What kind of increase awaits Ukrainian pensioners as a result of the “modernization” of pensions from October 1 this year.

Actually, it was the improvement of the well-being of millions of Ukrainians that the authors of the reform called it the most important idea, sneaking in a hidden increase in this document retirement age and a significant reduction in the categories of workers eligible for early retirement.

How will pensions be calculated?

According to the Cabinet of Ministers, the reform will have a positive impact on 9 million pensioners, who will receive an increase in their pension from 100 to 1000 hryvnia.

Back in the summer, Prime Minister Vladimir Groysman released colorful pictures of how much the pension would increase after “modernization.”

“People who have devoted their entire lives to conscientious work for the benefit of our state should receive a decent pension. Our government has taken on this task... A simple example: the pension of a painter with 37 years of experience, which is now 2,334 hryvnia, from October 1 should be 2,961 hryvnia, which is 600 hryvnia more,” Groysman promised.

But when “Strana” calculated, it turned out that most pensioners should not hope for such a large increase. And that's why.

To calculate the pension formula, you need to know three indicators: the average salary in the country for the last three years, which is the base for the calculation, your own salary before retirement and length of service.

According to the law “On National Pension Provision”, the pension is calculated using the formula: P = ZS x KZ x KS

P – pension amount in hryvnias;

ZS – average monthly salary in Ukraine for the last three calendar years

KZ – coefficient wages(the ratio of your own and the average salary at that time)

KS – experience coefficient

The basic average salary for the last three years was determined to be 3,764 hryvnia. To find out your salary coefficient (KZ), you need to compare its size with the national average. The experience coefficient (KS) before January 1, 2018 is calculated by multiplying your personal experience by 1.35%. As part of the reform, the coefficient will be reduced to 1% starting next year.

Kiev pensioner Tamara Petrovna, who worked for 35 years as a painter and plasterer at DSK, which built most of the panel houses, the so-called “Czechs” in the capital of Ukraine, is perplexed by the Prime Minister’s picture. Today, with 35 years of experience, her pension is not 2334 hryvnia, as in Groysman’s drawing, but only 1611 hryvnia.

After “upgrading” her pension will be 1769 hryvnia (3764 x 1 (at the time of retirement her salary was equal to the national average) x (35 years x 1.35%). In total, the increase in the pension of a painter-plasterer with 35 years of experience will be only 158 hryvnia.

Let us remind you that the reform actually recognizes that this updated pension amount will also be frozen for 4 years.

Here's another example from the prime minister. An industrial worker with 37 years of experience who retired in 2008 receives 1,463 hryvnia. Those who retired in 2012 receive 2,334 hryvnia.

After “upgrading”, both workers will receive 2961 hryvnia, which for the first pensioner will be 1498 hryvnia more, and for the second - 627 hryvnia.

Let's try to determine the wage coefficient in this example using the same formula. So, to do this, we divide the result of 2961 by 0.50 (experience coefficient) and by 3764 hryvnia. Total, in this example, the salary coefficient was 1.57. In 2008, the average salary of a Ukrainian for calculating a pension was 1,573 hryvnia. This means that the employee’s official salary in 2008 was 2,470 hryvnia.

The average salary in 2012 for pension purposes was 2752.95. This means, according to the prime minister, the salary of a pensioner retiring should have been 4,320 hryvnia.

Indeed, an industrial worker could well have such a fairly high wage coefficient, but such a situation is rather an exception to the rule, because few people received a high white salary.

Let's calculate the possible pension size of a construction plant dispatcher with 25 years of experience, who retired before 2008 and received a salary 50% above the average.

Today his pension is 1312 hryvnia. After “upgrading” the same pensioner can claim exactly 100 hryvnia more.

Judges and “red” directors will see a 2-fold increase

“Strana” decided to ask the president of the Ukrainian Analytical Center, Alexander Okhrimenko, who will have their pensions increased by 1,000 hryvnia. And that's what it turned out to be.

“Today, 920 thousand people receive less than 1,000 hryvnia. These people will actually be given plus or minus 1000 hryvnia, and they will have a pension of 1700-1800 hryvnia. But less than 1,000 hryvnia are received by those who have not earned enough pensionable service. And from October 1, it will turn out that those who did not work at all and those who worked for 35-40 years in low-paid positions will receive the same amount. Such is the leveling. On average, pensions will be increased by 140, some will be given 200, others 400, but you shouldn’t expect massive increases of 1,000 hryvnia. This is just an imitation of a promotion,” Okhrimenko told Strana.

However, according to him, the above does not apply to those who retired before 2012 and had high “white” salaries - for example, the same judges, prosecutors or directors of state-owned companies.

If a judge’s salary at the time of retirement was 12 times higher than the average salary used to calculate pensions, then his pension will increase not just by 1,000 hryvnia, but by one and a half to two times.

It is noteworthy that Deputy Prime Minister Pavel Rozenko has already warned Ukrainian pensioners that some of them will receive increased pensions, according to the Verkhovna Rada pension reform, not in October, but in November, due to the need for recalculation.

“Pensioners will receive increased pensions already in October... Some pensioners may receive an increase in November due to the need for recalculation, in which case there will be additional payments in November. There is nothing new here for pensioners; they are familiar with this practice,” Rosenko said.

Therefore, if a pensioner’s pension is not increased in October, but in November they actually receive 1,000 hryvnia more than usual, do not delude yourself - these are payments for two months at once.

Indexation was cut and postponed

The pension reform cleverly circumvented the automatic indexation of pensions prescribed by law. Until now, when the average salary grows and inflation rises, the government was obliged to index pensions. For example, if prices increased by 10%, then pensions should have been raised by 10% of the minimum subsistence level for disabled citizens. This has not happened over the past 4 years.

Moreover, now, after the adoption of the reform, payments will be indexed by an amount 2 times less - only 50% of the increase in average wages (previously 100%) and 50% of inflation (also previously 100%). This means that if prices rise by 10%, then indexation will take place by 5% of the minimum subsistence level for disabled citizens. But. Such automatic indexation will begin only in 2021, and before that, in 2019-2020, it will take place by decision of the Verkhovna Rada, which is not at all obliged to make a decision on indexation. There is not a word at all about indexation in 2018 in the pension reform. Even if prices rise by 20% over the year, no one will index pensions.

Galina Studennikova,"Country Ukraine

How much will pensions increase from October 1 if deputies vote for the reform?

Moreover, she will equalize their size for all citizens, who have the same insurance experience and salaries, but at the same time they have completed labor activity V different years(because of this, these people lost in payment amounts).

Explanation from the Cabinet of Ministers:

“Currently, the size of pensions, if the years of insurance coverage and earnings are equal, can differ by 2.5 times. Because the average salary, which is used to calculate pensions, grew, and the pensions themselves were not revised. The government proposes to fix this.”

If the reform is adopted from October 1, 2017 pensions will increase for 9 out of 12 million Ukrainians. Of these, according to the Prime Minister, more than 1.1 million Ukrainians will receive salaries almost 1,000 UAH more, and another 1.3 million will receive an increase of an average of 200 UAH. The rest of the mass will receive an average increase in the range from 200 to 1000 UAH.

Comment by Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman:

“We are closer to making an important decision on a new pension system in Ukraine. This reform, this change is fair, and voting for it will make it possible to increase the pensions of 9 million out of 12 Ukrainians from October 1.”

The last time the imbalance was corrected was in 2012. But since then, the average salary has more than doubled. Exactly because of this reason the majority of Ukrainians receive a pension below the subsistence level (UAH 1,544).

Whose pensions will not be increased

The Institute of Demography and Social Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine says that those citizens who worked for low wages in agriculture, at industrial facilities, in particular at those where preferential length of service was not accrued, will not receive a salary increase. This will also affect those who had a salary 1.5-2 times higher than the average level in Ukraine.

Most likely, the lion's share of women pensioners will not receive an increase due to less experience and lower salaries than men.

"Pension formula"

Now the amount of the pension depends proportionally on the duration of the insurance period and earnings, that is, it is determined by a formula. In fact, it is calculated like this: average salary three years before retirement multiplied by two factors (work experience) And (ratio of wages to the national average).

If the amount is below the subsistence level, but you have 30 years of insurance experience (35 for men), the pension will be set at the subsistence level.

If the reform is accepted, pensions will be increased taking into account the higher average salary. However, in this case, the insurance period coefficient will be reduced from 1.35 to 1. In such a situation, if previously the pensioner received a salary at the level of the national average, then after the reform comes into force, it may even be below the subsistence level.

Who will receive the biggest increase in pension?

Most Ukrainian pensioners have at least 40 years of insurance experience, but biggest increases those who retired before 2012 and received a high salary will receive it. These are the people who can count on increases of 600, 700 and even 1000 UAH. Under such conditions by the end of 2017, the average pension should be more than 2 thousand UAH.

It is still unclear whether the reform will be voted for, but Ukrainian pensioners want to hope for more. Moreover, they intend to coincide with this scandalous increase in pensions International Day elderly people, which is celebrated all over the world on October 1.

The Cabinet of Ministers told who will increase pensions and by how much

From October 1, 2017, payments will increase for 5 million 620 thousand Ukrainian pensioners. About this during the final press conference said Prime Minister Vladimir Groysman.

According to him, the pension reform, which will soon be presented in the Verkhovna Rada, provides for the creation of a fair pension system, rejection of “equalization”, as well as the maximum possible reduction of the deficit Pension Fund by 2024.

The prime minister said that the government proposes to modernize pensions for 5,620 thousand Ukrainians this year. Moreover, for different categories of citizens, pensions will be increased by different amounts.

“Approximately 1 million 308 thousand citizens will receive an increase in pensions to 200 UAH. 1 million 208 thousand citizens will receive an increase, at today's exchange rates, from 200 to 500 UAH monthly. 1 million 903 thousand citizens will receive an increase from 500 to 1000 UAH per month. This is not a one-time handout, which some politicians have tried to do, it is a permanent system. And another 1 million 109 thousand citizens will receive more than UAH 1,000 monthly additional payment,” the head of government noted.

He also said that one of the features of the pension reform would be the abolition of taxation on pensions for working pensioners.

