N On the eve of Victory Day, events were held in the libraries of the MBU "MIBS" in memory of the military days and exploits of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

To encourage the great-grandchildren of the winners to remember the cost of the Great Patriotic War and to be worthy of the heroes of our glorious Motherland - this is the goal of the action. Schoolchildren, students, and veterans are involved in the events. In the reading room, readers will be able to view the literature “The Victory That Was Bequeathed to Us,” a slide presentation has been prepared, and documentaries will be shown. Relics occupy a special place on display Great War, - photographs, letters from the front, tunics, a raincoat, a soldier's flask, helmets, overcoats, caps, etc. All of them were kindly provided to the library by our readers, the children of fallen soldiers. April 29 for schoolchildren junior classes School No. 52 held a lesson in Memory “Great Victory. Don't fall into oblivion." On May 5, a festive meeting “Great Victory - one for all!” was organized for veterans of the Svetlitsa club and readers. KuzGTU students presented a festive program to the older generation. Guests were presented with St. George ribbons, a minute of silence was held and a candle was handed over to the younger generation from veterans. Over tea, the veterans shared their memories and sang wartime songs to the accordion.

The events of the Memory campaign “The Victory that was bequeathed to us” will continue; we invite those who wish to visit the “First” library.

On May 4, 2016, a creative evening of the author and performer of songs Lydia Kazachenko “Childhood scorched by war” took place. On the same day, the library held a lesson in courage “Take a hero as an example” for third-graders of school No. 77. During the lesson, the children were able to get acquainted with the pages of the Great Patriotic War, with young heroes who, from the first day of the war, entered into battle with the enemy along with adults. Brave, desperate, selflessly loving their Motherland... They spared no effort and life in order to bring victory closer.

On May 5, the next meeting of the “Young Local History” club was held for third-graders of school No. 6. At the event called “Memory in Granite,” the children took a virtual walk through the memorable places of their hometown of Novokuznetsk. Boulevard of Heroes and Victory Square, the monument to the Unknown Soldier on 25 Let Oktyabrya Street and Zhukov Square are special and dear places for all Novokuznesk residents. The children learned about what the elements of water and fire symbolize, located on the Boulevard of Heroes, how Victory Square got its name, what monument was first erected in the city of Stalinsk in 1947. The children watched a fragment of the film “Hot Snow”, in the filming of which the famous T-34 tank, mounted on a pedestal on Victory Square, took part. Schoolchildren learned the history and design of the memorial complexes, talked about the selfless work of people who worked in the rear and about the immortal feat of three Kuzbass heroes: Ivan Gerasimenko, Alexander Krasilov and Leonid Cheremnov. As a souvenir of the meeting, the guys received a book by A. B. Berlin, “Novokuznetsk in a Soldier’s Overcoat.”

On May 5, a lesson in courage “Victory lives in everyone’s heart!” was held for first-graders of school No. 47. The lesson of courage was dedicated to the exploits of the Heroes of the Great Patriotic War, including the Novokuznesk residents - heroes and participants in the events of that terrible time. Children learned about the exploits of adults and children who participated in the Great Patriotic War, visited the exhibition of children's drawings “Our Victory is an Unquenchable Light”, took part in the “Letter of Victory” campaign, writing a collective letter with words of gratitude to the heroes who defended peace on earth. At the end of the event, the children got acquainted with book exhibitions: “In the name of life on earth” (Novokuznetsk during the Great Patriotic War), “Sacred feat for the sake of peace on earth”, watched an episode about the Victory Parade, which took place on June 24, 1945, on Red Square in the capital of our Motherland, the city of Moscow, from the documentary film “Russia: Faith, Army, People,” directed by G. Parajanov, they talked about the exploits of their great-grandfathers - participants and heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

“On the eve of the celebration of the 71st anniversary of the Great Victory, on May 5, a thematic evening “The Face of War Revived in Poems and Memory” was held.

On May 6, 2016, as part of the celebration of Victory Day, a festive concert program “For the bright May Victory Day, thank you, Motherland of Soldiers!” was held.

