For test pilots

For men, the minimum length of service is twenty-five years and at least twenty for women, and two-thirds of this time must be work in flight testing and research.

The pension will be 1000% of social benefits. pensions minus insurance pensions established for old age, disability with fixed payments to them. For each year of excess of length of service, an additional payment of 25% of social benefits is due. pensions, but not more than 1500% in total. If you are employed in flight tests less than two-thirds of the time, the pension will be 800% of the social security. pensions, for years exceeding the minimum length of service, an additional payment is due in the same amount of 25% of the social security. pensions, but not more than 1300%.

For those who quit due to health problems, the minimum length of service is five years less. In this case, for each year that is missing from the minimum length of service, it is reduced by an amount equal to half of the social allowance. pensions.

By old age

The payment is intended to support victims of radiation and various man-made disasters. Appointed for an indefinite period.

The terms of appointment differ depending on the following circumstances:

  • the status of the person who suffered due to the disaster;
  • the nature and specificity of the work performed;
  • time, place, period of residence in an area contaminated with radiation;
  • radiation sickness, diseases and disabilities resulting from the disaster.

Pension indexation

Persons who participated in eliminating the consequences of the accident that occurred at the nuclear power plant in Chernobyl (Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant), who subsequently fell ill with radiation sickness or became disabled, receive a pension that is two and a half times more than the social pension. Persons who lived and worked in areas contaminated with radiation will receive double social benefits. pension. If these citizens have dependent relatives, they are entitled to a pension increased by 1,678 rubles. 08 kopecks monthly for each dependent, no more than 3.

Pensioners affected by the Chernobyl accident independently choose the law for their appointment pension payments:

  • “On insurance pensions” - the length of service in 2018 is at least nine years, the requirement for the amount of experience increases every year and by 2024 it will be fifteen years. Minimum value pension points amounted to just under 14 in 2018, increasing annually to reach a total of 30 points by 2025;
  • “Oh sir. pension provision" - a requirement for at least five years of experience.

An application for a pension is submitted at the place of residence to the territorial division of the Pension Fund or to the MFC. Remote submission of documents is allowed on the Pension Fund website through the personal account service.

Along with the application, a passport, documents from work and documents confirming that the applicant participated in eliminating the consequences that occurred from radiation accidents, other man-made disasters, and residence in a radioactive zone are presented.

For the loss of a breadwinner

Disabled relatives who were dependent on a military man, after his death or death, are assigned a pension for the period of loss of ability to work, which may be indefinite. The same pension is assigned to the dependents of a deceased person who suffered due to a radiation or man-made disaster.

After the death (death) of an astronaut, a pension is assigned to his minor children, who were dependent on their parents at the age of sixty - the father and fifty-five - the mother. The breadwinner's spouse is granted a pension without taking into account ability to work and age.

The size of the pension for relatives of a military man ranges from one and a half to two times the amount social pension. Relatives of a person affected by a radiation or man-made disaster receive a pension in the amount of 1.25–2.50 of the social pension.

Each close relative of a deceased or deceased cosmonaut will receive a portion of his allowance in the amount of forty percent.

By disability

Pensions are assigned for the duration of the disabled person’s status, and may be indefinite.

Pension recipients:

  • firstly, these are cosmonauts who have become disabled in connection with the preparation for a space flight or its execution;
  • secondly, pensions are paid to participants of the Great Patriotic War(WWII);
  • thirdly, the population recognized as having suffered from a radiation or man-made disaster, if the work experience is 1 day or more;
  • fourthly, the siege survivors awarded with special signs are residents of Leningrad;
  • fifthly, military personnel called up for service during which they became disabled, including three months after the end of service.

Those who become disabled after a military injury receive a pension depending on the disability group in the amount of 175–300% of the social security. pensions. With a disability due to illness, the amount of the pension exceeds the social pension by one and a half to two and a half times.

If there are dependents, then an additional amount of about 1,700 rubles is paid for each dependent, maximum three.

People who suffered from radiation or man-made disasters are assigned a pension that is 2.5 times the social allowance. pension.

The amount of the WWII participant’s pension exceeds the social security. pension in the amount of one and a half to two and a half times, the pension of a siege survivor - in the amount of one to two social pensions.