“That is, we will increase pensions for millions and cancel taxation of pensions from October 1. The only thing we need is the support of parliament. This is an example of the systemic reform that we will do this year,” Groysman said.

Let us recall that earlier the Minister of Social Policy Andriy Reva said that the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine convinced the International Monetary Fund that there is no need to raise the retirement age for Ukrainians to 63 years.

Pension increase in 2018: how much will payments increase and who will receive the increase?

The pension increase in 2018 will take place in several stages. We will tell you the latest news about who will receive additional payments and how much interest indexation is planned.

Indexation of pensions in 2018: to whom and by what percentage

All types of pensions paid by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation are indexed annually in connection with rising prices and average monthly wages. But the size of pension indexation is different every year. For example, in 2010, the insurance (labor) pension was increased by 6.3%, and in 2015 – by 11.4%. But today one can’t even dream of increasing pensions by 5-10 percent.

According to the law, for old-age pensioners in Russia, their labor pension is indexed depending on the level of inflation for last year. In 2018, the Government promises to do just that. In this publication we will summarize the latest news about pension increases in 2018.

Increase in insurance pension in 2018

As Minister of Labor and Social Protection Maxim Topilin stated following the discussion of the country’s budget for the next three years, insurance pensions in the Russian Federation will be indexed by 3.7% in 2018. RIA Novosti reports this. Is it a lot or a little? Of course, pensioners will say that it is not enough. But the Government of the Russian Federation does not think so. According to official forecasts, inflation in the country in 2017 will be only 3.2 percent. This means indexation of pensions by 3.7 percent is even slightly higher than inflation. The cost of one pension coefficient will be 81 rubles 96 kopecks.

Another innovation that awaits pensioners in 2018. Insurance pensions will increase not from February 1, as has been the case for many years, but from January 1. Why? According to the same Minister of Labor and Social Protection Maxim Topilin, the change in timing is aimed at ensuring a more significant increase in real pensions next year. Well, this is really good news!

In addition, it is proposed to adjust the size of the fixed payment to insurance pensions, setting it from January 1, 2018 in the amount of 4982.9 rubles (an increase of 1.037%). As a result, the average annual old-age insurance pension in Russia will increase in 2018 to 14,137 rubles and amount to 160.5% of a pensioner’s subsistence level.

However, all of the above applies only to NON-WORKING pensioners. Elderly people who continue to work will not have their pensions indexed in 2018.

But if it was decided to index the insurance pensions of non-working pensioners in 2018 from January 1, then what will happen to payments to federal beneficiaries, which were increased in February?

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Nothing will change for federal beneficiaries. The size of the monthly cash payment they receive, as before, in 2018 will be indexed from February 1 to the amount of inflation for the previous year.

Since the official inflation forecast for 2017 is 3.2 percent, it is likely that an increase in payments should be expected by approximately the same amount.

Increase in social pension in 2018 from April 1

From April 1, 2018, state pensions, including social ones, will be indexed. This increase will apply to all recipients of state pensions, regardless of the fact of work (both working and non-working). Indexation of pensions for state pension provision, including social pensions, from April 1 will be carried out taking into account the growth index of the pensioner’s cost of living over the past year.

According to the latest data provided by Russian newspaper, indexation of social pensions from April 1, 2018 is planned at 2.9 percent.

Recalculation of pensions in 2018 for working pensioners from August 1

Since August 1, 2018, Russia has been introducing non-declaration adjustments to the insurance pensions of working pensioners. That’s when the holiday will come to the streets of working pensioners.

Pensioners who worked in 2017 will have their insurance pensions increase in August 2018. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation reports that in 2018 the maximum increase will be equal to the monetary equivalent of three pension points. The maximum increase you can count on will be about 230-250 rubles.

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113 reviews of “Increasing pensions in 2018: how much will payments increase and who will receive the increase”

I have never worked for the state in my life. And he worked for himself. Earned commercial real estate and residential three apartments. This is my old age pension. That's what officials tell you. You want people at work to all die and the money in the pension to remain for you.

I looked through the comments. I wanted to see the lucky guy happy with his pension...
My wife raised three children, of course it took a lot of time. and received a pension of 7,000 rubles. Wants to go to the Canary Islands...

Pensioners who worked in the north have northern experience they will be grateful to the government of the Russian Federation and the President of the country if they return the northern caficient Once they removed it and compared it with everyone else. It’s a shame! We northerners paid taxes to the country many times more and we receive pensions at the same level

Moskvich. Total experience more than 45 years of which most of them in the defense industry. As a result of the increase minimum pension in Moscow received an increase of 621 rubles. Thus, people like me were equalized with those who various reasons and earned less and had significantly shorter work experience.

I worked in a hazardous workshop for 16 years and the pension was assigned to 8 thousand, now, although now it is already 10 thousand in the summer, you can live, but in the winter you have to pay 3-4 thousand for gas, plus electricity, telephone, housing and communal services, and even a computer, without which there is no point in living

Group 3 disabled person 2018 pension 6100 We will soon become extinct like dinosaurs.

What does inflation have to do with it, pensions should be increased in order to live like a human being and not wait for some handouts.

Thank God for everything! My husband and I get 25 thousand rubles and that’s enough for us. Of course we don’t live in luxury. We save money and seem to buy what we want. Of course, housing and communal services are not enough; medicines; household goods are eaten up by everything;

Contributions to the Pension Fund are deducted from the salary of a working pensioner, and the so-called Duma has not approved the law on indexation of pensions for working pensioners. The Duma is a no-brainer, and Minister Siluanov is not very smart.

I receive a pension of 2 grams, the main pension is 8,000 and 3,000 in total, 11,000 of this amount I pay 6,000 rubles for utilities and 5,000 thousand is left for living by going to the grocery store. you come out with half a basket of groceries sand cereal pasta potatoes milk cottage cheese kefir I can’t even dream of delicacies enough for 10 days and besides that you need to buy things clothes and so on so tell me how to live on 5000 rubles I think that in Russian in Moscow and in /o salary should be at least 70,000 and this is only for Russian postal workers and the monthly pension should be at least 50,000 thousand rubles prices and prices for housing and communal services are growing by a lot and there is no money for living at all.

It feels like we are a prison on the planet! Be patient, they will answer in the next world forever for what they do here... don’t be fooled by their persuasion! Everything has its time!

Tired of living on a miserable pension. Don't we really deserve a normal life?

I believe that Putin, Shaigu, and Lavrov should receive a decent salary. Reduce salaries and pensions to the subsistence level for the rest of the officials, let them try to survive for a month. They will immediately understand the unbearable existence of pensioners.

There is NO promised increase in pensions for WORKERS (200 rubles) in August. Shameful money - and they did not accrue it as promised.

It's a shame for the country!

My pension, that is, the allowance for a part-time worker was “increased” by 20 rubles. 74 kopecks, in the end it came out to 10,237.97 kopecks. AND THIS IS FOR 40 years of experience as an engineer for a rich state, which helps fat Ukrainians and fat Syrians and other hangers-on , except for their own! In general, I understand that the Lilliputians have increased our pensions, the Lilliputian way! I WILL NOT GO to vote for any more!

Our people are structured strangely: as soon as they get to power, they immediately stop understanding why they are there. Conscience disappears somewhere, they stop understanding what is good and what is bad. Isn’t raising the pension from April 1 from 31 to 40 rubles and kopecks a mockery of the people? It would be better to remain silent about such a “promotion” - after all, the normal authorities should be ashamed? Or do we have it...? How tired of all this already: their reports of millions in annual income, and the endless increases in food prices, and the completely exorbitant prices for utilities, and these stories about our super-powerful weapons - I’m tired of everything.

Aren’t those in power in the country ashamed for the indexation of 0.38 from 04/01/2017? FIRST OF APRIL WE DO NOT TRUST ANY RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT WE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN LIED TO US SINCE 1917 It’s a pity that after working for 56 years I have become poorer than when I worked. All that remains is to envy the dissidents.

Yes. The admin is already proposing to increase social pensions by 1.5% from April 1, 2017, well, this is not good at all.
Medvedev's promises that the increase will be in full are again not being fulfilled.
Yes, it’s better to keep this 1.5% for yourself, or better not add it at all. Leave it for your children, leave it for yachts and gifts.
Lord, why do we need this………………. no more patience

For those whose pension is below the subsistence level, the increase did not affect them, they began to pay less. Prices for everything are rising, but the cost of living remains the same who calculates it? After paying for housing and communal services, suck your paw, it seems that the servants of the people are flying and not on the ground they walk. We survive, not live. Stop discussing with a serious look about where you can smoke and where you can’t, there are more important questions. It’s a shame, gentlemen, SERVANTS OF THE PEOPLE, we, too, as foreign pensioners, want to sit in a cafe and go on vacation.

Yesterday they sent a pension to the Sberb card. 8 617 .As it was and remains, horseradish is not indexing. I am not a working pensioner. He called a relative, he was also not working, also without a supplement. We need to go to the pension to find out what this reason is! Unhappy pennies!

Our government doesn't care about anyone. Your pocket is closer. Everything is done against the people and to destroy the people. Even if you are right three times, in our country the truth will still be with those who have more money and power. So they are trying to destroy us pensioners as unnecessary waste material.


Dear “Russian hackers”, please please our pensioners and give them an increase in their pension from the salary and bonus fund of deputies, especially those pensioners whose pension is less than 20 thousand rubles.


Do NOT increase the salaries of officials - they still STEAL!

I agree with all the pensioners who are indignant. I'm mine. I would send Putin a pension and ask him to live on it for a whole month. But I’m wondering: is anyone reading us?

It’s a shame and pain for the Russian people. Pensioners were awarded a meager pension. They themselves hide behind high fences built with our money. Give back what you stole to people. Enough already to feed your ducklings. Are you campaigning to vote, but for whom? Just scoundrels and talkers. They don't do anything, they just promise. Totally lies.

