On New Year's Eve and Christmas, one of the most important tasks of the secretary is to prepare gifts and wishes for the company's partners and clients. In this article we will tell you how to design souvenirs in a corporate style, what types of congratulations are best to use - electronic or paper, and we will give examples of successful and unsuccessful texts of business congratulatory letters.

Congratulating partners and clients on New Year and Christmas is the most important tradition and rule of business etiquette.

New Year's holidays are an excellent occasion to demonstrate high corporate culture, the company's reliability, and attentive attitude towards representatives of various organizations.

Well-written and sent on time New Year's greetings It will pleasantly surprise your partners and clients and remind you of the important results of your cooperation.


New Year widely celebrated in Russia and in many countries around the world. But holiday dates coincide only in some of them. If according to the Gregorian calendar the New Year begins on January 1, then according to the Eastern calendar, which is followed by, for example, China, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Mongolia, it occurs between January 21 and February 20.

In countries with the Persian calendar (Tajikistan, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan) New Year is celebrated from March 21 to 22. And in India there are several similar holidays that fall on different days per year (February, April, May, October).

Christmas, unlike New Year, is an exclusively Christian holiday. According to the Catholic tradition, it is celebrated on December 25, and according to the Orthodox tradition, on January 7.

In Catholic countries of Europe (Germany, Austria, France, etc.), just before Christmas, a huge number of fairs open, people carefully select and pack Christmas gifts. The New Year in Europe is celebrated much more modestly.

When compiling cards, take into account the dates and sequence of the holidays mentioned. For example, write “Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!” in congratulations for Orthodox partners; "Merry christmas and a happy new year!" - in congratulations to representatives of the Catholic faith.

Since these holidays follow each other, it is enough to send one congratulation.


It is better to prepare gifts and cards for partners and contractors in advance, so as not to worry about late delivery on the eve of the holidays.

If you decide to give your clients useful memorable souvenirs with the company logo (thermal mugs, blankets, cooler bags, etc.), order gift branding a month and a half before the holidays - during the pre-New Year period, printing houses have a lot of orders.

To save time and money on logos, you can order stickers with your organization's logo and place them on all gifts and envelopes. Branded signs will give gifts a finished look and help identify the sender. The design of stickers can be developed to order.

Stickers for gift bottles are also useful for New Year's celebrations. Thanks to this solution, you can save money on buying New Year's versions of champagne. Bottle with company logo and New Year wishes It will look no worse than one bought in a store and will cost less.

Many companies want to please their partners just before the holiday - December 29-30. But if during this period the courier service is overloaded, then you will have to forget about timely congratulations. To avoid problems, start finding out addresses for delivery of gifts and cards in advance - about a week before sending. It is customary for Russian companies to start sending congratulations on the 20th of December.

If your organization is limited to sending greeting cards electronically, they can be sent on December 28-30.


WITH New Year holidays It is customary to congratulate foreign and Russian partners, suppliers, VIP clients and regular customers, directors and branch managers (Example 1). If you need the addresses of organizations or branches to send out congratulations, check them in advance.


The first thing people pay attention to when receiving New Year's greetings is its design. Even the most original wish it is important to present it beautifully.

Many modern organizations have developed a special internal corporate document - a brand book, which contains a guideline section regulating the use of the main elements of the brand’s corporate identity (logo, color combination, etc.). For example, at Kaspersky Lab the corporate colors are green and red. They are sure to be present at holiday cards And New Year's packaging gifts from this company.

If your organization has not developed a brand book and there are no requirements for the design of New Year’s cards, then choose colors for design based on your preferences.

Let's look at the most common ways to design New Year's greetings.

New Year's greetings on letterhead or special paper

This is perhaps the simplest and least creative way. Letters of congratulations, issued on letterhead, may contain the following details in accordance with GOST R 6.30 - 2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for document preparation":

. "National emblem Russian Federation»;

. “Coat of arms of a subject of the Russian Federation”;

. “Organization emblem or trademark (service mark)”;

. “Name of the structural unit - the author of the document”;

. “Reference information about the organization”;

. "Document date";

. “Document registration number”;

. "Destination";

. “Title for text”;

. "Signature" etc.

Letters of congratulations are written in free form. Their length varies from one or two sentences to several extended paragraphs.

Letters of this kind can be drawn up not only on the organization’s letterhead (Example 2), but also on special paper of various shades, decorated with ornaments, watermarks, high density, etc. (Example 3).

