Fortune telling for love and relationships "Mistress or wife?" on Tarot cards Manara is intended for anyone in a complex love triangle relationship and is suitable for every role in this situation.

This online layout can also be used by women who have relationships with married man, and the wives of cheating husbands, and the men themselves who, for one reason or another, maintain relationships with two women at the same time. Fortune telling online “Mistress or wife?” will be useful to all participants in the love triangle, will help to understand the relationship and answer many questions that arise in such a situation.

A unique feature of fortune telling on the Manara Tarot “Mistress or wife?” is that this layout gives different answers, depending on the role played by the fortuneteller. Therefore, before starting fortune telling, choose for whom the cards will be laid out.

If fortune telling is carried out for a woman whose husband is cheating on her, you must select the role “Wife”. If the cards answer the questions of a woman who has a relationship with a married man, you need to choose “Mistress”. And finally, if a man is telling fortunes and is torn between his wife and his mistress, you should choose the role “Man”.


Manara Tarot cards are ready for free online fortune telling for love and relationships “Mistress or Wife?”

Select 1st card

Please, analyze the schedule. In a strong quarrel with her husband, he left the house. What's happening?
1. moon
2. tower
3. 3 cups
5.3 wands
6.2 denarii
7.2 cups
9. 9 swords
10. rider of denarii
11. magician
12. Queen of Cups
13. 6 of Wands
Thank you

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Hello! I went through a very difficult breakup with ex-husband, one might say, with blood and meat, man completely destroyed any good attitude to himself, even threatened to kill himself. Now he has disappeared from the horizon, I really hope that he will never appear in my life again. I asked about my true attitude towards myself (because I see that I was lying to me) and what I was hiding.
1- rider of wands
2- jack of swords
3- 10 swords
4- 3 swords
5-9 of Wands
6- 4 denarii
7- king of cups
8- 2 swords
9- king of denarii
10- 8 of wands
11- 2 cups
12- 6 cups
13- 10 denarii
Thank you very much for your interpretation.

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There are plans to return back. He now has a really difficult psycho-emotional state. Deep depression. Severe suffering and torment. And yes, he intends and will act on his plan to get back together.

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Hello. With the man now at a distance, he is silent, does not write, does not call. I don’t take the first step either. Tell me, what are his plans and feelings for me?
The goal is the chariot
Internal attitude - 4 wands, 2 denarii, king of cups, 5 swords
External - queen of swords, sun, devil
Plans - 4 cups, 7 denarii, moderation
Pocket-king of swords, 5 denarii
He is of the earthly element, I am of the airy element
Thank you

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Good evening! We broke up with a guy because of his betrayal, there was a terrible scandal, he left. I asked the cards what was next, what she was going to do, whether we would have another relationship.
1-Jack of Denarii
2-ace of cups
6-queen of denarii
7-9 denarii
9-10 swords
10-3 cups
13-ace of denarii
Help me please!

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Is he married? Or he cheated with his wife. But an obvious love triangle. And this is not a spontaneous affair, but as if he had been with her more than once or met in parallel. But he made a choice and understood, realized which of you was important to him. You. He put an end to this confusion in the triangle, and the choice fell on you. Yes, now he has a tower, a sharp break, but he hopes that you will give him a chance. And he will manifest himself, he will appear in your life, he will seek contact with you. Will try to make peace

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Thanks for clarifying.
He is not married, we have been living together for several years now. Who he cheated with - I don’t know if she’s married now, but this is his ex-girlfriend, he’s known her for a long time. He already called and wants to make peace, so everything is as you explained. Thank you, once again, for your work, it is a great support in emotional crisis states!

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Good afternoon, tarot readers! I ask you to help clarify the true attitude of an old acquaintance towards me. Now we communicate only about work, he shows signs of attention and helps. He once courted me, is currently divorced, lives with his mistress. Knowing him, I assume that all the signs of attention are not in vain, that something is not right here... He just doesn’t do anything. And in his current union, as for me, not everything is so smooth. And maybe I'm wrong.
His true intentions towards me, what is he hiding, what is the catch?
1.Ace of Cups
2.King of Cups
4.King of Swords
7.9 Wands
10.Ace of Denariev
11.9 Swords
12.9 Denariev
13.Knave Denariev

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She also asked: how does he treat his lady, what is he hiding from her? Perhaps this alignment will help clarify the situation
3.2 Wands
4.3 Wands
5.King of Wands
6.Knight of Cups
7. Queen of Swords
8.6 Cups
10. Queen of Cups
11.The Hanged Man
13.6 Wands
Thanks for clarifying!

