Very soon your baby will celebrate his next birthday. He is looking forward to this significant event with great impatience. Crosses out dates on the calendar. Tries to guess what gifts he will receive. He carefully paints invitations for his guests. And lives in anticipation of a miracle, magic, fairy tale. So give him this fairy tale! After all, you can do something like this. The main thing is to think through all the details in advance. And the theme of the holiday, and the design, and, of course, the menu for the child’s birthday. Turn on your imagination, activate your childhood memories, and go ahead - towards a brilliant extravaganza created only for your one and only little birthday boy!

The most favorite children's holiday

Birthday. The most desired children's holiday. Why do children love him so much?

It’s only a pity, as Crocodile Gena correctly noted, that such a wonderful day happens only once a year. Therefore, it is your sacred duty, as parents, to make sure that before your next birthday, your child remembers the previous one with great delight. And I looked forward to him becoming another year older. And again a fairy tale will come into his life...

Create a festive atmosphere for the little birthday boy and his guests. Decorate the room balloons, lights, tinsel

Solemn surroundings

Where does a child's birthday begin? Of course, with the decoration of the holiday. And it, in turn, depends on the theme of the celebration. There is no limit to the flight of imagination here.

Start from what your little one likes. Heroes of fairy tales or cartoons, travel, pirate stories, space adventures, robots, princesses, fairies, scientific discoveries, etc.

And more balls, tinsel, lights. Caps for guests, whistles, pipes and drums are required. What would a holiday be without all this? The little birthday boy should be congratulated loudly, colorfully, solemnly. And nothing else!

Decorate the room where the party will take place according to the chosen theme. Children notice little things and details. Shapes, paints, colors. Costumes, scenery, effects. Let this all be purely symbolic, a sham. But it must be.

The menu for a child’s birthday should include simple dishes that are convenient to eat with your hands: sandwiches, tartlets, canapés, for example.

Festive menu for a child's birthday

But the festive table at a children's birthday comes with its own requirements. Due to the fact that kids are active and playful, long sittings at the table are unlikely to be such an interesting pastime for them. What alternative can I offer you?

Buffet. This is the perfect option for a children's party. He doesn’t oblige the little brats to anything. If they want, they eat, if they want, they play.

And if so, then the menu for such a table should be appropriate. And the serving is interesting, bright, attractive. So that children have a desire to interrupt their games and entertainment and try something that looks so unusual.

Place treats on a table that is not too high. A coffee table is quite suitable for this purpose.

So, what to serve and how to serve it to your baby's guests on his birthday?

  1. The table on which you place the treats should match the height of the guests.
  2. Serve it with bright dishes and cover it with a colored tablecloth.
  3. Don't beg your children to eat. This is already a holiday for them.
  4. Instead of one long feast, have several short snacks in between competitions, entertainment, and games.
  5. The children's table is not for spicy, salty, fatty, smoked foods.
  6. When inviting kids to a holiday, ask their parents if the little ones are allergic to certain foods.
  7. Prepare healthy and simple meals. Which are convenient to eat.
  8. Don't come up with anything fancy. Kids enjoy eating well-known, traditional dishes.
  9. Design them according to the theme of the holiday. Or in a way that will interest children and capture their imagination.

Vegetables, despite the fact that many children do not particularly like them, can be served in such a way that it is simply impossible not to try them

Vegetables and salads (with photos)

Vegetables are not the last place on the children's menu. Therefore, their presence on the festive table is quite justified. Although some toddlers do not eat them very willingly, this problem can be solved by serving an original garden salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, and herbs. It’s better to avoid more complex salads at a children’s party. Especially if the guests are very young or preschoolers.

Cut vegetables into neat slices so that they can be easily pierced with a fork or skewer.

Photo gallery “How to serve vegetables to children?”

Cucumber snake Funny pepper bull Olive palms Salad in balls Swarm of happy bees In the meadow Mushroom glade To interest children in more than just sweets, present vegetables in a fun way.

Snacks: sandwiches, canapés, tartlets

Main courses festive table For a child’s birthday, they should be ones that are easy to take and eat. And these are just all kinds of sandwiches, canapés and tartlets.

We do not allow children to “snack” and “bite” in everyday life. But, for some reason, this is what they like to do most. So let them give free rein to their true passions at least during the holiday.

Children's sandwiches look very appetizing if you approach their design with soul


Sandwiches can be made with cheese, sausage, ham, pate, butter, eggs. And supplement them with vegetables, herbs, olives, pineapples. Here, the choice is yours.

Try cutting out bread using baking molds. You will get sandwiches in the form of bunnies, Christmas trees, cars, stars, ships. It will be interesting for kids. If you don’t have molds, then it’s better to buy a baguette instead of a traditional loaf. You will get small, neat children's sandwiches.

Canapés in the shape of penguins will make a splash among your baby's guests

Canapés differ from sandwiches in that they are smaller in size and that their ingredients are skewered on special skewers. This is a one bite dish.

To prepare canapes, you can use meat and sausages, cheeses, vegetables, fruits and berries, as well as everything that you find in the refrigerator and everything that your imagination tells you.

You can also make canapés from fruits. But it would be more appropriate to serve them along with a sweet table

Canapes with sausage and tomatoes (recipe)

To prepare such canapés you will need 1 baguette (preferably black grain bread, but white is also possible), 200 g of sausage (boiled), cherry tomatoes (1 sprig), spreadable processed cheese (150 g), lettuce and parsley. You also need to find something to squeeze out small circles with. For example, a Kinder Surprise container, a baking dish or a small thin-walled glass.

  1. Cut the bread into thin slices, and then squeeze small circles out of them with a mold.
  2. Spread them with melted cheese and place on each lettuce leaf.
  3. Place bread on skewers.
  4. Then cut the sausage into very thin slices.
  5. Bend them in four, placing parsley sprigs inside.
  6. And put the sausage on skewers.
  7. Cut cherry tomatoes into rings.
  8. And place them on the skewers on top.

Canapes with sausage and tomatoes are ready.

Video “How to prepare canapés?”


It is better to buy molds for tartlets in the store. And you can prepare the filling yourself. As mentioned above, children do not really like salads. But they will certainly appreciate tartlets stuffed with vegetable, meat, fish or fruit salads and decorated in an original way.

Tartlets can also be either salty or sweet. Everything will depend on the filling you put in them.

Hot dishes

For hot meals, it is also better to serve unique and unusual dishes to your baby’s little guests. What is it about? Yes, at least about chicken kebabs on skewers. Or about small cutlets, meatballs, meatballs. Which may look like mice, chickens or ants.

Boiled beets and carrots, olives, green peas, a knife (curly or regular) and, of course, the dexterity of your hands will help them acquire this appearance.

And as a side dish you can offer a very unusual treat.

Potato mushrooms. Kids will undoubtedly love this side dish.

Potato mushrooms (recipe)

Preparing these mushrooms from potatoes is quite simple.

