Various types presented here rituals, technology, conspiracies, prayers And rituals will help your wish will come true this is a fact that needs to be realized, accepted and used for your benefit. Some people consider themselves a wizard, magician or witch, while others, on the contrary, think that they are an ordinary person. But we are all different, among other things, united by the ability to dream and invent. Oh, how many would like to have their wishes come true, but here’s the catch - they don’t know how? Or they know how, but understand that without the intervention of higher powers or without someone’s help, it is not possible to do this. We are who we are and we must use all possible measures to wish fulfillment.

First, you need to understand the reality of fulfilling your desires and, most importantly, not be greedy. For example, if you want to become the richest person in the World, but at the same time you are currently an average Russian, then with 100% probability we can say that your wish will not come true. Firstly, this is not realistic for you, and secondly, you are being greedy. Now, if you make a wish - “to improve your current financial condition by 50%,” then this dream has a chance to come true.
You did the right thing by visiting our website and getting the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the material presented here. Among the variety described here, you will certainly find something that should and must help you exclusively and not anyone else. See what suits you best. If you are a devout person, then the prayers presented here will not bring you sin, but will provide you with grace. Please pay special attention on prayers to Nicholas the Wonderworker- To the pleaser. Fans of magic and magical rituals will find interesting rites and rituals here, which will add knowledge to their baggage of the magical and unusual. Well, for everyone else, we recommend using folk conspiracies. A conspiracy is the easiest way to fulfill a wish for a person who has not yet found himself and his recognition.

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Wish fulfillment conspiracy on bread
The spell is made only with homemade bread (our own baking).
They slander specifically the seeds that are added to bread before baking. And everyone who eats three pieces of the spoken bread will not know the need. Take a handful of regular sunflower seeds and peel them. Place in a small bag, add a pinch of salt and shake well. After this, pour the seeds onto a white saucer without golden patterns, take it in left hand a pinch of salt and say:
“Behind seven castles, behind seven courtyards, behind seven seals sits a bitter grief, a burning grief, sheds tears, grieves in mortal sadness, wrings its hands, pulls out hair, and pierces itself with a knife. The snake guards the fuel mountain and does not let it out, And when that snake falls asleep, the fuel mountain crawls out, Opens seven locks with seven keys, Breaks seven seals. Let it pass through the seven courtyards. There is a lot of fuel coming out to people. Look for a victim and make friends, So that she bursts into tears, And pokes herself with a knife. You can’t count the salt (you need to throw a pinch of salt over your left shoulder) But we don’t know grief. Keep the snake from sleeping, and let us see the sun. Sunshine, rise from across the sea, fill the house with gold! Key, lock, tongue. Amen.”
You need to cast the spell on the seeds for three days in a row, but do not sweep the salt from the floor; you can sweep it only when the spell is done for the last time. Each time, the seeds should be left in the saucer, covered with a scarf on top. Households should be warned not to touch these seeds. On the fourth day, you need to add these seeds to the dough from which you bake bread. The ritual should be performed only on the waxing moon.

Conspiracy to make wishes come true on an empty bottle
To make any dream come true, tell all your plans to an empty bottle: say out loud what you want, holding the neck of the bottle next to your lips. After finishing your speech, immediately cap the bottle. When going to where your fate will be decided, take this bottle with you and, once there, open it. When performing such witchcraft, you can use not only an ordinary bottle, but also a small vial or any other vessel that will not take up much space in your pocket and will not arouse anyone’s suspicion. You can perform such a ritual when you hope to receive a loan, solve problems in court, or seek the favor of the person you need.

Spell to make a wish come true with a handkerchief
Think of a wish, take a handkerchief in your hand and say three times:
“My great desire will be fulfilled by the spirit of the Lord’s help, for the Lord helps those who ask for help. Help will come in unknown ways, and my desire will become reality, events will acquire a path for fulfillment, and by the spirit of the Lord I will be given what I ask Him for. Handkerchief I’ll tie it and wait. Amen.”
Tie the scarf in a knot and carry it with you until your wish is fulfilled, and then burn it without untying it.

Conspiracy to make a wish come true with knots
Take nine pieces of rope, each about the length of a shoelace. Express your desire loudly. Place them on the table and slowly tie a loose knot on each rope so that all nine form a circle, while saying louder and louder:
"With one knot we will begin the spell,
The second node is for the dream to come true,
Knot three - this strength is in me,
Node four - I will do even more,
The fifth knot - and my spell will come to life,
Knot six - my fate is not unchanged,
Knot seven - my case is decided,
Knot eight, my goal is clear,
The ninth knot is my desire."
Throw knotted ropes into the air and twist them into a spiral, waving them and chanting:
“My strength will be renewed, my dream will come true, my desire will be freed, so everything will work out.”

Gradually slow down your movements and lower your voice to a whisper until you are completely silent.
Sit down and make a nine-day plan to fulfill your desire, and every morning untie a knot, repeating this spell.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker to fulfill wishes
With its help, you can achieve the fulfillment of your own desires, as well as help your family and friends. You need to read 3 times in the morning and 3 times in the evening. "Lord, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Nikolai Ugodnik, Kazanskaya Mother of God, help me (name your desire)." Then read the Lord’s Prayer “Our Father.” For some, it will help make their desire come true in just two weeks, and for others in 2-3 months.
After fulfilling your wish, do not forget to read prayers of gratitude.

