Raising a child on your own is difficult not only from a moral point of view, but also from a material point of view. It is even more difficult to do this in Moscow, since the capital is traditionally characterized by high prices for basic and related groups of goods for children. To make the task easier for single women, the state provides various benefits and benefits. In 2019, some points of these social programs will remain unchanged, while others will be reviewed and changed.

In the fall of 2017, the Moscow government supported the initiative to increase certain types of benefits for this category of women. In addition, social authorities are constantly conducting explanatory work regarding which women are entitled to receive such payments, since the legal concept of “single” differs from the generally accepted one.

Muscovites have the right to an additional list of payments. In October 2017, the mayor of Moscow took the initiative to raise certain types of benefits. The adopted program also applies to single mothers.

Throughout 2019, single mothers who are Muscovites will have the right to receive the following types of monthly financial assistance:

  • before 3 years – 15 thousand;
  • compensation for regional price increases – 750 rubles. for the poor and 300 rubles. for everyone else;
  • compensation for regional increases in prices for baby food – 650 rubles. (until the baby reaches three summer age).

If a single mother living and registered in Moscow gave birth to a third or more child, she can receive an additional 18.7 thousand monthly until the age of three for each child.

All regional additional payments and benefits provided to single mothers in Moscow are multi-level. This means that if a woman simultaneously falls into 2 categories for which payments are provided (for example, a single mother and a mother with many children), she has the right to receive all such benefits in full without any restrictions.


Single mothers living in Moscow in 2019 will be able to take advantage of not only special payments, but also preferential programs. Their list includes:

  • natural help;
  • privileges;
  • additional rights;
  • labor privileges.

Natural help:

  • free clothes for newborns;
  • sets of linen for infants;
  • free baby food from dairy kitchen up to 2 years old;
  • essential medicine kits;
  • massage course in a children's clinic;
  • two meals a day at school;
  • Providing vouchers to health institutions for preschoolers and schoolchildren.


  • extraordinary admission to the selected preschool educational institution;
  • discount on payment for educational and educational services in preschool educational institutions in the amount of 50%;
  • reduced cost of education in schools;
  • preferential participation in the “Housing” program to solve housing problems;
  • benefits for paying for services provided by housing and communal enterprises.

In addition to all of the above, single mothers in 2019 will be able to take advantage of the following labor privileges:

  • until youngest child is under 14 years of age, the employer does not have the right to dismiss a woman even if she is not suitable for the position;
  • in the event of liquidation of the enterprise, the employer is obliged to provide another place of work with a level wages not lower than the previous one;
  • at any time of the year, a single mother has the right to extraordinary leave without pay for a duration of no more than 14 days;
  • exemption from night work, business trips, overtime work, as well as going to work on holidays or weekends (if the woman provides an official refusal in writing);
  • additional sick leave benefit, which depends on length of service (first 14 calendar days sick leave – 100%, next days – 50% of salary);
  • sick leave until the child is seven years old is paid in full, regardless of its duration;
  • the opportunity to work on a reduced daily schedule until the child turns 14 years old;
  • When applying for a job, the status of a single mother cannot be considered a sufficient reason for refusal, therefore, in case of refusal, the employer is obliged to provide an explanation of the reasons in writing or electronically.

In addition, a single mother has the right to a reduction in the amount of income tax paid. Its size will depend on the number of children and the woman’s salary.

The entire complex of national and regional payments, subsidies and benefits for single mothers is aimed at ensuring that, with the help of the state, a woman can provide a decent level of organization of life and education for her children.

Single mothers will receive increased child allowance: video

What payments are due to single mothers in 2018?

In 2019, women raising children alone will have the following social privileges:

  1. Maternity benefit. Single mothers in 2019 are entitled to additional maternity benefits. Thus, a woman who is unmarried and, upon the birth of a child, did not receive a record of the father on the baby’s birth certificate, can qualify for maternity benefits corresponding to 100% of the average salary in the woman’s region of residence. Also, during the period of incapacity for work after childbirth, a woman is entitled to a cash payment established by local authorities social protection.
  2. Compensation for baby food until the child reaches 3 years of age. The state understands that a woman who is fully responsible for a child without the participation of his father needs help from the state. Thus, compensation for the costs of baby food is one of the fundamental forms of support.
  3. Benefits for paying for housing and communal services. Since there is no escape from the consumption of utilities, and every single mother needs to have a sufficient amount hot water to bathe the baby, wash. Heating to keep the house warm, as well as the cost of electricity or gas to prepare food for the child - this also takes a lot of money. Therefore, in 2019, women raising children on their own and legally receiving the status of “single mother” can count on compensation for the costs of paying for housing and communal services.
  4. Enrolling a child in kindergarten without a waiting list. In order for a single mother to be able to enroll her child in kindergarten without waiting in line, she needs to obtain the appropriate certificate. You need to contact her at the state kindergarten and there already, the director kindergarten, must accept an application to register the baby at their institution.
  5. Free 2 meals a day at school. This benefit is also available to children raised by a single mother. At the same time, a woman can have more than one child, and all of them are entitled to this benefit. In order to provide your child with two meals a day during school, you must also collect the necessary package of documents confirming the lack of financial support from the father. You will learn about this in one of the following sections of this article regarding obtaining the status of “single mother” or “single mother”.
  6. A trip to the sanatorium. If a child (children) has health problems, then single mothers in 2019 will be entitled to a benefit for a free trip to the place of treatment, as well as free treatment procedures, according to medical indications.
  7. A single mother cannot be fired from her job due to staff reduction. This privilege was valid previously. This means that an employer does not have the right to fire a single mother under a staff reduction “program,” since a single mother is a socially needy category of the population. Even if an employee, a woman raising a child on her own, does a poor job, she cannot be fired. In order for an employer to dismiss such an employee on his own initiative, there must be actions on her part that violate Labor Code. These include: absenteeism, showing up at work while drunk, disclosing secrets, committing immoral acts, theft, or the complete liquidation of the organization itself. In the latter case, a single mother will not be able to do anything about her dismissal.
  8. Overtime work, night shifts and weekend work are prohibited. Until the child turns 5 years old, the employer cannot engage the employee to work beyond the norm, at night and on weekends. This time is protected by the state, which the mother is obliged to spend with the baby.