Veterans of the Great Patriotic War and home front workers of the village were invited to the event. The sponsor of the event was the deputy of the Novokuznetsk City Duma for the district Sergey Fedorovich Eremenko and the Administration of the TU “Abagur”. As a sign of eternal memory of them, there will be a minute of silence. At the end of the event, the Administration of TU “Abagur” presented sweet gifts provided by the sponsor to all veterans.

May 6th for older children kindergarten No. 246, a presentation about the Great Patriotic War “I Remember! I'm proud!". In a form accessible to children, librarians spoke about the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, about children - heroes who fought on an equal basis with adults - Z. Portnova, M. Kazee, V. Kotik, etc. During the event, excerpts from poems by B. Okudzhava, S. Mikhalkov, songs based on poems by V. Lebedev-Kumach, “Holy War”, and R. Gamzatov - “Cranes”. A book exhibition “And the Saved World Remembers” was prepared for the event.

In the Central City Library named after. N.V. Gogol also continues to host events dedicated to May 9, “Dedicated to the children of the Great Patriotic War...”.

Medvedeva V.N., head family reading library "First", tel. 45-45-37;
Skorobogatova N.V., ch. bibliographer of the library D.S. Likhacheva, tel. 61-02-97;
Tsirkova E.V., Ch. librarian of the Central Library, tel. 77-25-82;
Yuryeva R. Ya., head. library "Ekos", tel. 73-31-90;
Bykovskaya S.E., Ch. librarian of the IDC "Perspective", tel. 99-12-95;
Tishina V. A., head Library "Positive", tel. 34-22-79

On May 9 and 10, the libraries of the Southern District of Moscow congratulate veterans and readers on the holiday - May 9 and invite them to festive programs dedicated to the 73rd anniversary of the Great Victory!

" Light of achievement"

May 10 at 12:20 Children's library No. 156 invites you to an hour of history dedicated to the military exploits of soldiers and officers during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). The event is timed to coincide with the 73rd anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War and the 110th anniversary of the birth of the military pilot - Hero of the Soviet Union N.F. Gastello.

Listeners will learn about the fate of the legendary commander of a combat squadron, the peculiarities of the profession of a military pilot and various types combat aircraft, get acquainted with examples of heroic deeds during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), namely the feat of the hero of the Soviet Union Nikolai Gastello.

The story will be accompanied by a display of photographs, videos and other visual materials. The lesson will end with a patriotic quiz called “The Great War”.

Free admission.

Location: State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "Central Library of Southern Administrative Okrug" Children's Library No. 156

Address: Domodedovskaya street, building 1, building 1

Time spending: 12:20-13:00

Main part of the message:

Age limit: 6+

Phone for information:+7 495 952 96 53

"Victory, May, Spring!"

May 9 in library No. 163 There will be a solemn congratulation of veterans. For honored guests, excursions will be held around the exhibition “The Word of the People's Feat”, dedicated to the feat of Zamoskvorechye during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). Excerpts from military newspapers presented at the exhibition will tell what messages were transmitted to Muscovites on the city radio; anyone visiting the exhibition will be able to appreciate the heaviness of a soldier’s duffel bag and see the life of townspeople in wartime.

The documentary films “By Order of the Heart” and “Fighting Friends” will tell about the formation of the Moscow people's militia in the first months of 1941, the history of the formation of the medical battalion of the 9th Kirov People's Militia Division in the building of school No. 649.

Veterans of war and home front will be presented with festive concert numbers and will be awarded Greeting Cards.

Free admission.

Location: State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow "Central Library of Southern Administrative Okrug" library No. 163

Venue address: Danilovskaya embankment, building 2, building 2

Time spending: 11:00-12:00

Age limit: 6+

Phone for information: +7 499 235 57 91

"Celebration with tears in our eyes"

May 9 at 14:00 children's library No. 141 invites you to the literary and musical composition “A Holiday with Tears in Your Eyes,” dedicated to the 73rd anniversary of the Great Victory.

Members of the retro club "Idols of Past Years" will congratulate veterans of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). Veterans and guests will remember the dates and battles of the Great Patriotic War, the names of the heroes who brought this day closer will share their memories. Guests will hear poems by M. Isakovsky, A. Fatyanov, B. Okudzhava, K. Vanshenkin about the war, guests will see excerpts from the films “The Cranes Are Flying,” “Star,” “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet.” Accordion player Nikolai Mindrin will perform songs from the war and post-war years.