Strong prayer for seven icons for the fulfillment of desires
You need to buy seven icons (can be in paper form, small ones: icon of the Savior, icon of the Kazan Mother of God, icon Nicholas the Wonderworker, personalized icon(saint in your name), the icon “All Saints”, the icon of the Mother of God “Otrada” (“Consolation”), the icon of Seraphim of Sarov. Write your wish on seven icon-sized sheets of paper. For each icon with reverse side attach a note with your wish with wax. Cover the table with a white cloth. Set icons in a row. Place a candle in front of each icon and light it.
We read the appeal: “Lord! Most Holy Theotokos and all the holy Wonderworkers, hear my prayers and help me, God’s servant (name), fulfill my desire. I, (name), want (desire).” The candles are burning. You read the “Our Father”, and then in your own words ask the saints for help until the candles burn out. Place the icons in the Bible on different pages for 40 days.

Prayer ritual for four icons for the fulfillment of desires.
Buy four icons: the icon of the Savior, the icon of the Mother of God, the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the icon I name (the saint by your name). Cover the table with a white cloth. Set three pyramid icons. On the pyramid of icons we place our wish written on a white sheet of paper. On the paper with the wish we place the icon (name) with the image facing up. We install and light a candle in front of each icon. We read the appeal and prayers, as in the previous ritual. The candles are burning out. Desire - we put a note in the Bible, from Matthew, on the page with the prayer “Our Father” for 40 days.

Prayer for wish fulfillment"Help through Angels"
“I conjure you, Angels of God, mighty saints, in the great name of God himself, the mighty strong one, towering above all the heavens, who created on the first day the world, the heavens, the earth, the sea and everything that is there, sealing them with his holy name I also conjure you in the names of the Holy Angels who govern the fourth legion and serve the mighty Salamis, the great and titled Angel, by the name of the star called the Sun, its sign, the great name of the living God, I beg you, oh great Angels, to work for me and. helped to fulfill my requests according to my will and desires regarding reasons known to me and my affairs."

A strong prayer for the fulfillment of a wish with a broom
This ritual is very simple and accessible to almost everyone.
What do you need? From three different brooms, one rod each. From three different trees one twig at a time. From three different brooms, one twig. Take everything in your hands and say:
Just as Solomon achieved his goal, so I, the servant of God (name), will achieve mine. The morning dawn is with the sun, the sun is with the evening dawn, and the evening dawn is with God's moon, and God's moon is with the first star. And I, the servant of God (name), am fulfilling my desire. Amen."
And they immediately take this composition to the crossroads. They leave without looking back. While they walk back and forth, they don’t look back, don’t turn their heads, and don’t talk to anyone.
Do it on Sunday from the waxing moon to the full moon. But not after sunset.

Very strong Prayer to Saint Martha for the fulfillment of desires
Prayer is very powerful; Fulfills all desires (if it pleases Heaven, this means that you will not harm anyone with your desires, voluntarily or unwittingly); wishes are often fulfilled even before the end of the reading cycle.
You need to read it in a cycle - 9 Tuesdays in a row. If one of the Tuesdays is missed, start all over again. If your wish came true earlier, still read to the end of the cycle (all 9 Tuesdays).
There should be a candle burning nearby (to the right) on the table. You can use any candle, but preferably a church candle, a small one.
The time of day - morning or evening - does not matter. If the candle is a church candle, let it burn out to the end; if it’s different, let it burn for 15-20 minutes, and then you can put it out (don’t blow it out!). It is better if you lubricate the candle with bergamot oil (with your palm, from bottom to top, from the base of the candle to the wick). It’s also better if there are fresh flowers nearby! But bergamot and flowers are not necessary, but very desirable!
It is also highly recommended to bathe and wear light clothes before reading prayers (any); be in the room alone!
The desire is better written down on paper so that it always sounds the same when reading the entire text of the prayer. One cycle - one desire.
The prayer cannot be printed out and read; You need to rewrite all the texts by hand and use them already! The text you have rewritten cannot be passed on to others; each person must rewrite the text of the prayers in his own hand (you can dictate to him or simply give him yours or this printed text for rewriting)

1. Prayer to Saint Martha - Read 1 time
“Oh Saint Martha, You are Miraculous!
I turn to you for help! And completely in my needs, and you will be my helper in my trials! I promise you with gratitude that I will spread this prayer everywhere!
I humbly and tearfully ask you to console me in my worries and hardships! I humbly, for the sake of the great joy that filled your heart, I tearfully ask you to take care of me and my family, so that we preserve our God in our hearts and thereby deserve the Saved Supreme Mediation, first of all, with the concern that now burdens me (further desire, for example, help me find a well-paid job; help me meet my loved one and create a happy family, etc.)
I tearfully ask you, Helper in every need, to overcome hardships just as You defeated the snake until it lay at Your feet!”

2. Prayer "Our Father" - read 1 time
3. Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary - Read 1 time
“O Mother of God, Virgin, rejoice! Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you! Blessed are You among Women and Blessed is the Fruit of Your Womb, as You gave birth to the Savior if our souls!”

