As a result of the recent reform, labor pension payments were divided into two types: insurance and savings. Moreover, citizens can independently form the accumulative capital of a future pension benefit.

But for military pensioners there are certain conditions for receiving such payments.


A military pensioner can apply for the benefit if he was born in 1967 or younger, worked under an employment agreement and paid insurance premiums for funded pension while working in civil organizations. All conditions for appointment are noted in Part 5 of Art. 11 of the Law of April 30, 2008 N 56-FZ.

In 2018, persons who have reached retirement age can apply to receive savings capital in accordance with the provisions prescribed in Article 2 of Federal Law No. 360 of November 30, 2011.

Article 2 of Federal Law No. 360 of November 30, 2011. Types of payments made from pension savings

At the expense of pension savings formed in favor of the insured person, the following types payments:

  1. lump sum payment of pension savings (hereinafter referred to as lump sum payment);
  2. immediate pension payment;
  3. funded pension;
  4. payment of pension savings to the legal successors of the deceased insured person.

This article of the above law contains the following conditions for receiving payment:

  • one-time receipt of all accumulated money;
  • monthly urgent payments;
  • a lump sum of all the money accumulated in the account of the deceased pensioner, which a person can receive under a will.

Citizens can apply for accumulative capital before retirement only in the form of a lump sum payment and provided that they are disabled.

In the second case, a one-time receipt of funds for the loss of a breadwinner is provided (Article No. 4 Law of November 30, 2011 N 360-FZ).

Those pensioners who continue to work after retirement are not entitled to a lump sum payment.

How to get a?

A military pensioner can receive the funded part only upon the occurrence of certain circumstances that open up the right to this action. To do this, the citizen will have to visit the pension fund where his funds are located in his accounts. He must provide which contains the following data:

  • Full name of the applicant;
  • date of birth;
  • pension account number of the savings account labor pension;
  • personal account insurance number;
  • passport details;
  • residential address.

So that throughout life, the military pension has the right to send a request to the Pension Fund once a year to provide it with information about the state of the money in the account.

The insurance pension for military personnel is paid for disability or for length of service. Most military personnel retire after completing their service, while continuing their work practice in other structures that are not related to the army. In such a situation, by fulfilling a number of special conditions, they gain the opportunity to receive a second benefit, which is called “old-age insurance pension for military pensioners.” It is no longer paid to law enforcement agencies and departments, but through the branch of the Pension Fund of Russia.

What do you need to receive?

Your employer is obliged to hire you according to your work book or contract, that is, officially. He must pay insurance premiums responsibly and regularly. A pensioner must go through the registration procedure in a special program and acquire a document such as SNILS. To get the latter, you need to come to the Russian Pension Fund at your place of registration. If you live in another place, you can contact the district government authority at your current place of residence.

Upon arrival at the fund's office, you will be given a questionnaire. The completed application form, along with a passport or other document confirming your identity, must be submitted to the appropriate window to the pension fund employee.

After passing these procedures, in case of a positive outcome, the rights of a retired military man will be equal to the rights of ordinary (civilian) pensioners. A personal personal account will contain information about accruals, payment of insurance deposits and time spent working in non-military organizations. Persons born after 1967 will be able to participate in the funded pension system.

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Conditions for receiving a second pension

Since 2016, the calculation of the benefit amount is determined by new formula. This also applies to the insurance part of the labor pension of military pensioners.

It is important to comply with the following conditions:

  1. The man is 60 years old, the woman is 55 years old. The exception will be workers in the North and enterprises with hazardous working conditions. They will be able to claim early retirement before reaching the specified age.
  2. Minimum experience required. It starts from the moment of joining non-military service. Time spent working in law enforcement agencies is not included in this period. In 2015 minimum size experience was 6 years. And from 2016 it will begin to increase by 1 annually. The increase in length of service will end in 2023 and will amount to 15 years.
  3. Accumulation of minimum pension points. They are counted every year. The amount depends on the salary and the number of contributions. In 2015, the coefficient was 6.6. By 2025 it will gradually reach size 30.
  4. Long service pension. It is necessary to have a similar or disability benefit from the security forces.

