In July 2017, regional branches of the Russian Pension Fund (PFR) began to provide information in open sources (meaning numerous publications in the media and on the official website of the PFR) long-awaited clarifications regarding the excitement that has developed since the beginning of this year in many regions of the country around the so-called “Increases in pensions for children of pensioners”.

According to previously circulated rumors, retired women, by submitting a corresponding application to the Pension Fund of Russia, can receive supplement to pension for children born before 1990(or generally in Soviet times until 1991 - including for adult children born before 1980), the amount of which for each child can reach up to several hundred rubles(accordingly, the more children a pensioner mother has, the larger the supplement will be).

Many women who independently addressed the Pension Fund on this issue, already really got it a permanent supplement to the pension for children in 2017, which caused an unprecedented stir among other pensioners. This led to the formation of huge queues at the Pension Fund client services and forced their employees to provide detailed explanations.

Let us immediately note that we are not talking about some kind of independent payment! An increase in pension for children is obtained as a result of recalculation due to the fact that according to the new law, from January 1, 2015, the calculation rules changed labor pension(assigned as for old age upon reaching retirement age, and for disability), and now its size, in addition to periods of work, is also influenced "non-insurance periods"- in particular, one of the parents (usually the mother) cares for each child until he reaches 1.5 years of age (Article 12 of Federal Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013).

To avoid any additional misconceptions in the future, you can immediately highlight for yourself most important points regarding receiving this increase:

For those pensioners who retired after January 1, 2015, no need to apply for recalculation, since the most profitable option has already been calculated and assigned for payment. Recalculation is due only if the woman has non-insurance periods that are not taken into account when a pension is assigned before January 1, 2015 or taken into account according to the old rules, for which pension points are now awarded in accordance with the new law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ.

Deadline for submitting an application for recalculation of pensions for women for children not limited in time- in other words, you can apply at any time, not only by personally contacting your branch of the Pension Fund, but also:

  • through multifunctional MFC centers- this opportunity is already available in most regions or will be available in the near future;
  • submitting an application remotely- via the Internet through a single portal of government services or by mail.
  1. Obtained as a result of recalculation pension supplement for children is individual and is not guaranteed for all pensioners, since replacing work experience with a period of child care will not always be beneficial.

    According to statistics, only in 20-30% of cases the size of the paid pension benefit can be increased, and the amount of the increase can range from several rubles to several hundred or, in some cases, may even exceed a thousand rubles.

  2. If the recalculation turns out to be “with a minus sign”, then the current pension amount will not decrease(since the deterioration of pension provision is not allowed by current law), and the employees of the Pension Fund will make a decision on refusal.
  3. Who is entitled to an additional payment to the pension for children?

Let us immediately note that The year of birth of children has no determining significance- they can be born before 1990, and at any time after this period.

The misconception that an additional payment is due only for children born before 1990 (1991) arose due to the fact that the new procedure for accounting for pension rights introduced in 2015 gives a significant increase in pensions for adult children to those pensioners who have predominantly “ Soviet" experience, which now has little effect on the size of the pension and which can be taken into account on more favorable terms for the pensioner in the form of pension points. It is recommended that they carry out such recalculation first. As a rule, the overwhelming majority of such mothers retired before January 1, 2015 (and they may already be at a very advanced age - they may be 70, 80 years old, or even older).

However, this is by no means does not mean that in the event of the birth of children after the collapse of the USSR, the woman will automatically lose the right to such a recalculation! Just, as a rule, it may not be beneficial for them for some other reason (for example, if seniority women formed mainly after the beginning of the 1990s under newer Russian pension laws).

Since January, Moscow has been increasing the size of the city standard for non-working pensioners, as well as a number of social benefits. the site tells how much social support will increase in the capital and who will receive increased payments.

Sergei Sobyanin called social support for Muscovites a priority for the coming years. Pensions, benefits, assistance to large and low-income families - these are just a few of the areas on which a significant portion of the city’s money will be spent from January 1, 2018. First of all, the increase will affect those who need social support more than others.

The amounts of increased payments were determined taking into account the opinions of residents of the capital. Sergei Sobyanin discussed what measures need to be taken to improve the lives of Muscovites during meetings with pensioners, veterans, large families, single mothers and parents of disabled children. Proposals were made by the Moscow City Council of Veterans, representatives of large families and other public organizations. The Moscow Mayor included in the draft budget exactly the proposals that were made at these meetings.