Payments to single mothers in 2018

In 2019, single mothers will be able to receive several forms of monetary compensation. Undoubtedly, such support from the state is very significant, since the amounts of money, in principle, are not small.

Benefits for single mothers in 2019 will be indexed to 4% like all other social payments to other categories of citizens. Also, from January 1, 2019, pensions and wages will be indexed by the specified percentage. In the table below you can see how child benefits for single mothers will change in 2019.

Table: Children for single mothers in 2019

Amount of monthly benefit for child(ren):
2017 2018
From 0 to 1.5 years RUR 2,228 2317.12 rub.
From 1.5 years to 3 years RUR 3,248 RUB 3,377.92
From 3 years to 7 years RUB 1,115 1159.6 rub.
From 7 years and older 558 rub. RUB 580.32
Amount of monthly benefit for children of single mothers:
From 0 to 1.5 years RUB 4,456 4634.24 rub.
From 1.5 years to 3 years RUR 5,476 5695.04 rub.
From 3 years to 7 years RUR 2,228 2317.12 rub.
From 7 years and older RUB 1,114 RUB 1,158.56
Amount of monthly benefit for children whose parents evade child support payments
From 0 to 1.5 years RUB 3,063 RUB 3,185.52
From 1.5 years to 3 years RUB 4,083 RUB 4,246.32
From 3 years to 7 years RUB 1,671 RUB 1,737.84
From 7 years and older 835 rub. 868.4 rub.
  • 40% of salary(if the single mother worked before going on maternity leave). This benefit from the employer is paid to a single mother on a monthly basis until the child turns 18 months old.
  • 3000 rubles – allowance from the employment service. It is paid to a single mother monthly if the woman is listed as unemployed. These cash payments are assigned monthly until the child (one) turns 18 months old.
  • 5,800 rubles – allowance from the employment service. Paid to an unemployed single mother with two or more children until they are 18 months old.
  • Cash payment equal to the cost of living in the region . Assigned to single mothers with low-income family status for their third and subsequent children. Single mothers receive this financial support from the state until the third and subsequent child(ren) turn 36 months old.
  • 17,000 rublesrely on every child born. This amount is paid once as support to families during the birth of the baby (no matter what the birth date is). This money can be spent on a stroller, clothes and other necessary things in the first stages of the baby’s life. This amount of money is paid to all women: both single mothers and married women. And it doesn’t matter whether a woman works or not. This amount is due regardless of labor activity. To apply for this benefit, you must contact social security at your place of residence. The woman must provide a certificate stating that the second parent did not receive this benefit. If this is a single mother, then such a woman must be shown certificates confirming her status. It is already clear from this that the child does not have a father.
  • 10,000 rubleswill pay from 2019 for each first child until the child reaches 1.5 years of age. This monetary compensation is due to all women: both single mothers and those whose child’s father is legally assigned. The Russian government plans to pay this benefit until 2022. Its amount will increase compared to 2019 and is expected to be 11,000 rubles. The Government of the Russian Federation annually considers issues of those in need of state support, which is an integral component in making decisions on the creation of new support programs for different categories of citizens.
  • 6,200 rublesplaced on the second child until he reaches 3 years of age. This money is also paid for the maintenance of the baby to all women, both single and married or who have a legally designated father of the child on the birth certificate. This governmental support is undoubtedly a good help for any woman, however, in the Government of the Russian Federation this social supplement is still being discussed (You need to check with social security at your place of residence). Raising a child is one of the most difficult tasks and every woman in the state needs such support. In recent years, cash payments to women for having children have been increased many times, and payment programs have been expanded. This has a good effect on demographic growth, that is, the birth rate in the country, which is undeniably important for economic growth in the State. To receive this benefit, a woman can be either unemployed or employed. This does not affect the payment of benefits.
  • Child benefit for low-income status until the child reaches 18 years of age. A single mother, having given birth to several children, can qualify for the status of a “low-income family.” Such a family is entitled to additional benefits and benefits, provided differently in each individual region. To find out how much a single mother can get additional funds According to this status, she needs to contact the social protection department at her place of residence. There they are obliged to explain to her all the details of receiving the required payments in their city.
  • Help from the state in kind. A single mother can receive support for her child in her region in the form of a set of clothes and food. In each region, the amount of this assistance from the state may differ. Therefore, for detailed information, you need to contact the social security department at your place of residence.
  • Certificate maternity capital 453,026 rubles. Every single mother who gives birth to her second child will be able to receive this amount in 2019. This amount of money is due to any mother, regardless of her married status or whether the father has a child. The certificate is issued to all women in 2019 upon the birth of their second child. Read in the corresponding article, what can you spend your maternity capital on?

