A familiar picture: he has outgrown his winter pants, his hat doesn’t match his scarf, and for some reason there are 30 pairs of socks – all different. We tell you how to choose children's clothes so that they match each other perfectly.

Guide to action

  • To begin with, you should choose one color scheme. Here the damned will come to the rescue. Yes, dressing girls in pink and boys in blue is very old-fashioned, but how convenient! The chances that any gifted or purchased blue item will fit your base are quite high. Alternatively, you can combine two primary colors: burgundy and blue, white and green, and so on.
  • Before you go to the store, think about where the child will go and what clothes he will wear for this. fits better Total. A sculpting class and a ski resort require different wardrobes.
  • Divide things into categories. For example, for a boy it could be shorts, T-shirts, trousers. For girls, dresses, skirts and leggings will be added.
  • It's best to choose shoes, socks, and hats and scarves after you've purchased your basic clothing items.
  • Estimate how many items of each category you'll need for the season, check what you already have, and start shopping!
  • Once you find yourself in your favorite store, check the approximate list of items and make sure that all (absolutely all!) items you choose match in color and style. It is very important to refrain from buying a scary cute but useless dress!
  • If it is important to you that your child looks not just cute, but also stylish, try to follow more complex rules:

Use accent colors

Do not combine different prints in one outfit (polka dots, flowers and stripes at the same time),

Select darker and lighter shades of the same range in one set.

You can also focus on the color type (appearance) of the child or even your own wardrobe if you like family looks.
  • Make a separate set for special occasions, as well as for kindergarten, especially if they adhere to the traditions of “shorts with tights” and “sandals with socks.” Don't forget to wear a hat, scarf and mittens. And if you plan to wear the jacket with trousers or a dress, you need it to match them. As the child has fewer clothes, they will be washed more often, and the quality requirements will increase. But this is still beneficial, because the closet is no longer “sick of clothes.”

The results will please you: less waste, less stress from choosing clothes every day, more space in the closet, and more joy from quickly and decently dressed children. And in the future - independent children, because now the child can be trusted to choose his own clothes!

Many parents mistakenly believe that getting their baby ready for a summer walk is very simple, often forgetting that the fragile child’s body of a smaller adult is resistant to weather changes. In addition, parents raising their first child should know that at any time of the year, overheating is even more dangerous for a child than hypothermia, and is accompanied by very unpleasant symptoms. Therefore, it is very important to create the right basic summer wardrobe for your child, so that daily stay in the fresh air brings him only health benefits.

What does a child need in summer?

To stock a children's closet for any occasion, it is enough to have a few things that will make up a basic wardrobe. The main condition is that summer clothes for children should be made from the finest natural fabrics that will protect the child’s skin from the sun, but allow it to breathe and be saturated with oxygen, preventing overheating. So, what things should be in a child's summer wardrobe?

  • Outdoor clothing you need to choose depending on your preferred type of vacation and your family’s lifestyle. The child may need a kit sportswear– knitted sweatpants, sneakers, T-shirts. If you are planning a hike or outdoor recreation with an overnight stay away from home, your child should also have a windproof windbreaker that will protect him not only from suddenly rising winds, but also from insect bites.
  • Beachwear for children– these are not only swimsuits or swimming trunks, but also T-shirts, T-shirts, shorts, light colorful sundresses for girls.
  • Hats– an indispensable attribute of a children's summer wardrobe. Panama hats, caps or hats will not only protect your child’s head from sunburn, but will also become a bright accessory that will complement the image of your young dude.
  • Casual A child’s clothing should be varied and include not only light items, but also items made from thick, warm materials, because summer evenings can be unpredictable – sometimes cool and rainy. In summer you can’t do without shorts, skirts, sundresses, T-shirts, T-shirts, light linen or cotton trousers. But for cooler weather, you will have to buy a pair of fine knit cardigans for your child, several knitted turtlenecks that cover the throat, and also buy children's tights, a wide range of which can be found in the section of the PriKinder wholesale online store - http://www.prikinder.ru/ catalog/tights-socks/tights/, where products for any season are presented for boys and girls up to 10 years old.
  • Clothes for special occasions. Sunny summer is a season not only for all kinds of outdoor activities, but also a time for weddings, graduation ceremonies, birthdays. Therefore, a child’s wardrobe should have 2-3 elegant sets of clothes - cotton or linen pantsuits for boys and bright, colorful, decorated with bows or rhinestones fluffy dresses for girls, complete with a pair of adorable shoes.

