All citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of the presence or absence length of service, are required to receive a pension. Its magnitude depends on various factors. The formation process is fixed at the legislative level.

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How does this happen

Today on the territory Russian Federation There is a special pension savings system in place - it allows working citizens to receive special payments from the state upon reaching a certain age.

At the same time, pensions themselves come in several different types:

  • on disability;
  • appointing .

The process of forming each individual pension differs significantly from the others. The situation is similar with its size.

Pension payments can be made in various ways:

  • one-time payment (possible only in some special cases);
  • monthly.

When calculating the amount of the pension, it is calculated in special pension points. The cost of each is indexed annually. This is one way to keep pension contributions at the same level as inflation.

For citizens whose pension began to form before the introduction of the point system, the entire amount is converted into points without any losses.

The right to receive an appropriate pension arises when the following conditions are met:

    • reaching a certain age, years:

A citizen planning to receive a pension should familiarize himself in advance with the required number of such points to receive a pension. This will allow you to independently and in advance calculate the amount of your future pension.

Significant role in the formation pension provision the selected type plays. For example, if only insurance part, then the maximum number of points during one year will be only 10. All contributions will be used by the Pension Fund to form the insurance part.

If an officially employed citizen independently chose to form two types of pensions at the same time (insurance, funded), then the maximum number of points per year will be 6.25.

The reason for this is the deduction of 27.5% of the amount of insurance-type contributions in favor of pension-type savings.

An important factor when forming a pension is the year of birth of the future pensioner. If a citizen was born in 1967 or later, he can choose the pension option at any time.

For example, refuse to form a savings account. At the same time, 6% of insurance contributions will be sent to an insurance-type pension.

For citizens of the year of birth indicated above, pension insurance contributions will be accrued from 01.01.15. From the moment of the first accrual, over the next 5 years, it will be possible to choose the appropriate pension provision.

If for some reason the citizen has not reached 23 years of age at this time, then this period will be increased by the amount of time until this age is reached.

When making a choice in favor of any specific pension option, it is necessary to take into account that the insurance part will constantly increase due to annual indexations. Moreover, this process is guaranteed by state policy.

The savings part is managed by special companies - non-state pension funds. The size of this component of the pension primarily depends on the success of the chosen investment portfolio.

But the future retiree should not worry. Insurance of this part of the pension is mandatory. It will simply be impossible to obtain it less than the value established by law.

Formation of pensions for persons born in 1967

For people born in 1967, there is simply no option to choose a pension option.

The amount of accruals can be calculated as follows: the total number of pension points × the cost of the 1st pension point in the current period + a fixed amount: Where:

For 2019, the following variables have established cash equivalents:

It should be taken into account that when calculating the payment, the cost of the point for each individual year must be taken into account.

For example, in 2019, the accrual formula will look like this: Certain categories of citizens, regardless of their year of birth, are given special increasing coefficients. These categories today include:

  • disabled people of group 1;
  • persons over 80 years of age;
  • having a certain length of service or permanently residing in the Far North and equivalent areas.

Any fixed payment or a special increasing coefficient is applied. It is also called "northern".

How to find out

Today you can find out how your own pension is formed in various ways:

  • carry out the calculation yourself - using one of the available special formulas;
  • calculate via the Internet - there are quite a large number of special calculators on different resources;
  • contact directly the nearest branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

You can find out in as much detail as possible with explanations how a certain pension is formed at the nearest Pension Fund branch.

Employees of this institution are obliged to provide the most detailed information on this matter to all citizens of the Russian Federation who apply. When doing calculations on your own, there is a high probability of making some errors.

How to watch via the Internet

To view the process of forming a pension via the Internet, the easiest way is to visit the official website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation - its section called “calculator”.

A distinctive feature of this service is its accuracy and the low probability of making any errors.

  • gender and year of birth;
  • the expected length of service and how many years the citizen plans not to apply for a pension;
  • official value wages(before deduction of personal income tax);
  • the chosen option for forming a pension (only insurance, insurance and funded);
  • the total amount of time spent completing military service under conscription;
  • amount of children;
  • duration of stay on parental leave;
  • duration of care for a disabled person (disabled person, other);
  • Do you have any plans to work in agriculture?

After entering all the above data, you just need to click on the “calculate” button. As a result, the pension will be displayed on the screen, which is formed taking into account the data reflected in this application. For maximum calculation accuracy, it will be necessary to indicate only reliable data.

Forming a pension is not a complicated process, but it has its own nuances. It is advisable for all future retirees to deal with all of them in advance. This will allow you to independently make a preliminary calculation of the amount of pension contributions upon reaching the appropriate age.

Video: Formation of a labor pension


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According to the modern structure of the compulsory pension insurance system, pensions of working Russian citizens consist of an insurance pension and a fixed payment to it. Insurance pensions are divided into three types: old age, disability and survivors.

