Svetlana Efremova
Presentation to Orthodox holiday“Bright Easter” (1st junior group)

Presenter: Hello, good fellows! Hello, beautiful girls! Spring has come for us brought a holiday. Congratulations on holiday, with Light Christ's Resurrection! WITH Easter! On Easter cakes are baked, paint eggs. But this one holiday It is rich not only in delicious treats - it is rich in customs and rituals.

Winter is over now

Again Easter has come to us.

Snowdrops will appear,

The lilac will bloom,

Hello, ray of sunshine

AND Easter day!

Drops are dripping loudly

Near our window.

The birds sang merrily,

On a visit Easter has come to us.

Song “Drops are dripping loudly!”

Drops are dripping loudly

Near our window

The birds sang merrily

Easter, Easter has come to us!

We found a snowdrop yesterday

On a thawed forest patch,

Delicate blue flower

Smells like sun and spring.

Presenter: On this day everyone goes to church, brings flowers, lights candles and rejoices holiday.

The Hostess enters the hall with a candle in her hands.


Hello, good people! Congratulations on holiday! Easter is the most main holiday church year when people are freed from everything bad. This celebration of hope for the future, joy, victory of Good over Evil. Everyone celebrates Easter, because it is the beginning of spring and the awakening of nature. During Easter For weeks, bells have been ringing in Rus'. Anyone could climb the bell tower and ring the bell.

Children recite poems to the sound of bells.


That's Easter has come to us

The holiday is sweet for me

Brought a lot of joy

And he took away all the sorrows


Easter holiday - bright, clean,

The day when Christ rose...

Joy of the radiant sun

Smiles from heaven.

3- Child.

It's a wonderful day, my soul is shining,

And the heart of God glorifies.

The spring forest rings in the distance,

And the song sounds: "Christ is risen!

All children: Truly risen!


On Everyone was allowed to celebrate Easter(men, boys, boys) ring the bells, so there was a continuous ringing of bells, maintaining the joyful, festive mood.

Let the bells ring today, let the songs sound, let everyone have fun!

Listening to the ringing bells


Spring is Red for us

Brought a holiday.

This very morning

The kids are having fun.

Spring came Easter,

Nature has all woken up.

The harsh winter is gone

And the sun smiled!

Over meadows and fields

The sun is shining above us.

The long-awaited spring

It's our day Easter brought!

Dance: “Spring has come!”


I've been to the fair

Yes, I bought hotels,

Here's a whole basket of them,

Not magical, golden,

And beautiful, painted ones!

We will treat our guests to great glory,

Fun for the kids!

Guys, what's in my cart? (children's answers)

What color are they? (children's answers)

True, but the colors also had their own symbolism.

Red is the color of joy and life.

Yellow – dedicated to the sun.

Green – symbolizes spring.

Brown – the fertility of the earth.

Games: "Collect the egg", "Egg Rolling".


Shine brighter, you rays

And warm the land.

Green the stems

Blossom all the flowers.

Get up quickly in a round dance,

Sing a song together.

Song - dance: “Let’s go to the garden for raspberries...”


Earth and sun

Fields and forest -

Everyone praises God:

Children together: Christ is risen!


In the blue smile

Living skies

Still the same joy:

Children together: Christ is risen!

The enmity has disappeared

And the fear disappeared.

No more anger -

Children together: Christ is risen!


On holiday the fun began entertainment: And young, and the old people rode on carousels, danced in round dances, played games in the street folk games. Let's play too.

Round dance game "Roll, egg".

Children stand in a large spacious circle. The driver gives one wooden egg to any child in the circle, the second egg to the child in the opposite part.

With the words of the counting song, children begin to pass the eggs around in a circle in any direction.

Children sing:

"Roll, roll, egg,

In our circle.

Find, find, egg,

For myself, my friend."

With the last word, the passing of eggs around the circle ends. Those who have eggs left in their hands go to the center of the circle, give the testicles to the person entering, who speaks:

"Circle, come out

And the two of you will dance for us."


Guys, do you like fairy tales? (children's answers)

Well, then guess what fairy tale is told in this riddle?

Grandfather and grandmother are crying with tears of grief -

Why are we suddenly having such failure?

There was a golden egg lying on the shelf.

Yes, but the mouse is such a punishment -

broke it. And I’m not happy myself.

But she calmed everyone down (Chicken Ryaba)


That's right, guys.

