There are paths that you need to go through yourself to feel how difficult they are. No one can tell you how difficult it is to raise one, two, three, four children. For the most part, in a friendly and smart family, no matter how many children there are, upbringing occurs simply and naturally. The challenges of parenting are the kind that bring joy. And sometimes the anxiety and tears that come through are the price to pay for the happiness that children bring.

Strictly speaking, it is extremely difficult to raise just one child if you set big goals for yourself - to raise a deeply decent person who distinguishes Picasso from Debussy.

But on the other hand, we are somehow accustomed to always taking a situation out of context, blaming it on the difficulties of upbringing when a person is already 10-15 years old. Here the question just arises - what did you do when he was 2-3 years old, when he turned 7 and is already 8. Very often, the difficulties of upbringing are born of us, when we bring the situation to its extreme point, and then try to correct it, strictly speaking, when nothing can be fixed. You can drown out the situation, you can smooth it out a little, but you can’t really fix it.

Yes, the most difficult, of all the calmest and longest, task is raising children. We can talk about this endlessly and on any initial occasion, including regarding the calculation of increases in the pension of a pensioner raising children. And so the occupation is difficult, and it requires a lot of effort, including physical effort, and then there’s the age of about 60.

The state, represented by the Pension Fund, understands this and is ready to help. Just don’t expect this help to be any significant. That's not a million for 20-year-olds. You won’t get it with this money.

Everything happens according to the general. According to this law, pensioners who support minor children are entitled to additional payments to their pension.

Of course, first you need to prepare documents, the list of which is specified by Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 958n.

Please note that there is another law related to the topic raised. It already applies to pensioners who have retired from the internal affairs bodies, from the structures of the Ministry of Emergency Situations - such pension supplements are accrued in accordance with Federal Law No. 4468.

Here are some provisions of the law according to which the Pension Fund operates Russian Federation.

  1. An increase in the pension amount is possible only if the child is fully supported by the pensioner and is no more than 18 years old. If the child is studying at an educational institution, then no more than 23. Age does not matter if the child is disabled.
  2. Payments are made only to persons who have reached and received their pension.
  3. The pensioner will not have to waste effort proving that the child is in his care. The simple fact that the child is officially his is enough.

Conditions affecting the amount of the premium

The amount of the bonus received depends on

  • number of children;
  • the age of the pensioner himself;
  • the fact of his work or non-work;
  • the fact of his physical condition - perhaps the pensioner has a disability.

Based on all the above conditions, if the pensioner has not yet turned 80 years old, a glorious age, at this age Valentino “conjured” his most exquisite perfume scent, and Vladimir Vladimirovich Posner still conducts his popular television meetings and looks “like a cucumber.” We rejoice, enjoy life, no matter what, at this age, but, oh, what a wealth of knowledge. You can’t buy it or just find it on the road. You need to go through this road first, from the very beginning, without turning off halfway.

So this is what the pension supplement for raising children is like if you are not yet 80:

  • if there is one child, 3,416 rubles are due;
  • if there are two of them - 4270 rubles;
  • if there are three – 5124 rubles.

If you are already the age of Valentino and Posner, then the premiums are higher:

  • if there is one child – 5970 rubles;
  • if there are two of them - 6832 rubles;
  • if there are three – 7680 rubles.

Unfortunately, not all “80+” pensioners manage to maintain “20 years” of health; many already have to switch to disability. In this case, the allowances become even higher, although they depend on the disability group:

  • if there is one child – from 4,000 to 11,200 rubles;
  • if there are two of them – from 6440 to 12800 rubles;
  • if there are three – from 7,200 to 14,400 rubles.

If a pensioner is so attached to the North that even at this age he decided to stay in this region, then the premiums become even higher, although here, however, there is the usual calculation “according to the northern coefficient” - in any case, it will be from 6,000 to 16,000. Read more about northern pension, read.

The situation becomes more difficult, of course, if the child has already crossed the threshold of 18 years and is studying at an educational institution, but he is still under 23. In this case, the pensioner is entitled to an additional payment of 1,500 rubles.

All these “from and to” should not frighten. It’s just that the pensioner must find out the specific amounts of the allowances and calculate together with the employee of the regional branch of the Pension Fund.

In general, in this situation, you will need to be in very close contact with PF employees, only calmly, trying to clarify all the nuances, without that treacherous feeling “that no one needs us here.” This is absolutely not true. “We are exactly needed here” to set an example of education and respect for life for Pension Fund employees, who are often only on the way to this.

And, in general, first an application is submitted on a special approved form outlining all the circumstances of the case related to receiving an allowance for children being raised for the state. Pride, more pride - you are performing a very important task for everyone. No one owes nothing to nobody. But everyone deserves respect.

In parallel with the application, all necessary supporting documents are prepared, The processing period for which is no more than 10 working days. In other words, submit on Friday the 10th, it is more reasonable to expect a response no earlier than Monday the 27th. Those who submitted documents 3 days later, on Monday 13th, may also come with you.

Among the documents, in addition to the application:

  1. Personal data of the person applying for the bonus.
  2. Information about children and their place of residence.
  3. Birth certificates for each child.
  4. Document about labor activity pensioner.
  5. Please note that a certificate is also required that the pensioner has not previously applied for such an allowance and is not receiving it.
  6. Document in form No. 9, issued by the passport office.
  7. If the child is already studying at a higher educational institution, then a certificate from there will also be needed.
  8. If the child, God forbid, is disabled, then it is also necessary to provide a certificate of disability.

