
Only those pensioners whose pension was assigned before January 1, 2015 and for whom it would be more profitable to accrue pension points for periods of child care can receive a supplement for children.

In situations where minor children are supported by a pensioner, the latter must provide him with a certain standard of living. The size of the pension, as a rule, does not allow this. According to the Law “On Insurance Pensions” (Federal Law No. 400 of December 28, 2013), a pensioner is entitled to a fixed additional payment.

The law provides that the paid dependents of a pensioner may include children, brothers, sisters and grandchildren:

  • under the age of 18;
  • under the age of 23, studying in secondary vocational and higher educational institutions;
  • no age limit if the pensioner is disabled.

Starting in 2017, the volume of payments and the amount of social benefits for each disabled family member who is in the care of the person has changed retirement age. Dependent's allowance for pensioners under 80 years of age without disability:

One – 3416 rubles;

Two – 4270 rubles;

Three - 5124 rubles.

An additional payment is also accrued to pensioners who have reached the age of 80 without disability, for a dependent:

One – 5978 rubles;

Two – 6832 rubles;

Three – 7686 rubles.

Additional financial support is provided to all categories of the population, including elderly people who receive a dependent pension and are disabled in group 1:

One – 11211 rubles;

Two – 12813 rubles;

Three - 14,415 rubles.

How much will a pensioner who is disabled in group 2 receive and how much money will he receive in 2017:

One - 6406 rubles;

Two – 8008 rubles;

Three - 9610 rubles.

People with disabilities and those who have reached old age are provided with additional benefits. In this case, additional payments for a dependent to the pension for disabled people of group 3 are:

One – 4004 rubles;

Two – 6443 rubles;

Three - 7207 rubles.

Calculation of the amount of payments and charges social assistance and additional payments to the pension for disabled dependents are made from the amount of the insurance part established by the state after at least 228 working months or 19 years. A fixed amount of benefit is added to it, which is calculated based on the age of the breadwinner and the number of persons in his care.

The additional payment to the pension for adult children born during Soviet times will be significant in two main cases:

  • if the woman did not have official employment during these periods;
  • if she had low earnings at that time.

In practice, an addition to the pension for children in 2017 will not be possible in the following cases:

  • if a woman retired starting from January 1, 2015 (i.e. in 2015-2017) - in this case, the most profitable option has already been calculated and selected automatically upon appointment pension provision, since all the necessary documents are already at the disposal of the Pension Fund employees;
  • if a woman has only one child (pension points for the first child are minimal and the increase for them is usually completely “eaten up” by the reduction length of service and the earnings attributable to it);
  • if the woman’s pension was initially calculated based on the maximum earnings taken into account before 2002 (maximum 20% more than the national average - the maximum taken into account earnings ratio was then set at 1.2).

At the beginning of 2017, information appeared on many news sites about significant women born before 1990 during Soviet times. According to sources, the increase could range from one hundred to several thousand rubles.

The first official responses from the Pension Fund were published only in July. This partly dispelled the rumors, partly confirmed them. Recalculation of pension for children can be implemented, but there are some subtleties here:

It is important to understand that the article describes the most basic situations and does not take into account a number of technical issues. To solve your particular problem, get legal advice on housing issues by calling the hotlines:

  • rarely the increase can be more than 1000 rubles, most often several hundred or even rubles.
  • it is unprofitable for many citizens.
  • as a result, the pension may be reduced. In this case, the changes will not be accepted and the current size will remain.
  • retirees who retired after 2015 do not need to apply for an adjustment.

Who is entitled to recalculate pensions for children?

The essence of this procedure is the recalculation of the established pension amount by replacement with IPC, earned while caring for children. At the same time, it is not necessary that this length of service be specifically Soviet: any periods before 2015 are taken into account.

Previously, the size of the pension largely depended on the duration labor activity employee, and modern payments – from wages and the amount of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund. After 2015 took place last pension reform , which introduced the concepts of insurance experience and. Modern pensions are calculated on their basis. For those who applied for security after this year, the most favorable periods have already been selected, and the pension is calculated in the maximum possible amount.

