In the first part of the article "Part 1: Deep moisturizing facial skin at home - is it possible or not?" We looked at the causes of dry skin, the 4 main types of moisturizing from a dermatological point of view, and also what ingredients should be avoided, as they not only will not help, but will do harm.

We will devote this material to the most useful folk remedies for moisturizing facial skin, and also present the best recipes for natural tonics and masks, which can be prepared at home.

Among all the diversity herbal ingredients, cosmetologists especially highlight some plants, whose moisturizing effect on the skin can be equate to expensive developments of scientific laboratories.

Botanical Moisturizing Ingredients

  • Such amazing plants include, first of all, aloe vera. Its stabilized form helps cope with dehydration on several levels at once, because... Aloe has several active moisturizing components.
  • Besides, agave, Having a number of unique healing properties on the skin, it is an excellent conductor for other beneficial substances.
  • Many moisturizing ingredients are close to us: honey, cucumbers, raspberries, plums, carrots, apples, avocados, lemon, oils (olive, wheat germ), oatmeal, yolks, green tea, kefir, dry seaweed.
  • And from medicinal herbs, except aloe, you can use linden, rosemary, chamomile, calendula, parsley, chickweed, iris, birch. Healing vegetable oils have not only a nourishing, but also a moisturizing and antioxidant effect, so they will be useful for dry and aging skin (wheat germ oil, grape seed oil, avocado oil, sesame oil, flaxseed oil, sea buckthorn oil, olive oil, shea oil, rose oil, sandalwood oil, geranium oil , evening primrose).

If the skin does not have hypersensitivity, it will be very useful to wipe the skin of the face, neck and décolleté in the morning with an ice cube prepared with a decoction of herbs or fruit juice; ice made from birch sap is suitable for aging skin. A massage with this cube lasts 20-30 seconds.

Before applying the mask or before the massage, you can make a steam bath for 10 minutes or a hot compress from the same herbs. This will facilitate better penetration of beneficial substances deep into the skin. And at the final stage of care, a cool herbal compress will protonate and refresh.

Thorough cleansing of the skin before a mask or massage is a necessary condition quality procedure. If you have dry skin, you should avoid using soap and alcohol solutions.

Moisturizing lotions

The cleansing stage ends with toning lotion. This is necessary to restore the acid-base balance of the skin that has been disturbed due to washing. The simplest recipe is a decoction of chamomile or mint. However, you can prepare more complex compositions at home:

Plum lotion(for dry skin)

Peel 3 large plums, removing the pits. Mash a little and pour 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, strain, use the cooled broth.

Oatmeal lotion (for oily, dehydrated skin)

2 tbsp. pour oatmeal with 2 cups of boiling water or milk (for peeling skin), cover with a lid and cool. Wipe morning and evening after cleansing your skin.

Grape lotion(for normal and combination skin)

Mash the ripe red grapes thoroughly and leave them for 2 hours. Add a pinch of salt and 1 tsp to half a glass of the resulting juice. honey, stir and leave for another half hour.

Oil lotion(for very dry, flaky skin)

1 tbsp. mix apricot oil with 1 tsp. wheat germ oil and 1 tbsp. jojoba oil, add 1-3 drops of rose essential oil. It is good to wipe your face and neck with this mixture at night.

Moisturizing mask recipes

Here are some recipes for moisturizing masks offered by traditional medicine.

Mix cottage cheese, warm milk, carrot juice and olive oil (1 tablespoon each) until smooth and apply it on your face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water and wipe your face with an ice cube. This mask also has a whitening effect.

Herbal mask for dry skin.

1/2 tsp. dry herbs yarrow, St. John's wort, chamomile, hop cones, strawberries and blackberries, pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 20 minutes. Mix the infusion with 1 tbsp. sweet apple juice, 1 tsp. honey and 1 egg yolk. Apply the resulting mixture to your face and after 15 minutes, rinse thoroughly with water.

Beat 1 tbsp until foam appears. heavy cream along with 20 drops of propolis and 1 tbsp. cucumber juice. Apply a thick layer to your face, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water and wipe your skin with cucumber juice.

A refreshing mint mask for dry skin.

2 tbsp. crushed mint leaves, pour 1 cup of boiling water. Boil for 3 minutes, cool and strain. Apply a warm paste of leaves to your face and remove after 15 minutes with damp cotton pads.