I had a beautiful chicken,

Oh, what a smart chicken she was

She sewed caftans for me, sewed boots,

She baked sweet, rosy pies for me.

And when will manage, sits at the gate,

He will tell a fairy tale and sing a song. (The chicken comes out)


Where did the chicken Ryaba live? (At grandma and grandpa's)


Here they lived - there was a grandfather and a woman, they lived and did not grieve (children take turns standing up and bowing) and they had a chicken, Ryaba. Grandfather and woman lived together, ate porridge, drank tea (grandfather and woman are drinking tea at the table). Once upon a time, a grandfather and a woman were sitting at the table, and a chicken in a nest will scream: Ko-ko-ko. (The chicken screams)


Oh, guys, who is that screaming there? (Chicken Ryaba).


Come on grandpa and see what happened (Grandfather went to the chicken, bent down, took the egg)


The hen laid an egg, not an ordinary one - a golden one.

Grandfather beat, beat, but didn’t break

Baba beat - she beat - she didn’t break (they beat the egg one by one, the woman puts it on the edge of the table)

(Mouse runs out)


The mouse ran, waved its tail, the egg fell and broke. (The mouse runs, touches the egg, it falls)

Grandfather is crying, Baba is crying (crying, wiping tears)

And the chicken clucks at them:

Don't cry grandpa, ko-ko-ko,

Don't cry, woman, ko-ko-ko.

I'll lay another egg for you,

Not golden, but simple. (child - chicken feels sorry for his grandfather and grandmother)


Once upon a time, a grandfather and a woman were sitting at the table, and the hen in the nest started screaming “Ko-ko-ko!”

Guys, is our chicken screaming something? Go grandma, go and see what happened there? (Baba went to the chicken, bent down, took the egg, and there was a surprise - chocolate eggs)


Guys, we need to praise our chicken for such a treat, we need to make the chicken happy. Let's invite her to dance with us!

Guys Easter is also called Bright Day. And people turned to the sun with words:

Sunshine, bucket,

Look out the window!

Show yourself, sunshine

Dress up in red!

Dance with rays


Had a lot of fun

And we got a little tired.


Easter! Into golden pipes

Angels are trumpeting from heaven.

Be happy, dear ones!

Rejoice! Christ is risen!



Ours has come to an end holiday, But Easter May joy last all year. And I wish you health, happiness, joy, peace. I wish you to often please your parents with good deeds and do not forget to congratulate them on their your parents' holiday, relatives and friends! Christ is Risen, children!

The children leave the hall to the sound of the bells.