Since 2015, citizens' pension rights are based on pension points. All pension rights previously formed in rubles were converted into pension points without reduction. When assigning an insurance pension, they will be taken into account along with points.

An old-age insurance pension is assigned subject to achievement retirement age: 60 years – for men, 55 – for women. Some categories of workers are entitled to early retirement.

Age is not the only condition for granting a pension. Another factor is the length of experience that must be accumulated over time. labor activity. In 2017, 8 years are enough for those retiring, but the minimum required length of service increases every year. By 2024, it will reach 15 years, in accordance with the law “On Insurance Pensions”.

The third condition is the presence of a minimum amount of pension points. From 2025, every citizen retiring will have to “show” at least 30 points.

The number of accumulated points is calculated from accrued and paid (the employer pays for the employee) insurance contributions to the compulsory pension insurance system, as well as the length of work experience. For each year of work of a citizen, he or she develops pension rights in the form of pension points.

The maximum number of pension points per year from 2021 will be 10; in 2017 you can accumulate no more than 8.26.

Two pension options

The pension option chosen by the citizen also affects the calculation of annual pension points. When forming only an insurance pension, the maximum number of annual pension points is 10, since all insurance contributions are directed towards the formation of an insurance pension. But if you choose to form both an insurance and funded pension at the same time, then the maximum you can accumulate is only 6.25 pension points per year, since 27.5% of insurance contributions are directed to the formation of pension savings.

Citizens born in 1967 and younger, who before the end of 2015 made a choice in favor of forming a funded pension, can change their choice at any time and direct 6% of insurance contributions to form only an insurance pension.

Young citizens just starting their careers will have the opportunity to choose a pension option (insurance only or insurance and funded) within five years from the date of the first payment of insurance contributions. If a citizen has not reached the age of 23, then this period is extended until end of the year, in which he turns 23 years old.

When choosing a pension option, you should consider that insurance pension guaranteed to increase by the state through annual indexation. Pension savings are not indexed. These funds are invested in the financial market by a non-state Pension Fund(NPF) or management company to which the citizen will transfer his savings. Profitability depends on the results of their investment: it may be higher than the indexation amount, but losses are not excluded. In this case, only the amount of insurance premiums paid is guaranteed for payment.

All citizens born in 1966 and older receive only an insurance pension.

Obtaining the right to an insurance pension depends on the year of appointment: the minimum insurance period increases annually: in 2017 - 8 years, in 2018 - 9, and so on until 2025, when its level reaches 15 years. The minimum amount of pension coefficients is also growing, annually by 2.4 points: in 2017 they will need 11.4, in 2018 – 13.8, and so on until 2025, when it will be 30 points.

In 2017, due to the moratorium on the formation of pension savings, citizens have rights only to an insurance pension. At the same time, all previously formed pension savings management companies and non-state pension funds still invest in the market and will pay you after retirement, taking into account the investment income received.

How to calculate your pension yourself

To calculate the amount of the insurance pension, you need to multiply the amount of accumulated pension points by the value of the pension point in the current year, and then add a fixed payment to the result. The “cost” of a point in 2017 is 78.58 rubles. This amount is indexed annually by the state. The fixed payment as of February 1, 2016 is 4,558.93 rubles (also indexed annually).

Pension points are awarded not only for the working year, but also for military service on conscription (1.8 points per year), caring for children under one and a half years old (1.8 points for the first child, 3.6 points for the second, 5.4 points for the third or fourth), caring for the disabled or elderly over 80 years old (1.8 points). The period of residence of spouses of military personnel together with their spouses in areas where they could not work is also taken into account, as well as the period of residence abroad of spouses of diplomats (1.8 points, but not more than 5 years in total) and some other situations provided for by law.

The amount of pension points depends significantly on the delay in applying for a pension – several years after reaching retirement age. For each year of later application, the insurance pension and the fixed payment to it will be increased by the corresponding “premium” coefficients.

For example, if you apply for a pension 5 years after reaching retirement age, the fixed payment will increase by 36%, and the amount of individual pension coefficients will increase by 45%; and if after 10 years, then the fixed payment will increase by 2.11 times, and the sum of individual pension coefficients by 2.32 times.

For disabled people of the first group with insurance experience, citizens over 80 years of age, citizens who worked or lived in the Far North, the insurance pension is assigned in an increased amount due to an increased fixed payment or the use of “northern” coefficients.

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The insurance pension is formed from funds that enter the compulsory pension system in the form of contributions paid monthly by employers to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

The total contribution amount is 22% of the employee’s salary, of which 16% goes to insurance pension(or 10% for insurance and 6% for savings, if it is formed), and 6% - so-called joint tariff, fees from which are intended for the payment of a fixed part, social benefits and for other purposes provided for by regulations of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Legally, the collection of contributions to the Pension Fund budget is regulated Federal law dated July 24, 2009 N 212-FZ “On insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund”, which sets mandatory procedure payment of contributions.