In what cases should a woman It’s worth applying for a recalculation of your pension for children:

  • the pension was assigned until 2015 and was calculated accordingly according to the old rules.
  • the woman gave birth to two or more children.
  • work experience is short. Periods of child care provide non-insurance period: 1.5 years for each, but in total no more than 6 years.
  • wages were also low. With high wages, replacing these periods with maternity leave is unprofitable.
  • When applying for a pension, documents on child care were not submitted. However, the year of birth of the child does not affect this in any way. There is no difference whether the child was born in the USSR or Russian Federation, as well as how old he is at the moment.

Consideration of the application should not take more than five days from the date of application pensioner. If at the same time a shortage of any documents is discovered, then the consideration may be postponed for no more than 3 months, during which the pensioner must bring the missing papers.

If the decision is positive, the increased pension amount will be accrued from the 1st day of the month, following the month of circulation.

If, as a result of recalculation, the pension amount turns out to be lower than the current one, then refusal with justification decisions of the Pension Fund. The notice period will also be 5 days.

Example of pension recalculation

Using the example of Evgenia Petrovna’s pension, let’s look at which periods are more profitable to include in the calculation in order to get the maximum pension amount. Pensioner details:

  • Has two children born in 1985 and 1988. With each of them she was on maternity leave for 1 year.
  • General labor experience amounts to 19 years: 15 years until 2002 and 4 years from 2002 to 2006.
  • The valorization coefficient is 25% .
  • Seniority coefficient – 0,54 (since the experience is less than 20 years).
  • The estimated earnings ratio is 1. average salary women were equal 1671 ruble and coincided with the all-Russian one.
  • Employer insurance contributions since 2002 amounted to 180,000 rubles

Pension calculation will look like this:

  1. Estimated pension amount according to Article 30 of Federal Law 173: (0.54 * 1 *1671 – 450) = 452.34 rubles.
  2. Valorization: 452.34 * 0.25 = 113.09 rubles.
  3. Increase due to insurance premiums: 180,000 / 228 = 789.47 rubles.
  4. Final pension amount: 1354.9 rubles.
  5. In terms of IPK (cost for 2015): 1354.9/64.10 = 21.14 points.

In the second case We take into account childcare periods in points, respectively, from total experience they will be excluded. The total duration of maternity leave is 2 years, respectively, the length of service until 2002 will be 13 years. An example of recalculating a pension for children:

  1. Estimated pension amount: 0.53 * 1 * 1671 – 450 = RUB 435.63
  2. Valorization: 435.63 * 0.23 = RUB 100.19.
  3. The increase due to insurance premiums will not change - RUR 789.47.
  4. Final pension amount: 1325.29 RUR.
  5. IPC (taking into account points for 2 children): 1325.29/64.10 + 1.8 + 3.6 = 26.08 points.

Evgeniya Petrovna is one of those who benefit from the recalculation of pensions for children, taking into account the periods of child care, the amount of security will increase by 388 rubles. In 2017, her pension amount will be:

26,08 * 78,58 + 4805,11 = 6860.21 ruble.


Pension recalculation for women for children is carried out by replacing work experience with non-insurance periods of child care up to 1.5 years. It is impossible to say for sure how much the supplement to the pension may be, calculation produced individually based on the specific data specified in the payment file.

You should apply for a recalculation if:

  1. The woman retired until 2015.
  2. Has little experience or low salary.
  3. When applying for a pension, I did not submit documents for children.

For women receiving state pensions or upon loss of a breadwinner, recalculation cannot be performed.

The procedure has no negative aspects; if the pension decreases as a result, the woman will be denied, and the amount of accruals will not change.

The most popular question regarding pension recalculation

Question: Hello, my name is Tatyana. I gave birth to my first child in 1978, when studied at the university, took academic leave for a year while he was little. I have been retired since 2014. Tell me in my case It’s worth applying for a recalculation? Will there be any additional payment if I did not have a permanent job at that time?

Answer: Hello Tatiana. For periods of child care, additional IPC is accrued, and the periods themselves are taken into account as non-insurance period, even if you were studying at that time. For your firstborn, you are entitled to 1.8 points, since you looked after him for a year.

You should definitely apply for a recalculation. In your case, your pension should not be reduced. It is impossible to say how much it can grow; for this you need to have a payment file, know the number of children, length of service and other indicators.