Help for pensioners and veterans

In Moscow it will increase minimum size pensions. The mayor of Moscow supported the proposal of the veterans council to immediately increase it by three thousand rubles. The city social standard will be 17,500 rubles. Already at the end of December, almost 1.4 million city residents will receive an increase in their pensions.

“If you take the last seven years, we started with 10 thousand rubles. Now there are already 17.5 thousand. That is, every year we are almost a thousand rubles the size of this minimum pension we raise. And in the future we will try to increase it as much as possible,” said Sergei Sobyanin.

Monthly compensation to labor veterans, home front workers and victims of political repression will more than double from 2018.

In addition, city benefits to veterans and participants in the defense of Moscow will double. They will be paid eight thousand rubles monthly instead of four thousand.

Additional compensation is provided for the capital's centenarians. Those who will turn 101 or older next year will receive 15 thousand rubles at a time. Married couples will also receive one-time cash payments on the occasion of their anniversaries. Celebrating 50th anniversary life together will receive 20 thousand rubles (in 2017 the payment was 10 thousand rubles), 55th and 60th birthdays - 25 thousand (in 2017 - 11 thousand and 12 thousand rubles, respectively), 65th and 70th birthdays - 30 thousand (in 2017 - 13 thousand and 15 thousand rubles, respectively).

Monthly compensation to pensioners will double in exchange for free travel on public transport, as well as on commuter trains.

Support for low-income and large families

The amount of child benefits for low-income families will increase from three to 6.25 times. The increase in these payments will affect almost 300 thousand young Muscovites. Almost five times - the monthly child benefit will increase for low-income families with children under three years old - up to 10 thousand rubles (in 2017 - two thousand rubles).

Payments to low-income mothers and single fathers, military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription, for a child under three years of age will be increased to 15 thousand rubles, and the amount of benefits for children over three years of age and benefits large families and families raising disabled children will receive twice as much. Monthly assistance for caring for a disabled child under the age of 18 or a disabled child under the age of 23 will amount to 12 thousand rubles (in 2017 - six thousand rubles). The same amount will be paid for a child under the age of 18 living in a family in which both or the only parent do not work and are disabled people of group I or II.

For large families with five or more children, the city will also increase monthly payments for the purchase of children's clothing, payment for housing, utilities, and telephone communications. Parents will also receive increased payments International Day family and Knowledge Day.

In the Moscow budget, the growth of social expenditures is twice as fast as the growth of other items. It is planned to allocate 430 billion rubles for social needs in 2018. Part of these funds will go to increase salaries for social workers.

From 2011 to 2017, budget spending on the social sector in Moscow has already been almost doubled. At the same time, the targeting of benefits was strengthened. For example, spending on subsidies and benefits for housing and communal services increased threefold, nine-fold on providing food and clothing assistance to the poor, and five-fold on providing disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation.

At the same time, the city launched a system of benefits for paying contributions for major repairs, which covered about four million Muscovites. As part of the reform of ground public transport, beneficiaries received the right to free travel on commercial buses.

Payments to low-income families

Monthly child benefit for families whose level of property security does not exceed the level of property security for the provision of social support measures to low-income families, established by the Moscow Government, and whose average per capita income does not exceed living wage, established by the Moscow Government per capita

for children aged from birth to three years:

Three - 6.25 times

in other families

3.3 - five times

for children aged three to 18 years:

single mothers (fathers), military personnel undergoing military service on conscription, a parent evading payment of alimony

Two - 2.5 times

in other families

Payments to large families

Monthly compensation payment for reimbursement of expenses due to the rising cost of living for families:

with three to four children

with five or more children

Monthly compensation payment for the purchase of children's goods to a family with 5 or more children

Monthly compensation payment for the purchase of children's goods to a family with 10 or more children

Monthly compensation payment for families with 10 or more children

Monthly compensation payment to a mother of many children who has given birth to 10 or more children and receives a pension

Annual compensation payment to families with 10 or more children on International Family Day

Annual compensation payment to a family with 10 or more children for Knowledge Day

Monthly compensation payment to reimburse expenses for housing and utilities for families:

with three to four children

with five or more children

Monthly compensation payment for telephone use for families with three or more children