  • The functions of monitoring the timeliness of transfer of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund, in accordance with the requirements of Article 3 of this law, rest with the territorial divisions of the Pension Fund.
  • As for (Federal Law No. 167 of December 15, 2001), the contributions paid by employers go only to finance the insurance pension.

Direction of insurance contributions to the formation of an insurance pension

Insurance premiums are the basis Pension system our country. Policyholders without fail are required to be registered with the territorial bodies of the Fund, ensure full and timely transfer of pension contributions to the Pension Fund budget, keep records of them and submit all Required documents which are required when maintaining individual (personalized) records in (Federal Law No. 167).

produce and additional contributions to the Pension Fund, at the expense of which an early insurance pension is formed for employees whose working conditions, according to current legislation, are recognized as difficult or dangerous.

Insurance contributions received by the Pension Fund are credited to the personal account of the insured persons, the number of which () is indicated on the pension certificate. Subsequently, the amount of these contributions will be taken into account when assigning pensions based on the requirements set out in Article 10 of Federal Law No. 167 of December 15, 2001.

Which is better: funded or insurance pension?

Formed from pension contributions, guaranteed by the state and will last annual increase on the level of inflation due to indexations, the procedure for which is established by Federal Law of December 15, 2001 N 166-FZ “On state pension provision in the Russian Federation”.

This is formed from the employer’s insurance premiums for its employee, and when assigned, the contributions are converted into points and multiplied by its cost, established by the state.

State not guaranteed and its profitability depends on the financial results of the investment activities of non-state pension funds and management companies, which may, as a result of their activities, suffer losses or go bankrupt.

  • When deciding on the formation of a funded pension, you need to understand that this reduces the amount of contributions to the insurance, on which it will depend in the future. It is worth considering the increased risk that arises when investing in financial markets.
  • The safety of the funded pension is guaranteed by the Law of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2013 N 422-FZ, in accordance with which a system for guaranteeing pension savings has been created, which, in the event of losses incurred as a result of their unsuccessful investment, guarantees the payment of savings, but without taking into account inflation.
  • Another difference between a funded pension and an insurance pension is that it, and the insurance pension, goes into the PFR reserve.

Calculation of insurance pension in 2019

Since 2015, the insurance pension has consisted of a fixed payment and an insurance pension calculated in points. The calculation procedure is regulated by the requirements of Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400 “About insurance pensions”.

Most citizens started working in Soviet times and have earned their income before 2001. When calculating pension rights, all periods of working activity are taken into account and then converted into points.

Subsequently, all calculations are made exclusively in points and their conversion into rubles occurs only when a pension is assigned.

To convert pension capital that was formed before 2015 into points, the size of the insurance part of the pension as of December 31, 2014 is calculated (excluding the funded part and the base amount), divided by the value of the pension point, which on January 1, 2015 was 64.10 rubles ( in 2019 - 87.24 rubles).

Since 2015, the IPC (individual pension coefficient) has been calculated based on the amount of deductions transferred by the policyholder to the employee’s personal account during the year. In accordance with the requirements set out in Federal Law No. 385-FZ of December 29, 2015, contributions to funded pensions have been stopped until the end of 2019.

Pension calculation formula

Since 2015, the calculation formula has included new value- IPC (individual pension coefficient (point)) and now for or the following formula is applied:

SP = IPK x SPK x K + FV x K,

  • FV- fixed payment (in 2019 - 5334.19 rubles);
  • JV- insurance pension;
  • PC- pension points (accumulated both before 2015 and later);
  • SPK- the cost of one pension point (coefficient);
  • TO– increasing coefficients when retiring later than expected (the coefficients for the pension fund and the insurance pension are different).

To calculate the payment, different formulas may be used depending on the category of the recipient.

To divide the amount of pension savings by the expected payment period - in 2019 252 months.

If a citizen applies for a pension a year later than he reaches retirement age, this will shorten the expected period by 12 months, which will increase the size of the funded pension.

The duration of the period is established by Article 17 of Federal Law No. 424-FZ of December 28, 2013 “About funded pension” and is determined based on statistics on the life expectancy of pensioners.

Assignment and payment of insurance pensions

The appointment and payment of SP is carried out when a citizen reaches 60 years for men and 55 for women with a work experience of at least 15 years (for 2024) and a minimum amount of pension points of 30 units in 2025 (taking into account the provisions of the transition period , set out in Article 35 of the Federal Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013).

