Svetlana Goldyreva
Consultation for parents “What can you play with a 5-6 year old child”

Our rhythm of life is becoming faster and faster. We spend more and more time working, creating coziness and comfort for our family. And we devote less and less time to our children. Or maybe it’s worth stopping and remembering that childhood is fleeting, and if we now bribe our children with mobile phones, computer games and other fashionable gadgets, then we are simply impoverishing life with our own hands child.

Let's just think about the statement of scientists that a child of 5-6 years old, like a sponge, absorbs as much information as he will not absorb for the rest of his life. The more diverse children's games are, the more versatile the children will be, the easier it will be for them to get used to our rapidly changing world. At this age, adults become role models for children, and those closest to them the child's adults are the parents. And in order not to lose that thin thread that connects us with children, we, parents, you need to look at the world through your eyes child. Since the leading activity of children's lives is play, it is simply vital for us to put aside our daily chores and worries every day, and at least for an hour, become children, discover the world together with as a child.

At what you can play at home with your child? Games can be didactic, teaching some skills (counting, writing, telling stories from pictures, etc.); plot-based - role-playing, theatrical, board games - entertainment and active.

Play with as a child and do math Can and without leaving own kitchen. After all, among the products there will always be 2-3 apples or tomatoes. All that remains is to give them to your baby and count the fruits or vegetables out loud. task can be complicated, if you tell a preschooler that you bought 4 apples, and dad ate one apple. How many apples are there? The answer is in your child's hands. Dishes can also help you play in the kitchen. Ask your child which cup is smaller and which is larger? Or count how many plates you need for lunch today? How many of them are needed if guests come to the house? And develop logical thinking Can, if mom sets a more difficult task and asks you to fold two plates with three spoons. How many cutlery will you end up with? And the most interesting and very useful activity for a child in the kitchen is helping the mother as much as possible in preparing food and setting the table.

Now in baby stores Can purchase a huge number of board games that will help help your to kid make up stories from pictures, learn letters and teach him to put them into syllables and words. A variety of lotto games will help you learn to count, learn numbers and learn how to solve problems. Games like "Ponder", "Fold the pattern", "My first stories" help children learn to think. Different kinds designer will bring a lot of pleasure not only to children, but also to you when creating joint buildings. Putting together puzzles develops perseverance and attention. Don't forget about games such as checkers, chess, and dominoes. Tenacious mind child very quickly absorbs the rules of these seemingly complex games, and very soon you will not have to give in to give in victory for the child.

Playing in the plot - role-playing games, child"trying on" takes on different situations and learns to make the right decisions in them. You can come up with a plot and assign roles together with as a child, but it’s better if he does it himself. These can be either real life (cooking in the kitchen, receiving guests, washing, ironing things, professions), or fictional situations. Attributes for games according to possibilities preferably done together with as a child.

For example, mothers who know how to sew can sew outfits for dolls and bedding, inviting their daughters to help as much as they can. In the game, girls will learn the basics of cutting and sewing.

Currently Can buy doll sets (although they too Can do it yourself) for a puppet theater show. All you have to do is make a small screen, and you are the actors of a real mini-theater. The plots of the performances can be fairy tales that you have recently read, or fictional stories. By performing at home in front of relatives and friends whom children trust, they learn the art of public speaking, which will help them in later life. (kindergarten, school, etc.).

Children, of course, love outdoor games. Playing these games child splashes out accumulated energy, strengthens the muscle corset, and receives a charge of positive energy. And playing along with parents, the child is liberated, feels like an equal member of the family.

Here are some outdoor games that you can play you can play with your child.

1. Ball game - I know

Rules of the game: Throw a ball to each other, saying one word at a time throw: - “I know five names of boys (names of girls, names of plants, names of cities, names of rivers, etc.) Then the corresponding names or names are also listed in turn. The one who failed to catch the ball or did not have time to pronounce the right one lost word.

2. Ball game - Tens

Rules of the game: This is a lightweight version of a teen yard game. You will need a flat wall and a convenient platform near it. The task of each player is to complete 10 stages. The exercises are performed until the first mistake, then the right to throw the ball passes to the next player.

Dozens. Throw the ball so that it hits the wall and catch it.

