In Russia, Valentine's Day, or, as it is also called, Valentine's Day, began to be celebrated later than other countries. Only a few decades ago did it become customary for us to exchange small cards with short poems about love - valentines, to give loved ones teddy bears, heart-shaped pillows, candies, chocolate, etc. on February 14 romantic gifts. Of course, on this holiday, congratulations on Valentine's Day are intended mainly to beloved boys, girls, women and men. Nevertheless, the customs of February 14 were liked by everyone without exception. On this day, none of your close friends will be surprised if they receive a Valentine’s card from you with kind, sincere words in prose or hear from you congratulations on Valentine’s Day.

Beautiful congratulations on Valentine's Day to your beloved husband - Declarations of love for a guy on February 14

Saint Valentine himself ordered married couples to celebrate February 14th - it is thanks to this selfless priest, who gave his life for the happiness of others, that we celebrate Valentine's Day today. Be sure to sign a small card with words of love and fidelity to your husband, handing it to your spouse on the morning of Valentine's Day. Girls who risked following the example of Japanese and Dutch girls and confessed their feelings to a guy on February 14 are worthy of both love and respect. How to do it? Be sincere and everything will work out for you! On a cold winter morning, hand over young man Valentine's card If you are still embarrassed to say about love out loud, a postcard with flaming hearts and passionate words will do it for you.

I love you the most
On this huge planet!
I don't regret anything for you,
After all, you are my joy in the world.

Without your affection and love
Believe me, I miss you terribly!
Catch my kisses!
We will succeed, I know.

The most beloved, the most desired!
Dear, good and long-awaited!
I fell in love purely and tenderly,
My heart beat so serenely!

I’m writing a text message, holy confession,
You are my whole world, you are expensive wine!
Let me drink enough of you,
I can’t enjoy life alone!

Accept a Valentine - a piece of Love,
I believe that you and I will be together!
You are my angel, my inspiration,
We will be together, we just need patience!

Happy Valentine's Day,
Happy love day to you, dear.
I appreciate you, my love,
Glad to be your wife!

I'm glad we have children
Our home has become a full bowl.
Every day in this world
Be happy with me in it!

Short congratulations on Valentine's Day to your beloved girl - Sincere words of love in verse

If you are still hesitant to tell your girlfriend how sincerely you love her, February 14 - best time to confess your feelings. Come to your beloved in the morning with a bouquet of flowers and a valentine enclosed in it. Having handed flowers to the lady of your heart, just look into her eyes - there you will read the answer to your feelings. The bravest guys can, of course, recite poems about love, but sometimes this is completely unnecessary. When the hearts of lovers beat in unison, when they experience mutual feelings, explanations are always unnecessary.

There are not so many kind words in the world,
So that I can read it to my beloved!
There are not so many joyful dreams in life;
But reality, fortunately, still exists!
I will save it, I will save it,
May all our dreams come true!..
On Valentine's Day this is the only way I can
Talk when you're near

Darling, I want to congratulate you
Happy bright Valentine's Day!
And leave a lot of wishes here,
What we both dream about!
I wish that we will always be close,
And so that no one separates us!
And so that fate, commanding the parade,
Presented us with our happy ball

Today is a holiday - the day of Love,
You give it to me like in a fairy tale.
Catch my loving gaze,
Let's leave our masks on.
I've been fascinated by you for a long time,
I want to drink you dry,
It's like I'm under a spell,
And I feel drunk without wine

Short congratulations to everyone on Valentine's Day - Cool poems for Valentine's Day

If initially Valentine's Day was a holiday for all lovers, today the tradition of congratulating each other on February 14 has been accepted by almost everyone, including those who have not yet experienced love. In England, for example, on this day they give something tasty or sweet not only to lovers and friends, but pets - dogs, cats, horses! Of course, these faithful animals are unlikely to understand what is written on the Valentine’s cards, but they will be oh so happy about the additional delicacies on February 14th! The rules of the holiday do not prohibit making pleasant surprises for anyone. You can please all your friends at once by giving each a small valentine with short congratulations. You may want to drop a few kind lines to your ex: sincerely wish him happiness and a new happy love.