We still have to manage to survive until January 2017.

for pensioners - instead of indexation, suck the bear's paw

Well, the state doesn’t have money, so save us from the extortion of utility workers and food speculators, give us benefits for medicines, treatment and a decent life! You won't be fed, clothed, and warm with money! And most importantly, children and grandchildren will not live on the pension of their parents and grandmothers! I haven’t seen my pension book for many years due to not using it! BENEFITS for pensioners and it will be easier for us to live, and not money that will multiply due to indexation, only for those who already had it! Free us from paying housing and communal services for repairs, we no longer run around in attics, don’t draw on walls, don’t destroy common areas! We need benefits!

I once thought about the years I had lived and felt so ashamed for my Motherland and for the people. Soon it will be 100 years since the people took power into their own hands. And the people’s servants live like “cheese in butter” and claim the owner’s pension as a beggar. So how many years does it take for a country to begin to prosper? And no Putin or Medvedev will lead the country out of the deadlock, because they don’t know how to do it. And your grunt is closer to the body. And there are no heroes and patriots of their country... Bitter truth.

pensioners! Is there something wrong with your memory? in the 1980s max. the old-age pension was 132 rubles, the pension of working workers was paid in full. did not pay pensions to those working etc. It's too late to cry for life. whom you chose from those and you receive. You need to think when you choose, not when you choose. good health to you all

Why do you condemn the authorities? Who is to blame for this? Think about it? Our grandfathers and fathers did everything so that their sons and grandchildren could live with dignity, everyone blames Stalin and Lenin for the repressions, even after the war the life of the people improved every year, they did not allow the oligarchs to come to power as they do now, there will be elections in the fall and think about who to vote for , they allowed more than one hundred parties to somehow divert votes from the communists, when all over the world there are 2-3 parties in every country, I am a pensioner and receive a miserable pension.

Shame on the Russian rulers. Survived - without indexing, survive. Why are pensions decent in Europe? Let them pay less bonuses, salary payments to officials and steal less.

They write that during the construction of communism the pension was 120 rubles - that everyone had. There were certain conditions and not everyone could receive such a pension - so only a few received a pension of 120 rubles and there is nothing to trump with this. My mother, who worked for more than 37 years, was assigned a pension of 36 rubles.

It’s a shame to even say that I live in this country, it’s such a shame that I receive a social pension for a child due to the loss of a breadwinner until April it was 4600 and the additional payment to the subsistence level, that is, all together 7990, they raised the main part of the pension by 4%, it became 184 rubles more, and it remains 7990 and we won’t see any increase until the main part of the pension reaches the subsistence level.

Confiscate what you have accumulated from governors and other lovers of budget funds, so your pension increases will not affect inflation for many years.

shame on our government! a good economist should rule the country, a nationally recognized doctor should head the Ministry of Health, and it’s not clear where stupid and frankly unprofessional people come from.
and it’s a shame about pensions 4%, but the thief Chubais is constantly allocated billions for nanotechnology, and where are these nanotechnologies? Everything is stolen as always!
And on what basis were $3 billion taken from the Russian Welfare Fund to help Ukraine?
So our pensions are not increasing, then we feed Ukraine, then we help our fraternal peoples!
I think you should first provide for your citizens, create favorable and comfortable living conditions for them, and then make generous gestures at the expense of the people!!

It's a shame for all pensioners!

Good afternoon, gentlemen, pensioners! Yes, I understand you, in difficult times, we grew up, studied and finally worked, a lot of health and strength were given to the construction of communism, but all this went down the drain just not for “US”. They dreamed and worked so hard, without sparing themselves, that in the end it became a national treasure for a handful of people. We all cry because it's not enough. And don’t forget about officials, too, if you ask for the pension you’ve earned, they won’t get much, they won’t have anything to steal, they’ll have to tighten the law. Yes, you understand, the situation now is not easy - be patient, God sees everything, the most important thing is to take care of your health and nerves. I have been through this situation for 46 years length of service and 8876 rubles I continue to work. On weekends I go skiing with my granddaughter and it makes me happy and she is very happy. My granddaughter is making progress. Reading your letters I feel so sorry, I can only console you with regret.


Agree. Such pensions are disrespectful to the older generation who have worked for 35 years or more.

Lyubov Petrovna, you yourself are not from the DUMA by chance. I worked in the north for 15 years and in the hot shop for 8 years. According to the contracts, 1 year was 1.5... But when calculating the pension, the STATE, “taking care of people,” forgave these years and did not include them in the length of service, which affected the size of the pension... And you say that the Duma cares about us.... VORIE.... Under the USSR, pensions were not paid to working pensioners. And pensioners did not need to work, because... the pension was 120 rubles. And this was very good money at that time. And there were stable prices for everything. If pensioners were now paid the average salary in the region, then I think everyone would be happy to stop working and enjoy life, rather than survive on pennies.

I wonder why there is an equalization of someone who didn’t work and sat at home but now receives a social pension on the same basis as a pensioner who worked for 35 years in a responsible job, but it shouldn’t be like that then what’s the point of working? Pensioners work out of necessity, they need to get treatment, pay utilities, there are a lot of disabled people, but getting a disability is a complicated process, so you have to hold it together but work. Understand that pensioners work not for pleasure, but out of necessity.

Today I received an indexed pension! Now I’m sitting and thinking, where to spend it??((It seems that they just laugh at pensioners and don’t consider them as people!! They gave me a 494 ruble increase and now I’ll “show off”, “rejoice” and not deny myself anything(( (Very disappointing.

The government has gone blind, there is no other way to put it. Pensioners live in poverty, there is not enough money for medicine, let alone bread. Against the background of widespread corruption of officials, fabulous salaries of deputies, the government in the person of Medvedev could not come up with anything smarter than to additionally rob and humiliate pensioners who are forced to go to work in order to somehow survive. Pensioners are grandfathers and grandmothers, fathers and mothers of our people, and this must be taken into account. A beloved homeland cannot have an unloved government.

When I received my first pension, I decided that this was the state’s last spit on its citizen. How wrong I was.


I am waiting for a law to appear in the State Duma, in connection with the budget deficit, to pay deputies no more than 30,000 rubles.

Dear Lyubov Petrovna! How much taxes I have paid since 1998, you could never even dream of such money. And I was sent to retire with 6,485 rubles. Okay, I indexed it earlier, now I get 10,032 rubles.

03.11.2015 at 21:23

hello, I want to address the pensioners, at least you earned a pension, but the next generation of us will probably not live long enough because pensioners even at 60 years old work like young people, so our government came to the conclusion that if people don’t rest even at 60 years old, then why not pay a pension from 65 years and it turns out that you are already retired and we won’t be allowed to leave like you at 60 years old because you work and are still full of strength to work, so for us younger generation it becomes insulting, of course you will say that the pension is small, there is not enough money, but that’s another question because how much money is there? God forbid, there will never be many of them, but we also need to take care of ourselves; a pension of 60 is given to rest a little. My opinion is that it is inappropriate to work after retirement and we, who are young, should not put a spanner in the works; whoever agrees with me, let him speak out
Vasya! I would like to see how you would live on 6,400 rubles. You think that pensioners work because of a good life. In Soviet times, pensioners received as much as people earned in production. And you could live on them. And now what are the prices for food , medications, utility costs! The rent is 5,000 rubles. And I need another 5,000 rubles for medications after the operation. What to live on?

Our so-called elite flaunts their golden toilets on screens in their frankly shamelessly luxurious apartments; they drink and waste what they stole, and in old age they complain on TV screens about their poverty and infirmity. And the ordinary citizen (working person) lives according to the proverb under all government regimes according to the proverb known to everyone: “At least reap, at least forge!” Although in Soviet times there was a different correlation of material wealth on this topic, which the people illegally rightly expressed in their ditty: “Lenin is sitting on the fence, weaving bast shoes in a joint so that our communists do not go barefoot” is not what the current party members of EdrenovoshRossy vilify about fat in golden toilets so as not to choke and boast of this without shame or conscience from the screens of all television channels.

I read the “cries” of pensioners and “marvel” at the elementary “myopia”. In Europe, or in other countries, for example Israel, pensioners are paid more and social benefits are higher for the following reasons: 1. There are only “white” salaries and everyone pays taxes. For non-payment, prison or huge fines, 2. Property taxes, etc. 40% of income. 3. The retirement age is higher. 4. Pensions are not paid to workers. 5. There is no pension at all in the Emirates. There, caring for the elderly rests with relatives.
Before blaming the “State”, especially Putin, turn on your memory and honestly tell yourself how you worked, by whom, how you paid taxes, etc. Freebies always hit you on the head or even more painfully. FOR FREE. Freebie. You have to pay for everything.
Those pensioners who “plowed” in hot shops in the Far North (in frost - 54 degrees, the toilet was outside and their hair froze to the pillow while sleeping, ate frozen vegetables and froze parts of their bodies), in the dashing 90s, worked for the State and paid taxes on their meager incomes, supporting the state system. Yes, too, pensions, I want higher ones, but, mind you, they don’t whine.
“Open your eyes” and see what is happening in the “world”. The question is, will we live in a free country? What kind of “world” will there be “tomorrow”. ? ! ?
Thank you for what you have. And thank you for the opportunity to live in peace.
Every nation deserves the rulers it has. They are a reflection of our “thoughts”.
If “WE” blaspheme life, country, politics, do not go to elections, remain silent, knowing about meanness, bribe takers, encouraging rudeness, stealing from our “neighbor” or “State”, raise our children accordingly, setting an example of life’s “ examples." What are you all waiting for then? Where will the money for social benefits come from?
Unfortunately, decent and honest people do not always climb to “power”. If we know, why are we silent?
This year there will be elections to the State Duma. Stop whining and nodding into space.
If you want to live with dignity, live.

In our country everything is average! If you add up the wages of a technician and a worker with the wages of a minister and a deputy and divide equally, you will get, in general, NOT BAD, hence the conclusion: why increase the pensions of working pensioners because they have an AVERAGE salary plus an AVERAGE pension - this is already MORE than NOT BAD, it turns out that working pensioners in OUR COUNTRY are the WELCOME class! You are right, judging by the empty chairs in the meeting room, you can expect everything from our DUMA that should not happen!

It’s scary and shameful to live in this country, where the government is openly criminal and not only towards pensioners. Our government is criminal towards the country itself, they destroy everything and everyone (well, except themselves and those who stole millions). The level of pensions is already a disgrace, and even the cents - this is a mockery

And I have the simplest story: a disabled person from childhood, I suffered 2 strokes, a transmural myocardial infarction, and suddenly I was told at the ITU, I’m 59 years old.