Repeat 10 times.

Nines. Throw the ball so that it hits the wall, then the floor,

and catch. Repeat 9 times.

Eights. Throw the ball so that it hits the wall, have time to do

One clap of your palms and catch the ball. Repeat 8 times.

Sevens. Throw the ball so that it hits the wall, then hits the floor twice,

and catch. Repeat 7 times.

Sixes. Roll the ball on the ground until it hits the wall and

rolled back and caught him. Repeat 6 times.

Fives. You need to throw the ball so that it hits the wall in time

clap twice and catch the ball. Repeat 5 times.

Fours. Throw the ball so that it hits the wall, then the floor, in time

make one clap with your palms and catch. Repeat 4 times.

Threes. Stand with your back to the wall, feet shoulder-width apart. Lean forward

roll the ball on the ground between your legs until it hits the wall

and rolled back and caught him. Repeat 3 times.

Deuces. Throw the ball from under your feet so that it hits the wall, then

floor, and catch. Repeat 2 times.

Units. Throw the ball from under your feet so that it hits the wall, and

3. Find the treasure

Rules of the game. The presenter hides in advance "treasure" in the yard, for example, candy, remembering the place well. In addition, you need to come up with hint notes that are also hidden in different places. Moreover, each note contains instructions on how to find the next one. For children who cannot read, notes are written using pre-agreed symbols.

4. "Advances"

Rules of the game: Great way keep warm during cool weather. Players try to step on the opponent's foot while protecting their own feet.

And all children’s favorite games are fun.

1. Soap bubbles.

Rules of the game. An adult arranges a competition with as a child, whose bubble is larger, whose bubble will fly further, etc.

2. Fluffy

You will need: a piece of cotton wool or a feather

Rules of the game. Together with your child, blow on a piece of cotton wool or a feather to make it fly; teach your baby to forcefully exhale air through his mouth, supporting the fluff in flight and preventing it from falling. The winner is the one whose fluff does not fall to the floor longer.

3. Gurgling

You will need: a glass one-third filled with water, a cocktail straw.

Rules of the game: Teach your child how to properly blow into a glass through a straw so that one exhalation produces a long gurgling sound. Who will blow into the straw the longest?

4. Ship

You will need: a bowl of water and a paper boat.

Rules of the game. Teach your child to exhale through his mouth slowly and for a long time, without puffing out his cheeks; teach how to blow on a boat, first making it move, and then driving it to a certain place. The one whose boat reaches the finish line faster will win.

5. Games with cereals.

You will need: flat plate, various cereals (rice, millet, semolina, pearl barley, peas, etc.).

Rules of the game: Place cereal on a plate and invite the child to draw a pattern with his fingers. Or pour two types of cereals into one plate, for example buckwheat and pearl barley, and arrange competition: “Who will sort the cereals into their plates faster?”

Here is a small list of games you can play play with your children. You can remember games from your childhood, use Internet resources, books to find games that you would like to play play with your child; or you can together with as a child come up with something new. The main thing is that the games you will play with your as a child, were interesting to both you and your to kid.

And most importantly, do not forget to praise your child for victories, and in no case should you be ashamed for mistakes, because the psyche the child is not yet strong. After all, your a child is the most precious thing what you have and you are responsible for its future. After all, the best reward for parents– not afraid of public speaking, able to think logically, knowledgeable and capable, comfortable in society, happy children.

Raising an active child is the joy and, at the same time, the grief of parents. How to channel all this energy into a peaceful direction? Especially now, when good weather is far away and you have to spend almost the whole day at home? Do not despair! Galka-Igralka offers you 20 ideas for fun activities and active games at home for children aged 1 year and older. They will help your baby burn off his energy and have a great time with the whole family!

1. Children's room design

Use your imagination and get the whole family involved in redecorating your children's room. Do your design project, refresh some part of the room, such as bedding, or build fun furniture. And the children will be busy, and the room will be renewed.

2. Elephant race

Take empty tin cans and make these elephant walker legs. If you have several active children at home at once, you can organize a slow elephant race around the apartment. Just don’t organize a speed competition (remember about safety!) It’s better to invite the kids to imitate how elephants walk, and use their hands to show the ears and trunk. The most similar “elephant” becomes the winner.