Single mother definition by law

To qualify for child benefits for single mothers in 2019 and beyond, a woman must have official single mother status. In order to receive the required payments, it is not enough to simply say that “I am a single mother.” For this there must be certain conditions. So, when a woman can claim the status of “single mother”:

  1. There is a dash in the “Father” column on the child’s birth certificate.
  2. If the woman has not submitted an appropriate application to the civil registry office at her place of residence regarding paternity.
  3. If a woman adopted a child and was not married.
  4. If, in court, a woman was unable to obtain recognition of paternity in relation to the alleged father of the child. That is, the man disputed his involvement in the birth of the baby on the basis of a genetic examination.
  5. A woman who gave birth to a child 300 days after the divorce. If the child is born earlier, it will be considered that his former spouse is his official father.
  6. If a woman gives birth to a child before the end of 300 days after the divorce, but ex-husband challenged paternity in court, having undergone a DNA test confirming his non-involvement in the birth of this child.
  7. If a woman adopted a child while married, but her legal husband refused to participate in the adoption.

To avoid confusion with the definition of who a single mother is, let's look at the cases in which a woman will not be assigned this status:

  • The woman gave birth to a child, is married, but her husband lives separately. In such cases, the woman is not a single mother. In this case, it is necessary to contact the bailiffs for the collection of alimony for raising a joint son, daughter, or children.
  • The woman gave birth to a child and, when registering a birth certificate, independently indicated the father’s name and patronymic. In this case, it will be considered that the child has a father and he is obliged to bear financial obligations for his maintenance.
  • Widows. If the child’s father died for some reason, then the woman is not a single mother. She must apply to the Pension Fund for a survivor's pension.
  • A woman is considered a single mother if, in court, he deprives the child’s father of parental rights through the court, and the child’s father does not file a counterclaim with the court to appeal this decision within the established time frame.

Women should also take into account the fact that if they write the child's father on his birth certificate, the man will be officially considered the father, even if he is not biological, until he challenges this in court.

How can a woman obtain single parent status?

To obtain the status of a single mother, a woman must apply to the social protection authorities at her place of residence. You must have the following package of documents with you:

  1. Statement of the established form. Should be issued by social security specialists at the department.
  2. Passport (sometimes you can use another identity document instead, such as a driver’s license).
  3. Child's birth certificate.
  4. Certificate of family composition.
  5. Certificate in form No. 25. Issued by the registry office. Contains information about the birth of a child: who the child’s parents are, where and when he was born, when the birth certificate was drawn up and in which registry office.
  6. Income certificate showing the woman’s need for social support from the state.
  7. A certificate from the employment service stating that the woman is not registered with this organization and does not receive unemployment benefits.

Step-by-step instructions on how to obtain single mother status

The status of a single mother gives many rights to both mother and child. These include benefits for housing and communal services, free meals for a child at school, the opportunity to enroll a child in kindergarten without waiting in line, and benefits for travel to public transport, and compensation for treatment costs and much more. City payments to single mothers are regulated differently in each region, and for details you need to contact the social security department at your place of residence. To obtain single mother status you need to do the following:

  1. Register the child at the registry office and obtain a birth certificate. Do not enter someone’s name in the “Father” column, otherwise it will be very difficult to obtain the necessary legal status.
  2. Receive a certificate in form No. 25 along with your birth certificate by writing a corresponding application. Usually, the registry office offices have forms for drawing up an application for this certificate.
  3. Contact the social security department at your place of residence with an application for the appropriate “single mother” status.
  4. Provide a set of documents listed in the list above. Be sure to make several photocopies of all documents, since the social security department may ask you to bring copies, but they often do not make these copies on site.
  5. Get a single mother (single mother) certificate.

After submitting documents to obtain single mother status, the application will be considered within 30 days. After 30 days, you need to contact the social security authorities again for the result. Having received a single mother's certificate, she will be able to apply for the appointment of all due pension, benefits and payments.

To receive money, you need to contact the social security authorities again (you can immediately after receiving the ID), take an electronic queue coupon, or join the live queue and wait for a conversation with a specialist. There, when you talk to a specialist, you need to find out exactly what payments are due in your case.

For example, the following cannot count on such help:

  • People retirement age, permanently residing outside the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • military pensioners who were not included in the initial list for receiving payments - however, after numerous disputes, this category can still count on monetary compensation.

The list of persons falling under the preferential category for receiving a one-time benefit includes entities receiving the following payments:

  1. Insurance pension according to the pension program.
  2. Old age pension payments.
  3. Compensation for the loss of a breadwinner.
  4. A disability pension, and disabled children are also entitled to one-time assistance.

Also, working people and, after numerous disputes, military pensioners receive a one-time benefit. A one-time benefit has both its advantages and disadvantages.

Pensioners will receive a one-time payment in 2018

Initially, the list of pensioners claiming a one-time payment did not include persons receiving benefits not from the Pension Fund, but from various departments, including military pensioners. After analyzing the planned changes and assessing the federal budget, Head of State Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin nevertheless gave instructions to his subordinates that military pensioners should also receive a one-time payment.
Positive and negative aspects of one-time compensation Today it is already known for certain that one-time payments to pensioners in 2018 should be made. This allows you to consider all the pros and cons of this type of compensation.

Recalculation of women's pensions for children in 2018

In January 2017, every Russian pensioner received a “royal gift” from the state - a one-time payment in the amount of five thousand rubles. This decision was made in order to mitigate the situation with the lack of a second indexation of pensions in 2016.
The money has been received, and a logical question arises: will there be a lump sum payment to pensioners in 2018? CONTENT

  • Who is entitled to a lump sum payment in Russia?
  • Pros and cons of a lump sum payment
  • Latest news about lump sum payment in 2018: size and when it will be paid

Not all pensioners are eligible for a one-time payment.

Will there be a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles in 2018?

Federal budget funding is transferred through departmental ministries (FSB, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc.). In 2017, the monetary allowance was adjusted by 4%.
Military personnel have the right to count on two types of benefits - from their department and the Pension Fund. The insurance portion is assigned to a former military man if he:

  • reached retirement age;
  • earned established minimums of civilian experience and credits.

The civil part will be indexed according to generally established rules, the departmental part will be increased in 2018.
a separate regulatory document.