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Points in 2016

For 2016, for military personnel who work in civilian organizations or are individual entrepreneurs, the marginal coefficient is 7.39. This number of points can be achieved by people with an official salary of 59 thousand 250 rubles.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that on the main page of the Pension Fund of Russia website there is an online calculator that can calculate the amount of points based on the size of your salary. In addition, the program is able to find out the average insurance pension military pensioners.

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In order for you to be assigned an insurance pension, you need to prepare a package of documents. It contains the following materials:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • SNILS;
  • certificate of payment of pension from military structures;
  • length of service before provision of payments to the pensioner;
  • confirmation of length of service (work book).

It is worth noting that if a military pensioner worked for civil service before 2002, he has the right to submit certificates of average wages for any period equal to 60 months.

In this case, the following must be taken into account:

  1. The insurance pension of working military pensioners undergoes state indexation every year.
  2. If the pensioner has received the right to a second benefit and continues to work, then payments will be recalculated automatically, eliminating the need to re-submit the application.
  3. In 2017, it is planned to reduce the insurance pension for military pensioners.

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Funded pension

The old-age pension for persons born after 1967 is made up of two halves: insurance and funded. Contributions are evenly distributed among these halves. Since the onset of 2015, the funded insurance pension for military personnel has been proposed as an independent payment. However, the formula and rules for its calculation remain unchanged.

Military pensioners have the right to a funded pension in the following cases:

  1. If the pensioner was born after 1967 and has work experience in the civil service, taking into account that the company made payments to the Russian Pension Fund.
  2. If the amount sent from the maternity capital.
  3. If, during your service in a non-military organization, you entered into a pension financing program (regardless of age), and if all payments were regularly accrued. Contributions from persons born before 1967 were also taken into account in the amount of savings. They were formed over a two-year period from 2002 to 2004, but only if the employer in good faith paid all contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

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Possibility of receiving by relatives

In the event of the death of a pensioner, members of his family who are disabled citizens and receive survivor benefits through the security forces are entitled to a second pension.

This is possible in the following cases:

  1. If the deceased service member had formal experience in the civilian service. The experience must be at least 1 month.
  2. If a relative of the deceased is included in the list of citizens entitled to receive a pension.
  3. The loved one was a dependent of the deceased serviceman. In cases where he does not have his own income and other relatives who can support him and provide for him at the proper level, the person also has this right.

If, after retirement, a military man continues to work at a civilian enterprise, then it is worth taking a responsible approach to choosing an employer. The possibility of receiving a second pension in the future depends on this. The employer must regularly make payments to the Russian Pension Fund in full. It is worth paying attention to the fact that pension system regularly undergoes updates and amendments, so it is important to follow the latest information and news in the field of insurance payments. Legislation changes depending on the circumstances in the country, adapting to the needs and rights of persons living in the state.

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If the package of documents is not submitted by the pensioner himself, but by him legal representative, then in addition he needs to present his passport and a notarized power of attorney giving the right to perform these actions.

Instead of original documents, the legislation of the Russian Federation allows provide copies of them. However, they must be certified by a notary. If the application is sent by mail, only notarized copies are attached.

After accepting the application, in confirmation of this operation, employees of the authorized body are required to hand over to the applicant receipt-notification of registration of the application, which should contain a list of accepted documents, as well as other information (personal data of the citizen, date of acceptance, etc.).

Application for a one-time payment of pension savings to a non-state pension fund

If the funded pension was formed in the state fund, then when registering it with the Pension Fund, you need to submit an application in accordance with Appendix No. 1 of the Order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection RF No. 11n dated July 3, 2012.

If funds were formed in non-state fund, then to receive them you need to submit an application to the NPF for a one-time payment of savings funds. The form of this document is also strictly regulated by the Legislation of the Russian Federation, namely Appendix No. 1 of Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation No. 12n dated July 3, 2012.

