Every military personnel has the right to receive military pension from the law enforcement agencies in which he served. These payments are assigned for the number of years of service or due to disability.

At the same time, after service, military retirees can get a job “in civilian life,” either as hired labor in various companies or as individual entrepreneurs.

Official employment or entrepreneurial activity makes it possible to receive not only military, but also insurance pension accruals due to old age.

What is necessary to receive an insurance pension?

In order for a military pensioner to receive the right to a civil pension, he must be registered in the pension insurance system. In addition, his personal account in the system should receive

receipts in the form of insurance premiums.

The information regarding the personal account also displays information about:

  • the individual's length of service in civilian work;
  • the number of insurance premiums accrued and transferred to the Pension Fund;
  • salary amount;
  • periods of employment in civilian companies and organizations.

It depends on these data whether the military pensioner will be credited insurance pension in old age, and what payments are possible for him from the funds pension savings.

You can find out your personal account number on your “green card” - an insurance certificate for compulsory pension insurance.

This document is obtained after applying to one of the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of registration or place of residence.

When visiting the organization, you will need to fill out a special form and provide identification.

Video: Insurance pension for military pensioners.

Terms of service

After the abolition of such a term as labor pension, the procedure for making payments to citizens also changed retirement age.

Now it is called an insurance pension, which is calculated by pension points. One of their features is that the value of the pension point increases steadily over the years.

To receive an insurance pension for a military pensioner, as well as for any other to an individual, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Reaching a fixed retirement age - 55 years for women and 60 years for men. In some cases pension payments may start earlier. For example, when working in hazardous industries or working in the Far North.
  2. Having a minimum work experience in a civilian job. At the moment, the minimum work experience is at least 6 years, in the future it is planned to increase to 15 years.
  3. Accumulation of a minimum number of pension points. Currently this coefficient is 6.6 points. But, like work experience, this indicator will increase to 30 points. This point relates primarily to those pensioners who began to resolve issues with their insurance pension after the beginning of 2015.
  4. Availability of military pension accruals due to disability or for length of service, depending on the power units.

In accordance with the law, for military pensioners, in the procedure for calculating pension and length of service, periods of service prior to the assignment of a disability pension or already taken into account payments for length of service are not taken into account.

Video: Pensions for military pensioners in 2020.

Required documents

The procedure for providing insurance pensions to military pensioners obliges them to contact the territorial office of the Pension Fund at their place of registration. Or, if a military pensioner lives in another city, at his actual place of residence.

In order for a military pensioner to receive an insurance pension, he will need to provide the following documents:

      1. Identity card - passport.
      2. Insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance.
      3. A certificate from the authority that ensures the calculation of military pensions through the relevant law enforcement agency. This document must provide information about the date from which a military pension is accrued for a given person, the periods of service before the assignment of a military disability pension, or those periods of work or service that were taken into account when calculating the long-service pension.
      4. Documents reflecting the amount of “civilian experience,” in other words, labor experience. This can be a work book or contract, as well as certificates issued by the employer or special government bodies.

Calculation procedure

Unlike outdated methods of calculating pensions, at the moment accruals for pensioners consist of three parts - a funded, fixed and insurance part.

The fixed part does not depend on labor activity and is established annually by the state.

The remaining two parts are created from the citizen’s pension capital. This capital grows thanks to insurance contributions from his employer. All these deductions are accumulated and stored in the citizen’s personal insurance account.

Independent calculations of the amount of insurance payments are quite difficult, since this requires knowing your IPC.

The simplest way to calculate it is based on the results of the year. The employer contributes 22% of the monthly salary to the pension fund. Of this amount, 6% goes into the main reserves, from which the fixed part of the pension is paid.

There remain 16%, which the citizen disposes of independently:

      • he can transfer all 16% to the formation of an insurance pension;
      • he can transfer 10% to insurance part pensions, and the remaining 6% into the funded one.

Payout Features

The insurance pension for military pensioners is assigned with the deduction of a fixed part, in other words, a fixed base amount previously applied when calculating the pension.

Also, the insurance pension provided to a military old-age pensioner is indexed at the state level every year.