Nine percent

Annual compensation payment for the purchase of a set of children's clothing for attending classes during the period of study

Payments to families of disabled people and families raising disabled children

A one-time payment to the families of marital anniversaries in connection with:

50th anniversary

55th anniversary

60th anniversary

65th anniversary

70th anniversary

One-time payment to centenarians aged 101 years and older

Monthly city cash payments to preferential categories

Monthly city cash payment to rehabilitated citizens and persons recognized as victims of political repression

Monthly city cash payment to home front workers

Monthly city cash payment to labor veterans and military veterans

Monthly monetary compensation in exchange for free travel to public transport public use in urban traffic

Monthly cash compensation in exchange for free commuter rail travel

Monthly cash compensation instead of free medicines

Monthly monetary compensation for the payment of local telephone services to citizens of preferential categories specified in paragraphs 4, 5 of Appendix 1 to the Moscow Government Decree of February 8, 2005 No. 62-PP “On the implementation of social support measures for payment for telephones”

Nine percent

Monthly monetary compensation for payment of local telephone services to citizens of preferential categories specified in paragraphs 1-3, 6-10 of Appendix 1 to Moscow Government Decree No. 62-PP dated February 8, 2005 “On the implementation of social support measures for payment for telephone payments”

Nine percent

Monthly social payments to older citizens

Monthly compensation payment to disabled people of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 and participants of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 in order to partially compensate for the cost of basic food products from the socially necessary set

Monthly compensation payment to disabled persons due to a military injury received during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, who have not completed the length of service for a full old-age pension (for length of service)

Monthly compensation payment to disabled people since childhood due to injury during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945

Monthly compensation payment to disabled women of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 and women participants of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945

Monthly compensation payment to persons awarded the “Honorary Donor of the USSR” badge for donating blood during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945

Monthly compensation payment to participants in the defense of Moscow

Additional monthly cash support for heroes of the Soviet Union, heroes of Russia, full holders of the Order of Glory, heroes of Socialist Labor, heroes of Labor of Russia and full holders of the Order of Labor Glory

56 percent

Monthly compensation payment to widows (widowers) of heroes of the Soviet Union, heroes of Russia, full holders of the Order of Glory, heroes of Socialist Labor, heroes of Labor of Russia and full holders of the Order of Labor Glory who have not remarried

88 percent

Monthly compensation payment to one of the parents of deceased (deceased) heroes of the Soviet Union, heroes of Russia

88 percent

Additional lifetime monthly financial support for persons of retirement age awarded the title “Honorary Citizen of the City of Moscow”

Monthly compensation payment to persons of retirement age who have been awarded the honorary title “People’s Artist of the USSR”; "People's Artist of the RSFSR"; "National artist Russian Federation"; "Honored Artist of the RSFSR"; "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation"

New benefit

According to the law, people who have reached retirement age (women 55, men 60) receive certain payments called an old-age pension. The size of these payments depends on the length of service and place of work of a particular person. There are situations when a pensioner is engaged in the maintenance and upbringing of minor children, in which case he is entitled to an allowance. The state also pays additional funds people who support a child receiving education in a professional educational organization. Additional payments to pensioners for children are made in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Grounds for accrual of funds

Additional funds to provide for minor children are paid as the insurance part of the pension. The calculation procedure is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions”. According to this legal act, pensioners who care for disabled citizens are entitled to fixed cash payments to the insurance part of the pension.

Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 958n determines the list of documents required to complete the procedure. Additional payments to pensioners with minor children are made only after submitting the required official papers.

Federal Law No. 4468-1 determines the procedure for payments to those persons who served in the criminal executive authorities, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and fire departments.

Necessary conditions for calculating the allowance

It is worth noting that additional payments to pensioners for children are made only if they are dependent on elderly people. This means that the pensioner fully supports and provides for the children. Payments are made only to those people who have reached a certain age and have retired.

Dependent status, which provides additional financial assistance from the state, is assigned next category of people:

  • under the age of 18;
  • if studying in secondary or higher educational institutions up to 23 years of age;
  • In case of disability, payments are made even after reaching the age of majority.

According to the law, children, brothers, sisters, and grandchildren can be recognized as dependents within the family. In this case, there is no need to prove in court that the person is actually fully supported and supported.