I work in a kindergarten as a watchman, I went into the shadows (my daughter registered, I work myself), if our government really wants pensioners to go into the shadows, they will get it. And without working for that meager amount that they call a pension, I suggest living for at least a month on your own Siluanov, Medvedev, Putin. and others like them... I don’t even want to write about the Duma, they’re generally driven with a nasty broom, they don’t do a damn thing, they sleep at meetings. In general, I won’t vote for United Russia anymore, that’s enough, 15 years in power.

I’m ashamed of the state in which we live in Europe, pensioners and children are the most respected, because the state takes care of them; they alone created the good and the younger generation must save everything. Take pensions for yourself; suddenly there won’t be enough to raise the salaries of deputies; WE, the younger generation, feel bad for our parents, for the respected generation who worked all his life,

Which of the pensioners will go to work, the one who
small pension or who has a large one?
And to whom did you, (I almost said “dear”) gentlemen, deputies, decide not to increase (not index) the pension?
Where is the logic?
P.S. “Duma” comes from the word “to think.”

My husband and I worked from 1980 to 1994 in the far north in Yakutsk at 60 degrees below zero, we wasted all our youth and health, we thought that in old age we would earn a decent pension. But it turned out the other way around, having 38 years of experience, we were given a pension of 8,300 rubles .The question to the government is how did it happen that everything became equal. We worked in such difficult conditions and now we have to work as pensioners in order to somehow survive. And you decided to take away the latter now.

I am forced to work part-time as a janitor during the cold period from October 15 to May 1, I don’t even want to write what a huge salary I have. Pension indexation will be carried out from February 1, during the period when I am a working pensioner, it turns out that I am not entitled to indexation of my pension! Thank you for taking care of me!

Shame on the state and its government, which solve problems at the expense of vulnerable sections of the population! It is not because of a good life that pensioners are forced to work. It is impossible to live on the pensions that most people pay in our lifetime. Looking at the decisions that “our leaders” make, the conclusion suggests itself that the smaller the layer of “dependents” is, the better for them. And, I think, in connection with the adoption of such decisions, revenues to the Pension Fund should decrease, which will give them another reason to “tighten the screws.” In general, whatever one may say, pensioners are ballast for the state, which everyone needs to get rid of possible ways, what is already starting to happen: either the boarding school burns down, or they die without receiving honey on time. help, then they refuse it altogether or it costs as much as some categories have not earned in half their lives.

yes... there is no way to remove the road... glory to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

Have you calculated all your income? Did you make a mistake with your calculations? Have you considered that all working pensioners will suddenly become unemployed and contributions to the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund, Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and the International Financial Tax Service will not be received? 4% saved on poor pensioners! You can be proud of yourself! It would be better if they stopped paying pensions to officials - pensioners whose income is 1 million rubles. But it’s not easy to hit your pocket. A SHAME. Got rich.

you can't sweep them away with a broom

Of course, we retirees would like to relax, but if our children lived in abundance and we would never have to think about them. about grandchildren, I would like all Russians to live in abundance. We don't need palaces. we don't ask for excess. We all worked and are working in production. but we are below the poverty line. It’s even a shame - it’s time to pay attention to People!

from February 1 4% pension increases, and from July 1, the increase in utilities in Barnaul is 15.7%, but the deputy has a 50% increase in wages. And these are the chosen ones of the people. Drive everyone out with a filthy broom

Gentlemen, didn’t you think that it would be more profitable, like in China, to abolish pensions? There is a proposal. For example, instead of a pension, open an account for each employee and make pension-type payments. Calculate, it will turn out to be much more than a pension and then you can receive interest or withdraw the entire amount. What happens is that the pensioner dies and the state takes his money, otherwise the relatives would receive all the savings. Brothers are fooling us, let our rulers raise salaries at 4% in the Duma, not for pensioners. Otherwise, from the age of 16, they will have a double increase to 800,000 rubles per month, what difference does it make to you? This and that... that's why officials steal like they're living their last day, they can't get enough of everything...

And I support OUR PRESIDENT. He has very good assistants - SHOIGU, LAVROV, IVANOV, RAGOZIN, ZHUKOV, PUCHKOV, SOBYANIN and many others. I would like to ask a question and I think many will support: “How much money is seized from criminals, from our bureaucrats. This is mind boggling. SO DISTRIBUTE THIS MONEY TO PENIERS AND SO THAT NOT A SINGLE PENNY GOES TO THE SIDE, AND IN GENERAL, WHEN WE WILL NOT COUNT PENNY UNTIL PENITION. PARENTS until 1992 received 132 rubles. (bread was 16 kopecks per 1 kg.) So many years have passed and the price for bread is 18-20 rubles. for 700-800 gr.). What is it? Yes, everything is clear: they were afraid to give birth for 20 years, now they give me obscenities. capital is not human enough. Who gives birth, who gives up - complete chaos. Land is not given for construction and our idle officials do not help. BUT THEY LOVE THE AUTHORITIES AND CLIMB TO THE FEEDING TOW. THERE ARE A LOT OF MANY QUESTIONS AND A LOT OF MUCH STILL NEEDED TO WORK AND DEMAND, FOR EXAMPLE: IF YOU HAVE BEEN STEALING, THEN YOU SHOULD BE REMOVED FROM MANAGERIAL WORK NOT ONLY HIMSELF, BUT ALSO THE ENTIRE GENESIS TO THE TENTH GENERATION AND FOR LIFE WITH A STAMP SO THAT EVERYONE WILL SEE. AND NOW THEY ARE KICKED OUT FROM ONE PLACE, AND IN ANOTHER PLACE THEY ARE ALREADY WAITING FOR HIM, AND EVERYTHING REPEATS AGAIN, OF COURSE WE WILL PATIENCE. NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO quarrel with each other. YOU HAVE TO BE TOUGH WITH GRAPPERS. AND TO YOU, OF COURSE, HEALTH AND PEACE IN THE WHOLE WORLD. WE LOVE YOU VERY MUCH AND HOPE FOR YOU.

Putin needs to kick them in the face! And this decision is urgently reversed.

Yes, that’s what we’ve been waiting for?! Now there’s only one way out: to receive your salary in an envelope, but you have to go with deductions. Where is V.V.P. looking? They’re doing everything to anger the people?

I don't agree with you. This is why pensioners work because their pension is not enough even for food and there is no time for rest. Your time will come and you will change your mind. The authorities do not think about the people, although they cannot even imagine how they can live on a pension.

Thank you Vova for stability! Because the madness began. Because we have no income from increasing expenses! Thank you Vova for the country. The grass is overgrown with virgin soil, because there is no future, and in the present there is only nonsense! Thank you Vova for all of us. For the gas sold to Europe, for the money in the pockets of the people, for the prosperity of the freaks. Thank you Vova... medicine, she squeezed me like a clamp, ripping off the last of my pants, we owe her for hemorrhoids. Thank you Vova for the loan, he was killed for the rest of his life.

I always understood that Putin has a bad team. I understand the situation in Russia very well, but the population is getting poorer and ultimately the unrest among the population is increasing. We must improve the well-being of the people. We must judge corruption more strictly and return money to the treasury. Servants of the people, damn you.


The government has decided to rob the richest in our country... these are working pensioners. How can one claim one of the leading roles in the world in world politics, but in domestic politics rob the most vulnerable citizens. And we also want to be respected in the world. This will never happen until officials and deputies learn to respect the most vulnerable - pensioners. Mr. Medvedev and gentlemen members of the government, you need to find these funds and index the pensions of working pensioners. Don't embarrass yourself in front of the whole world. I appeal to your conscience, however, if you still remember what it is.

What’s the point of writing your indignations? Still, no one reads them except those who are just as indignant? The government and deputies don’t give a damn about their people! All thieves are not afraid of anything, because no one is punished! And our V.V., as always, does not see anything.

I am 59 years old and work in a library. Every year you wait for this meager increase so that your pension will at least somehow increase. You can’t live on the pension you have. I earned it by running three jobs.

Not indexing pensions for working pensioners whose total income does not exceed 20=25 thousand rubles per month - THIS IS A SHOOT IN THE BACK by the government towards a poor people

Columns of trucks full of food and various materials were driven to Ukraine. There is money for benefits for refugees, but there is no money for the 4% for our own people. Shame on such servants of the people.

A working pensioner also makes contributions to the Pension Fund, why not increase your pension on an equal basis with others?

when they doubled the fixed payment, how many entrepreneurs closed down, how much money they lost to all budgetary and extra-budgetary funds. Now if working pensioners do not have their pension indexed in February, then again you will not receive a huge amount, and pensioners will quit and will receive their salary in an envelope, if not you want everything to be according to the law

Elections were held and the people voted for United Russia, because... I was confident that the government was fair and would fulfill its obligations.
Why was money found to increase the salary (and what kind of salary) for the government apparatus, but not for the indexation of pensions provided for by law?
If the government worked so poorly, why raise wages?

It’s a disgrace, I work as a nurse and I can barely get by
making ends meet isn't it a shame for our government not to add these pennies? Shame

I have 47 years of experience and I work as a nurse to
it's a shame to survive, isn't it a shame to take a penny from
We have less officials to steal. Shame.

What an injustice it is not to add pensions to working pensioners. If you don’t work, how to survive on these crumbs from the state, you probably need to somehow take an individual approach to this issue, who has a high pension, like our officials, you don’t have to add, and if 5-9 thousand, how can you not work?? And it turns out that in order to somehow live, you have to die at work!! Here's THANK YOU to our dear government.

Pensioners working as cleaners receive 4 thousand rubles each, but they will lose 500 rubles a month, of course they will leave their jobs, but who will spend money on that?

We worked honestly and are not to blame for such inflation in the country. The news is full of reports about officials who have stolen - they are dragging in billions! Why not introduce confiscation? Personally, I have 42 years of experience as a welder, my pension is 10,900. I continue to work, and there are contributions to the tax office and the pension fund. Where do the funds go in this case?