Ah, Valentine's Day!
I'll cry for a whole year
Since there is not a single beast in the world
He won't send me a Valentine's card.

I will spit in the faces of all lovers,
I'll get a powerful shotgun...
Looks like he won't survive the fight.
Not a single man today!

So, let me congratulate everyone,
Wishing you great love.
I can leave my phone...
Call me, I'll be waiting!

It's going to be hot today
You and I in bed!
You will shout “More!”
Will five hours be enough for us?

Yes! Today is our holiday!
Valentine's Day,
I'm having a massage in his honor.
I love you very much!

If you were candy
I would eat you for a long time!
If you were a brunette,
I would like you too!

You are beautiful, even too beautiful
Sometimes I think I'm dreaming.
I fell in love like a boy!
Hugs. Kiss. I love!

Heartfelt congratulations on Valentine's Day to friends - Poems for friends on February 14

Surely you have good friends. Some of them are already in love, others are married, and others are still unsuccessfully looking for their soulmate. Cheer them up on February 14th - read them poems about Valentine's Day; tell them amazing love stories that you yourself have witnessed. Of course, your friends will be pleased to receive a small Valentine card from you with heartfelt congratulations and wishes of love.

My dear friend, you are the best in the world,
I'm with you behind the stone wall,
I swear that I won't think twice about it
I'll follow you anywhere!

On this holiday I wish you
Huge, pure and simple love,
I wish you only joy and happiness,
For ever, your romantic, golden

My friends, love cannot be bought,
Secretly steal or take away,
You can only give it away
Find, protect, trying not to lose.

On Valentine's Day, I wish you from the bottom of my heart,
So that love can be found, beautiful, big,
And let it burn, don’t go out,
There is no more beautiful feeling in the world, everyone knows it!

Congratulations on Valentine's Day!
The text of wishes for today is funny:
Girls-models, a car-picture,
And on banknotes with multi-digit numbers!

I also wish you better aspirations,
Career growth is galloping,
In love of great achievements,
And your heart is pierced by cupid!

Heartfelt congratulations on Valentine's Day in prose and poetry to your beloved man on Valentine's Day

Poems dedicated to a beloved man are always beautiful, even if the author is not the best poet. Words of love and fidelity coming from the bottom of the heart, spoken in ordinary prose, delight no less. Sincerely loving woman He always looks magical, even if he doesn’t know how to say “smoothly and well.” Take advantage of our small selection congratulations on Valentine's Day. May you remember this Valentine's Day as the most captivating holiday you have ever encountered.

My gentle, beloved, dear person,
I want someone to be in love with me for a whole century,
So that we walk through life together with you
And the feeling, like an eye, was always protected!

I adore you, I appreciate you,
I love you with all my heart, my dear!
I breathe by you, I live by you,
I am faithful only to you, my dear, alone!

You are my beloved prince, you are my ideal,
The Lord sent you to me as a reward.
Always be my sweet sunshine,
Then I will be happy too!

You are my closest man
And on Valentine's Day
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart,
I warm you with my love.

I want to kiss you,
Envelop with affection, care
And wish you great happiness,
So that dreams begin to come true.

So that everything works out for you,
Patience, strength - did not end,
The smile on my face was shining,
Love helps in everything!

Happy holiday, Happy Valentine's Day,
My happiness and love!
I cherish you, darling,
And I admit it again!

On February 14, address your congratulations on Valentine's Day to people whom you sincerely love, without whom your life would immediately become boring, uninteresting, devoid of the colors of passions and emotions. It can be not only your lovers - men, women, girls and boys. Sometimes friends take up so much space in our hearts that we want to tell them how we feel. Valentine's Day is the best day to open up to them. Do this in valentines, short poems or prose.