3. Painted Rocks Party

Many kids love to collect pebbles and carefully store their jewelry. But now your valuable collection will no longer gather dust idle! Color each pebble, make an exhibition and invite your loved ones to the opening.

4. Dolls made from paper bags

5. Mega doll

Does your little one love to play with paper dolls, endlessly dressing them in cut-out skirts and blouses? Move on to more (in every sense of the word:))! Make a child-sized paper doll! You can attach a photo of your child in place of the face. He'll definitely love dressing up his life-size replica.

6. Hide and seek

7. Foam party

Fill the sink with soap suds and watch your child's enthusiastic reaction. Or even better, give him some plastic cups, spoons, cups so he can play with the bubbles. The baby will be delighted!

8. Masterpieces in the bathroom

Fun to make, fun to play and easy to clean up! All you need is grated soap and water or shaving cream and food coloring. This paint will allow your young Picasso to create his masterpieces right in the bathroom without endangering surrounding objects. And muffin tins will serve as just the perfect palette.

9. Disco!

Dancing is one of the favorite activities of active children. This is a great way to lift your spirits, learn to feel the rhythm, and express yourself! Put on your baby's favorite tunes - and go!

10. Hike... without leaving home

Pitch a tent in the center of the room (or even two) and play camping right at home. Don’t forget to grab canned food (if you’re camping outside of the kitchen), fishing rods and other camping paraphernalia. Just don't light a fire :)

11. Decluttering

Sort out old toys that your child no longer plays with and invite your child to give them to someone who needs them more. For example, to a charity organization or to less wealthy acquaintances. You will put things in order in the nursery, and the child will receive an excellent lesson in kindness.

12. Scotch tape roads

No purchased parking lot or track can compare with a homemade plan for an entire city! Use several types of decorative adhesive tape to recreate houses, streets, traffic circles and parking lots on the floors. This is a wonderful active game not only for children, but also for parents: while the young racer conquers city roads, you can enjoy a couple of hours of peace.

13. Dough modeling

Making your own play dough is super easy. There are plenty of recipes on the Internet. One of them can be found in Galki-Igralki group on VKontakte (by the way, there are a lot of other interesting ideas). All the main ingredients can be found in any kitchen, and you only need about 10 minutes of time. The result is a pleasant, very pliable mass. And you don’t have to be afraid that the baby will suddenly decide to try out her creation for the tooth.

14. Garden on the windowsill

Many kids love to tinker with a watering can and water something. If your child is one of them, try making a special garden for him on the windowsill. You will need rice painted in different colors, a sandbox mold, artificial flowers and a set of tools for a small gardener. A few games - and by the summer season you will have a professional assistant.

15. Home swim

Who said you can't swim in winter without a pool? Put on glasses and swimsuits for the children and let them splash around in the bath to their heart's content. This is not just a fun activity: it is enjoyable side effect the child will become incredibly pure.

If it’s raining outside and there’s no way to take your child for a walk, don’t be upset. There are a huge number of games that allow you to have fun and usefully spend time with your child without going outside.

We offer you a selection of games to play with children at home. They are designed for boys and girls from three to seven years old. But some games, it seems to us, can be played at an older age.

"Guess which hand"

Each player has ten brightly colored buttons in front of them. One player turns away, and the other hides a button in his fist. Turning around, the first player must guess and name which hand the button is in. If he guessed right, the button goes to him; if he didn’t guess right, he must give back his button. Then the roles change.

"Do it please!"

You quickly invite your child to perform various actions, but he should only perform those actions that will be accompanied by the word “please!” (“please lie down!” - the child does, “jump!” - the child does not).

"Magic bag"

You will need a small cloth bag in which you need to put ten or more small items - a button, a coin, a cork, a key, an acorn, a box, a pencil. Putting his hand in the bag, the child takes some object. You ask: “What is this?” The kid answers “This is …” and then takes out the object. If you guess right, he takes it for himself; if not, it’s your trophy.

“Find where it is!”

Think of any object (big or small) and ask the child: “Where ....?” He must quickly find and show, saying “Here!” After this, the child conceives the object.

