State government institution

"Social rehabilitation center for minors

"Blagovest" Perevozsky district"

Holiday scenario

"Day of Family, Love and Fidelity"

Prepared by: counselor

E. S. Namestnikova

Kamenka village 2018

Target: popularization family values, raising responsible

attitude towards the family as the basic unit of our society .


    to develop an interest in the history of Orthodoxy, in examples of personal

feat based on the example of Saints Peter and Fevronia;

    instill interest in social significant holidays and traditions;

    develop respect for your family members;

    promote a positive attitude through

holding games, competitions, quizzes.

Form: concert program

Location: Kamensky Rural House of Culture

The date of the: 08.07.2018

Time spending: 14.00 hours

Equipment and materials: multimedia equipment, music equipment, scarf, hoops, Stuffed Toys, clothespins, colored plastic balls.

Games with the hall: musical game “Attentive Ears”, “Guess the Toy”,

“Get to know your child”, “Dress up a friend”, “Plant a flowerbed”, “Find a match”, “Cook dinner”.

Songs:“My grandmother taught me to tell fortunes with a daisy”, “Inseparable friends”, “Dad can”, “Sunny”, “What is kindness?”, “Dear mommy, my mom”, “Mom I love you madly””, “Hymn family”, “Peter and Fevronia”, sketch “My Family”.

The song “Hymn to the Family” is played. The presenters take the stage.

Presenter: Good afternoon, dear children and dear adults!
We are pleased to welcome you to our holiday, which will focus on family, love and fidelity.

Family is home. Family is a world where love and devotion reign.

These are joys and sorrows that are the same for everyone. These are habits and traditions.

Family is a fortress, behind whose walls only peace and love can reign.

Child:(Cheremukhina Nastya)

Family is us. Family is me.
Family is my dad and mom,

Family is Vladik, dear brother,
Family is my fluffy cat.
Family is two dear grandmothers,
My family and my sisters are mischievous.
Family is godmother, aunts and uncles,
A family is a Christmas tree in a beautiful outfit.
Family is a holiday around the round table,
Family is happiness, family is home,
Where they love and wait, and do not remember evil.

Presenter: Today we have gathered in this hall to celebrate wonderful holiday– All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. This holiday has been celebrated in Russia since 2008, and this beautiful summer day was not chosen for the holiday by chance, because for almost 780 years Orthodox people have been honoring on July 8 the memory of the holy noble princes Peter and Fevronia of Murom - the patrons of family happiness, love and fidelity. Among the people, July 8, Peter and Fevronia Day, has long been considered lucky for love. But who are Peter and Fevronya?

Child:(Chichkova Katya)

In Rus' there is a tale about

Like Fevronia and Peter

Were an exemplary couple,

Friendly, loving and faithful.

We suffered a lot of troubles,

But they couldn't part,

They kept the marriage faithfully

And they respected each other!

That time has flown by.

No Fevronya, no Peter.

But they are an example of a family,

Honest, sincere love.

Presenter: According to legend, several years before his reign, Peter killed a fiery serpent, but became stained with its blood and fell ill with leprosy, from which no one could cure him. The legend says that it was revealed to the prince in a dream that he could be healed by the daughter of a beekeeper who extracted wild honey, Fevronia, a peasant woman from the village of Laskovoy in the Ryazan land. Fevronia, as payment for the treatment, wished the prince to marry her after the healing, the prince promised to marry her. Fevronia healed the prince, but he did not keep his word, since the girl was a commoner. But during the treatment process, Fevronia deliberately did not heal one ulcer on the prince’s body, which is why the disease recurred. Fevronia cured Peter again, and he married her.

When Peter inherited the reign after his brother, the boyars did not want to have a princess of simple rank, telling him: “Either let go of your wife, who insults noble ladies with her origin, or leave Murom.” The prince took Fevronia, and on two ships they sailed along the Oka.

In Murom, unrest began, many began to seek the vacated throne, and murders began. Then the boyars asked the prince and his wife to return. The prince and princess returned, and Fevronia subsequently managed to earn the love of the townspeople.

In their old age, having taken monastic vows in different monasteries with the names David and Euphrosyne, they prayed to God that they would die on the same day, and bequeathed their bodies to be placed in one coffin, having previously prepared a tomb of one stone, with a thin partition. They died on the same day and hour.

Considering burial in the same coffin incompatible with the monastic rank, their bodies were placed in different monasteries, but the next day they found themselves together.

