Every housewife wants to surprise her guests at a dinner party; for this purpose, delicious dishes are prepared, the room and table are decorated. One of the original techniques for giving a table a festive look is unusually folded napkins, because table setting always attracts attention. If friends are coming to visit, you can get by with paper ones. But for a more formal event, it is advisable to use fabric ones. As a rule, they are folded into a triangle and carefully placed under the edge of the plate. However, this will not surprise anyone, so for an effective design you should give preference to more complex, but at the same time quick options.

Introduction to Etiquette

Napkins appeared in everyday life at a time when food was taken without cutlery. Hands had to be wiped, and it was forbidden to do this on the tablecloth or clothes, so handkerchiefs were used. Later, special materials appeared specifically for fingers, and then disposable ones paper options.

When decorating a holiday table, it is not enough just to fold the napkins beautifully; you also need to know some of the subtleties of etiquette. It is recommended to serve with both linen and paper products.

It is advisable to choose fabric options from cotton or linen, as they do not wrinkle much and will retain a neater appearance until the end of the event, unlike silk or viscose materials.

The textile product should first be washed, starched and ironed well. Under no circumstances should you lay tablecloths with wet or unwashed hands, as the material quickly gets dirty and even the most beautiful way styling will not be saved by a dirty look. And of course, before directly placing it on the table, it is recommended to practice well and hone the skill of beautiful folding, so that at the last moment everything turns out just right.

The beautiful design of the napkins is very interesting activity for both adults and children. The process has a beneficial effect on the development of fine motor skills, so involve the child in the task, he will not only be busy with useful work, but will also rejoice at such responsible help from adults.

The rules of etiquette dictate not only the options for serving fabric napkins, but also their use. First of all, you should remember that they cannot be tucked into the collar of clothing; the material should lie open on your knees.

You should not wave the cloth too much or wipe your lips too thoroughly - this is a sign of bad taste. If you need to leave the table temporarily, it is recommended to carefully place the scarf near the plate or hang it on the back of the chair.

How to choose suitable napkins?

When serving, you need not only to fold the napkins beautifully, but also to be able to choose them correctly. You should choose based on the following factors.


Based on the material, napkins are divided into two types: fabric and paper. The first option is placed directly on the plate, the second - under it. Some housewives prefer to fold paper napkins inside glasses; this method is also not prohibited; on the contrary, it gives the table an even more festive look.

For fabric tablecloths, it is preferable to choose linen or cotton, since these two materials retain a neat appearance longer and do not slip when folded, unlike synthetic ones.

Sizes and shapes

The shape of textiles for table setting is usually square, measuring 40 x 40 centimeters, however, some prefer to take rectangular pieces of fabric. It all depends on the folding method, one requires square shape, the other is rectangular. Such a product can be sewn independently from any rag material.


According to etiquette, when decorating a table with napkins, their color should be combined with the main shade of the tablecloth and dishes.

White is considered the optimal tone for fabric products, as it is neutral and suitable for any occasion.

If you are organizing a themed holiday, you can use your imagination and select fabric tablecloths in any combination. Some folding methods also require original colors. For example, a rose or Christmas tree will look much better in a red or green shade than in white.

How to fold beautifully?

Folding fabric items for table settings has a huge number of options. Below are the most popular step-by-step methods that will become useful knowledge in the arsenal of any housewife.


This option is perfect for romantic dinner together. This method can be used to fold both a cloth and a paper napkin. It is very simple and does not require much time:

  1. First, you should unfold the product, placing it face down on the table;
  2. then it is carefully folded in half into an equilateral triangle, the fold of which is folded a couple of centimeters, after which the entire structure is rolled into a roll and a tube is obtained;
  3. for a tight fixation, the outer corner should be folded inward;
  4. If the candle turns out to be too high, you can also tuck the top part.

To give the dinner even more originality, a real candle is placed inside the resulting figure and lit, however, such beauty will need to be monitored, since it is highly flammable.

Fan with stand

This scheme folding is one of the most popular. The napkin unfolds face up and gradually turns into a fan in the well-known way:

  1. starting from the top, a small strip is folded down, then the material is turned over and the action is performed again;
  2. the process is repeated until the last strip is folded, after which the fabric napkin from below is folded in half into an accordion;
  3. this is how the fan itself is ready, and to make a stand, you should hold it in your hand and carefully pull up the inner fold on both sides;
  4. the resulting structure is fixed and dissolved.


This option will be an excellent addition to a table set for an official event. Outwardly, it looks like a pocket for cutlery. It is not difficult to wrap a textile product in a sachet; to do this, you need to place it face up. First, the square material is folded in half, then the top third of the material is folded down to create a central fold. The structure is flipped over and its two edges join into a neat center line. The procedure is repeated on this side, after which the sachet is ready and cutlery can be placed inside.