In our age of computer technology, such an allowance can even be issued through the public services website. This is a very convenient feature. Even if it doesn’t give you unnecessary acquaintances, even if it doesn’t give you the opportunity to add an extra 2-3 kilometers to your movement program (and for a pensioner, movement is life, in the most literal sense of the word), it saves time.

Please take into account one more important detail - the state is now so zealously striving to develop services via the Internet that sometimes it seems that it is better to receive a service over the wire than through the receiving window of the Pension Fund of Russia, but this is a completely different topic, we are not even touching on it yet .

Thus, a pensioner, a citizen of his country, goes to the website of government services of the Russian Federation, logs in and is then “directed” to his personal account.

Now select the item - "Pension assignment" and fill out the text fields of the proposed form.

We submit the application and expect a decision within 30 days.

Firstly, I bow to the ground to such mothers, as Leonid Arkadyevich says, and he is absolutely right.

And, secondly, you can retire at 50 years old if you have at least 5 children. However, do not forget about your experience - it must be at least 15 years.

Well, and thirdly, in this case, it is not the national services that deal with the allowance, but the regional ones, therefore the amounts of the allowances are completely different.

For example, if we talk about Moscow, the amount of allowances for mothers with many children here ranges from 4 to 9 thousand rubles. In St. Petersburg, such a premium is fixed - 2820 rubles.

The matter is so important and so clearly characterizes, not so much the level of development of the region, but the level moral development leadership of this region that allowances of this kind are made in each region without fail.

However, the current federal law determining the calculation of pensions stipulates that mothers with more than 4 children should receive pension supplements.

This bonus can be received by those who retired before 2015 (for those who retired in 2015, child care periods are calculated automatically). At the same time, 6 years of experience are additionally counted for raising at least 4 children. In other words, in order to be able to receive an early pension at age 50, you need to have another 9 years of actual work experience.

Points are also awarded for the entire period of child care. In the submitted application for the bonus, there must be a mention of the need to recalculate points for the period of education.

This is the situation with these allowances - state aid for pensioners who at this age also dare to raise children.

Numbers! Of course, numbers, you can’t escape them. But it was no coincidence that we started the conversation with education, and it’s not about Picasso at all. Whatever the premium is, it is nothing if raising a child is spent on money. Hence the conclusion - getting these allowances is not at all difficult, at least, but our sovereign’s people have learned to respect families with 4-5 children, it is much more difficult to direct this money in the right direction, no matter how many there are.

Article current as of: December 2019

Pensioners with dependent minor children receive a pension supplement. An additional payment is also due for a child student under 23 years of age if he is studying full-time and does not work anywhere. The amount of the supplement to the pension for a dependent is determined as one third of the fixed payment to the insurance pension (IF).

  • The amount of the pension fund in 2019 is 5334.20 rubles, so the pensioner is paid extra for one dependent 1778.07 rubles.
  • You can receive an increase for no more than three people, so the maximum additional payment is 5334.20 rubles(for three family members).

The cost of a fixed payment increases annually, therefore the amount of additional payment for disabled family members will increase every year. During the discussion pension reform in 2018, a law was adopted that fixed the size of the PV for subsequent years. Therefore, it is already known how much the additional payment for dependents will be from 2020 to 2024.

In order to receive increased pension, you must contact the Pension Fund with an application for recalculation. If a positive decision is made, the pension will be increased from the 1st of the next month. If the increase is refused, a written notification will be received from the Pension Fund (we remind you that not all pensioners are entitled to such an increase).

The amount of payment for dependents is determined as a third of the amount of the fixed payment to the insurance pension (that is, its basic part). This norm is enshrined in law in Part 3 of Art. 17 of Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013. Let us recall that from January 1, 2019, the cost of the PV was indexed by 7.05%, so its size was 5334.20 rub.

  • 1778.06 rubles – for 1 dependent (that is, 1/3 of the financial allowance);
  • 3556.12 rubles – for 2 dependents (that is, 2/3 of the financial allowance);
  • 5334.19 rubles – for 3 dependents (that is, the full amount of the financial allowance).

The increase can be received for no more than three family members. That is the maximum additional payment will be 5334.19 rubles.

An additional payment to the pension for a dependent in 2019 is also due to working pensioners. The “freeze” of indexation for citizens who continue to work did not affect the increase for disabled family members. Therefore, the amount of the bonus for them will be the same as for non-workers.

Pension supplement for minor children in 2020-2024

Every year, the amount of additional payment for minor children, students and other dependents increases from February 1. This is due to the indexation of the fixed payment amount in accordance with the price growth index. But since 2019, this increase procedure has been changed - now The payment amount is indexed from January 1, and the indexation coefficient is set above the inflation rate. For example, in 2019, indexation was carried out at 7.05%, although according to Rosstat, inflation in 2018 was 4.3%. As a result, the value of the FI became equal to 5334.19 rubles, and for each dependent they began to pay an additional 1778.06 rubles. (i.e. 117 rubles more than in 2018).

This pace will be maintained for the next periods. In Part 8 of Art. 10 of Law No. 350-FZ of October 3, 2018 approved the size of the PV until 2024. That is, it is now possible to determine what additional payment for dependents will be paid in subsequent years (see table below).

Year Amount of PV, in rub. Additional payment depending on the number of dependents, in rubles.
for 1st for 2 for 3
2020 5686,26 1895,42 3790,84 5686,26
2021 6044,50 2014,83 4029,67 6044,50
2022 6401,12 2133,71 4267,41 6401,12
2023 6759,58 2253,19 4506,39 6759,58
2024 7131,36 2377,12 4754,24 7131,36

Who gets paid extra for dependents?