They will still pay extra non-working pensioners to level living wage, if the amount of assigned content is lower. An innovation was the designation of the total amount of material support.

Additional payment to pension for children for pensioners

Regarding the amount of this type of compensation, it will be 5 thousand rubles. Regardless of the type of pension, all contributed categories will receive compensation in the same amount.
The indicated amount is explained by the fact that it is similar to what pensioners should have received in the event of indexation. Who is entitled to a lump sum payment? In January of this year, almost all citizens who reached retirement age received such one-time assistance in the amount of 5,000 rubles: old-age pensioners; disabled people; persons receiving survivor benefits; working pensioners.


The only exceptions were pensioners living abroad. The reasons for this are very clear - since such citizens do not live on the territory of the Russian state, they are not able to assess the increase in inflation in the country, and accordingly, they do not need any material compensation.

One-time payment to pensioners in 2018


Federal beneficiaries receiving monthly cash payments (EDV, NSU) will have their additional payments indexed starting February 1, 2018. Elderly people who continue to work will receive an August adjustment without a statement based on the results of their work.

What was new was the change in the rules for resumption of indexation due to termination of employment in 2018. The Pension Fund of Russia carries out recalculation 3 months after the date of dismissal of the employee, awaiting the reporting documentation of the former employer.

Previously, the new amount of state support was paid after this period. According to the new procedure, the citizen will be compensated for the difference between the indexed and previous benefit amount for these three lost months.

Supplement to pension for children born in the USSR

Disadvantages of replacing full-fledged EDV indexing:

  1. Those who are assigned benefits above the national average suffer inflationary losses.
  2. Pensioners who are citizens of the Russian Federation living abroad are not taken into account for the one-time payment.
  3. With timely recalculation of state benefits based on inflation, the amount of the monthly pension:
  • would increase by a surcharge, valid continuously for all subsequent years;
  • would serve as a basis for future indexing.

Should we expect EDV in 2018? In 2017, the Government returned to the previous version of subsidies. On February 1, insurance benefits were indexed by 5.4%, on April 1 - 0.38%. The overall increase was 5.8%. Thus, the state complied with the legislation. Will there be a lump sum payment to pensioners in January 2018? This is the question most often asked to Pension Fund employees. The amounts quoted are 5,000, 10,000 rubles.

  • disabled people insured in accordance with Federal Law-167, with work experience without establishing its duration;
  • disabled family members of the deceased breadwinner.

A 4.1 percent pension increase is expected:

  • disabled people (with complete lack of experience);
  • old-age pensioners who have not completed their length of service and have not accumulated points;
  • northerners from small peoples age 50 (women), 55 (men) years;
  • WWII participants;
  • Leningrad siege survivors;
  • victims of radiation;
  • retired flight test personnel;
  • conscripted military personnel.

Pensioners will receive a lump sum payment in 2018 by breaking it down into fractional portions - monthly bonuses due to full indexing. The provision of military pensions is regulated by separate legislative acts.

Compensation for inflation costs with one-time assistance turned out to be beneficial for pensioners:

  • those who continue to work (benefits are not subject to indexation at all);
  • those whose monetary allowance is below the average level (the EDV was calculated based on the national average);
  • military personnel, former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, state security, fire service and other persons to whom benefits are assigned in accordance with Federal Law No. 4468-1.

Initially, it was intended to exclude the military from the list of EDV recipients. However, by decree of Russian President Putin, military personnel received 5,000 rubles.

What lump sum payments are eligible for pensioners with children in 2018?

The new legislation defines the category of pensioners who will not receive a lump sum payment to pensioners in 2018. There were many reasons of different nature accompanying this decision.

Important! The categories for which one-time compensation is not provided constitute a significant number. They differ significantly from each other. First of all, such pensioners are citizens living outside the state.

The government decided that these citizens do not need such payments, since their place of residence is in another country. At the initial stages of compiling the list of one-time payments to pensioners for 2018, military pensioners were not included in it, since most of them retire at working age.

However, lengthy disputes eventually changed the decision.
Married couples will also receive one-time cash payments on the occasion of their anniversaries. Celebrating 50th anniversary life together will receive 20 thousand rubles (in 2017 the payment amount was 10 thousand rubles), 55th and 60th birthdays - 25 thousand (in 2017 - 11 thousand and 12 thousand rubles, respectively), 65th and 70th birthdays - 30 thousand (in 2017 - 13 thousand and 15 thousand rubles, respectively).

Monthly compensation to pensioners will double in exchange for free travel on public transport, as well as on commuter trains. One-time payment in 2018: who is entitled to a one-time benefit.

Support for low-income and large families The amount of child benefits for low-income families will increase from three to 6.25 times. The increase in these payments will affect almost 300 thousand young Muscovites.

How to receive payments Federal Law No. 385, which replaced the planned percentage adjustment of the state pension provision EDV (5000 rubles), provided for the allocation of budgetary allocations for Russians receiving benefits in view of the laws:

  • №4468-1;
  • №166;
  • №400.
  • by mail;
  • to a bank account;
  • by proxy;
  • at your residence address.

Recalculations associated with the use of increasing indices and increasing the number of points earned are carried out by the Pension Fund without the initiative or participation of the insured person.

Information on pension contributions from the salaries of working older people is submitted by employers.

News reports concerning the pressing pension issue have again excited the minds of citizens with possible increases in pension payments. Various sources interpret the news in their own way: some name the amount of the pension increase, others claim that the increase is due to all women. But no references are given to the legislation that introduced a pension for children born before 1990. The conclusion that such information is unreliable is clear.

So, let's try to understand the essence of this issue: who is entitled to and how the pension is recalculated, as well as whether it is always profitable.