Shame on our government and deputies.

Our government and deputies should be ashamed for the crumbs they pay us. A shame.

Why are you leaders? This means that you did not want to accept the regressive scale for personal income tax (since it would hit your pockets), but found a way to save on pensioners. Right! They are tenacious - they will endure anything. You would give deputies lower salaries and introduce a regressive scale. There will immediately be a surplus in the budget.

hello, I want to address the pensioners, at least you earned a pension, but the next generation of us will probably not live long enough because pensioners even at 60 years old work like young people, so our government came to the conclusion that if people don’t rest even at 60 years old, then why not pay a pension from 65 years and it turns out that you are already retired and we won’t be allowed to leave like you at 60 years old because you work and are still full of strength to work, so for us younger generation it becomes insulting, of course you will say that the pension is small, there is not enough money, but that’s another question because how much money is there? God forbid, there will never be many of them, but we also need to take care of ourselves; a pension of 60 is given to rest a little. My opinion is that it is not necessary to work after retirement and we, who are young, should not put a spoke in the kalesa; whoever agrees with me, let him speak out here

So, pensioners with such pensions cannot buy medicine to maintain their health, hospitals are closed, utilities, food and other goods become more expensive every year by much more than 4%. Living pensions are already enough. Naturally, with such a life, many pensioners die. It seems that the state has thus decided to quickly send pensioners to another world. And where, dear state, is your concern for the elderly?

I am a pensioner, I worked for 16 years, paid off the loan, raised the country. As a child, we collected spikelets, went to snow removal, horse riding, cut straw for cattle, earned 10 thousand in 39 years. Pension. Thanks to the state.

I am a working pensioner. I work because it’s very problematic to live on a pension (((I’m outraged that working pensioners won’t even get this meager increase!! But maybe we should still look. Who has what income? Of course, the prize is 70-100 and It’s fashionable not to give an increase of more than thousand. But if the pension is 10 thousand and the salary is less than 20. Why is everything in our state so thoughtless?

Why won’t working pensioners receive a pension? After all, we pay income tax, we pay into the pension fund. Where does this money go? If our pension was enough to live on, we would also sit at home, and not bend our backs at 60 or more years old. We also want to relax, but we are forced to work, and also help children, since every family now has a mortgage, a loan, pay for kindergarten, for school repairs, for the cleaning lady’s salary. Now they have come up with a fee for major repairs. They are already taking three skins from the people.

As a rule, pensioners work in low-paid jobs (watchmen, security guards, etc.). If pensions for working pensioners are not indexed, then pensioners will simply stop working. Then there will be no additions to the Pension Fund and there will be no one to work

If working pensioners are not indexed, then many pensioners will stop working or work illegally, and therefore there will be no income to the Pension Fund. So what are the savings? Indexation is 4%, and contributions to the Pension Fund are 20%?

Cleaning the floors at the SCHOOL. Salary 4791.28. Such working pensioners NEED indexed pensions!

I am a pensioner and work. From January 1, 2016 I’ll go to a “gray” salary. I will not pay income tax or contributions to the pension fund. Just as the state treats us pensioners, so do we treat her. I suggest all working pensioners do the same.

I was born and raised in the far north, but I also worked here. But our state doesn’t make us very happy here. And today I heard on TV Medvedev so delighted us (((((that in 2016 to pensioners will add such a large increase that we will not take away. 4 %. Rejoice pensioners for our state and our government. See how they are baking about us here and you’ll think, why did we work all our lives for the state and rot in this north. So, don’t wait. There won’t be two times, soon there will be no raises for pensioners at all

Is it true that Medvedev proposed not to index the pensions of working pensioners! That we are not people, or what?

Let this Ulyukaev himself live on 4 percent. I would like to take away their salaries and put them on pension. It’s not for nothing that they are raising their retirement age so they can live longer at the people’s expense!

We heard and now they say that they will increase the pension twice per year. This is of course good, but they will deceive you! They will forget to raise you a second time or give you little. Give me your entire pension at once! Don’t torment the old people, we’ve done our job!

But I don’t want to index all prices, everything, including prices for services provided, with a minus sign. Otherwise, we will index the pension by an amount less than actual inflation, and let prices rise as planned. It turns out like a joke from the Brezhnev era - we have little money, but there are still a lot of people. With all this, we have the opportunity to forgive debts to other states, hold sporting competitions at exorbitant prices, and help all states that need it. And we will establish a balance in our own economy at the expense of pensioners. There are no other possibilities.

I lived in an area equivalent to the far north, lived for 38 years and earned a pension of 5600. Many thanks to the state.

In the European Union, refugees are paid 27 thousand a month, and in our country, pensioners who have worked for 40 years or more are paid 12,000. Thanks to our native state.

How much can you deceive pensioners! Pay what you're supposed to! Officials are fattening and old people will stretch their legs soon

Considering the rapid increase in most prices and inflation still present in the country’s economy, as well as the problems that are associated with this, the government simply cannot help but respond to the situation with wages and, in particular, with pensions. In order to improve material security immediately large quantity persons, a certain amount of money is included in the budget and the level of subsistence level is necessarily taken into account. That is why Russians are monthly interested in the issue of receiving pension provision, which means the latest news about pension increases from October 1, 2018 and how much it’s worth studying with special care.
The content of the article:

  • What do you know about Russia?!

Features of the pension issue

Almost every Russian feels the problem of low pensions to one degree or another, since it is the main reason for the gradual decline in the quality of life. Politicians do not stop talking about reviving the economy and implementing many really important reforms and changes. They expect that this will eventually lead to a lessening of the detrimental impact on the economy. However, in modern times the country does not have many resources and opportunities, which is why difficulties often arise.
One way or another, one cannot help but notice that a deep economic crisis continues in the country, which means it is not surprising that the data on whether there will be an increase military pension from October 1, is very relevant.
Pensioners are one of the most vulnerable categories of the population. Prices are constantly rising, utility services are becoming more expensive, and the amount of financial assistance from the state still remains at the same level, so today pension reform is one of the main tasks of social policy. The financial situation of pensioners depends on the planned pension from October 1. Will they be able to acquire everything they need for a normal life due to changes in pension legislation or should they not count on any special improvements?

Increase in pensions for pensioners from October 1?

It’s worth saying right away that the reform to raise the retirement age continues, therefore, due to changes in the current legislation, men 61 years old and women aged 56 years have the right to a pension in 2018. However, every year the amount of experience will increase. For persons who have not reached the established age, the state provides some social assistance.

What do you know about Russia?!

We all consider ourselves citizens of our country and great patriots. What do we know about our Great Russia? Test your knowledge in our Test! answer: Share on Facebook Share on VKontakte No indexation of pensions is provided for from October 1, 2018, although it is due to this that the pension payments of the majority of Russians have been growing recently. The authorities are now busy closing the gap between the pensions of different employees. And, for example, choosing the path to abolishing special payments to civil servants, judges and some other categories of citizens. Pension payments will be accrued to them on a general basis, and in October their amount will remain the same.

Increasing pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and military pensioners

Modern legislation provides for several types pension payments, and if we talk about increasing pensions for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018, then it is worth first saying that they are paid based on age, disability, length of service and in connection with the loss of a breadwinner. The pension for representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will remain at the same level as before. The approximate pension will be 10-14 thousand rubles, but these are just approximate figures, because in fact the size of pensions is individual for each person, because it takes into account the fact how exactly the person earned this payment, how long he worked and at what age he started receive it.
Speaking about whether there will be an increase in pensions for military pensioners from October 1, 2018, it is worth saying that, in accordance with the latest government news, an increase in pension benefits is not planned for this period. Previously, the press reported that the authorities allocated quite a large amount of material resources specifically to increase pension benefits for military retirees. The amount was listed as 38,000,000,000 rubles. So far, only mandatory indexation of pension payments has been carried out, but perhaps in the future pensioners can simply count on an increase.
In conclusion, attention should be paid to the fact that for the majority of pensioners, a pension remains the only source that ensures their existence. Elderly people still remain one of the most vulnerable categories of the population, which is not able to ensure a normal existence and satisfy their basic needs in full (even if they continue to work). Even the annual indexation of pension payments does not adequately improve the situation, which is why all Russians so carefully monitor pension news from the government every month.

In August 2018, pensions for working pensioners were recalculated, as a result of which additional payments will be paid from September 2018. This article examines the question of who will have their pensions increased from September 1, what amount of additional payment should be expected.

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Recalculation of pensions for working pensioners in August 2018

It should not be said that it was produced for working pensioners with September 1, 2018. Let us remind you that in 2016, according to Federal law dated December 29, 2015 N 385-FZ, the indexation of pensions for citizens who have reached retirement age but continue to work has been frozen. It is this category of the population that has been recalculated. According to its results, pension payments were increased, but not by the inflation factor. Pensions for workers have been recalculated due to the increase in their insurance period and the accumulation of insurance points.

The recalculation carried out in August was not carried out by adding a certain percentage to all pensions, but individually. The following factors are taken into account:

  • Number of insurance points earned in 2017, but not more three;
  • The date of accrual of the pension and the associated value of the pension coefficient;

Insurance points are awarded to all working citizens, their number depends on the amount of earnings and, accordingly, insurance contributions, on the time worked. The maximum number of points for which recalculation is made is 3 points.

Recalculation procedure

When will working pensioners receive an increased pension?

In September, working pensioners will receive increased payments, and non-working pensioners the amount of payments will not change.

Other indexations and recalculations of pensions in 2018 not expected. Recalculations on an individual basis will be made as usual. Non-working pensioners may request recalculation if there are grounds for this:

  • additional payment for dependents supported by a pensioner,
  • moving to .

Will the pensions of working pensioners be indexed?

Currently, the procedure for indexing pensions is maintained, in which it is carried out for non-working pensioners, and for working pensioners this process is suspended. After a person stops working, immediately, taking into account all the coefficients.

In accordance with the law, if a pensioner quits his job, requests a recalculation of his pension taking into account indexations, and after some time resumes his work, then the amount of pension payments remains at the achieved level, that is, the amount of the pension will correspond to the value that was in effect on the day before the resumption of work.