According to Part 3 of Art. 17 of Law No. 400-FZ, not all pensioners are entitled to additional payment for children - the increase applies only to citizens receiving old age and disability insurance pensions. The bonus is assigned if the pensioner is supported by disabled, that is, non-working family members. You can get an increase for:

  • children, brothers, sisters and grandchildren under 18 years of age;
  • for them, but up to 23 years of age, if they are full-time students.

Several pensioners can receive additional payment for the same dependent. For example, for a full-time student, an increase will be assigned to his two parents if they are pensioners.

  • For recipients social pensions (those who have not accumulated the required length of service or IPC) are not entitled to such an increase. Their pension benefits are calculated differently and regulated by different legislation.
  • Military pensioners(Ministry of Internal Affairs, National Guard, Federal Penitentiary Service, FSB, Ministry of Emergency Situations and other departments) allowances for children are also assigned. However, their size and payment procedure are regulated by another law - No. 4468-1 of February 12, 1993. According to Art. 17 of this law, the surcharge is defined as:
    • 32% of the estimated pension for one dependent;
    • 64% - for two;
    • 100% - for three.

How to get a raise for disabled family members

The Pension Fund is responsible for assigning additional payments to pensions for minor children or student children. To do this, you must submit an application for recalculation of the pension amount and indicate the reason for the recalculation - the presence of disabled family members dependent on the pensioner. The following documents must be attached along with the application:

  1. Confirming the relationship between the pensioner and the child (for example, a birth certificate);
  2. Confirming the fact of dependency:
    • certificate of family composition or cohabitation(from the housing department or local government);
    • certificates, checks or other documents confirming expenses for food, child accommodation, etc.;
    • certificates of income of family members;

The fact of dependency can also be confirmed with the help of witness testimony (for example, other relatives, neighbors, etc. can confirm this). In case of a positive decision on the application, the increase in pension will be assigned from the first day of the next month. The bonus will be paid until the child turns 18 years old.

Supplement to pension for dependent student

If children are studying in an educational institution full-time, then the payment can be extended until they reach 23 years of age. To do this, you will need to contact the Pension Fund again and confirm that the child continues to be supported by the pensioner. As a supporting document, you must submit a certificate from the educational institution containing the following information:

  1. Full name of the student, date of birth;
  2. Name of the educational institution, form of education and educational program;
  3. Date and number of the enrollment order, duration of study;
  4. Date of issue of the certificate, registration number, corner stamp of the institution, seal and signature of the head with a transcript.

However, if the child stopped full-time education (for example, was transferred to correspondence, expelled or drafted into the army), the pensioner must report this to the Pension Fund. If this is not done, then the Pension Fund will return all unjustifiably paid amounts in court. 2019-09-17

Pension supplement for children: how much extra is paid for a minor child, benefits for dependents

In Russia, pensioners belong to the category of citizens who need social protection and measures state support. If they have dependent minor children or teenagers studying full-time, pensioners especially need additional help from the state. The amount of additional payments to pensions for working pensioners with children will be discussed in the article.

Concepts of pension and pensioner

Pensioners are people who legally receive pension payments from the state or are entitled to receive them. The pension can be paid on the following grounds:

The retirement age is set for ordinary citizens at 55 years for women and 60 years for men, respectively. In connection with recent legislative changes, the retirement age is planned to be increased for male officials to 65 years old, for female officials to 63 years old.

Some professions, due to difficult physical working conditions, require earlier retirement.

Working pensioners include people who have reached retirement age, but continue to officially work. In this case, the employer continues to make contributions for the working pensioner to the Pension Fund, Social Security and Tax authorities.

Based on the law, working pensioners can claim an additional payment to their pension if they have dependent children under 18 years of age or children studying full-time. The law also applies to children of disabled people who have reached the age of majority.

Dependency refers to the official full financial support of a child.

The following children may be dependent:

  • relatives or adopted;
  • younger brothers and sisters;
  • grandchildren.

If all conditions are met, the pensioner has the right to receive additional payment.


The possibility of receiving an additional payment to the insurance part of the pension is prescribed in Federal Law No. 400 “On Insurance Pensions”.

Additional payments for pensioners carrying out their labor activities in the police, criminal-executive punishment agencies are regulated by Federal Law No. 4468-1.

Eligible: students and dependent minors

All Russian citizens who receive an old-age or disability pension, as well as long service, have the right to receive additional payment. If they are dependent on:

  • minor children;
  • adult non-working children – students studying full-time;
  • disabled children over 18 years of age.

And also with the mandatory official employment of a pensioner and official contributions from the employer to the Pension Fund, Social Security and Tax Inspectorate.

Accrual conditions

To accrue additional payments to the pension, a working pensioner must meet the conditions established by law. These include:

  • a person must have the right to receive pension provision, or receive it;
  • the pensioner must have an official place of work;
  • The pensioner must be dependent on minor children, or disabled people, or adult children studying full-time.
  • the citizen must present everything Required documents and submit an application for payment.

These are the basic conditions under which any Russian citizen has the right to apply for this additional payment.

How much is due - the amount of additional payments to the pension

The amount of additional payments when they are calculated will depend on several factors. The meaning is as follows:

  • age of the pensioner;
  • the region of Russia in which he lives;
  • whether he has a disability and is given the appropriate status;
  • number of dependents.