"Happy Valentine's Day to my husband"

On a day filled with love,
Let me congratulate you
We'll do without a feast,
After all, my love is most important.
You are the man of my life
Together we are family:
You are reading my mind,
Well, I love you.
Receive my congratulations,
This day is wonderful
There's just a little bit of excitement in him,
Well, the text is appropriate.

"Happy Valentine's Day to my husband"

My beloved husband, my precious treasure,
My life partner, my destiny guide,
For every moment we share
I will always be grateful to you!
Illuminating the whole world like a rising star,
Live for me, my dear man!
And on Valentine's Day I repeat again:
Thank you to fate, which united us forever!

I know happiness is you.
And you are always by my side.
You make all dreams come true
You can caress even with your gaze.
Let our tender love
It only blossoms every hour.
I love you - I will say it again,
And congratulations on Valentine's Day.

"Happy Valentine's Day to my husband"

On Valentine's Day
There's a great reason
Tell you “I love you” again!
And I say it!
Let them sparkle with a bright ray,
The fire is burning hot
My tender words.
Honey I love you!

"Congratulate your husband on Valentine's Day"

There are very few husbands like you,
And her friends look after her with envy,
After all, you and I are walking the same road,
But others don’t have such a husband.
And on Valentine's Day I
I want to wish you health
After all, we have a reason for joy, -
We are close and will not retreat!

"Happy Valentine's Day Poems for Husband"

You gave me heaven on earth,
And also unearthly.
You proved that there is love, -
I am happy with you!
You are a dream come true
Magical and big.
All my dreams are only about you,
The only one, dear!
I just want to save everything
What did you give me?
And on Valentine's Day show
How much you are loved!

"Happy Valentine's Day to my husband"

I remember how cool we are
Spent time together
Indulging quietly in affection,
Our feelings were buried.
And now on a wonderful day,
Happy and Valentine's Day
Our feelings remain
Disobedient to all sorrows.

How to surprise you, my love,
Me on this touching day?
My hero, my patient husband,
I'm not too lazy to stand in the kitchen.
And on Valentine's Day
I will not create dinner - relish!
So that I understand - I only love you
For the courage to absorb everything like that.
And we are not afraid of all adversity -
Let us pass them through the years with dignity!

My beloved husband,
You are the best of all!
Kind, strong, stately,
Tough as a nut!
On Valentine's Day, dear,
I want to tell you
So that you accumulate strength,
We'll break the bed!

This is not the first year we have been together,
You're used to your bride
I became your wife
Day and night you are with me.
But it should be clear to everyone -
Our feeling has not faded!
My beloved man!
Happy Valentine's Day
I congratulate you
Like the first day of love!
I wish you love
Happiness, so as not to be carried away,
If I sometimes scold you,
Forgive me for that!

No one else is needed -
Neither Charlie Sheen nor Tarantino...
I am proud of my beloved faithful husband!
And on Valentine's Day
I hasten to warmly congratulate him:
Hugs, kisses, caresses.
You are my best gift in life!
With you I live like in a fairy tale!

Valentine's Day,
I'm beautiful like Malvina!
Everything today is for you
Because I love you so much... I love you!
I wish you happiness,
Lots of money, sex, passion!
To be always together
Husband, wife and our children
So that you rejoice
After all, today I will fulfill all your dreams!

Happy Valentine's day,
My dear husband!
Most lovely
And the dearest!
Remember further -
Dear wife
Just like before
In love with you!

My beloved husband, dear,
I am very happy with you,
And on Valentine's Day
I want to say thank you for everything -
That you are always with me,
Years pass by
And we, as before, are on our way,
And it’s so easy to walk around!

Happy Valentine's Day!
Be happy, know no need!
My only man!
Without you it’s like without water!
The best and most desirable!
I love you seriously!
My beloved, long-awaited
Prince of my spiritual dreams!

You and I have been together for so many years,
And I love you even more.
For me you are everyone in the world
Both more expensive and nicer.
Grateful for all the years
And I am grateful to you
For good weather
In my life and destiny.
Congratulations, my beloved,
May you be the happiest of all!
On Valentine's Day
Let your good laughter sound!