"Victory is immortal, and soldiers are immortal"

May 9 in library No. 151 An event dedicated to Victory Day will be held.

The Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) lasted 1,418 long days and nights. Our compatriots suffered a lot during the years of fascist occupation, but they still won. Only thanks to selfless work and military merits our people were able to win this war. We honor the memory of our heroes. A library and educational event in the park is dedicated to this great date. 30th anniversary of the Victory. The festively decorated area will host master classes, a book exhibition, quizzes, and an asphalt drawing competition. Creative groups will take part in the festive concert. Songs and poems about the war will be performed. Let's remember kind words our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, all those who gave us freedom.

Free admission.

Age limit: 6+

Phone for information:+7 495 313 55 13

Location: State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow "Central Library of Southern Administrative Okrug" library No. 151

Venue address: st. Chertanovskaya, house 27, building 2

Time spending: 12:00-13:00

" "

May 10 in library No. 162them. K. Simonovathere will be an interactive conversation" Awards of the Great Patriotic War" with schoolchildren (9-11 years old). The presenter will talk about military awards as the brightest monuments of our military history, reminiscent of the glorious pages of the fight against the enemies of the Fatherland.

During the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), the government paid Special attention the issue of rewarding all citizens who fought both at the front and behind enemy lines and who worked for the benefit of the front. On the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, 11,603 people were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, 104 of them received this title twice, and G.K. Zhukov, I.N. Kozhedub and A.I. Pokryshkin received this honorary title three times.

More than 7 million people were awarded orders and medals. 10,900 military orders were awarded to formations, units and ships of the Soviet Armed Forces. Soviet underground fighters, partisans and militias also fought with great courage and dedication against the fascist invaders. During this bloody war, 25 medals and 12 orders were established, which were awarded not only for military merits, but also for labor feats in the rear.

Listeners to the meeting will learn what awards there were during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) and for what feats they were awarded.

Free admission.

Location: State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "CBS Southern Administrative District" Library No. 162 named after. K.M. Simonova.

Address: st. Yakornaya, 5, building 2

Time spending: 14:00-15:00

Age limit: 6+

Phone for information: +7 499 617 32 42

"We brought this day closer as best we could"

May 9 at 16:00 library No. 146 invites residents of the Orekhovo-Borisovo Severny microdistrict to an interactive hour - “We brought this day closer as best we could.” Guests can enjoy the review "War and humor - two things that don't go together?" - a story about satirical propaganda teams during the war. There will also be a screening of the film "Three Meetings" (1948). For the children who come to the library that day, there will be a master class on origami “Paper Army” and an asphalt drawing competition “Let the sky above the Earth be peaceful!”

Is humor necessary in war? The heroic story of the front-line artistic brigades that worked in the most important sectors of the Soviet-German front will answer this question. From the first days of the war, writers, artists, and artists worked on “formidable weapons” to raise the morale of soldiers. On the front line, they risked no less than the soldiers, coming under fire, bombing, and surrounded by the enemy.

At front-line concerts, artists showed pantomimes and skits, asked satirical riddles, sang ditties, and read poems, for example, such as “Our ABC”:

Watermelon ripens in July

Adolf is a bandit, the world knows it.

A grenade is a soldier's faithful friend, -

Smash your adversary with it.

The works of cartoonists appeared in the central and local press, on the walls of houses and in the windows of large stores. The Soviet caricature fired satirically at the enemy from the pages of newspapers, reeked of propaganda posters, "TASS Windows", rose with colorful posters at the crossroads of military roads, and scattered in a flying rain of leaflets.

Humor and satire truly became the most important means of raising the morale of soldiers amid the hardships of front-line life and gave hope to home front workers. Participants of the event will get acquainted with the most striking works of satire of the war years.

The meeting will be accompanied by a display of photographs, videos and other visual materials. Visitors will also get acquainted with the film “Three Meetings,” which consists of three short stories and tells about the participants of the Great Patriotic War who returned from the front and entered peaceful life.

Free admission.

Location: GBUK Moscow "CBS Southern Administrative Okrug" library No. 146

Address: st. Generala Belov, house 29, building 3

Time spending: 16:00-18:00

Age limit: 12+

Phone for information: +7 495 393 01 00

On the eve of the main holiday of our country - Victory Day, city libraries are hosting events dedicated to this significant date.