How much do they pay extra? The amount of additional payment for disabled people also depends on the group assigned to them. If a pensioner has a disability and has reached 80 years of age, then he can count on a payment in the amount of:

When pensioners reach 80 years of age and have official work, they are entitled to the following additional payments and benefits:

  • if you have one child, 5970 rubles;
  • with two 6832 rubles;
  • with three children 7680 rubles.

If a pensioner has not reached such an advanced age as 80 years, then he has the right to receive an allowance:

  • for one baby 3416 rubles;
  • two 4270 rubles;
  • for three 5124 rubles.

In all cases, when the child has become an adult and is studying full-time, the additional payment is reduced and amounts to 1,500 rubles.

The calculation is carried out by the Pension Fund. In order to find out the amount of additional payment in each specific case, you must contact the department Pension Fund at your place of residence and ask them to make a preliminary calculation.

Procedure for processing payments and allowances

  • collection of necessary documentation;
  • writing an application and submitting duplicates and originals of documents;
  • obtaining a decision on the assignment of additional payments.

Thus, the first stage will be collecting documents.

Documents for receiving additional payment for dependents and minor children

A complete list of required documents can be found on the Pension Fund website or at its nearest branch.

The following will be mandatory:

  • applicant's personal passport;
  • a copy of the work record book certified by the employer with a confirmation note that the pensioner is currently employed;
  • a certificate stating that the second spouse did not apply for this payment;
  • children's testimonies;
  • documents confirming that the child is a full-time student;
  • certificates and conclusions of a medical commission confirming the presence of disability of a dependent and/or pensioner;
  • a certificate from the passport office confirming the quantitative composition of the family.

In individual cases, the Pension Fund has the right to request any other additional documents.

After collecting all the documents, it is important to correctly fill out the application for benefits. It has a form prescribed by law. This form can be found on the Pension Fund website or obtained by visiting a Pension Fund office in person.

When filling out the application, you must provide the following information:

  1. Name of the Pension Fund branch to which this application is sent.
  2. Personal and passport information about the applicant.
  3. The name of the document indicating what kind of additional payment the applicant is applying for.
  4. Personal information about dependents and second spouse.
  5. List of attached documents.
  6. Signature of the applicant and date of submission of the document.

All documents and the application are submitted to the Pension Fund, after which a decision will be made within the time established by law. The Pension Fund is obliged to notify the pensioner of this decision in writing. If the decision is positive, the monthly payment of additional payment will begin along with the pension.

Where to apply for pension benefits for working pensioners if they have children

Due to the fact that this additional payment is carried out by the Pension Fund, you must therefore contact the Pension Fund branch at your place of residence. You can submit documents in the following ways:

  • personal visit to the Pension Fund;
  • in person through the multifunctional center;
  • through a representative with the issuance of a notarized power of attorney to represent interests in the Pension Fund of Russia;
  • send documents via mail to the Pension Fund;
  • apply using the government services portal.

When submitting documents via mail, you must have all copies of documents certified by a notary.

When registering using the government services website (, you must go through the following procedure:

  1. Log in to your personal account; if you don’t have one, you need to register.
  2. If passport data is not officially confirmed on the portal, it will not be possible to access this service. Therefore, it is necessary to request confirmation of passport data, receive a special code upon presentation of the passport and enter it into the system. After this, all government services will become available.
  3. Next, you need to select a service in the “Pension assignment” section.
  4. The site will display the fields required to be filled out.
  5. After this, you will need to upload scans of the required documents and submit your application.

When submitted via an electronic service, the application will be reviewed within no more than 30 days; if submitted in person, no more than 10 days.

Peculiarities of accrual for non-working mothers with many children

For mothers of many children, it is possible to receive an additional payment to their pension before reaching retirement age. The legislation defines the following conditions under which mother of many children(as well as a father with many children) can make an additional payment in advance:

  • her age must be over 50 years;
  • seniority must be at least 15 years old;
  • presence of 5 or more children.

If all the established conditions are met, a mother of many children can apply for additional payment.



Summing up, we can conclude that working pensioners really need state support, since having dependent children and fully supporting them costs money. But their health in this case may no longer allow them to work fully.

In connection with this, the state has established additional payments if there is at least one dependent child. The main conditions are reaching retirement age and mandatory employment.

Documents for pension recalculation: how to submit for a pensioner, where to apply

Survivor's pension

Registration of a survivor's pension: where and how to obtain documents

Registration of a disability insurance pension

Supplement to pension for minor children of pensioners in 2019

The legislation of the Russian Federation annually provides certain benefits for categories of citizens in need. In Russia there is a law that regulates benefits for citizens who have reached retirement age and have minor children under their guardianship.

Basic concept of pension supplements

Important. The pension supplement for children born after and before 1990 is not an automatic additional payment to the monthly pension amount, but is calculated based on certain conditions.

Basic conditions for receiving an allowance for minor children

A pension supplement is possible for both working and non-working pensioners. An important condition remains that the pensioner be a citizen of the Russian Federation. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation puts forward the basic requirements for receiving a pension supplement:

  • The pensioner must retire no earlier than 01/01/2015;
  • The pensioner retired after this date, but did not report his existing children to the Pension Fund.

According to the old procedure for calculating pensions, maternity leave was not included in total experience women, but was subtracted from it. Today, pensioners can recalculate their length of service taking into account points for maternity leave; this will also be a certain bonus to their pension.