The pensioner can personally inform the Pension Fund employees about the termination of work or the resumption of work, but this is not obligatory. Information about employees is transferred monthly to the Pension Fund - personalized records are kept, and pensions are recalculated based on this data.

However, it is in the interests of the individual to personally monitor the process of recalculation of pensions. After all, the employer may make a mistake when transmitting personalized data or not transmit it on time. The employer is responsible for late and incorrect reporting; he will be fined for violations, but for a pensioner this is not so important. His task is to promptly request a recalculation and receive an indexed pension. This means that after dismissal it is better to immediately provide documents to the pension fund.

Let us examine the issue of termination and subsequent resumption of work in more detail. If a person receiving a pension worked, his pension was not indexed. Then he quit, and his pension was recalculated taking into account all the indexations. But this applies only to current payments that he receives after leaving his job. For previous years and months, the increase associated with indexation not paid. If after some time the pensioner gets a job again, the pension is paid taking into account all recalculations and indexations, but the next indexation is not carried out.

Will there be an increase in insurance pensions from September 1, 2018?

Pension increase from September 1, 2018 is associated with the recalculation of pensions for working pensioners, and will not affect the amount of payments to non-workers. For non-working pensioners, the pension will be indexed to 2019.

On September 6, 2018, the Russian Pension Fund announced that in 2019 pensions will be indexed to 7,05 %. Converted to rubles and taking into account the size average pension in 2018 at 14,400 rubles, the amount of the increase will be 1000 rubles per month.

Social pensions will be indexed from April 1, 2019 to 2,4 % . The average social pension in 2019 will be 9,215 rubles(104.2% to PMP).

In Russia, pensions for old age, disability, loss of a breadwinner and others are increasing from October 1, Chairman of the Board of the Pension Fund of Russia Gennady Batanov told RIA Novosti. In Russia, pensions for old age, disability, loss of a breadwinner and others are increasing from October 1, reported RIA Novosti Chairman of the Board of the Russian Pension Fund Gennady Batanov.

"Basic part labor pension for old age increases by 147 rubles 28 kopecks - up to 1260 rubles,” he said.

Batanov said that a separate increase awaits pensioners aged 80 years and older - the basic part of their pension will be 2,520 rubles.

“As for disabled people who have no one dependent on them, the basic part of the third-degree disability pension will be 2,520 rubles, the second - 1,260 rubles, the first - 630 rubles,” Batanov said.

The head of the Pension Fund said that the basic survivor's pension for orphans will be paid in the amount of 1,260 rubles, and for other family members - 630 rubles.

According to Batanov, the income of military personnel who have become disabled as a result of military trauma will also increase. The basic part of the third degree disability pension for this category of citizens will be 3,780 rubles, the second - 3,150 rubles, the first - 1,150 rubles.

"Disabled persons due to a disease resulting from military service, the third degree will receive a basic pension in the amount of 3,150 rubles, the second degree - 2,520 rubles, the first - 1,890 rubles," Batanov said.

Disabled participants of the Great Patriotic War the third degree will receive a basic pension in the amount of 3150 rubles, the second degree - 2520 rubles, the first - 1890 rubles.

Disabled people from childhood will receive a basic pension in the amount of 2,120 rubles, disabled children - 2,520 rubles. Disabled children who are orphans will receive 2,520 rubles, and those who have lost one parent - 1,260 rubles.

The head of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation said that the basic old-age pension for participants in radiation and man-made disasters will be 3,150 rubles for liquidators, and 2,520 rubles for other categories. Disabled persons of the third degree as a result of such accidents will receive 6,300 rubles from October 1, the second - 3,150 rubles, the first - 1,575 rubles.

“The survivor’s pension under this section will be 3,150 rubles for orphans and 1,575 rubles for other family members,” Batanov said.

On average, the increase for all types of basic pensions in Russia will range from 70 to 500 rubles.

The last time pensions in Russia - both in the basic and in the insurance part - increased on April 1 of this year.

Taking into account the fact that there will be no indexation of the insurance part of the pension from October 1, the average size of the old-age labor pension that most Russian pensioners receive will be 3,510 rubles.

Indexation of all types of pensions - latest news. Is an increase in pensions expected in Russia - official changes announced by the Government.

What is the indexation amount in 2018?

The increase in pensions in 2017 has come to an end - all waves of indexation have passed, the last one in August. One-time payments to those who are entitled have been made.

Indexation in 2018 is already included in the budget for 2018-2020, reports the Ministry of Finance in the person of Anton Siluanov. Pensions will be indexed at a time - on January 1, 2018, this applies only to insurance pensions.

Social pensions will also increase. In general, one wave of indexation has been announced so far - for each type of pension:

  • Insurance pension – January 1, 2018 – 3.7%;
  • Social pension – April 1, 2018 – 4.1%.
  • On indexation of military pensions neither for the rest of 2017 nor for 2018 were reported from official sources. Many earlier, preliminary data on 2% indexation on October 1, 2017 were published in the media, but they were not supported by statements from senior officials.

    Unfortunately, the State Duma still believes that the pensions of working pensioners do not need to be indexed. However, do not despair - since the pensions of workers and retired pensioners consist of two parts - social and insurance pensions, then the lack of increase is true only for the insurance part, and this, let us recall, is 3.7%.

    Overall, as I said head of the Pension Fund Anton Drozdov, in the period until 2020, pensions of Russians will increase by 11%. He explained that the money for all this wealth comes from the working people themselves, he quotes "RIA News":

    “Through income, through contributions. Salaries are growing, contributions are growing - pensions will grow accordingly,” Drozdov shared his thoughts.

    The head of the Pension Fund also explained the shortage of funds for the funded part of the pension. As can be understood from his statements, it is she - accumulative part pensions - made a hole in the Pension Fund budget, namely, a gap of 106.6 billion rubles for 2018.

    “We always have a deficit for savings. Because we finance from the leftovers. We first save, they end up in leftovers, and the use of leftovers is a technical deficit according to the budget code. Therefore, there will always be a deficit in the savings fund,” explained Drozdov.

    How this happens if the funded part has been frozen since 2014 to this day is not explained in any way.

    Perhaps that is why the question of using the (storage part) instead of it came up again IPC systems. Concept Individual pension capital in fact, it does not differ in anything other than the name and variation in the percentage of “unfastening” from the salary. The debate about the introduction of the IPC has not subsided to this day, and all because the Government still does not know whether to make the IPC voluntary, compulsory, or voluntary-compulsory.

    Last news the IPC is full of tossing between an “asterisk” in an employment contract or the conclusion of a separate agreement on the assignment of contributions from salary.

    The IPC system is currently being finalized and is expected to be adopted in 2019.

    We remind you that the contribution to the IPC account will range from 1 to 6% of the salary. The purpose of the contribution does not in any way offset the already assigned 6% for savings contributions and 16% for insurance.

    Latest news about indexation of military pensions from October 1, 2018

    We all know that the amount of funding for military pensions changes over time. However, will there be changes in better side this year is still unknown.

    Let's look at some factors and see how the situation has changed in 2018, based on information from the legislation and the intentions of what was said by the President of the Russian Federation.

    In the article we will look at the indexation of military pensions from October 1, 2018 and what else is planned to be added to the system. We will also find out how you can get funds and what unpleasant moments may await the military on the way to receiving money.

    Important aspects

    What does the pension amount depend on:

    If a person has received a degree of disability, then the calculation will be made somewhat differently. Factors that will be taken into account are:

    • the amount of money secured by the main document recently;
    • fixed reduction factor;
    • coefficient depending on the disability group.

    What the latest news says

    The last time the amount of pensions for military personnel increased was in 2012, as a result of which the prestige of the army increased.

    After 6 years, prices increased by 40%, which made the results of the military reform less tangible. Based on this, the issue of indexation is now acute and is already reflected in the adopted budget.

    The legislation also establishes an annual 5% indexation of monetary regulations for military personnel and other persons in this area. If the Government of the Russian Federation had implemented these standards by January 1, 2018, then the volume would have increased 5 times from the current indexation.

    In the previous project there was a plan for 2018-2020, where indexation was not taken into account. However, this criterion was later changed, as the president said that there was now enough money.

    In connection with the presidential decree, this issue was addressed at the beginning of 2018. Indexation of finances has already been implemented for all military personnel, and as a result, the amount of payments for former colleagues has been changed.

    In this regard, some changes were made:

  • tariff rates for working military personnel;
  • money for those transferred to the reserve, as well as military invalids.
  • Changes in numbers:

    What to Expect

    In the future, it is planned to increase the amount of payments to military pensioners to the amount of two monthly pensions. This issue is still being discussed by higher authorities.

    In addition, they are also thinking about increasing the amount to 2.5 PM if possible. Funding for disabled people who have served is now 16 thousand rubles.

    They wanted to carry out indexation every year, depending on the level of inflation. Currently, 2% is added to military payments. However, indexation is still at a standstill due to the country's budget shortage.

    Tatyana Shevtsova said that the “Effective Army” program is currently being implemented. The main tasks include:

  • maximization of beneficial characteristics, cost ratio;
  • finding funds to maintain the financial situation of active and retired military personnel.
  • If we talk specifically about pensions for the military, information regarding the increase in autumn payments has not yet been confirmed.

    Despite this, there is already data for subsequent years (2018-2020). The country's budget already includes general indexation of pensions. Finance Minister Anton Siluanov himself commented on this earlier.

    Detailed information will be posted later. It has already been said before that pensions will continue to increase by 2% until their value is equal to the amount of military money received. However, this issue is also being processed.

    In 2018, persons who receive pension payments can confidently count on receiving 24.5 thousand rubles. In addition, employees can purchase money from a second pension, which is supplied by the Russian Pension Fund.

    In order to qualify for funds, you must meet all the requirements:

    Pension for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 from October 1

    The PFR pension is calculated by multiplying the total number of points by their value in the year the benefit was issued.

    The introduction of a government amendment on the retirement age also threatens reality. The Russian president gave the order to prepare a draft document on increasing the period of military service from twenty to twenty-five years. The issue of indexing was not raised at all at that time.

    The October increase in military benefits could occur through a change in the salary of military specialists, which last took place 5 years ago, and was indexed at the federal level before the budget was adopted.