Christmas tree

On New Year the table is always decorated with special scrupulousness and taste. A great addition for festive table setting fabric napkins folded in the shape of a Christmas tree will become:

  1. the napkin is folded in half into a rectangle, each corner of which is folded towards the center;
  2. the resulting bevels are wrapped toward the center to achieve a square shape;
  3. the material is turned over and similar actions are repeated on this side;
  4. in the upper part, the left corner is bent diagonally and hidden in the opposite side of the square, the same is done with the lower right corner, after which an equilateral triangle is obtained, which is also folded in half;
  5. to get a full-fledged Christmas tree, you need to make two such parts and connect them together.

It is advisable to use napkins Green colour and decorate the product with sequins, beads or other decorative elements.

Ideas for spectacular design

In addition to standard options for folding fabric napkins, there are also more original ones that guests will remember for a long time. You can decorate the table with handmade flowers from napkins, various shapes or a peacock.

Every woman carefully prepares for this event before receiving guests. She spends a huge amount of her free time preparing the table. You need to prepare delicious dishes, choose a tablecloth for the table, and also choose napkins and be able to serve them beautifully. After all, they are considered an important attribute both in everyday life and during a special event. Next, we’ll look at different ways to serve napkins.

Setting the table for the morning meal, evening dinner or festive event, it is necessary to approach this issue seriously. Try to carefully read all the rules that we will describe to you:

  • There should be both fabric and paper options on the party table. Just think, because the second course is usually served with fish or a meat dish. A cloth napkin will become covered very quickly. greasy spots Therefore, it will lose its own appearance and aesthetics. Your guests will actively try to find a sink to wash their hands. Setting a table for a holiday involves several napkin holders that will be available to every guest.
  • Cloth napkins can be made from linen or cotton. You can also use those options that contain some synthetic additives. This will prevent the napkin from looking wrinkled after folding. Never use silk, rayon or other similar materials for napkins. Since they do not absorb moisture at all.
  • If there is a serving plate on the table surface, then place the product on it or place it between the fork and knife. If there is no such plate, then a napkin is placed instead. A separate glass or wine glass is allowed, where you can place a napkin folded into a figure.
  • Folded holiday napkins They should unfold without any problems and not look very wrinkled from the outside. Consequently, iron-on figurines are typically used for napkins that decorate the table.
  • It is forbidden to fold the canvas with dirty or wet hands. This can ruin the entire appearance of the napkin itself, and therefore the mood of the guests.
  • After washing, fabric napkins must be starched with ordinary starch. The aerosol type of starch does not give products the proper density. It is better to iron fabrics while damp. And well-dried napkins need to be moistened.
  • And most importantly, before you fold a napkin, you need to practice. Otherwise, you will have to rewash it or look for other options.

Types of napkins:

  • Fabric. There are silk, cotton, satin.
  • Patchwork napkins. These products are made independently at home. They are made from materials of different colors. Professional seamstresses cut out all kinds of figures from fabrics and then sew them together.
  • Bamboo. Often used to avoid staining the tablecloth.
  • Paper. The most popular type. There are products of various shades, sizes, and may differ in the thickness of the paper itself.

Now we will list the most common types of serving napkins. You can do some of them yourself.

  • Tiered corners
  • Princess Frog
  • Tsar's bun
  • Cap with a lapel
  • Bishop's Hat
  • Tent
  • Twisted tent
  • Bunny

Paper napkins for table setting

Paper napkins, like fabric ones, are considered an integral element in table setting. Do you know that they are not so simple? Today you decided to buy a hot dog, you were given paper napkins, you had dinner at a restaurant - and then you will see similar napkins in front of you.

The huge selection sometimes makes it difficult to concentrate on the main qualities that you need to know. And not every implementer can tell you what the difference is between one type or another. To avoid making mistakes when choosing, use our tips:

  • Purpose of application. If you need paper napkins for home use, then buy colored options or those that are interestingly designed. If you need them for a restaurant or cafe, then give preference to plain products, without ornaments or patterns.
  • Requirements. If you need paper napkins only for your own primary purpose, then more economical options will suit you: low price and efficiency during use are guaranteed.
  • Personal preferences. Here you should rely on the selection of your favorite company, shade, quality of products and density of napkins.

Fabric napkins for table setting

People have been using napkins for a very long time. Our ancestors used fabric products to wipe their hands and face while eating. They followed some rules of table etiquette:

  • from the very beginning of the meal, the host was allowed to take the napkin, after which the rest of the guests began to take it
  • It was not allowed to make very sudden movements while eating, for example, shaking napkins or waving a napkin
  • The product could only be used after food had been served.
  • At the end of the meal, the napkin was left on the left side of the plate. Leaving it on the plate was considered bad manners

Cloth napkins are considered an important attribute of the table today. According to etiquette, they straighten out and spread on their knees so that their clothes do not get dirty. Therefore, if you want to please your guests, choose high-quality linens for the festive table.