In the case where a military pensioner continues to work in civilian companies after being assigned a second “civilian” pension, the amount of his old-age insurance pension accruals must be recalculated every year. This procedure is carried out from August 1 every year.

Video: Military Pensioners Have Increased Their Pension Increase.

Today I came across this interesting article... It’s all true, but somehow it’s not advertised.


Authorities denied pensions to hundreds of Russians last year, despite reaching retirement age.

According to the publication "My Years", since 2015, an old-age insurance pension is assigned subject to three conditions: age 60 years for men and 55 years for women; availability of the necessary insurance (work) experience; a sufficient value of the individual pension coefficient (point). The third condition, as the site notes, actually cancels the first two.

If previously, in order to retire in old age, it was enough to have five years of work experience, then since 2015, the length of official work experience is increasing by one year every year, and this will remain so until 2024 inclusive. In 2016, the required length of service was 7 years; in 2017, 8 years will be required. From 2025, in order to receive a pension, you will need to have at least 15 years of insurance experience.

However, the main thing is the size of the individual pension coefficient. For example, in Yoshkar-Ola in 2016, 62% of refusals to grant an insurance pension were caused by a lack of pension points, and this was despite the retirement age and the required work experience.

Every year the number of refusals to grant an old-age pension will increase. From January 1, 2015, an old-age pension is assigned if the individual pension coefficient (pension point) is at least 6.6, with a subsequent annual increase of 2.4 until it reaches 30 in 2025.

In 2016, to retire, in addition to the retirement age and the required length of service, you had to have 9 pension points, in 2017 there should already be 11.4, in 2018 - 13.8, and so on increasing.

The lack of pension points is a consequence of shadow employment. Insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance are calculated from official wages: the higher the “white” salary, the higher the pension point.

In Mari El, for example, 14 thousand people receive an official salary below the minimum wage, that is, less than 7.5 thousand rubles. If the “white” salary of these 14 thousand people does not increase, then they can officially work until they are 80 years old, but they will never earn an insurance pension. However, social pension they will receive upon reaching 65 years of age for men and 60 years of age for women, but it will be even less than their current salary.

In the Saratov region in 2016, 396 residents were denied an old-age insurance pension, and in the Irkutsk region 470 people were left with nothing. With the retirement age of these people, as in Mari El and in other regions of Russia, everything is in order, but there are problems with the official length of service and, especially, pension points.

Receiving two pensions at the same time in 2020

Citizens receive regular cash benefits from the state. These are pensions assigned for old age, length of service, as well as payments assigned to persons with, families who have lost their breadwinner.

Who is paid two pensions at the same time?

If a citizen has the right to receive two types of pensions, then he can choose one of them, bigger size. There are exceptions to this: certain individuals have the right to receive two pensions simultaneously. The list is given in:

  1. Persons with disabilities who were injured in battle.
  2. (exceptions include citizens who were not in the active army in 1941-45).
  3. Parents of fallen servicemen who were drafted into the Armed Forces. To assign payments related to the loss of a breadwinner, the following criteria are established:
    • if the death occurred to a serviceman during the period of conscription (the reasons do not matter);
    • death does not have to be related to the aircraft, but occurs during rest or lights out;
    • the occurrence of death after dismissal, but as a result of an injury that was received while serving in the Armed Forces.
  4. Widows of citizens called up for the Armed Forces and who died due to injury (the criteria for receiving money for widows is the absence of an official second husband). Women are entitled to survivor benefits and social pension.
  5. Residents of besieged Leningrad, they are entitled to payments for disability and old age.
  6. Liquidators of the disaster, as well as citizens exposed during this event. Members of their families may qualify for survivor benefits or old age benefits if they are disabled.
  7. Family members of citizens working in the field of astronautics. Types of payments: loss of breadwinner and old-age pension.
  8. Citizens with the rank of officer (may qualify for disability and long service payments).
  9. Civil servants of federal enterprises. These persons must have at least five years of work experience (the employer paid contributions to the Pension Fund for the employee). In addition to payments based on length of service, citizens can receive money from the funded part of their labor pension.