My dear, beloved husband,
Happy holiday, dear one,
Happy Valentine's Day,
My tenderness and destiny!

On this day I wish you
I have to be patient
I promise a night of miracles
Come on honey, smile!

Happy Valentine's Day to my husband,
And I promise you,
Surround you with care
Keep up with everything at work.

Make life warmer
Make dinner quickly.
I won't say a bad word
I'm ready for anything for you.

My dear and sweet husband!
Happy Valentine's Day!
After all, it’s probably not in vain
It's a February holiday.
Even though my feelings freeze,
But he cannot destroy them.
The blizzard covers it with snow,
And in the hearts love burns.
I confess that I love you
I respect you, I take care...

Valentine's Day -
Day of love confessions.
I love you, my husband,
The only one desired...

You are my friend, my soul,
Half a heart, honey.
We will always be together
The most affectionate, beloved.

Today celebrates the holiday
Saint Valentine in heaven,
I congratulate you, my husband,
After all, I need you alone,

Love me just as passionately
How and when for the first time
It became crystal clear to both
That we now have love!

On Valentine's Day,
Husband, my beloved man,
I remember our wedding
I still adore you just the same.

I want to say about love -
Every day I fly to you,
Like on a first date,
Let it be a little late.

And I will say on Valentine's Day,
No shadow in the world
Our star will not be eclipsed,
I love you very much.

Today I confess to you
That I love you very much
But there is another man
To whom I thank:

Because we are close to you,
Because I love you,
Because you love me.
Valentin is responsible for everything.

Today is our holiday with you,
Today is a holiday of feelings, love,
My husband, you were sent to me by fate,
Please accept congratulations!

I wish you that in my heart,
Always, always there was love for me,
Happy Valentine's Day,
I am your soulmate forever!

I wish you, darling,
The feeling of being just inspired.
Let it give you a surge of emotions
To you, my husband, Valentine's Day.

To have more passion
Feelings, tenderness, fire.
So that you go crazy ardently
Just from looking at me.

More for romanticism
It was only in our family.
The relationship only grew stronger
After all, you are my prince - the highest class.

Today is a holiday for the happy,
Strong and beloved couples.
I give you millions of beautiful words,
And I present myself as a gift.

I wish that our storm of passion
Our ocean of naive love
escaped any bad misfortune,
And the feelings remained forever mutual.

I know you like poetry by heart.
And strength, and weakness, and joy, and sadness
You and I have been dividing in half for a long time.
Saint Valentine smiles at us:
He sees, my dear, that he is next to you
I live as if behind a solid stone wall.
Love and loved. Are they jealous? Let be!
I am proud of my husband as if I were a reward!

I want it for my beloved man
On Valentine's Day I wish you
Forget about any trouble,
Don't be discouraged at all,
May luck smile
And you appreciate my love
Let fate take care of us,
May we be together again and again!

On Valentine's Day I wish
Bathe in love every moment,
Never getting discouraged
To remain the best
So that adversity goes away forever,
May you always be happy
And in any weather
Only sincerely loved!

I think, my love, about you
And I am sincerely grateful to fate
For your voice, exciting to tears,
For all the thorns of our scarlet roses,
For not promising anything,
For trembling with every vein,
I repeat the prayer: “God bless you!”
Please come home more often.

I want to wish you today
On Valentine's Day - inspiration,
And never lose heart,
And be in a great mood.
Let smiles await everywhere,
Let life give you gifts,
Let the angels bring love
That shines brightly like the sun!

I want to wish you today -
Don't you ever dare to lose heart,
And you shouldn't be offended by me,
I'm ready to submit today.
And on Valentine's Day, this wonderful holiday,
I wish you to love sincerely and passionately,
Of course, always me alone -
And I will always find a way to you!

On Valentine's Day I wish my husband
So that without retreating from your affairs,
You were moving towards your target, towards your goal,
To achieve everything you wanted.
Anything in life was successful,
My love remains forever in my soul,
For great luck to come,
And to give you the mood!