  1. Take as many potatoes as you expect guests.
  2. Wash them and boil them in their skins until almost done.
  3. Drain the water and let it cool.
  4. Then use a knife to cut out a mushroom-shaped piece from each potato.
  5. Add some salt to the potato mushrooms and grease them with sunflower oil.
  6. All that remains is to put them in the oven until golden brown.
  7. Before serving, the mushroom caps can be painted with colorful sauces.

It's hard to find a child who wouldn't consider pizza one of the most brilliant inventions of mankind.

Another hot dish that children will definitely not ignore. This is, of course, pizza. Nowadays it is difficult to find a child indifferent to this invention of Italian students.

And again, here you have an immense field for creativity. Pizza size, shape, filling. All this can be so diverse that one has to be guided only by the culinary preferences of each individual family.

Fruits can be served during the sweet table, or from the very beginning of the holiday. Children, while having fun, will not refuse to feast on them periodically


The children's holiday menu cannot but include this item. Fruits. They are tasty, healthy and, with appropriate design, very impressive. If you cut them into pieces, you can lay out whole fruit pictures on dishes. Fruit canapés are also very popular among children.

And fruit salads, unlike vegetable ones, the little ones will gobble up with great pleasure. Moreover, they are prepared very quickly and simply.

In a fruit salad, the ingredients may vary depending on the time of year or the preferences of the birthday person.

Fruit salad (recipe)

To prepare a fruit salad, you will need 1 banana, 1 orange, 1 apple, 1 kiwi, 200 g of seedless grapes (quiche), 200 g of low-fat yogurt, strawberries or raspberries for decoration, grated chocolate or chopped nuts to taste.

  1. Wash the fruit under running water.
  2. Peel them.
  3. Cut into cubes and mix.
  4. Place the salad among the bowls.
  5. Top it with yogurt.
  6. Decorate with strawberries, raspberries, nuts, and grated chocolate.

And remember: fruit salad is prepared immediately before serving.

Sweet table - the culmination of a children's holiday

Sweet table

The sweet table includes, in addition to fruits, candies, cookies, cakes, ice cream, and all kinds of desserts. And, of course, the main attribute of any birthday is the birthday cake. Definitely with candles, which the hero of the occasion must blow out. This is what is considered the culmination of the holiday among children.

It is the cake, this recognized symbol of a birthday, that should be not only the most delicious, but also the most beautiful. Of course, not in your understanding. And in the concept of a little birthday boy.

Therefore, it is best to ask your child in advance how he imagines his birthday cake. And pre-order exactly the one your little one has been dreaming about.

That's where the magic is! That's where the fairy tale is! Moreover, this will not be difficult for you at all. Today, skilled pastry chefs will build you any miracle of culinary skill, bring your every fantasy and every whim to life.

Just admire what masterpieces can appear on the festive table on your child’s birthday!

Photo gallery “Birthday Cakes for Children”

Shaun the sheep Hello, Kitty! Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Cake in the shape of a ship for sea lovers Cake with Smeshariki If you are celebrating a double birthday, this cake is perfect for you. Lightning McQueen for racing fans

What drinks to prepare

As for drinks, you should stock up on them in sufficient quantities. Compote, homemade fruit drink, freshly squeezed juices, as well as cocktails prepared by you yourself will be just right. Especially if you pour them into tall glasses and decorate them with colorful umbrellas and straws.

And one more secret. Before filling the glasses, dip the rims into water and then into sugar. A beautiful and, moreover, tasty border is formed. Kids will really like this presentation.

There should be a lot of drinks at a children's birthday party. And they should be tasty, healthy and, again, well presented.

Video “Recipes for non-alcoholic cocktails”

It is only at first glance that it seems so difficult to organize a festive table for your child’s birthday. The main desire. And there will always be ideas. Don’t be afraid to ask the hero of the occasion what he wants, what he dreams about. And don’t try to impress the kids with exquisite delicacies. Leave the delights for a more respectable audience. For kids, the main thing is that the holiday is fun, interesting, and spectacular. Well, there was plenty to eat during breaks between games. Follow this principle when creating a menu for the guests of your little birthday boy.

How to make your child's birthday truly unforgettable? Invite his friends to visit and arrange a small home holiday with fun entertainment. And also - come up with something original.

Running on the waves

The children's holiday menu for a child's birthday must certainly include boat canapés. One type of boat can be made using half an egg, cheese filling and nachos. Cut 5 hard-boiled eggs and remove the yolks. Grind the yolks with cheese and 2 tbsp. l. sour cream. Place the filling in the halves. We attach a sail made of nachos on top. You can decorate such a snack with a blue napkin, then children will definitely get the impression that small boats are cutting through the waves!

Merry swarm

Ladybird sandwiches are a great dish idea for children's day birth. Take unsweetened cookies - they will become the basis of the snack. Spread with any pate and top each cookie with a green salad. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half and make a shallow cut to create the appearance of wings; ladybugs can also be made from cherry tomato quarters. We cut out the heads from the olives, small specks on the body and eyes can be made using mayonnaise and toothpicks, and decorate with dill. cute ladybugs They won't let your little guests get bored.

Bag of fresh fruit

The salad for the children's birthday menu is a prime example of edible decoration. We take a whole watermelon and beautifully cut off its cap (about a third). We cut out the pulp, which we will later return back to the watermelon! Wash 150 g of a variety of fruits and berries thoroughly, peel if necessary and cut into small pieces. Together with the chopped watermelon pulp, place all the fruits into the watermelon. Serve this delicacy with long toothpicks and melted chocolate, and it will immediately gain many little fans.

Tailed Team

Prepare an egg appetizer called “Little Mouse” for your children’s birthday menu. They will have a lot of fun for the kids. Cut 6-8 boiled eggs in half, remove the yolks, mix them with 200 g of grated cream cheese. Fill the egg white halves with this mixture and place them on lettuce leaves, filling down. We make ears from radish circles, antennae from dill or parsley, eyes can be made from confectionery sprinkles.

Koloboks in gold

You can make a children's rice dish for a child's birthday, the composition of which will remain a mystery to everyone. Heat 300 ml of cream with 200 g of grated hard cheese. Dissolve it over low heat and add 400 g of boiled rice with chopped parsley. We form balls from this mass, roll in breading, deep-fry and transfer to a napkin to drain excess fat. Serve hearty koloboks in a heap on a platter - and they will be snapped up immediately.

Surprise Scrolls

Chicken rolls with pineapple for a children's birthday are a win-win recipe. Cut 1 kg of chicken fillet into layers, beat, salt, pepper and add mustard if desired. Place 2 tbsp on each layer. l. grated cheese, pineapples and champignons, cut into cubes, tightly rolled up and tied with thread or pinned with toothpicks. Grease these cocoons with oil and spices and bake in the oven for 40 minutes at 180°C. Children will immediately fall in love with these rosy, flavorful rolls.

Boats with treasure

Feel free to include a recipe for potato boats with minced meat in your children's birthday menu. Bake 6-7 large potatoes in the oven, cut them in half and extract the pulp, leaving a little near the skin. Fry 400 g of minced meat with onions, mix with tomato sauce and fill greased boats with it. Sprinkle them with cheese on top and place in the oven at 180°C for 10 minutes. Children will approve of such a tempting dish without question.