So, May 3 and 4, 2018 in the city library No. 1 (Kronstadtskaya St., 13) The action “Our Victory is an Unquenchable Light” took place. The library hosts an exhibition of creative works by readers, “Remembering the Past for the Sake of the Future,” which displays drawings, writings, and essays on military topics. For preschoolers of MBDOU No. 137, an hour of meaningful reading passed based on the story by A. Mityaev “A Bag of Oatmeal.” The story fosters a feeling of love and great gratitude to everyone who defended our country during the difficult years of the war. An hour of patriotism “Children and War” was held for 2nd grade students of MBOU Secondary School No. 52. The schoolchildren liked the books: “Son of the Regiment” by V. Kataev, “Once Upon a Time There Was a Girl” by I. Mixon, where the main characters are almost the same age as the children present at the event. They experienced all the horrors and hardships of that terrible war. The guest of the hour was A.P. Govorovskaya, who told the audience about her wartime childhood. About how her father fought at the front, was wounded, killed, posthumously presented for an award and included in the book “Memory”. The guys presented the veteran with flowers and their drawings. The event ended with the presentation of the “Immortal Regiment” video.

May 4, employees City Library No. 17 (5th Vinogradny Prospect, 22) As part of the “My Fatherland” project, we held a brain-ring “Through the Pages of Memory” for high school students of MBOU Secondary School No. 31. The meeting with the children began with a sightseeing tour of the library, where they were told about the work of the departments of the institution and were presented with new items from the book collection. Next, the librarians invited high school students to take part in an intellectual tournament dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War, taking part in the brain ring “Through the Pages of Memory.” The intellectual tournament consisted of literary questions formulated based on the works of S. Smirnov “The Brest Fortress”, M. Sholokhov “The Fate of a Man”, A. Fadeev “The Young Guard”, B. Polevoy “The Tale of a Real Man” and others. In addition, the guys answered questions from the blitz tournament, solved the mystery of the secret box and guessed the melodies of the Great Victory. The brain ring “Through the Pages of Memory” ended with a summing up and announcement of the winners, who were awarded memorable prizes.

On the eve of May 9, employees City Library No. 15 (Stavskogo St., 6) organized a festive event. Adults and children got acquainted with books about the war. We remembered the hero cities and names of participants in the Great Patriotic War. Librarians told those present about the symbols of the Second World War and supported the “St. George Ribbon” campaign. Such events help to instill in the younger generation a sense of patriotism and deep respect for all veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

The library also hosted a literary and educational program “Under the Fireworks of the Great Victory.” Librarians introduced readers to the book exhibition “Feat in the Name of Life” and talked about memorable pages of our history: children learned about the resilience and courage of our people during the Second World War. Young readers recalled poets who wrote about the war: Tvardovsky, Simonov, Okudzhava, Drunina, each read their favorite poem. Along with poems, war songs were sung. The guys remembered the symbol of memory - the Eternal Flame. The children wanted to congratulate the veterans and, using colored napkins, paper and markers, prepared spring greeting cards, putting a piece of their soul into them. The event ended with a friendly performance of the song “Victory Day”.

May 4 employee City Library No. 7 named after. A.I. Kuprina (Tokarnaya St., 18) conducted a literary and musical composition “We have no right to forget” for the after-school group of MBOU Secondary School No. 69. We celebrate this holiday as main holiday country, and the feat of those who defended the honor of our Motherland will never be forgotten. The librarian told the children about the difficult trials that befell our people, about the children who, along with adults, forged the long-awaited victory, about their exploits accomplished during the Great Patriotic War. With the help of wartime songs, poems and the presentation “This Victory Day,” first-graders felt the heroism of the people of that difficult time. The children listened with great attention to an excerpt from the story “Arkasha Kamanin” by Georgy Dubinsky. At the end of the event, students honored the memory of the victims with a minute of silence.