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In terms of social status, he is higher and occupies a fairly good position. We work together with him to resolve financial issues, but they are minor. About six months ago I offered (it’s not clear whether jokingly or seriously) to go to work for him - and now, at my expense (well, again, these are my guesses), financial fraud... Therefore, in every action of his I see a catch and don’t I know what to expect...

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Well, everything is clear now. Material benefit. He lures you into these machinations, that’s why he approaches you. Don't believe him and don't agree

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Thank you! Forewarned is forearmed! Although it’s not personal, it’s easier...

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Good evening!!! I made a schedule for my husband. How does he treat me and what is he hiding?
1.5 wands
2.8 wands
3.queen of swords
4.6 wands
5.9 wands
7.5 denarii
9.4 swords
10.knight of swords
11.king of wands
12.2 denarii
13.3 of Wands
Please comment. Thank you.

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Are you by any chance not in divorce proceedings? Giving up your rights, proving something to each other. Honestly, I don’t see that you are together, I don’t see you as husband and wife. What is happening, what chaos.

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Thank you. Yes, something incomprehensible is happening. We do not live together. But we are not divorced.

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But there are attempts on his part. Change something. But one step forward, two steps back. The reasons for his behavior are unclear. It's like he's intimidated by you. Why is he afraid of you

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Margenta, tell me, please! She asked what will happen in our relationship in 2020? 1.three of denarii of cups. 3.rider of wands 4.magician 5.knight of cups 6.king of cups 7.jack of denarii 8.four of cups 9.ace of swords 10.three of wands 11.king of swords 12.six of wands 13emperor. THANK YOU!!!

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Long distance relationship? In principle, the person plans and wants to live together with you. He is a leader by nature and a manipulator, a very strong personality. And my feelings for you are very strong. But for some reason it seems to me that you are at a distance. And the easiest way for him is to command you, to encourage you to take some actions in his direction, than to do something himself. He cannot resolve some issue with you. And this question concerns a joint future. It’s as if he’s dictating his own rules to you instead of allowing himself to make some kind of proposal. He wants it to come from you.

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Margenta, thank you! I don’t know if the personality is strong or not, but the man is scared of cheating ex-wife. Maybe that’s why the behavior is appropriate. I don’t understand him at all, he doesn’t really offer anything. I thought there was someone third. Are things still the same this year? Nothing will happen?

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There are no third parties. He doesn’t offer because he leads you to this, so that you yourself take steps towards it, offer something yourself.

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I don't know if it's worth restoring a relationship with my ex. What does he feel for me?
1) 5 cups
2) priest
3) lovers
4) knight of swords
5) sun
6) 3 cups
7) jack of swords
8) moon
9) empress
10) Queen of Pentacles
11) 8 denarii
12) 10 cups
13) 7 denarii

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Good afternoon

I asked earlier, but apparently the question went unnoticed.
I asked: did she have sex this year with anyone else besides me?
Cards drawn:
1. 6 swords
2. King of Swords
3. Ace of Wands
4. 8 of wands
5. 6 denarii
6. Abstinence
7. 10 swords
8. 10 denarii
9. Empress
10. 2 cups
11. 9 of Wands
12. 3 of cups
13. 7 of Wands

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The situation is not right for such a question. Ask this question in a yes/no format.

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“On the page there is a layout on Tarot cards that will help clarify the “hidden” of your friend (husband, wife, partner), in particular, the attitude and actions towards you, what he is planning to do and, most importantly, what he is hiding, whether there is a mistress, betrayal and why it happened - the motive."
Or does the description of the layout not match?

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Is she married? Or is it your wife?

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Thanks for the response, uv. Margenta.
I'm still married, but I want to get a divorce and start a family with the woman I asked about.
She is not married. About six months ago we broke up, but I intend to restore the relationship.
Why am I asking - I found out that they were planning a provocation against her.