  • register with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and ensure the receipt of insurance contributions from the enterprise where the retiree got a job;
  • reach the age generally accepted in the civilian world (60 years for men and 55 years for women);
  • have a minimum insurance period that was not taken into account when applying for a military pension;
  • have a certain amount of pension points.

    The required insurance period and pension points are determined every year, and their value increases periodically - also once a year.

    Autumn indexation of military pensions in 2018: the latest news

    Last year, military benefits rose to four percent, thanks to the reduction factor adjustment process.

    The recalculation of military benefits is based on RF Law 4468-1 of 1993, which explains:

    The indexation of the military pension, like any other, was planned to be carried out annually, depending on the degree of inflation; military benefits also have their own 2 percent increase. But for the second year (since 2015) indexation processes have been suspended for the above reasons (country budget deficit).

    In September of this year, pensioners from other departments who continue to work were paid an increase, albeit an insignificant one - 1-3 points. Funds for this, diverted from the budget, amounted to a significant amount and are grounds for doubt about the implementation of other indexations, in particular the October military pension, which has long been promised to be 2 percent larger in the fall.

    The change of seasons of the year, as a rule, is marked by a change in something in our society: April - an increase in utilities, therefore, an increase in prices for goods and services in other areas; September – a slight decrease in prices for food products and a more significant decrease in the weight of the consumer basket.

    A serviceman who, after demobilization, works at a civilian enterprise performing duties in a non-military specialty will not find a change in the amount of his military pension, since the procedure for recalculation during indexation includes among the categories of participants non-working retirees, as well as those who continue to work in military departments. But on insurance pension A citizen who has reached 60 years of age, as mentioned above, can count on the Pension Fund.

    To assign payments from the Pension Fund, you must meet all the following conditions:

    Attention, promotion! Free consultation!

    The increase in insurance content will be 3,7% . Citizens will be able to receive increased pension since January 2018.

    Pensions from October 1

    The next adjustment to the reduction factor will not occur until next year. Therefore, the pension in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in October 2017 will continue to be calculated on the basis of this indicator.

    Magnitude social security is fixed and fixed at the level 5034.25 rub. for 2017. Its increase is planned for April 2018 and will amount to 4.1%, after indexation - 5240 rubles.

    The last increase in salaries for the military was carried out in 2015. Subsequently, due to the crisis situation in the economy, their indexing was suspended. That's why military pensions will remain unchanged from October 1, 2017.

    Requirements for the amount of points and duration of work are adjusted annually. Their value, which makes it possible to assign insurance coverage, depends on the year of retirement.

    Law Russian Federation No. 4468-1 dated 02.12.1993 provides for an annual increase in security for military personnel. How much the final security will be is determined based on the reduction factor. In 2017, when calculating, its fixed value is taken, equal to 72,23% .

    There have been no statements from state authorities whether military content will be indexed in 2018.

    The minimum increase in the coefficient under consideration should be 2% , however, it is allowed to change it to higher rates in accordance with inflation (Article 43 of Federal Law No. 4468-1). In 2017, after adjusting this coefficient, military pensions increased by 4% .

    Let us recall that the minimum pension in Moscow in 2017 was 14,500 rubles, that is, the increase was more than 20%.

    The majority of Moscow pensioners have become 3 thousand rubles richer since January 1, 2018 - this is the amount by which pensions were increased in accordance with Moscow Government Decree No. 805-PP of October 31, 2017.

    The Moscow authorities were able to find money to support a vulnerable group of the population thanks to the economic prosperity of the city and the increase in incomes of working citizens. The increased pension for Muscovites is a reflection of the economic growth that the Russian capital is experiencing. Sobyanin announced that there would be an increase in pensions in Moscow in 2018 at a meeting of the Presidium of the Moscow Government in the fall of 2017. An economic justification for the introduction of appropriate city support measures for pensioners was also given there.

    After the increase, the minimum pension in Moscow in 2018 for non-working pensioners increased to 17,500 rubles. The minimum pension in Moscow will be reissued for residents who have completed their work experience and receive an old-age or disability insurance pension, as well as those who have been registered in Moscow for more than 10 years.

  • persons subjected to repression and rehabilitation - 2,000 rubles;
  • rear workers - 1,500 rubles;
  • labor and military veterans - 1000 rubles;
  • disabled people and WWII participants for consumer products, those who have not completed their work experience, those who were injured in childhood, honorary donors of the USSR - 2,000 rubles each;
  • participants who defended the capital - 8,000 rubles;
  • widowed Heroes of the USSR or the Russian Federation, Socialist Labor, full holders of the Order of Glory and Labor Glory (not remarried); to the parent of the deceased (deceased) Hero of the USSR or the Russian Federation; for old age or disability pensioners who have merits in sports - 15,000 rubles;
  • Heroes of the USSR or the Russian Federation, Heroes of Socialist Labor or Labor of the Russian Federation, holders of the Order of Glory or Labor Glory - 25,000 rubles;
  • persons of retirement age who are honorary citizens of Moscow - 50,000 rubles;
  • pensioners with other honorary titles - 30,000 rubles.

    Claim additional payment up to minimum size Pensions in Moscow cannot:

    Pension increase in Moscow from January 1, 2018 – to whom and how much

    Officially, the increase (not only pensions, but also some social payments and additional payments to pensions) was secured by the Moscow Government Decree No. 805-PP dated October 31, 2017 “On establishing the amounts of individual social and other payments for 2018.”

    The minimum pension in Moscow in 2018 for those living in the capital for less than 10 years (this applies to both those who have permanent registration in the capital and those who have temporary registration) will not reach the Moscow minimum of 17,500. Based on clause 7 of Moscow government decree No. 1268-PP, these citizens can count on an additional payment up to the subsistence level of a capital pensioner if their pensions are less than the established amount.

    Based on clause 5(1) of the capital government decree No. 1268-PP, these citizens have the right to increase their pension income to the level of the city social standard if their material income is less than the minimum pension in Moscow.

    What minimum pension awaits city residents in Moscow time has been discussed by the Moscow government, headed by Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, since last fall. As a result, the social minimum of the city’s material standard for non-working pensioners in Moscow has been increased since January 1, 2018 and now amounts to 17,500 rubles.

    The minimum pension in Moscow in 2018 for working pensioners will not change, not counting certain categories that are entitled to a regional compensation supplement in accordance with Moscow Government Decree No. 1005-PP dated November 27, 2007, as amended as of October 31, 2017. These include disabled people and WWII participants, employees of federal and municipal healthcare organizations, education, etc.

    In 2018, the living wage for a pensioner in the capital is 11,420 rubles per month (Moscow Government Decree No. 952-PP dated December 5, 2017 “On establishing the living wage”).

    The pension for employees of internal bodies is based on the salary received and allowances, taking into account a reduction factor. Allowances are a separate topic for the article, but in short, the allowance for disability received during service is 75%, service for more than 20 years is 50%, but not long ago it was planned to increase this age by five years. for an injury that caused loss of ability to work, 85% is paid, and for a deceased employee, the family receives 30% of his salary.

    After the first pension reform, the payment began to consist of two parts: a constant amount and an insurance part. The first part is regulated by the state, it is significantly influenced by government officials, and the second part consists of contributions from the employer throughout the entire period of the employee’s work. All the innovations that are expected will affect only people who retired last year, the rest will receive it under the old calculations.

    If the annual budget deficit continues to be the same or higher, interest rates will increase, as will pressure on the economy, and government spending will also increase. This may mean that proposals made but not adopted in previous years will be given more serious consideration.

    In 2018, the situation has not yet changed in the area of ​​economic development of the country; there is still a budget deficit, and accordingly, the size of pensions even for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has nowhere to increase. The increase depends on the accumulated pension points, the amount of salary, the number and amount of bonuses and other factors.

    Pensions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs 2018

    The government will have to confront the results of the huge federal deficit that has been going on for a number of years. It is unlikely that major reforms will take effect in the near future. It is also unlikely that they will be used to provide better Social Security benefits to retirees.

    As inflation begins to creep up, prices for goods also begin to creep up; there is a good chance that in 2018 it will be 4% or slightly higher. The main concern about the national debt and rising inflation will lead to measures aimed at increasing the federal budget, today huge amounts of money are being spent from it to restore the economy.

    Proposals for significant changes are usually made for those who have retired and often existing employees are not affected when such changes are made.

    Russia is one of those countries in which pension legislation is constantly changing. The conditions and number of payments are regularly regulated, and the retirement age is increasing.

    Pensions for employees of government agencies are calculated according to a different schedule and formulas. For now, one thing is certain: the pension system will be reorganized in such a way that the state can replenish the budget.

    The government has not yet made a final decision on the level of the indexation coefficient. In 2016, there was no talk of any indexation due to the crisis, what happened to pensioners an unpleasant gift. No similar measures are expected next year, 2018, but there will be no increase either. To implement such a project, funds are required, but they are not in the budget.

    It is already completely clear that the number of retired federal employees will increase. The budget is already spent to a greater extent on employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; a recent report indicated that federal payments to employees are 52 percent or higher, and less for private sector workers. This report became the basis for the meeting, which had two goals:

    On average, in 2013, pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs received 20 thousand rubles, in 2014 this figure increased by 2%, in 2015 it increased only by 1.5%, but compared to 2012, the amount of allowance for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs decreased by 27%.

    The crisis of the global economy has become a very difficult test for the country’s modern economic system, and its consequences will bother humanity for a very long time. In such conditions, you definitely shouldn’t count on an increase in pension benefits for pensioners, but positive dynamics in the economy have already been outlined, so we can hope that the situation will soon change for the better.

    The increase in pensions for military personnel and equivalent categories should occur from January 1 next year. This was stated by the head of state Vladimir Putin, who ordered an increase in payments. According to the information announced, the draft federal budget contains funds for this: an increase in salaries for military personnel for length of service on the first day of the new year, and indexation of pensions from the first of February.

    However, the increase in pensions for military pensioners in 2018, the latest news about which is very common, is planned for 4%, which, according to the authorities, will exceed the inflation rate. In fact, the modern economy today practically opposes “pensions”, because the Ministry of Finance never tires of repeating that its budget does not have the funds to improve the material well-being of members of the pension system.