Key points in receiving a pension supplement for minor children.

  • Those pensioners who retired after January 1, 2015 do not need to apply for recalculation, since the most profitable option has already been calculated for them and assigned for payment. Recalculation is required only if the woman has non-insurance periods that were not taken into account when assigning a pension before January 1, 2015 or taken into account according to the old rules, for which pension points are now awarded in accordance with the new law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ.
  • There is no time limit for submitting an application for recalculation of women's pensions for children.
  • The pension supplement for children obtained as a result of recalculation is individual and is not guaranteed for all pensioners, since replacing work experience with a period of child care will not always be beneficial.

According to statistics, only in 20-30% of cases the amount of paid pension benefits can be increased, and the amount of the increase can range from several rubles to several hundred or, in some cases, can even exceed a thousand rubles.

Important. If the recalculation is obtained “with a minus sign,” then the current pension amount will not decrease (since the deterioration of pension provision is not allowed by current law), and the Pension Fund employees will make a decision on refusal.

Who is entitled to pension supplements for minor children?

According to Russian legislation, women of retirement age who have two or more children whose children were born after 1990 can receive a pension supplement. The earnings of these women were minimal and their work experience was not long. Also women who are dependent on minor children or children who are studying full-time. In order to receive a pension supplement, a woman must contact the pension fund of the Russian Federation at her place of registration with an application and a certain package of documents. This package of documents includes the following documents:

All bonuses and calculation of pensions are regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, therefore, in order to receive a bonus, a certain procedure must be followed.

Submitting an application The application can be submitted in two ways:

· Through the Pension Fund, by contacting the Pension Fund employees with a package of documents and a written application;

· Through the government services website, which requires registration, then you need to go to the “pension calculation” menu and follow all the prompts.

Review of submitted documents. Pension fund employees accept the package of documents and the application; a period of no more than 10 days is allocated for consideration.
Decision making by PF employees. After 10 days after submitting the application, PF employees are required to notify the applicant of the decision, positive - the amount of the bonus is calculated or negative - the bonus is denied.

By following this procedure and having all the necessary documents, the pensioner is required to provide a pension supplement.

  • Maintenance of minor children;
  • If the child is a full-time student at an educational institution;
  • Caring for a disabled child.

That is, if a woman who retired upon reaching retirement age and at the same time has minor children to support, she has every right to apply to the Pension Fund to receive an increase to the available amount of the pension payment.

Additional payment for minor children

Russian legislation provides for the receipt of a supplement to the basic pension for pensioners who retired upon reaching retirement age and do not have other benefits and who have minor children as their dependents.

Basic bonus amounts.

Important. If a pensioner is officially employed, according to Russian law, he is entitled to a supplement to the basic pension in the amount of one third of the fixed pension amount.

Based on this article, we can conclude that the state provides financial support in every possible way to citizens who need it; the main condition for receiving a pension supplement for a minor child in 2019 is having citizenship of the Russian Federation.


Question No. 1 What does a pension supplement mean?

Answer: A pension supplement for a citizen who has reached retirement age is a certain amount of money that is reimbursed to the pensioner if certain conditions are met. In most cases, a pensioner's supplement is provided if he has minor children or disabled children as his dependents.

Question No. 2 Who can count on a pension supplement?

Answer: According to Russian legislation, women of retirement age who have two or more children whose children were born after 1990 can receive a pension supplement. The earnings of these women were minimal and their work experience was not long. Also women who are dependent on minor children or children who are studying full-time.

Question No. 3 What documents and where do I need to submit to receive a pension supplement?

Answer: In order to receive a pension supplement, a woman must contact the pension fund of the Russian Federation at her place of registration with an application and a certain package of documents. This package of documents includes the following documents:

  • Application for accrual of a pension supplement for minor children;
  • A document confirming the presence of minor children;
  • A copy of the work record book, certified by a notary;
  • Certificates confirming the absence of allowances;

Question No. 4 How can I apply for a pension supplement?

Answer: The application can be submitted in two ways:

  • Through the Pension Fund, by contacting the Pension Fund employees with a package of documents and a written application;
  • Through the government services website, which requires registration, you then need to go to the “pension calculation” menu and follow all the prompts.

Pension fund employees accept the package of documents and the application; a period of no more than 10 days is allocated for consideration. After 10 days after submitting the application, PF employees are required to notify the applicant of the decision, positive - the amount of the bonus is calculated or negative - the bonus is denied.

Compensation to pensioners for children is a small increase in the family budget for those people whose children were born in the Soviet Union. Questions about the sensational recalculation have not subsided to this day. In this article, we will figure out which pensioners are entitled to such an additional payment to their pension, what amount should be calculated and who is entitled to recalculation.

Back in August of the year before last, the Internet literally exploded with numerous articles about compensation for children born before 1990 - the authors of unverified information promised pensioners payments from 3,416 rubles for one baby to 5,124 rubles for three. But these publications completely lacked references to regulations or comments from officials.

As a result, specialists of the Russian Pension Fund were bombarded with an unimaginable number of requests and applications for recalculation pension payments. But we received the “promised” increase of one, and not in the same amount.

Let's figure out who is wrong in this situation, who is entitled to compensation for the pension for children, and in what amount.

What does the law on pensions say?

The main regulatory act regulating the current pension system in Russia is the federal law No. 400 of December 28, 2013 (as amended on December 19, 2016, as amended on December 5, 2017). According to established standards, the pension of a citizen of the Russian Federation depends on:

  • insurance experience;
  • size wages and insurance contributions;
  • quantities

The periods that must be included in the insurance period for calculating the pension are established in Articles 11 and 12 of Law No. 400-FZ.