4. Read 1 time
“Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! And now, and forever, and forever and ever! Amen!"

5. Read 9 times
“Saint Martha, ask Jesus for us!”

Ritual of fulfillment of any desires: key to all doors
Take the key to an ancient castle and throw it into a cast iron pot or into a cauldron of boiling water. Think about what “doors” this key will have to open: is it the key to money, fame and new positions, or will it open for you new love. Focus your thoughts on the goals and problems that your talisman will have to solve. When the water has cooled completely, remove the key from the boiler and wipe it on your clothes. Keep this talisman under your pillow at night and carry it with you during the day.

Magic rite of wish fulfillment - reflections
If your dreams are in no hurry to come true, use the magic of wish fulfillment. Write your desire on a small mirror, for example: “I want more money or love or to get a promotion.” To prevent the inscription from being accidentally smeared, cover the surface of the glass with varnish (you can use regular varnish for hair). Having arrived at the place where your plans should be realized (the house of your loved one or your own apartment), take a mirror in your left hand, catch the light in it (solar or from a lamp or lamp) and point the light beam at the ceiling and all the walls premises. Having done this, hide the mirror and keep it secret and inviolable until your dream comes true. When everything happens as you wanted, remove all the inscriptions from the surface of the glass.

Ritual to make your wish come true: “Lamp for wish fulfillment”
To make your wish come true, write it down on a small piece of paper. Place this paper at the bottom of a small plate, fill it two-thirds full olive oil. Also add three pinches of granulated sugar or a little honey to the butter. Twist a small wick from cotton threads (you can also use a regular wick taken from a candle), which you place in the oil so that one end rises above the surface of the liquid. Burn this oil lamp, imagining that this action adds strength to your dream and helps it come true.

A powerful magical ritual to fulfill all desires- "Sacrifice of the Fire Element"
Write down your dreams on a piece of paper, fold it and put it in a bag made of blue fabric. Also put a crust of bread in the bag. Go to a deserted place, light a fire of nine logs there and throw the bag into the fire. Having made a sacrifice to the fire element in this way, you can hope for its protection in your affairs and aspirations.

Ritual with a wish-fulfillment stone
It is no coincidence that Amber is called the stone of wish fulfillment: it can really help you realize your dreams. Note that the most powerful talismans are those pieces of amber that have inclusions - prehistoric insects, fish scales, particles of primitive plants. Rub a small piece of amber thumb right hand(the movement of the finger should be circular and clockwise), thereby changing the internal energy tension of the magic talisman. Then hold it in your left fist, concentrate on your problem or desire and imagine a favorable outcome of your plans.

Technique for making wishes come true with photos
On a blank sheet of paper, draw a circle counterclockwise.
Then stick your photo in a circle and write what you want to attract into your life, you can make drawings of what you want to have. After you have written and drawn everything, draw a second circle, clockwise, so that the first circle with the photo is inside the second circle.
In the space between the two circles write the motto:
“I am surrounded by three Rings of Power. I am surrounded by the Energy of Creation and Realization of my plans and desires.”
This motto will become a protective shield in order to negative energy did not interfere with your plans. Then, after re-reading what you wrote, you can place this circle of desires in a place where you often go. And for a month you must work with this circle of desire. This is a very effective ritual.

Ritual to fulfill a wish with bay leaf
You will need: three bay leaves, a piece of paper and a pen with red ink. On the new moon, write your wish on a piece of paper and say it out loud three times. Fold the leaf in three and put the laurel leaves inside, say the wish again three times. Fold the sheet three more times. Hide the folded sheet of leaves in a dark place. Say your wish three times every morning until it comes true. When your wish comes true, take out the leaf and burn it without unfolding it, along with the enclosed leaves, and thank the universe

Dream fulfillment ritual
To further increase your chances of success in business, do the following. Sit on a mat spread on the floor. Surround yourself on four sides with yellow burning candles. Write your deepest desire on pink paper with a red pencil. Light the paper at the four corners of each candle. While the paper is burning, figuratively imagine the process of fulfilling your dream, the events and circumstances associated with it, the consistent development of the situation, the actions and actions of the people around you, and in the end - your very victory and success. When the paper turns to ash, place it in a bag made of blue fabric, into which you also add dry lavender grass and a cut strand of your hair. Hang this pouch next to your bed or wear it around your neck with a long cord. If within three days your dreams do not come true, then throw the bag into a fire made of birch logs and once again create in your imagination a picture of a favorable ending to your affairs.

Technique for making wishes come true: “Big Candle”
You will need a fairly large candle, since you will be lighting it more than once in the evening. The candle should be the same color, without patterns and with a smooth surface. Candle color - select.
Red- strength, increased self-esteem, sexual pleasure, conquest, healing, victory.
Yellow- creativity, communication, new friends, trips and travel, joy.
Green- money, new job, love, recovery, nature.
Blue- health, meditation, development of intuition, peace.
Pink - romantic love, wedding, tender feelings, reconciliation.
Orange- career, success, self-expression, luck.
White- cleansing, protection from all bad things, healing.
In addition to the candle, you will need a beautiful candlestick, it must be new, use it only for magic, a piece of paper, a pen and a heat-resistant vessel.
First of all, write your desire clearly and concisely on a piece of paper. At the end, be sure to write the following phrase - “The path of my desire will bring only good!”
This phrase is a kind of defense mechanism, because your desire may inadvertently harm someone.
Place the candlestick on the paper with the wish and light the candle. Look at the fire and imagine what you will get when your wish comes true. Daydream for 10-15 minutes. You yourself will feel when you need to stop.
Now take the paper, light it with a candle flame and throw it into a heat-resistant vessel. Let it burn completely. After this, put out the candle and throw the ashes from the balcony.
Let the wind carry your wish to the skies!
After the ritual, try to forget about your desire, let the higher powers calmly do their work!
You can repeat the ritual several times.

