The bill submitted to the State Duma intends to recalculate the amount of insurance pensions for non-working pensioners for the period from January 1, 2016 to January 1, 2018, when pension indexation was carried out at a reduced level.

From January 1, 2016, the amount of indexation of insurance pensions based on the results of 2015 for non-working pensioners was 4% instead of 12.9% - the inflation rate based on the results of the previous year. According to the calculations of the authors of the initiative, at the end of 2015, the under-indexation of insurance pensions for non-working pensioners amounted to 8.9%.
At the same time, at the end of 2016, the fixed part of the insurance pension of non-working pensioners was indexed by 5.4% from February 1, 2017. Let us recall that the second indexation of pensions last year was replaced by a one-time payment of 5 thousand rubles, which was paid only in January of this year. It is planned that payments will be made from the Pension Fund budget and this will require up to 963.1 billion rubles.

What awaits retirees in 2018? Indexation of pension payments is planned for 2018 in Russia. According to information from government representatives, this time it will take place in three stages. At the same time, the increase will be one-time, as there have been some changes in the indexing rules. Each of the three procedures will affect different groups of pensioners.

It is worth talking in more detail about what exactly awaits Russian citizens retirement age after indexing. First of all, it is worth saying that the increase in pensions for the first category will begin in January. The government previously decided to move the start date back a month. According to previously adopted bills, pensions will increase in proportion to the growth of inflation in Russia.

In addition, it is planned to take into account the increase in the cost of all groups of consumer goods. Therefore, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation usually waited for Rosstat to finally calculate inflation. Next year, calculations will be carried out in advance, so that the process of increasing pensions can begin on January 1. All Russian citizens who fall under the first stage will receive an increase of approximately 3.7 percent of current payments. The government initially planned an increase of about 4% next year. This was the forecast for current inflation.

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The reality turned out to be much more positive, which is why it was decided to reconsider the size of the increase. Thus, prices for all groups of consumer goods in average annual terms as of September increased by approximately 3 percent. At the same time, the inflation rate was about 3.7 percent. Therefore, the Cabinet of Ministers decided not to wait for official figures and immediately budget for a future increase of 3.7%. In any case, it will be higher than real inflation, since by the end of the year a decrease in its rate is usually recorded. The average pension payment this year is approximately 13.5 thousand rubles. In some regions it reaches 20 thousand, and in some it does not reach 10 thousand rubles.

Government representatives previously noted that it would not be possible to equalize the indicators, since in different regions and territories there is a different coefficient of increase in the cost of consumer goods. Taking into account indexation after a year average pension will increase to 14,023 rubles. That is, the average increase can be about 420 rubles. It is worth talking in more detail about all the stages of increasing pension payments, as they have certain features. The second to increase the pensions of social pensioners. They are approximately 4 million Russian citizens.

As a rule, these are disabled people, war veterans, children left without a breadwinner in the family and other beneficiaries, as well as those who have not earned the required length of service. Now the average social pension is 8,742 rubles. In April, its size will be increased by approximately 4.1 percent. Currently, the average pension for disabled children or those disabled since childhood is 12 thousand rubles. At the same time, in some regions the payment does not exceed 6 thousand rubles. As explained in the Pension Fund of Russia, all pensioners (both social and insurance) whose income is below the subsistence level of a pensioner (PMP) in their region of residence are entitled to social benefits. All the details of the transition to the new payment system will be made public closer to the beginning of the first stage of indexing. The final stage is scheduled for August of this year. As part of it, pensions for working pensioners will be raised. There are about 14 million of them in Russia.

According to information from government representatives, indexation will not affect them, however, the amount of payments will increase due to the increase length of service. Companies continue to pay insurance premiums for working pensioners. According to the updated rules, they are transformed into pension points. One point will be valued at 78 rubles. In 2019, its size will be increased to 81 rubles. For all temporarily working pensioners, other incentives have appeared - for example, you can postpone retirement voluntarily (or suspend receiving a pension).