Egg mask for dry and flaky skin.

Mix 1 egg yolk with 1 tbsp. grape, peach or apricot kernel oils, and with 1 tsp. slightly crushed oatmeal. Apply the resulting mass to your face, lightly massaging it. After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

During such procedures, you need to lie down and relax your facial muscles. The course takes 1.5-2 months (2 times a week). After 2 months the course can be repeated. To maintain the effect, 1 mask per week is enough.

Vegetable oils to moisturize skin

A few words about such common healing oils as olive and grape seed.

Olive oil

Olive oil has antioxidant, rejuvenating, moisturizing, cleansing, regenerative and analgesic effects.

It restores the protective function of the skin and restores its tone, does not clog pores and improves skin respiration. It contains a lot of unsaturated fatty acids, which in their composition similar to lipids in mother's milk.

Recently, olive oil has received special attention due to its anti-cancer properties, It is recommended to apply it to the skin after sunbathing. Its use in a cream, mask or as a massage base gives remarkable results for the above tasks. Perfect for sensitive skin.

For home cosmetic procedures, use natural extra-virgin oil, first (cold) pressed, to avoid clogging of pores and inflammation.

Grape seed oil is used in cosmetology both as a separate component and as part of skin care products.

Suitable for any skin type, as on the one hand it nourishes, vitaminizes, deeply moisturizes and regenerates the skin, increasing its tone and elasticity, on the other hand, it has astringent, sebum-regulating, antibacterial and pigment-constricting properties.

Besides this, it strengthens capillaries, serves as a conductor for other beneficial substances, is a powerful antioxidant and source of phytoestrogens, preventing aging and removing toxic substances from the body.

We all want perfect skin that looks like a juicy, plump apple. ❤ The first step towards it is proper hydration. It is the basis of all our cosmetic care.

In this post we will talk about why the skin needs moisture so much, what transepidermal water loss is and natural moisturizing factor, what causes dehydration, and how to deal with it.

Why is water so important for the skin?

Healthy skin contains 20-30% water. It is the level of moisture that determines how appearance(elasticity, firmness, color) and skin health.

Dehydration can cause a wide variety of problems. Fine wrinkles, circles under the eyes, inflammation - all this can be caused by low moisture levels in the skin.

Water plays a huge role in the exfoliation process. When the moisture level in the skin decreases, the exfoliation process stops and dead cells accumulate in layers. Hello, dull complexion, dry, rough, flaky skin, clogged pores and inflammation.

Moisturizing the skin from the outside

Our skin is like a big natural sponge. It absorbs moisture from the atmosphere when air humidity is high (more than 50%).

Remember the condition of your skin in humid Thailand and dry Egypt. In the humid Asian climate, the skin is more hydrated even without makeup, and it seems that you don’t need to put anything on. Such a trick will not work with desert Egypt.

Moreover, when air humidity is low (less than 50%), exactly the opposite process begins. In our climate, the skin begins to dry out especially noticeably when the heating is turned on. Hot radiators make the indoor air too dry and moisture from the skin begins to escape into the atmosphere.

This is why a humidifier is so important in winter. And for dehydrated and dry skin, this is generally a must-have, regardless of the season.

Another way to increase skin hydration is with the help of cosmetics. How? We will talk about this in more detail in the next post.

But still, the skin receives most of its moisture from the inside, not the outside.

Moisturizing the skin from the inside

The circulatory system plays a huge role in moisturizing the skin from the inside. You drank a glass of water. How does this water get into the cells and get to the skin? Only with the help of blood through the blood vessels. It is the blood that transports water and nutrients throughout the body. The more water in the body, the better and the more it reaches, including the skin. Therefore, the “banal” advice - drink more water - really works (hurray! ☺).

In the skin, blood vessels are found in the lower layers - the hypodermis and dermis. In the dermis, water enters the “network” of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin and turns into a gel. Some of the moisture in gel form remains in the dermis, and some rises higher into the epidermis.

Regulates skin pH (lactic, citric acids and potassium are responsible for this).

Stimulates the synthesis of ceramides and improves skin barrier function (lactic acid).

Maintains the exfoliation process at a normal level.

    Exfoliation. During washing, peeling (scrubs) and shaving, part of the corneocytes is removed, and with it the NUF. That’s why it’s so important to replenish it with moisturizers afterward (masks, serums).