Handmade New Year card

Despite the fact that modern organizations in most cases use email for internal and external communications, many people prefer to receive a beautiful paper postcard. This method of congratulations is becoming rare and is valued more against the backdrop of paper correspondence losing its relevance.

When choosing a New Year's card, pay attention to its design. A few years ago, stores had a huge selection of cards with gold embossing, glitter, and raised letters. Nowadays a more laconic style is relevant. Postcards are popular self made using environmentally friendly materials (craft paper, twine, vegetable paints, etc.). Such a postcard will let your client or partner know that you prepared a gift especially for him.

Handmade cards are most often sold in specialized stores and flower shops. They can also be ordered from various masters, for example, on the “Masters Fair” aggregator website - livemaster.ru.

Personal experience

Last year, our training center ordered handmade cards to congratulate partners and clients. Each of them was unique. We just pasted in the wishes and sent the cards to the recipients. And in response we received words of admiration and gratitude. For example: “Thank you very much for the congratulations and souvenirs! We are touched by your attention and cordial attitude and hope for continued cooperation!”

New Year's email

Its design matches the theme of the holiday. You can add an image of a branded New Year’s hat to your New Year’s letter, Christmas decorations, gifts.

The best way to develop the design for the New Year's newsletter is to professional designers who will create a style according to your wishes.

When adding text to an electronic congratulatory letter, use universal fonts - Arial, Courier, Georgia, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Verdana, so that the recipient can read the message both from a computer monitor and from a tablet or smartphone.

New Year e-card

This is the most convenient way Congratulations. Making an e-card is easy. It will take about 10 minutes to make.

To develop an e-card you will need:

Adobe Photoshop is a multifunctional graphics editor. You can install it or use the online version of the program.

A New Year's card template from the Internet, on which you need to add text in online photo editors, for example picmonkey.com, avatan.ru.

In the photo editor you can add the necessary filters, change the color and font size to make the card more attractive. Save the finished postcard on your computer and send it with an email.

You don't have to use a template for an e-card. You can develop it yourself on one of the special sites, for example canva.com.

When registering on the site, the resource developers offer to take a two-minute master class on creating online postcards. It will allow you to understand how to use the functionality of the site.

It’s best to start creating a postcard by choosing a background, and then move on to graphic elements and text. If you need to add an image to a card, for example, a New Year tree, enter the word “Christmas tree” in the search bar, and the site will display illustration options.

Some features on the site are paid and require a subscription to use them. However, even free services and pictures allow you to create a stylish and laconic New Year’s card. It must be saved and attached to the e-mail of congratulations.


Like all business letters, a congratulatory business letter has a certain structure, but not all of its elements are required.

The congratulatory letter is drawn up in free form, and each organization decides for itself what to include in it. If the recipients of congratulations differ in status and rank, then the secretary prepares several texts of congratulations.

Let's look at the words and phrases that are most typical for a business congratulatory letter.

Address and greeting:

. “Dear..!”;

. "Dear Colleagues!";

. "Dear Colleagues!".

Reason for writing the letter:

. “We sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming New Year!”;

. “Please accept my sincere congratulations on the upcoming holidays - New Year and Merry Christmas!”;

. “On behalf of our team, we congratulate you on the upcoming New Year!”

Holiday meaning:

. “New Year is everyone’s favorite and joyful holiday, filled with hopes and faith in the future”;

. “New Year is a time for a beautiful, kind fairy tale that comes at the end of every year”;

. “The New Year is both a holiday and a good reason to take stock and set new goals.”

Characteristics of the outgoing year (significant changes and significant events in the life of the organization):

. “The past year has been very important and successful for us in terms of the results achieved. Over the past year, we managed to increase the sales level of our product by 20% and conclude strategically important contracts”;

. « Last year was marked for us by important events in the life of the company. Together, we rebranded the organization and raised the quality of customer service to a new level. This is our common merit!”

Gratitude for cooperation:

. “On behalf of our entire team we would like to express our gratitude to you for choosing our center!”;

. “Thank you for your invaluable contribution to the development of our partnerships in the past year”;

. “We sincerely thank you for your professionalism and understanding. Together we managed to achieve our goals in 2017.”

Plans and hopes for the new year:

. “May the new year bring us new loyal customers and may the popularity of our brand grow exponentially”;

. “May the coming year be even more successful for us and bring only positive changes.”


. “May your best dreams come true in the new year cherished desires and the coming 2018 will be bright, successful and happy.”