The advantage of fabric products is that they are durable. You can wash them after use, iron them, and then use them again.

When choosing fabric products, consider the strength of the napkins and their absorbency. Inexpensive options are usually thin, they lose their appearance and are more likely to break than others.

Another advantage is the naturalness of this raw material. Fabric models are quite pleasant to the touch. They do not electrify and do not cause allergies.

When choosing a particular product, pay attention to the shade and design. Napkins must match the entire composition. But this is not considered a problem today. You can buy almost any canvas: classic - white, plain - of various shades, with printed patterns, with embroidery or openwork inserts.

The only drawback of such napkins is that they are finicky during care. If you wash such napkins in the wrong water temperature, they will shrink, stretch, or lose their shape. After this, you will no longer be able to return them to a rectangular or square shape.

So, let's conclude: when choosing fabric napkins, pay attention not to their price, but to their quality. Products of the highest quality will serve you longer. They will be an excellent option when setting the table.

Methods for folding napkins when serving

First, let's learn how to properly fold paper napkins for serving. Many experts claim that serving such fabric products and napkins has its own subtleties and certain rules. Thus, square-shaped products are considered the most suitable for special occasions.

If you only have rectangular napkins, then you can easily form folds on them. An ordinary tea party or lunch does not need festive and fancy napkins. In this case, give preference to the most simple options. Before you fold paper napkins, be sure to wash your hands and try to touch them as little as possible.

Many housewives come up with real masterpieces from paper products; for example, you can quickly twist a flower using various methods.

Quite often, origami techniques are used during twisting, allowing you to put a variety of figures on the table: flowers, boats, and so on.

Paper versions of napkins can be folded in half or in the form of a tube. If you want to give your table setting a more formal appearance, come up with a complex combination: cylinder, cone, candle. It is better to place a napkin on appetizer plates, folding it in half.

Methods for serving napkins

Serving napkins today is quite diverse. Everything will depend on how good and hardworking a housewife you are. There are several options that are very simple and, at the same time, look festive.

  • "Plume". Fold the napkin diagonally. Connect first the right corner to the top of the triangle, then the left. Draw a horizontal line mentally, fold the figure into two equal parts relative to this line. Fold the corners of the product towards the back. Pull the corners that are at the top in the opposite direction.

  • You can do beautiful flower lilies. Fold the napkin diagonally. Connect the corners to the top of the triangle: right, then left, as in the previous version. Fold the resulting figure into two equal parts relative to the horizontal. Unscrew the corner at the top.

  • The third simple method is this. Fold the napkin in half twice. Fold down both sides of the resulting rectangle symmetrically. Unfold the figure so that the reverse side is visible. Make 2 rings at its ends. Connect them.

If you want to get an original and beautiful product, try to understand the process. Exactly then this lesson will become not an ordinary job for you, but an interesting hobby.

Making your own napkins

If you decide to make napkins with your own hands, then you must first choose the material for them. But one that is dense, washes well and retains its original shape after use.

As a rule, such products are made from linen, cotton and satin. If you want to make napkins for daily use, then it is advisable for you to purchase cotton. This material is not so easily soiled and it retains its shape well. Linen and satin napkins have a more festive look, but they are very finicky during washing.


Conventionally, the color palette for napkins is divided into the following categories:

  • pastel shades
  • gold and silver
  • noble tones
  • classic colors, such as white

The choice of color will depend only on your preference. At the same time, you must know that napkins must be combined not only with the tablecloth, but also with other elements of the room.

It’s easy to choose the color of napkins to match the tablecloth. In this case, take into account the density of the fabric. If the napkins are inferior to the tablecloth in density, choose options that are 2 shades darker. If the fabric of the products and the tablecloth are the same in structure, then choose napkins of the same tone as the shade of the tablecloth.

Tools and fabric

You can easily find these elements in a sewing store. For this process you must have sufficient quantities of:

  • fabrics
  • dense threads
  • needles

Plus you will need to take scissors, sewing machine, iron and pen.

Sewing napkins for serving

  • Before you start working, decide on the size of the products. The most optimal size is 50*50 cm.
  • After this, mark the required dimensions on the material and you can cut it. Make each cut as even as possible. This way you can fold the napkins using different methods.
  • Take the pattern and place it wrong side up. Fold each edge 1 cm and iron. Again, fold each edge 2 cm and iron.
  • Unfold the resulting folds. From the point where the folds intersect, draw a thin strip diagonally.
  • Cut the corners of the napkin along the resulting strip. From the place where you cut, step back about 1.5 cm, then stitch on a typewriter
  • Before turning the corners onto the face of the garment, iron the material along each seam on both sides. Turn the corners right side out and stitch each edge.
  • Iron the resulting product and starch it.