    Frequent bathing. NUF consists of water-soluble components; too frequent and prolonged water procedures wash it out and dry the skin.

    To make it clearer what it is epidermal barrier, imagine a brick wall. The base of the wall is made of bricks. In the skin, the bricks are the corneocytes of the stratum corneum. They hold each other like hands with the help of protein bridges (desmosomes). The layer (cement) between the bricks of our skin is lipids (also called fats).

    The reliability and strength of the epidermal barrier helps maintain hydrolipid mantle. This is a film on the surface of the skin, consisting of fat (lipids), sweat and acids formed as a result of the vital processes of the epidermis. Just as the walls are covered with plaster on top, the epidermal barrier is additionally wrapped in a hydrolipid mantle.

    Water and water-soluble substances are not able to overcome the barrier of the epidermal barrier and hydrolipid mantle, because water does not dissolve in fat.

    Thus, the lipid (fat) layer “seals” the moisture in the skin collected by the natural moisturizing factor. And this is also why it is so important to maintain a healthy epidermal barrier and hydrolipid mantle.

    Important! Lipids are the nutrition of our skin. NUF is hydration. They only work together - it is useless to collect moisture without locking it. Remember, there is no hydration without nutrition, they are like 2 twix sticks - always together.

    • Replenish moisture reserves from the inside, drink plenty of water.

      Strengthen blood vessels.

      Buy an air humidifier.

      Use competent cosmetics containing moisturizing components (including NUF components) and lipids.

    We figured out how the skin's moisturizing system works, and in the next post we'll find out how moisturizing cosmetics work, what moisturizing components and lipids look like in a cream, and who to look for on the label.

    Still have questions? Ask in the comments.

    See you again on LaraBarBlog. ♫

The question of how to moisturize facial skin can be relevant for people of any gender and age. A competent comprehensive approach, an individually selected care and treatment program by a doctor, systematic procedures - all this will improve the condition of the skin and appearance.

When to moisturize

Violation of the water balance in the dermis causes thinning, sagging and dullness. In this case, complaints of peeling and a feeling of tightness may appear, which intensify after washing with water and alkaline soap. Dehydrated facial skin is prone to easy formation of superficial wrinkles, loses tone, and acquires a grayish color. As a result, a person may look tired, unhealthy, and older than his age.

Moisturizing is required not only for constitutionally dry and aging skin. Varying degrees of dehydration can occur in people with normal, combination, and even oily skin. But their signs of water imbalance will not be so obvious, masked by others. cosmetic problems. And the lack of adequate hydration in a basic care program contributes to the premature appearance of age-related changes and the aggravation of existing lipid metabolism disorders. Express moisturizing before important life events cannot solve this problem.

The cause of insufficient hydration of the facial skin can be not only individual characteristics and aging processes. Intoxication, tissue reaction to inadequate care or the effect of unfavorable factors are of great importance. external factors. Dermatological, allergic and general somatic diseases are also often detected. A tendency to dryness on the face can be observed after severe illnesses, infections and gastrointestinal disorders, with hypovitaminosis and following unbalanced diets.

Competent diagnosis is the basis for drawing up individual program treatment and care. Skin type, severity of age-related changes and causes of existing water-lipid balance disorders are assessed. For this, tests, laboratory and instrumental diagnostics are carried out, and consultations with doctors of various specialties may also be required.

Basic measures for hydration

Long-term and deep hydration of facial skin can be achieved by following several principles. It is important to understand that use only cosmetics most often it just smooths out the existing problem. And the external effect must be supplemented by eliminating the internal prerequisites for dryness and dehydration of all layers of the dermis.

Proper nutrition

The skin is often called a mirror that reflects the condition internal organs, functioning of the liver and digestive tract. Therefore, diet correction, treatment of chronic diseases and normalization of intestinal function are mandatory components comprehensive program hydration. It is advisable to minimize the consumption of smoked and pickled foods, lemonades and factory-produced sausages, chips and other products that do not have special nutritional value with preservatives and synthetic additives. It is recommended to include fresh vegetables and fruits and grains rich in fiber in the menu. Fermented milk products are also very useful; it is only important to exclude allergies to milk protein and lactase deficiency.