Technique for making wishes come true- Voodoo Witchcraft
In order for your wish to come true, you need to write it with the point of a needle on a flat piece of wax, plasticine or putty. Then squeeze this plastic material with your hands, giving it different shapes, and finally mold it into a ball (if the wax or plasticine is not very plastic, then first lower it into a bowl of hot water). Roll the ball between your palms, imagining that your hands are transferring the energy of your desire to the ball and that simple mental images are becoming more and more material. Hide the ball in a secret place and keep it there until your dream comes true.

Chinese magic for wish fulfillment
To successfully implement your plans, purchase nine Chinese coins with square holes in the middle. Place all these coins on a red cord or thread and keep this necklace in your home. From time to time, hold this amulet in your hands and imagine that your dream is coming true.

Witchcraft technique for obtaining a talisman for fulfilling wishes
For witchcraft to help make wishes come true, you will need a large, thick candle and a sufficient amount of sunflower oil. Use a needle to write your wish on the candle. For example: “By the end of the week my debt will be repaid” or “I will be loved (or loved) by such and such a person.” Having done this, dip the candle in oil so that it saturates its entire surface. Then remove the candle from the oil, wait a little while the excess drains from it, and place it in the candlestick. Light a candle. Look at its flame and mentally imagine that the events you have planned are already happening. Let the candle burn out completely. You don’t have to be present all this time: just think that the fire is gradually melting the wax, turning your thought into reality. When the candle burns out, collect all the remaining wax in a small envelope and store it as a talisman until the plan is fulfilled.

Strong witchcraft for fulfilling wishes - “Mirror Wish”
Write your desire on a small mirror, for example: “I want more money, love and promotion.” Then wash off this inscription from the surface of the mirror with clean water. After this, do not pour out the water, but collect it in a small vessel. You can also place the mirror in a deep plate filled with water and wait for the ink with which your dreams are written on it to dissolve. Pour all the ink water or spray it from a spray bottle in the place where your plans are to be realized, or add a few drops of this water to the drink of the one who is responsible for making your dreams come true.

Magic beans for making wishes come true
To fulfill your dream, hold one large bean in your left fist, concentrate on your problem or desire and imagine a favorable outcome of your plans. Then rub the bean with the thumb of your right hand: the movement of the finger should be made in a clockwise direction. Wear this bean near your heart for seven days and your wish will certainly come true. True, we should not forget that any desire must be reasonable: if, for example, you want to become a millionaire in a week, then at the moment you should already have at least half of the amount you need in your pocket. If you are trying to achieve something with the help of magic that is absolutely not destined for you by fate, or, after performing the ritual, you decide not to participate in your destiny in any way, then most likely you will end up with nothing.

Fire magic technique for making wishes come true
To make your dream or the plans of people close to you come true, use the magic of fire. Towards evening, go with your friends to a deserted place, light a fire there from nine birch logs. When the fire burns well and all the logs turn into red coals, stir them with a poker so that sparks fly from them, and, looking at these sparks, imagine the desired event. But do not forget that any magic will be powerful only if you actually use all your skills to make your dreams come true.

Technique for making an amulet to fulfill wishes
When achieving any goal that is important to you, make through holes in nine beans. Place all the beans on a green thread and keep such an amulet in your home. At the beginning of the day, before you go about your business, take it in your hands, run the beans with your fingers (like a rosary) and think about what you must do today to fulfill your dreams.

“Funny question,” you might think. Of course there is! What person doesn’t want his whole life to consist of white stripes? Everyone without exception has desires. But how can you perform them without much effort? This question, perhaps, remains relevant at all times of the year. There are actually a great many ways, but we’ll figure out in our article whether they are really as effective as we would like, and whether you can make your dreams come true with the help of magic.

To many people, their life seems, to put it mildly, unhappy, and when everything is already traditional ways the fight against this has been used, and only dust remains of bright hopes, magic comes to the rescue, and there is nothing wrong with this, moreover, it is quite effective, safe and harmless. A person simply protects against the penetration of all kinds of problems and troubles into his life and wants something better and brighter for himself. How this is done and what wish fulfillment spell really works, we’ll figure it out in our article.

But before we understand the spells, we will consider several necessary rules for reading them.

Rules for casting spells

  1. Completely disconnect from all thoughts and problems, the best way in in this case there will be meditation.
  2. Clearly visualize everything you say, think about every word you say.
  3. Cast a spell to make your wish come true in a quiet environment with the TV and phone turned off and, most importantly, in complete solitude.
  4. Never wish for anything bad or destructive, otherwise you can bring disaster upon yourself.