After this, the individual will have to contact the social insurance service and apply for retirement again. In this case, the amount of its payments will be affected by annual indexation.

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In accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2015 No. 385-FZ “On the suspension of certain provisions of legislative acts Russian Federation, amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation and the features of increasing the insurance pension, fixed payment to the insurance pension and social pensions» indexation from February 1, 2016 insurance pensions and fixed payments to it will be made only to pensioners who have not carried out labor activity as of September 30, 2015.

The fact of work is established on the basis of individual (personalized) accounting information as of the last reporting day of the last reporting period of employers, which is at the disposal of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation before indexation is carried out from February 1, 2016 - this is September 30, 2015. If on the specified day a citizen, according to individual (personalized) records, will work, then indexation will not be carried out from February 1, 2016.

If a pensioner belongs to the category of self-employed people, incl. individual entrepreneurs, notaries, lawyers, then they will be considered working if they were registered with the tax authorities and the Pension Fund as of December 31, 2015.

In case of termination or commencement of work in the period from October 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016, citizens submit an application and documents confirming the fact of termination (resumption) of work. The application can be submitted directly to the Pension Fund Office, including by mail, as well as through a multifunctional center or in the form of an electronic document using public information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet, no later than May 31, 2016.

From the second quarter of 2016, monthly simplified reporting will be introduced for employers and the fact of work will be automatically determined based on the monthly data of employers. After receiving and processing reports from which it follows that the pensioner has stopped working, he will begin to receive the amount of the insurance pension, taking into account the indexations that took place during his work. If the pensioner then gets a job again, the size of his insurance pension will not be reduced.

As of January 20 of this year. 124 pensioners dismissed from work applied to the Pension Fund Office, including 52 people in the city of Kyzyl. We also received 1 application for a job in the Pension Fund Office of the Bai-Taiginsky and Chedi-Kholsky districts.

The total number of pension recipients according to operational data as of 01/01/2016. is 81,487 people, of which 60,666 people. (74%) are recipients of insurance pensions Federal law dated December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ “On insurance pensions”. From February 1, 2016 will be indexed insurance pensions by 4% over 43 thousand non-working pensioners (72% of the total number of insurance pension recipients).

According to the reporting data of policyholders, 18,514 pension recipients are working, of which 17,036 are recipients of insurance pensions. (28%). This number may not include pensioners who work outside the republic.

From August 1 of this year, pensioners who worked in 2015 will have their insurance pensions increased (non-declaration recalculation) based on the insurance premiums accrued for 2015. The peculiarity of this recalculation this year is that for the first time, pensions of working citizens will be recalculated taking into account the pension points earned for the past year, 2015, but in monetary terms no more than three pension points. And such recalculation for working pensioners will be made annually.

The amount of the fixed payment (hereinafter referred to as the FB) to the insurance pension from February 1, 2016 will be 4558.93 rubles. per month (from February 1, 2015 4383.59 x 4%). In the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, the PV increases by regional coefficients - 1.5 and 1.4 and will amount to 6575.39 rubles. and 6137.03 rub. respectively. The size of the EF is differentiated depending on the presence of dependents, disability group, and reaching 80 years of age.

As of 01/01/2016 the total average amount of insurance pensions is RUB 12,163.32 ., old age pensions - 13,443.81 rubles, disability pensions - 10,072.07 rubles, survivors' pensions - 4,899.81 rubles.

According to preliminary calculations, the overall average amount of insurance pensions will increase by 487 rubles, old-age pensions by 538 rubles, and disability pensions by 403 rubles. and in case of loss of a breadwinner for 196 rubles.

State pension benefits, incl. social pensions, will be increased by 4% in April 2016 for all pensioners, regardless of the fact of work (both working and non-working). The number of pension recipients according to the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ “On State pension provision in the Russian Federation" as of January 1, 2016 is 20,821 people, incl. social pensions - 20473 people. (98.3%).