Ways to set the table with napkins

Beautiful table setting using napkins is the key to the attractiveness of your table and the entire decoration. The colors of the napkins play an important role here, therefore, if you want to set the necessary mood for the celebration, try hard and choose the right tones.

For example, a green tone always evokes associations with freshness, vegetation, flowers, and leaves. In addition, the green tone can perfectly highlight the richness of other tones and their beauty. Take advantage of this quality when you compose such compositions:

  • Place small colorful flowers on the holiday table. Instead of leaves, use green napkins.
  • Gray tone during table setting and decoration it is considered practical and universal. You can combine it with any colors: bright, dull, warm, cold.
  • If you take a gray tablecloth as a base, then create unusual compositions. Complete them with napkins of the same color.
  • Serving with white napkins will go well with any tones. You will get an unusual and bright effect.
  • Red tone- the most prominent one. It simultaneously transmits heat and irritates, stands out, and in some cases is unobtrusive. Therefore, don't go overboard with red. Combine red with dull shades and more neutral ones. Think in advance about how best to combine it with the rest of the shades that are on the table.

Remember, when selecting napkins, take into account the tone of the tablecloth and the overall service. If you do everything correctly, your table setting will turn out beautiful, and in return you will receive a joyful mood for the people present at the table.

Schemes for serving napkins

Now we offer you several options for serving napkins with patterns.

First method "Fan":

  • Fold the napkin into 2 equal parts. You will end up with a rectangle. Collect 3/4 of the length of the product in the form of an accordion. Fold one fold down. Watch the distance between the folds: it should be approximately 2.5 cm.
  • Fold the figure in half so that the folds are on the outside on the left. The part you didn't fold should be on the right side.
  • Take a napkin. Its free ends should point upward.
  • Adjust the part of the product that was not folded between the folds. Place the resulting product on the table.

The second method is “Lily”:

  • fold the product diagonally
  • attach the corners located on the right and left sides to the vertex of the triangle
  • fold the fabric in half horizontally
  • bend the top of the triangle at the top

The third option is “Royal Lily”:

  • lay the canvas face down
  • bend the corners one by one towards the central part
  • turn over
  • bend the corners again towards the center part
  • holding the corners in the center, carefully pull out the corners from below, you should get petals.

Serving napkins step by step


  • fold the napkin along a diagonal line
  • assemble the product in the form of an accordion, start from the top of the triangle, make the folds in turn: first up, then down
  • fold the resulting “accordion” into 2 parts
  • connect the corners, twist them a little so that the shape of the figure is preserved, straighten the folds, give the napkin a leaf-like appearance

“Tulip with a glass”:

  • fold the material into 2 parts
  • fold the corners of the rectangle towards the center to form a triangle
  • fold the sharp corner of the base in half
  • twist the sides a little, carefully place the figure into the glass with the side that is bent; straighten the flower petals

  • starch the material well, spread the product on the table so that the front side of the napkin faces up
  • place the fork with its tines in the central part of the product, twist the material, while moving each fold between the tines of the fork
  • rotate the material in one direction to create a spiral
  • remove the plug, squeeze the product with your hand so that the spiral does not unwind
  • put the figurine in the dish where you planned to place it in advance, straighten the fabric - you will get a beautiful rose

Serving napkins size

If you have no idea which napkins to choose or what size they should be, use these rules:

  • If you decide to spend your free time with a small company, drink delicious tea, coffee with cakes and buns, then small napkins, the size of which should be 35*35 cm, are suitable for you.
  • If you are choosing napkins for everyday use, then choose napkins measuring 40*40 cm.
  • If you have a special event coming up, then give preference large napkins size 50*50 cm.

Serving napkins in a napkin holder

Folding napkins into a napkin holder is very easy. It all depends on the shape of the napkin holder itself.

  • "Candle". This method is ideal if the napkin holder has round shape. Unfold one color to create a large square. Fold the product diagonally to form a triangle. Bend the tube in half. Place all the napkins you fold using this method into the napkin holder.

  • "Corners". Place each napkin in a flat napkin holder. You can fold the products in the form of “corners”, alternating in shades. Canvases in contrasting tones look unusual.

Creating a beautifully set table is an art. After all, it is a properly and festively set table that creates the basis for the atmosphere at the holiday. Make your evenings and holiday gatherings bright. And beautifully made figures from napkins, following our advice, will help you with this.

Video: Beautiful folding of napkins for table setting

A perfectly decorated table creates a fabulous atmosphere, improves appetite and improves mood. If you want to gather guests, then you need to surprise them with something. One of best options- find unusual ways folding napkins. Thanks to your imagination, the table setting will acquire a certain charm and shine.