So, we figured out the spells, and now let's move on directly to them.

River water spell

In order for all your dreams to come true, wait until midnight and go to the river. Place one foot in the water and let the other stand on the shore.

Start twisting your foot so hard that the water mixes with the sand, and meanwhile cast a spell to make your wish come true. His words are:

“Sand and water are mixed,

They fraternized with each other.

I know the secret word

I call upon a strong force

From the deepest depths,

From high heights.

Secret power, come

Help me (name)

Do me a favor

Not for self-interest, but for friendship.

From now on and forever

Let my words come true.

Let it come true (wish)

From this time, from this hour.

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

And now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

Read the spell clearly, without being distracted by unnecessary sounds, and under no circumstances wish anything bad, otherwise it may turn against you.

Spell on a scarf

This is a fairly easy wish-fulfillment spell that you can read at home. In this case, you will need a handkerchief that belongs to you. To do this, sit in a quiet room away from everyone.

Concentrate and try to get everything that has accumulated out of your head. Spread the handkerchief in front of you and clearly state your cherished wish. After this, say these words:

“My desire will be fulfilled with the help of God.

God provides help to those who ask Him for it.

Help will arrive in unknown ways,

My wish will become reality.

By God's Spirit I will be given what I ask of Him. Amen".

Cast this wish-fulfillment spell three times very carefully, visualizing what you are talking about. Then tie a knot in the scarf and carry it with you until your wish comes true. After this, burn the scarf.

Ritual and spell using icons

To carry out the ritual, purchase 4 icons:

Mother of God.


Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Your own name.

The ceremony is carried out in a dimly lit room without strangers or sounds. Cover the table with a white tablecloth or cloth. Arrange the three icons so that they resemble a pyramid. Place a white sheet of paper on top, on which you first write your cherished desire. Place your name icon on top so that the image faces up. Light a candle in front of each icon and read the following spell:

"God! All Holy Wonderworkers and the Most Holy Theotokos, hear my prayers and help me, servant of God (name), to fulfill my cherished desire. I (name) want (this, that, that).”

The candles must be lit all the time. Read the Lord's Prayer and ask the saints to fulfill your desire until the candles burn out. After this, place the piece of paper with your dream written in the Bible for 40 days. This is a very powerful spell to fulfill a wish, and if you do everything correctly, then your dream will definitely come true.

How can bread, salt and water make your cherished dream come true?

These are very ancient spells for the fulfillment of desires, which were used by our ancestors. It is more advisable to carry out this ritual on Saturday or Sunday. To do this, take a candle, bread, salt and clean water. Hold the salt in your left hand and the bread in your right. Light a candle and sprinkle the bread generously with salt while saying the following words:

“Salt and bread are made for the deities, intended for desire. I want my dream (this, that, that) to come true. I’ll eat salt and bread, my dream will come true, I’ll thank the gods.”

You need to chew the bread thoroughly, clearly imagining how your desire will come true. After this, take 3 sips of clean water, which must first be spoken using the following words:

“Just as all living things come from water, so my dream will be born from it. Water, water, help me."

At the end, cast the last spell to make your wish come true:

“Water, bread, salt will always help, this is happiness, not trouble. Everything will be as it was said. Amen".

How to make a wish come true using plain paper?

Many rituals, conspiracies and magical spells to make wishes come true are still used to this day, one of these is with the help of ordinary paper. The main thing here is faith in what is happening, without this the dream cannot come true. To do this, take plain paper and write your deepest desire on it in detail. Roll the sheet into a tube and tie it with red thread or ribbon. Sit down at the table and light it, which you should first buy on Friday. Concentrate and watch how it burns all the time, thinking about desire.

After the candle burns halfway, set fire to the wish sheet and say these words 3 times:

“As a candle melts, so does my dream grow; as paper burns, so does my dream begin to come true. When the candle burns out, my dream will come true.”

Also quite effective is a spell to make a wish come true in Latin. But reading it will be difficult for many.

When all the paths have been passed, and hopes for good life there are none left, many fall into magic, and there is nothing criminal about it. Strive to make your dream come true, believe that it will come true, and you will definitely achieve your goal.

Any person would not refuse a “magic wand”. This is perhaps the only thing in the world that unites people. It's a pity that politicians haven't thought of this yet. Maybe the world would become a better, cleaner place. But miracle masters of all kinds of professions are vying to explain to citizens how to fulfill their desires. There is so much that is not in their recommendations: psychological trainings that put you in the right mood, magical rituals, prayers, and so on. And, strangely enough, it works! Let's look at the tools offered as a “magic wand”.

The beginning of magic

Sources disseminating knowledge on how to fulfill your desires agree on one thing. It is necessary to set the goal correctly. Desire should come from the heart, and not be born by the mind. Some call these true goals. The test is simple: imagine the moment your dream comes true. Did you feel happy? So you are on the right track. Fulfillment of desires only seems difficult. It's actually a fun and joyful process. If we forget about what is instilled in us from childhood, that everything is achieved through labor, then desires will begin to come true on their own. Unfortunately, you will have to work on the correct perception of reality. We have many harmful postulates in our heads. They prevent us from enjoying life. In the “conceived-implemented” process, incorrect statements (attitudes) insert obstacles like spokes in wheels. A real wizard must get rid of them, firmly believing that the whole world is just waiting for him to wish for something. If you achieve that such an attitude becomes the main one in your worldview, then the question of how to fulfill your desires will cease to exist for you.