The procedure for establishing the right to receive two pensions

The citizen applies to the territorial department of the Pension Fund. He must bring documents with him and write an application, and then give everything to the Pension Fund specialist. Within 10 days from the date of acceptance of the application by employees pension fund they are considering him. If a citizen has not brought all the documents, Pension Fund specialists explain which of them are needed for registration. is appointed from the day the applicant applies. Payments are delivered to the citizen’s place of residence or stay. The pensioner chooses the delivery methods himself (via mail or bank).

For how long is the pension paid? it is appointed indefinitely, - for the period during which the citizen is recognized as disabled, - for the period of loss of disability by the recipient of the benefit, and also indefinitely.

IMPORTANT: If a person is in prison, the payment due to him is transferred to the personal account of the convicted citizen. The costs incurred by the state to support the citizen are deducted from it.

Also: If a pensioner lives outside of Russia, then he can demand payment of part of his labor pension for six months in advance. If a citizen writes an application to the pension fund, the pension will be transferred to a bank account abroad at the national currency exchange rate. In addition, representatives can receive money for it by proxy.

List of required documents

Pensions in Russia are assigned for various reasons. Based on this, the list of securities that are provided to the fund changes.

Main list of documents:

  • application from a citizen for a pension;
  • citizen's passport;
  • work book and SNILS;
  • salary certificate in 60 months nonstop.

For foreigners and stateless persons applying for an old-age pension, in addition to the above documents, acts that confirm their actual residence in Russia.

An example of assigning two pensions at the same time

Citizen M. appealed to the judicial authority. The defendant is the Office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (Spassky District of the Russian Federation). M. in the lawsuit asks to return his second pension, as well as to collect the debt from the fund during the period of non-payment of benefits. The situation developed like this: a citizen eliminated the accident in Chernobyl. Until 2006, he received from the Pension Fund two pensions. One was assigned due to an injury received during the liquidation of the accident. The second payment is an old-age pension. Disability pensions began to be paid in 1996. in 9 years an old-age pension was assigned (citizen M. reached 50 years, work experience - 20 years). In July 2006, the defendant no longer paid the old-age pension. Explanations received from fund employees that the specified payments can be assigned to him upon reaching age 55 years and length of service - at least 25 years, could not put the plaintiff to rest, he went to court, which decided in his favor.

The Pension Fund of Russia (Spassky district, Ryazan) files for cassation proceedings, during which the judge’s initial decision was overturned. Grounds for cancellation: the decision does not meet the requirements of legality. Having studied the pension file of citizen M. at the request of the court, Pension Fund employees concluded that there was an error in the assignment of an old-age pension on the part of the Pension Fund Administration. People with 55 years, during labor 25 years of experience. When assigning a pension, the plaintiff did not have enough 5 years both by age and by experience.

Thus, the situation indicates a mistake in the actions of the Pension Fund employees, which they corrected only in 2006. It turns out that 3 years citizen M. received a pension from the state unlawfully.


Pensions are paid on strictly defined grounds prescribed by law. State benefits are assigned and paid by the territorial divisions of the Pension Fund. Applying for them includes several stages:

  • collection of documents;
  • directly contacting a Pension Fund employee;
  • acceptance of documents;
  • decision (appointment or refusal).

Delivery of pensions is carried out upon presentation of a passport by the recipient, by mail or bank. If desired, the pension can be received by his representative on the basis of a power of attorney. Every year, a citizen must confirm his actions to give his representative the right to receive payments.

The most popular questions and answers to them regarding the assignment of two pensions

Question: Good afternoon. I am 67 years old, my wife is 65. Our son died. He was not married. Can we apply for another pension? The reason is the loss of a breadwinner.

Answer: Good afternoon. A survivor's pension can be awarded to you or your wife, but only when one of you refuses old-age benefits.

For the category of military personnel, there is a special procedure and necessary requirements for processing pension accruals. You can take a well-deserved rest in connection with achieving a certain length of service or having suffered harm to health during the performance of official duties, which resulted in a person’s disability. The amount of military pensions is directly affected by the amount of money, consisting of salaries for the position and rank, as well as other payments due to this category of employees.

What is special about pensions for military retirees?