The application must contain the following information:

  1. NPF name;
  2. information about the applicant (full name, date and place of birth, gender, citizenship, address);
  3. passport details;
  4. pension savings account number (filled in by a fund employee);
  5. contact details (telephone);
  6. information about already established pensions;
  7. desired method of receiving funds and account details;
  8. Date of completion;
  9. applicant's signature.

If the application is submitted legal representative(this can be either an individual or a legal entity), then the document must also reflect information about it (full name or name of organization, address, passport details of the representative, contact telephone number).

How and when are savings paid out?

If the documents are submitted in full and correspond to reality, the pension fund authorities issue positive decision and establish a lump sum payment for the applicant from the date of application for it (however, not earlier than the pensioner has the right to it).

In this case, payment of all pension savings funds at once is carried out only once every two months after the fund has made a positive decision. The pensioner has the right to receive funds indicated in the application:

  • through Russian Post (in person at the branch or at home);
  • at the box office of the delivery organization (or to your home);
  • at the bank (at the cash desk or to a bank account).

You can receive all the pension savings in your account once again, but not earlier than after five years. This is only possible if the insured person continues to form a funded pension by transferring funds to the fund, through voluntary contributions or through an employer (if labor activity).

Is it possible to receive the insurance part of the pension in a lump sum?

Insurance coverage for compulsory pension insurance involves the payment of funds to insured persons upon the occurrence of insured event . The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for three types of such cases:

  • (reaching retirement age);

This provision is formed from insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of Russia and is solidary. In other words, the pensions of current retirees are financed by the contributing working population.

Unlike a funded pension, which is accumulated in the form of cash, future insurance coverage is formed in the accounts of citizens in pension points. In this regard, upon reaching the age of retirement, when applying for an insurance payment, citizens cannot immediately withdraw all paid funds.

  • You can buy an apartment in any region, regardless of your place of service. The maximum amount issued for the purchase of housing depends on the bank’s conditions.
  • Termination of a contract for military service leads to loss of savings. However, there are exceptions, for example, if the transfer to the reserve was related to health.
  • The creditworthiness age of a serviceman is limited to 45 years, which does not allow him to think long about his decision.

Second military pension

A military pensioner applied for the insurance part of his labor pension, age – 60 years, insurance experience – 5 years, total seniority for the period before 01/01/2002 – 2 years. Pension Fund in this case, the pension capital is calculated as of 01/01/2002, after which insurance contributions are taken into account.

Military savings mortgage for military personnel

Lists of participants in the military accumulation state program are prepared in military units where the personal data of serving citizens is stored. Next, the collected primary information is sent to the relevant authorities (services, military districts, military branches, Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation) to make an entry in the register.

If I quit my job I have to pay back the funded part of the military mortgage

Theoretically, both organizations provide for military service, and transfer is not prohibited by anyone. However, in practice, it turns out that these are two different structures that do not report to each other, and in accordance with the Presidential Decree “On Military Duty and Military Service,” the issue of transfer must be resolved at the ministerial level.

Savings mortgage: program features

Participants in this program have the opportunity to purchase housing by taking out a bank loan with a much lower interest rate (6-8%) and also receive a subsidy. Considering a large number of positive aspects, there are a lot of people who want to take part in this program. It is definitely difficult to say exactly who and how can become a participant in the NIS, since each region has its own requirements and rules. For example, in Ugra you need to live in the region for at least 10 years to be eligible to take out such a mortgage. And in the Krasnodar Territory, any resident of the region can become a participant if he feels the need for his own housing, that is, he does not own housing or has one object that does not meet the standards in terms of condition or area.

How to withdraw money if you have a Military Mortgage

In all of the above cases, the serviceman has every right to withdraw money accumulated in a personal mortgage account and use it as he sees fit. To do this, he must submit a report, go to the bank and, presenting the relevant documents, withdraw money from the account.