. “May the coming year justify the most good hopes, will bring peace, health and prosperity to your families. I wish you that everything you wish for during the chimes in the last minutes of the outgoing year will come true! Happy upcoming holiday to you, dear colleagues! Happy new year 2018!”;

. “May every day of the New Year give you only positive emotions and an ambitious mood with which you can easily achieve your goals. We wish that your reliable partners and colleagues will always be nearby. Happy New Year!".

Final phrase (etiquette formula):

. "Sincerely…";

. "WITH Best wishes…»;

. “With wishes of prosperity to each of you...”;

. "Sincerely…";

. “With deep respect and gratitude...”;

. “With wishes of good luck and success...”;

. “With hopes for further fruitful cooperation...”


. “General Director of Profi-Career LLC A.A. Ivanov";

. “The head of the administration of the Strogino district of Moscow, V.V. Konovalov."

Based on the above structure, you can compose texts of New Year’s greetings for company employees, partners, clients, and managers (see Appendix).


A New Year's congratulatory letter is drawn up in any form, but taking into account the requirements of an official business style. Therefore, for congratulations it is better not to use:

  • Banal poems found on the Internet. It is unlikely that your partner or client will like congratulations without individual approach. Therefore, if your organization still prefers a poetic form, then it is more correct to compose the text using the name of your company and mentioning significant events from its life. Such works can be ordered on freelance sites, for example youdo.com, work-zilla.com.
  • Slang and colloquial words. They are appropriate in congratulation texts for family and friends, but are not suitable for business congratulatory letters.

Do not use highly professional vocabulary and abbreviations in congratulation texts, as well as the words “super”, “cool”, etc.

The main thing is to show respect to your partners and clients, share your warmth and festive mood with them.

We sincerely wish the secretaries and assistant managers good luck in drawing up New Year's resolutions. business congratulations, as well as response letters with gratitude and best wishes!

An inscription on a New Year's gift dedicated to a particular person makes it special and memorable. A correctly and beautifully signed gift will certainly bring a lot of positive emotions. There are several types of inscriptions of this kind, for example, with a bit of humor, solemn or pathetic. The most important thing when signing a New Year's gift is to take into account some of the nuances of this process and not to offend the person with your congratulatory inscription.

Original inscriptions

New Year's greetings should be creative. In this case, it is not necessary to make inscriptions in poetic form. This kind of wishes can be written personally on one’s own behalf, but when there is no desire to invent something new, you can use ready-made quatrains, templates and wishes. Today, finding greetings for the New Year is not difficult. But of course To make a gift more memorable, it's best to get creative with the signing process.

You can hide your sincere wishes by making a special card and covering it acrylic paint. The result will be the effect of an instant lottery when a person finds wishes under a hidden layer that needs to be erased. Step by step it looks like this.

  • You need to make a card with a heart, a diamond, or any shape you like and cover it with acrylic paint. Wait until it dries.
  • Then mix acrylic paint with dishwashing liquid in equal proportions and cover the figure again with the resulting mixture.
  • Next, write your wishes on a card and cover them with feminine hygiene lipstick. Finally, everything should be coated one more time with acrylic paint, but without any detergent.
  • Congratulations are ready. To read it, just wipe off the protective layer.

Such cards can be attached to gifts as tags or placed inside boxes.

Original congratulations may become a card, signed in beautiful calligraphic handwriting. It is often very difficult to make such an inscription on your own, but once you find some templates, you can practice.

Signatures for a child

The best gift for a child is to give a card with beautiful picture And a little congratulations, written by hand. Children especially love to see various cartoon characters or New Year's heroes on postcards. The signature is not so important here as the image itself.

A musical children's card with beautiful signature calligraphic handwriting. You can write a congratulation on a card or tag using luminous pens or paints. The child will be delighted! If for the New Year a gift for a child is hidden in a New Year's sock, then the congratulations can be embroidered on it.

Engraving can be another great option for New Year greetings. Especially if the gift is chosen for a loved one. Engraving is performed on almost all metallized objects that can be given as a gift. On keychains, bracelets, lighters, flasks and much more. For example, if a pen is given as a gift, then you can engrave it directly with your wishes. A pocket mirror, the protective part of which is made of metal, can also be suitable for engraving.

Tags for gifts

Tags are the most popular for congratulating both the fair sex and men of all ages. Tags are also used for New Year's gifts intended for a child. If you wish, you can make New Year’s tags yourself; this does not require a lot of effort, or you can purchase them ready-made. Tags in the shape of Christmas trees and cones, as well as in the form of gifts, look original. Small bows, dried flowers, and even spruce branches are often attached to tags.