Contact the branch of the Pension Fund that is calculating your pension and submit application for recalculation. If the decision is positive, an increased pension will begin to be paid starting next month.

Latest news - who is entitled to additional payments in 2017. Women of retirement age throughout Russia are alarmed: is it really possible to get a pension supplement for two children?

Additional payment to the pension for children born during the USSR before 1990 - who is entitled to an increase?

In 2017, this bonus is on everyone’s lips, and this is due to the widely covered topic of pensions in the media. One-time payments, freezing, indexation of pensions - all this is being discussed en masse, and of course, no one will want to miss the opportunity to increase their pension. Even before studying this issue, one thing is clearly clear - the bonus is due to women who gave birth to two children before 1990. However, this is not entirely true; in any case, there are more nuances here than might seem at first glance.

  • All women who took maternity leave in the USSR are entitled to an additional payment to the pension for children;
  • it doesn’t matter how many children there are – two or less. The common misconception about additional payment for two children is unfounded and, most likely, has a reference to the current maternal capital;
  • The bonus is given not only to women - a complete list of persons who are entitled to a recount can be found on the website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • We are talking about the recalculation of pensions only for pensioners who received payments before 2015.

All the above points are officially confirmed by the Pension Fund, and in order to understand why recalculation is possible only in these cases, one should study, Why did the state “suddenly” begin to pay extra for children from the USSR?

Pension recalculation in 2017 is based on periods not taken into account in the length of service– in this case, it is leave to care for a child (children). These periods are called non-insurance periods. Until 2015, periods of maternity leave were not taken into account in the length of service, but with the approval of a new system for calculating pensions, according to points, these periods began to be taken into account. That is, by application, a woman who retired before 2015 can claim her rights to these points for a year and a half (the time of maternity leave) or more, depending on the number of children.

Methods of recalculation for children born in the USSR before 1990 - how to get a recalculation?

To officially recalculate citizens’ pensions, there is only one way, and this is an application to the Pension Fund office at the place of residence. To do this, in addition to identification documents, you must provide evidence of non-insurance periods during work. This is the child’s birth certificate or his passport. Points for the period of maternity leave will be multiplied by a coefficient, according to the formula, and converted into money, which will become an increase in pension in 2017.

By the way, this opportunity could be used exactly since 2015.

The above explanations are often found in the media and raise more questions than answers. The editors of "Southern Federal" also contacted the Pension Fund of Russia branch for comment. Rostov region and this is what they answered us. Here is a comment from the press service:
“We are not talking about additional payments or supplements to pensions, but only about the possibility of recalculating pensions and only if it is profitable. If a woman is a pensioner, retired before January 1, 2015 and was on leave to care for a child/children (no matter when they were born, before 1990 or after), then she has the right to apply to the Pension Fund ( or submit an application electronically through the “Personal Account” on the Pension Fund website) for recalculation of the insurance pension taking into account the existing “non-insurance” periods (this also includes the period of child care up to 1.5 years (a total of 6 years for three children).

We present the maximum possible amounts for increasing the size of the pension, taking into account “non-insurance” periods in accordance with pension legislation.

FROM APRIL 1, 2017 SET AT 78.58 RUB.

For one year of care 1.8 points = 141.44 rubles.
For a year and a half of care 1.8 + 0.9 = 2.7 points = 212.17 rubles.

For one year of care 3.6 points = 282.89 rubles.
For a year and a half of care 3.6 + 1.8 = 5.4 points = 424.33 rubles.

For one year of care 5.4 points = 424.33 rubles.
For a year and a half of care 5.4 + 2.7 = 8.1 points = 636.5 rubles.

Such amounts of increase in the pension amount are accrued if the parent did not work during the period of caring for the child for up to 1.5 years.
If the parent was in an employment relationship until the child was 1.5 years old, then the amount of the insurance pension can be recalculated and these periods of work can be replaced by the period of caring for the child/children. However, those periods of work that will be replaced by periods of child care will be excluded from the length of service. At the same time, if the size of the pension becomes smaller when replacing the working period with a non-insured one, then the recalculation to the disadvantage of the pensioner will not be made.