Disabled cosmonauts of the third group receive a pension in the amount of half the amount of allowance, for the first two disability groups the amount will be 85 percent.

Conditions for assigning a social pension

  • By old age

Pension amount

People living in the North and related to it small peoples, is assigned to social old age pension: when men reach fifty-five years of age, the minimum age limit for women is fifty. The remaining disabled members of society are required to reach the age of 65 for men and sixty for women. The term of the assigned pension under the state pension provision is indefinite, amounting to about five thousand in rubles.

  • For the loss of a breadwinner

A child who has lost both or one of his parents under the age of eighteen, as well as a full-time student under twenty-three years of age, receives state education. support in the form of social pension paid when a breadwinner is deprived. Such payments are due to those who were abandoned or abandoned by their mother, whose identity remains unknown, provided that the birth is registered in the manner prescribed by law.

The size of the pension varies depending on the number of remaining parents, in rubles monthly:

  1. a child who has lost one of his parents receives about five thousand rubles from the state;
  2. a child who has lost both parents or they are unknown receives a little more than ten thousand rubles.
  • By disability

Social The pension is a measure of support for disabled adults and children by the state and is assigned for a period until the disability is lifted, and can be indefinite.

The amount of the pension differs for each of the three disability groups, in rubles monthly:

  • the first group – just over ten thousand;
  • the first group from childhood - a little over twelve thousand;
  • the second group – about five thousand;
  • the second group from childhood - just over ten thousand;
  • the third group is about four thousand three hundred.

State provision of pensions is an important guarantee of social stability. It is important for citizens who served for the good of the Motherland and faced life’s difficulties to have an idea of ​​how pensions are assigned and paid. Those who were left without breadwinners, lost their ability to work, or did not earn the right to insurance pension you need to know about existing government measures. support.

Video about increasing social pensions and state pensions:

Mar 20, 2018 Help manual

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State pension (aka state pension) are the payments that the country provides:

  • civil servants for length of service;
  • cosmonauts, pilots;
  • victims of disasters such as the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • disabled people;
  • people who have lost their breadwinner (children under 18 and students under 23 who do not have one or both parents);
  • disabled citizens who need a means of subsistence.

Let us now consider in more detail both concepts and let's give their definitions.

Funds prescribed for disability, loss of a breadwinner or old age called social pension.

This is a guarantee from the state that not a single person who is unable to earn money will not be without support pension provision.

An old-age pension is granted from 60 years for women and 65 for men(from 55 and 50 for small peoples of the North), its size for 2017 is 5034 rubles 23 kopecks.

Important! An insurance pension is payments every month, which are formed from insurance contributions paid by the employer to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the entire labor activity person.

They are appointed in case offensive insured event – disability (if a person has seniority), loss of a breadwinner (if he worked), old age (55 years for the weaker sex and 60 for the stronger).

She divided into two parts– a fixed payment, the amount of which is established by the state, and a second payment, the amount of which depends on the funds accumulated from insurance contributions.

What are the differences between them?

The main difference between an insurance pension and state pensions in that the first is paid through deductions of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund. They make up 22% of annual salary employee and are accounted for in an individual account. Those who worked have the right to it, and the higher the salary, the more they will receive in old age.

The second is paid from the federal budget, even if there were no insurance premiums, but has strictly fixed size.

To put it simply, those who have worked and earned enough receive an insurance pension, while everyone receives a state pension, but it’s a pittance.

How to switch from social to labor - detailed step-by-step instructions

Let's find out how a pensioner can switch to labor payment with social.

When people entitled to a state (social) pension (disabled people, as well as victims of radiation and industrial disasters), continue to work, they also have the right to work.

According to the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions” one pension is assigned - the one where the amount is larger, but there are some exceptions from this rule.

Important! Only participants in the Great Patriotic War, disabled siege survivors and those who received war injuries are entitled to two pensions.

So, a person on a state pension worked until he was 55-60 years old. To instead disability payments to switch to an insurance pension, he needs:

State pension pension is a monthly state cash payment that is provided to citizens in order to compensate them for earnings (income) lost due to termination of public service upon reaching the length of service established by law upon retirement to an old-age (disability) pension; or for the purpose of compensation for damage caused to the health of citizens during the passage military service, as a result of radiation or man-made disasters, in the event of disability or loss of a breadwinner, upon reaching the legal age; or disabled citizens in order to provide them with a means of subsistence.

