"Smoky eyes" or "smoky eyes" - bright, stylish makeup, which has not gone out of fashion for several years. He will make even very small, naturally expressionless eyes huge, his gaze alluring and attractive, and a woman with such makeup looks like a mysterious temptress. Smokey eye is an evening makeup that suits almost everyone, especially since there are many variations of its execution. Contrary to popular belief, it is made not only in matte ash-black colors, but also in brown, gray, green, and purple shades. Only dangerous Blue colour: In some cases, you risk getting a bruising effect.

There are also a lot of smokey eye makeup techniques, only the following main features remain unchanged: black eyeliner on the upper and lower eyelids, careful shading of intensely colored shadows and several layers of black mascara on the eyelashes.

How to apply correctly Foundation

You can have such flawless skin too, just follow these three steps. simple rules makeup.

Step 1: Moisturize your skin

Cleanse your face, then gently pat dry with a towel. Apply moisturizer to slightly damp skin. It is advisable that it contains sunscreen components and vitamins C and E, which nourish the skin. Wait a few minutes for the cream to be well absorbed.

Step 2: Masking

Apply concealer in a targeted manner, starting from the inner corners of the eyes and moving outwards. Use a small brush or cotton swab. Three little dots are all you need. Work the concealer in with your fingers, spreading it out. Choose a creamy concealer that is half a shade lighter than your skin tone.

Step 3: Even out skin tone

Apply moisturizing foundation onto a dry sponge (it helps distribute the cream evenly). Touch the center of your forehead first and rub the cream towards your hairline. Move along the bridge of the nose, along the cheeks and to the chin. Gently apply the shade to your cheekbones and move down to the beginning of your neck so that the color is evenly distributed. If you have oily skin, apply a translucent compact powder on top.

Rules for office makeup:

- disguise redness and unevenness with a special corrector.

- Apply a little blush to your cheekbones to give your face a fresh look.

- correct dark circles under the eyes using concealer.

- use mattifying powder to get rid of oily shine.

- use eye shadow in pastel colors.

- be sure to use hygienic lipstick or lip balm.

Makeup may vary. If you get tired of putting on your beauty every morning in front of the mirror for half an hour, you can sign up for permanent make-up at a salon. It represents the introduction of a coloring pigment into the surface layers of the skin (eyebrows, lips, eyelids, face), which ensures a long-lasting makeup effect, and you can forget about lipsticks, eye shadows and cosmetic pencils for 1-2 years.

For eyelashes and eyebrows there is durable paints. But this type of makeup has its drawbacks: the high price and the inability to change the effect over such a long time.

An alternative to it is decorative makeup using well-known cosmetics. It constantly has to be corrected, because shadows and powder tend to crumble, and lipstick is “eaten up.” And yet, it provides room for imagination, since it can be changed at least every day. That's why most women choose it.

Cosmetical tools

Brands and stars. Lambswool Paddle Soft Focus Make-Up Blender is a tool for applying decorative makeup that can hardly be called a brush. Blush and powder are collected not by lint, but by a fur ball from sheep wool. Famous American makeup artist Laura Geller uses it for the final touch of her makeup.


Decorative makeup, depending on its purpose, should be different. And if a woman does not see the differences between its types, constantly confuses them and tries to combine them, it is unlikely that she will be perceived in society as stylish and well-groomed.

Therefore, you need to keep in mind that for every occasion and event in life you need to use one of the make-up options - the most appropriate:

  1. (everyday) - characterized by muted tones, lack of glitter and bright spots in makeup.
  2. - allows you to use the brightest and boldest color solutions, glitter, shimmer and luminizer, as well as all kinds of decorative things (tattoo designs in the corners of the eyes, artificial figures of butterflies on the eyelashes, etc.).
  3. Office (business) - suitable for everyday work and important meetings with partners, creates the image of a business woman - sophisticated, perfectly groomed, noble.
  4. Festive - most similar to evening, but differs in greater thoughtfulness and restraint, as well as durability.
  5. Wedding - professional decorative makeup that works real miracles with the bride and turns her image into an airy and light angel.
  6. Stylish (fashionable) - created taking into account the latest fashion trends, as an example, which recently gained great popularity.