On Saturday, May 5, employees City Library No. 4 (Krasnova St., 45) As part of the project “Writers and Books - Heroes of Anniversary” and on the eve of Victory Day, we held an evening-dialogue “A book will tell about the war” based on the work of B. Polevoy “The Tale of a Real Man” for 5th grade students of MBOU Secondary School No. 28. This year marks the 110th anniversary of the birth of Boris Nikolaevich Polevoy. The librarians told the children about the life and work of the writer, and during the Great Patriotic War - a front-line correspondent for the Pravda newspaper. From the story of a library employee, the children learned that at the heart of it famous book“The Tale of a Real Man” is an acquaintance with an amazing person - pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union A.P. Maresyev, who became the prototype of the hero of the work. His plane was shot down in an air battle, the pilot was seriously injured, both legs were amputated in the hospital, but he, showing perseverance and remarkable willpower, returned to fighter aviation. The guys were interested to learn that the work was extremely popular in the country and far beyond its borders: the story was published about forty times abroad, and about a hundred times in Russian. And not only because it told about a legendary feat and became a textbook of courage. The students actively discussed, commented, and shared their impressions of the work they had read. They noted that Boris Polevoy clearly showed how to remain human in the harshest conditions, objectively conveyed the inhumanity of war, the bitterness of losing loved ones, and explained the desire of every soldier to fight until his last breath. The guys spoke with enthusiasm about the Russian national character that amazes the whole world and decided that Boris Polevoy dedicated this story to all the soldiers who defeated the Nazis with their courage, bravery and fortitude. The event was accompanied by a video presentation of “Pages of Deed” and the most striking video clips from the film of the same name. And at the end of the meeting, literature for young readers about the war, available in the library’s collection, was presented to the schoolchildren.

May 7 at City Library No. 10 (Voronova St., 8) On the eve of Victory Day, a festive program “Preserving the Holy Memory of the Great Years of Fire” was held for students of MBOU Cadet School No. 46. Victory Day is the brightest holiday for all residents of our country. On this day we remember our family and friends who survived these terrible events. Time passes inexorably. 73 years have already passed since the Russian Victory Flag was raised over the Reichstag. There are fewer and fewer eyewitnesses to military events. But the memory of the victims will live forever. The guys from cadet school No. 46 prepared a story about their relatives who walked the roads of war and worked in the rear for the benefit of Victory. One of the guys still has his great-great-grandfather’s cap, carefully preserved by his family. The guys presented festive concert, dedicated to Victory Day, and wrote letters to “Soldiers of the War from Descendants.” In their letters they thanked the Russian soldier for the fact that there is Peace on our land today.

On the same day in City Library No. 9 (Tsiolkovskogo St., 12) For students of the Penza Regional Medical College, a memorial evening “In the Book Memory of Moments of War” was held, dedicated to Victory Day. From the first days of the war, writers and poets, together with the entire people, stood up to fight the fascists. Their weapons were a rifle, a machine gun, and the word: poems, stories, songs, lines of military correspondence. Their voices sounded like an alarm bell, mobilizing the people to fight, to win. Beautiful works that capture the immortal feat of the Soviet people still excite human souls today and act as guardians of the memory of generations. During the event, poems by A. Tvardovsky, M. Jalil, Yu. Drunina, K. Simonov, songs based on words by A. Surkov, V. Lebedev-Kumach, B. Okudzhava, excerpts from the works of B. Vasiliev “Not on the lists” were heard , Y. Bondarev “Hot Snow”, V. Zakrutkin “Mother of Man”, A. Adamovich “The Khatyn Tale”, etc. The evening was accompanied by footage of war newsreels and feature films based on books by Soviet writers. At the end of the event, students took part in the quilt “To Soldiers of War and Prose from Descendants.”