Social payments of this type are carried out by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The main types of pension payments for military personnel are expressed in pensions for the corresponding length of service and for the resulting disability. They are appointed upon the occurrence of special conditions established by Federal Law No. 4468-1 of February 12, 1993 (hereinafter referred to as the Law).

Often, after leaving the Armed Forces, citizens continue to work, organize their own business, and engage in educational or security services. This does not contradict Art. 57 of the Law, which determines that no matter what income a former military man has, including income from business, payment for work and other sources, he has the right to count on a pension from the department in full, including accruals for non-working citizens.

If a citizen meets the established requirements for calculating payments upon reaching a certain age, he can not only receive security from law enforcement agencies, but also old-age insurance without a fixed amount.

Second pension

The right to issue social benefits is regulated by regulations:

  • Federal Law-166 dated December 17, 2001 “On state pension provision in the Russian Federation”;
  • FZ-400 dated December 28, 2013 “On insurance pensions”;
  • Federal Law-173 dated December 17, 2001 "ABOUT labor pensions in the Russian Federation."

To whom and when is it due?

To receive a second pension, the following conditions must be met:

  1. The applicant has reached the age of 60 years. Before this date, an insurance pension for a former military man is not assigned under any circumstances.
  2. Availability of the required working period. Since 2014, the required length of service has increased by one each year. Starting from 2014, five years of experience was required, in 2015 - 6, in 2016 - 7, in 2017 - 8 and further until 2024 it is calculated according to the same principle, no further increase is provided. Further, from 2015, it is necessary to have an individual coefficient of at least 6.6 and then increase by 2.4 every 12 months to a maximum value of 30. It turns out that by 2016 this coefficient is 9, and this year - 11.4 . This indicator is calculated as the ratio of the pension savings of the person who has served, which includes length of service, salary level and the amount of contributions, to the size of the pension point established every year by the Government of the Russian Federation. In 2015 it was 64.1 rubles, in 2016 – 74.27, in 2017. – 78.58.

How to calculate?

Since 2015, the provisions of Federal Law 400 have determined the methodology for calculating pensions in the corresponding compulsory pension system. It is based on a point structure. The payment is formed from the insurance, savings and fixed parts. The last component is determined by the Government and is in no way determined by the results of work activities.

Others are formed from the employee’s accumulated capital, which increases through transfers from the organization in which he worked. They accumulate in the applicant’s personal account (SNILS). The insurance share of the pension is assessed by a personal indicator - a score established by a regulatory act. Their amount earned per year is calculated as follows:

GPK = SSP: SSM*10,

In which:

SSP – the amount of insurance transfers;

SSM – total deduction of 16% of salary;

10 is a conventional value.

In addition, indicators are established that take into account the occurrence of certain conditions:

  • Supervision of a special category of persons - minors, disabled minors, group 1;
  • Conscription service, etc.



The IPC is a total personal indicator for the entire accumulated insurance experience.

SPB is the price for one point established for the period of registration of social benefits.

This system has been valid only since 2015, and until this point, points were calculated through the ratio:


Where PC is the total coefficient added up at the end of 2014,

SP – insurance share of pension payment for the same time period;

SPB – monetary component of 1 point as of January 1, 2015, which is 64.1 rubles.

IMPORTANT! For former military personnel, a fixed part of the second pension is not established by law.


The serviceman left the Armed Forces in 2001. Then he went to work under a contract with the company. In 2016, he celebrated his 60th birthday and became eligible for an old-age pension.

The period of its work was from 2007. nine years, this exceeded the required experience by seven years. His average salary was 24 thousand rubles. 414,720 rubles were transferred to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Its annual coefficient was:

414720: 9 = 46080 rub.

The maximum taxable contribution amount is 796 thousand rubles. Payments from him amount to 127,360 rubles. From here:

GPC = (46080: 127360) *10 = 3.618

The total IPC will be equal to 3.618 * 9 = 32.562.

Multiplying the cost of PB in 2016. – 74, 27 rub. for their number we get 74.27 * 32.562 = 2418.