The history of napkins

Napkins appeared at a time when food was still taken with bare hands. There was a need to wipe one's hands, but it was forbidden to do this in front of people on oneself or anything else. Different peoples found replacements for napkins as follows:

  • For this purpose, the ancient Greeks took a rolled piece of bread crumb, which is similar to Armenian lavash.
  • Asians replaced napkins with a bowl of plain water where they could wash their hands after eating.

The predecessors of ordinary napkins were simple handkerchiefs, which were used to wipe sweat from the forehead. In the past, strips of fabric were used as tablecloths on which important guests rested. At that time, a special custom developed. Each guest brought a strip of material with him in order to carry away as much of the leftovers as possible at the end of the feast.

Napkins were extremely popular in France in the 19th century. For each person there were at least 3 types of fabric products. Each of them was created for a different purpose. The largest one was used for serious feasts, the smaller one was used for light lunches and dinners, and the smallest ones were used for the tea ceremony.

Nowadays, festive tables in restaurants are decorated with paper products. Despite the low price of the material, many housewives use different methods folding items for table setting. This helps create an interesting meal.

The best option

The best option for gatherings with loved ones is folding paper napkins different ways. But for real social events you need to give your choice to linen products, perfectly combined with the main tone of the tablecloth and dishes. If you can't decide the best view, then stick to neutral whites.

The classic option is an even triangle next to each plate, but this probably will not surprise picky people, while ordinary, easy-to-make, but interesting masterpieces will help make the feast unforgettable.

It's hard to imagine a romantic dinner without candles. In the absence of real ones you can find correct method for folding napkins. For this type of origami you will need plain paper products that will fit perfectly into the interior, suitable for color scheme dishes or tablecloths. Step-by-step description of the work:

Fan with stand

Invite your child to participate in table decoration. Explain to him how to create a beautiful fan with a stand. Unfold the product so that it lies face up. Starting from the top, fold back a strip that is equal to a quarter of the entire area.

Turn the product over with the back side facing you. Fold a third of the bottom up. Fold the paper product into two parts, starting from the bottom. Fold the created blank into an accordion of five identical strips. Hold the completed design in your hand or press it with your finger. Slowly pull the fold up from the depths. It is necessary to do exactly the same on the other side. Fix what you have created and open the fan.

Folding napkins different ways- an exciting activity, which has a good effect on fine motor skills, so do the serving with the kids. This activity can also be useful for adults; it develops imagination and calms the nervous system. In addition, this way you can get a plus in your culinary skills, despite the fact that the methods of folding napkins have nothing to do with the kitchen.

The folding methods for table setting are varied, and their number is endless.

Serving in the kitchen has become a real art that can be understood. By setting the table in the morning for your loved ones, show how much you care about their comfort and leave a wonderful feeling for the whole day.

Attention, TODAY only!

As soon as beautifully folded napkins appear on the table, it turns from everyday to festive, and the appreciation of the hostess’s culinary skills in the eyes of the guests immediately grows several times. Meanwhile, achieving such an effect is not at all difficult. You just need to learn interesting ways to fold napkins and stock up on several sets of beautiful paper, linen and lace napkins that will coordinate with your tablecloths and dishes. The Culinary Eden website has selected several options for decorating the table with napkins - both simple and more complex - for all occasions.

For home celebrations and picnics, you can get by with paper napkins. They are practical, beautiful, and new every time. Instead of stacking them in a napkin holder or placing boring squares in front of each guest, from paper napkins You can use interesting ways to fold napkins by making original table decoration elements. For example, you can wrap cutlery or small bouquets of flowers in bright napkins.

Another option for folding paper napkins is to decorate glasses with them. Roll 1-2 paper napkins into a tube and place them in glasses so that the sharp corner protrudes outward.

Large and thick paper napkins will allow you to create a more interesting composition in a glass: lay the napkin in one layer on the table, grab the middle with all your fingers, forming folds, and place the resulting figure in the glass.

It is easy to fold a fan from a large, thick paper napkin: fold the napkin into an accordion shape, fold the accordion in half and secure the middle with a toothpick or stapler. A standing fan is made in a similar way: fold the accordion not all the way, leaving room for one fold. Fold the accordion in half and tuck in the top free corner to secure the two ends of the accordion. Unfold the fan and place it vertically next to each plate.

The heart can be made from paper or fabric napkins. Place the unfolded napkin in front of you, fold the bottom quarter of the square to the middle, also fold the top quarter and fold lengthwise to form a narrow rectangle. Bend its sides up to the middle, bend the corners of each side. Turn the napkin over and the heart is ready.

Enough about disposable paper napkins, let's move on to real ones - fabric ones. Only with them does the holiday table become truly solemn and stylish. The simplest option is to decorate the table with fabric napkins threaded into special rings. Fold the napkins in four and insert the corner opposite the free edges into the rings. Spread out the folds nicely.