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Text content of presentation slides:
Presentation on the topic: “EASTER BRINGS JOY TO US” Completed by a 6th grade student of GBOOOOSH No. 28 Kornilov Egorg.o. Syzran Easter is one of the most important Christian religious holidays. The history of its origin is closely connected with the ancient biblical legends about the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The word came to us from the Greek language and means “deliverance.” On this day we celebrate the deliverance through Christ the Savior of all mankind. Just as our redemption was accomplished by Christ’s death on the cross, so by His Resurrection we were given eternal life. According to the Bible, the son of God Jesus Christ accepted a painful death on the cross to atone for the sins of mankind. He was crucified on a cross mounted on a mountain called Golgotha ​​on Friday, which in the Christian calendar is called Passion. After Jesus Christ, together with others sentenced to death on the cross, died in terrible agony, they moved him to a cave, where they left his body. On the night from Saturday to Resurrection, the repentant sinner Mary Magdalene and her companions, who, like her, accepted the Christian faith, came to this cave to say goodbye to Jesus and pay him their last tribute of love and respect. However, upon entering there, they found out that the tomb where his body was located was empty, and two angels told them that Jesus Christ had risen. Since those ancient times, all believers have celebrated religious holiday in Christianity - Easter, the day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. In the Christian tradition, Easter is celebrated according to the lunisolar calendar, so the date of its celebration varies from year to year. This date is calculated so that it falls on the first Sunday after the spring full moon. At the same time, emphasizing the essence of this holiday, Easter is always celebrated only on Sunday. TRADITIONS OF EASTER CELEBRATION. Easter is preceded by a strict seven-week Lent, when believers abstain from certain types of food. The week before Easter is called Holy Week. Each day of the week is associated with the events of the last days of Christ’s earthly life. On the day before Easter, on Holy Saturday, all believers gather in churches for prayer. Special Easter food is brought to the temple to be blessed. On the day of the Resurrection of Christ, special dishes are placed on the table that are prepared only once a year - Easter cakes, cottage cheese Easter, Easter colored eggs. Midnight comes and the religious procession begins in the churches. Holy Saturday is replaced by a bright holiday. The celebration of Easter lasts forty days - exactly as long as Christ appeared to his disciples after the Resurrection. On the fortieth day, Jesus Christ ascended to God the Father. At Easter we joyfully say: “Christ is Risen”! And we exchange Easter eggs. This custom is very old. Christ gave us life, and the egg is a sign of life. From time immemorial in Rus', the bright holiday of Christ's Resurrection was awaited with great joy. After all, there are many rituals associated with Easter. EASTER GAMES AND FUN. Egg rolling. For centuries, egg rolling has been a favorite Easter game in Rus'. Here's how they played it: - they installed a wooden or cardboard skating rink and cleared a flat area around it, on which they laid out painted eggs, toys, and Easter-themed souvenirs. The children took turns approaching the skating rink, and each one rolled their own egg. As soon as it touched any object, it became a winning gift. Clinking eggs. This is also an ancient pastime: knocking the blunt or sharp end of a painted eggs - egg opponent, the person tries to win as many whole eggs as possible. If the egg cracks, you lose! Egg relay. Players are divided into two teams and must run with an egg in a spoon to get to the finish line and return back to pass the egg to the next teammate. You can diversify the game and hold the spoon not in your hands, but in your mouth. Russian poets wrote many wonderful poems that they dedicated to the Great Holiday - Easter. Christ is risen! Everywhere the gospel is buzzing, people are pouring out of all the churches. The dawn is already looking from heaven... Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen! The cover of snow has already been removed from the fields, And the rivers are breaking from their shackles, And the nearby forest is greener... Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen! The earth is waking up, And the fields are getting dressed, Spring is coming, full of miracles! Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen! (A. Maikov) How the sun shines brightly... How the sun shines brightly, How the depths of the sky are bright, How joyfully and loudly the bells are ringing. Incessantly in God’s churches they sing “Christ is Risen!” And the sounds of a wondrous song Reach the heavens. (A. Pleshcheev) Easter announcement The dozing bell Woke up the fields, The sleepy land smiled at the sun. The blows ran towards the blue skies, A voice rang loudly through the forests. The pale moon disappeared behind the river, The playful wave ran loudly. The quiet valley drives away sleep, Somewhere beyond the road the ringing fades. (S. Yesenin) In This holiday, you can congratulate friends and family with a handmade postcard. After all, all the warmth, faith, hope and love are invested in it!


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A week before Easter, on Sunday, a holiday is celebrated, otherwise called Palm Sunday. The consecration of the willow occurs both on the holiday itself and the day before during the evening service. The consecrated branches are distributed to those praying, and with them, with candles lit, the believers stand until the end of the service.

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The willow consecrated on this day is stored for a whole year. It is believed that consecrated willow acquires miraculous powers that help drive out unclean spirits.

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Alexander Alexandrovich Blok Boys and girls Candles and willows They carried it home. The lights are glowing, Passers-by are crossing themselves, and it smells like spring. A distant breeze, a little rain, a little rain, Don’t blow out the fire! On Palm Sunday Tomorrow I will be the first to rise for the holy day.

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You need to prepare for Easter celebrations in advance. The Church prepares believers for the most important holiday with a seven-week fast - a time of repentance and spiritual cleansing.

Easter is the anticipation of spring. Delicate flowers - tulips, daffodils, hyacinths - decorate our house for Easter. You can put birch and willow branches in the water in advance. They will bloom in the warmth, and your family will be delighted by the living green leaves.

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Easter is the main holiday of the Christian world. This is the victory of life over death! Out of great love for us people, the Lord came down to earth in the form of a man and accepted suffering and death on the cross for us. On the third day after the burial, a miracle happened - the Lord rose from the dead!

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At Easter, it is customary to paint eggs with different colors, but among the colorful eggs there must be bright red ones. Why? History has preserved this legend for us. After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, his disciples and followers dispersed different countries, everywhere proclaiming the good news that there is no longer any need to fear death. Christ, the Savior of the world, defeated her. He resurrected Himself and will resurrect everyone who believes Him and loves people just as He loves.