Be sure to think about what decorative makeup to do for a particular occasion. You can’t go to work with elements of a festive make-up - just as a newfangled nude will be completely invisible at a youth party in a club. Think through every little detail, avoid the most common mistakes - this is the only way to create your own individual image and always look organic and natural.

By using decorative cosmetics You can transform your face - correct features, make it more expressive, hide minor flaws and reveal advantages. Decorative makeup skillfully done at home completes the look and brings all its details together.

Selection of products for decorative makeup

There are many subtleties and secrets of choosing and applying cosmetics that are useful for every woman to know.

Selection of cosmetics for decorative make-up

Decorative cosmetics are so diverse that it’s easy to get lost when choosing them. Factors that are taken into account when purchasing cosmetics:

  • age-related skin characteristics;
  • season;
  • skin type (oily, dry, combination, sensitive or problematic);
  • general color type;
  • makeup function for which cosmetics are selected (concealing, or).

Makeup Tools

To apply decorative makeup products yourself, you can use improvised tools (sponges and applicators that come with cosmetics, cotton buds) both fingers and special tools.

  • With an eyeliner brush, the line is either very clear or slightly shaded if necessary.
  • With an eyeshadow brush you can achieve soft shade transitions and well-shaded borders.
  • A lipstick brush will help you create the perfect contour.
  • To distribute the tone over the skin, various brushes have been invented.

Basic products for decorative make-up

For any make-up option - daytime, evening or - you need basic set cosmetics. Without these tools, you cannot master the basics of decorative makeup.

  1. Nourishing light cream for skin preparation.
  2. Base makeup. It will allow you to gradually apply the tone in a thinner and even layer, and all decorative cosmetics will stay on the skin longer.
  3. Foundation and corrector. The latter is optional, but in case of redness or rashes on the skin, it will help hide them. The foundation will make the skin matte and its color even.
  4. Blush. It is better to use matte blush in natural shades. Depending on the color type - cold or warm tones.
  5. Eyebrow pencil and setting agent. Nowadays, natural, well-groomed eyebrows are in fashion. The pencil will make them a little brighter and more expressive, and the fixer will hold the desired shape throughout the day.
  6. Eyeliners. At least two – black and white – are a must, they will help create a classic decorative makeup. Using a black pencil you can or slightly highlight the lash line. A white pencil will highlight the line of the lower eyelid and make the look open.
  7. Eyeshadow – one palette of nude shades for daytime makeup and one with rich, vibrant colors for evening version. The color of evening shadows is chosen depending on the color of the eyes. To make decorative eye makeup more durable and to prevent shadows from creasing in the crease of the eyelid, an eyeshadow base will help.
  8. Mascara. You can't imagine even basic makeup without mascara. Black is a win-win option. Although light-skinned suitable for blondes softer brown.
  9. : first a pencil, then lipstick and a little gloss. Or no shine. If the lipstick is nude and barely noticeable, you can do it without a pencil. In your arsenal it is better to have a neutral lipstick and a classic scarlet color for the evening.
  10. Powder is applied as the final stage, after the makeup is completed and all inaccuracies are corrected.

Choosing the color of eye shadow and lipstick

The basics of decorative makeup and the rules for applying it say that the color of the shadows should match the color of the eyes, but not coincide with it. Shades of eye shadow for different eye colors:

  • green eyes - beige, brown, golden, lilac, gray-lilac, dusty pink shadows;
  • Blue eyes– brown, walnut, beige, orange-golden shadows;
  • grey eyes– gray-pink, burgundy, purple, beige;
  • light Brown eyes– burgundy, beige, purple, gray-blue, turquoise;
  • dark brown eyes - muted tones of gray, brown, blue, purple, turquoise colors, beige shades.

It is worth noting that neutral beige decorative eye makeup products are suitable for any eye color; gray-black colors are also a universal option.