Cake on a stick

On skewers is another good idea on the menu for a children's birthday party. Separately, grind 3 prepared sponge cakes into crumbs. Mix the first part with chocolate-nut butter, the second with condensed milk, and the third with jam. We make identical balls, string them onto long skewers, dip them in liquid chocolate and decorate with colored confectionery sprinkles. Cool them thoroughly and treat them to those with a sweet tooth.

Strawberries in the snow

Among children's birthday dishes with photos you can find a lot of variations of homemade ice cream. We suggest preparing one of the eternal hits. Lightly freeze 1 kg of strawberries and puree them in a blender. Add 500 g vanilla ice cream, 200 g strawberry jam and 50 g honey. Beat the mixture again, pour into molds and cool. Before serving, decorate them with crushed nuts, chocolate chips, pieces of fruit or marmalade.

Currant delicacy

What would a delicious children's birthday menu be without? Our recipe doesn't even require baking. Press a mixture of 300 g of cookies and 100 g of butter into a round shape, cool for 30 minutes. Beat 800 g of cottage cheese with 100 g of sour cream with a blender and mix in 200 ml of cream with 3 tbsp. l. gelatin. Beat a third of this mass with 300 g of currants. Add 200 g of yogurt to the rest. We alternate both bases in the biscuit tin with a zebra pattern, finishing the cake with a berry layer. Decorate it with currants and cool for another hour.

Surely there is a photo in your collection children's table for birthdays, menus for themed parties and simply interesting recipes. In this case, be sure to share your valuable experience with other readers of the “Eat at Home!” club.

Cook quickly and deliciously with the “Eat at Home” dough

Dough for homemade pies “Eat at Home”

And if little guests are already on the doorstep, then the “Eat at Home” pie dough will come to your aid in preparing a simple and tasty pie. Choose the filling to your taste: berries, fruits, vegetables - or, for example, prepare a delicious pie with meat, chicken or fish. Your guests will definitely ask for more! Cook with pleasure!

The child's birthday is just around the corner. Colorful balloons are inflated, presents are prepared, entertainment carefully compiled thanks to numerous thematic sites on the Internet. All that remains is to think over the menu for the festive table, and this, as you know, is a very important task, because the dishes should please all the little guests.

Organization of a children's party

Some careless parents prefer to buy carbonated drinks, children's sausages, and cakes with whipped cream. Is this option not for you? And rightly so! This means that you are a caring parent and are concerned about the healthy eating of your children.

Don't forget what's on the table should not eat food that contains many food additives, as well as food that contains allergens that can cause digestive upset and immunity disorders.

1 Buffet is most suitable for young children (4-6 years old). If you decide to organize a feast a la a buffet, you can put several ordinary children's tables together, covering them with a common festive tablecloth. You can also use ironing board. Do not forget that the height of the tabletop or board should correspond to the height of the guests.

2 The buffet has a large number of various advantages. The most important advantage is that you don’t have to worry about where to get children’s furniture. Because not every family definitely has a dozen children’s high chairs and tables.

3 Another advantage is that no one forces children to eat, and this will undoubtedly delight them. And another advantage is that few children know how to handle cutlery, but in our case we avoid this problem.

4 And, finally, none of those present will interrupt you with exclamations of “I’m thirsty!”

It is advisable that your program include funny competitions and various surprises. Don't forget to warn your parents in advance that the birthday will also be celebrated with a cake for adults.

remember, that suitable option For any mother there will be a cheerful and joyful child. It will be best if you set the table with beautiful disposable tableware, which will depict your favorite children's cartoon characters. As a rule, everyone accepts this without question.

Pay great attention to the design of holiday dishes. Even the simplest dishes, such as mashed potatoes, will delight children if they are decorated in a festive manner.

Find out from mothers if they have children allergic reactions for certain exotic fruits or cocoa.

Forewarned is forearmed. This way you can avoid various embarrassing situations. Also, it would not be bad if you included dried fruits in your holiday menu, since they are storehouses of vitamins and iron.

It is advisable to prepare gifts for children a few days before the holiday. For this purpose, you can visit souvenir shops where you will find the necessary products. To order gifts in bulk, contact your supplier. If you need a small number of gifts, then it will be easier and faster to purchase them on the market. Another popular method of buying gifts is online shopping.

What to cook for the little ones?

Puddings. Cooking recipes

The youngest children can make pudding. There are many ways to prepare this simple dish. This dish is quite suitable for a baby’s birthday. This dish is quick to prepare and has excellent taste. It is also affordable for anyone.

Rice pudding

We will need: 350 ml of milk, a third of a pack of butter, 3 chicken eggs, a glass of sugar, 250 grams of rice, half a pack of vanilla sugar, orange zest, dried apricots.

First of all, rinse the rice thoroughly, then boil it over low heat for fifteen minutes, drain in a colander, add milk, and boil again for fifteen minutes. Place egg yolks, previously beaten with granulated sugar and vanilla, into cool rice. Add orange zest, crushed nuts, dried apricots, as well as butter and whipped egg whites.

Semolina pudding

Ingredients: 150 g semolina, 250 g sugar, lemon zest, a quarter stick of butter, 700 ml whole milk.

Add all ingredients except semolina to warm milk. Then slowly add the semolina and, stirring, cook for a quarter of an hour. If desired, you can add chopped almonds or nuts. Next, place the resulting mass in the prepared mold and place it in the oven for a quarter of an hour.

Oat pudding

You need to take: 500 ml of whole milk, 200 g of any oatmeal, a couple of eggs, 300 g of sugar, 40 g of fresh butter.

Cook the porridge with granulated sugar and vanilla. Then beat the yolks with sugar and butter, then add everything to the porridge. Also add pre-whipped egg whites. Having done all this, place the resulting mass in a mold, covering its bottom with breadcrumbs in advance. Then we put it all in a preheated oven and bake at medium temperature. To make the pudding more presentable, you can decorate it with berries or jam.

Vermicelli pudding

Ingredients: 600 ml of whole milk, 150 g of sugar, 200 g of durum noodles, a quarter of a stick of butter, three eggs, 100 g of walnuts, citrus zest.

Add sugar and zest to milk brought to a boil. After which we immerse well-broken noodles into it. The vermicelli should be cooked for no more than 15 minutes. During cooking, the main thing is not to forget to stir the mixture. After this time, the mixture is allowed to cool. And add yolks, chopped nuts to the cooled mass, and don’t forget about butter.

After thorough mixing, add the protein. Then put the mixture in the oven for half an hour, and the pudding is ready. Little advice: The pudding should be served at least after several hours, this will give the taste a brighter shade that can be complemented with fruit.

Children's birthday menu for children from 3 to 5 years old

Pyramid of pancakes from the cat Matroskin

Pancakes for this dish should be fluffy.

Place the pancake in the pan, sprinkle it with finely chopped chicken or chopped lean ham, and cover with the second pancake. Sprinkle grated hard cheese on top, cover with a third and garnish with tomato slices and herbs. Bake in a hot oven for 6 - 7 minutes or 1 - 2 minutes in the microwave.