And in City Library No. 19 (Pobedy Ave., 41) On the eve of the Great Victory Day, library staff performed a literary and musical composition “Holy Memory of Past Years” for 7th grade students of MBOU Secondary School No. 18. Library staff introduced the children to the books by B. L. Vasiliev “Not on the Lists,” P. N. Luknitsky “Through the Entire Siege,” V. Bykov “Obelisk,” A. B. Chakovsky “Victory,” B. N. Polevoy. “The Tale of a Real Man”, Vorobyova K.D. “Killed near Moscow”, which tells about the price at which the victory was won. War is the fearlessness of the defenders of Brest, it is the 900 days of besieged Leningrad, it is the oath of Panfilov’s men: “Not a step back, Moscow is behind us!” This is the victory achieved by fire and blood at Stalingrad, this is the feat of the heroes of the Kursk Bulge, this is the storming of Berlin, this is the memory of the hearts of the entire people. Victory Day has been and remains a sacred day for all people of our country. At the evening, poems were read by Shchipachev S. “It seemed that the flowers were cold...”, Akhmatova A. “Courage”, Tvardovsky A. “The things of battle are hot in Stalingrad...”, Sofronova A. “The evil autumn was spinning in the field...”, Nozhkina M. “And those who are alive, who miraculously survived”, as well as songs: “Katyusha” by M. Isakovsky, “Holy War” by V. Lebedev-Kumach, “Victory Day” by V. Kharitonov, “Near the village of Kryukovo” by S. Ostrovy, “Our tenth airborne battalion” by B. Okudzhava, “Cranes” by R. Gamzatov, V. Bokov “Silence on Mamayev Kurgan.” It was poetry and music, painting not so much a picture of war, but of a person at war. With great interest, the children watched the colorful presentation “Dedicated to the Great Victory” and got acquainted with the book exhibition “Let Generations Know,” which presented the best works about the Great Patriotic War. The guests of the evening were students of the music school named after. Czech - guitarists Vlad Akimov and Nikita Petrovsky, who performed songs of the war years. The evening ended with a minute of silence in memory of the fallen heroes. Schoolchildren gladly took part in the event “For Soldiers of War and Prose from Descendants,” during which they created a quilt and wrote their messages to heroes who did not return from the front.

IN City Children's Library No. 4 (Kalinina St., 102a) on this day the action “To you, from another generation...” took place. On this day, the library hosted reviews of the book exhibitions “Steps of Victory” and “Eternal Echo of War,” where the best books about the Great Patriotic War were presented to readers. Readers of the older generation liked poems and songs about the war: “Brest Fortress” by S.S. Smirnova, “Close to the Heart” by E. Vorobyov. And the children looked with interest at the books “Hour of Courage”, “Children - Heroes of the Great Patriotic War” by A. Pecherskaya and books by S. Alekseev. But everyone who visited the library that day was attracted by the quilt “To you, from another generation...”. With great attention, those present looked at photographs from the chronicles of the Second World War of 1941-1945 and articles from the newspaper Pravda, which published documents about the victory of the Russian people. In a conversation with the librarian, many of those present had the desire to write their thoughts and feelings, attach the dove of peace symbol, thus expressing their respect and gratitude to the soldiers who defended our Motherland.

On the eve of Victory Day and in City Library No. 1 (Kronstadtskaya St., 13) A series of events dedicated to this event took place. A lesson in courage “Forever Alive” was held at the Penza College of Food Industry and Commerce. Students were introduced to the best fiction, which educates patriots. The librarian did not ignore the works of: A. Fadeev “The Young Guard”, B. Vasiliev “Ata and Baty the Soldiers Walked”, A. Tvardovsky “Vasily Terkin”, K. Simonov “The Third Adjutant”, B. Polevoy “The Tale of a Real Man” " etc. Patriotism is also fostered by modern literature. And for students of the College of Architecture and Civil Engineering, an hour of remembrance “A book about the war dear to the heart” passed. The younger generation was told about the work of B. Vasiliev, a writer and front-line soldier, in whose books the theme of war ran like a red thread. Librarian E. A. Krasilnikova introduced the audience to the history of the creation of the story “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet...”, read excerpts about the courage and heroism of young girls who did not spare their lives for their Motherland. The story was republished many times and filmed twice. But patriots live among us. Then the floor was given to a veteran of the Afghan war, Leonid Stepanovich Morozov. He shared his memories of how, together with his comrades, he defended the southern borders of our Motherland.

9th May there was an open library area in front of the Library and Aesthetic Center building "War. People. Victory", dedicated to the celebration 70th anniversary of the Victory.

Several exhibitions were organized: exhibition of works by participants in a regional children's drawing competition "Bowing our heads before the heroic deeds of a soldier", "War in the fate of our region" (hall of local history); “Letters to veterans”, “Bow to distant courage”, “I am reading a book about the war”- an exhibition of creative works by participants in the competition for young illustrators based on the work of A.T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin"(Children's library).