As of February 1, 2016, the total average amount of pensions for state provision is 9789.95 rubles, social pensions 9653.76 rubles. The size of social pensions varies depending on the category of recipient.

Or on other grounds.

The number of pensioners in Russia increases every year. Already as is for 2019 they make up almost 30% of the country's total population, i.e. more than 43 million people. Gaps in pension system lead to problems that do not allow pensioners to have a decent old age.

To overcome a possible crisis in pension payments, reforms are being carried out and developed new pension programs. The last reform did not bypass pensioners who continue to work in retirement.

Is it profitable to work in retirement?

Depending on the life situation, a person, having reached , has the right to choose - to issue him a pension and retire to a well-deserved rest, or to continue working and postpone its appointment, or to continue working after retirement.

Some citizens after pension registration for various reasons they continue their career. This has its own advantages and disadvantages.

  • While working, a pensioner increases his income. Provided that insurance premiums are paid for him, this will be taken into account in the annual pension recalculation and will affect the increase in his pension benefit.
  • However, since 2016, pensions for working people are not indexed. Payments of the indexed portion are suspended until the pensioner stops working. Although, after the pensioner resigns, his pension will be recalculated taking into account all the indexations that he missed and did not receive while he was working.

How is work experience taken into account?

Accounting for work experience (of the working population and pensioners) is carried out using personalized accounting pension rights of citizens. It is maintained by the Pension Fund of Russia for all persons registered in the system (OPS) and having (SNILS).

Based on data received from employers, the following information is generated on the personal account:

  1. about places and working conditions;
  2. about periods of work and other activities included in the insurance period;
  3. about the transferred insurance premiums;
  4. about the duration of the insurance period;
  5. about the number of pension points.

All the information given above is used by the Pension Fund authorities for carrying out (assigning a payment when the right to it arises) and recalculation.

In addition to work, the insurance period also includes other periods employee’s life, such as parental leave until the child reaches the age of 1.5 years, periods, military service on call.

They are taken into account if they were preceded and (or) followed by periods of work and other activities of the citizen.

Calculation of the amount of insurance pension

For the amount of funds pension savings citizen divided by the number of months expected payment period pension, the duration of which is determined annually by law (252 months in 2019).

The size of the pension additionally depends on the time of application for its assignment. Late registration of pension benefits after reaching retirement age increases the amount of payments.

Pension recalculation formula

Annually August 1 pensions are recalculated - insurance and funded (if they are formed). According to the new rules, pensioners who continue to work do not need to contact the pension fund for a recalculation; this is now done automatically based on employers' reports.

In this case, funds received into the citizen’s individual personal account during the previous year are taken into account, if they were not taken into account when assigning pensions or in the previous recalculation:

  • insurance premiums transferred by the employer or the pensioner himself, if he is an individual entrepreneur, notary, lawyer, etc.;
  • results of investing pension savings;
  • additional contributions to the formation of a funded pension and their investment results.

Recalculation of insurance pensions

The increase in the size of the insurance pension occurs due to the number of pension points earned from insurance contributions made in the previous year, if they were not taken into account in pension accruals and recalculations previously(Article 18 of the law “About insurance pensions”).

To calculate the amount of pension payment taking into account its increase, the formula is used:

SP = SP st + IPK x SIPC,

  • JV- pension payment taking into account recalculation;
  • SP st- pension before recalculation as of July 31 of the current year;
  • IPC- the number of points earned as of January 1 of the current year;
  • SIPC- the cost of the point as of the day from which the recalculation is made (in 2019, 87.24 rubles).

Maximum amount individual points, which is taken into account during the annual pension recalculation is legally limited.

Depending on the formation of a funded pension through insurance contributions, the maximum number of IPCs is equal to:

  • 3,0 - for persons who did not form a funded pension in the corresponding year.
  • 1,875 - for persons whose insurance premiums were sent to.