Meat ball with cheese and mushrooms

The spicy filling of the meat ball with the classic combination of cheese and mushrooms will leave few people indifferent. Adding various ingredients that you have on hand will allow you to experiment and get creative while cooking.

To prepare you will need:

  • Minced pork or veal – 500 gr.
  • Champignons – 200 gr.
  • Hard cheese – 150 gr.
  • Onions – 1 pc.
  • Pomegranate – 3 tbsp. spoons of grains (for decoration)
  • Garlic – 2 cloves
  • Spices and seasonings, such as Provençal herbs - 0.5 teaspoon
  • Coarse salt and freshly ground pepper
  • A small bunch of greenery
  • Lettuce leaves and cherry tomatoes to garnish the dish


Finely chop the onion and garlic and fry in a hot frying pan until golden color. Cut the champignons (can be frozen or canned) into small pieces and add to the onion and garlic.

As soon as the mushrooms are warmed up, they need to be salted, seasoned with freshly ground pepper and a mixture of Provençal herbs. Fry the mushrooms until golden brown. Finely chop a bunch of greens, grate hard cheese on a coarse grater. Beat the minced meat well, add salt and pepper.

Add fried mushrooms, half the chopped herbs and grated cheese to the minced meat. Mix the mixture thoroughly, and with wet hands form a ball. You can add whole mushrooms and pieces of mozzarella, diced carrots and bell peppers, black or green pitted olives, green beans, peas or corn to the ball.

Grease a baking tray with oil, carefully place the meat ball, sprinkle the top a little vegetable oil And bake for 40 minutes at a temperature of 180C, until a golden crust appears. Place the meat ball on a plate with lettuce leaves, cut into 8 pieces, place cherry halves and pomegranate seeds on the sides.

The ball is delicious both hot and cold. As an everyday dinner, it can be supplemented with a side dish of potatoes or rice and a vegetable salad.

Homemade chocolate recipe

Nowadays, children eat plenty of chocolate and therefore you won’t surprise them with chocolate. Maybe some homemade chocolate.

To make homemade chocolate you will need:

  • Glass of sugar
  • Half a glass of milk
  • A pinch of vanillin
  • A third of a stick of butter
  • Half a glass of powdered milk
  • Quarter glass of cocoa

So let's get straight to it making homemade chocolate. Gradually add vanillin, granulated sugar and butter to boiling milk. Wait for the butter to melt, then add the baby formula and cocoa powder. And don't forget to stir.

When you notice that the density of the mixture has increased, move it to a plate previously moistened with cool water. When you make chocolate, you can add various ingredients such as raisins, coconut, walnuts, almonds to improve the taste. After cooling, cut the tile into portions.

Fruit jelly eggs

The dish can surprise all little guests. There is one important nuance in preparing it; you will need a whole eggshell with a small hole. Using some sharp object, make a small hole from the blunt end of the egg.

Let's start making jelly, which will serve as a filler for our shells.


  • Gelatin powder packaging
  • 250 grams of granulated sugar
  • Fruit platter

Fill with hot jelly eggshells, cool to room temperature, then put in the refrigerator overnight. Carefully peel the eggs - the festive dish is ready!

Royal fairy tale salad

For older children (from ten years old), you can prepare all kinds of meat salads and place them on small portioned plates.

For one serving:

  • 100 g chicken meat
  • 100 g ham
  • 80 g boiled or pickled champignons
  • 100 grams of canned pineapples
  • 60 g pickled cucumbers
  • sour cream sauce

Cut chicken, ham, pineapple and cucumbers into small cubes. Slice the mushrooms lengthwise. Mix all ingredients, season with sour cream sauce. Garnish with pineapple pieces.

Menu for a boy's birthday

Salad for adults

For one serving:

  • 60 g onions
  • 100 g boiled chicken fillet
  • 60 grams of prunes
  • one boiled egg
  • 100 g hard cheese
  • sour cream sauce

Chop the onion and marinate. Finely chop the chicken fillet and prunes. Grate the egg.

Place the salad on a plate in layers. Season each layer with sour cream sauce.

The bottom layer is onion. Then chicken fillet, prunes, egg and hard cheese. Garnish with greens and pomegranate seeds.

Desserts with berries and fruits

If you want the holiday to be a great success, treat your little gourmets to fruit desserts, snacks and drinks before the start of the competition program.

Desserts made from fruits and berries are an integral component of cheerful children's feasts.

To prepare delicious and beautiful fruit and berry desserts, take:

  • 5 yolks
  • 400g 20% ​​percent sour cream
  • Orange zest
  • Cherries, candied – half a kilo
  • a little vanillin

Cooking steps: Grind the egg yolks with granulated sugar, add the zest and sour cream, as well as candied cherries, after removing the seeds from them, add a little vanilla.

Grind the mixture thoroughly, mix and beat in a blender, place in beautiful molds and place in the freezer for six hours. Before serving this beauty to children, decorate desserts with berries or slices of fruit.

Menu for children aged 5 – 10 years


  • premium flour - 750 grams
  • water - 350 ml
  • baker's yeast - one teaspoon
  • Salt to taste

To prepare the filling we will need:

  • 300 grams of boiled lean pork or salami sausage
  • two onions, cut into half rings, sautéed
  • hard cheese, grated on a coarse grater 150g
  • cherry tomatoes, cut into rings - 6 pieces
  • fresh basil and leaf parsley
  • sour cream sauce - 100 ml

Cooking steps:

We make the yeast dough and leave it to rise. After the dough has risen, knead and roll into a flat cake. round shape, the layer thickness of which should not exceed half a centimeter. Carefully place the future pizza pan on a frying pan or baking sheet, spread the filling on the dough, lift the edges of the dough so that the filling does not end up in the pan, sprinkle grated cheese on top, bake the pizza in a well-heated oven.

Cut the finished pizza into portions and sprinkle them with herbs.

Delicious mushrooms from dough (cookies)

Products for cooking:

  • one stick of butter
  • glass of granulated sugar
  • glass of fat sour cream
  • three egg yolks
  • salt – 0.5 teaspoons
  • baking soda, quenched with vinegar - one teaspoon
  • premium flour - 800 grams

Cooking steps:

First of all, you need to make the mushroom caps. To do this, we roll the dough into sausages, cut it into pieces of different sizes, take these pieces in our hands, and make mushroom caps out of them, like plasticine.

While the mushrooms are baking, prepare sugar syrup in order to glue components into a single whole. To prepare, take a glass of granulated sugar, pour 25 ml of water into it and cook the sugar syrup over low heat, stirring constantly.

With a sharp knife make holes in the caps, insert the legs there, glue them with sugar syrup. Place the mushrooms on a baking sheet.

To dye hats Let's prepare a cocoa mixture. Take 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder, 2 tablespoons of water, two tablespoons of granulated sugar, mix and boil this mixture over low heat, stirring constantly, for 3 minutes. We dip the caps of our improvised mushrooms into this brown fondant. The hats will turn a very beautiful brown color. Grease the mushroom stems with sugar syrup, and then sprinkle grated poppy seeds on top.