About what is allowed and what is prohibited

There's another one important point, which you should know about. Desires are divided into good and bad. The latter include those that cause harm when performed. For example, if you want to take revenge on an enemy, get someone else’s property, or destroy something you didn’t create, then don’t wait for the help of the Universe. She doesn't like aggressors. And the Higher Powers will definitely help you realize a good desire. These include all thoughts aimed at development and creation. It is also important to emotionally color your thoughts. Desires bringing joy, usually first in line for execution. They are surpassed only by those whose implementation will make many people happy. For example, there is a difference between the desire to buy a car and plant a garden. The first will please you personally, and maybe also your friends and relatives. And a blooming garden will give aesthetic pleasure to many people, not to mention the pleasure from its fruits. It turns out that, thinking about how to fulfill his desires, a person involuntarily becomes a creator developing the Universe.

Magical practices

Having decided on your true desires, you can immediately begin to realize them. Many techniques have been invented for this. A simple test will help you choose the right one. It is recommended to familiarize yourself with several, and then mentally “estimate” them for yourself. What are you experiencing? How does it feel? If the information caused confusion or anger, then dismiss it immediately. It won't work. But you can try this amusing technique. The one that interests you should definitely be used. And so on down the list. Would you say that we need to stop at one? Not at all. You want to become a wizard. This means that you can do whatever you like, that makes you happy, that makes you happy. For example, have you heard that every person has a wish-granting stone? Don't have one like this yet? So it needs to be created urgently!

About the stone

The fulfillment of desires is only possible if you have spent a certain amount of energy on the process. In one case it is work, in the other it is dreams. The Universe doesn’t care how you “pay” for your dream. She needs the person to give something. Moreover, what is preferable for her is not money, but thoughts and feelings. Sometimes positive dreamers have all the chances of the world falling on their heads, which is the envy of pessimistic realists engaged in continuous productive work. The stone is the point that will force you to spend energy in the right direction. It is recommended to choose a mineral based on your zodiac sign. Although this is completely unimportant. Let there be at least a cobblestone, as long as you believe that it will fulfill everything you wish. You need to communicate with the stone regularly, describing your dream in all
colors He needs to transfer his energy. After a while it will start working. But in fact, you will get used to it, and the sight of it will encourage you to spend energy on your dream, which will sooner or later lead to its fulfillment. That's the whole secret!

About prayers

There has long been another way to achieve your goals. It is now known as the prayer that grants wishes. In fact, it is still the same positive, optimistic concentration. In Reality Transurfing, the process is described as the ability to stop the flow of thoughts, which is actually a waste of energy. As soon as this happens, the accumulation of “assets” immediately begins, as in the economy. They are not spent on empty things, but are added up to be spent on what is really important. Prayer is another way to stop the racing of thoughts in your head and clear your mind. Moreover, the special state of energy of a person conducting a conversation with the Lord has been proven. It is recommended to compose the prayer yourself, in your own words. Start with the Lord's Prayer to get in the mood, and then say what you truly want. Works!

How to make any wish come true

There is one “terrible secret”, the knowledge of which makes a person omnipotent. The creators of Simoron reveal it a little. For any wish to come true, you must forget about it! It turns out that this is the most reliable method, which many people intuitively come to. You need to wish it with special pleasure and taste. Dream with full energy and intensity of emotions. Unwind the reel of your dreams to the fullest, and then forget about everything. Then your dream itself will rush towards you through worlds and spaces. The fact is that sometimes people themselves delay the desired moment. With their doubts or excessive requests, they “confuse” the Universe, on which the approach of the dream depends. Either a person passionately wants something, then suddenly he begins to be afraid, then he becomes angry, and so on. Naturally, everything happens at the emotional level. And the Higher Powers take everything at face value. They begin preparing to realize their desire, and suddenly they receive a “stop” signal (doubt). What should they do? After all, they strive to make a person happy. It's not their fault that he has seven Fridays a week.

About perfume

Do you know how our distant ancestors reasoned? They believed that all objects and phenomena are endowed with a soul. Maybe not quite human, but quite accommodating. In their opinion, an agreement could be concluded with a thunderstorm, say, or a river. This is where the legend comes from that there are spirits that grant wishes. How to contact them? A special ritual must be performed. For example, you can conduct a seance. You will need a saucer and a circle with letters. The company sits around a table on which “magical” attributes are installed. Everyone touches the saucer with their fingertips. Then they make wishes. The saucer moves and shows the spirits' response. Or you can contact them directly. Write down what is occupying your thoughts now, and place a piece of paper in the book of the deceased classic. At the same time, ask for his assistance in fulfilling what you want. He will definitely answer. Sometimes in a dream. And it happens that through a quotation from one’s work. Try it, incredible things often happen.