If you follow a diet and have special eating habits (for example, veganism), you must strictly monitor the intake of essential substances and various microelements. Selenium, zinc, vitamins B, A and E are especially important. And a nutritional deficiency of iron can not only lead to anemia, but also cause dry skin.

Drinking regime

The most important component of a hydration program is maintaining an adequate drinking regime. Lack of daily consumption of regular water is the cause of hidden dehydration. In this case, there is some thickening of the blood, a decrease in the activity of many enzymes, insufficient excretion of metabolic products and a decrease in tissue saturation with moisture. Efficiency and general vitality also suffer.

The human body contains water mainly in bound form. It is part of the intercellular fluid, and gives the skin elasticity. The hygroscopic molecules of these compounds are quite large and practically do not penetrate deep into the intact dermis when applied externally. Therefore, even professional and pharmaceutical products will not provide a long-term hydration effect while maintaining a general water deficit in the body. It is recommended for an adult to drink at least 1.5 liters of drinking water per day. This amount should be increased with increased sweating, which is observed in the hot season, with fever, intense physical activity and while working in workshops with furnaces.

Medical consultation

In some cases, the help of a dermatologist and allergist may be required to select a treatment regimen for existing diseases. Various forms of allergic and contact dermatitis (neurodermatitis) require special attention. Clinically significant dry skin is often observed in children who suffered from diathesis in the first year of life. And the selection of adequate therapy and diet for them will not only help improve the current condition, but will also serve to prevent the worsening of atopy with the development bronchial asthma and other diseases.

General improvement of the body and elimination of dehydration create conditions for improving the condition of the skin. A variety of cosmetics and procedures will help eliminate dryness and moisturize the skin.

Cosmetic skin hydration

Moisturizing and nourishing facial skin is a task whose solution requires a systematic approach. The purpose of the basic daily care is to replenish moisture deficiency and maintain the necessary water balance in all layers of the dermis. If the skin is prone to dryness, it is also important to normalize lipid metabolism in it, as far as possible, because natural fatty lubricant helps regulate moisture loss and performs a protective function.

If necessary, courses can also be carried out, including procedures for deep moisturizing of the facial skin. They are usually selected by a specialist and carried out in a salon. Most often, facial massage is performed using essential oils.

For cosmetic moisturizing of the face the following can be used:

  • creams with hygroscopic substances that help maintain natural water balance;
  • products for artificial skin moisturizing, creating a protective film and preventing excess moisture loss;
  • natural essential and vegetable oils;
  • ready-made masks with various natural and synthetic ingredients;
  • folk remedies for moisturizing facial skin (masks homemade, steam baths, water compresses based on decoctions and infusions);
  • pharmaceutical products for specialized care for excessive dryness, sensitive skin, including atopic dermatitis and some other diseases;
  • some salon treatments, designed for intensive and deep hydration and nourishment of the skin.

Cosmetic methods and products are selected taking into account age, skin type, season and the presence of background dermatological problems. In most cases, it is also necessary to select the most appropriate method for daily hygienic cleansing of the face, excluding alkaline soaps, abrasives and alcohol-containing lotions. The most suitable are foams, washing gels and gommages.

How to properly use cream to moisturize different skin types

Creams are among the most commonly used cosmetic moisturizers. Cosmetologists recommend using them daily, selecting them according to your skin type and season. During the hot season, it is advisable to apply creams with a lighter texture; you can also replace them with gels and fluids. This will prevent the formation of a dense film, which in summer will disrupt heat exchange, increase the risk of pore clogging and the development of inflammation. In winter, it is usually recommended to use fairly thick creams that have an additional protective effect.


When choosing a cream, the question often arises of how to moisturize oily skin, and whether this really needs to be done in winter. In the cold season, damaging effects low temperatures and winds cause increased keratinization processes. At the same time, people with oily and combination skin note a compensatory increase in sebum production. In this way, the body tries to fight dryness of the surface layers of the dermis. And the best way out of this situation is not the use of powerful degreasers, but the optimization of daily care. Be sure to carry out procedures for cleansing, moisturizing and protecting. A cosmetologist will help you choose a suitable basic care regimen.


Moisturizing problematic skin requires special attention and care in selecting funds. After all, substances acting at the level of the stratum corneum can lead to disruption of the functioning of skin pores and sebaceous glands, which will aggravate existing problems. Therefore, along with moisturizing, products are selected for soft and at the same time effective cleansing and exfoliation. Preparations based on salicylic alcohol are used with caution and according to indications, because they can dry out the epidermis.