Such mushrooms will serve as a true decoration for the festive table; they will definitely attract the attention of children and will delight them with their excellent taste and original appearance.

DIY marshmallows

We will need:

  • 1 pack of gelatin powder
  • 1 glass of water
  • 650 g granulated sugar
  • teaspoon of citric acid
  • 1.5 teaspoons baking soda
  • 100 g powdered sugar

Cooking steps:

Gelatin powder and water mix(until the gelatin particles are completely dissolved), we resign for half an hour for the swelling process. After that heat up over low heat until it boils, with constant stirring, pour in granulated sugar (650 g), pour in 200 ml of water and boil leave this mixture for 10 minutes, then combine with the swollen gelatin mixture. Whisk Mix this whole mass with a mixer, add baking soda and continue beating.

In five minutes active whipping Add citric acid and beat again at high speed. The resulting fluffy mass needs place into a food syringe and squeeze out beautiful roses onto parchment paper, put refrigerate for 60 minutes. After the marshmallows harden, roll in it in powdered sugar, place it on a beautiful tray, decorate mint sprigs and berries, and serve to guests.

Homemade ice cream


  • whole cow's milk - 600 ml
  • 100 g sugar
  • one and a half tablespoons cornstarch
  • 2 egg yolks

Cooking process:

Yolks carefully grind with sugar, pour in milk. Boil this mixture over low heat, stirring constantly, until it thickens. Enter cornstarch, continue boiling. Don't forget always stir, since the mixture tends to burn.

Pour in a teaspoon of cocoa powder, chopped almonds, vanilla sugar, cool the resulting mixture reaches 20 degrees, put it in the refrigerator for five hours. Once the mixture has cooled, it will become thick, whisk blend it with a blender, place it in beautiful vases and put it in the freezer freeze

  • 2 cups sugar
  • To prepare a delicate cream, take:

    • a stick of butter
    • can of condensed milk
    • half a bar of dark chocolate

    This cake will decorate your holiday table. It consists of three cake layers of different diameters: 25, 21 and 15 cm. The dough for the largest cake is made as follows:

    Whisk Whisk the eggs until a fluffy and stable foam appears with sugar and vanilla (pour in one tablespoon of boiling water). In a separate container it is necessary beat egg whites, and sugar should be added to them very slowly, in small portions.

    Further preparing a mixture of cornstarch and flour. Sifting flour directly into the prepared egg mass, add a spoonful of baking soda, slaked acetic acid, mix all ingredients, place the dough in the prepared form, align, place in a preheated oven for 40 minutes ( bake at a temperature of 180-190 degrees).

    We take out the finished baked cake, cool. Now we are working on two cakes of smaller diameter. They bake for 30 and 35 minutes respectively.

    Each of the cakes cut Draw into three layers, wrap the layers with cream. To prepare the cream melt a pack of butter, add egg yolks and powdered sugar into the butter, add a jar of condensed milk, as well as chocolate chips or shavings, everything on top fill in frosting and decorate with sugared cherries.

    A ring of boiled egg and a piece of feta cheese, pinching edges, shape into cutlets, coat in breadcrumbs, fry in boiling oil in a frying pan.

    Cooking make your own hamburger buns.

    Ingredients for making buns:

    • 550 ml skim milk
    • 3 tablespoons semolina
    • 2 tablespoons dry baker's yeast
    • two tablespoons of granulated sugar
    • salt to taste
    • 700 g white flour
    • sesame seeds - 2 teaspoons

    Steps to prepare a hamburger bun:

    We cook regular semolina porridge from milk and semolina, let it cool.

    Into the cooled mixture pour in yeast, sugar, salt and flour. Knead the dough fairly tightly, leave it for several hours to rise, we form buns and bake in a preheated oven for 35 minutes.

    After the buns have cooled, cut them, and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Inside lubricate bun with butter and add a surprise cutlet, sliced ​​tomatoes, a slice of cheese and a few lettuce leaves.

    Hamburger and fries

    Alexander Gushchin

    I can’t vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


    Modern parents prefer to celebrate their children's birthdays in a cafe, but even at home you can create a unique festive atmosphere. It is possible to make an inexpensive menu for a children's birthday at home with a minimum of effort. The main task is to decorate dishes in such a way as to whet the appetite.

    Menu for a child's birthday

    It is worth thinking about the menu for a children's birthday in advance - there should not be too many appetizers and main hot dishes, but there should be enough to feed all the guests. It is worth including original snacks, healthy vegetable salads, easy-to-eat canapés and tartlets in the children's birthday menu. You need to be imaginative when it comes to decorating children’s food and giving it a festive mood. Drinks you can serve are compotes, sweet tea and plain still water.

    For a year

    Parents are wondering what menu to provide for their 1 year old child’s birthday. Due to the small age of the birthday boy, you shouldn’t be too concerned about this issue - a buffet table with baby curds and fruit purees will do, which invited parents can feed babies up to one year old. The menu will look great with assorted fruits, children's cookies, and packaged juices for kids with straws. As a main dessert, you can serve a home-baked sponge cake with cake layers coated with baby cottage cheese.

    2 years

    When it comes to what to prepare for a 2-year-old child’s birthday, you should exclude salty and fatty dishes seasoned with mayonnaise. Won't fit childhood spicy snacks, smoked meats, fruits with seeds. An approximate menu for two-year-olds will look like this:

    • vegetable salad with carrots and raisins;
    • mashed potatoes with hedgehog cutlets;
    • snack crackers with cottage cheese and tomatoes;
    • apples in soft caramel;
    • special children's juices or compotes.

    5 years

    At the age of five, it is already easier to choose dishes for a child’s birthday, because almost all products are allowed for children. The best ingredients for appetizers, canapés and sandwiches are boiled chicken, lean beef, and nuts. It is good to serve rice, potatoes, and pasta as a side dish. A sample menu for the birthday of a five-year-old child would look like this:

    • potato and meat casserole;
    • vegetable salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, corn and sour cream;
    • homemade strawberry soufflé;
    • carrot drink with orange.

    Learn how to cook interesting and more.

    Recipes for children's birthday

    There are a lot of options, baby. Almost any recipe for adults is also suitable for a children's menu with a slight amendment - ham and smoked meats are replaced with boiled meat, mayonnaise and ketchup are removed, and the emphasis is on fresh foods: vegetables and fruits. If a child wants to participate in cooking, recipes with photos will help the novice cook to give ordinary food a festive taste - depict your favorite funny cartoon characters on sandwiches or pizza, serve it in an unusual way.

    Children's salads

    • Time: half an hour.
    • Number of servings: 5 persons.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 78 kcal.
    • Purpose: for lunch.
    • Kitchen: author's.

    Children's birthday salads are varied because there are many recipes for preparing delicious options. This method involves the use of carrots, apples and corn. The healthy vitamin salad on the menu is hearty due to the addition of eggs and juicy when using sour cream or low-fat yogurt. Salt and pepper should be kept to a minimum.