For clarification of this issue, we turn to messages and comments from representatives of the pension department. Thus, a message about this appeared last summer, which provoked a flurry of appeals to the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of Russia. The possibility of receiving additional payments is directly related to the pension points that are awarded to women while they are in hospital and caring for children. The latter is due to changes made to pension legislation and which began to work in January 2015. They conclude that while on maternity leave, a woman does not interrupt her service and receives pension points in the following amount:

  • 1.8 points when caring for the first child per year;
  • 3.6 – per year of caring for the second baby;
  • 5.4 – behind the third.

Thus, in total, for all maternity leave, a woman can receive up to 24 additional points towards her pension.

Based on this norm, women are invited to apply for pension recalculation. At the same time, it is noted that the latter does not always lead to an increase in the applicant’s pension, because sometimes it is more profitable to make calculations based on working periods, since pension points are calculated by salary, or rather, by the amount of contributions paid, which again brings us back to the importance of “white” payments employer.

The profitability of such a replacement is determined by specialists of the territorial branch of the Pension Fund of Russia that received such an application.

When summing up the results on this issue, the conclusion arises that fixed additional payments for maternity leave of the Soviet period should not be expected, and the recalculation itself is not always beneficial to pensioners.

In fact, such an innovation is relevant for those women who occupied low-paid positions during the Soviet era, and recalculation of the number of points will make it possible to equalize or increase their pension payments.

How does recalculation occur and where to apply?

Let's list general rules recalculation:

  • The calculation is made by Pension Fund employees only to those pensioners who actually benefit from it.
  • The basis for this is the statement of the pensioner himself.
  • There is no time limit for filing such an application.
  • The increase as a result of new data can be in the range from 50 to 700 rubles.

It makes no sense to submit such an application to those pensioners to whom pension payments have been accrued since 2015. When calculating their pensions, the most profitable accrual option was chosen a priori.

The process of applying for a new calculation can be done in the following ways:

  • Bring it to the territorial Pension Fund department in person or send it by mail.
  • Submit an application through your PFR personal account or through State Services.
  • Come to the nearest multifunctional center.

As for the application form, you can find it on the Pension Fund website, and if you contact the MFC in person, it will be provided by Center employees.

If recalculations are profitable, the increase will be accrued in the following month.

Documentation support for the application

Simply submitting an application is not enough; it must be supported by documents. Present:

  • A copy of the insurance certificate.
  • Copies of children's birth documents.

Birth certificates should also be confirmed with copies of their passports.

What else is taken into account when recalculating?

According to the law, children born before 1990 are not enough. A number of conditions must be met:

  • The pension must be granted before 2015.
  • At the birth of children, there must be official registration of maternity leave or a break from work.
  • If the child was born during the mother’s education, then only 1.5 years are counted.
  • Points are awarded only for 4 children.
  • Salary matters; until 2002 it should not be higher than the average amount monthly payments owing to working citizens of the country.
  • If the maternity leave period is replaced by the so-called “non-insurance” period, then more points will be awarded.

Thus, it makes sense to apply for a recalculation for those who have several children born during the designated period, as well as if they worked in low-paid positions.

About the intricacies of calculations

The premium itself is calculated based on parameters such as:

  • Number of children belonging to this period.
  • Periods working years– experience.
  • Income received for the billing period.

Here's an example of a calculation:

Citizen N has a child born in 1989, she was on maternity leave for 1.5 years, which means she can receive an increase of 2.7 points. In terms of money, the amount of the bonus will be 2.7 * 78.58 (the cost of a pension point) = 212 rubles 16 kopecks.

Ending the conversation

As a final note, we can list those categories of citizens for whom such an appeal is meaningless:

  • Recipients early retirement— these are already preferential categories of pensioners.
  • Recipients of special government payments in a fixed amount, for example, liquidators of accidents at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
  • Receiving pension accruals due to the loss of a breadwinner.

The above citizens will definitely have their applications rejected.

Adoption of a new law “On insurance pensions in the Russian Federation” No. 400-FZ dated December 28, 2013 made many adjustments to the law enforcement practice of assigning and paying pensions. An important innovation since the entry into force of this law was the calculation of pension payments from January 1, 2015 in relative units - points. It is especially noteworthy that according to the new calculation rules for periods of child care now additional, previously not provided for pension coefficients are accrued.

In this regard, rumors have begun to actively spread among the Russian population in recent months that thanks to the new law for women whose pension was assigned before January 1, 2015, it is possible to carry out the so-called (incorrectly) “recalculation of pensions for children born before 1990” by taking into account periods of child care for children under the new rules - in pension points.

It is worth noting that in reality year of birth of children before or after 1990 has no effect for the possibility of recalculation. The possibility and amount of the premium depends on completely different parameters that directly relate to length of service and the salary of the pensioner himself!

Thus, in reality, for Pension Fund employees there is no such thing, How "children born in the USSR"- neither before 1990, nor before 1991. Recalculation for replacing periods of work with non-insured periods of care can be done for any children regardless of their year of birth. In the practice of the Pension Fund of Russia, there really is such a milestone as 1991, but it only applies to pension valorization- this is an additional increase for “Soviet experience”, and it has nothing to do with children born before this period.

It should also be noted:

  1. This procedure does not apply to absolutely all women who have children and receive a labor (insurance) pension. And there is certainly no need to talk about any fixed additional payment (often they talk about some kind of non-existent increase of 300 rubles for each child) - in fact, everything is very individual, and for most people the amount of the “increase” received in the case of applying the new rules is completely may turn out to be negative!
  2. For questions regarding recalculation, please contact only to employees of your Pension Fund branch with the application and necessary documents. Only they, based on the materials of the payment case, can make correct preliminary calculations and determine whether it will be beneficial in each specific case or not!