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Christ has risen from the dead! - Mary Magdalene ran in with this news to the Roman Emperor Tiberius. “This cannot be,” the emperor grinned. A white egg in your hands will never turn scarlet! And at that same moment, a chicken egg - a modest offering to the emperor - became bright red... On Easter, we repeat this miracle: we paint eggs in

bright yellow

color is the color of the sun, green is the color of spring and, of course, bright red is the color of the blood of God shed for us.

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On Easter, as the most important holiday of the church year, a particularly solemn divine service is held. Since ancient times, the Church has developed

the tradition of performing Easter services at night; or in some countries (for example, Serbia) in the early morning - at dawn. Slide 13 The tradition of placing a large candle at the altar during the Easter night service exists in all Christian countries. People take candles with blessed fire home to warm them up.


. It brings happiness to the home.

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At the Easter liturgy, all believers try to take communion without fail. And after the service is over, the believers “share Christ” - they greet each other with a kiss and the words “Christ is Risen!”

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At Easter we joyfully say: “Christ is Risen!” and exchange red eggs. This custom is very old; Christ gave us life, and the egg is a sign of life.
During Easter week, all churches generally allow anyone to ring the bells.

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The celebration of Easter lasts forty days - exactly as long as Christ appeared to His disciples after the Resurrection. On the fortieth day, Jesus Christ ascended to God the Father. During the forty days of Easter, and especially in the first week - the most solemn one - they go to visit each other, give colored eggs and Easter cakes, and play Easter games.

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The main decoration of the table is, of course, Easter cakes and Easter cakes.

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What to give for Easter?
It is impossible to imagine Easter greetings without a red or painted egg.

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TO Easter table As a rule, a lot of relatives and friends gather. Try to prepare an Easter gift for everyone: a beautiful egg and a small Easter cake.

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If you prepare baskets with sprouted greens in advance and place eggs and Easter cake on a napkin among the greens, the joy of your loved ones will reward your efforts and fill your heart with happiness.

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If the person you want to wish Happy Easter is far away, you can send him an Easter card.

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How to color a pysanka?
For work you will need: paints (gouache), good brushes No. 1,2,3, matchbox, PVA glue. To paint a pysanka, you need to select good white eggs with a rough shell. Smooth surfaces do not paint well. First, wash the egg in warm water with baking soda, remove dirt, and immerse it in water for a couple of minutes, to which 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar have been added. Then the eggs are dried.

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Painting is carried out in the following order: The boiled egg must be placed in an open matchbox - this will make painting more convenient. Then the pattern is applied with paints. It must dry out. The painted egg needs to be covered with PVA glue mixed with water.

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If the egg is to become a souvenir, then after coloring you need to blow out the white and yolk from it. To do this, you will need to make two holes in the shell using a thin drill or awl. You can use an old syringe to blow out the white and yolk. At the end of the work, you can thread a colored knitting thread through the holes, make a loop at the top, and tie the thread with a bow at the bottom. The souvenir for the gift is ready.

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Easter brings us joy. Celebrating Easter in a Chuvash family. Completed by: Educator MBDOU TsRR kindergarten No. 242 “Sadko” Gordeeva Lyubov Viktorovna 2017 Ulyanovsk

According to the ideas of the ancient Chuvash, every person had to do two important things in his life: take care of his old parents and worthily escort them to the “other world”, raise children as worthy people and leave them behind. A person’s entire life was spent in the family, and for any person one of the main goals in life was the well-being of his family, his parents, his children. Parents in a Chuvash family. The ancient Chuvash family kil-yysh usually consisted of three generations: grandparents, father and mother, and children. In Chuvash families, old parents and father-mother were treated with love and respect. This is very clearly visible in Chuvash folk songs, which most often tell not about the love of a man and a woman (as in so many modern songs), but about love to your parents, relatives, to your homeland. Some songs talk about the feelings of an adult dealing with the loss of his parents. They treated their mother with special love and honor. The word “amăsh” is translated as “mother”, but for his own mother the Chuvash have special words “anne, api”; when pronouncing these words, the Chuvash speaks only about his mother. Anne, api, atăsh are a sacred concept for the Chuvash. These words were never used in abusive language or ridicule. TRADITIONS AND CUSTOMS OF THE CHUVASH PEOPLE

The rituals and holidays of the Chuvash in the past were closely related to their pagan religious views and strictly corresponded to the economic and agricultural calendar. The ritual cycle began with winter holiday asking for a good offspring of livestock - surkhuri (sheep spirit), timed to coincide with the winter solstice. During the festival, children and youth in groups walked around the village door to door, entering the house, wishing the owners a good birth of livestock, and singing songs with spells. The owners presented them with food. At Mancun, the first guest was considered an honor: they seated him on a pillow and dressed him up.