    • apples – 2 pcs.;
    • carrots – 2 pcs.;
    • eggs – 2 pcs.;
    • canned corn - can;
    • sour cream – 50 ml.

    Cooking method:

    1. Boil carrots, eggs, grate coarsely.
    2. Cut the apples into cubes, mix with the products, season with sour cream.

    Or try this option:

    • Time: 10 minutes.
    • Number of servings: 5 persons.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 50 kcal.
    • Purpose: for lunch.
    • Kitchen: author's.
    • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

    Parents can find menu ideas for children's birthday parties at simple options. This recipe involves the use of tasty and healthy ingredients. The low-calorie salad will appeal to little ones with a sweet tooth, because it contains sweet raisins, which are best taken without seeds so that the child does not choke. Fresh carrots with sour cream will saturate the body with vitamin A.


    • raw carrots – 3 pcs.;
    • sour cream – 50 ml;
    • raisins - a handful.

    Cooking method:

    1. Steam raisins with boiling water and mix with grated carrots.
    2. Season with sour cream and salt.


    • Time: half an hour.
    • Number of servings: 10 persons.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 98 kcal.
    • Purpose: for lunch.
    • Kitchen: author's.
    • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

    Sweet table

    • Time: half an hour.
    • Number of servings: 10 persons.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 89 kcal.
    • Purpose: for dessert.
    • Kitchen: author's.
    • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

    A sweet table for a birthday will be a mandatory part of the menu, because children love sweets and cakes. Let them be healthy and tasty, but not too sugary. An original idea For the holiday menu, we will make mini-biscuits on skewers - they are convenient to eat, your hands don’t get dirty, and the snack looks very attractive.


    • ready-made sponge cakes – 3 pcs.;
    • chocolate-nut butter – 50 ml;
    • condensed milk – 50 ml;
    • jam – 50 ml;
    • chocolate – 30 g;
    • confectionery topping – 30 g.

    Cooking method:

    1. Crumble the cakes and divide into 3 parts. Mix the first with pasta, the second with condensed milk, the third with jam. Form balls and thread onto skewers.
    2. Dip each one in melted chocolate and sprinkles.

    Your child will also like this cake:

    • Time: half an hour.
    • Number of servings: 10 persons.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 198 kcal.
    • Purpose: for lunch.
    • Kitchen: author's.

    The most important idea of ​​what to prepare for a child's birthday will be a cake on the menu. No need to worry about wasting time - this recipe assumes that the mass will do without baking. The treat allows the use of any berries, not just currants. Raspberries, strawberries or any forest species will do. All guests will love this fragrant cheesecake.


    • cookies – 300 g;
    • butter – 100 g;
    • cottage cheese – 800 g;
    • sour cream – 100 g;
    • cream - a glass;
    • gelatin -50 g;
    • currants – 300 g;
    • yogurt - glass.

    Cooking method:

    1. Grind the butter with the cookies until crumbly, cool for half an hour.
    2. Using a blender, beat the cottage cheese with sour cream, pour in the cream and gelatin. Beat a third of the mixture with berries, add yogurt to the rest.
    3. Pour both mixtures into a baking dish, alternating layers. Garnish with currants and refrigerate for an hour.

    Children's birthday buffet table

    • Time: half an hour.
    • Number of servings: 10 persons.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 97 kcal.
    • Purpose: for lunch.
    • Kitchen: author's.
    • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

    No children's buffet table can do without light but satisfying snacks on the menu. It is most convenient to serve them on large dishes or trays, so that the children come to the table and take what they like. At the same time, you should pay attention to ensure that the food does not fall apart in your hands. A mouse egg snack made with radishes and herbs is ideal.


    • eggs – 5 pcs.;
    • cream cheese – 200 g;
    • radishes – 3 pcs.;
    • dill – 30 g.

    Cooking method:

    1. Boil the eggs, remove the yolks, mix with cheese. Fill the white halves and place them down.
    2. Make ears from radish slices, eyes and antennae from dill.

    Or try the alternative:

    • Time: half an hour.
    • Number of servings: 10 persons.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 153 kcal.
    • Purpose: for lunch.
    • Kitchen: author's.
    • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

    How to prepare a snack that will amaze everyone? Keep the ingredients secret. This menu recipe involves taking boiled rice and forming it into golden balls. Deep fried, they will be immediately snapped up by children - the tasty dish looks attractive and is somewhat reminiscent of the traditional Sicilian appetizer arancini.


    • cream – 1.5 cups;
    • hard cheese – 200 g;
    • rice – 400 g;
    • parsley - a bunch.

    Cooking method:

    1. Heat the cream and dissolve the grated cheese in it. Boil the rice, chop the parsley.
    2. Mix all ingredients, form into balls, roll in breadcrumbs and deep-fry.
    3. Dry with a paper towel before serving.

    Children's canapés

    • Time: half an hour.
    • Number of servings: 10 persons.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 94 kcal.
    • Purpose: for lunch.
    • Kitchen: author's.
    • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

    An option for a hearty canapé for children on their birthday would be chicken fillet rolls with grated cheese and pineapple. You can add champignons if you wish, but if you have doubts about whether children will like them, it is better to remove the mushrooms. Baked meat cocoons will not only be tasty, but also healthy, because chicken is a dietary meat. It is better to serve them with greens.


    • chicken fillet – 1 kg;
    • cheese – 200 g;
    • canned pineapples – 200 g;
    • fresh champignons – 100 g.

    Cooking method:

    1. Cut the chicken into layers, beat it, add salt. Place grated cheese, pineapple and mushroom slices on each sheet. Roll up tightly and secure with toothpicks.
    2. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

    Or an alternative hot snack:

    • Time: 1 hour.
    • Number of servings: 10 persons.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 103 kcal.
    • Purpose: for lunch.
    • Kitchen: author's.

    For those who have time to prepare homemade tartlets, a recipe for a children's menu with chicken filling is suitable. This hearty option will appeal to children and will also appeal to adults. If you don't like chicken, you can replace it with crab sticks. Spinach, cheese and cream are added to the meat.


    • flour – 2 cups;
    • butter -250 g;
    • water – 160 ml;
    • chicken fillet – 200 g;
    • spinach – bunch;
    • cheese – 100 g;
    • cream – 150 ml;
    • eggs – 1 pc.

    Cooking method:

    1. For the dough, mix flour, soft butter, pour in cold water. After half an hour, cut out the molds.
    2. For the filling, cut the fillet into cubes, mix with chopped spinach, grated cheese, cream and egg.
    3. Fill the tartlets, bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

    Sweet lovers will love this option:

    • Time: half an hour.
    • Number of servings: 10 persons.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 54 kcal.
    • Purpose: for dessert.
    • Kitchen: author's.
    • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

    Another menu option on how to prepare delicious canapés would be a recipe using fruit. You can take any kind - bananas, oranges, strawberries, kiwi. To prevent the circles and slices from darkening prematurely, it is worth sprinkling them with lemon juice, but not much, because children may refuse sour canapés. The decoration will be funny faces drawn with whipped cream.