The amount of a pensioner’s benefit also increases if a citizen, when he becomes eligible for a pension, postpones the deadline for its registration. The law introduced increasing coefficients, affecting the size of the pension depending on the period of application for it:

  1. Increase coefficient for insurance pension.
    By old ageEarly
    1 1,07 1,046
    2 1,15 1,1
    3 1,24 1,16
    4 1,34 1,22
    5 1,45 1,29
    6 1,59 1,37
    7 1,74 1,45
    8 1,9 1,52
    9 2,09 1,6
    10 2,32 1,68
  2. Increase coefficient to fixed payment.
    Full years of grace periodBy old ageEarly
    1 1,056 1,036
    2 1,12 1,07
    3 1,19 1,12
    4 1,27 1,16
    5 1,36 1,21
    6 1,46 1,26
    7 1,58 1,32
    8 1,73 1,38
    9 1,9 1,45
    10 2,11 1,53

Adjustment of funded pension

The pension savings of the insured person are subject to annual adjustment due to:

  • amounts of insurance transfers from the employer;
  • additional contributions made to the funded pension;
  • results of investing pension savings.

For 2019 by the Government moratorium extended for the formation of a funded pension through insurance contributions.

During the moratorium, a citizen can continue to form pension savings, but only through voluntary transfers.

The calculation of the funded pension adjustment takes into account funds that were not taken into account when assigning the pension or in the previous recalculation. The calculation is carried out according to the formula:

NP = PN k/T,

  • NP- the amount of adjustment of the funded payment;
  • Mon to- the amount of a citizen’s pension savings as of July 1 of the current year. If a citizen undergoes an adjustment to his fixed-term pension payment, then the savings funds taken into account in the adjustment of this payment are not taken into account as part of the savings used to adjust the size of his funded pension;
  • T- the number of months of the expected pension payment period, which is used to calculate the amount of the funded pension, as of July 31 of the current year.

The size of the funded pension can also be changed based on the results of investing funds from the payment reserve.

Cancellation of indexation of pensions for working pensioners

The pension system for citizens provides for pension payments due to increased inflation. This leads to additional financial costs for the state. Due to the difficult financial situation of our country, the Government is forced to take measures aimed at saving budget funds. In particular, a decision was made to reduce government spending to provide for working pensioners.

So, from January 1, 2016 After the entry into force of the law of December 29, 2015 No. 385-FZ, the annual indexation of pensions of working pensioners was cancelled.

It is believed that pensioners who continue to work after retirement receive wages or other income that is additional financial support for them, which (unlike working people) they do not have.

Accepted restrictions on pension indexation do not apply on, including regardless of whether the pensioner works or not.

Will pensions be indexed in 2019?

Starting from 2016, in order to reduce budget expenses, the annual indexation of their payments was canceled for working pension recipients. Despite this, in January 2017 they had the right to receive a one-time payment of 5 thousand rubles as compensation for the canceled indexation.

However, the government's plans for 2019 regarding the pensions of working Russians have not changed - their insurance pensions will not increase. This limitation is provided for in the PFR budget and will last until 2021.

After termination of employment, the pensioner again acquires the right to indexation of his pension payments and after dismissal he will receive a pension taking into account all indexations, which were carried out during the period of his work and which he did not receive. The pension recalculated taking into account all missed increases will be paid to the citizen in the month next month, in which the pension fund received information confirming the fact of his dismissal.

Pension after leaving work

Despite the restrictions introduced, working pensioners were promised to compensate for all missed indexation after dismissal (clause 3 of article 26.1 of the law “About insurance pensions”). At the same time, until 2018, recalculation was carried out within 2-3 months; accordingly, citizens received the full amount of pensions only after this period, and without any compensation during this time they were not provided.

From 2018, all pensioners who stopped working will have their pensions indexed from the 1st month after dismissal, however, pensioners will be able to receive the full amount as before - only 3 months after dismissal, but they will be compensated in full.

Pensioner no need(but he has the right) to report his dismissal to the pension authority in order to receive an increased pension. Changes to pension payments to take into account inflation will be made based on data submitted by employers.