The color of lipstick depends on whether the skin tone is cold or warm, on the color of the hair; this is a very individual question. When choosing lipstick, you should bring it close to your lips to imagine how it will look when applied.

Tricks of decorative makeup

To make decorative makeup better and faster, there are a lot of tricks. Here are some of them:

  • when drawing arrows or simply lining the upper eyelid, it is better to lift the corner of the eyebrow rather than pull the skin to the side, then the line will be clear and will have the correct direction;
  • if bright decorative eye makeup is done, then the lips should be invisible, and vice versa - if the accent is the lips, then the eyes do not stand out. This is the so-called “One Accent Rule!”;
  • to carefully apply and shade the shadows on the outer corner of the eye and not smudge them downwards, you can glue a narrow strip of tape from the outer corner to the temple;
  • if your eyes are close together, it is better to stretch the eyeliner from the center of the eyelid to the outer corner of the eye, gradually thickening the line. And if the eyes are set far away, then line the eye completely from the inner to the outer corner;
  • so that you need to line the upper eyelid with a black pencil, and highlight the inner corners of the eyes and the water line below with white;
  • the eyeliner looks neater if there are no gaps between the line and the eyelashes, that is, you need to carefully paint over the areas between the roots of the eyelashes;
  • you can apply eyeliner slightly beyond the natural contour of the lips;
  • Powder will help to fix unstable lipstick - it is applied to the first layer of lipstick and covered with a second layer on top;
  • to make your lips look fuller, you can apply a light pencil or concealer to the center of the bottom and upper lip, and on top blend the lipstick from the corners to the center of the lips.

Experiment with colors and textures, application methods and techniques, and you are sure to find your favorite cosmetics and create your perfect decorative makeup!

Video: Master class - decorative makeup

Decorative cosmetics is, first of all, the ability to decorate your appearance and hide facial imperfections. Decorative cosmetics have been around for a very long time. Even before the advent of clothing, in ancient times, people smeared their face with clay or damp earth, then began to paint it in different colors. Both men and women practiced body painting. Currently, decorative cosmetics are the privilege of women, although men also use makeup.

In every era, capricious fashion dictated its canons and created its own ideals. She didn't even spare the eyes. Almond-shaped eyes, sometimes round, sometimes oval, were in fashion. Eyebrows were thickened with the help of paints, drawn together on the bridge of the nose, and shaved off completely.

Modern fashion for decorative cosmetics is very democratic. She does not dictate, but only suggests. The golden age of decorative cosmetics is considered to be between 25 and 45 years. Young skin is beautiful in itself. It is always fresh, matte, with natural colors. At this time, more attention should be paid to hygienic skin care. A young girl, going to a disco, can apply a little shadow on her lower eyelids, matched to her eye color, and lightly tint her eyelashes with mascara - this will add expressiveness to her eyes.

Age 45 years is a very conditional limit. At this age, women look different. Some are well-groomed and constantly take care of their appearance, while others, on the contrary, decline and age dramatically. It must be remembered that if used inappropriately, makeup can age your face. The older a woman is, the more moderately she should use makeup. Skillfully selected decorative cosmetics will not only help to visually change or correct the shape of the eyes, eyebrows, lengthen eyelashes and make them fuller, but also greatly change the face.

The word "makeup" is of French origin and means "to embellish oneself." The concept of “makeup” has replaced the word “cosmetics,” which has become obsolete. Makeup has become part of a woman's appearance. When applying makeup, you need to take into account not only the advantages and disadvantages of your face. Makeup depends on the time of year and day and, of course, on its purpose. If you are going to the beach in the morning, then heavily eyelined eyes and dark shadows around them, pasted eyelashes will look simply provocative. You should not go to work or school with this makeup. Save this makeup for a more formal occasion. For daytime, pastel colors, slightly tinted eyelashes, eyebrows and eyes are more suitable. This makeup will look much more natural and impressive.