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According to past layouts, where another tarot reader commented on you, it was clear that you are not alone with her at the moment. She is not sincere with you. 7 of swords is a card of betrayal and treason (according to the previous scenario). And I think you yourself know this very well, since you doubt and ask for advice. She has no feelings for you, she already lives her own life, in which there is no place for you. There is not even a thought about you in any of the scenarios. Alas.

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I doubt it, because different tarot readers give different interpretations of the layouts.
Please look in this thread below this question from March 28: Vasily 18:29 28-Mar-2020

As for the fact that she doesn’t even have thoughts about me - why then does she contact me every day and talk about what is always waiting for me?
Regarding the fact that I am not the only one with her... I accidentally found out that there was an order for her: a “professional womanizer” was supposed to approach her in order to seduce her. I don’t know how it ended...
Maybe you can recommend another layout? Or some other one?

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I advise you not to go crazy and stop the flow of these thoughts! I see your layouts and I see who is commenting on them. Even if it happens that you are together, it will not be a healthy, toxic relationship. This is already visible. I recommend turning to a psychologist, not tarot readers.

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I'm not going to go crazy.
I'm trying to understand the reasons and possible consequences events past and present, so as not to mess things up in the future.

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The reasons for events in relationships are shown by the analysis of relationships. Which, unfortunately, is not on the site. And this layout does not show either the past or the future, but only here and now the feelings, thoughts, actions of your partner and the presence of deception, betrayal, etc. I repeat, summarizing all your layouts on the site, your passion does not have feelings for you, she is not sincere with you, there is also a man with whom she is in some kind of relationship (in which relationship, you need to look at her separately), the cards show you as two separate people, she is separate from you, she has her own life.

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Is it possible to contact you privately?

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[email protected]

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Hello. I’m confused in a relationship. My husband and I get together, then we separate. Now, again, I’m not in the right place. A couple of years ago, at a friend’s wedding, I met a man 9 years younger than myself. But then he had a woman in another city, with whom he lived. We talked with him. Now he broke up with her and is making advances towards me. But my inner voice does not believe in his sincerity.
She asked: How does he relate, what is he hiding?
1.7 denarii
2.Rider of Denarii
3.3 swords
4.2 denarii
6.4 wands
7.8 cups
10.king of cups
11.2 swords
12.jack of cups
13.3 cups
Thank you.

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It looks like the man is also in some doubts and faces some important choice. And he can't make a decision. But I don't see any further development. Knight's Day is a stop in a relationship. Then he stands and weighs the pros and cons. Of course, here distance or travel (chariot) has its significance. It seems that his feelings are in complete confusion. In the layout of three. I cannot exclude third parties in the relationship. But he is open to you. The only thing is that he is trying to grow within himself more. Should/shouldn't something be changed? There will be long pauses in the relationship, if not already. State of stagnation. But this is an analysis of relationships in the here and now. Everything can change at any moment. But for now, that's it. As for third parties, this is perhaps a past relationship, that he has not yet let her go, 3 swords - suffering, a broken heart.

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Thank you very much. Can I share it with my husband?

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Pocket or personal arrangement?

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Can I have a pocket for now?

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Hello, tell me what the cards say. With a man now at a distance. We have known each other for a long time and communicate well. He is single, I am currently in the process of divorce. How does he treat me? What is it hiding?
1. Queen of Pentacles
2,3,4,5- hermit, 10 of wands, 4 of swords, king of wands
6,7,8 - king of pentacles, knight of swords, strength
9,10,11- 9 of swords, 7 of swords, 5 of wands
12,13- 7 of pentacles, 4 of cups

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What deck was the layout used on?)))

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Why pentacles and not denarii)))

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You made a layout on your cards, and came here with it to have it interpreted for you. Once you have the cards in your hands, learn for yourself. How do we know, maybe you tell fortunes for someone for money, but you don’t understand cards, but here they’ll give you everything on a bulletin board, and you’ll also get money for it. This is an option. But I’m still inclined to believe that you tell fortunes for yourself using your cards and come here for an interpretation.