Please note that an application for recalculation can be submitted at any time; there are no time limits. Recalculation is made from the 1st day of the month following the month in which the application for recalculation was submitted.”

In July of this year, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation gave an explanation about increasing the pension for children. According to current legislation, pensioners who have children born before 1990 rubles will receive an increase of several hundred rubles.

Women who applied to the local branch of the Pension Fund have already received an increase in 2017. As a result, other pensioners immediately lined up to receive benefits.

It should be noted that this is not an independent payment, but an addition to the basic pension. The size of the increase is small, only in some cases it can exceed 1,000 rubles.

In this article we will take a closer look at the procedure for calculating such an allowance.

We are collecting documents for a pension supplement for two children born in the USSR

If a person who retired before 2015 has children born in the USSR before 1990, then he has the right to apply to the Pension Fund to receive a supplement to the basic pension. For recalculation, you must submit the following documents:

  • Valid passport.
  • Application for recalculation.
  • Child's birth certificate.
  • Certificate from the child’s place of work or study.
  • Documentary evidence that the spouse did not recalculate.
  • You also need to order form No. 9 from the passport office.
  • SNILS.

All documents must be photocopied and submitted to the local branch of the Pension Fund.

Which pensioners are entitled to the supplement?

Pensioners who began receiving payments before January 1, 2015 can count on pension recalculation. In addition, you need to understand that recalculation will not be beneficial for everyone. The following pensioners are recommended to contact the Pension Fund:

  • Women with 2 or more children whom she cared for until the age of 1.5 years.
  • Women who have several children during one pregnancy.
  • Women who were not employed while caring for children. For example, she may not have worked at all before pregnancy or was in training.
  • For women who have a minimum work experience, the pension is calculated taking into account small earnings.

In other cases, it is not profitable to recalculate. In addition, the bonus is not intended for people who retired early or on preferential terms.

How is it calculated?

Since 2015, pension points have been the indicator of benefits; they are formed in several ways:

  • Through employer contributions. Today these payments amount to 22% of wages. 6% goes towards a fixed payment, and the remaining 16% is counted as points on the person’s personal account.
  • State accruals when the future pensioner does not work.

It is important to note that 3 years are provided for child care, but only 1.5 years are included in the insurance period. During the same period, the mother receives child benefit.

The number of accumulated points is multiplied by coefficients in rubles. Thus, one point is 78.58 rubles.

According to current legislation, the pension period includes only 1.5 years of child care, but no more than 6 years, that is, a pension supplement can be received for no more than 4 children.

If the mother took care of children for no more than 1 year, then she is entitled to an increase of 3.6 points (3.6X78.58). If care was 1.5 years, then 5.4 points are awarded. But the maximum allowance for two children can be 424.33 rubles.

Only an employee of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation can make accurate calculations of the allowance, since the procedure for calculating the allowance is carried out on an individual basis.

If, according to the results of the calculations, the allowance is negative, then the pensioner will not be recalculated.

Who is entitled to a pension supplement for children born before 1990 during Soviet times?

The pension supplement for children is provided only to those pensioners who began receiving payments before January 1, 2015. Recalculation is done in the following cases:

  • If, while caring for a child, a woman did not have an employment relationship, that is, she did not work at all before and during pregnancy.
  • If a woman has 2-4 children born before 1990.
  • If a woman’s pension was calculated before 2002 on the basis of wages that did not exceed the statistical average. In other words, if at the time of the birth of the child the girl received a small salary.

It should also be noted the categories of people who are not entitled to a bonus:

  • Women receiving early retirement. That is, they began receiving benefits before reaching retirement age.
  • Recipients of government benefits.
  • Recipients of pensions due to the loss of a breadwinner.

Welcome to website. In this article we will talk about additional payments to pensions for children. In July 2017, the pension fund in the regions began to provide explanations for changes in the law, which brought a lot of talk regarding whether there would be an addition to the pension for children.

Many thought that if a woman is retired, then she has the right to come with an application to the territorial department pension fund and receive a pension supplement if children were born before 1990. And the size of such an allowance could exceed several hundred rubles for each child.