    • bananas – 2 pcs.;
    • lemon juice– 10 ml;
    • strawberries – 10 pcs.

    Cooking method:

    1. Peel the bananas, cut into slices, sprinkle with lemon juice.
    2. Thread the strawberry pieces onto a skewer.


    • Time: half an hour.
    • Number of servings: 10 persons.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 124 kcal.
    • Purpose: for dessert.
    • Kitchen: author's.
    • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

    Tartlets for children, which contain a lot of cream with oranges, are nourishing and tasty. To make their preparation easier, you should take ready-made shortcrust pastry baskets. Sweet and sour tartlets filled with semolina, milk and oranges will appeal to children of any age, but they should not be included in the menu if the child is allergic to citrus fruits. Then oranges can be replaced with any other fruit.


    • ready-made tartlets – 10 pcs.;
    • oranges – 2 pcs.;
    • semolina – 120 g;
    • milk – 160 ml;
    • sugar – 10 g.

    Cooking method:

    1. Grind the orange pulp in a blender, boil, sprinkle with sugar and semolina, cook for 5 minutes, stirring constantly.
    2. Separately, boil milk, cook thick semolina porridge, cool, cut into pieces.
    3. Mix with orange cream in tartlet.


    • Time: half an hour.
    • Number of servings: 10 persons.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 108 kcal.
    • Purpose: for lunch.
    • Kitchen: author's.
    • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

    A win-win option will be. It’s better to decorate them with funny faces of characters from your favorite fairy tales or cartoons - Nyusha from Smeshariki or an image of a smiley face will do. The fillings will be processed cheese in plates, chicken fillet or “Doctor’s” sausage. Don't forget about greens and vegetables. Tomatoes, cucumbers, and boiled carrots will decorate the food.


    • toast bread – 10 pcs.;
    • lettuce leaves – 10 pcs.;
    • processed cheese – 10 slices;
    • boiled sausage – 200 g;
    • tomatoes – 5 pcs.

    Cooking method:

    1. Lightly fry the bread, place lettuce leaves and a plate of cheese on it.
    2. Make a picture of a pig out of the sausage and garnish with tomato slices.

    Or like this:

    • Time: half an hour.
    • Number of servings: 10 persons.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 99 kcal.
    • Purpose: for lunch.
    • Kitchen: author's.
    • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

    A more satisfying option for sandwiches would be to bake bread in the oven or microwave. The filling for this snack is boiled meat, grated cheese and fresh vegetables - tomatoes, sweet peppers, herbs. The base can be a slightly stale loaf, which can be softened by soaking in beaten egg. All guests will enjoy hot sandwiches.


    • loaf – 10 slices;
    • eggs – 3 pcs.;
    • sweet pepper – 1 pc.;
    • tomatoes – 3 pcs.;
    • chicken fillet – 200 g;
    • cheese – 100 g;
    • greens - a bunch.

    Cooking method:

    1. Dip loaf slices into beaten eggs and place on a baking sheet. Place a filling of tomato slices, pepper slices, chopped boiled meat and grated cheese on top. Sprinkle with herbs.
    2. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 10 minutes or in the microwave at medium power for 5 minutes.


    • Time: half an hour.
    • Number of servings: 12 persons.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 204 kcal.
    • Purpose: for lunch.
    • Kitchen: author's.
    • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

    Making birthday pizza for children is quick and easy if you use ready-made dough instead of kneading it yourself. The base can be puff pastry or yeast-free dough, and the filling can be any boiled meat, fresh vegetables, a lot of cheese and herbs. You can bake a large pizza or divide the plates into portioned circles. Mini-pizzas are more convenient to eat with your hands without fear of getting dirty.


    • finished dough – 2 sheets;
    • eggs – 1 pc.;
    • turkey fillet – 200 g;
    • tomatoes – 3 pcs.;
    • sweet pepper – 0.5 pcs.;
    • sour cream – 20 ml;
    • tomato paste;
    • cheese – 50 g.

    Cooking method:

    1. Roll out the dough and place on a baking sheet. Grease with sour cream mixed with a teaspoon of tomato paste, lay out tomato cubes, bell pepper slices, chopped boiled turkey fillet.
    2. Sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for half an hour.

    Or do it yourself:

    • Time: 1 hour.
    • Number of servings: 10 persons.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 200 kcal.
    • Purpose: for lunch.
    • Kitchen: author's.
    • Difficulty of preparation: difficult.

    If mom has time, then she can fill it with filling to taste. It is better to choose less fatty, without mayonnaise and the addition of smoked meats. Chicken fillet paired with canned pineapple is ideal. It will turn out to be both satisfying and with a slight hint of sweetness. The kids won't be able to stop eating the pizza until they've eaten it all.


    • kefir – 300 ml;
    • dry yeast – 10 g;
    • sugar – 15 g;
    • flour – 2 cups;
    • chicken fillet – 200 g;
    • canned pineapples – 150 g;
    • cheese – 100 g;
    • walnuts – 3 pcs.;
    • sour cream – 50 ml.

    Cooking method:

    1. Heat kefir, add yeast, sugar, flour. Knead the soft dough, roll it out, place it on a baking sheet. Wait a bit for the base to rise.
    2. Grease with sour cream, lay out the boiled fillet into cubes, chopped pineapples, sprinkle with grated cheese and crushed nuts.
    3. Bake at 220 degrees for 20 minutes.

    How to set the table for a child's birthday

    An important element is setting the table for a child's birthday. It is worth doing without lighted candles, fresh flowers with a strong aroma and easily breakable dishes. It is worth making such snacks so that they are convenient to eat with your hands or a fork without a knife, without decorating small details. A buffet table set against the wall is ideal. Serve sandwiches and canapés on large trays, and leave room in the room for outdoor games.

    Decoration of children's dishes

    An important part of the holiday menu is the decoration of children's dishes. It’s good to decorate sandwiches and tartlets with funny faces, animal faces or flowers. Salads should be decorated with strips of vegetables in the form of fireworks. Mashed potatoes can be tinted with beets or spinach and placed in the shape of a house or a car. If you have pastry umbrellas at your disposal, be sure to decorate the dessert bowls with them.

    Decorating a children's table

    Don’t lose sight of the design of the children’s table, which determines the mood of the holiday. Here are some ideas for a children's table from experienced mothers:

    • use a beautiful tablecloth with cartoon characters and the same napkins;
    • decorate disposable dishes with colored confetti, or serve all dishes in edible dishes - tartlets, on potato slices;
    • decorate the table surface with scattered candies, place a vase with lollipops;
    • For each guest, place a nameplate and tie it to the table balloon with a present.

    Check out the options for each day.


    Children's menu. Festive table for birthday Tablets to boost immunity for adults - list

    How to cure cough in children - a list of the most effective means

    How to reduce an adult's temperature

    One of the most long-awaited holidays for all kids is their birthday. Every child looks forward to this day all year round. After all, these are gifts, a delicious cake, beloved friends and so many interesting things. Thinking over a menu for a children's birthday for a 4-6 year old child is quite a difficult task. At this age, it is still impossible to put on the table all the products that are allowed for adults.