  • Now, according to the new rules, employers are required to provide monthly information to the pension fund containing information about retired workers and those who quit.
  • Based on these data, the pension fund will be able to timely calculate pension payments, taking into account indexations in the event of dismissal of a pensioner.

After receiving an indexed pension, the pensioner can again get a job, while the amount of his already increased pension payment will not decrease.

Pension abolition law

In order to save the budget by reducing pension costs, the Government discussed the issue of limiting pension payments to those citizens who, while receiving a pension benefit, continue to work. Previously, in Soviet times, pensioners had such a restriction, but in doing so the state pursued a different goal.

In 2015, a bill was issued that would abolish pension payments to working pensioners, although not to all, but only to those who have a high annual income, namely whose income is more than 1 million rubles per year.

The consequences of the adoption of this bill could have a negative impact both on the retired citizens themselves and on the state economy.

  • A ban on pension payments could provoke a move away from official salaries for pensioners, and, accordingly, the receipt of insurance contributions and taxes to the budget will decrease.
  • Professional workers in industries important to the state will leave their jobs in order to preserve their pensions.
  • In addition, such a decision contradicts the legislative right to pension provision for citizens.

Therefore, this bill not accepted. It was decided to maintain payments to pensioners, and to reduce pension costs for working pensioners by canceling the indexation of their pensions.

Social support measures for pensioners

For citizens receiving or for other reasons, certain support measures have been developed in the form of benefits, compensation and other opportunities. Certain benefits also apply to working pensioners.

There are some advantages in labor relations for working pensioners compared to other employees:

  • A pensioner can resign from work at his own request by declaring this any day. This category of employees is exempt from the obligation to notify the employer of their dismissal 2 weeks in advance.
  • The employment relationship with a working pensioner can only be terminated on a universal basis.
  • Upon written application, a pensioner can take vacation without saving payment(quantity calendar days per year: pensioners by age - 14; WWII veterans - 35; working disabled people - 60).

A pensioner can use the employment service to improve his skills or gain a new one in another field of activity.

Workers receiving a pension, just like tax benefits:

  • exemption from personal income tax for pensions, financial assistance issued by the employer, compensation for the purchase of prescription drugs, insurance payments under voluntary pension insurance contracts;
  • tax deduction for compensation of the cost of vouchers to sanatoriums and health centers, amounts transferred by the employer for the purchase of technical devices and rehabilitation means for working disabled people;
  • tax deduction for amounts spent on the purchase of housing, land for the construction of a residential building, housing construction, or amounts received upon their sale;
  • exemption from property tax;
  • regional benefits for transport and land taxes.

Medical benefits provide for pensioners to undergo free medical examination (once every three years), as well as free flu vaccination for persons over 60 years of age.

Social benefits are established for pensioners regionally. It could be a free ride to public transport or benefits and compensation when paying for utilities, etc.

Working pensioners from the Far North and similar territories (unlike non-working people) do not have the right to compensation for the cost of tickets to their vacation destination and back.

Working military pensioners have additional benefits:

  • exemption from transport and land taxes;
  • placement out of turn for work in a civilian specialty;
  • extraordinary receipt of places for children and grandchildren in kindergartens, schools, etc.


The government is considering various options reducing pension costs for working retirees. But still, some positive aspects in pension provision for this category of citizens remain:

  • a working pensioner has the right to receive both a pension and additional income;
  • work in retirement increases the amount of pension benefits. Due to the deduction of insurance contributions, the pension coefficient used in the recalculation of pensions increases;
  • delaying the registration of a pension for a year or more makes it possible to receive an increased amount due to the provided increasing coefficients;
  • pension for a working pensioner not indexed, however, after his dismissal, his benefit will be indexed in full for the entire period for which he did not receive indexation;
  • Many benefits and compensation provided for non-working pensioners also apply to working recipients of pension benefits.

Cancellation of pensions for working pensioners in 2016 is not planned, although this issue has been discussed quite a lot. For now, only the possibility of indexation has been canceled for working pensioners.