Why not tie a napkin around a fork like a scarf? Fold a thin napkin lengthwise, fold it in half, place a fork near the fold of the napkin and thread the long sides through the loop. Straighten and tighten the knot.

To make a formal butterfly bow out of a napkin, lay the napkin in one layer and fold the two sides toward the middle. Then fold the opposite sides towards the middle and grab the middle with a wide ribbon or thread the resulting rectangle into a ring. Straighten out the folds.

It is very easy to make a triple cutlery envelope from a napkin. Fold the napkin twice into a square, placing the free corners to the right. Leave the bottom layer in place, and slightly bend the corner of the second layer under the third. Bend the third layer of the napkin more strongly and place it under the fourth. Bend the last layer even further. All you have to do is fold the sides back, and you have a neat pocket for a fork, spoon and knife.

It is not difficult to make a fan with 3 or 4 rays. To do this you will need a very thin, well-ironed napkin. Fold it diagonally at an angle towards you. Bring the right corner over the left and place it a little lower. Place the right corner of the resulting structure over the left one and place it a little lower. If desired, form the fourth ray in the same way.

A folded napkin can serve as a vase for a small bouquet or gift. Fold the napkin diagonally with the fold facing you. Bend the bottom side 5-6 cm. Turn the napkin over and fold its corners towards the center. Place the structure vertically, straighten it for stability and bend the top corner down.

It’s easy to make cute sushi from two napkins of different colors, and using a single-color napkin using the same method you can make a small candle with a burning flame. Fold the square napkin diagonally, roll it into a rope, starting from the base of the triangle, and roll this rope into a tight roll. Tuck the tip down, under the base. If you are making a candle, release the corner of the napkin from the center up. If you are making sushi, wrap the rolled napkin with another folded one in the same way.

In the same way, a luxurious rose is made from a napkin: fold the napkin diagonally at an angle away from you, gently twist it into a rope, without making sharp fold lines. Roll this cord into soft folds, tuck the tip inward and place the rose in a glass or cup. If you decorate a napkin with a green leaf, the resemblance to a living rose will be striking.

And if you stop twisting the rose, not reaching 10-15 cm to the end, and thread the corner down, you will get a stable structure - a rose with a leaf.

To fold a napkin into the shape of an unopened lily with 4 petals, fold the napkin in half with the edges facing you. Lift the bottom right corner and slide the top right corner underneath it all the way down. In the same way, lift the lower left corner and draw the upper left corner to the bottom. A wide triangle will lie in front of you. Fold it along the middle line, place it vertically, smooth out the folds. If you make this figure from green napkin and decorate with a star, you get a New Year tree.

Another type of lily - heraldic - is made a little more complicated. Fold the napkin diagonally with the corners away from you. Bring up the side corners and join them to the top corner to make a square. Bend the bottom corner of the square up, not all the way, and bend it down to the base. Turn the structure over to the other side, bend the corners and thread one corner into the other so that the structure holds firmly. Place the napkin vertically and bend the side petals down.

To make a sailboat out of a napkin, take a thin, well-ironed napkin, fold it twice to make a square, and then fold it diagonally with the free corners away from you. Connect the sides to the center line so that the corners are at the bottom. Tuck the bottom corners inward, fold the structure in half so it can stand stable, and release the top corners.

A napkin folded in the shape of a fantastic flower looks luxurious. Place the unfolded napkin on the table, bend all the corners to the center to make a square. Fold the corners of this square to the center, turn the structure over and fold the corners to the center again. Holding the center of the napkin, carefully bend and release each corner. Decorate the center of the napkin with a flower or candlestick.

As you can see, all the methods of folding napkins listed in this article are very simple and do not require special skills. With just a little practice, you can decorate your table with napkins for any occasion.

Festive table setting is always different from everyday. Sometimes it’s dishes with beautiful patterns, sometimes it’s candles and panels of fresh flowers, and sometimes it’s just beautifully and stylishly folded napkins. Moreover, the latter is the easiest to do! Beautiful paper napkins can always liven up and add a “holiday touch” to your table. Using the same piece of fabric you can get the most amazing results!

Arrangement of napkins in vases and stands

This is interesting: Beautiful and proper festive table setting at home: dishes, napkins, decor + 165 PHOTOS

The napkin holder is a special cutlery, which, in addition to its functionality, can bring a touch of celebration and luxury to the dining table. Material manufacturing options a large number of. And this is another way to express a particular style of decorating a holiday table. Anyone who has a special avant-garde attitude to the formation of table settings can use several types of napkin holders at once. The combination of crystal and forged metal on a white tablecloth will look non-trivial. A composition of wooden utensils and clay products will fit perfectly into the rustic style.