List of documents

As already noted, additional payments to pensioners for minor children are made only after all Required documents. These include:

  • Application for an increase in payment. A special form is issued by an employee of the authority; it must indicate the name of the institution where the application is being submitted, the personal data of the pensioner, information about minor children who are supported.
  • Birth certificates for each child.
  • Official paper confirming implementation labor activity.
  • A certificate stating that there have been no previous requests for an increase in payments.
  • Document form No. 9, issued at the passport office.
  • If the child is studying at an educational institution, it is necessary to submit a certificate confirming this fact.
  • If the child is disabled, a certificate of group assignment must be attached.

Additional payments to pensioners for children towards the pension are made only after a positive decision of the relevant body.

Procedure for processing documents

The above documents must be submitted to the pension fund at your place of residence. In addition, you should write an application for recalculation of the funds paid. Usually the appeal is considered within 10 days, then a decision is made. In most cases, if the applicant has done everything correctly, payments will be assigned. If pension fund employees identify any violations, you need to correct them and resubmit the application.

In order to achieve the appointment of a pension supplement, you can use a more modern method, namely through the State Services website. First you need to register on the portal and confirm your personal data. After this, you should select the “Pension Assignment” department and then follow the instructions. The screen will display fields that need to be filled out. Then, if everything is done correctly, you can submit your application. In this case, the verification and decision will take a month. This method is suitable for people who do not have time to apply to the pension fund on their own.

Amount of supplement for pensioners for children

To determine a specific amount, you need to pay attention to several factors. It depends on them how much money will be added to the pension:

  • number of children under age;
  • age of the pensioner;
  • whether a pensioner or child has disabled status;
  • place of residence.

So, in 2017, the additional payment to pensioners with 2 children is 4,270 rubles, for one - 3,416, and for three - 5,124. This is provided that the person maintaining the children has not reached the age of 80 and does not have a disability group.

Those citizens who are over 80 years old and who have dependents in accordance with the law receive the following payments:

  • for one dependent - 5970 rubles;
  • for two - 6832 rubles;
  • for three - 7680 rubles.

Now let’s consider the maximum amount of additional payment that is due to pensioners supporting minor children.

Largest payout amount

This benefit is claimed by those persons who have reached the age of 80 and have disabled status. The additional payment to pensioners for two children in this case will be 6,440-12,800 rubles. The specific amount depends on the assigned disability group. For one child, a payment is due in the amount of 4,000 to 11,200 rubles, and for three, from 7,200 to 14,400 rubles.

It is worth noting that residents of the Far North or equivalent territories have the right to receive a larger payment due to their living conditions. If children have reached 18 years of age and are undergoing training in a professional educational organization, the additional payment is 1500 rubles. All these figures may vary depending on the region of residence. To find out the amount a pensioner can claim, you need to consult with a pension fund employee.

Allowances for mothers of many children

According to the legislation of our country, women who have the status of mothers of many children can receive pension benefits earlier than others. To do this, you need to meet some conditions:

  • reach the age of 50 years;
  • have 5 children or more;
  • have a work experience of at least 15 years.

However, this category of citizens cannot count on any additional financial assistance. But every subject of Russia has the right to provide social support. Payments will be made from the regional budget and controlled by local authorities.

The additional payment to pensioner women for children (mothers of many children) in Moscow ranges from 4,000 to 9,000 rubles. In the northern capital of our country, the amount of payments is slightly less, about 3,000 rubles. It is worth noting that not all regions implement social support this category of citizens.

Features of receiving payments to mothers with many children

Currently, a woman raising four children can count on an increase in her pension benefit. This became possible after the amendments to Federal law"On insurance pensions." Only women who retired before 2015 can receive benefits.

There is now a points system in place. They are calculated according to the number of children, and the amount of the supplement depends on this. A woman who raises and supports two or more minor children has the right to receive an additional payment to the insurance part of the pension for each child.

If children reach the age of 18, but at the same time are studying at an educational institution, the supplement is made in a certain order. In order to receive payments, you should contact the pension fund with an application to recalculate the pension points that were accrued while caring for children.

Allowances for military pensioners

Additional payment to pensioners for children is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by law. The military is no exception in this sense. They can apply for bonuses to the insurance pension, to social benefits and for length of service (reserve military personnel). A military pensioner must write a corresponding application and submit the necessary documents. Payments are made for a preferential category of citizens. These include minor children, disabled people and students of educational institutions who are under 23 years of age.