Watching a cartoon about Peter and Fevronia


It's July again - the tip of summer

Fog over the pond in the morning

And yellow-eyed, in floods of light

Chamomile blooms across the fields.

A simple flower, it is a symbol of happiness

He is a symbol of devoted love.

Through all the troubles and all the bad weather

Carry the love of chamomile.

Presenter: Friends, today the most honorable place on our stage is occupied by chamomile. It was this flower that became a symbol of Family Day, love and fidelity. And this is no coincidence. Since ancient times, girls have used chamomile to tell their fortunes, dreaming of a betrothed and of starting a family; they brought them into the house with the desire to preserve love, warmth and comfort in the family.

It was the chamomile that became the decoration of the medal for the most important, responsible and honorable work - the work of a woman with many children, a mother-heroine. And now Arina Nyrova will sing a song about a daisy for us.

Song “My grandmother taught me to tell fortunes using a daisy” (No. 2)

Presenter: But besides daisies, many other flowers bloom in July.

And to find out what flowers they are, you have to guess them.
Flower is a feminine name. (Rose, Lily, Daisy)
Flower - girl's eyes. (Pansies)
The flower is a selfish person. (Narcissus)
Flower - with a good memory (Forget-me-not)
A flower that lives forever. (Immortelle)
A flower is a small bell. (Bell)
Flower - star (Aster)

The flower is a fortune teller. (Chamomile)
Flower is an affectionate male name. (Cornflower)

Presenter: That's how many flowers you named. And now I invite the young participants of our holiday to plant flowers in the flower beds. Anyone who wants to come to me.

Game "Plant a Flowerbed"

Game description: Children are divided into teams. Each team needs to plant a flowerbed - a hoop - with flowers. Whoever completes the task faster wins.

Presenter: Well done everyone! They completed the task very quickly.

Presenter: Guys, do you like to sing? We'll check this now. The next song competition. I'll tell you a song, and if you guess it and sing a few lines, you'll get a prize. So, let's begin.

1. This song is about how poultry living with a middle-aged woman behaved

women. (We lived with grandma...)
2. This song is about tragic fate peaceful insect. (Sat in the grass

3. This song is about how good it is to play the harmonica in front of your eyes in the rain.

to an amazed audience, celebrating yet another anniversary of his birth.

(Let run clumsily)
4. This song is about a girl who missed a cute man on the river bank that

while fruit trees were blooming all around. (Katyusha)
5. This song is about a cheerful boy who cunningly avoided work in

potato harvest field. (Antoshka)
6. This song is about a geographical feature located in the tropics, where

residents have fun and eat exotic fruits. (Chunga-Changa)

7. This song is about how it’s best to go hiking in the company of good friends, and

sing songs in a large choir. (It's fun to walk together)
8. This song is about the cheerful expression that makes good mood

with friends and contributes to the emergence natural phenomenon in the sky as

multi-colored stripes. (Smile)
9. This song is about railway transport blue color, on which

you can rush to new adventures. (Blue carriage)

10. This song is about a magical country, where it is always easy and simple and there is always spring.

(Little country)

11. This song is about a big red circle that is in the sky and everything

distributes its rays. (The sun is shining for everyone)

Presenter: Well done! Of course it's the sun. Let's all sing this song together.

Song “The sun is shining for everyone” (No. 3)


Every family is born from a wonderful feeling, a feeling of love, and without it it is impossible to create comfort in the house, raise children, live in peace and harmony, and happiness itself without love is also impossible! Many poets and writers, artists and musicians praised love in their immortal creations, but perhaps the poet Robert Rozhdestvensky did it better than others, and now Dasha Kovanova will read his poem to us "It all starts with love."

It all starts with love!
They say: “In the beginning was the word...”
And I declare again:
It all starts with love!..

It all starts with love:
and inspiration, and work,
flower eyes,
child's eyes -
everything starts with love.

It all starts with love
With love!
I know that for sure.
Everything, even hatred -
dear and eternal
sister of love.

It all starts with love:
dream and fear, wine and gunpowder.
Tragedy, melancholy and feat -
everything starts with love...

Spring will whisper to you: “Live…”
And the whisper will make you sway.
And you will straighten up.
And you will begin.
It all starts with love!

Presenter: We have young people in our hall who have recently started their own family. These are the Borisovs Ekaterina Gennadievna and Alexander Nikolaevich.

I invite them to the stage. On this wonderful holiday, we all congratulate you and wish you love and happiness. Please accept our congratulations in verse.