If your skin is dry, avoid taking a hot shower, using rough washcloths or rubbing with a towel. After washing, the body and face only need to be gently blotted with an absorbent towel, and then immediately apply moisturizing creams or emulsions.

How moisturizers work

All moisturizing components of pharmacy and factory creams can be divided into several groups:

  • Slows down moisture loss thanks to the occlusive effect. They contain substances that create a semi-permeable film on the surface of the skin (vaseline, mineral and silicone oils, solid vegetable oils, waxes, lanolin, animal fats).
  • They create a hygroscopic layer on the epidermis, which gives the effect of a wet compress. These substances include protein and nucleic acid molecules, their hydrolysates (including elastin and collagen), polysaccharides and pectins, polyglycols, glycerin, and sorbitol.
  • Agents with an osmotic effect that enhance the release of water into the intercellular spaces. For this purpose, mineral salts are used, which temporarily increase the degree of hydration of the stratum corneum of the epidermis.
  • Penetrating deep into the stratum corneum of the skin and retaining bound water here. The body itself produces such substances, but their use in creams can significantly increase the skin’s moisture saturation. These include urea, lactic acid, free amino acids, sodium pyrroglutamate.
  • Restorative lipid barrier. These are natural and essential oils, rich in sterols and essential fatty acids.

In addition to these components, creams may contain natural moisturizers. Specially selected herbs in the form of decoctions and extracts have an additional nourishing, soothing, softening and sebum-regulating effect.

Basic skin care products from the brands Vichy, Green Mama, Clarins, Biotherm, Clinique are considered proven and high quality. And in the presence of atopy, preference is most often given to the Lipikar line from La Roche-Posay, the Steatopia series from Mustela, and the Atopalm line from Uriage.

How to moisturize your facial skin at home

In addition to creams, various folk remedies are widely used to moisturize the skin. These can be homemade masks, compresses, lotions, and washes. Most often, milk and fermented milk products, honey, cucumber, chicken egg yolk, vegetable oils (especially olive), oatmeal, fresh vegetables, fruits and berries, and medicinal herbs are used for their preparation.

You can also do it at home, the basis of which is ready-made dried kelp powder. Seaweed can also be used whole, by soaking the rhizomes purchased at the pharmacy. Such masks help quickly moisturize the skin and have a tightening (lifting) effect.

How to moisturize your face without cream?

For achievement quick effect can be used steam baths based on herbal decoctions and infusions. Spraying the face with thermal or melt water has a good effect; this procedure can be carried out several times a day, even with makeup applied. It is also important to humidify and purify the air in the room using special devices - various types of humidifiers and air washers. This device is indispensable for moisturizing facial skin for people with allergic and atopic dermatitis, xerosis and other dermatological diseases.

Essential oil for moisturizing facial skin can be used in the form of applications, additives to ready-made creams or for oil irrigation. The most suitable oils are grape seed, wheat germ, peach and tea tree. Their use can also be used as specially formulated “cocktails”.

It is not always possible to cope with the problem of skin dehydration at home. The absence of a positive effect from self-medication within 2-3 weeks is a reason to contact a specialist. In this case, medications and specialized care products for dry and atopic skin, as well as salon procedures, can be prescribed.

Comprehensive skin hydration improves appearance and helps reduce the rate at which age-related changes appear on the face and neck.

Minimum program for body skin - cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing.
And if everything is clear with cleansing (we take showers every day), then the last two points are worth recalling, because they are often ignored.
Moisturizing is necessary for any skin type, including normal. It reacts poorly to lack of moisture:

    smoothness is lost;

    elasticity decreases;

    protective properties weaken;

    the skin dries, ages, and becomes uneven.

Moisturizing the skin of the body is part of the daily beauty ritual, as is moisturizing the skin of the face © iStock

How to moisturize your body skin

To keep your body skin beautiful and smooth, start moisturizing from the cleansing stage - taking a shower or bath.

Moisturizing care starts with using the right shower gel or bubble bath © iStock

    Use shower gels based on oils, plant extracts and algae. There are cleansers that are so rich and balanced in composition that the skin does not require additional moisturizing after a shower.

    You can add a few drops of lavender or rose essential oil to your bath.