"Small big"

You name any animal. If the child believes that the animal is shorter than him, then he squats. If the child believes that the animal is taller than him, then he stands on tiptoes and stretches his arms up. If the child is wrong in size, he must jump on one leg or perform any other task.

"What changed?"

You will need eight to ten toy animals. Invite your child to combine them into groups according to some characteristic (wild and domestic, large and small, yellow, black and brown, etc.) and list who belongs to which group. And now one player should turn away, and the other should hide one toy. Turning around, the player must understand which toy is missing.

“Guess where it is?”

You take turns guessing where the item is hidden by asking yes or no questions. For example: “Is it on the windowsill?” - "No". - “Is it under the table?” - “Yes” - “On the right?” - “Yes” - “Here he is!”

"Funny cartoon"

The child is a cartoon hero and must choose a role for himself. You are the director, and you have to tell the hero what to do. The director's instructions are expressed in the third person. For example: “The hedgehog is running!”, “The hedgehog is yawning!”, “The hedgehog is hiding!” and so on. The funnier the teams, the more fun the game.

"What would happen if..."

Take turns coming up with fantastic situations for each other, the consequences of which must be invented. For example: “What would happen if all the trees disappeared! / Could people fly? / Would the snow be sweet?”

"Remember the Word"

The child has a pencil and a sheet of paper in his hands. You have in your hands a list of ten subject nouns (for example: scythe, pen, beam, lightning). You slowly read the words, and the child draws on his piece of paper something that, in his opinion, is connected with each word in meaning, that is, some kind of association. After that, he, looking at his “notes,” repeats the same sequence of words.

"Which? Which? Which?"

For this game you will need cards with the names of fruits. The child takes a card and reads the name of the fruit. Now you need to take turns naming the characteristics of this fruit (beautiful, funny, crooked...). Whoever names the last sign wins a card.

"I know five..."

For this game you need a ball. The ball is thrown to each other, hitting the floor. For each blow, in turn they say: “I - KNOW - FIVE - NAMES - GIRLS - TANYA - ONE - LENA - TWO,” etc., up to five. Five names of boys, five cities, five names of trees, etc. are played out in the same way.

“But no!”

Any statement must be quickly objected to, and the objection may not make sense. For example: “The sky is blue!” - “But no, it’s golden!”, “The elephant is strong!” - “But no, he’s gentle!” and so on.


To begin with, each player receives ten buttons. We need to speak to each other one by one pleasant words- compliments. You can’t think for a long time; anyone who couldn’t say their compliment within three seconds must give back their button.

"Black White"

Everyone chooses their own color and names either black or white objects in turn (white seagull - black crow - white sail - black envy, etc.).

We offer an overview of the most useful and educational children's games for children 6 and 7 years old. 6 years and 7 years are school age. During this period, children are either actively preparing for 1st grade, or have already started school, i.e. psychologically move to a qualitatively different level. But the dominant form of learning and development for them is still play.

So what do modern children play? For the most part, at this time they are already active users of phones, tablets, computers and game consoles. Why? First of all, because it is convenient for adults.

In order to virtual world did not obscure the real one for the child - play regular games with your children, in addition to those presented on all kinds of gadgets.

Children's games 6 years old, 7 years old: Playing on the road

On the road, we encounter various kinds of restrictions in terms of the possibilities of playing the game. But it is on the road that a waiting situation is created, which children find difficult to tolerate and which provokes family quarrels.

They sell a lot now themed magazines for children of this age, in which there are both short stories, and different games. They are lightweight and can be taken with you on the go, without forgetting to grab a few colored pencils. Various tasks from such magazines allow you to switch the child’s attention and prevent him from getting bored.

If you did not have the opportunity to prepare, you can use the simplest, but very favorite games for children of this age, for which you do not need equipment:

"Words" First, you need to choose a topic. Give your child a choice. Then explain to him the conditions: You name a word on the chosen topic, I say the next one, but it must begin with the letter with which the previous one ended. For example: The topic is wild animals. The first word is Tiger. The second is Lynx (if the word ends with “ь” or “ы”, then with the letter before the last one). As part of this simple game, it is important not just to mechanically name words, but to communicate with the child, broaden his horizons, telling him about new words on the chosen topic.