To assign an insurance pension, you must submit an application to the department Pension Fund or MFC, as well as through the employer’s personnel service, the “Personal Account” of the insured person on the Pension Fund website or mail. Depending on the type of insurance payment assigned, the list of documents will differ, but must have with you:

  1. passport;
  2. pension certificate;
  3. work book;
  4. Marriage certificate;
  5. military ID (if available).

To assign a cumulative pension payment Must have simultaneously and the right to an insurance pension and pension savings. You must submit your application to the organization through which. This could be a Pension Fund, a Non-State Pension Fund or a management company (MC). The package of documents and the appointment procedure are the same as when applying for an insurance pension.

Consideration of the application for the appointment of both insurance and funded pensions is carried out within 10 working days. The savings payment is made simultaneously with the insurance payment for the current month. At the same time, the pensioner has the right to choose the method of delivery of the pension.

Klara Moiseevna reaches retirement age in October 2018. In 2015, her pension rights were converted into points and amounted to 80 points. Between 2015 and October 2018, she earned another 8 points. Twice I was on maternity leave to care for a child under 1.5 years old. I received 1.8 points for the first and 3.6 points for the second.

Adding up all the pension points, we get the individual pension coefficient on the day the right to pension provision becomes available - 87.4 points.

In 2018, the fixed payment was 4,982.90 rubles, and the cost of the pension point was 81.49 rubles. At the same time, Klara Moiseevna has no legal grounds for using bonus increasing coefficients. In this case, the amount of her insurance pension will be:

4559 + 85.4 x 74.27 = 10,902 rubles.


Analysis of the activities of pension systems in other countries of the world shows that there is a gradual curtailment of state savings programs and expanding their insurance sector. Since the deduction of funds for or the conclusion of an agreement with a management company or non-state pension fund is voluntary, the decision on the advisability of such a step will be made by the future pensioner independently.

As for the new calculation algorithm, to conduct an approximate analysis of the size, factors that may influence its size and adequate assessment your capabilities, you can take advantage "pension calculator" on the PFR website.

Pension Fund specialists recommend seeking consultation as prescribed in advance, approximately six months before a citizen acquires pension rights. In view of large quantity errors and inaccuracies made when filling out work books by the personnel departments of enterprises, the Fund’s specialists may require supporting certificates and make appropriate requests. The process of collecting additional information and waiting for responses to requests can be lengthy and labor-intensive.

Enough for many important issues are as follows: how is the pension formed? What types of it exist, what does it consist of? What are the advantages and disadvantages of non-state and state pension funds?

Every person has a moral right to proper rest, which means that activities at an enterprise should provide him with it for the rest of his life. And here we are not talking about the fact that the enterprise itself must provide for the citizen - this is done at the expense of the pension fund, to which mandatory contributions are made. On the territory of Russia, the calculation, formation and payment of pensions is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”. Understanding how a pension is formed, it is worth saying that it can not only be mandatory. It can be supplemented with a voluntary one, that is, using savings placed in the compulsory pension. There are a number of types, namely: labor pension for disability, old age, in case of loss of a breadwinner. The labor pension consists of three parts: basic, funded and insurance.

Basic part of labor pension

Organizations make payments to state funds for employees. Approximately half of these funds are transferred to the pension fund. These transfers are not personal, they do not serve as part of savings contributions, so the funds are used by the fund to pay pensions to current pensioners. These payments serve as the basic part of the labor pension and are set in accordance with the level of living wage and budget funds, as well as the rate of inflation growth. The basic part is not affected by the size of wages and length of service; it can be paid to foreigners or those permanently residing on Russian territory.

How the pension is formed: the insurance part

Unlike the basic one, it is tied to a specific person, its size is determined depending on the ratio of accumulated contributions to the amount of the expected payment period. The employer pays 8-14% of the taxable amount for each individual employee, and this tax amount includes not only wages, but also other funds that the company spent on the employee.

Funded pension

It is calculated similarly to the insurance part, but instead of the pension capital, the amount of savings is indicated. For each individual person, these savings are indicated in a special part of the personal account. As distinctive feature The savings part can be called the fact that it is placed on different investment instruments. It can be transferred to various funds for management, as well as for investing in securities. Every working citizen has the opportunity to independently manage savings part, you can refuse to cooperate with a certain fund, as well as transfer management to another company or fund.

What are the benefits of this? Everything is clear here, the state pension fund is a cumbersome machine, so it takes time to make decisions on the placement of funds, and the decisions themselves are usually made in the direction of guaranteed, but very low-income instruments. Non-state funds are distinguished by the fact that they make decisions as quickly as possible, offering a large selection of strategies and portfolios for investment. NPFs have just started their activities. The legislative framework in this case is not sufficiently developed, and the funds are very young, but in the future they will form the basis of savings for retirement.

So, now it becomes clear how the pension is formed.