    Adjust the water temperature so that it is not hot, otherwise the protective hydrolipid mantle of the skin will be compromised.

    Dead cells inhibit regeneration and do not allow moisturizers to saturate the epidermis with moisture, so use a scrub 1-2 times a week.

Use scrubs designed specifically for the body: facial peels that are too gentle and delicate will not do the job.

Rules for moisturizing body skin

Rule number one: Apply moisturizer to damp skin. Movements - circular massaging from the ankles to the hips, stomach and beyond.

Moisturizer is necessary even if your body skin is combination, that is, oily on the back and chest.

Choose moisturizers based on your skin type and personal preference: the texture should be comfortable and the scent pleasant.

    At normal skin Emulsion and milk are suitable.

    For dry and very dry - balm, cream or oil.

The skin of the body needs especially intensive hydration:

    in winter, when it experiences temperature stress and sharply loses moisture;

    after exposure to active sun;

    when recovering from an illness.

Moisturizing the body is especially important in hot, sunny seasons, as well as in winter. © iStock

Composition of body skin moisturizers

Almost all moisturizing cosmetics contain natural oils(olives, macadamia, shea butter, roses) and glycerin. In addition, formulas may contain the following components:

    hyaluronic acid is a powerful hydrofix;

    urea regulates water balance at the cellular level, soothes irritations, accelerates exfoliation of the stratum corneum;

    squalane - a plant analogue of the component of the protective layer of the skin;

    antioxidants: tocopherol, vitamin C;

    seaweed extracts;

    royal jelly.

Body Moisturizer Review

Shower gel La Vie Est Belle, Lancôme

A rich complex of moisturizing and softening ingredients turns delicate cleansing into skin care. Bonus - aroma with notes of jasmine, iris, pear, black currant, praline.


Svetlana: “Very pleasant, tasty shower gel. When cats are scratching your soul and it’s white outside the window, you can just take a shower with this gel, and everything will become happier.”

Olga: “Addition to my favorite fragrance La Vie Est Belle. Foams well and is used economically. In the summer, during the daytime, you can simply take a shower with this gel, and the subtle aroma of La Vie Est Belle will emanate from your skin. I think it's wonderful."

Anatoly: “I gave this gel to my sister. Sometimes I use it myself. Really like. It's like a luxurious spa treatment, a real bath ritual worthy royalty. Pleasant, delicate texture, abundant foam even from a small amount, very economical. Stunning, delicate aroma, long-lasting and light sillage for the whole day, moisturizes the skin very well, leaving it soft, tender, silky.”

Creamy body scrub “Grapefruit”, Kiehl's

The peeling effect is noticeable after the first use: the skin is renewed, becomes soft and smooth, and accepts subsequent care products well. The creamy, buttery texture begins to moisturize during the exfoliation stage.


Julia: “The consistency of the scrub is creamy, moderately thick, very convenient and pleasant to apply to the skin. There are quite a lot of scrubbing particles. Despite the fact that they look rough, the cleansing is very delicate, soft, and pleasant. The consumption promises to be minimal - just a little scrub is needed for one procedure. The fact that the cream is in the composition is felt immediately when you just start to wash off the product. The skin feels like body milk. A very pleasant feeling, the skin is soft, tender, there is no dryness that happens after such products...”

Nourishing body balm Oil Therapy Baume Corps, Biotherm

The product with a light texture is easily absorbed; thermal plankton concentrate, apricot kernel oil and a vitamin complex provide deep hydration to the skin.

Grape seed oil is responsible for moisturizing, nourishing and softening the skin. And for strengthening the barrier function of the epidermis and the protective properties of the skin - squalane.

Melting body milk with aloe vera, Garnier

Intense hydration is provided by aloe vera extract and a special bifidocomplex. The delicate texture allows the product to be quickly absorbed without leaving marks on clothes.

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Our body contains approximately 8 liters of water. Moreover, 25-30% of them are in the skin. Largest quantity fluid is concentrated in the dermis, slightly less in the hypodermis, and the outer layer of the skin - the epidermis - is least provided with life-giving moisture. Therefore, in order for our skin to have a healthy and radiant appearance, water is so necessary. When the water balance of the skin is disturbed, the skin becomes defenseless against negative impacts environment. If you are often in the sun, in air-conditioned rooms, do not tolerate cold well, or take medications, then the question of how to moisturize dry skin becomes especially relevant. Remember that lack of water leads to premature aging and skin aging. Many people believe that moisturizing facial skin is necessary only for those with dry skin types. It's a delusion. Any type of skin can suffer from lack of moisture.