It's so good that we met you,
Darling, you are a hero for me!
You are like a dream come true,
Both strength and male beauty.
I want to say about my love,
Believe me, don’t be discouraged at all!
I want you to be the happiest
May you be cheerful and daring in life!

Everyone deserves happiness -
Everyone who has ever loved.
I want to tell you,
That you shouldn't be discouraged.
On Valentine's Day everything will come -
Life will bring good luck.
And luck and laughter -
Let success follow!

On Valentine's Day, on the best holiday,
With all my soul I want to wish,
Like the first ray of sun
To protect your love.
Happiness settled in my heart,
So that peace reigns in the soul,
For the best to happen
And with you and with me!

Darling, how much tender words beautiful
I’ll tell you today from the bottom of my heart!
And on this glorious day, the holiday of lovers,
Like the first time, I will fascinate you.
Let the evening be shrouded in magic,
And let your heart sing with joy.
And music and wax candles
They will tell you how my soul lives.

Love came quite suddenly
You turned my whole world upside down!
And so unexpectedly, unexpectedly
Cupid shot his arrow.
I fell madly in love with you,
You became my light, my star,
St. Valentine's Day - best holiday,
After all, we met you!
I will love you forever
I will share my whole life with you!
You are my dear, my flawless,
I love you without memory!

An old fairy tale says,
What if you believe in miracles,
Everything will definitely happen
And happiness will knock on the door!
Love came to me suddenly
I wasn’t expecting her at all!
And you, my dear, are the best,
Opened my eyes to love!
I loved you with all my heart,
Gave me all the tenderness and joy!
And now I'm happy
Thank you, Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day -
This holiday is not easy.
This is the holiday of all loved ones,
For me, only you are like that.
May your love not fade away
And be sure of mine.
Only happiness awaits ahead,
And forget separation!

You are like a month young:
You charm, sparkle, play.
And I am like the moon above the earth:
I'm spinning and twisting and twisting.
But in this big sky,
We somehow found each other.
And only thanks to you,
My dreams have come true.
You gave me happiness
Minutes of affection and pleasure.
You taught me how to live
You have always been my salvation!

Patron of love and passion
Keeps you and me safe
From sweet dreams and passion threads
He will weave our path.
She is strewn with lights
With our unearthly love,
And there will be no end to it, no edge
Let Valentin protect us.

Your love is like a dream.
Why am I so happy?
You're so in love with me
And I’m into you... The basis of passion
It lies only in reciprocity.
I want to see you soon!
And separate you and me
Believe me, no one will succeed!

In love it cannot be otherwise,
Why be a mountain for each other!
Any complex tasks
You and I can handle it together.
Darling, I dream with you
Spend the rest of your life.
You are the best! I know for sure,
I managed to find love!

When I saw you -
I couldn’t believe my eyes.
You are ideal, my dream -
And I was able to check this.
After all, this is not our first day together,
I wish us not to part,
After all, together we will go through everything,
To wake up with each other.

Believe me, winter can be gentle,
It can be full of tenderness.
Let them turn into a winter fairy tale
Your dreams, my words.
And on Valentine's Day very sincerely
I want to wish you
So that love remains pure,
And the brightness of feelings flared up!

You are the best person
And my very favorite.
May we be together forever,
We are blessed by fate.
Light and shadow are mixed in you,
And let it go beautifully
Wonderful holiday, bright day
Saint Valentine's!

Happy Valentine's Day
I congratulate you
My only man!
And I wish to live, loving!
You try to be the same -
Kind, sensitive and dear!
And you always stay
Brave, strong and cool!

May our love
Will not fade over the years
Let life again and again
Decorates with flowers,
Let them not touch
Sadness and routine
Let the feelings wake up...
And Happy Valentine's Day!

May Saint Valentine's Day
It will be a holiday in our home.
So that love blooms in him forever
And filled hearts with warmth.
Congratulations, my beloved,
Happy Valentine's Day!