The state pension pension is assigned and paid in accordance with Federal law"On state pension provision in the Russian Federation."

Pensions provided for by the Federal Law “On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation” are established and paid regardless of receipt in accordance with the Federal Law “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation" of the funded part of the labor pension.

Types of pensions under state pension provision: ?

for length of service; ?

by old age; ?

disability; ?

social pension. 2.

They have the right to state pension provision." ?

citizens of the Russian Federation, subject to the conditions provided for by the Federal Law "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation" for various types state pensions; ?

foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation - on the same grounds as citizens of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise provided by law.

Right to a state pension

federal government employees; ?

military personnel; ?

participants of the Great Patriotic War; ?

citizens awarded the badge "Resident of besieged Leningrad"; ?

citizens affected by radiation or man-made disasters; ?

disabled citizens.

Family members of these citizens have the right to a pension in cases provided for by the Federal Law “On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation”. 3.

The right to simultaneously receive two pensions in accordance with the Federal Law “On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation” is granted to: ?

citizens who have become disabled due to military trauma.

They may be entitled to a disability pension and an old-age labor pension; ?

participants of the Great Patriotic War. They can establish a disability pension and an old-age labor pension; ?

parents of military personnel who served in conscription, died (died) during military service or died as a result of a military injury after discharge from military service (except for cases where the death of military personnel occurred as a result of their unlawful actions). They may be entitled to a pension for the loss of a breadwinner and a labor pension for old age (disability) or a pension for the loss of a breadwinner and a social pension (with the exception of a social pension assigned in connection with the death of a breadwinner); ?

widows of military personnel who died during conscription as a result of military trauma and who did not remarry. They can establish a pension for the loss of a breadwinner and a labor pension for old age (disability) or a pension for the loss of a breadwinner and a social pension (with the exception of a social pension assigned in connection with the death of a breadwinner); ?

disabled family members of citizens: those who received or have suffered radiation sickness and other diseases associated with radiation exposure as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant or work to eliminate the consequences of this disaster; those who became disabled as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant; who took part in the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the exclusion zone. They may be entitled to a pension for the loss of a breadwinner and a labor pension for old age (disability) or a pension for the loss of a breadwinner and a social pension (with the exception of a social pension assigned in connection with the death of a breadwinner). 4.

If the assignment of the appropriate pension provided for by the Federal Law “On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation” requires work experience of a certain duration, it includes periods of work and other socially useful activities counted in the insurance period necessary to receive the labor pension provided Federal Law "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation".

Russians who have lost a source of permanent income due to termination of service, loss of a breadwinner, or have reached extreme old age have the opportunity to receive a state pension. This category also includes employees who have lost their ability to work or become disabled in connection with the performance of their official duties.

The following categories of citizens have the opportunity to receive this type of pension:

  • civil servants who worked in federal state-owned enterprises;
  • military personnel (officers and contract soldiers). Citizens who served in military service are not counted in this category;
  • astronauts;
  • disabled citizens, where this type of assistance is the only source of livelihood;
  • employees who performed their functions as part of flight test units;
  • employees of the police, national guard, fire department, correctional system, and other law enforcement agencies financed from the state budget;
  • other categories of employees who received wages from budget money, or civilians who lost their breadwinner, pensions are assigned on the basis of separate legislative acts.

Types of state pensions

This type of government assistance is divided into several categories. Appointed after achieving conditions specified by law. The following types of pensions can be established:

  1. after achieving the minimum length of service;
  2. due to the onset of disability;
  3. upon reaching a certain age;
  4. social pension payments;
  5. benefits to persons who have lost their breadwinner who was in public service at the time of death.

This type of government assistance is provided to citizens who, due to certain circumstances, have lost the opportunity to receive a stable income.

The list of officials and the conditions for assigning pension payments in connection with length of service are determined at the legislative level. This category usually includes military personnel, as well as employees of other security forces, whose service is associated with a certain risk to life and health.