Family is happiness, love and luck
Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family means trips to the country in the summer.
Family is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.
The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,
Dreams of good things, excitement and trepidation.
Family is work, caring for each other,
Family means a lot of housework.
Family is important!
Family is difficult!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!
Always be together, take care of love,
Drive away grievances and quarrels,
We want our friends to say about you:
What a good family this is! (M. Langer)

Presenter: I have something for you interesting task. It won't be long before you have children. There is a lot of trouble with children: they need to be dressed, put on shoes, fed, taught everything. And sometimes it’s easy to understand what they are talking about.

Presenter: You need to guess what the children are talking about. You will take turns guessing; whoever guesses the most words will win.

Presentation “Through the Mouth of a Baby”

Presenter: Well done! You completed this task. The floor for congratulations and presentation of a memorable gift is given to I. A. Zinovieva


We live in a family all our lives, and of course it would be very difficult to live together if there were no friendship, because Friendship is a great power.

Friendship is strong not through flattery, but through truth and honor.

Money can't buy a friend.

A friend in need is a doubly friend.

A little friendship is better than a big quarrel.

This is how the Russian people have been talking about friendship since ancient times. Everyone in the family is friends: both adults and children. There’s even a song about it, and it’s called “Inseparable Friends.” And our guys will perform it, and everyone who knows the words, sing along.

Song “Inseparable Friends” (No. 4)

Presenter: You see how friendly and fun it is when we sing, dance and clap together. Let's play. I invite all children for this game.

Game “Dress Up a Friend” (with clothespins)

Presenter: In our hall there are spouses who have lived together for 35 years. This Sochnevy Lyubov Ivanovna and Viktor Yurievich. I want to invite them to our stage. 35 years life together- This is a big and respectful date. Having lived together for so long, the spouses became imbued with understanding and tenderness towards each other, their marriage became truly strong, and the family branched out more and more, like a coral island. Therefore, a wedding anniversary of 35 years is called coral or linen.

Presenter: There is a small task for you too. You need to name all your relatives correctly.

    Daughter of a brother or sister . Niece.

    Sister of father or mother. Aunt.

    Husband's father. Father-in-law.

    Wife's mother. Mother-in-law.

    Mothers of wife and husband. Matchmaking.

    Husband's mother. Mother-in-law.

    Brother of father or mother. Uncle.

    Wife's father. Father-in-law.

    Brother-in-law. Brother-in-law.

    Brother husband. Brother-in-law.

    Husband's sister. Sister-in-law.

    Wife's sister. Sister-in-law.

Presenter: That's right. It immediately becomes clear that your family is very hospitable, and you are always happy to see your loved ones. Congratulations in verse for you.

Life is warmer and much more interesting,
And you can stand in it more reliably,
When you walk through this life together.
And therefore - keep it up!
To be a reliable support for each other,
Kinder and more tolerant - three times...
God bless you from evil and from discord...
May there be eternal peace in your family!

Presenter: The floor for congratulations goes to Ilona Artlevel.

Presenter: The Russian people have composed many proverbs and sayings about the family. And I invite the audience to remember folk wisdom.

I will start the proverb, and you will finish it. Ready?

    There is no need for treasure... when there is harmony in the family.

    When the family is together... and the heart is in the right place.

    Don't be born beautiful... but be born happy.

    Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

    The richer you are... the happier you are.

    With my dear one... and in a hut.

    Love is not a potato... you can’t throw it out the window.

    The apple never falls far from the tree.

    My home is my castle.

    The hut is not red in its corners... but red in its pies.

    Parents are hardworking - and children are not lazy.

    A person without a family is like a tree without fruit.

Game "Guess what's in the bag"


Today wonderful people gathered in our cozy hall, married couples of different generations, different professions and views, whom we will honor today, and who are united by Love, Loyalty and Family.

These are two married couples:

Ada Anatolyevna and Viktor Ivanovich Vaikin, who lived together for 52 years

Lyubov Alexandrovna and Nikolai Ivanovich Khramov, who lived together for 62 years.

Leading: I invite them to the stage. We greet you with thunderous applause.

The years pass with inevitable, imperceptible speed. More than half a century passed like one day. Your married couples have already reached the venerable age of wisdom. Despite the fact that the path of life was not always strewn with roses, and the family ship periodically encountered storms in everyday life, the relationship between the spouses only became stronger. They realized in time that love is not only joy, but also a lot of work.