Moreover, the deadline for submitting an application for recalculation not limited in any way, so there is no need to create a big stir around this issue. However, it must be remembered that date of application will influence on which month the pension amount will increase in case of a positive result (if you apply earlier, they will assign it earlier).

Therefore, in order not to create unnecessary queues and additional difficulties in the work of the Pension Fund, it is important to determine in advance in which cases a pensioner can most likely count on an increase, and when doing this makes no sense or is generally contraindicated!

What is this anyway and why are people talking about it only now?

Pension coefficients under the new law are calculated both for periods of working activity and for non-insurance periods, to which, according to clause 3, part 1, art. 12 Federal Law No. 400 includes periods of childcare for children up to one and a half years old, but not more than 6 years for all in total. Thus, in total, according to the new rules, periods of 1.5 years of care can be counted as length of service. no more than four children.

Currently Holiday to care for the child provided until they reach the age of 3 years. However, the insurance period for each child includes a period of no more than 1.5 years. Also, only up to the age of one and a half years is now paid.

What documents are needed to recalculate assigned pension payments?

For all questions regarding the recalculation of pensions assigned before January 1, 2015, for children born, you must contact the Pension Fund specialists, who will open the payment file and check whether it contains necessary documents and will calculate the amount of possible additional payment, and also tell you what additional documents will be required.

To recalculate the previously assigned pension payment must be submitted:

  • an application in the established form (filled out directly at the Pension Fund branch or in electronic form on the government services website);
  • identification document of the pensioner or her legal representative;
  • insurance certificate number (SNILS);
  • birth certificates of children, and in their absence - a certificate from the civil registry office about birth;
  • documents confirming the care of a child up to 1.5 years old - to choose from:
    • educational certificate;
    • child's passport.

If there is a mark on the child’s birth certificate indicating that he was issued a passport, it will be enough to present only this document, since such a stamp in itself already confirms the fact that the child was cared for up to 1.5 years of age.

It should be remembered that the obligation to submit the listed documents rests with the applicant. In addition, all necessary documents must be submitted in original or in the form copies certified by a notary.

How can I contact the Pension Fund for recalculation?

Recalculation of women's pensions according to the new rules for children born before or after 1990 is carried out only by application. For recalculation, pensioners need to contact the Pension Fund, namely its territorial body where the pension file is located.

At the same time, there is several ways to contact:

  • directly to the PFR client service in person or through your legal representative (if he has a notarized power of attorney);
  • at the MFC at your place of residence (if the service for accepting applications for pension recalculation is provided there);
  • through the post office, sending documents by registered mail;
  • through a single portal of public services, by filling out an electronic application or making an appointment with the relevant department, having previously selected the name of your locality in the upper right corner of the site.

You need to know that when choosing an electronic application, the applicant will still have to deliver the documents necessary for recalculation in person to the Pension Fund within five working days. If documents are sent by mail, the originals are not sent - these must be notarized photocopies.

If the PFR specialists make a positive decision, you will be able to receive the additional payment due only from the first day of the month following the submission of the application. Such a rule according to paragraphs. 2 p. 1 art. 23 of Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013 is valid for all pension recipients who apply for recalculation, entailing an increase in the payment amount.

I heard that according to the new law, women are entitled to a pension supplement for children born before 1991. I have two children, born in 1980 and 1985, I became a pensioner in 2014. Am I entitled to an increase and in what amount? And does the region of residence matter for receiving the bonus?

Indeed, it is possible to recalculate, according to the new rules, pension payments assigned before 2015 under the previously valid legislation. This can be done only after contacting the Pension Fund with an application - and then only if the new calculation option will be beneficial for you.

New rules are introduced according to federal law No. 400 of December 28, 2013 - that is, they apply to all citizens of the Russian Federation, and the place of residence in this case does not matter. There are also no additional regional supplements for including non-insurance periods in the length of service.

Without familiarizing yourself with the documents of the payment case, it is impossible to say for sure whether it will be possible to receive an additional payment, or whether such a recalculation will reduce the amount of the payment. It is also impossible to stipulate in advance the amount of such an increase! However, in any case, the amount of your initially established pension will not be revised downward.

You can see an example of recalculation and detailed description existing methods of its registration in the article Additional payment to the pension for children.

Welcome to website. In this article we will talk about additional payments to pensions for children. In July 2017, the pension fund in the regions began to provide explanations for changes in the law, which brought a lot of talk regarding whether there would be an addition to the pension for children.

Many thought that if a woman is retired, then she has the right to come with an application to the territorial department pension fund and receive a pension supplement if children were born before 1990. And the size of such an allowance could exceed several hundred rubles for each child.

Most of the women who applied independently to the pension fund actually received this bonus, which caused a lot of conversation among other mothers of pensioners. As a result, long queues began to form at pension funds, and employees had to give public and detailed explanations to pensioners.

It is worth knowing that now we are not talking about independent payment. Additional payment to the pension for children is made using recalculation. In accordance with changes in the law in 2015, labor pensions began to be calculated according to new rules, both upon reaching retirement age and for disability. And now the size of the pension is influenced not only by periods of work, but also by non-insurance periods, that is, caring for a child until he reaches the age of 1.5 years.

In relation to this allowance there are several important points things you need to know:

  1. Those pensioners who began receiving pensions after the beginning of 2015 do not need to apply for recalculation, since the advantageous accrual option is done automatically. Recalculation is carried out only if, when assigning a woman’s pension, periods considered non-insurance were not taken into account, or they were taken into account according to the old rules, for which points are now accrued.
  2. The time limit for writing an application is not limited, that is, a woman can come with an application to the pension fund at any time; documents are submitted not only in person, but also with the help of multifunctional centers (MFC) or when submitting documents through the government services portal (gosuslugi.ru ).
  3. The bonus that will be after recalculation is individual, and it is not guaranteed to all pensioners, since replacing the length of service with non-insurance periods is not always profitable. According to statistics, only 30% of women who apply receive an increase in pension, and the amount of the increase can be from several hundred rubles to several thousand.
  4. If during the recalculation the pension amount is reduced, then in fact this will not happen, since PF employees will simply refuse the recalculation.