Makeup is usually divided into evening and daytime, business and festive. Day makeup, for example, does not require large quantity cosmetics, which cannot be said about evening cosmetics. In addition, you need to consider the place where you are going to go. The makeup that is suitable for a home party with friends is not always appropriate for visiting a night bar or restaurant. But even here you cannot blindly follow fashion. The use of cosmetics depends on your taste and individual characteristics. Of course, there must be a sense of proportion. Makeup requires complete harmony with everything appearance, with clothes, accessories, jewelry. You can tint your eyelashes correctly, give beautiful shape eyebrows, emphasize the eye line, but if this is not combined with foundation and lipstick, the face will not look attractive.

Modern makeup is subject to three trends in fashion: classical, romantic and avant-garde. Each of these directions has its own color scheme. For example, classic makeup is characterized by calmer tones and shades. Close to the classic romantic direction, where soft tones and discreet color combinations prevail. As for the avant-garde direction, what is most striking here is the contrast, pretentiousness and provocative range of colors. The avant-garde movement is mainly followed by young people.

Makeup fashion is multifaceted. This is due to the fact that there is a large selection of different cosmetics: eye shadow, lip gloss, lipsticks of various shades, pencils. Recently, such a concept as make-up has appeared. This makeup requires a minimum of time and is applied without much difficulty to refresh the face.

Makeup artists are constantly developing more and more new types of makeup. So, in Japan you can choose makeup using video technology. Experienced photographers take two photographs of a visitor to a beauty salon: one from the front, the other from profile. The slides are then viewed on video equipment screens. After this, the makeup artist begins work. In one image, using a special electric pencil, he corrects facial features, that is, he does makeup, hiding cosmetic imperfections. The other photo remains unchanged. When comparing them, a striking change is striking.

Colors and makeup

When applying makeup, you will have to work with the color scheme. It consists of primary and secondary tones. Auxiliary tones make it possible to diversify your makeup. Here each color seems to complement each other. Knowing well color scheme, you can visually give your eyes a different color, emphasize or correct their shape. For example, to emphasize the blueness of the eyes, it is necessary to use orange eyeshadow, since they also have a blue tint. Orange eyeshadow will brighten blue eyes more than blue eyeshadow.

If your eyes are green and you want to highlight or accentuate them, it is best to use eyeshadow that is a color derived from red. Eyes will look more impressive if you take shades of pink or lilac.

Swiss artist I. Itten conducted a small experiment with his students. As a result, he came to the conclusion that people mainly love the color that matches the color of their hair, eyes, and facial skin. Psychologist K. Jackson from the USA studied and processed this information in detail. Based on this, she proved an amazing pattern. Every person has a natural attraction to a certain color. And this does not happen by chance. As you age, this preference may change. It is no secret that all small children love bright, cheerful colors, and in adulthood a person is attracted to pastel, warm, calm tones. Based on this, K. Jackson divided all people into four groups depending on their attraction to a certain color. These groups roughly correspond to the four seasons: spring, autumn, summer, winter. If you know which group you belong to, you will be able to choose the right basic tones for makeup. Any material or scarves of different colors will help you. Stand in front of a mirror and apply scarves of different colors to your face one by one. If you are a “Spring” type, bluish-gray, smoky, emerald greens will suit you. If you are an "Autumn" type, your tones are bright yellow, crimson red, orange. The “Winter” type corresponds to cool white or blue tones. “Letu” - rich colors of bright colors: red, green, rich yellow.

When working on makeup, you need to remember that here, as in painting, there are cold and warm tones. Warm tones gravitate towards the sun, while cold tones gravitate towards ice and snow.

Now let's try together to determine what type you are. If you have blue eyes, fair skin and brown hair, then you are probably a Winter type. If your eyes are brown, your hair is dark, your skin is pink, then you are “Summer”. “Autumn” has slightly muted tones: gray eyes, yellowish hair. "Spring" has green eyes and blonde hair. But these are the primary colors. In addition to them, each season there are many shades - from 16 to 28. Knowing these shades, when working with makeup, you will be able to make smooth transitions from one color to another. There are such concepts as color spectrum, cold and warm tones, color. The color spectrum includes all the colors of the rainbow. They are easy to remember by the phrase “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits”: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. Among them are warm colors - red, orange, yellow, green. Blue, violet and cyan are cool tones. Some tones can be obtained by mixing colors. For example, purple is made by mixing blue and red, and so on.