Long service pension

The following actions and activities in the service of the Motherland are counted as length of service in government departments:

  • service in units subordinate to the Ministry of Defense;
  • police work;
  • serving in fire departments;
  • being in the ranks of the authorities monitoring activities with narcotic drugs;
  • service in the ranks of the Russian National Guard;
  • official activities in ministries and departments of the country directly subordinate to the government of the Russian Federation;
  • the entire period the serviceman was in captivity, when the capture occurred against his will. It is important that no actions are taken against the Motherland during this period;
  • the entire period of illegally repressed citizens being in captivity, rehabilitated in their rights.

At the request of an employee entitled to this type of pension, his years of study (up to 5 years) can also be counted for calculations, at the rate of 1 year of study equal to 0.5 years of service.

In order for a serviceman to retire early after his length of service, he will need to have at least 20 years of military service. Or be 45 years old on the day of writing the application. But here the total length of service must be more than 25 years, half of which must be service in government departments. Typically, only work experience in law enforcement agencies is taken into account.

The minimum level of pension payments that an employee can count on is no less than 50% of his salary. The later an employee applies for this type of pension, the higher the level of pension coverage he will be entitled to. The maximum a serviceman can count on is 85% of his pay.

Under certain circumstances, employees who have retired due to length of service can count on additional payments. Their size depends on the circumstances and is:

  1. 100% for pensioners supporting three dependents who are unable to earn money on their own, or have a disability of group 1, or when they turn 80 years old;
  2. 64% for citizens who participated in the Second World War and have reached the age of 80, as well as persons independently supporting 2 disabled family members;
  3. 32% to former employees who care for one disabled dependent, or to WWII participants under 80 years of age.

Pension for citizens who have lost their breadwinner

Family members of an employee who tragically died in the performance of official duty have the opportunity to receive this type of state allowance. This type of pension benefit is assigned in the following cases:

  • when an employee gave his life (died, was killed) while performing a public duty;
  • if the death of a civil servant (military soldier) occurred immediately after his dismissal, but before the end of the third month from the date of termination of service;
  • if, after dismissal, death occurred due to wounds, concussions, injuries, or occupational diseases. In such cases there are no time restrictions.

If the death of a serviceman occurred while he was in captivity, his family members receive all state payments, as for a breadwinner who died while performing his official duty.

All disabled family members who were dependent on him, as well as disabled close relatives (spouse, parents, natural and adopted children, other dependents) have the right to count on such assistance.

Relatives or family members who do not have the opportunity to work and earn money can receive such assistance from (up to) a certain age:

  1. parents, spouse of the deceased, after the retirement age(55 years old for mothers, 60 years old for fathers);
  2. if the spouse or parents were disabled, they receive the right to this type of pension immediately;
  3. dependents when there are no other able-bodied relatives - up to 18 years of age;
  4. natural children – also up to adulthood (18 years old);
  5. dependents with a disability (you will have to confirm that it occurred before the age of 18);
  6. dependents who are studying, aged from 18 to 23 years;
  7. an adult family member who has no source of income and is caring for the children of a deceased breadwinner who are less than 14 years old;
  8. grandparents, when there was no one to support them except the deceased.

The amount of cash benefits due to dependents in the event of the death of the breadwinner while he was performing his official duty, or due to work-related injuries that caused his premature death, is 50% of his cash support. Due to each dependent separately. If the death did not occur from work-related injuries, then disabled relatives can count on 40% of the amount of the deceased’s allowance.

Disability pension

The following categories of citizens are entitled to take advantage of this type of state financial assistance:

  • who became disabled during the direct performance of official duty;
  • when disability is confirmed immediately after the day of actual departure. You must apply no later than the expiration of the three-month period;
  • disability arose due to wounds, various injuries, occupational diseases that arose in the course of official activities (the date of her appointment does not play a role at this point).

The amount of compensation due to a citizen who was injured and became disabled as a result is determined as a percentage of his monetary allowance and depends on the established disability group.

If the injury was sustained in service, it is:

  • 85% disabled people of groups 1 and 2;
  • 50% disabled people of group 3.

In the case of disability due to various injuries or illnesses, the amount of the pension will be as follows:

  • 75% disabled people of groups 1 and 2;
  • 40% disabled people of group 3.

This type of pension is assigned for a period of disability determined by the medical commission. A reduced type of pension is assigned after men and women reach the retirement age established at the state level. In this case, medical re-examination of this category of citizens can be carried out only with their consent.

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