Reasons why working pensioners have questions

In 2016, a rather difficult economic situation developed in Russia, caused by several reasons, both external and internal. In order to reduce budget expenditures, revenues of which have decreased significantly due to the general economic downturn, the leadership of the Russian Federation is forced to take measures that are not very popular, but temporarily justified. These include, in particular, reductions in pension payments.

Will the pension be canceled if I work?

Question about abolition of pensions for working pensioners since 2016, indeed, it has been considered, and in 2 options:

  • cancellations in general;
  • cancellations for those with an annual income of more than 1 million rubles.

While no decision has been made on any of the options, working pensioners continue to receive pensions. But it is possible that this issue will be returned to consideration by the end of the year.

Everything about indexation of pensions for working pensioners

A temporary measure to support the economy was the decision to index pensions in 2016:

  • A significant reduction in the indexation percentage legally tied to inflation - a decision was made to reduce it by 3 times (to 4%) in comparison with the inflation rate (12%).
  • Social and insurance pensions of non-working pensioners will be subject to indexation, i.e. those segments of the population who do not have other sources of income (clause 1 of article 4 and clause 1 of article 5 of the RF Law “On the suspension of certain provisions of legislative acts of the Russian Federation ..." dated December 29, 2015 No. 385-FZ).
  • Pensions of working pensioners will not be indexed (Clause 1, Article 7 of the Law of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2015 No. 385-FZ), however, all indexation coefficients will be taken into account in the pension that was not indexed during work, when the pensioner stops working (Clause 3, Article 7 of the law RF dated December 29, 2015 No. 385-FZ).

To abolition of indexation of pensions for working pensioners did not entail a worsening of the situation of those persons who left their jobs at the end of 2015 and in 2016, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation should be promptly informed about such changes:

  • For the period from October 2015 to March 2016, this is done by the pensioner submitting an application to the Pension Fund (Clause 2 of Article 7 of the Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2015 No. 385-FZ).
  • From April 2016, employers will be required to report monthly to Pension Fund according to another form, which provides for the presentation of information on the composition of employees (Article 2 of the Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2015 No. 385-FZ).


The difficult economic situation in the Russian Federation has led to a number of decisions aimed at reducing budget expenses. These, in particular, include the abolition of indexation of pensions for working pensioners. There are no plans to cancel pension payments for them in 2016.

Rumors that pensioners will be banned from working in 2016 have been circulating since the very beginning of this year. To date, no regulations have been adopted that would deprive working pensioners of pensions. What was the reason for the speculation?

Pensioners will no longer receive pensions

In February 2015, Labor Minister M. Topilin announced that pensions would not be paid to those working pensioners whose annual income reaches a million rubles. This is not the largest part of the country's pensioners, however, the innovation could negatively affect more than 200 thousand people. To get into this category, you must have a monthly income of 83 thousand rubles (salary, pension, and other payments are taken into account here).

To date, the law abolishing the payment of pensions to working and pensioners receiving an income of more than a million rubles a year has not been adopted. This can happen only next year, that is, pensioners will be prohibited from working only from 2017.

Working pensioners will not have their pensions increased

In 2016, it is planned to increase pensions in February. Indexation is planned at 4%. But retirees who continue to work will most likely be left without this supplement. The government does not rule out a second indexation of pensions during 2016, but today it is impossible to talk about the amount of increase and whether pensions for working pensioners will be indexed in the second half of 2016. The 2016 budget does not provide for an increase in pension payments for those who continue to work.

Of course, the increase in pensions in 2016 by 4 percent will not compensate for the prevailing inflation in the country. Even the official inflation rate already reaches 12 percent, and the real one is even higher. Subject to economic growth, pensions in 2016 could be indexed by a total of 12%. This will not apply to working pensioners, because it is assumed that pensions are payments to those people who have lost their labor function. If a person continues to work, pension payments do not comply with the principles of social justice.