    The medium-term forecast for developments in the country, according to experts, will worsen over time. Pension reform is still quite painful today, so the authorities are constantly trying to smooth it out by delaying, for example, raising the retirement age. However, in the future, officials will have to take radical measures, because the crisis has caused serious damage to the economy, which means that measures to eliminate its consequences must also be as serious as possible.

    Additionally, it must be said that military pensions in Russia are formed on the basis of length of service, which must necessarily have a limit established by law, because otherwise a person simply cannot count on receiving it.

    Economists often say that the reserve funds allocated to combat the crisis and its consequences are already running out because their quantity in the funds has been limited. The previous year significantly reduced the amount of funds in the funds, because about 1 trillion rubles had to be taken from them, and if the authorities do not stop using them, then by the middle of 1918 they will be empty.

    Indexation of military pensions from October 2018

    In conclusion, we can say for sure that military pensions will definitely not be abolished in Russia from January 1, 2018, because in this case, military personnel in the reserve, who are also the backbone of the country, will be seriously infringed on their own rights. The abolition of pensions can have a very detrimental effect on the authority of the army and undermine it at the domestic level, so you definitely shouldn’t count on this, which, naturally, those serving in the reserve can only be happy about.

    Partial privatization of state corporations will help solve this problem and, accordingly, find funds to increase pensions for military personnel in 2018 in Russia. For example, the sale of government stakes in Gazprom can bring good profits to the budget, but so far government members are constantly postponing this decision, because, in their opinion, this law can create a number of certain difficulties for foreign investors. Additionally, it is said that the pension reform, which was introduced in the country back in 2015, requires improvement, otherwise it will be almost impossible to resolve the issue of the constant shortage of pension funds.

    “I think we need to do this simultaneously, too, from January 1st to index pensions for military pensioners and persons equivalent to them,” said the Russian President.

    Pensions have been discussed in the media for the past few years since the crisis began. And since then, the pension system has repeatedly undergone changes, during which payments to some pensioners were increased, to some they were decreased, and to some they were canceled altogether. Today, information is especially important about what the increase in military pensions will be in 2018, and whether it is worth counting on it at all in the context of the ongoing crisis and financial deficit in the budget.

    Today in the country there is a significant increase in the number of pensioners, who create a serious burden on working people. It is for this reason that the authorities constantly have to allocate huge funds to cover the pension fund deficit, which has a detrimental effect on the functioning of the economic system and forces government members to terminate some financial programs aimed at state support population. The state budget deficit today is growing at an uncontrollable pace, and so far the authorities have not found ways to solve this problem, and they certainly cannot do without revising the draft pension reform, so the authorities will have to think about this very seriously.

    Pensions are indexed every year, but this does not always mean they are increasing, since in many cases they are simply adjusted to inflation. For example, in 2017 it was decided to reduce the cost of living for people of retirement age and now it is 8540, and pensions have decreased accordingly. In 2016, it was decided to pay pensioners a one-time increase of 5,000 rubles; this will replace indexation, which is carried out every second half of the year. Only the military were not included in the number of recipients of the payment, since they cooperate with law enforcement agencies, and not the Pension Fund. Afterwards, amendments were made and this category of citizens received funds. Only pensioners living abroad did not receive compensation. One of the disadvantages of this payment is that this amount is not considered for further indexation.

    Already in the 90s, the financing of pensions was shifted to the population of the country; the state became unable to provide for pensioners. Now employers are required to cover necessary expenses through insurance premiums, but the budget is still melting, and state expenses continue to increase. Commercial organizations have appeared in the country funded pension, the payment system has become more complicated.

    The issue of pensions is often discussed not by management, but by ordinary citizens, who are more concerned about this problem than others. In January 2017, it was decided to make a one-time compensation of 5 thousand rubles, however, there were a lot of unpleasant facts in the development of the pension system, for example, they increased the age and froze the pension fund. Unfortunately, the population of the country is in no way able to influence this problem and can only follow the news and discuss further developments of the situation.

    When mentioning the minimum pension, it is worth remembering that this indicator is different for each region of the country. About 6,204 in 2013 received in Buryatia, in the Ivanovo region 6,078 rubles, in the Irkutsk region 6,038 rubles. The national average was 6,000 rubles.

    Citizens can only count on conditional compensation for prices and inflation; as such, there will be no increase in pensions; the state is not able to increase the burden on the budget, on the contrary. It strives to introduce measures that can rehabilitate it. Based on the latest indicators, it is difficult not to notice how the cost of living is leveling off with the level of pension provision, if not aiming even lower.

    As it became clear from official sources, an increase in pensions in 2018 is worth waiting for. This is a really nice addition to the current economic situation. On average, the increase will be 5%, this is the amount that was calculated by the government of the country. At the same time, the minimum social pension will only increase by approximately 200 rubles. It is difficult to say, in comparison with existing prices for food and consumer goods, whether this amount of increase will play a useful role in the lives of citizens. Every year, the people's understanding is strengthened that all pressing problems directly related to them are solved without their participation. Ready-made decisions are received after the fact and all that remains is to accept and “digest”.

    Every day there is hope for an increase in pensions; in fact, if there was planning and the state was going to take such actions, then the state leadership would not fail to announce this good news, if only in order to increase its own ratings. The conclusion suggests itself, because we don’t see anything like it.

    Pension increase in 2018 for pensioners in Russia

    This is one of the reasons why the majority still remains confident that there will be no increase in 2018; the increase will only affect payments for the inflation rate, as we said above.

    In 2014, the country’s budget was updated and, in accordance with it, they promised to index pensions by 8.1% for labor and 17.6% for social ones. All indexation was carried out taking into account inflation. This is exactly what the government does every year. The amount of pension insurance remained at 22%.

    In 2013, the minimum wage exceeded the previous figure by 13% and approached the existing subsistence level, and accordingly, pensions increased. Moreover, 2013 was marked by the implementation of a pension reform, the results of which were calculated over 17 years. The main goal of the reform was to reduce the pension fund budget deficit and stop increasing the age of citizens retiring. It did not lead to any positive results, and today one can already see this dynamics, because the age has been increased.

    The current situation can only be assessed as a reform disgrace in the field of pension policy. In the early 90s, they abandoned budget subsidies, and today they have come to a significant increase in the retirement age, and this despite the fact that the average standard of living in the country is 60 years for men.

    The government plans to compensate for this difference in the future, but it is not encouraging that in general no improvements are expected, there will be no growth, while inflation and rising prices eat up all payments in the first days.

    What’s new regarding payments to pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 are changes pension legislation. According to the new rules, pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018, who retired from service starting in 2016, are partially calculated on the basis of a constant amount regulated by the government. The second part of the payment is a percentage of employers' insurance contributions. For each month worked for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018, points are calculated depending on the amount of wages and contributions made by the employer, which are then converted into rubles. “Special” allowances remain.

    Will there be indexation of pensions? There definitely will be, since its mandatory nature is established by law. This means that the amount will increase. The only question is how much.

    Will there be an increase in pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018?

    The Ministry of Internal Affairs is intended specifically for pensioners Special attention, because they don’t just give their best years to the service. This work involves risk to health and life. Therefore, it is here that the highest salaries are among public sector employees, and pensions for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are calculated in a special way.

    The government tried to take this fact into account, hence the “thirteenth” payment. But there is a pitfall here - this amount is not taken into account in the calculations, which means it will not be used for further indexation. It is impossible to say that this is an increase in pensions in 2018, although the total annual amount is increasing.

    This issue is still being discussed, it is connected with the government’s new plan. Its purpose is to index pension accruals to the inflation rate of 2016, when pension indexation was abolished altogether. Considering the very high inflation of that period, the amount of indexation could be quite significant, which would become a kind of gift for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

    The “old” rules for calculating pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will continue to apply in 2018; they imply taking into account the total length of service, length of service, and allowances for special cases. This refers to situations where serious damage to health has been caused.

    Indexation of pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs seems to increase their size, but is only compensation for price increases caused by inflation. If we consider that these prices do not pay any attention to the inflation rate set by the government, then given growth pension accruals are not particularly encouraging. Although the total amount increases.

    The pension legislation classifies employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs as those who retire not based on age, but based on length of service. Currently the required experience is 20 years. This period may be reduced in special cases if two conditions are met.

  • for those who started their service in 2016, accruals are carried out according to the new scheme, for others the old one is used;
  • Indexation of pensions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be carried out in 2018, taking into account rising inflation;
  • The one-time “thirteenth” payment of 5 thousand rubles will remain.

    As for pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018, the main points are as follows:

    An employee who has served 20 years receives a 50% bonus. Soon it will be possible to gradually increase the length of service to 25 years, which will save budget funds. But this assumption does not affect the amount of payments from January 1, 2018.

    Pension issues are constantly discussed at forums and speeches, but not at the government level. And when the time comes, the decisions of the president and the State Duma are presented as a fait accompli. Therefore, we can only guess about the size of pension payments to the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018, although based on some already known facts.

    Amount of salary * bonus for length of service * percentage of salary depending on length of service = (30500 + 11000) * 30% * 55% = 29672 rubles.

    those who served under conscription in the military departments;

    A pensioner working in the civil sector cannot apply for indexation of insurance coverage.

    It is unknown what pensions will be, since the bill to increase the reduction coefficient has not yet been considered or adopted.

    Indexation of pensions for military pensioners in 2018 with civilian experience will increase payments to:

    Indexation of social pension carried out annually depending on the growth rate of the cost of living. The increase should take place on April 1, 2018 and amount to 4.1%. In this case, the basic size will increase from 5034.25 to 5220.52 rubles.

    Legislative regulation of the amount of allowance is carried out according to separate structures, for example:

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 20, 2011 No. 481 “On the establishment of official salaries of employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation”;

    Some military pensioners are entitled to receive a pension according to state provision. These include:

    The final amount of pension payments is adjusted annually by a reduction factor, which was established by Article 46 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4468-I dated February 12, 1993 in the amount of 54%. By 2017, it reached 72.23%, which was established by a separate legislative act. How much the reduction factor will increase in 2018 is unknown.