For decorating a vintage gift and creating on it beautiful inscription You can wrap the gift in postage paper and write a couple of lines on it using contrasting black or white paint. However, this option is best used for square or rectangular gifts. After which the gift with a ready-made congratulation on it can be immediately placed under the Christmas tree.

The original New Year's inscription can be placed on a mug, towel, plate or T-shirt. Recently, such souvenir gifts are especially in demand among young people. If you want to donate money, you can do so in an unusual way, placing them in a helium balloon, and on the balloon you can order your own New Year’s signature with congratulations.

To make the ball look even more festive, you can add confetti to the money.

Here is a collection of ready-made texts for signing a New Year's gift. Each list item is a self-sufficient (complete and complete) inscription. Just choose the item you like most.

  • Dreams should come true! Your Santa Claus.
  • I chose it taking into account your taste, packaged it with care, kept it until the holiday with the hope of a kiss, gave it to you with pleasure, love and wishes for happiness for the whole year!
  • Open it and make sure: dreams created together come true 2 times faster!
  • The feelings cannot be conveyed... But I still decided to try.
  • You are waiting for incredible gifts... And they are waiting for you!
  • I give this thing so that the future will be not only joyful, but also understandable. With wishes for confidence in the future!
  • My humble contribution to yours Christmas mood. With love.
  • I present it with love and wishes for happiness in the coming year!
  • This is the first surprise of the coming year.
  • Taking care of you and your happiness in the new year!
  • I'm sure this thing will make your year even brighter and more joyful!
  • Sweet life in the coming year!
  • The taste of Father Frost is not discussed, nor are his gifts. Happy year!
  • May these gifts help you write new bright pages in your biography in the coming year.
  • Let your dream finally become a reality in the new year!
  • For New Year's adventures!
  • Let the best things in life happen... and there is much more to come!
  • This chocolate (candy, dessert, etc.) is magical. Make your deepest wish, take a bite and share with your loved ones, and then it will definitely come true!
  • From Santa Claus, who never figured out what to give to a person who already has everything!
  • Looking forward to continuing our friendship in the coming year.
  • Here are the tools for self-improvement. So that the year does not pass in vain.
  • May this brighten your year!
  • From Santa Claus, who doesn’t feel sorry for anything for you!
  • May every day of the new year bring only pleasant surprises!
  • May your year pass not only happily, but also usefully.
  • I approve of all your plans for the year and give you an assistant to implement them. Your Santa Claus.
  • Be happy no matter how the circumstances of the coming year turn out!
  • This box has everything you need to avoid wasting your year on pointless activities!
  • This thing will help you overcome any obstacles in the new year.
  • With wishes to achieve all your goals planned for the year!
  • Let the number of gifts of fate be equal to the number of days lived!
  • Let this remind you of me all year long!
  • With the wish to accumulate many bright memories throughout the year!
  • May the force be with you in the new year!
  • So that brilliant ideas can take hold of you for the whole year, I give you a stimulant for inspiration.
  • May this Christmas bring goodness, good luck and peace!
  • So that the faith in miracles does not perish in your heart.
  • May the year be useful, successful and generous.
  • Let every day of the year leave a bright trace in your soul.
  • From Santa Claus. For good behavior in the past year. With hope for the same thing in the future!
  • I will give you what you deserve! Your good wizard.
  • May your coming year be abundant in gifts, may your daily bread become easy, and may your life be rich and stable.
  • With the belief that all the changes in the coming year will only be for the better!
  • May you live carefree in the coming year!
  • Presented along with a piece of my soul, which plans to warm you all year.
  • To make it easier for you to go in the direction of your dreams, I give you a suitable “companion”!
  • Have a beautiful life in the coming year!
  • In the new year, dreams come true, even if you didn’t work on it in the previous year!
  • Designed to put a smile on your face and heart, all year long. Use daily!
  • Instructions: accept with gratitude. No more than 1 piece 3 times a day. Has no contraindications and side effects. Designed to bring joy in the new year!
  • May the year be happier than all previous ones!
  • For soulful gatherings during the New Year holidays.
  • For new victories, success and prosperity!
  • I fulfilled the request. Your Santa Claus!
  • Have a magical year: bright events, interesting meetings, miracles and fulfillment of desires!
  • Let happiness begin in January and not end in December!
  • A gift of fate. Fate tried!
  • Strategic reserve for the whole year. For confidence in the future!
  • I give it to someone who is always on top... To be on top all year!
  • Miracles to you in the new year!
  • A special gift for a special person on the most special night of the year!
  • Treasures of Santa Claus and forest gnomes! With wishes of health and prosperity!
  • Not again, but with the New!
  • A gift for the snowiest day!
  • Everything is coming true!
  • This is all for you! May the year be generous with happiness, pleasant surprises, great news, unforgettable adventures, warm meetings, talented people and magical memories.
  • Open up! Now is the time to make your dream come true!
  • May the New Year's weather be magical in your heart!
  • Your package from the North Pole.
  • May the year bring even more reasons to be proud of yourself!
  • For moments of solitude that will definitely happen in the new year.
  • As a sign of my love, which will protect you from harm all year long.
  • Once I made a wish for you, and you came true... I wish that all your dreams come true in the new year. Happy celebration!
  • Let new life the new year will be as bright as this gift!
  • Thank you for being with us over the past year.
  • Warmth and comfort in the coming year!
  • Inventory for achieving your boldest goals in the new year!
  • A material addition to the intangible New Year's joys!
  • I honestly helped Santa Claus choose a gift for you. The result of joint efforts was this...
  • A box of feminine happiness, for a special girl on the most magical day of the year.
  • Absorb the joy of the moment and keep it for the whole year!
  • Since I have you, I have nothing more to ask from Santa Claus. But for you I begged a gift from him...
  • For a carefree celebration.
  • Happy New Year to the best parents. Thank you for making life comfortable!
  • This modest souvenir is a reminder of our first New Year’s day together. I'm yours!
  • To seedlings of abundance and prosperity in the coming year!
  • I want you to wake up with a big smile in the new year. Your Snow Maiden.
  • Items to create the magic of Christmas, even though the magic isn't about them.
  • See you in the new year!
  • I couldn't rip my heart out to put in this box, so accept what I could rip out.
  • My love for you shines brighter than the lights on the Christmas tree!
  • Wishing you a fabulous holiday!
  • Perhaps I didn’t get the color right... Grandfather Frost is middle-aged, somewhat blind and hopes for your understanding!
  • Happy holiday memories to you!
  • Let Christmas be not only on the calendar, but also in your soul.
  • I wished only the best for you. I hope I got it right this year... Your Santa Claus.
  • Celebrate the miracle!
  • Let the new page of fate begin on a joyful note.
  • So that the smell of the holiday does not disappear too quickly!
  • For inspiration for all new 365 days!