Which pensioner will receive a pension supplement for children?

It is worth knowing that the year of birth of children does not play a special role in this case, that is, they can be born before 1990, and at any time after this date.

The opinion that an increase in pensions for children is given only at their birth before 1990 was created by the fact that when changes were introduced in 2015, a serious increase was given to those pensioners who not only have adult children, but also the so-called “Soviet” experience. It does not particularly affect the size of the pension, but it provides the most favorable conditions for converting this length of service into pension points.

This recalculation is carried out for these pensioners first. As a rule, such mothers reached retirement age and retired before 2015, and they already have an honorable age, that is, more than 70 years.

But this does not mean that if a woman had children after the collapse of the USSR, then she loses the right to recalculation. Most often, such a recalculation becomes simply unprofitable for a pensioner for other reasons. That is, if a woman’s experience began to form according to new Russian laws, after the collapse of the USSR.

It is worth knowing that those periods during which a woman cared for children do not automatically increase the size of the pension. Since those working periods that were taken into account make the greatest contribution to the amount of the pension than replacing them with a 1.5 year non-insurance period. At the moment, there are many options when replacing the length of service with a non-insurance period is beneficial or, on the contrary, unprofitable.

Options when replacing length of service with a non-insurance period is beneficial:

  • If a woman has two children whom she cared for until they were 1.5 years old.
  • When several children are born at the same time. For example, twins or triplets.
  • If at the time of caring for children the woman was not in an employment relationship or was studying.
  • If retirement occurred with a minimum length of service.
  • If the minimum wage was taken into account when calculating the mother’s pension, that is, lower than in the country.
  • If, taking into account all the circumstances, the accrued pension is below the subsistence level, then there is a minimum pension.

Options when replacing length of service with non-insurance periods is unprofitable:

  • If a pensioner has only one child.
  • If a woman has a long work history, which also involves caring for children.
  • If high wages were taken into account when calculating the pension. But wages, which exceeded 20% in the country until 2002, were not taken into account in the calculation, in other words, the income ratio for that period did not exceed 1.2, but this was enough so that recalculation for children did not provide additional payments to pension payments.

The law does not specify exactly who is entitled to an additional payment to the pension for children. As a result, it turns out that pension recalculation can be done for those women who have two or more children, and also for calculating the pension, the minimum length of service and low wages are taken into account.

Recalculation is not made to those women whose pension was assigned on preferential terms. These women include recipients of early pensions who have not reached retirement age. In this case, when replacing the length of service with a non-insurance period, the woman may lose the right to receive an early pension.

Calculation of points given for each child

In accordance with changes in pension legislation, the main indicator that affects the size of the pension is pension points. They are recorded in the personal account of each pensioner in the pension fund. Such points are reflected not in rubles, as was previously the case, but in relative units, that is, the amount of pension rights to receive a labor pension.

Pension points are generated on a personal account in two ways:

  1. With the help of insurance premiums paid by the employer. In 2019, the employer pays 22% of the employee’s total salary, 6% of this amount is allocated to the formation of a fixed fee, and 16% goes to a personal account in the form of pension points.
  2. When taking into account non-insurance periods, that is, if the pensioner does not work and insurance premiums are not deducted for him, then the state is responsible for the formation of the pension. These periods also include conscript military service for men, and caring for children under 1.5 years of age.

It is worth knowing that today parental leave is 3 years, but during the non-insurance period, which is taken into account, only half of this leave is spent. It is during this same period that a woman receives benefits for up to 1.5 years. Although this is unfair, due to the fact that children go to kindergarten when they reach the age of three, the woman is not able to go to work earlier and begin to provide for herself and the child.

At the time the pension is assigned, all points that are on the personal account and those that were accrued for non-insurance periods are multiplied by the legally established amount. In 2019, one point costs 87.24 rubles.

In accordance with the new law, the pension takes into account not only working periods, but also those when the woman was on maternity leave, but not more than 6 years in total. In other words, only 4 children are counted towards the pension. But it is worth knowing that the amount of points that will be awarded at the time of maternity leave will be different, depending on the order and year of birth of the child.

For one point in 2019, you get 87.24 rubles.

  • For care for one child with 1 year of care they give 1.8 points, and with 1.5 years of care - 2.7 points. Accordingly, the maximum possible additional payment will be 235 rubles.
  • For caring for a second child with 1 year of care they give 3.6 points, and with 1.5 years of care - 5.4 points. Accordingly, the maximum possible additional payment will be 471 rubles.
  • When caring for a third child, with 1 year of care they give 5.4 points, and with 1.5 years of care - 8.1 points. Accordingly, the maximum possible additional payment will be 706 rubles.
  • When caring for a fourth child, with 1 year of care they give 5.4 points, and with 1.5 years of care - 8.1 points. Accordingly, the maximum possible additional payment will be 706 rubles.

It is worth knowing that the maximum increase will be given only to those pensioners who were not in an employment relationship at the time of maternity leave, and this period was not taken into account when assigning a pension payment earlier.

Also, the maximum that was granted may be reduced in the following cases:

  • Exclusion from the calculation of non-insurance periods that were taken into account according to the old rules, since when the pension for children is recalculated, the length of service is replaced by a non-insurance period. That is, the salary that was taken into account when assigning a pension is replaced by points, and such a replacement is not always profitable.
  • A general reduction in working periods for a pensioner when a replacement is made.