Stylists, designers and experts in the design of special ceremonies offer a large number of options for designing napkins. They can be presented along with a plate, beautifully arranged in a napkin holder, or simply placed under a dish. There are no limits to imagination here. The main thing is that everything looks harmonious.

Classic fan in stand

This is the simplest and classic way arranging napkins in a stand. Housewives love it for its ease of implementation and the fact that this option will fit perfectly into any design style.

Fan formation:

  • folded napkins are folded in half diagonally to form a triangle;
  • We fill the napkin holder with such triangles in one direction so that we get a fan.

“Lotus shape” or double-sided fan – a little variety in life

This option is based on the previous one and looks like this. The napkin holder is filled with folded triangles, first in one direction, then repeat the procedure in the opposite direction. Thus, 2 counter “movements” are obtained. This option is suitable for ‘active’ and ‘expressive’ festive table setting.

The double-sided fan may look a little different:

  • first, half a fan is formed from triangular napkins in a stand;
  • then fill the second part of the napkin holder in a mirror image;
  • then the middle is formed from triangles, one of the corners of which ‘looks’ up.

The result is a fan that opens from the center in both directions. This option will look harmonious in a narrow and small stand, which will allow you to place them on the table next to almost every guest. This way, everyone will be comfortable eating and enjoying dinner.

Waterfall in a cup or glass

A simple and modern way to decorate napkins for a festive table. This option more suitable in the design of decoration in grunge, modern or hi-tech style. After all, the laconicism of the composition is “at its best.”

Forming a “waterfall”:

  • The napkins must be folded in half along one side. You should end up with a rectangle;
  • then we put these strips of napkins into a stack;
  • Insert the rectangles into a not very high special bowl with the short end down. The result should be a cascade or waterfall of napkins that fall onto the wall of the vase. In the absence of special utensils, the bowl can be replaced with a shallow cup or glass. By the way, such a composition will look very impressive in a crystal glass on a stem.

Flower in a glass or large bouquet in a vase

Flowers are pleasing to the eye, lift your spirits and give you a feeling of celebration. Bouquets and compositions on the festive table can be made not only of fresh flowers. Some designers produce entire lines of table decorations made from artificial flowers. But other stylists have come to the conclusion that this type of decoration can be made from napkins. Yes, from regular napkins for guests. They can be like fabric, or they can be simple paper. Howling, in the hands of a skilled person, everything can ‘open up’ with a pleasant color.

We “revive” napkins:

  • unfold the napkin. Then we begin to fold it into a strip about 4-5 cm wide and do this starting from the corner;
  • then we roll the resulting strip into a roller. We form the middle and “open” the petals. This way you will get a delicate rose bud.

This flower can be placed in a small glass and placed near each guest. Or you can go another way. And build a whole ekibano from rosebuds in a large and wide plate-bowl. If desired, the composition can be supplemented with live branches of olive, coffee, pine needles or other plants. The combination will turn out to be very unusual.

Spanish fan in a glass

For a pompous and pretentious table setting, you can fold napkins in the shape of a Spanish fan. By raising this element into a glass or wine glass, you can get a powerful dynamic tool for creating volume on the holiday table.

How to make a Spanish fan. Simple steps for great results:

  • the folded napkin must be unfolded once to form a rectangle;
  • starting from the long side, fold the napkin like an accordion;
  • We press the tip with the resulting accordion so that the fan holds. Using the same end, we insert the napkin into the glass and open the top. Voila! The Spanish fan of passion is ready. Bon appetit!

We decorate the table - layout of napkins in plates and options for combinations with cutlery

In addition to napkins in stands, there should be napkins on the table that are laid out near each guest. They serve as a “frame” for the plate, delimit the seating area and help in serving cutlery.

Playful bow with ring

Many companies that produce kitchen utensils produce special napkin rings. Having passed through such a ring, the napkin will look much more impressive. But if you don’t do it the classic way and make an unusual shape, the table will look even more attractive.

Step-by-step creation of a bow:

  • unfold the napkin. Then fold it diagonally;
  • Fold the corner a little so that it doesn’t stick out from under the bow. Fold the napkin from the long side to the folded corner;
  • Visually divide the resulting strip of napkin into 3 parts. Fold the 2 outermost ones onto the central one;
  • fall carefully, the bow is still “alive”, pass the napkin through the ring;
  • straighten the bow loops and pull the ends down. The playful table decoration is ready!

“Butterfly” with satin ribbon – dress code for the table

This option for folding a napkin will appeal to avid needlewomen and craftswomen. It requires a little more effort than a similar option with a ring. In addition to the cloth napkin, you will also need ribbons. You can also use various braided cords and twines and decorate the butterfly with beads.