Most of the women who applied independently to the pension fund actually received this bonus, which caused a lot of conversation among other mothers of pensioners. As a result, long queues began to form at pension funds, and employees had to give public and detailed explanations to pensioners.

It is worth knowing that now we are not talking about independent payment. Additional payment to the pension for children is made using recalculation. In accordance with changes in the law in 2015 labor pension began to be calculated according to new rules, both upon reaching retirement age and for disability. And now the size of the pension is influenced not only by periods of work, but also by non-insurance periods, that is, caring for a child until he reaches the age of 1.5 years.

In relation to this allowance there are several important points things you need to know:

  1. Those pensioners who began receiving pensions after the beginning of 2015 do not need to apply for recalculation, since the advantageous accrual option is done automatically. Recalculation is carried out only if, when assigning a woman’s pension, periods considered non-insurance were not taken into account, or they were taken into account according to the old rules, for which points are now accrued.
  2. The time limit for writing an application is not limited, that is, a woman can come with an application to the pension fund at any time; documents are submitted not only in person, but also with the help of multifunctional centers (MFC) or when submitting documents through the government services portal ( ).
  3. The bonus that will be after recalculation is individual, and it is not guaranteed to all pensioners, since replacing the length of service with non-insurance periods is not always profitable. According to statistics, only 30% of women who apply receive an increase in pension, and the amount of the increase can be from several hundred rubles to several thousand.
  4. If during the recalculation the pension amount is reduced, then in fact this will not happen, since PF employees will simply refuse the recalculation.

Which pensioner will receive a pension supplement for children?

It is worth knowing that the year of birth of children does not play a special role in this case, that is, they can be born before 1990, and at any time after this date.

The opinion that an increase in pensions for children is given only at their birth before 1990 was created by the fact that when changes were introduced in 2015, a serious increase was given to those pensioners who not only have adult children, but also the so-called “Soviet” experience. It does not particularly affect the size of the pension, but it provides the most favorable conditions for converting this length of service into pension points.

This recalculation is carried out for these pensioners first. As a rule, such mothers reached retirement age and retired before 2015, and they already have an honorable age, that is, more than 70 years.

But this does not mean that if a woman had children after the collapse of the USSR, then she loses the right to recalculation. Most often, such a recalculation becomes simply unprofitable for a pensioner for other reasons. That is, if a woman’s experience began to form according to new Russian laws, after the collapse of the USSR.

It is worth knowing that those periods during which a woman cared for children do not automatically increase the size of the pension. Since those working periods that were taken into account make the greatest contribution to the amount of the pension than replacing them with a 1.5 year non-insurance period. At the moment, there are many options when replacing the length of service with a non-insurance period is beneficial or, on the contrary, unprofitable.

Options when replacing length of service with a non-insurance period is beneficial:

  • If a woman has two children whom she cared for until they were 1.5 years old.
  • When several children are born at the same time. For example, twins or triplets.
  • If at the time of caring for children the woman was not in an employment relationship or was studying.
  • If retirement occurred with a minimum length of service.
  • If the minimum wage was taken into account when calculating the mother’s pension, that is, lower than in the country.
  • If, taking all circumstances into account, the accrued pension is lower living wage, that is, the minimum pension.

Options when replacing length of service with non-insurance periods is unprofitable:

  • If a pensioner has only one child.
  • If a woman has a long work history, which also involves caring for children.
  • If high wages were taken into account when calculating the pension. But wages, which exceeded 20% in the country until 2002, were not taken into account in the calculation, in other words, the income ratio for that period did not exceed 1.2, but this was enough so that recalculation for children did not provide additional payments to pension payments.

The law does not specify exactly who is entitled to an additional payment to the pension for children. As a result, it turns out that pension recalculation can be done for those women who have two or more children, and also for calculating the pension, the minimum length of service and low wages are taken into account.

Recalculation is not made to those women whose pension was assigned on preferential terms. These women include recipients early retirement who have not reached retirement age. In this case, when replacing the length of service with a non-insurance period, the woman may lose the right to receive an early pension.

Calculation of points given for each child

In accordance with changes in pension legislation, the main indicator that affects the size of the pension is pension points. They are recorded in the personal account of each pensioner in the pension fund. Such points are reflected not in rubles, as was previously the case, but in relative units, that is, the amount of pension rights to receive a labor pension.