New Year is getting closer and closer. It's time to think about what to write in New Year's cards. Of course, you can simply sign the text imprinted on the card, but I would like to congratulate my friends and acquaintances in a special way. What if you write them New Year's greetings on English language? Your friends who are also learning English will definitely appreciate it.

Happy Holidays in English

It's worth noting that in English-speaking countries, more and more people are writing “Happy Holidays” rather than “Merry Christmas” ( Merry Christmas). The thing is that in some religions it is not customary to celebrate Christmas. So sometimes it’s better to play it safe and write a neutral “Happy Holidays” in a card in English.

How can you congratulate on the holidays in English?

Have a merry Christmas!- Merry Christmas!
Have a happy New Year! - Happy New Year!
I wish you an enjoyable Christmas holiday!– I wish you a pleasant Christmas holiday!
I wish you a pleasant holiday season!– I wish you a wonderful holiday season!
Have a good New Year holiday!- Have a nice New Year holidays!
I wish you the best of luck in the New Year.– I wish you good luck in the New Year!

Expressing gratitude in English

December is the time to say thank you to all those who have been with you all year. Thank your loved ones, friends and colleagues for their support and understanding in the past year. To do this, you may need the following phrases:

Thanks for helping me.– Thank you for helping me.
Thanks for being there for me.- Thank you for being with me.
I thank you so much for your kindness.– Thank you very much for your kindness.
I am grateful for your kindness and company this holiday season.– This holiday season, I am grateful for your kindness and company.
We send you many thanks and much love for this holiday.– We send you a lot of gratitude and love on this holiday.

Declarations of love in English

Everyone enjoys knowing that they are loved and appreciated. Of course, not every person should declare their love in English in a New Year's card. But you can always write that you appreciate those around you. Feel free to write what positive emotions you feel towards this person.