Then came the holiday of honoring the sun, savarni (Maslenitsa), when they baked pancakes and organized horseback riding around the village in the sun. In conclusion Maslenitsa week They burned an effigy of the “old woman savarni” (savarni karchakyo). In the spring there was a multi-day festival of sacrifices to the sun, god and dead ancestors of the Mancun (which then coincided with Orthodox Easter), which began with kalam kun and ended with seren or virem - a rite of expulsion of winter, evil spirits and diseases. Young people walked in groups around the village with rowan rods and, whipping them at people, buildings, equipment, clothes, drove out evil spirits and the souls of the dead, shouting “Seren!” Fellow villagers in each house treated the ritual participants to beer, cheese and eggs. At the end of the 19th century. these rituals disappeared in most Chuvash villages.

Mancun – “Great Day” Mancun is a holiday celebrating the spring new year according to the ancient Chuvash calendar. The name mancun translates as “great day”. It is noteworthy that the pagan East Slavic tribes also called the first day of the spring new year Great Day. After the spread of Christianity, the Chuvash Mancun coincided with Christian Easter. According to the ancient Chuvash calendar, Mancun was celebrated on the days of the spring solstice. The pagan Chuvash began mancun on Wednesday and celebrated for a whole week.

Every holiday has its own beauty, its own customs, rituals and signs. There are a lot of them on Easter too. God has risen and death has been defeated! This victorious message was rushed by the God-resurrected spring... An excerpt from the poem by Ya. Polonsky “Easter News” Easter round dances

On the day of the Mancun offensive, early in the morning the children ran out to watch the sunrise on the lawn on the eastern side of the village. According to the Chuvash, on this day the sun rises dancing, that is, especially solemnly and joyfully. Together with the children, old people also came out to meet the new, young sun. They told the children ancient fairy tales and legends about the struggle of the sun with the evil sorceress Vupar. One of these legends tells that during the long winter, evil spirits sent by the old woman Vupar constantly attacked the sun and wanted to drag it from the sky to the underworld. The sun appeared less and less in the sky.

Then the Chuvash warriors decided to free the sun from captivity. A squad of good fellows gathered and, having received the blessing of the elders, headed east to rescue the sun. For seven days and seven nights the warriors fought with the servants of Vupar and finally defeated them. The evil old woman Vupar with a pack of her assistants fled into the dungeon and hid in the possessions of Shuitan. At sunrise, people climbed to the tops of the sacred mountains and offered prayers for prosperity and harvest.

Mongun" is the brightest and biggest holiday among the Chuvash. Before Easter, women must wash the hut, whitewash the stoves, and men clean up the yard. For Easter, beer is brewed and barrels are filled. On the day before Easter they wash in the bathhouse, and at night they go to church at Avtan Kelly. For Easter, both adults and children dress up in new clothes. They paint eggs, prepare “chokot”, and bake pies.

“Christ is Risen” (A. N. Maikov) The gospel message is buzzing everywhere, People are pouring out of all the churches; The dawn is already looking from heaven... Christ is risen! Christ is risen! The cover of snow has already been removed from the fields, And the rivers are breaking from their shackles, And the nearby forest is turning green... Christ is risen! Christ is risen! Now the earth is waking up, And the fields are getting dressed... Spring is coming, full of miracles! Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

When entering a house, they try to let the girl through first, because it is believed that if the first person to enter the house is female, then the cattle will have more heifers and fairies. The first girl to enter is given a colored egg and placed on a pillow, and she must sit quietly, so that the chickens, ducks, and geese can sit just as calmly in their nests and hatch their chicks. “Mongkun” lasts a whole week. Children are having fun, playing in the streets, riding on swings. In the old days, swings were built on every street especially for Easter. Where not only children, but also boys and girls skated.

Adults go “kalǎm” for Easter; in some villages this is called “pichke pçlama”, that is, opening barrels. They gather with one of the relatives, and then take turns going from house to house, singing songs to the accordion. In every house they eat, sing and dance.