The legislation provides for the following payments (as a percentage):

  • for one child - 32% of the size social pension disabled;
  • for two children - 64%;
  • for three children - 100%.

It should be noted that the payment is made only if the military pensioner does not receive social benefits.


Additional payments to working pensioners for children are made upon reaching retirement age. The state is trying to help this category of citizens in a difficult situation. Raising and supporting a child is not an easy task. Therefore, various benefits and allowances are designed to make life easier for pensioners and improve the conditions for providing for children.

In order to formalize this, you need to collect all the necessary documents, write an application and contact the pension fund at your place of residence. Within 10 days, employees of this body make a decision, and a payment in a certain amount is assigned. You can also receive payments using the State Services Internet service. To do this, you must register and create an application. Such an appeal is considered within a month.

According to the current legislation, for non-working persons of retirement age who have a dependent person of incapacity for work, an additional payment to the pension for children is assigned. Such bonuses are paid only until the child reaches the age of majority and for the period of his education, but until he reaches 23 years of age.

The amounts of such additional payments vary and depend on specific circumstances that must be notified to local PF authorities. For example, for a pensioner raising a child who is studying full-time, an increase in his pension is established at a fixed level (this is just over 1,500 rubles). But, as soon as the student stops studying or reaches 23 years of age, such payments stop.

Types of additional payments in 2019

What changes affected pensioners in 2019? There are several programs introduced, all of them are divided into federal and local. The first group includes the following allowances:

  • to an insurance pension;
  • to social benefits received;
  • for athletes, military pensioners.

The supplement to the pension for children in Russia applies to each existing child if he is a dependent, that is, is fully supported by an elderly person. This is financial assistance for those who have lost their parents, paid in the form of a fixed amount. It is calculated depending on the number of children:

  • for one child this is assistance in the form of 32% of the estimated amount of pension payments already received;
  • the additional payment to the pension for two children is already 64%;
  • for three dependents, an additional payment is assigned in the amount of the full payment, that is, 100% of the already accrued pension.

List of documents required for registration of accruals

In order for an additional payment to be made to the pension for minor child, you must provide the following package of documentation to the pension services department:

  • application for additional payments (separately prepared for dependents under 18 years of age and at the age of 18-23 years);
  • birth certificate for each child being raised (pre-certified copies can be provided);
  • work book (a copy certified by a notary is suitable);
  • certificates from the Pension Fund stating that the person applying for an increase in accruals, his spouse, children do not receive any labor or social special pensions at the time of application;
  • a certificate from the tax office stating that the person is not registered as an individual entrepreneur (issued at the place of residence);
  • a certificate of family composition, where a note about a dependent child is required; if there is no such mark, any document confirming this fact must be provided;
  • For full-time students, it is necessary to provide a certificate of study, which indicates the dates of enrollment, the type of form of study, and the end date (expected).

If the bonus has already been assigned and now only its extension is required, four documents must be prepared and submitted to the Pension Fund authorities. This is a work book or a copy certified by a notary, and three certificates, including:

  • a certificate from the tax office (it shows that the pensioner is not an entrepreneur or is not engaged in another type of labor activity at the time of submitting the documentation);
  • a certificate showing that dependent persons are disabled;
  • certificate from the place of study (for those studying at universities, schools, vocational schools).

Additionally, they may require a certificate of no payment social assistance or a special pension assigned to the child. Every year it is also necessary to submit an extract from an open personal account for accruals (for insured persons).

All certificates provided must be dated no earlier than 1 month before submitting them to the relevant authorities. When preparing documents, certification of some of them (work books, birth certificates) can be performed by employees of the Pension Fund departments during a personal reception or by employees of the Department of Internal Affairs (carried out at the place of residence).

Supplementation to women's pensions for children is made for upbringing and maintenance until the age of 23 (for students) or adulthood. Such amounts are calculated for each child, they are added to the usual pension payments for old age, as well as for benefits, for disability, for the loss of a breadwinner. To obtain such additional assistance, you must visit the regional PF authorities, submit the appropriate application and package of documentation. If necessary, the allowances are extended, but it should be remembered that they are canceled in some situations (the end of education of the student, receiving additional income, for example, a pensioner starting his own business).