Pension points are generated on a personal account in two ways:

  1. With the help of insurance premiums paid by the employer. In 2019, the employer pays 22% of the employee’s total salary, 6% of this amount is allocated to the formation of a fixed fee, and 16% goes to a personal account in the form of pension points.
  2. When taking into account non-insurance periods, that is, if the pensioner does not work and insurance premiums are not deducted for him, then the state is responsible for the formation of the pension. These periods also include conscript military service for men, and caring for children under 1.5 years of age.

It is worth knowing that today parental leave is 3 years, but during the non-insurance period, which is taken into account, only half of this leave is spent. It is during this same period that a woman receives benefits for up to 1.5 years. Although this is unfair, due to the fact that children go to kindergarten when they reach the age of three, the woman is not able to go to work earlier and begin to provide for herself and the child.

At the time the pension is assigned, all points that are on the personal account and those that were accrued for non-insurance periods are multiplied by the legally established amount. In 2019, one point costs 87.24 rubles.

In accordance with the new law, the pension takes into account not only working periods, but also those when the woman was on maternity leave, but not more than 6 years in total. In other words, only 4 children are counted towards the pension. But it is worth knowing that the amount of points that will be awarded at the time of maternity leave will be different, depending on the order and year of birth of the child.

For one point in 2019, you get 87.24 rubles.

  • For care for one child with 1 year of care they give 1.8 points, and with 1.5 years of care - 2.7 points. Accordingly, the maximum possible additional payment will be 235 rubles.
  • For caring for a second child with 1 year of care they give 3.6 points, and with 1.5 years of care - 5.4 points. Accordingly, the maximum possible additional payment will be 471 rubles.
  • When caring for a third child, with 1 year of care they give 5.4 points, and with 1.5 years of care - 8.1 points. Accordingly, the maximum possible additional payment will be 706 rubles.
  • When caring for a fourth child, with 1 year of care they give 5.4 points, and with 1.5 years of care - 8.1 points. Accordingly, the maximum possible additional payment will be 706 rubles.

It is worth knowing that the maximum increase will be given only to those pensioners who were not in an employment relationship at the time of maternity leave, and this period was not taken into account when assigning pension payment previously.

Also, the maximum that was granted may be reduced in the following cases:

  • Exclusion from the calculation of non-insurance periods that were taken into account according to the old rules, since when the pension for children is recalculated, the length of service is replaced by a non-insurance period. That is, the salary that was taken into account when assigning a pension is replaced by points, and such a replacement is not always profitable.
  • A general reduction in working periods for a pensioner when a replacement is made.

It is worth remembering that an accurate recalculation of women’s pensions for children can only be made by a pension fund employee. It is carried out only on an individual basis, and the size of the increase with the same number of children will be different for all pensioners, since the formation of pension rights also occurs individually.

If at the time of recalculation the result becomes negative, then carrying out this recalculation becomes unprofitable and PF employees will refuse the pensioner, since the amount of the pension will be reduced.

Example of surcharge calculation

The woman began receiving old-age pension payments in 2012. As of January 1, 2002, when the formation of a pension in the country began through the payment of insurance contributions, its total work experience was 26 years, and the ratio of maximum earnings was 1.2.

A woman came to the pension fund to recalculate the pension for children born before 1990 during her work in 1979 and 1988. At the time of replacing the already recorded periods of work with two non-insurance periods, that is, caring for children until they reach 1.5 years, 3 years were removed from the total work experience.

As a result, there was a decrease in the length of service coefficient and the amount of valorization, that is, the revaluation of pension rights for the period before 1991. And the points that were awarded to her instead of this period were: 1.5 years * (1.8 + 3.6) = 8.1 points, in other words 660.07 rubles.

Since the recalculation led to a decrease in the size of the pension she received, the PF fund employees refused, and the increase in pension for 2 children was not awarded. And a woman who raised 3 children in the same situation may receive an increase of 150 rubles.

Registration of an increase in pension for children

A pensioner has the right to submit an application and all the necessary documents, on the basis of which an increase in the pension for children will be made, at any time convenient for her; the deadline for applying in this case is not limited.