Thus, paragraph 3 of Article 12 No. 400-FZ states that the pension period includes the period when the parent cared for each of his children until the child turns 1.5 years old. It is important that if two parents cared for a child at once, then this period is counted towards the pension period for only one of them, and the total period of caring for all children does not exceed 6 years. For citizens who were granted a pension in 2015 and later, the length of service for their children is already taken into account in the calculation of the insurance payment. When determining the amount monthly payments the pensioner chooses the most profitable option.

Pension for children born in the USSR. Who is entitled to additional payments?

Citizens who retired before 2015 have the right to compensation to pensioners for children born in the USSR, because until December 31, 2014, when assigning a pension, not all conditions were taken into account, since the point pension system introduced in January 2015. It is quite possible that it is more profitable for a citizen to count periods of caring for children up to 1.5 years old than the period of work.

Or experience or points

Let us remind you that from 01/01/2015 points are awarded for periods of child care:

  • for the first child - 1.8;
  • for the second - 3.6;
  • for the third and subsequent ones - 5.4.

As a result, it turns out that a mother with many children has a greater chance of increasing her pension. But if only it were that simple.

Converting maternity periods to points leads to an equivalent reduction in the insurance period. This affects the size of the pension: both upward and downward. And before you go to the Pension Fund and ask to accrue points for periods of childcare, calculate whether it is profitable. If converting experience into points is unprofitable, leave everything as is. If the increase is insignificant, then the pensioner must decide for himself whether to agree to the recalculation.

Pension compensation amount

The amount pensioners claim depends on the value of one pension point.

If in 2019 the cost of one point is 87.24 rubles, then the amount of compensation is determined as follows:

  1. For one - 1.8 b. × 87.24 rub. × 1.5 years = 235.55 rubles.
  2. For two - 3.6 b. × 87.24 rub. × 1.5 g = 471.10 rubles.
  3. For three - 5.4 b. × 87.24 rub. × 1.5 g = 706.64 rubles.

Compare these figures with those of 2018 (then the cost of 1 point was 81.49).

  1. For one - 1.8 b. × RUB 81.49 × 1.5 years = 220.02 rubles.
  2. For two - 3.6 b. × RUB 81.49 × 1.5 g = 440.05 rubles.
  3. For three - 5.4 b. × RUB 81.49 × 1.5 g = 660.07 rubles.

When recalculating, periods of work corresponding to periods of child care will be excluded from the total insurance period. And if a citizen at that time combined work and care leave for up to 1.5 years, the recalculation is unprofitable.

An example of calculating a pension supplement for children

Let's look at an example of how a pension is recalculated for a woman with two children.

Marina Pavlovna Svetlaya retired in 2010 with 30 years of work experience. She has two children born in 1980 and 1990. Let's see if her pension increases.

When converting periods of caring for children up to 1.5 years into points, 3 years were subtracted from the experience. These periods yielded 3.6 pension points. One point costs 87.24 rubles in 2019. The total compensation will be 471.10 rubles.

If you do not take into account the deduction from the insurance period, then the increase is not bad. But in reality (with a deduction from length of service) the pension may become even less than it was.

Who benefits from such compensation for children?

Periods of childcare in and of themselves do not guarantee an increase in pension. Each case should be considered separately: whether or not it is necessary to recalculate, whether or not there will be an increase in pension payments.

In the table we will show who benefits from pension supplements for children born in the USSR and who does not.

Who benefits from recalculation? Who will not receive an increase in pension
If a woman has two or more children and she cared for each of them for up to 1.5 years. If the child is the only one.
If there were several children in one pregnancy (twins, triplets). If the pensioner has a long work history, which also includes caring for children.
If during maternity leave the mother was not employed (studied or worked unofficially). If the pension is calculated from high wages.
If a woman retired with minimal work experience.
If the pension was set based on low earnings (below the national average).
If a pension is paid close to living wage pensioner.

From the data in the table we conclude that recalculation is beneficial for mothers with many children and women who have low earnings or short work experience.

How to get compensation

We figured out what these pension payments are for children born in the USSR - but how to get them?

Recalculation is made from the first day of the month following the month in which the application was received from the pensioner.

What documents are needed to recalculate pensions for children born in the USSR:

  1. Passport or other identification document.
  2. Birth certificate for all children.
  3. A document confirming that the child has reached the age of 1.5 years.
  4. Written application for recalculation.

There are no time limits for filing an application for recalculation of pension payments.

Where to get compensation

A pensioner can submit an application for pension recalculation in four ways:

  1. By contacting the Pension Fund office in person. However, due to the long queues, it is worth making an appointment in advance by phone or on the official website.
  2. Through MFCs (multifunctional centers). But first call your local office and find out whether they provide such a service or not.
  3. On the single portal “State Services”. In this case, the application and all documents are submitted electronically. Fill out the application on the government services website itself, but you will have to scan the attached documents.
  4. By registered mail. In this case, the application is filled out independently and copies of the necessary documents certified by a notary are attached to it.

The period for applying for recalculation is unlimited.

If the decision is positive, the pension, taking into account the increase, will begin to be paid from the 1st day of the next month.

Pension reform 2019: new compensation for children

One of the measures designed to mitigate the consequences of the 2019 pension reform is the provision of preferential conditions for the retirement of mothers with many children. It was suggested:

  • fix the retirement age: for women who gave birth and raised three children - 57 years, and with four children - 56 years;
  • The retirement age does not depend on the conditions of the transition period 2019-2028.