Having prepared these items of clothing, which are necessary for every child, you will no longer wonder what to wear for your child when you are once again going for a summer walk.

For most babies and their mothers, summer is a long-awaited time. After all, all people, without exception, associate this time of year with exciting adventures, long journeys, meetings with friends and relatives in an informal setting, as well as new acquaintances and unexpected discoveries.

Summer weather requires the presence of an appropriate wardrobe that will allow the baby's body to be in conditions of thermal comfort, breathe and be protected from direct exposure to the ultraviolet spectrum of the sun's rays.

Despite the fact that children’s summer clothes are most often used only for one season, their choice should be approached responsibly, giving preference to practical and at the same time high-quality models.

Before you start replenishing your children's wardrobe for the summer, you need to mentally identify three main groups of things: for hot and cool weather, as well as for rainy days. Ideally, each group should be represented by at least four sets for daily wear and one “going out” outfit.

In the summer heat, you can’t do without T-shirts, which should be bright and with life-affirming prints. It is desirable that they go well with basic wardrobe items, look good on the baby and have a natural composition. The inclusion of no more than twenty percent artificial fiber is acceptable. Natural cotton fabrics have faithfully served humanity for many years, providing optimal conditions for heat exchange and protecting against unwanted exposure to ultraviolet rays.

As for the main color of T-shirts, despite the soiling, preference should still be given to products made from white fabric, as this indicates the absence of dyes and also guarantees that most of the sun's rays will be reflected from its surface. Psychologists insist on excluding aggressive and toxic colors from a child’s wardrobe, since this can negatively affect the mental state of a child who is constantly under the influence of such color combinations.

For babies in the first years of life, bright bodysuits with short and long sleeves are much preferable to T-shirts. They will provide them with the necessary comfort during a walk, relieve their mother from unnecessary worries and guarantee impeccable appearance under any circumstances.

In addition to T-shirts, the clothing group for hot days should include several shirts with short sleeve for boys and several blouses with puff sleeves for girls. Shirts made of natural fiber will provide no less comfortable conditions for the baby’s heat exchange than T-shirts, but at the same time, they will introduce an element of style into his wardrobe and become a kind of indicator of adulthood. Among other things, the shirt will be a powerful incentive for development fine motor skills, because everyone will want to learn how to fasten buttons on their own, like dad or mom does. Light blouses for girls can be safely combined with a sundress, shorts, trousers and a skirt, creating new outfits and gradually introducing the baby to the basics of fashion and practicality.

In hot weather, both girls and boys simply cannot do without shorts, which today are made in various lengths and allow each child to choose exactly the option that suits them best. The material for them should also be natural or predominantly natural, and the colors should be chosen universal, which will allow achieving perfect combinations with all the additional wardrobe items. Ideally, it is advisable to purchase short and long shorts, as well as breeches for both boys and girls, to whose wardrobe it would be a good idea to add tight-fitting cropped leggings.

Babies who go out for walks in diapers will not do without overalls, and for older babies you should purchase several pairs of light trousers from cotton fabric. The group of clothing items for hot days is completed by a cap or panama hat, which should be replaced by a bandana for boys and a bright scarf with a visor for girls.

Cooler days require appropriate changes in clothing. In such weather conditions, the baby can wear thick long trousers, a golf shirt, a sweatshirt or a light sweater, and for extremely cold weather a denim jacket or windbreaker should be provided. In such clothes you can safely go into nature, take trips on a yacht and begin your first ascents of the mountain.

For rainy days, you should bring a waterproof raincoat or jacket with a special water-repellent impregnation, a bright umbrella, tight trousers, as well as rubber boots, which are now fashion accessory and giving kids the opportunity to enjoy walking through puddles even in the presence of their mothers.

Don’t forget about elegant sets, which, naturally, are not practical and require special treatment, but increase the confidence of the little ones in their irresistibility, and also cause undisguised delight and tenderness among others.

You can either write your own.

With the birth of a child, the number of worries in the family increases. A newborn baby requires the preparation of a huge number of things, from the crib to clothes.

If a woman becomes pregnant in the fall, then the birth occurs in summer period. The first question that worries a pregnant woman is what to buy for her newborn in the summer. At the same time, she makes a list of things for the newborn that may be needed in the summer in advance. To avoid the turmoil on the eve of childbirth, having a list of what to buy for a newborn in the summer will help expectant mother relax and shop for your baby gradually.