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You are not right

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Good afternoon
I asked in this scenario: did she have sex this year with anyone else besides me?
Cards drawn:
1. 6 swords
2. King of Swords
3. Ace of Wands
4. 8 of wands
5. 6 denarii
6. Abstinence
7. 10 swords
8. 10 denarii
9. Empress
10. 2 cups
11. 9 of Wands
12. 3 of cups
13. 7 of Wands

Help with the interpretation, please!

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Uv. Margenta, could you explain the resulting situation?
Thank you!

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Good morning! MCH went on a business trip to another city and it began to seem to me that he had someone else, judging by his pocket, this is so...
1. 5 cups lady of cups horseman of cups star of 2 cups
6.7.8 Empress Devil Ace of Cups
9.10.11. rider of wands jack of swords 5 of swords
12.13. lady of denarii chariot
It turns out he has another one there? Do they have a close relationship?

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Unfortunately, everything is true. Treason cards are present. And the pocket just “says” that there, at a distance from you, where it is, there is another woman. But despite this, I still have feelings for you. I don’t know how long he left, but it feels like he’s been there for a long time, and perhaps even this relationship with her is quite mature, that is, long-standing. No matter how he starts a family there.... Which is also evident from the maps.

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And he writes about love every day, men are such men...
It’s not that he’s been there for a long time, it’s just that this isn’t his first time going there.

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Good afternoon, I met a guy on a dating site, we’re talking and I’m wondering how he feels? And is he hiding anything from me?
I’m just wondering if there are any prospects with him at all and if it’s worth coming to each other...
1 Hanged
2 4 swords
3 Jack of Cups
4 3 wands
5th court
6 6 cups
7 8 swords
8 6 denarii
9 ace of denarii
10 7 denarii
11th queen of denarii
12 king of swords
13 priest

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Hides that he is married. In the significator, the hanged man means that he is not considering any development of relationships. And the 4 of swords speaks of inaction. This way he simply communicates with you, somehow distracting himself from everyday life and routine. And for some reason it seems to me from the bunch of cards that he is expecting a new addition to his family.

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Hello, dear tarot readers. My problem is not in unhappy relationships (there are none), but in difficult (for me) communication with my manager. We communicate only at work and exclusively about work. I always feel like I annoy him, although he is very considerate and we have never had any conflicts. I am a good specialist and do work beyond my direct responsibilities. I understand that this is simply used for free by my employer, for now I’m silent, in the future there may be an increase in salary. But maybe I’m wrong, maybe there’s nothing shining. I would like to see myself from the outside, through his eyes, maybe I really am behaving incorrectly. She asked what she thought about me and how the communication would develop further. I'm an air sign. 1-10 wands, 2-emperor, 3-6 cups, 4-2 swords, 5-ace of denarii, 6-star, 7-priest, 8-jester, 9-magician, 10-6 wands, 11-5 swords, 12-queen of swords, 13-7 denarii. Thank you for your help.

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Answer: “His thoughts about you were shown to us by the 2nd position. There he showed the Arcanum Emperor. The Emperor indicates that your leader, at work, feels like the Master of the situation and his power over you. The Emperor fell out as his second card. Then let’s compare it with your second card is the Ace of Denariev. The Ace of Denariev says that you want to have a reliable and trusting relationship with your manager, and also that he pays for your work according to the quality of the work you perform. And this is precisely what you feel he does not do for you and so thus discriminates against your wages.

And the fact that he needs you very much is indicated by the 10 of Wands in his 1st position. 10 Zhezlov pointed out that your manager has taken upon himself a burden of work that he cannot cope with because he does not have the necessary qualifications for this. That's why he doesn't hesitate to take advantage of you.

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Thank you. Everything is obvious. Nyyyyy!

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And the fact that you irritate him is indicated by the Queen of Swords in the 12th position. The Queen of Swords expresses smart woman, which no matter what she takes on, everything works out for her, because the Lady of Swords’ hands grow from the right place, but there’s nothing to say about intelligence at all. The Lady of Swords' intelligence is very high and at the proper level.

Feeling all this, your leader, on the one hand, in your presence, feels like an incompetent leader, such a fool, and on the other hand, feeling an urgent need for your services, after 7 Denarii in the 13th position, he constantly expects return from you, considering that he even pays you for your work a little more than you deserve. Thus, the alignment indicated that he does not intend to increase your salary. So keep that in mind.