"Guess the word" Choose a topic together. One person thinks of a word for her. The rest ask questions to guess it. Here you can set different conditions. For example, the answers can only be “yes” and “no”.

"Write a fairy tale" Together with your child, you can compose a whole fairy tale. Choose the name of the fairy tale and the main characters. Then you start a fairy tale: one or two sentences - the child, then you, etc. This game is very useful for understanding the inner world of a child and the logic of his actions. Children often say things that are important to them in this form.

Children's games 6 years old, 7 years old: Playing in nature

In nature, with children of this age, you can play all the classic games from “Soviet childhood”: "knocked out"(bouncers), “edible-inedible”, “cauldron”(whoever did not catch the ball sits in the center of the circle), “hopscotch”, “rubber band”, hide and seek.

If there are a lot of children, divide them into teams and organize for them "Fun Starts"

The child will be interested in running with you kite, flying saucer, boomerang.

Teach children to play football, volleyball, table tennis, badminton; to ride on roller skating and cycling, and in winter - on skating, skiing, snowboarding.

During a break between outdoor games in summer and early autumn, collect leaves for a herbarium and tell your child about different trees and their features.

Children's games 6 years old, 7 years old: Playing at home

Home games can also be active, especially if the living space allows it.

If there are several children in your house, you can offer them "Twister"- an inexpensive and very popular game (the easiest way is to buy it in a store). The adult in this case acts as a leader.

Children will like it and "Confusion". The leader is chosen, he turns away, and at this time the rest hold hands and begin to “get entangled” without opening their hands (you can crawl under the hands, step over the hands, etc.). Then the leader turns and begins to untangle them without opening his hands. The adult plays the role of a coordinator who makes sure that the rules are not broken and helps to unravel the impasse.

"Guess who am I?" Nameplates with names within the chosen topic are pinned to the participants' backs. Everyone’s task is to guess themselves by asking others questions.

"Crocodile" A popular game even among adults, which you can start playing at this age. The minimum number of players is two. One thinks of a word (or action) and shows it to everyone else using facial expressions and movements, but without words. The others' task is to guess. You can also play crocodile outdoors. The adult’s task is to guide children’s thoughts in the right direction and help them correctly show what they have planned.

Games with children at this age should be aimed at their socialization and development. They must learn to interact in a team: help, support, give in, negotiate. Don't forget to praise your child for the results of the game. Please note that it is important not just to say: “Well done,” but to praise specifically for a specific achievement.

For the children themselves of different ages it just needs adult attention. This is very important, because it is in communication with elders that children learn everything they need in life. Therefore, now we will talk about how to keep a child (6 years old) occupied at home and on the street.

Active games

All guys love movement. They just can't for a long time sit in one place. And this is not surprising, because children have a much greater energy reserve than adults. That is why they are ready to play any game. The best thing, of course, is to do it on the street. But it doesn’t matter if you can’t go out into the fresh air, you can even play something similar at home. So, it can be ordinary hide and seek. But people don't have to hide. You can take a small toy, put it in a quiet, secluded place and give the child the task of finding it, then the parent will have to look for the thing. And so that everything in the apartment does not turn upside down, you can give suggestive hints with the words “hot” or “cold.” You can also play games such as darts (an option for children is to throw not sharp spears, but special darts with Velcro), indoor basketball, boxing, etc. However, for all these fun, you must have special equipment at home.

Sports activities

Let's look further at how to keep a 6-year-old child occupied at home. Why not teach your baby to healthy image life? So, you can come up with a set of exercises that you will have to do with your baby every day. This will be a huge plus for the parent, and, of course, for the baby. At this age, children can already do everything: do push-ups, do abs, try to do pull-ups (if there is a bar at home). You can simply squat and stretch your back by bending.

Happy dancing

What else to do with a 6 year old child at home? So, if your child loves to dance, you can arrange a dance demonstration evening. To do this, just turn on your baby’s favorite music, dress him up nicely and just have fun. It’s both interesting and healthy. You can also prepare one elaborate dance every evening, which you can show to your guests a week later. The child should also like it. However, at least one parent must participate in this entire event.