Housing for military personnel

During the experiment carried out in 2007, the mechanism for providing targeted housing loans to repay mortgage loans received by system participants was developed and improved, as well as the mechanism for payments to military personnel dismissed on preferential terms, savings from personal accounts and additional funds.

Military mortgage

In this case, the wife and children of the serviceman receive equal shares in the purchased apartment. Everything seems to be fine, but if a serviceman leaves the service before receiving the right to funds from his account, then the entire family will be left without housing, and the invested maternity capital funds will have to be returned in court.

Second pension? Yes sir

  • passport;
  • OPS insurance certificate (green card);
  • a certificate from the authority paying pensions through the law enforcement agency. The certificate must indicate from what date the citizen receives a pension, the periods of his service preceding the assignment of the pension (either for length of service or for disability);
  • documents confirming civil service (work book, employment contract, employer certificates, etc.).

Savings-mortgage housing system for military personnel

Having entered the military savings mortgage system, the defender of the fatherland must initially understand that from that moment on he will have to serve for at least 10 years. It is much more profitable to serve the pension minimum, which is 20 years. In this case, you will not have to pay the balance of the mortgage, which may be too large for the laid-off person.

CLC for a military man

Three years after opening the account, the borrower receives the right to use the funds to purchase a home. After applying for a loan, you will still receive a subsidy. The accumulated amount can be received in cash at the time of discharge from the army. It is allowed to spend this loan on improving housing conditions or for other purposes. The same opportunity arises for persons who have served for more than 20 years. A military man with ten years of work experience can also receive money in cash if he is fired:

Cumulative part for military personnel

Military pensioners who have worked in civilian life before 2002 can submit documents confirming their average monthly earnings for any 60 consecutive months before January 1, 2002, if this average monthly earnings falls on the period before the citizen’s registration in the compulsory pension insurance system.

Military mortgage for military personnel

The state transfers annual contributions to an open savings account, which form savings part targeted housing loan (abbreviated as TSL). It is worth noting that the size of annual contributions is constantly growing and from 37,000 rubles transferred in 2005, the amount by 2020 reached 245,880 rubles. After three years of participation in the program, it becomes possible to receive a loan, which is given until the military personnel reach the age of 45.

Pension 2011

In 2011, pensioners appeared who are required to pay the funded part of their pension starting from 2011. Let us recall that pensioners born between 1952 and 1967 inclusive were excluded from pension reform in 2005, you can add to them pensioners entitled to early retirement:

What is the savings-mortgage housing system for military personnel and the rules for participation in it

  • graduates of military universities who received the rank of lieutenant after January 1, 2005;
  • reserve officers who were called to active duty also after this date;
  • warrant officers (midshipmen - for the Navy) who have served for at least three years;
  • soldiers (midshipmen) and sergeants who remained to serve under a second contract after military service in the period from 01/01/2005. After serving a total of about 10 years, they will be able to obtain housing under the “military mortgage” program;
  • civilian specialists who were trained at military departments in universities and have an officer rank, it is important that their work activities take place under a contract on the territory of a military unit;
  • persons holding a special position with the assignment of an officer rank, which is required by the state, the period of such service must be at least three years in the period after January 1, 2005;
  • officers who have served under a contract for less than three years, if they received rank after completing the junior officer course in the period from January 1, 2005 to
    January 1, 2008.

Military personnel who have served a certain number of years in the army, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, and some other similar institutions are entitled to receive a long-service or disability pension. If, after finishing their service, they worked in civilian positions, then under certain conditions they can apply for an old-age pension assigned by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Conditions for receiving a “civilian” pension for military personnel

In order to qualify for an old-age pension, former military personnel must simultaneously meet a number of conditions:

  • the citizen must be registered in the compulsory pension insurance system of the Russian Federation (received SNILS),
  • The retirement age must be reached - 65 years for men, 60 years for women. If citizens belong to those categories of insured persons for whom earlier retirement in old age is provided, then the pension is assigned upon reaching that age. For example, if labor activity was carried out in the Far North.
  • must have earned enough insurance coverage to qualify for an old-age pension. In 2020 it is 11 years.
  • A certain number of individual pension points must be earned. In 2019 – 18.6 points.
  • a military pension should be assigned for disability or for length of service in the relevant authorities.