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Well, the last thing about Arcan the Jester in his 8th position. The jester pointed out that your leader is now at a crossroads and does not know how to continue to behave with you. Offer to resign or continue to work with you. The jester indicates that your leader is increasingly inclined to part with you.

And the Priest card in its 7th position confirms this because it means your manager’s readiness to hire another specialist in your place, whom he has not yet found. Hence, torn between the desire to replace you and the understanding that it is very difficult to find a worthy replacement for you, he now found himself at a crossroads and not knowing what to do with you, he left everything to chance for now, relying on where the curve would lead, and then we’ll see how he you will continue to be... "

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Help me please! The martyr changed him and drove him away. I'm suffering a lot. She asked what was possible next, whether he repented, whether he wanted reconciliation.
1-2 swords
2-10 cups
6-3 cups
8-9 wands
9-king of denarii
11th Emperor
12-2 cups
13-Jack of Swords
Many thanks for the help!

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2 of Swords in the 1st position of the guy indicated that he received from you severe discomfort from communicating with you, Now he has closed himself off from you and communicates only with those with whom he feels comfortable communicating. And the 10 of Cups that appeared in his thoughts indicated that he wants to renew his relationship with you, not temporarily, but on a permanent basis, living with you as one family.

But the 8 of Swords, which appeared in the guy’s feelings towards you, indicated that, being impressed by the thrashing he received from you, the guy has not yet decided to call you or send you a message, although he internally very much wants this.

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Therefore, in the 8th position, he got the 9 of Wands, indicating that the guy is now in internal self-defense from you, because he hurt you very much with his betrayal, and you, in turn, seriously wounded him by kicking him out of the house.

Nevertheless, the 2 Cups that fell out in the guy’s pocket indicated that the wants to meet with you again, through the Jack of Swords to explain himself and resume contacts and communication with you.

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Thank you very much for the detailed explanation! My heart felt a little lighter, although it still hurt a lot(
Good luck to you!

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Friends. If you would like to receive individual advice from me, you can contact me by email: [email protected]

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Cost of consultation?

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The man stopped communicating with me and is jealous. He is not free, but I am. I wonder if we have completely stopped communicating? Thank you very much in advance)
1. Strength
2. 3 cups
3. 3 swords
4. 8 of wands
5. 9 cups
6. Jack of Swords
7. Devil
8. 10 cups
9. 2 swords
10. King of Wands
11. 3 of Wands
12. Tower
13. Horseman of Denarii

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You ask: “Wonder if we have completely stopped communicating?”

Answer: “No, not completely. Although the Tower appeared in his pocket addressed to you and the Horseman of Denariev, which indicated his separation from you, nevertheless, the Strength card in 1 position indicated that the man still intends to resume communication with you again and contact, despite the fact that in the 8th position he showed 10 Cups, indicating that he is now isolated from you in his family. Well, so be it, rather than leave you for another mistress. By the way, the alignment did not show it to us. So, besides you, the man has there is no other mistress.

Now let's look at the timing of your alignment. It indicated that you and the man have ended another stage of your relationship and therefore you are not together now. But soon the next stage of the relationship will arise between you and then the man will make himself known to you. So expect to hear from him."

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What does Alena think about our relationship, what doesn’t she tell?
1. 7 of Swords
2. 2 of Swords
3. 3 Cups
4. 6 Denariev
5. King of Denarii
6. 4 of Swords
7. 2 of Wands
8. Queen of Cups
9. Sun
10. 10 of Wands
11. 5 Denariev
12. 5 Cups
13. Hermit

Can you help me decipher it?
Thank you!

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To understand your layout, let's start reading it from position 1. This position will reveal to us Alena’s intentions towards you. In this position we see Alena in the form of 7 Swords. The 7 of Swords indicated that Alena received negative information from you, as a result of which she experienced severe discomfort and therefore has now internally closed herself off from you and communicates only with those with whom she feels comfortable communicating.

And her thoughts about you were shown to us by the 2nd position, where Alena appeared before us in the form of 2 Swords. 2 of Swords indicated that Alena now perceives the relationship with you as a crisis situation for herself, and because... doesn’t know how to get out of it, which is why she has now isolated herself from you and is still in a stressful situation for herself due to the recently arising conflict between you.