The subscription department organized a book exhibition and announced a promotion “Reading books about war” , within the framework of which on this day it was possible to register for free in the library and take a book from the exhibition.
Reading room staff conducted quiz , where everyone could answer a question about the Great Patriotic War and receive a small gift for the correct answer.

At the evening library area "Reading books about war" There was a “free microphone” near the Yunost stadium - everyone could read poems about the war, or congratulate Asinovites on the Great Victory Day.

Events were also held in the branch libraries dedicated to the Day Victory.

9th May took place in the TRZ microdistrict literary and musical event "Great May of the Great Victory" . Librarians of branch No. 1 T.V. Petrova and O.M. Serkova organized “Let’s Write the Book of Peace Together” campaign. The children of the neighborhood enjoyed drawing pictures on sheets of paper. The sheets with the drawings were placed in the Book of Peace.

Nearby there was a kitchen where front-line porridge was distributed. Everyone present at the event tried the porridge, and the children came up and asked for more.
On an improvised stage, students of the 7th grade of school No. 5 lined up with portraits of the immortal regiment of the microdistrict “There is no family in Russia where its hero is not remembered,” the children sang the song “And everything about that spring.”
IN "Write a letter to a veteran" campaign 12 people took part. These letters were read on festive event and presented to children of war.

the 6th of May V library branch No. 2 took place festive program "Light of Victory May" . The children of war accepted congratulations. Children from school No. 1 were invited (head I.I. Nuriev), who sang songs of the war years, performed the song “Talyanochka” Chistyakova Dasha and Anuchin Ilya. Active readers, the best participants in the reading competition, read poems about the war.
The women talked about their difficult wartime childhood and the post-war years. They showed photos of their relatives who fought at the front. The event ended with tea.

May 8 V library branch No. 3 (Baturino village) took place festive evening "Victory Day" which was attended by: Obednina Anastasia, Pipchenko Anastasia, Kuzmina Ksenia, Bayramov Danil, Nosova Tatyana, Nepeina Samira, Streltsova Anastasia, Silonova Svetlana, Panov Daniil, Farkhutdinov Maxim. Children sang songs of the war years and read poems.

9th May V library branch No. 4 (Novo-Kuskovo village) A tea party was held for war and labor veterans, home front workers and children of war. The meeting took place in a warm, friendly atmosphere. The tea party participants were congratulated on the holiday by the head of the Novokuskovsky rural settlement A.V. Karpenko, artistic director of the Novokuskovsky House of Culture EAT. Pangina, chief librarian V.V. Anufrieva.

Throughout the holiday good mood those present were supported by accordion players A.N. Mashnich and S.N. Maslov, vocal group “Selyanochka”. Everyone had fun, and songs from the war years were played in the library until the evening. At the end, the meeting participants launched into the sky Balloons, as a symbol of peace, happy life. The veterans really enjoyed the holiday organized in their honor.

From March 1 to April 30, the Novikovsky rural administration was preparing to participate in All-Russian action "Immortal Regiment" - "Let's remember everyone by name" dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory. All residents of the settlement were given the opportunity to bring photographs of their relatives and friends who fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. The action was organized on the initiative library branches of the village of Svetly and the village. Novikovka with the support of the Head of the rural settlement administration S.L. Petrova.

In the morning 9th May For the first time, the Novikovsky settlement took part in the large-scale All-Russian action “Immortal Regiment”. The procession of the “Immortal Regiment” took place in several villages of the settlement. The Immortal Regiment began its march from the village of Svetly. Walking along the main street. B.N. Sidorenko march participants joined the formed column in the village. Novikovka. It was gratifying that there were many families in the column, parents with children. Relatives walked for two or three generations. A feeling of pride for their relatives brought more than a hundred protesters to the rally. All members of the regiment received St. George's ribbons, as a symbol of memory. Many who took part in the procession could not hold back their tears, it was so beautiful and touching event. The most important thing in the movement of the “Immortal Regiment” is not the number of people with pillars, not even columns, not identical signs with photographs of soldiers. The main thing is memory, everyone’s personal memory of a specific soldier, because it was this soldier who won the war.
After the ceremonial meeting, everyone could taste real soldier's porridge and listen to songs of the war years accompanied by an accordion performed by employees of the Children's Art School.