But these conditions are not enough. To retire early, mothers with many children must have a minimum length of service (15 years) and obtain the required number of points (30).

And mothers of five children will be able to become pensioners according to the old rules that were in force before the 2019 reform. What does it mean? It means that insurance pension They are prescribed upon reaching 50 years of age. The conditions for providing early pension payments will remain the same:

  • the minimum length of service has been accumulated and the minimum number of pension points has been received (15 years and 30 points);
  • 5 or more children are born and raised until they are at least 8 years old.

Increase for pensioners for dependents

It happens that pensioners have minor children in their care. But the size of the pension does not allow them to provide an adequate standard of living. According to the Law “On Insurance Pensions” No. 400 of December 28, 2013, a pensioner who has a minor in his care is entitled to a fixed additional payment. They can pay extra for brothers, sisters, children, grandchildren:

  • under the age of 18;
  • at the age of up to 23 years when studying in secondary vocational and higher educational institutions on a full-time basis;
  • no age limit in case of disability of a pensioner.

The amount of payments depends on:

  • number of wards;
  • age of the pensioner;
  • age of the wards;
  • presence of disability;
  • places of residence.

The size of payments ranges from 3,000 to 16,800 rubles.

For residents of the Far North and similar areas, the amount of payments is adjusted by the regional coefficient.

For each pensioner, the situation is considered individually.

One-time payments to retired parents

Are pensioners entitled to lump-sum payments for children? Unfortunately, there is currently no such type of payment. Whether they will exist or not in the future is unknown. We will monitor the news and be sure to write about upcoming changes.

Other compensation for children

Along with the recalculation of pensions, citizens are entitled to compensation; compensation was already paid in 2016. Citizens who entered into a child insurance contract before 1992 are entitled to receive payment. To receive it, you must submit an application and a package of supporting documents to the nearest Rosgosstrakh office.

According to the letter of the law, persons who have reached retirement age but continue to carry out professional activities and who have a dependent who is minor child, may qualify for a pension supplement. The additional payment to the pension for a minor child to a working pensioner will be determined individually in each case. It can be calculated in the form of:

  • a specified percentage applied to the basic pension rate;
  • pension points.

We’ll tell you exactly how to get the bonus you’re looking for, where to go, and what to expect in the following material.

How to apply for a supplement to the pension for children

As you know, pensioners are a category of citizens who, in general, have a greater number of benefits than other residents of our country. The thing is that pensions rarely provide them with a truly decent standard of living, and they cannot work at the same pace. Therefore, Russian state policy assumes various types support for the desired category of persons.

In particular, in this case we are talking about a pension supplement for minor children. It is needed by pensioners who, for example, were able to have a child shortly before reaching retirement age, and at the time of filing an application for recalculation of payments from the state, he is still a minor, that is, a dependent requiring:

  • full provision of his existing needs;
  • constant assistance from parents, who are the only source of funds necessary for his existence.

In this case, the dependent must have:

  • biological connection with a pensioner;
  • other legalized family relationship with the person applying for an increased pension.

Thus, we can conclude that the supplement to the pension for children is due only to those pensioners who fully support their own children, providing them with:

  • housing;
  • clothes;
  • education and other needs;

It should be understood that in addition to minor children, dependents may also be the offspring of pensioners who:

  • are disabled for any reason;
  • may be adults, but are studying at higher educational institutions or other organizations.

Looking for pension supplement established at the following two government levels:

  • federal;
  • local.

This means that the budget for the payment of pensions and their amount will be formed not only through government regulations, but also taking into account the capabilities of each specific subject of the Russian Federation.

Supplement to pension payments at the local and federal levels

Let's look at one very important issue: which payments are allocated from the federal budget and which from the regional budgets. Let's look at the information we are interested in in the table below.

Table 1. To whom are pension payments allocated from the federal and regional budgets intended?

Federal budgetRegional budget
Thus, the funds that go to pensioners from the federal budget of our state are aimed directly at supporting children who:
  • were left orphans due to the death of their parents;
  • are dependent on pensioners.
  • As for the money allocated by the regions, it must be said that in each Municipal entity Government structures are developing specialized programs to support pensioners.

    In the required case, persons of retirement age who are:

  • mothers raising a child alone;
  • breadwinners for large families.

    The size of the regional payment will be determined individually in each case. The main requirements for pension recalculation will be the following conditions:

  • the absence of a second parent for a child supported by a pensioner;
  • presence of three or more children;
  • termination of employment, officially confirmed;
  • participation in the registration of insurance category coverage due to reaching retirement age.
  • Conditions for granting the allowance

    Presented variety pension supplement for persons of retirement age who have assumed the responsibility to provide for dependents who are related to them, it is carried out only if the following conditions are met:

    1. Persons receiving pension payments who are not employed elsewhere receive additional payment without the need to provide evidence of their entitlement, in the case where the children are minors.
    2. If we are talking about receiving an allowance for children who are adults, but are unable to work independently, it will be necessary to submit documents for consideration to the Pension Fund that will prove the required condition of these dependents.
    3. To apply for a supplement for children studying at higher educational institutions and who are adults, you must provide a certificate from the educational institution.

    Procedure for applying for an allowance

    Today, receiving the payment we are interested in is possible, provided that it is carried out in accordance with certain rules. We present a list of stages that you will need to go through to get the desired bonus.