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If we add up its 2 Swords with 7 Swords, we get 9 Denarii. The received card suggests that despite the current misunderstanding between you, Alena is still waiting for news from you and wants to resume contact and communication with you.

And in your 4th position, 6 Denariev appeared, which indicates that you now cannot decide for yourself how reliable and stable your relationship with Alena will be, etc. Now you strongly doubt this, that’s why you parted with her with a heavy feeling in your heart, precisely because of Alena’s behavior towards you.

In position 3, Alena showed 3 Cups in her feelings for you. This card indicated that Alena is not angry with you now, that she wants a relationship with you that is pleasant to the heart and cheerful to the soul. No scandals, omissions, no misunderstandings between you and no showdowns.

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And the King of Denarii showed up in your feelings for her. King Denariev indicated that you want to be Alena’s husband, live with her as one family and have children from her. And if you look at the invisible card of Alena near your King of Denarii, then the 10 of Cups appears to us, which says that Alena also wants you to be her husband, to live with you as one family and to have a child from you.

The Sun card in the 9th position indicated that you are not together now and therefore are waiting for news from Alena and in general with all your heart you want to meet her and renew contacts.
The Lady of Cups, manifested in the 8th position, pointed us to Alena and says that despite the misunderstandings that have arisen between you, Alena still loves you and wants you to call her and resume communication again.

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That’s why she’s very sad for you and wants you to show up as soon as possible. And the Hermit pointed out that Alena now perceives you as a Hermit, i.e. a person who broke up with her and does not make himself known and that’s why, she is very sad, because. Vasily misses you very much and wants you to send her a message and thereby let her know about you.

And to your question what is Alena hiding from you, the layout says that she is not hiding anything from you, because... considers it unnecessary to do this to you.

This is my short answer to your situation.

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Hello dear tarologists, I really need your help... I asked a question about what my yesterday, what kind of attitude he had, what he wanted, and whether he had another yesterday. We are both family, and we often can’t see each other and communicate, so I think he might be hooking me up with someone else at the same time, he’s a taxi driver and this plays into his hands... these are just my thoughts, but what really happens?.. the cards speak. , but I can’t either understand or accept... Please help...
1. 10 Den
2. 4 wands
3. 8 swords
4. 6 Den
5. Ace cup
6. Court
7. 4 of swords
8. 4 Den
9. Queen cube
10. Queen of Swords
11. Ace Den
12. Queen's wand
13. Strength

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I am Pisces, he is Capricorn

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Yes. Your premonition did not let you down. M.Ch. besides you, he's having trouble with someone else. This was indicated by the Lady of Wands in the pocket of the on the 12th position and the Strength card on the 13th position, which indicates that met another woman and is now making every effort through the power card to please her and achieve intimacy from her. The Lady of Cups and the Lady of Swords showed us you as New.

And the timing of your alignment indicated that yesterday he really was with another woman. This was indicated by the Priestess card that fell out from the martyr. during the schedule. So keep that in mind. is cheating on you. Well, whether you forgive him or not, it’s up to you to decide...

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Thank you!

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Please. By the way. The Queen of Cups in the 9th position indicated that the you like him and therefore would like to continue the relationship with him. And the Queen of Swords in the 10th position indicated that they are now very angry with the mother. because you are jealous of another woman, a stranger, with whom you think that he had an affair secretly from you.

And sadly, you were right here. really, secretly from you, he is having an affair with another woman. Sorry for such sad information for you.

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Dear tarologists, help with the interpretation!!! It’s difficult for me and my husband to get out of the conflict. Outwardly, everything seems to be fine, but I feel that I don’t feel the same attitude towards him ())) She asked how he treats me and what he wants from our family union:
1. Peace
2. Priest
3. 5 denarii
4. Knight of Cups
5. 8 cups
6. King of Swords
7. Court
8. Ace of Cups
9. 8 swords
10. Devil
11. Chariot
12. Horseman of Wands
13. 4 denarii

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His attitude towards you was shown by the King of Swords in 6th position. The King of Swords says that your husband now treats you perhaps too harshly as a wife. There is too much calculation and self-interest in his attitude towards you now. Pocket through the card, the Horseman of Wands indicated that he intends to leave you, because with his soul and heart he has become attached to another woman, with whom he communicates secretly from you. Therefore, the World card in the 1st position of your husband indicates that he intends to isolate himself from you.