I appreciate what you've done for me.– I appreciate what you did for me.
I am lucky to have a friend like you.- I'm happy that I have a friend like you.
You always help me when I’m in trouble-You always help me when I'm in trouble.
I'm glad that we could spend time together.– I'm glad we spent time together.
I'm glad that I met you.- I'm glad I met you.

Wishes in English

None New Year card in English one cannot do without wishes. Here you can use your imagination to the fullest! Well, if you can’t think of anything at all, refer to our list.

For example, you might want:

Love- Love
Long life- long life
Peace- world
Health- health
Happiness- happiness
Joy- joy
Success– success
Prosperity- prosperity
Cheer- fun
Warmth- warmth
Laughter- laughter

This all sounds very positive, right? But how to combine all these beautiful words in one sentence? You can, for example, write the following New Year’s greetings in English:

  • May your family feel the love, peace, and joy that comes with the spirit of Christmas.– May your family feel the love, peace and joy that comes with the Christmas spirit.
  • Sending warm wishes to you and your family during this Christmas Season. May your home be blessed with love and happiness.– Sending warm wishes to you and your family this Christmas season. May your home be blessed with love and happiness.
  • I hope your holiday is filled with plenty of warmth, love, cheer, and happiness.– I hope that your holiday is filled with warmth, love, joy and happiness.
  • May your holiday be merry and bright.– May your holiday be happy and bright.
  • With Christmas come faith, hope, and love. I wish all these things for you and your family during the holiday season.– With Christmas comes faith, hope and love. I wish you and your family all this during the holiday season.
  • From our home to yours, we wish you a Christmas that is joyful and warm.– From our home to yours, we wish your Christmas to be merry and warm.
  • Sending love and plenty of Christmas cheer to you and your beautiful family.– Sending love and lots of Christmas cheer to you and your beautiful family.

Christmas signature in English

Everyone, of course, remembers that you have to write your name at the end. What if you add a little holiday to a banal signature? Try ending your New Year's greeting in English with the following words:

Wishing you joy,- With wishes of joy,
Warmest wishes,- Warmest regards,
Peace and love,- With love and peace,
As always with affection,- As always with love,

After such a signature, it’s doubly nice to write your name, isn’t it?

In fact, you can write a lot in English cards for the New Year and Christmas. Don't be afraid to thank people, promise to call them more often in the New Year, or ask for forgiveness for missing them often. After all, the most important thing is that such words come from the heart. Well, here is our New Year's wish to all of you:

Happy holidays! We hope that the Christmas season will fill your home with the warmth and joyfulness that you and your family deserve. We appreciate that you’ve been with us this year. We wish you the best of luck in the New Year.
Warmest wishes,
Begin English

Shutikova Anna

Maybe your recipient will be a grandmother or grandfather from a nursing home, maybe a young person with a disability, or maybe old people living at home in the village, who are visited by a social worker twice a week because they themselves cannot walk to the store and besides, they barely make ends meet.

It is important that your postcard pleases any of these recipients.

When choosing cards, make sure that there are no inappropriate wishes or poems printed inside (with a “you” address, wishes for home comfort, love of loved ones and financial success). This can hurt grandparents who are left without loved ones or their own home.

Instead of calling, you can simply say hello: “Hello! Happy New Year!" After all, we don’t know whether your postcard will go to your grandmother, or your grandfather, or one of the disabled people who end up in boarding schools at the age of 18.

Wishes are at your discretion: you can always wish for cheerfulness, optimism, health, respect and smiles of others. Tender sun outside the window, good news. Of course, you can write suitable poems from the Internet.

You CANNOT write about visiting your loved ones more often (some people don’t have them, and for others their grandparents cannot influence them, although they miss them), you should not write wishes to “do what you love, travel, learn what every day” something new” (some people can’t even get out of bed). We also ask that you DO NOT invite recipients to think about their sins and atonement, repentance, and the like. Moral teachings and advice on how to live further are unacceptable.

Saying a few words about yourself is very good: grandparents are always interested in who is writing to them. Literally a phrase or two or three: my name is ..., I work in this or that city in such and such a specialty, unfortunately, I cannot come to visit, but I want to congratulate you ...

It’s better to subscribe not on behalf of charitable foundation, not from a company or educational institution, but in your own name.

Involving children in signing cards is great, but the child's drawing should not be in place of, but along with the card signed by an adult. For example: my daughter Vika also wants to congratulate you, she is in fifth grade and loves my own grandmother, and I drew a drawing for you as a gift.