Indexation of insurance pension provision

In Russia, former military personnel expect indexation of pension payments by 2% in October of this year, but there is no exact information about this, since the relevant legal norms have not yet been issued. Previously, when discussing this issue, government structures assumed this possibility, linking it with filling the budget. Also in 2017, pension payments were already indexed in February by 5.4% and in March by 0.38%. But those receiving pensions noted that after the procedure, pensions increased slightly.

The last October increase in social payments for the military was carried out in 2015, after which this type of support was suspended.

How to calculate an insurance pension for a military pensioner?

Self-calculation of insurance payments is not an easy problem. To do this, you will need to find out the value of your IPC, calculating it every year and adding it into a single amount.

It can also be calculated based on the results of 12 months, because the employer monthly sends up to 22% of his employee’s salary to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Of this amount, 6% is transferred to part of the pension fund, from which fixed amounts are paid to persons receiving insurance pension savings.

The rest can be divided:

  • 16% should be used to create a person’s insurance pension;
  • Transfer 10% to the insurance part, 6% to the savings part.

At the end of the year, you can find out from the Pension Fund the amount of the savings received, which goes to the personal account of the applicant. It will need to be divided by the amount of insurance premiums, and the resulting figure multiplied by 10, obtaining the coefficient of interest.

Recently, military pensioners have received the right, in addition to the pension assigned “through” the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and other law enforcement agencies, to apply for a regular old-age insurance pension (hereinafter also referred to as SPPS), that is, ultimately, to receive two pensions at once.

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What requirements are imposed in this case and are there any restrictions? More on all this and more below.


A military pensioner is a citizen of the Russian Federation who receives pension payments for long service or disability from the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB or another law enforcement agency.

SPPS is a cash payment made monthly by the Pension Fund to a person entitled to it in accordance with Federal Law 400 of December 28, 2013 “On Insurance...” (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 400).

Fixed payment - an additional payment to the main part of the SPPS, assigned to all categories of pensioners, except for those specified in Part 1 of Art. 16 Federal Law No. 400.

basic information

Pensions for military personnel and employees of law enforcement agencies are assigned according to the rules established in the Law of February 12. 1993 No. 4468-1 “On pensions...”. The rules of this Law differ from those provided for by Federal Law No. 400.

Despite the fact that military personnel retire earlier, when working after retirement they acquire the right to regular “ civil pension”, without losing the rights to the “military”. To make this possible, it is necessary to comply with standard conditions for length of service, the number of pension points, etc.


The main regulatory regulator of the procedure and conditions for paying the insurance part of pensions to military pensioners is Federal Law No. 400.

The procedure for maintaining personalized records of persons insured in the OPS system is specified in 27-FZ of April 1, 1996 “On Individual...”.

Possibility of obtaining

Previously, law enforcement officers were entitled to only one pension.

Everything changed when a certain military pensioner V.V. Naumchik filed a complaint with the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation complaining about the unjustified refusal of the Pension Fund to return to him the insurance premiums paid by the employer according to the employment contract (Naumchik, in addition military service, for a long time also worked in civilian life).

18 members of the Constitutional Court, headed by Chairman Zorkin, granted the applicant's request.

The result was the adoption of 156-FZ of July 22, 2008 “On Amendments...”. 3 days later, on July 25 of the same year, the law came into legal force. This day can be considered the day when military pensioners were officially given the right to receive two pensions at once - “military” and “civilian”.

Conditions of appointment

According to the Pension Fund website, as of 2017, the following conditions apply for assigning a “civilian” pension to a military pensioner:

  • presence of registration in the OPS system, that is, the presence of SNILS and OPS certificate, otherwise the employer will not be able to pay insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, accordingly, there will be no right to assign an SPPS;
  • according to Part 1 of Art. 8 Federal Law No. 400, a pensioner must reach 60 years of age (for men) or 55 years of age (for women);
  • work experience, according to Part 2 of Art. 8 Federal Law No. 400 – at least 15 years (see note below);
  • the number of pension points is at least 30 (see note below).

Note. According to Art. 35 Federal Law No. 400, the minimum length of service in 2015 was 6 years, and will then increase by one year until it reaches 15 years by 2024, after which the increase will stop.