But intending does not mean doing it. Therefore, the invisible card of the 3 of Swords that appeared in your husband indicated that your husband is now rushing between you and another woman and does not know what to do now. Leave you for her or stay with the family. And this is what worries him most now...

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Hello, dear Margenta! Please help me understand how the man reacted to my message. Members of serious relationship with him, then broke up at my suggestion. We haven't talked for a while, I would like to return everything, but he said that he had new life, and he has no intention of returning. He offered to be friends, I thought for a long time and ultimately wrote that it would be better for us not to communicate at all then, because I have strong feelings to him.
I don't know if he has a woman...
1. 8 Denariev.
2. Jack of Wands.
3. 8 of wands.
4. 5 of Wands.
5. Ace of Wands.
6. Tower.
7. Priest.
8. Moon.
9. 6 swords.
10. 3 denarii.
11. 3 of cups.
12. Empress.
13. Magician

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No, well, all his words coincide with the cards. He has a woman in his pocket, and not just a woman - an empress - he considers her the main, significant one in his life. He has a strong attraction to her, she magnetizes him. It is likely that she will become his wife. Tk 3 days Cohabitation and 3 cube proposal or wedding. Doesn’t want to lose touch with you (communication, contact)

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A very strange situation... before I left, we were planning to get married. It’s hard to believe that in such a short time he found himself a new bride, but even if so, then I’m sincerely happy for him, because I treat him well) Thank you very much)

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Where did you get the idea that it was a short period of time?

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Because it’s been a couple of months since we broke up. For me this is a short period of time, but perhaps another woman “lit him up” so much that he decided to connect his life with her. I understand that this happens too.

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She asked: Is he currently in a relationship with anyone? 3 swords, 9 cups, rider of wands.
Does he want to be with me? Priest, 3 of Cups, Judgment.
Again 3 of cups...Perhaps the cards show my desires and it makes sense to guess through time.

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No, threes indicate the presence of a third person in a relationship. There's a love triangle there. And he feels fine like that. Well, according to the Court, he can return and disappear again. This man is teaching you a lesson. But not your soulmate.

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Pages: 1

This fortune telling will help you deeply analyze your own family life. It provides information about the attitude of partners to different areas life together: money, raising children. This free fortune telling also reveals how the husband and wife see their own responsibilities in the family. After all, the reliability of a family boat depends on how compatible the partners’ views on relationships are. If a husband only wants to see his wife as a housewife, and she dreams of a career, they are unlikely to find a common language. Tarot cards will show what prospects your family has and how suitable you are for each other. They'll give you the right advice on how to secure your family boat so it can withstand any storm.

Make a layout

Responsibilities of a husband in the family

The first position, “The husband’s responsibilities in the family,” will tell you what role a man is used to occupying at home. This card says more about his own desires than what his wife is trying to make him.

Responsibilities of a wife in the family

The second position, “The wife’s responsibilities in the family,” will give the same information about the wife, about how she sees her place in the family.

How does a husband want to see his wife behave?

The third position, “How the husband wants to see his wife’s behavior,” will talk about the husband’s desires towards his wife, about his vision of the woman’s role in the relationship. By comparing the second and third cards, you will understand how much his desires come true.

How does a wife want to see her husband behave?

The fourth position, “How the wife wants to see her husband’s behavior,” will reveal the wife’s dreams of what a man should be like. Compare this and the first card, and you will understand how satisfied the woman is with her family life.

Husband's attitude towards money

The fifth position, “Husband’s attitude toward money,” talks about how important it is for a man financial well-being. Is he ready to work hard for the benefit of the family or does he subconsciously want his wife to be the breadwinner?

Wife's attitude towards money

The sixth position, “Wife’s attitude towards money,” will give similar information about the woman. Is she ready to work or wants to be supported, is she economical or wasteful.

Husband's attitude towards children

The seventh position, “Husband’s attitude towards children,” will tell you whether the man pays enough attention to his children. Whether he considers this an unmanly task or, on the contrary, he enjoys babysitting the kids.