    Don't forget to buy a festive tablecloth - it will be a great addition to the holiday. And if you choose an option with the birthday boy’s favorite character, the joy will be doubled. Caps will be a great addition, because they are associated with fun. They are inexpensive, but will serve as interesting attributes. Of course, it’s worth taking care of interesting dishes. Bright plates that match the tablecloth are a great option.

    How to create a holiday menu?

    Children aged 4 and 5 years old love a variety of decorations and interesting presentations of dishes. When creating a menu, focus not on the number of products and salads that you will put on the festive table, but on the initial quality products for preparing dishes. For a child of this age it will be more interesting appearance dish than what it consists of.

    When creating a holiday menu for the children's table, use a few tips:

    • Plan your entire holiday meal carefully. Make a grocery list. Buy groceries in advance.
    • Decide on dessert. For kids of this age, a delicious birthday cake or set of pastries is quite suitable. Choose low-fat confectionery products with sour cream or yoghurt cream. If your baby is not allergic to fruits and berries, you can decorate the finished cake with fruits. Kids will also really like mastic cakes. Choose your favorite fairy tale or cartoon characters to decorate these cakes. If you have invited many small guests, you should choose multi-tiered cakes. This way you won’t worry that someone will be left without a treat.
    • Two appetizers, a couple of salads, a main course and dessert will be quite enough. Do not overload the children's table with an abundance of ingredients and dishes. This can harm your baby's tummy.
    • Choose simple and uncomplicated dishes. It is better to prepare salads and snacks from familiar products, but in different combinations. You can make canapés or sandwiches with boiled chicken or turkey. Pieces of various vegetables, mini-corn, and bell peppers look great on skewers.
    • For your main course, choose chicken, turkey or veal. For children aged 4-6 years, it is better not to include fish or seafood in the holiday menu. There may be small bones in the fish, which the baby could accidentally choke on. Children are often allergic to seafood.
    • Be sure to complement your holiday table with a fruit plate. You can cut any fruit and add berries. Decorate to your liking, whipped cream or powdered sugar work great. Multi-colored sprinkles will bring great pleasure to kids. Fruits dipped in chocolate or glaze are also great as a dessert. Dip strawberries or banana pieces into melted chocolate and garnish with crushed nuts or sprinkles. Kids love to eat these fruit and berry chocolate kebabs.
    • Give preference to homemade fruit drinks. They can be easily and quickly made from almost any berries and fruits. They will be an excellent replacement for store-bought packaged juices or sparkling water and will significantly reduce your expenses when buying food for the holiday table.

    Serving dishes is an important condition for good festive mood for the baby. You can stimulate a child’s appetite even if you simply decorate the dish beautifully and interestingly.

    16 photos


    Choose light and simple snacks. Various canapés are perfect. Decorate them with decorative skewers. Choose multi-colored ones: this will add brightness and attract the child’s attention. You can choose different skewers. An excellent option would be skewers with decorative figures at the ends. Girls will love cats or princesses, while boys will be delighted with weapons or a nautical theme.

    Small sandwiches can be made in the shape of real sailboats.

    To do this, thinly cut a circle of cucumber and secure it with a toothpick in the form of a sail. Insert a toothpick into the sandwich. You'll get a real little boat. You can use any pate for the filling. An excellent filling option would be pate made from boiled chicken or turkey. For children 5-6 years old, you can use already rolled chicken liver mixed with butter.

    Salads for the children's table are an element of real creativity. Many salads can be prepared in the form of animals. Choose different variants, according to your taste: hedgehog, turtle, lion cub, cat. Olives, chopped vegetables and herbs will help with decoration.

    Hot dish

    Kids love everything interesting and unusual.

    Even ordinary chicken can be served very appetizingly if you make chicken rolls or kebabs from it.

    To prepare the kebabs, first cut the chicken fillet and marinate in kefir for one hour. Don't forget to add salt. After this, string pieces of chicken fillet onto special wooden skewers, alternating with pieces of bell pepper and cherry tomatoes. Bake in the oven until done. You can prepare tomato and cream sauces separately. Kids should love such a bright and unusual dish.

    An equally interesting and favorite option for all children would be chicken nuggets with baked potatoes. To diversify your holiday table, you can make nuggets from low-fat turkey. Try not to deep fry the dish too much. You can also make a dietary version and bake them in the oven. They go great with long-sliced ​​baked potatoes. Serve with sour cream and finely chopped dill. Try to prepare more of this deliciousness, because the kids will certainly ask for more!


    Frosting with fondant is perfect for decorating a cake. You can choose almost any color and decor - according to your desire. Girls can choose princesses or fairies, as well as fairy-tale characters and animals. For boys, minions, pirates, space heroes or comic book and cartoon characters are suitable.

    If your child does not gravitate towards any specific cartoon characters, you can decorate the cake in classic version and decorate it with whipped cream, confectionery sprinkles, meringue or fruits, berries.

    The best decor for jelly and puddings would be whipped cream and berries. This dessert looks very tender and airy.

    An excellent table decoration would be a vase with marshmallows and lollipops. Choose bright colors. Kids really like these treats.

    Delicious recipes for boys and girls

    Orange salad

    Take the oranges. Try to choose ripe and sweet fruits. Rinse thoroughly and dry. Cut into halves. Remove the internal contents from each half using a knife and a teaspoon.

    Boil chicken fillet and eggs until tender, cool. Cut into small cubes. Finely chop the orange pulp. If this produces juice, it will not be needed for the salad.

    Mix chopped chicken, eggs and oranges in a separate bowl. Season with salt and sour cream. Place the resulting mixture into the orange halves.

    For decoration, cut the boiled egg into slices. Cut small circles from the olives for the eyes and nose. Cut a mouth out of boiled carrots. Place a circle of boiled egg - this will be the muzzle of the mouse. Add eyes and mouth. Make antennae from strips of thinly sliced ​​olives. The ears will be made from olive circles.

    Offer a portion to each little guest.

    Kids will definitely like this simple dish.

    Learn more about preparing the salad in the next video.

    Sweet kebabs

    Take beautiful decorative skewers. Try to choose long ones, about 10 cm. Thread alternating marshmallows, slices of chopped strawberries, kiwi and banana onto skewers.

    Separately, melt 2 chocolate bars in a water bath. Pour white chocolate into one bowl and milk chocolate into another. Dip the skewers into the chocolate to coat the fruit and marshmallows evenly. Then dip the skewers in pre-crushed walnuts or almonds. Several kebabs can also be sprinkled with multi-colored confectionery sprinkles.

    This dessert is always a hit on the children's holiday table and causes great delight among the birthday boy and little guests.

    Children usually love banana smoothies. Proportions for preparation: for 1 banana, take 100 grams. ice cream and 200 ml. milk. Add sugar to taste (you can replace it with condensed milk). Beat everything with a blender.

    Decorate the delicacy with fruits and insert cocktail straws.