It is worth remembering that an accurate recalculation of women’s pensions for children can only be made by a pension fund employee. It is carried out only on an individual basis, and the size of the increase with the same number of children will be different for all pensioners, since the formation of pension rights also occurs individually.

If at the time of recalculation the result becomes negative, then carrying out this recalculation becomes unprofitable and PF employees will refuse the pensioner, since the amount of the pension will be reduced.

Example of surcharge calculation

The woman began receiving old-age pension payments in 2012. As of January 1, 2002, when the formation of a pension in the country began through the payment of insurance contributions, its total work experience was 26 years, and the ratio of maximum earnings was 1.2.

A woman came to the pension fund to recalculate the pension for children born before 1990 during her work in 1979 and 1988. At the time of replacing the already recorded periods of work with two non-insurance periods, that is, caring for children until they reach 1.5 years, 3 years were removed from the total work experience.

As a result, there was a decrease in the length of service coefficient and the amount of valorization, that is, the revaluation of pension rights for the period before 1991. And the points that were awarded to her instead of this period were: 1.5 years * (1.8 + 3.6) = 8.1 points, in other words 660.07 rubles.

Since the recalculation led to a decrease in the size of the pension she received, the PF fund employees refused, and the increase in pension for 2 children was not awarded. And a woman who raised 3 children in the same situation may receive an increase of 150 rubles.

Registration of an increase in pension for children

A pensioner has the right to submit an application and all the necessary documents, on the basis of which an increase in the pension for children will be made, at any time convenient for her; the deadline for applying in this case is not limited.

If the decision made, after reviewing the documents, is positive, that is, as a result of recalculation, the pension amount will be increased, then the payment of the pension, taking into account the bonus, will be made from the first day of the next month. But additional payments to the pension for children for past periods, that is, those that were missed after the changes in the law came into force on January 1, 2015, will not be paid.

Submitting documents and applications can be done in one of several convenient ways:

  • By personal contact to the territorial department of the pension fund. But due to the fact that there may be a large queue of visitors to see specialists, it is recommended to make an appointment in advance. An entry is made on the official portal of the pension fund; registration is not required for this.
  • By submitting documents through multifunctional centers, that is, MFC. This service for accepting documents and applications for pension recalculation can be provided at the territorial office of the MFC. This requires working interdepartmental interaction between the pension fund and the multifunctional center itself. Today, this service is provided at MFCs in all major cities of the country.
  • Using the Internet and the state service portal (gosuslugi.ru). In this case, the application and all necessary documents are submitted via the Internet in electronic form on the official portal of public services. But to submit documents, you must have a confirmed account in the unified identification and authentication system, in other words, the Unified Identification and Authentication System. After submitting an electronic application through the state portal, the pensioner is obliged to bring, within 5 working days, to the branch of the pension fund to which the application was submitted, all the documents necessary for recalculation. If the documents are not provided within this time, the application will not be considered and will need to be submitted again.
  • Registered letter via Russian Post. When using this method, the pensioner will have to independently fill out an application for recalculation, which is provided in the form approved by law. A sample of filling out this application is located on the official portal of the pension fund. But all original documents on the basis of which recalculation and additional payment of pensions for children will be made to pensioners are not sent by registered mail. You must send pre-made photocopies of all documents and have them certified by a notary. It is worth knowing that certification of documents by a notary is a paid service.

Documents that will be needed to complete the surcharge

Pensions for children born before 1990 and after this date will be recalculated only for those pensioners who cared for children before they reached the age of 1.5 years and retired before 2015. Recipients of insurance pensions and disability pensions have the right to apply for recalculation.

The recalculation takes place directly on the basis of an application written by the pensioner, which is submitted to the territorial branch of the pension fund, which makes the payment of pension accruals. Since it is in this pension fund that the pensioner’s pension file is located, on the basis of which the pension itself will be recalculated and an additional payment will be calculated for born children.

Since there is a regular declarative recalculation of pension payments, you need to write a regular standard statement, which is approved at the legislative level, in particular by Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated January 19, 2016 No. 14n. this statement is indicated in the second appendix to the administrative regulations on the provision of public services when assigning a pension.

In addition to the completed application, you must attach documents that are in the personal custody of the pensioner, these are:

  • A pensioner's identification document is usually a passport.
  • Certificate of compulsory pension insurance, in other words SNILS.

In accordance with the Law “On Insurance Pensions”, Article 23, paragraph 2, an application for recalculation of pension payments is accepted directly, subject to the provision by the pensioner of all documents required for its implementation.

To begin with, confirmation of the presence of non-insurance periods for a given pensioner occurs on the basis of those documents that are stored in the pension file, stored in the department of the pension fund, as well as on the basis of the personalized accounting information that is at the disposal of the pension fund employees at that time.

But if the information about non-insurance periods, that is, maternity leave until the child reaches 1.5 years of age, is incomplete or absent altogether, then in order to recalculate it, the pensioner needs to confirm it independently by providing an additional package of documents for this:

  • Birth certificates for each child who was cared for; if they are missing, you can order a birth certificate for children at the registry office.
  • Documents that will confirm that the children are one and a half years old. Such a document can be any document that was issued to the child by government authorities at a later age, that is, you can provide the child’s passport, school completion certificate, diploma from a higher educational institution, military ID or any other document.

If a pensioner submits a birth certificate for children, and it contains a stamp indicating that the child received a Russian passport after he or she reached the age of 14, then there will be no need to provide another supporting document, since this stamp will be sufficient for the pension fund employees. And on the basis of these documents, a recalculation will be made and, if the decision is positive, an increase in the pension for children will be assigned to pensioners.