The classic said: “Everything begins with love.” And I will continue these words...
Love at thirty-five and twenty,
Love at sixty and at forty,
Love so as not to breathe too much,
May your age of love be long
Love greedily, hopelessly,
To tears, to pain in the hypochondrium,
Love, if it’s impossible,
And if mistrust gnaws.
Unhappy - who does not know love,
And without her he will end his fate, -
Love never lasts
Love cannot last!

Presenter: There is a task for you too. I will give you pictures of vegetables and fruits. And you have to say what can be cooked from them.

Presenter: And another culinary competition. I will ask a question, and the one I approach will quickly give an answer .

1. Fruits boiled in water. (Compote)
2. Oriental food made from rice and meat. (Pilaf)
3. Big cake. (Cake)
4. The bear's favorite berry. (Raspberries)
5. A bakery product that you can steer. (Baranka)
6. Soft-boiled potatoes. (Puree)
7. The fooled kitchen worker. (Cook)
8. White-sided magpie's signature dish. (Porridge)
9. The food that the Crane fed the Fox. (Okroshka)
10. A dish made from milk and eggs. (Omelette)
11. Bread with different layers on top. (Sandwich)
12. Favorite vegetable dish of Ukrainians and Kuban residents. (Borsch)
13. Boiled dough with meat. (Dumplings)

Presenter: You did an excellent job with your assignments. We congratulate you and present you memorable gifts. The floor for congratulations is given to I. A. Zinovieva.

Presenter: I want to invite all married couples to a waltz.

Waltz for married couples

Presenter: Our holiday continues, and now I will read riddle poems, and you, dear viewers, will say the endings. And they told me in confidence that the answers could be not only words, but poems and even songs! Let's check this out.

He's old, but that's okay

There is no one kinder than him.

He's my dad's dad

And for me he is... (grandfather)

Joy in the eyes, surprise in the eyes,

We now have another addition to our family!

We have a girl in our house!

Now I am her brother, and she is me... (sister)

She's not old at all

Although completely gray,

She'll tell me a story

And on Christmastide he will tell fortunes.

I'll sit next to her:

“Continue the tale,... (grandmother)

Right! Friends, our girls, have prepared a poem about their grandmother.

Our grandmother walks around, knocking with her stick,

I tell my grandmother: “I’ll call the doctor,

His medicine will make you healthy,

It will be a little bitter, what’s wrong with that?

You will be patient for a moment, and the doctor will leave,

You and I, grandma, will play ball.

Let's run, grandma, jump high,

See how I jump, it's so easy."

The grandmother smiled: “What do I need a doctor for?

I'm not sick, I'm just old

Just very old, gray hair,

Somewhere I lost my young years.

Somewhere behind the huge, dark forests,

Behind the high mountain, behind the deep river.

People don't know how to get there."

I tell my grandmother: “Remember this place!

I'll go there, I'll swim, I'll go,

I will find your young years!

Presenter: And we continue to ask questions in verse:

Dad's brother came to visit us.

I am very glad to meet him!

He repeats, looking into my eyes:

Shake your hand, because I’m yours... (uncle)

Caring, affectionate, strict,

Dear, young, long-legged.

She always wants us to eat.

And angry? But only barely

Especially when I’m stubbornly silent

Have you guessed it? This is our... (mother)

Presenter: Our girls will sing a song about their mother.

The song “Dear Mommy, My Mommy” (No. 5)

Song “Mom I’m crazy aunt I love you” (No. 6)

Presenter: There is no person in the world more valuable than mother. From the first minutes of our life, mother is always with us. Mothers love their children all their lives, no matter how old they are. And a mother always recognizes her child, even among thousands of other children. The next competition is for mothers. I invite mothers along with their children. You will need to find your child among other children with your eyes closed.

Game “Get to know your child” (for mothers)

Mom has a sister

You won't find a kinder one.

I'm very proud

After all, she is mine... (aunt)

My aunts and uncles live on the Volga.

You will find me there on vacation.

I am a messenger from mom and dad to them,

They love me, because I’m ... (nephew)

She remembers and knows everything in the world,

And her grandmother calls her mom!

And doctors often come to her house,

She’s my great-grandmother, she’s my great-grandmother... (grandmother)

Who are we always waiting for from work?

And he rushes in the rain?

Much needed and dear to everyone.

He will buy potatoes on the weekend,

He will fix the kettle and iron.

Me and my brother - best friend.

He is slightly shorter than the closet.

It has long been clear to everyone! This is Dad).

Let's all sing a song about dad together.

« Song about dad" (No. 7)

Presenter: Now listen to poems about family performed by our guys.