Using the same principle as dancing, you can prepare a home concert. This is a great tip for those who don’t know what to do with their children on winter evenings. So, you can think over a full-fledged program with dances, songs, poems, drawings. You can also prepare programs and popcorn for guests. By preparing for such a performance in the evenings, you can while away more than two weeks of time. And the child will definitely like this activity.

Games at the table

We further consider options for keeping a 6-year-old child occupied at home. You can play calm games with your baby Board games. There are a huge number of options here. This could be any game, such as Monopoly or Jumanji. For such fun, it is best to gather a large group (at least three to four people). A big plus: while playing you can “kill” a lot of time, even a whole evening.

Alternatively, you can teach your child to play checkers or chess. You can also teach your child to play cards and dominoes. And even though some people say that these are games of the devil, but this is absolutely not true. By playing cards, the baby learns to think a couple of steps ahead, calculating the consequences of his actions. And this skill will definitely be useful to the baby in adulthood.

Learning by playing

The next tip on how to keep a 6-year-old child occupied at home: try to study with your child. If your child goes to school, you can learn all the lessons in the evening, if not yet, start preparing for visiting an educational institution. So, you can teach your child to read, write, and count. However, this should not be done in a boring way. You can try to interest your child in something by preparing interesting tasks or bonuses for work performed.

Skillful hands

Let's look further various options, how to entertain a 6-year-old child, what to do with a child at home. Why not start creating with your baby? That is, do some handicrafts. There are already a huge number of options. You just need to know what the baby loves most. You can draw with your child, make appliqués, and sculpt figures from plasticine. Next, you can make a small home exhibition from the material made. If the child has a desire, you can start teaching him various useful adult arts: quilling, decoupage, embroidery (if it’s a girl), cutting or working with a tool (if it’s a boy). Here we can say with confidence that the baby will definitely like this activity. And mostly because he will be perceived as an adult, teaching him not like a small child.

Useful games

What else to do with a 1-year-old child? Why not teach your little one to do household chores? This is very useful, especially if mom often doesn’t have time to do everything around the house herself. So, even ordinary cleaning can be turned into an exciting game. This, of course, will drag on for quite a long period, but both the adult and the child will like the result. And besides, the time will be spent usefully. Here you can teach your child to dust, vacuum, wash and dry dishes, and wash floors. 6 years is the age when the baby is big enough to help his parents.

Role-playing games

All kids love games with characters. In this case, you can come up with a big game in which both children and adults can participate. These may be banal “daughters and mothers,” but it is the child who must give out the roles. Modern kids love characters from modern cartoons more: dragons, supermen, barbies. Why not play along with your child and have fun according to his rules? However, here we must remember that all the conditions of the children will have to be fulfilled, this is the only way the game will be successful.

Any games using toys

The most favorite games for children aged 6-7 years at home are. Here you just need to know what the child likes. You can build a big house with it from a construction set, you can ride cars or play in the kitchen. In this case, you just need to get those toys that the child likes so much and with which he enjoys playing.

Option for the lazy

Let's look at various options for keeping your baby occupied at home. If you have absolutely no ideas and your child doesn’t want to do anything, you can simply turn on his favorite cartoons. If you want to spend time with your baby, you can play his favorite computer games. However, I would like to remind you that you should not resort to this method of entertaining your child too often. After all, this is absolutely not healthy for the baby. But it’s only good if you just need to kill time.

Bath games

As mentioned above, you can play and do useful things at the same time. So, you can fill the bathtub with water, put your baby in it and surround him with various toys. Kids love to swim, and they can spend a very long time in the water. You can, for example, have a tea party in the bath. You can also draw in the bath. Their advantage is that they are completely non-toxic and wash off well. In this case, you can start creating even on tiles. The child will definitely like this activity. You can also simply pour water from large containers into smaller ones, and so on in a descending manner (or vice versa). Parents will be surprised, but such simple activities always captivate children.


Well, the last tip on how to keep your child (6 years old) occupied at home: a girl, just like a boy, will enjoy being creative. Here you should no longer limit the child in his fantasies, you just need to provide, so to speak, a guiding element. You can offer to give dad a gift. Next, the child himself must decide what kind of gift it will be and what elements will be needed for this. It can be almost anything: drawings, postcards made from appliques or clay, large collages, or even something more serious: embroidery or a cake baked with mom, or a picture burned on wood with dad.