The same applies to pension points. To be eligible for SPPS in 2015, you needed a score of 6.6. With each subsequent year, the minimum required coefficient will increase by 2.4 until it reaches 30.

Visual information is in the table below:

Rules for registering the insurance part of pensions for military pensioners

Here are the design rules:

  • checking compliance with conditions regarding length of service, number of pension points, age, etc.;
  • collection necessary documents(list below);
  • choosing a method for submitting an application for the appointment of an SPPS;
  • waiting for the Pension Fund to review the application and accompanying documents (as a rule, the review period is no more than 10 days).

Ready. The pension will be assigned from the day the military pensioner applies for it (Part 1, Article 22 of Federal Law No. 400). The applicant also has the right to choose the method of delivery of the pension in accordance with the provisions of Part 13 of Art. 21 Federal Law No. 400.

Package of documents

According to information from the official website of the Pension Fund of Russia, in order to assign an SPPS, a military pensioner must contact the local branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence or registration, collecting a package of the following documentation:

  • general passport;
  • OPS certificate;
  • certificate from the law enforcement agency carrying out pension provision(Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, etc.) (the certificate must contain information from what date the applicant receives pension payments “through” the power structure, time periods of service, work or other type of activity taken into account when establishing pension accruals for long service or disability );
  • documentation certifying the number of years of “civilian” experience.

Note. If a military pensioner has civilian experience before 2002, he can provide documents certifying his average monthly income for any 5 consecutive years before January 1. 2002.


Here are some nuances of assigning the insurance part of a pension to military pensioners:

  • in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 16 Federal Law No. 400, a fixed payment to the SPPS, which almost all “civilian” pensioners receive, is not provided to military pensioners (as of 2017, such a fixed bonus is 4805.11 rubles);
  • Requirements for work experience are established for the year a citizen reaches retirement age, and not for the year of applying for a pension.


A military pensioner reached the age of 60 in 2017 and decided to apply for SPPS. The minimum length of service for appointment in 2017 is 8 years. A military man is 1 year short – he has 7 years of experience in total.

The solution is to work for another year in civilian life, so that the length of service becomes 8 years. And despite the fact that in 2020 you will need 9 years of experience, a military pensioner will be assigned an SPPS.

Calculation rules

Since military pensioners are assigned an insurance pension without a fixed bonus, the formula for calculation will be as follows:

  • Pension amount = OSPB * SOPB, where:
    • OSPB – total amount of pension points;
    • SOPB - the cost of one penny. points (in 2017 – 78.58 rubles).

OSPB depends on:

  • amount pence points calculated before January 1, 2015;
  • amounts of points awarded after January 1, 2015;
  • increase coefficient, which is applied when deferring application for SPPS.

Is it possible to calculate it yourself?

It is almost impossible to calculate it yourself - after all, to do this, you need to adjust the total amount of pension points every year and sum them up. In addition, the Pension Fund, when applying to the applicant, takes into account other subtleties that are difficult to take into account when making an independent calculation.

However, now the Pension Calculator service has been launched on the official website of the Pension Fund of Russia, allowing you to calculate the amount future pension. The calculator is not applicable only for military pensioners who have no “civilian” experience at all, but for other people it is completely applicable.

Remember that the calculator calculates the pension for the military, already adding a fixed bonus to it, therefore, after making the calculation, 4805.11 rubles should be subtracted from the result obtained (in 2017).


The police officer left the service in 2001, after which he began working under an employment contract in civilian life. In 2017, he turned 60 years old, which makes him eligible to receive SPPS.

Insurance experience – 9 years. In 2017, a minimum of 8 years is required, that is, the requirement is satisfied. The average salary is 24,000 rubles; a total of 414,720 rubles were transferred to the Pension Fund.

Let's calculate the average annual contributions to the Pension Fund:

  • 414720 / 9 = 46080 rubles.

According to the Pension Fund website, the maximum wage, subject to insurance premiums, before deduction of personal income tax, is 73,000 rubles per month, or 876,000 rubles per year.

Multiplying 876,000 by 0.16 (16% - this is exactly how much goes to the funded and insurance parts of the pension, the remaining 6% - to the solidary part of the pension budget). We receive 140,160 rubles.