The Easter service begins at midnight from Saturday to Sunday; she is all filled with spiritual joy and jubilation. All of it is a solemn hymn to the Bright Resurrection of Christ, the reconciliation of God and man, the victory of life over death. The Easter holiday takes place every year on different dates of the month and the time of its celebration “changes” according to its date, but always falls on Sunday. This year Easter will be celebrated on April 16th.

The service on this day is especially solemn, the rituals are especially beautiful. The clergy's attire is solemn and changes throughout the service: from black to red. Each color of the vestment has its own symbolic meaning: black is the color of sorrow, white is the color of the holy spirit, and it is worn by the clergy during the period when our Lord Jesus Christ is Risen. Red is the color of martyrs and the color of our Lord. The priests wear red vestments at the end of the festive liturgy, saying that Jesus Christ endured so much torment for his faith, for his teaching.

After the service ends, the believers “share Christ” - they greet each other with a kiss and the words “Christ is Risen!”

In all the churches of Russia, the bells begin to ring with a joyful, beautiful, red ringing, which is called trezvon. During the entire Easter week, anyone is allowed to ring bells in churches, so a continuous joyful ringing of bells sounds from everywhere, maintaining the festive mood.

Religious processions are held around churches with solemn singing; on Easter days in Rus' people try to take care of the weak and sick, to please their neighbors, prepare festive treats: they make Easter (tasty holiday dish from cottage cheese), bake Easter cakes (butter pie), paint eggs.

In the Orthodox tradition, artos is blessed on Easter - leavened bread of special consecration. Those who could not receive communion on Easter could feel unity through eating common bread. The symbol of unity passed on to Easter cakes and Easter. On cottage cheese Easter, as a rule, they put stamps with the letters “ХВ”.

The custom of giving each other red eggs on the Resurrection of the Lord symbolizes the rebirth of life from under a dead shell. The red color reminds us of the pure blood of the Savior.

Nowadays it has become fashionable to give eggs decorated artificial material, for example, fabric, beads. The rebirth of new life from the “egg” also symbolizes the appearance of chickens. Therefore, along with giving eggs, they also give chickens as a gift.

Our Easter cakes

DIY Easter

Painted eggs with congratulations and wishes

This is how Easter goes in our family

“...The raspberry ringing floats over the river. Easter services are underway in churches. You can hear it everywhere, you can hear it all around: “Christ is risen!”

Extra-curricular activity for junior high school students.

Easter brings us joy.



Prince Red Sun


Ved. Hello children!

How smart and beautiful you all are!

Are you preparing for the holiday? Well done!

And my name is Prince Red Sun.

The sun is clear, the sun is red

I walk high, I look far!

Happy Easter to all of you,

I wish you happiness and joy!

Guys, I get up early in the morning, walk past your school and look into the windows.

So I stopped by today. Yes, I see you are gathered for the holiday.

What holiday is today? (children answer)

Well done! Easter!

Can I celebrate the holiday with you?

Ved. A -What time of year is Easter celebrated? (in spring)

Well done!

Let's all invite spring to visit us together!

Together, let’s shout in unison, “Spring is red, come to us!” - 3 - 4: -/- -and now the parents are helping....

(birds singing sounds)

Look, the birds are singing, which means Spring is already approaching us. Look, a bumblebee flew to visit us, it also felt like a holiday ( everyone turns around, tries to see the bumblebee, at this time spring appears)

Ved. Oh, hello, mother spring!

Spring: Hello! Hello!

I am Spring-Red! Brought warmth to you, the sun, a light breeze. I am very glad to meet you again. Do you want to play with me? Prince Shine the sun and play for us. Ved. the game is called “Sunshine and the Breeze” (everyone sits in place) Hands forward - a light breeze blew, and now hands up - and the sun, fingers like rays. Etc. How well are you doing? Well done!

Ved. You know, Mother Spring, the guys were waiting for you, and they were preparing for the holiday. We learned poetry. Listen!

(children read poetry) (see Appendix)

Spring: Well done guys, you prepared beautiful poems.

Here are the verses you know about Easter. I’ll check what else you know about her now.

Why is Easter celebrated? (Jesus Christ has risen)

On what day of the week did Jesus Christ rise from the dead? (Sunday)

What were the names of the women who were the first to come to the tomb of Christ? (myrrh-bearers)

Why were they called that? (They carried myrrh to the tomb of the savior to anoint his body)

Who did they meet in the cave? (angel)

Mary Magdalene went to Rome to see Emperor Tiberius. Having met him in the palace, she handed the emperor an egg and said “Christ is risen”! To which Tiberius replied, “The egg would sooner turn red than Christ would rise from the dead.”