Dehydration manifests itself in different ways. For example, combination, sensitive or dry skin becomes dull and sensitive to any irritation and begins to flake. Oily skin takes on a grayish tint and begins to secrete even more oil from the pores. All this is the result of skin dehydration.

How to properly moisturize your facial skin? Today you can find a huge number of moisturizing cosmetics on sale: face masks, special lotions and tonics. You just need to choose the ones that suit your skin type. However, do not forget that any moisturizer must be purchased in specialized stores or pharmacies.

Many women, wanting to save money, buy cosmetics and creams in small shops and in subway passages. They are not afraid of either the lack of certificates or dubious packaging. But in vain. Even if the cream contains a harmless component that will not cause harm to the skin, then you should not expect the long-awaited moisturizing.

But if you want to be beautiful and healthy, buy moisturizers exclusively in pharmacies or specialty stores. Moreover, if you see that the packaging is damaged or simply looks alarming, do not hesitate to ask for a quality certificate. Carefully study the composition if you have allergic skin and some components may cause an undesirable reaction. Another caveat: moisturizer for problem skin made without preservatives spoils quite quickly, so store it in the refrigerator.

  1. Vitamin E: protects skin from free radicals, prevents aging.

  2. Provitamin B5: provides facial skin hydration and additional nutrition.

  3. Hyaluronic acid. This fatty component is of animal or plant origin and is considered one of the best moisturizers. Hyaluronic acid creates a thin film on the surface of the skin that does not allow moisture to evaporate.

  4. Glycerol. Alcohol has a viscous consistency that can absorb moisture directly from the air and retain it on the skin.

  5. Oils: avocado, jojoba, castor, sweet almond and peanut. Knowing the characteristics of each of them, you can effectively use natural moisturizers at home. These oils are very beneficial for the skin and can be used either independently or as part of face masks.

  6. Allantoin: added to many masks as a moisturizer. Helps tighten pores and treat problem skin.

  7. Dimethyl ketone: This silicone substance is found in moisturizing creams for oily skin. It differs in that it does not contain fat.

  8. Raspberry extract, honey, aloe leaf extract are natural hydrants.

  9. Thalaspheres: Highly concentrated marine collagen fibers containing an effective moisturizer.

  10. Liposomes. These microscopic substances penetrate deeply into the epidermis and supply skin cells with moisturizers and nutrients. Liposomes restore smoothness and vitality to the skin.

How to properly moisturize your facial skin? In order to maximize the positive impact of cosmetics on the skin, you need to follow a few simple rules.

  1. Before applying moisturizer for problem skin, wash with warm water and thoroughly cleanse the skin;

  2. After blotting off any remaining moisture with a napkin, apply the cream to your face and rub it into the skin using gentle point-to-point movements. If you have oily skin, you can use a moisturizer once a day. It is recommended to moisturize dry skin around the eyes only with a special cream. However, don't overdo it. There should be no more cream applied to each eye than a match head, otherwise you will over-moisturize and stretch the skin.

  • Twice a day, wipe your face with an ice cube of mineral water, or even better, an infusion of medicinal herbs. After the procedure, do not dry yourself with a towel, but let your face dry on its own.

  • Always keep mineral or boiled water on hand. Periodically throughout the day, freshen your face by spraying it. This product can both moisturize dry skin and give vitality.

  • The condition of your skin depends on the nutrition and diets you follow. If your diet is rich in carbohydrates, then the water content in the body increases. An acidic diet reduces the amount of water in the skin.

  • If you want to be healthy and beautiful, drink a lot. The daily norm is 1.5-2 liters of clean water. Still spring or mineral water is best. Drink not during meals, but between meals, so as not to reduce the concentration of gastric juice. Drink two-thirds of the daily fluid intake in the first half of the day, and before bed - no more than 150 ml.

  • frequent bathing, washing the face with soap, cleaning the face with alcohol-containing products, prolonged skin contact with hot or cold water.

  • rubbing the skin with a towel.

  • rubbing the skin against rough fabric, using cosmetics containing abrasive particles.