If the decision made, after reviewing the documents, is positive, that is, as a result of recalculation, the pension amount will be increased, then the payment of the pension, taking into account the bonus, will be made from the first day of the next month. But additional payments to the pension for children for past periods, that is, those that were missed after the changes in the law came into force on January 1, 2015, will not be paid.

Submitting documents and applications can be done in one of several convenient ways:

  • By personal contact to the territorial department of the pension fund. But due to the fact that there may be a large queue of visitors to see specialists, it is recommended to make an appointment in advance. An entry is made on the official portal of the pension fund; registration is not required for this.
  • By submitting documents through multifunctional centers, that is, MFC. This service for accepting documents and applications for pension recalculation can be provided at the territorial office of the MFC. This requires working interdepartmental interaction between the pension fund and the multifunctional center itself. Today, this service is provided at MFCs in all major cities of the country.
  • Using the Internet and the state service portal ( In this case, submitting an application and all necessary documents is carried out via the Internet in electronic form on the official portal of public services. But to submit documents, you must have a confirmed account in the unified identification and authentication system, in other words, the Unified Identification and Authentication System. After submitting an electronic application through the state portal, the pensioner is obliged to bring, within 5 working days, to the branch of the pension fund to which the application was submitted, all the documents necessary for recalculation. If the documents are not provided within this time, the application will not be considered and will need to be submitted again.
  • Registered letter via Russian Post. When using this method, the pensioner will have to independently fill out an application for recalculation, which is provided in the form approved by law. A sample of filling out this application is located on the official portal of the pension fund. But all original documents on the basis of which recalculation and additional payment of pensions for children will be made to pensioners are not sent by registered mail. You must send pre-made photocopies of all documents and have them certified by a notary. It is worth knowing that certification of documents by a notary is a paid service.

Documents that will be needed to complete the surcharge

Pensions for children born before 1990 and after this date will be recalculated only for those pensioners who cared for children before they reached the age of 1.5 years and retired before 2015. Recipients of insurance pensions and disability pensions have the right to apply for recalculation.

The recalculation takes place directly on the basis of an application written by the pensioner, which is submitted to the territorial branch of the pension fund, which makes the payment of pension accruals. Since it is in this pension fund that the pensioner’s pension file is located, on the basis of which the pension itself will be recalculated and an additional payment will be calculated for born children.

Since there is a regular declarative recalculation of pension payments, you need to write a regular standard statement, which is approved at the legislative level, in particular by Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated January 19, 2016 No. 14n. this statement is indicated in the second appendix to the administrative regulations on the provision of public services when assigning a pension.

In addition to the completed application, you must attach documents that are in the personal custody of the pensioner, these are:

  • A pensioner's identification document is usually a passport.
  • Certificate of compulsory pension insurance, in other words SNILS.

In accordance with the Law “On Insurance Pensions”, Article 23, paragraph 2, an application for recalculation of pension payments is accepted directly, subject to the provision by the pensioner of all documents required for its implementation.

To begin with, confirmation of the presence of non-insurance periods for a given pensioner occurs on the basis of those documents that are stored in the pension file, stored in the department of the pension fund, as well as on the basis of the personalized accounting information that is at the disposal of the pension fund employees at that time.

But if the information about non-insurance periods, that is, maternity leave until the child reaches 1.5 years of age, is incomplete or absent altogether, then in order to recalculate it, the pensioner needs to confirm it independently by providing an additional package of documents for this:

  • Birth certificates for each child who was cared for; if they are missing, you can order a birth certificate for children at the registry office.
  • Documents that will confirm that the children are one and a half years old. Such a document can be any document that was issued to the child by government authorities at a later age, that is, you can provide the child’s passport, school completion certificate, diploma from a higher educational institution, military ID or any other document.

If a pensioner submits a birth certificate for children, and it contains a stamp indicating that the child received a Russian passport after he or she reached the age of 14, then there will be no need to provide another supporting document, since this stamp will be sufficient for the pension fund employees. And on the basis of these documents, a recalculation will be made and, if the decision is positive, an increase in the pension for children will be assigned to pensioners.