What happened to the egg? (turned red).

Since then, eggs began to be painted red. And it is customary to tie a red scarf for Easter.

Spring: Well done! Are you ready for Easter! I have a surprise for you - a wonderful bag, but what’s in it? (takes out a painted egg, then another one) Stand in a circle, let's play an old game. Gives 1 egg to one child and another to the child opposite)

Game "Roll-roll egg": Roll and roll the egg around our circle, find and find an egg for yourself, my friend (children pass the eggs in opposite directions, after the words the eggs remain in their hands, go to the middle of the circle) come out of the circle and dance for everyone. Ved. Guys, sit down and relax. You probably also prepared songs for the holiday?

(Children who have prepared amateur performances at home (possibly family performances) perform).

Spring. What a nice weather! Do you want to take a walk? ? Then get on the train, put your hands on your shoulders, and let's play another game.

“Gate” (I walk, walk, walk, leading the children with me. Through forests, through fields, along paths and meadows. 1,2,3,4,5, - it’s time to close the gate!) until the two most unlikely ones remain.

Ved. Shall we play some more? Game "Day - Night"

Spring. Do you know , How did they celebrate Easter in the old days?

Volunteers walked through the villages and cities. They sang and joked kindly. (listening to the phonogram ). Let's also try to sing volitional songs. (The words “fables in their faces” are heard to all participants).

On this day, Easter troparia are sung in almost all countries of the world: in Russian, Italian, French, Greek, etc.

Word to Father. Present. Ved. Spring. "Rejoice all Christians! Rejoice - Christ is Risen!

Phonogram of a bell ringing. Tea party.


Easter holiday - bright, clean,

The day when Christ was resurrected...

Joy of the radiant sun

Smiles from heaven. (I. Darnina)

Easter. Festive all around.

The house sparkles with cleanliness.

Willows on the table and Easter...

So light and so beautiful!

Dyed eggs everywhere

And the Easter cake is on the platter...

Mom in a chintz apron

Invites everyone to sit down

And taste the treat

In honor of Christ's resurrection. (G. Antipina)

We paint eggs with bright paint,

For the holiday Easter,

Baked together in the oven

Cupcakes, rolls, Easter cakes! (T. Shemyakina)

How I love Easter!

Get ready for Thursday -

Grandma paints eggs

I'll help her too.

On a fragile, thin shell

For people, for beauty

I paint with a brush quietly

Cross, sun, flowers.

On the bright holiday of Sunday

I'll give it to my friends

By the testicle, with congratulations

And I’ll say: “I painted it myself!”

Like a bright coloring

Easter has come to our home.

She brought it in her basket,

Eggs, buns, flatbreads,

Pies, pancakes and tea.

Have a fun Easter! (I. Evdokimova)

Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong

Bell chime

Heard from all sides

Ding-dong, ding-dong, ding-dong...

Easter has come to us

Sunday brought

Life is bright and big.

We celebrate the holiday in the spring

With willow and Easter cakes,

Fragrant candles,

Painted eggs

Under the holy icons.

We praise life's rebirth

And Christ's resurrection.

We all want to be in peace,

Forgive everyone and love everyone.

Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong

Forgiving bow

Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong

From time immemorial

In the ringing of the bell

Joyful, free...

Only on Easter does the sun shine like this!

The bells bring good news.

Let everyone, young and old, know:

Christ is risen! Truly risen!

Miracle! Easter has arrived

Gave people joy.

I say to my mother, lovingly:

May the Lord protect you!

Painted Easter cakes, painted eggs,

And for festive table guests are gathering.

I wish everyone today

Live in peace without being discouraged.

Your son

I'll kiss you on the cheek.

And I will say: “Christ is risen!

Happiness will go to heaven!

Lent is behind us! Easter has arrived!

Fills our hearts with kindness and affection.

Easter is a day of miracles.

We say: “Christ is risen!”

People, and even the forest, rejoice

Quietly whispers: “Christ is risen!”

How we love this holiday!

Christ has risen at the best hour!

During the celebration the following soundtracks were used:

    Ringing of bells (Easter chime)


    Music from the film "Masha and the Bear"

    Phonogram of Easter troparions in French and Greek).