How to tie a bow tie for your plate:

  • fold the edges of the napkin towards the center;
  • fold the napkin in half again so that the edges remain inside the fold;
  • mentally divide the resulting strip into 3 parts and fold the outer 2 onto the central one;
  • tie the middle of the “butterfly” satin ribbon or other braid. A strict but very cute “butterfly” is ready!

Heraldic lily blossomed in a plate

For the classic decoration of the holiday table, it is necessary to select the appropriate design and method of decorating napkins. After all, not only the color and tone of the elements must match. Cut, style, model and design undoubtedly play an important role. The voluminous fleur-de-lis is a form that will look great not only in the classical style, but also in the Gothic style, Art Nouveau style, and even Scandinavian style.

To create a lily, in addition to a special napkin ring and the napkin itself, you will need a little time and patience. This is not the easiest element to perform.

Step by step instructions:

  • fold the napkin in half;
  • then bend the upper corners towards the center;
  • Now repeat the procedures with the lower corners and bend them towards the central corner. You should now have a diamond shape;
  • the upper edges that were folded last time must be bent back 1/4 of the entire diamond. Thus, blanks for a fleur-de-lis are obtained. In order for the flower to ‘open’, you need to put a napkin ring on it. This must be done from the bottom of the workpiece. Afterwards you can straighten the petals a little. And the flower is ready!

One move, but how stylish - a “tie” for a fork

This option is more reminiscent of a playful decoration for cutlery than a serving of napkins in the classical sense. This design of plates and forks is more suitable for a modern stylistic solution for the design of a festive table. A couple of light movements and the grunge style decor is ready.

We knit a beautiful “tie”:

  • Unfold the napkin and fold opposite ends from center to middle;
  • fold the rectangle in half so that the free edges remain inside;
  • fold the napkin in half again, but with the short edges facing each other;
  • At the bend of the rectangle, a loop is formed into which the free edges must be threaded. And the main thing is not to forget to put a fork, knife or spoon in a bundle. This will create a “tie” for the device. Stylish, simple and very original!

An envelope or something from a restaurant on your table

This method will fit perfectly into almost any stylistic direction. Besides his beautiful appearance, it also carries a functional load. You can put cutlery in it and thus arrange their serving. You can also add a name card, fresh flowers and other decorative elements.

Instructions for creating a pocket:

  • unfold the napkin. Fold the top right corner and the bottom left corner towards the center. But note that the top corner should be folded slightly less than the bottom;
  • carefully place the right half (from the center) on the left;
  • then bend the lower left corner;
  • Fold the napkin in half again. Only this time from the bottom up. At the same time, be extremely careful - the corners that were bent should remain that way. You should end up with a square with beveled corners at the top left;
  • turn the square face down. Fold it in half - from right to left;
  • turn the product over again. As a result, you will get a rectangle with beveled cuts into which you can insert cutlery or a sprig of lavender or olive. And please your guests!

Options that create additional volume and individual compositions on the holiday table

Volumetric options from napkins can be used as one of the elements that will set the “pace” and compositional “movement” of your table. Such forms can include candles from napkins, fleur-de-lis, or voluminous flowers in plates and on the side. It depends on your imagination.

Star, flower or snowflake - call this beauty what you want

The floral theme can be seen in clothing design, in interiors and even in table settings. There are flowers on the table, both live in compositions and artificial: panels and even roses and lilies from napkins. Continuing this theme, napkins on the festive table can be folded in the shape of a lotus flower or an unusual snowflake.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • unfold the napkin. Fold the corners towards the center to form a diamond shape;
  • carefully turn the diamond face down;
  • Fold the corners towards the center again to form a square. There will be visible cuts on the corners of the napkin;
  • Very carefully, from the back, pull the last corners of the napkin onto the front side. They should "look" up. Pull out all 4 ends. This way you will get the perfect fantasy flower or diamond-shaped snowflake.

The perfect flower for every guest

This option is one of the most difficult. It requires a lot of effort and time. You will also need to be patient. But the result will delight and surprise your guests.

Step-by-step instructions for “making” an aster from a napkin:

  • unfold the napkin. Then we make 2 counter warehouses - along the central fold;
  • repeat the manipulations on the short sides. Smooth the curve lines with your fingers. This is a blank with marked lines;
  • We unfold the base until the moment with the first 2 opposing warehouses. There will be 4 squares at the top and bottom of the central fold;
  • you need to make 8 squares out of 4. To do this, bend the short side towards you, then make an “accordion” away from you and leave it. On the other side we repeat the manipulations;
  • we form the petals. To do this, fold the ribs of the accordion inward and smooth out the folds with your fingers. Just fold not the whole rib, but ¼ of it;
  • we connect the outer ribs to each other - “open” the aster. Fix the flower with your fingers and place it on a plate. Now your guests will enjoy not only delicious food and pleasant company, but also receive aesthetic pleasure from decorating the festive table. Create with your soul!

Voila! Astra revealed itself