  • a sedentary lifestyle, which leads to poor blood circulation and, consequently, to oxygen-water starvation of the skin.

Folk remedies for moisturizing the face have existed for a long time. Their recipes are very simple, and almost all the necessary ingredients can be found in the kitchen.

  • Jojoba oil: 6 tablespoons;

  • Vitamin E oil: 1 tablespoon;

  • Grated beeswax: 2 tablespoons;

  • Aloe juice: 1 spoon;

  • Rose essential oil: 4 drops;

  • Sandalwood essential oil: 8 drops;

  • Rose water: 2 tablespoons.

Mix vitamin E oil and jojoba oil. Heat the mixture in a water bath until the wax dissolves. Then cool the resulting mixture to room temperature until it thickens and becomes opaque. Combine rose water and aloe in a blender. Add oil and grind until smooth. Stir in essential oils and place the resulting cream in a glass jar. Store in the refrigerator.

This moisturizer for combination skin can be used once a day, preferably in the evening.

Olive oil is the best skin hydrator. That is why it is included in most cosmetic products for body, face and hair care. Moreover, olive oil is used not only in industry, but also in home cosmetology.

The principle of operation is very simple. You just need to lubricate your face with warm oil and leave for half an hour. This option is ideal for dehydrated and constantly flaky skin. If you have combination skin, it is recommended to lubricate only the flaky areas with oil several times a day.

In addition to simply moisturizing the face, olive oil can be used to care for sensitive skin around the eyes. To do this, you need to lubricate the skin area near the eyes, gently rubbing the oil with your fingertips, and leave for 30-40 minutes. After finishing the procedure, remove excess paper napkin. As a result, small wrinkles around the eyes are smoothed out, and the skin becomes firm and elastic.

Continuing the topic of home cosmetology, it is necessary to note the effectiveness of moisturizing masks made with your own hands. Moreover, in order to create your own cosmetics, you do not need to be a doctor or pharmacist. It is enough to arm yourself with a proven recipe, a mini mixer (for easy mixing) and a beaker for correctly measuring the ingredients.

Before using a moisturizing mask, it will be useful to prepare your skin for the procedure. To do this, mix 2 tablespoons of ground almonds and the same amount olive oil. Apply this mixture to your face, then rinse and pat dry with a towel. After this, you can safely apply any moisturizer.

Take any fermented milk product (kefir, yogurt, yogurt), add 0.5% hyaluronic acid, stir. Apply the resulting product to the skin of the face in a thin, even layer, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse.

Mix the pulp of one grapefruit with egg yolk and 0.5% hyaluronic acid. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Before use, first rub your face with a slice of grapefruit. After this, apply the mask for 20 minutes.

This is one of the best moisturizing masks for problem skin. It relieves tension and nourishes the skin useful substances. Required ingredients:

Mix the components thoroughly with 0.5% hyaluronic acid (you can add a little cream to the mixture). Apply the finished mask in a thin layer on your face for a quarter of an hour, rinse with warm water.

A tomato mask is an example of a simple moisturizing mask for oily skin. To prepare it, you will need a medium-sized peeled tomato, a teaspoon of starch and a couple of minutes of time. You just need to thoroughly mash the tomato with your hands, add starch to the resulting mass and mix the ingredients. The duration of the tomato mask is 15 minutes.

  • 1 tablespoon cream,

  • 1 yolk,

  • carrot juice – 1 tablespoon;

  • 0.5% hyaluronic acid.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Apply the resulting mixture to your face and after 20 minutes, remove the mask using a heated vegetable oil. Blot the remaining oil with a paper towel and wash with warm water.

Make a paste from the leaves

young nettle, plantain and horsetail. Add lemon juice in a 1:1 ratio. Mix thoroughly and apply the cooled paste to a previously cleansed face. Leave the mask on for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with cold water.

Pour 3 tablespoons of dried chamomile with a glass of boiling water, cool and strain. Add a teaspoon of vegetable oil to the resulting pulp and mix well. Distribute the mixture between two layers of gauze and apply to your face. The duration of the procedure is half an hour, after which you can remove the mask with a cotton swab dipped in warm water.

Finally, I would like to note that before each purchase of cream and use of a new homemade lotion or mask, you should first of all consult a professional cosmetologist. It is he who will tell you what exactly your skin is missing, and what product is best to use to eliminate the problem.