Documents required for granting a pension

To assign a regular old-age pension, former military personnel must submit to the pension fund:

  • application of the established form;
  • passport;
  • insurance certificate (SNILS);
  • a certificate from the authority that awarded the citizen a military pension. Such a certificate must contain information about the date of appointment military pension, periods of service on the basis of which a military pension or disability pension was assigned;
  • documents confirming the pensioner’s insurance (“civil”) experience. This may be a work book, an employment contract, or other documents confirming the fact of employment.

If a military pensioner worked in a civilian institution before 2002, then they can be presented with documents confirming the availability and amount of earnings for any five consecutive years before January 1, 2002.

Peculiarities of calculating “civilian” pensions for military personnel

There is one peculiarity - the old-age pension accrued to military pensioners consists only of the insurance and funded parts. There will be a funded part if such a pensioner has pension savings. A fixed payment (fixed base amount) is not accrued or paid to military pensioners.

The assigned old-age pension for military pensioners is subject to indexation in accordance with the general procedure.

If such a pensioner, after the appointment of an old-age pension, continues to work in civil organizations, then annual indexation is not carried out, but annually, as of August 1, a recalculation is made.

After the end of your working life, the amount of the insurance pension will be recalculated taking into account the missed indexations.

Cumulative part of pension

A former military man, like other insured persons, may have a funded part of his pension. Savings can be formed in the following cases:

  • they are persons born in 1967 and younger, to whom civilian employers calculated and transferred insurance contributions for the funded part of the pension to the Pension Fund;
  • if they received maternity (family) capital and transferred its funds to form a future pension;
  • if they are members state program co-financing of pensions;
  • if they are men born in 1953-1966 or women born in 1957-1966, for whom, from 2002 to 2004, civil employers calculated and paid insurance contributions to the funded part of the pension in the Pension Fund.

Like other old-age pensioners, a military pensioner, if he has pension savings, can apply to the Pension Fund for appointment and pay a funded pension (payment).

This can be a lump sum payment, an urgent payment, or payment of the funded part of the pension.

Answers to common questions

Question #1:
Military pensioner after graduation military service did not work in civilian institutions for hire, but registered and operated as an individual entrepreneur. Can such a citizen receive an old-age pension upon reaching retirement age?

Answer: Yes, if such an individual entrepreneur has paid insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance, he is also entitled to an old-age insurance pension. In this case, the mandatory conditions must be met regarding the presence of the insurance period established on the date of application for a pension and the number of accumulated pension points.

Question #2: Are periods of work prior to military service included in the “civilian” pension for military personnel?

Answer: According to Federal law“On Insurance Pensions” No. 400-FZ dated December 28, 2013, the length of service does not include the time of service preceding the assignment of a disability pension, or the time of service, work or other activities taken into account when determining the amount of the long service pension in accordance with the Military Law pensions dated February 12, 1993 N 4468-1. Thus, if periods before military service are not taken into account when calculating a military pension, then these periods can be taken into account when calculating a “civilian” pension.

QuestionOS No. 3: If in 2019 retirement age former military personnel have achieved, but do not have enough insurance experience (9 years) to accrue a “civilian” pension to a military personnel, is it possible to apply for its accrual after a year? Or will the required insurance period be different in a year?

Answer: The insurance period in 2019 will be different, but if the right to an old-age pension arose in 2019, for example, a man turned 60 years old, then to calculate an old-age pension for such a person, the insurance period that was valid in the year the right to a pension arose , i.e. 9 years. If in 2019 the insurance period is 9 years and all other conditions for receiving an old-age pension are met, you can apply for a pension accrual to the Pension Fund.