List of clothes for a newborn in summer

Clothes for a newborn in the summer are necessary large quantities, since in the summer the weather is often hot, and there is no need to dress the baby in a large amount of clothes. Preference should be given to clothing made from cotton fabric. Envelopes for newborns for the summer can be used for discharge from the maternity hospital. At the same time, the envelope should be light enough so that the baby does not sweat in it in case of hot weather.

The necessary clothes for a newborn in the summer can be presented as the following list:

  • vests with buttons on both sides - 2-3 pieces;
  • : with short, long sleeves, body T-shirt - each type, 3 pieces;
  • sliders with straps: thin and thick - each type, 4 pieces;
  • overalls () – 3 light and 2 warm slips;
  • socks – 2-3 pairs;
  • cap - 2-3 pieces.

Overalls for newborns for the summer can be chosen either completely closed or with open legs.

Summer dowry for a newborn - list

Necessary things for a newborn born in the summer can be arranged in the form of the following list of children's goods:

  • crib;
  • mattress;
  • bumpers for the crib;
  • oilcloth;
  • children's bedding;
  • light blanket;
  • blanket envelope;
  • night light;
  • diapers;
  • stroller with rain cover and mosquito net;
  • children's cosmetics;
  • bath;
  • diapers;
  • soft washcloth for newborns;
  • a towel with a special corner;
  • mobile for crib;
  • rattles

Optional purchases for a newborn in the summer:

  • car seat;
  • sling;
  • thermal bag;
  • breast pump;
  • pillow for feeding;
  • canopy;
  • baby monitor;
  • baby scales;
  • humidifier;
  • sun lounger;
  • sterilizer.

The dowry for a child born in the summer is different from the dowry for a winter baby. Clothing for a summer toddler should be light. A child’s wardrobe should have a minimum of warm clothes, since over the summer the baby will have time to grow and the things purchased in advance will already be small by the fall. It is important to buy clothes for your child based on his age and size. Since the child grows fastest in the first months of life, there is no need for a large amount of clothing, otherwise he will not have time to wear it all.

The stores offer a huge number of different children's products. However, many of them may not be useful not only in the first months of the baby’s life, but also in the subsequent period.

For example, if you don’t have a personal car, there is no need to buy a car seat.

Instead of buying baby scales, you can rent them. But their presence in the house can unnecessarily disturb the young mother, who will weigh the baby every feeding and analyze whether there is enough breast milk or mixture he received. If the child is on breastfeeding, then there is no need for scales, since a newborn can eat differently at each feeding. IN In this case, constant weighing will not be indicative, since the baby, whose feeding is carried out on demand, will in any case eat the amount of breast milk he needs, but at different periods of time. However, constant weighing and putting the baby on the scales can cause dissatisfaction in the baby.

It is also not necessary to buy a canopy. On the one hand, it additionally creates coziness in the children's room, on the other hand, it is a dust collector that is constantly located above the baby's sleeping place.

It should be remembered that a baby born in summer time, needs less clothing. Items that make it easier to care for can be purchased gradually, and some purchases can be abandoned altogether.

Urban clothing, unlike items for outdoor games, is more elegant and less practical. Girls feel comfortable walking in the park, visiting master classes, shops and children's cafes in dresses, skirts with sweatshirts, slip-ons, moccasins or sneakers. For boys, cotton chinos, light jeans, shirts or T-shirts with a cardigan, leather boots, sneakers or sneakers are suitable. From outerwear- coat, sheepskin coat, windbreaker and quilted jacket. Gradually, sports uniforms and replacement shoes are added to city clothes, and they are transformed into clothes for school.

Clothes for special occasions

When choosing fluffy dresses, trouser suits, ties and lace blouses, think about how many times a year the child goes out into the world. If your family’s lifestyle does not follow the slogan “one event - one outfit,” two sets of clothes will be enough for your child.

An evening wardrobe for a little lady consists of an elegant dress, a suit of a skirt, top or bomber jacket, outerwear that matches the style of the main outfit, low-heeled shoes or slip-ons, a bag or backpack, hair jewelry and a headdress. Dressy shoes for girls are not suitable for walking and as replacement shoes, so they will not be able to perform several functions.