Help yourself

Many experts say that no one except the person himself can cope with the fulfillment of desires. They recommend not wasting energy on contacts with spirits or gnomes, but getting down to business based on scientific principles. To do this, you need to create a positive attitude for yourself. A wish-fulfilling mantra will help in this matter. For example, you want to get rights. Imagine that you already have driving skills and drive around the expanses of your homeland like an ace. Now chant this mantra: aum hrim stream hum Ptah. In total, you need to repeat the set of sounds one hundred and eight times. It is recommended to repeat the exercise every day. They say it works best at dawn. Sit on the ground, look at the star and sing, imagining the end result.

Body language to help the fulfillment of your desires

Magic practitioners do not stop at energy and magical creatures. They believe that it is possible to create an order from the Universe to fulfill a wish with the help of hands. That is, the fingers are intertwined in a certain way, which is a sign to the Universe that you have a request. This practice is called “wish-fulfilling mudras.” This is an Indian creation. It is recommended to practice after cleansing the body. The exercise itself does not require special preparation. You need to sit with your back straight. Move your arms slightly to the sides, bending your elbows. Position your fingers like this: the index, thumb and middle fingers are connected, and the little and ring fingers are pressed to the palms. Say out loud three times what you want, without using negative particles “not” and the words “I want”. Sit in this position for fifteen minutes. Breathe calmly and measuredly. Imagine how happy you will be when your plans are realized. The mudra is aimed at realizing material desires. In addition, it allows you to improve your health and clear your thoughts.

About the genie

Very positive people, real eccentrics, firmly believe that their worries can be transferred to entities from another world. These include, for example, genies. Remember the fairy tale about the magic lamp? So, some sources claim that a similar trick can be done today. If you are interested in how to summon a genie who grants wishes, here is the recipe. Buy a beautiful oriental vase (if you don’t have one at home). Wait until night. Spread a red rug (fabric) on the floor.

Light the candles. Place the vase on the red cloth. Rub it with your palm and say: “I summon the genie, I breathe power into him! I give the order to the genie, thank you in gold! I tell you to (specifically describe what you want)! Let what is said be done!” The spirit of the lamp needs to pay for its services. To do this, it is recommended to give alms or treat children in the yard to sweets. That is, do something kind and pleasant for other people.

Should you believe in jinn and spirits?

This is very important question. The fact is that the fulfillment of desires completely depends not on external forces, but on the correctness of the “request”. If you are positive, happy, harmonious, then believe in anyone. The Universe is on the side of people who give birth to positive energies. Dwarves or genies who otherwise do not exist will definitely communicate with such people. The point is not whether a dwarf with a beard will come to you, but about the energy, which is aimed at ensuring that the flow of your happiness is endless. This is probably worth believing. This is a fact that has not yet been proven by science, but is supported by many evidence of harmonious people living peacefully on the planet. It’s a pity that stories about them rarely make it into the media. Who, according to those who build it, is interested in boring lucky guys?

How to stop a wish from coming true

When people strive to change their lives, they encounter common mistakes. Naturally, in addition to the general ones, everyone also makes their own. But you will have to fight them on your own. But you don’t have to step on common rakes after familiarizing yourself with their signs. The first mistake is using the particle “not” when formulating desires. The fact is that the Universe is like a small child. She is designed in such a way that she cannot understand the subtleties of our denials. For her, what I “want” and what “I don’t want.” That is, she will not see the meaning emphasized by this negative particle. As a result, you will get exactly what you wanted to avoid. That is, if you ask her to “prevent” an accident, then prepare for a collision in which you will be the main character. The second mistake is to allow doubts. If the order is made, do not cancel it negative thoughts. You are confusing the Universe. Make a wish and give it time to realize it.

A small “crutch” for beginning wizards

Everything rarely works out right away. If you find it difficult to stop or control thoughts, tune in to positive mood, then it is recommended to remember what exactly helped you get into an upbeat mood earlier. It could be music or a film, a book or a painting. They say diamonds help girls. Take note of your own mood booster and use it without hesitation. And over time, your faith in your own magical abilities will strengthen. Everything will turn out much easier. Good luck!

Have you ever thought that all our wishes come true? Yes, yes, ALL wishes come true. Another thing is that many of us formulate our desires incorrectly or do not desire anything at all.

I understand that your first reaction to this statement is to immediately argue. “It’s not true, I didn’t think about the accident, the illness, and I didn’t even imagine that any problems would arise. I have always dreamed of happiness, health, well-being...”

In this world, whether we want to believe it or not, everything is alive. Our thoughts are also alive. The Universe records our thoughts as energy impulses and strictly observes their implementation. The Universe fulfills our desires, and we “feed” it with our love. There is a strict interchange, and if one chain collapses, then the other collapses too. The fact is that the Universe does not understand “noise words”, the words “yes” or “no”. For her, there are no emotional concepts of “positive” or “negative,” “fear” or joy,” it all depends on how much energy we put into our thought. It often happens that we thought about something and at the same time got scared. The fear was so strong and generated such a powerful outburst of our energy that, despite the fact that the thought flashed in my head for just a second, the Universe heard it as an order that was impossible not to fulfill.

Think about how you come up with it. For example, you often think like this...

“Now is a difficult time, it’s hard to get a good job, it’s hard to save up for an apartment, and in general it’s impossible to buy one.” And we complain about our unhappy life, we scold our husbands, wives, relatives, everything around is bad and not the way we want.