    1. Writing an application and submitting it, complete with documents confirming your eligibility, to the Pension Fund of our country.
    2. Receipt by the desired government agency of the papers you submitted and consideration of the application.
    3. Representatives of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation make a decision and notify the pensioner about it.

    The period for reviewing documents on your application will be no more than 10 working days. After their expiration, and possibly earlier, you will receive official notification regarding the results of the review.

    You can submit your application for consideration not only directly to the Pension Fund specialists, but also through:

    • state portal "State Services";
    • Multifunctional Center.

    However, in this case, you should understand that if you do not hand over the documents directly to the PF specialist, the waiting period increases to 30 days.

    What documents are needed to receive additional payment to the pension for children?

    As we have already said, in order to receive a cash supplement, you need to collect a package of documents confirming your right to possess the funds you are looking for. We are talking about the following papers.

    1. An application with a request to recalculate your pension, adding an increase for children to its amount.

    2. Documents for dependents:

    • passports;
    • birth certificates.

    3. The pensioner’s work book in the form of an original and a notarized copy.

    4. A certificate stating that other specialized additional payments do not receive:

    • dependents;
    • pensioner;
    • spouse of a pensioner.

    5. Provided that the pensioner is an individual entrepreneur, he must provide a certificate of registration of the individual entrepreneur with the tax service.

    6. A paper confirming the fact that specific individuals are dependent on a pensioner - usually this is a certificate of joint residence of persons.

    7. A certificate from the university, which will indicate:

    • dependent's form of education;
    • date of enrollment at the university;
    • date of expected completion of training.

    8. An extract from a person's pension account.

    9. Provided that you have already applied for an allowance, you will have to renew it every year. In this case, each time you will need to submit for consideration to the Pension Fund:

    • work book;
    • a certificate indicating that the dependent and the pensioner are registered at the same address;
    • documents for the student.

    How is the pension increase for children calculated?

    According to the current legislative acts in force in the field of calculating pension payments in favor of persons supporting a dependent, the current amount of allowances for the type of accrual we are interested in is:

    • cannot be less than the current living wage in Russia;
    • is subject to annual indexation, after which its size will be increased;
    • subject to regulation by legislative acts in force in the required area in the territory of a specific region of the country;
    • is calculated according to the specific category to which the pensioners applying for payment belong.

    When calculating the amount due to a particular pensioner, Pension Fund employees take into account the following factors:

    • the number of children dependent on the pensioner: minors, students, disabled people;
    • current age of a person of retirement age;
    • family place of residence;
    • whether the pensioner has employment;
    • belonging to the category of military personnel, athletes, etc.

    Now let's look at the specific amounts discussed in this article.

    Additional payment for mothers of many children

    Pensioners who are mothers of many children have the right to:

    • early payment of pension;
    • obtaining pensioner status upon reaching 50 years of age, provided that the total length of service as a citizen is 15 years or more.

    The amount of additional payments for mothers with many children is determined according to:

    • region of residence of the family;
    • the current demographic situation in a specific subject of the Russian Federation.

    Supplement to pension for a child born in the USSR before 1990

    Starting from 2017, women pensioners have the right to receive an additional payment to their pension for the birth of children before 1990, provided that they reached retirement age before the year the law on this pension payment was adopted.

    In the image below you can see the number of points that will be awarded to female pensioners in this category.

    Video - Supplement to pension for children born before 1990

    Additional payment per student

    So, for example, when calculating an additional payment for a dependent student, the amount of payment will also be determined by many additional circumstances. If a person provides support for a full-time student, then the amount of the fixed allowance for one child will be 1 thousand 607 rubles and 7 kopecks. Accordingly, in order to calculate the allowance for two dependent students, it is necessary to multiply the specified fixed amount by half.

    Additional payment for a minor

    In addition, various circumstances affecting payments will also be taken into account when determining the amount of payment for minor children.

    Provided that the pensioner is not disabled and does not have the right to receive other types of social category payments, or to receive any benefits other than pension insurance, he may qualify for payments in the following amounts.

    1. Provided that a person of retirement age is not yet 80 years old, he/she applies for the following benefits:

    • 3 thousand 416 Russian rubles per child;
    • 4 thousand 270 rubles for two children;
    • 5 thousand 124 rubles for three.

    2. Citizens whose age has reached or exceeded 80 years have the right to receive support from the state for a dependent in the amount of:

    • 5 thousand 978 rubles per child;
    • 6 thousand 832 rubles for two;
    • 7 thousand 686 rubles for three children.

    Additional payment for disabled people and residents of certain areas

    Pensioners who are disabled and receive an appropriate benefit, or live in the Far North, or in other regions, under conditions equivalent to it, receive bonuses in amounts varying:

    • from 4 thousand 4 rubles 26 kopecks;
    • up to 21 thousand 623 rubles.

    You can see the payout amounts in more detail in the image below.

    What additional payment for children is due for a military pensioner?

    Military pensioners receive a pension for their length of service, which is calculated in accordance with the relevant legislative acts. They are also expected to receive additional pension payments, which, however, can only be received if dependent persons do not receive:

    • other insurance category security;
    • other provision for the pension category.

    The amount of the required payment for military pensioners is determined according to the percentage relative to the pension already accrued to him. It can be:

    • 32% of the pension for one dependent;
    • for two people the percentage rises to 64 units;
    • for three dependents, 100% of the pension amount is subject to addition.

    In one of the special articles we will consider what is required