In makeup, the word “color” can be replaced by the concept of “color harmony”. Just as an artist uses watercolors, gouache, and oils when painting, you use shadows when applying makeup. lipstick, foundation and so on. In order for makeup to look impressive, you need to apply it in accordance with the color of your eyes, hair, and skin. At the same time, do not forget to take into account the features of your face and fashion trends. Perfect meeting Beautiful face This is rarely possible, but with the help of cosmetics you can make your face very attractive. The main thing is that cosmetics are not conspicuous. Cindy Crawford, a popular top model who is fluent in the art of makeup, considers it the greatest compliment when she is told that she is not wearing makeup. Crawford advises applying light shadows under the brow bone. Heavily drawn eyebrows will look vulgar. As for the shadows and pencil, it is better if they are matte or the color of baked milk. Dark circles Under the eyes are the best areas to treat, but they can also be hidden with makeup. To do this, use a masking pencil.

Popular Italian film actress Gina Lollobrigida adheres to natural cosmetics. She believes that a woman should resemble a flower - fragrant and lovely. The face should be tinted, only in moderation. It is enough to tint the eyebrows, eyes and eyelashes a little, and all the colors should be harmoniously combined and not make a repulsive impression.

Decorative cosmetics are an integral part of every girl’s life. But buying cosmetics in stores is not always profitable. This is due not only to the prices of the products, but also to their quality.

Making real antimony at home is not easy, because it contains lead. But you can try to use simpler and safer components.


Homemade decorative cosmetics

You will need: mini mixer, stick and bowl for mixing components, flower oil (1/2 tsp), wax (1/2 tsp), resin (1/2 tsp), nut soot (1 tsp) .l.) or black pigment.

Dissolve a teaspoon of wax and resin in a water bath and mix all the other ingredients with them. Place the resulting mixture in a jar and leave to cool with the lid closed. As a result, you will get a version of the Soviet mascara that our grandmothers used. First you will have to add a little water and apply it to the eyelashes with a special flat brush.

Solid eyeliner

You will need: mini mixer, stick and bowl for mixing ingredients, flower oil (1/2 tsp), wax (1/2 tsp), carbon black (1 tsp) or color pigment of your choice.

Melt the waxes and mix the ingredients, pour the mixture into a jar. Leave to set overnight in a cool place with the lid closed.

How to make powder

Powder is perhaps the most popular product among decorative cosmetics. This universal product perfectly masks skin imperfections and gives it a healthy color.

You will need: rice powder or mineral base, mineral pigment, powder brush, deep container for mixing components.

Mix the ingredients in equal proportions and place in a powder container. Choose a powder base according to the season and your skin type (with UV protection, moisturizing, mattifying).

How to make foundation

Foundation - an important part of makeup, especially in urban life. It protects against harmful factors environment, cares for the skin.

You will need: simple, light cream - preferably for children, Russian-made (1 tbsp), aroma oil, homemade powder (1-2 tbsp), mini-mixer or whisk, mixing container.

Using a whisk, mix the cream with powder, add a drop of aroma oil. Stir until a homogeneous mass appears. Select the number of components yourself, focusing on the color and consistency of the foundation.

How to make eyeshadow

Making eye shadow at home is not difficult. Choose high-quality ingredients, as the skin of the eyelids is very sensitive.

You will need: talc (2 tsp), pearlescent or matte mineral pigment (2 tsp), rice powder (1/2 tsp), mortar and container for shadows, floral wax (if the shadows are liquid ).

Mix all ingredients using a mortar and pack into containers. If you want to make liquid eyeshadow, melt it on steam bath wax and mix it with the rest of the ingredients.

Ekaterina ANTIPOVA