Hubby, congratulations!
I wish you now!
To be next to me,
The sun is shining brightly!
Give me warmth and hope,
To be the most beautiful and gentle,
This is how you are now
I love the sparkle of your eyes!

From a pair of soul mates
We must admit (what is there!):
Husband is less susceptible
Tenderness and care;
But now there is an excess of words:
Bunny, lover, dad
And just my love
Happy Valentine's Day, paw!

Beloved husband
I must congratulate you.
February cold...
And in the heart there is spring!
May it be Valentine's day
Will give love.
You - the best man!
I'll tell you again.

The best, the sweetest,
Strong, smart and loved,
Happy Valentine's day! Smile!
Let the feelings rush upward!
Let the sun shine for you,
A fresh warm wind is blowing,
Let them stir your blood
My tenderness and love!

A typical day is Thursday or Saturday,
But there is joy and lightness in the heart,
After all, you know that someone loves
Feeling his warmth again.
My gentle husband, my lord,
A reliable family man in life,
My abode of peace
You are not alone in this life.
My dear companion, congratulations
Happy Valentine's Day to you,
I want to be a leader in everything
And a heart of greater fire!

We've been together for many years, my friend,
We walked straight through life.
You, my beloved husband,
Thank you for being with me.
I found you like a diamond
Among the cheap jewelry.
I will not remain silent, I will say now:
You are the best! I repeat again:
Although we are no longer young,
Our marriage is a gift from Fortune!

I'll ask my friends, I'll ask my friends -
Everyone around me is jealous of me,
After all, my husband is the best of men.
Plenty of reasons to be proud.
He always helps me
Never forgets.
Darling, I love you! –
I’ll repeat it on Valentine’s Day.

Hello, my beloved and strong,
You know, I want you
And on Valentine's Day, my dear,
I'll show you a trick.
So, I congratulate you,
I hope we can be together
And now I wish you
Always burn with me, like fire.

My husband is the only one, beloved and dear!
No one else in the whole world has this!
I'm happy that I'm married to you,
When you are near, the sun shines brighter!
I want that on Valentine's Day
Cherished desire yours is fulfilled!
And I have only one desire, my dear,
May we live this life together!

When I look at the ring,
Then I remember about you.
You are forever in my heart,
You and I are destined to be together.
I love you with the same intensity,
Love me always too!
And Valentine's Day, my dear husband,
Let's stretch it out for years!

Happy Valentine's Day,
Dear, dear husband!
I want to love me
So that there is no time
Even look “to the left”!
Never get bored
To be your queen
I stayed forever!

On this holiday of love as if on wings
Let the words of congratulations fly.
I want everyone to be happy
If only I could see your tender gaze.
In an ocean of unbridled passion
I'll give you a kiss.
My dear, I am entirely in your power!
Because I only love you!

I believe that you are half of me,
I have already been convinced of this more than once!
I congratulate you on Valentine's Day,
After all, Valentine's Day was created for us!
Cheerful and kind, beautiful and smart,
I am always proud and admire you!
And on a sunny morning and on a moonlit midnight
I only think about you, dear!
Love me tenderly, beautifully and passionately,
How in the world has no one ever loved!
With you we will become a wonderful family,
We have enough strength for all achievements!

On Valentine's Day
I want to tell my husband
Only sweet Nothing,
Just gently caress
There are disagreements -
Yes, you can’t do without them,
I wish you well
May life be wonderful!

I want to tell you, husband,
Today I will congratulate
After all, Valentine's Day is
Quite a good reason.
Wish You happiness and health,
So that you love me with love,
The kind that no one dreams of!
Let only the best happen!

My dear man,
My only one, dear,
I will say again that I am yours!
You are both joy and sadness,
You are my destiny!
And the Lord himself loves us!
By giving us a son!

My dear, beautiful, gentle.
You behaved diligently for a year,
Learn a lesson now.
On this Valentine's Day,
I will kiss you deeply.
It is for us, for the gifted,
Who already has a family?
Untie the gift quickly.
I believe you will like it.
Look how bright the evening is.
Come to me already!