The Universe will do for you what you ordered, namely, “hard times”, “difficult to get a job”, “difficult to save up for an apartment”, “impossible to buy an apartment”, will bring closer to you “relatives and spouses who are doing everything wrong” and will present on a silver platter “a life that failed” the fulfillment of desires with the power of thought.

So you yourself create a program for yourself, according to which you yourself will live.

What should you do to change your life for the better?

We are often prevented from changing by the word “if”, which lives in our past, present and which we pull into our future. "...

Stop! Imagine that this “if” never happened in your life.

Answer yourself honestly the following questions:

What do you really want?

What will make you live in harmony and happiness?

If you had a magic wand, what would you do for yourself?

Imagine your new joyful future.

What are your dreams?

What would you like to achieve in a year?

And remember, the Universe fulfills our desires in exchange for the love that you show in your soul. It doesn’t matter to whom - nature, living beings, work, mechanisms. The more love you have, the faster what you think about will come true.

Now let yourself dream. Imagine everything as if your wishes have ALREADY COME TRUE. Thank your fate, it made you who you are today. Thank the Universe, which fulfills your desires, thank GOD for creating such magical world, thank your mom and dad for allowing you to be born into this world and thank yourself for being born and existing. If you have no one to love and no one to thank (this happens when people have too hard a life and have no faith left in God, nor in the devil, nor in people, nor in themselves) - then pick up a pebble on the road for yourself and give thanks every day his. Let the pebble receive gratitude and love from you, the main thing is that the ability to love returns to your heart. If this world does not deserve to be loved, love the stone.

The bus arrived at the stop on time - thank the pebble, someone smiled, stroke the pebble.

Learn to think positively.

Take the example of marketers who write a positive scenario for the company’s development in advance. And if the whole company believes in this plan, then success is guaranteed. It works! Invent yourself new life, in which there is no place for sadness and sadness.

Remember, you are a wizard, it all depends on your mood. You are responsible for your destiny and for yourself and you have enough strength to change your life for the better.

What determines the time frame for fulfilling a wish? How to make a wish come true quickly? Find out the secret!

In this article you will find valuable tips that can complement the ones you are already using. This way you can fulfill your desire much faster.

What determines the speed of fulfillment of desires?

The answer to this question is simple and obvious - first of all, the period of fulfillment of a desire depends on our faith¹. And although it cannot be seen or felt, the power of faith can make each of us powerful and fearless.

Then another important question arises: “If faith is such a serious factor in the realization of our goals, then are there ways to increase it?” Are there ways to make your wish come true faster? Yes, there are such ways!

How to make wishes come true faster?

Method 1 - collective intelligence

Suppose you have like-minded people in achieving your dreams, or you are working in a team on a large-scale project, then best way Strengthening your faith means spending more time communicating with such people. Planning, acting, and imagining the end result together will fuel your faith day by day.

If several people think about how to make a wish come true, it will come true very quickly.

You need to choose the most optimistic colleagues to communicate with. Charge yourself with positive energy from them.

If possible, stay close to them: have lunch together, return from work together, do not miss the opportunity to exchange a few phrases when the opportunity arises. Collective intelligence² works wonders, and passion and inspiration will turn faith into knowledge.

Method 2 - moving mountains alone

Another way to quickly fulfill a desire for those who have chosen their own unique path and are working on their desire alone is as follows.

Remember your previous victories, achievements and desires that have already come true. Savor these memories.

Live them again every day, resurrect the emotions, feelings that you experienced when you got what you wanted.

Remember how happy you were. Draw an analogy: “If it worked then, it will work now.” Transfer confidence in success from a goal you have already achieved to a new desire. In short, use the copy-paste function.

How to make a wish come true - from your own experience...

While studying at the institute, I skipped almost the entire second semester of my first year, but successfully passed the exam. I also managed, along with my fellow students, to take advantage of all the benefits of a student scholarship.

I liked this method of teaching, and I decided to continue to practice it. The situation before the start of the session became hotter and hotter every year.

Sometimes I panicked and felt fear³ (considering that in many subjects I was not allowed to take tests or exams due to absenteeism), but every time I pulled myself together, remembered all the funny things from the previous sessions and the feeling of relief after passing.

The most important ingredient!

It was the memory of a positive experience and the happiness that everything worked out that pulled me out like Munchausen’s braid. I always thought: “It worked then, it will work now.”

The example may not be entirely successful, but it clearly demonstrates the work of strengthening faith. Whenever your faith wavers, whenever you don't know how to fulfill a desire, go back to your memories and relive them. These memories will nourish faith as rain nourishes the earth.

Method 3 - wait for your parcel!

And one more method that I often use: just imagine that your fulfilled desire is in the package that the Universe has already sent to you. All that remains is to wait for it to arrive.

With this approach, your faith will turn into inner conviction. And one more thing: if possible, protect yourself from communicating with skeptics - they don’t even believe in themselves, so you shouldn’t give them your energy and faith. Leave it to yourself to realize your plans. Good luck and inexhaustible faith!!!

Nina Galkina

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Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

² Collective intelligence or collective intelligence is a term that appeared in the mid-1980s in sociology when studying the process of collective decision-making (