Family is a strange word
Although not foreign.
- How did the word come about?
It's not clear to us at all.
Well, “I” – we understand,
Why are there seven of them?

No need to think and guess,
All you have to do is count:
Two grandfathers
Two grandmothers,
Plus dad, mom, me.
Folded? That makes seven people

– What if there is a dog?
That makes eight “I”s?
- No, if there is a dog,
Out comes Vo! - family. (M. Schwartz)


Sunday is lucky!
Sundays are so needed!
Because on Sunday
Mom is making pancakes.
Dad washes the cups for tea.
We wipe them together,
And then we as a family
We drink tea with pancakes for a long time.
And a song pours through the window,
I'm ready to sing myself,
It's good when we're together
Even if there are no pancakes.

I'm taking care of mom and dad

Dad complains:
- I’m kind of tired from work...
Mom too:
- I’m tired, I can barely stand on my feet...
I take a broom from dad -
I'm not a slacker either,
After dinner, dishes
I’ll wash it myself, I won’t forget, -
I'm taking care of mom and dad,

I'm strong
I can!

Presenter: But this also happens in families. Let's watch the sketch "Family".

Sketch "Family" ( participants: presenter, dad, mom, daughter, sister)

History happened

Recently or long ago

Interesting story

There are plenty of them.

This is a joke, there is a hint in it,

If you think about it, it’s a lesson.

Don't be offended by us,

Try to understand the topic.

Scene 1-3

Can't sit, can't lie down

Everything doesn't suit her.

Mother! Dad! And little sister!

Talk to your child!

Draw, read,

Play with dolls with her.

The baby will grow up

Maybe it will help you someday!

Presenter: It was comic scene. And I want this to never happen in our families. So that everyone in the family loves and appreciates each other.

Family is a source of joy and happiness,
Love is an inexhaustible spring.
Both in clear weather and in bad weather
The family cherishes and appreciates the moment of life.
Family is the stronghold and strength of the state,
Keeping the traditions of centuries.
In a family, a child is the main wealth,
A ray of light is like a beacon for sailors.
The rays are growing, becoming brighter
And people are greedily drawn to the light.
The soul of the family becomes richer,
When love and advice reign in her.
When mutual understanding reigns,
Then the whole world lies at your feet.
Love in the family is the basis of the Universe.
So may God protect all our families!

Dance to the music “What is kindness?” Barbariki (No. 8)

Presenter: Our holiday is coming to an end and I would like to say a few more kind words about family, love and fidelity.


On the day of Family, Love and Fidelity,

We wish you a world of tenderness -

Bright sun, clear sky

And in life all the beautiful things:

Happiness, joy, laughter, luck,

And have a great mood!

May your dreams and hopes come true

And your whole life is filled with love!

Song "We wish you happiness"

COMPETITION "Rationales"

    This happens in a fairy tale, and sometimes in life.

    This is the name of everything amazing and magical.

    When it happens, we always rejoice.


    It happens often and in many places, and you have to waste time because of it.

    But if you really need something, you have to put up with it.

    You wait as long as you need and take what you want.


    They are so small that you can't see them.

    They can make you sick.

    They hide under dirty nails.


    Every person should have it, but many have forgotten about it.

    When you do wrong or hurt someone in vain, she should torment you.

    It helps you become a real person.


    We enjoy our holiday there.

    Without it, everything becomes dirty and ugly.

    Animals and plants cannot live without it.


    All people want it.

    When it is there, everyone is happy and the sun shines.

    When he is not there, people fight.


    When he appears, we wake up.

    Plants cannot live without it.


    There objects are arranged in a certain order.

    You can look there, but you cannot touch.

    There we will learn a lot of interesting things about these things.



    It makes us feel warmer and happier, but because of the difficulties people have very little of it.

    Grandmothers have it most, and mothers come home from work tired, and it disappears from them.

    Children need her so much.


    If it is not there, then there is no joy. Without it there is no life, but existence.

    It is always wished upon each other, especially on postcards.

    You can't buy it for any money.


    Every person dreams of him, and for everything to be good in his life.

    Nobody knows where to look for him.

    They also say: “Achieve it yourself, and it will come to you.”


    When a person brings everything into his home, whether he needs it or not.

    He doesn't like to give gifts or share.

    And it’s better not to ask him for anything. Still won't give it.


    This is when a person is forced to experience responsibility for his actions.

    Adults say it helps teach good behavior.

    This is when you are deprived of something, not allowed to go out for a walk because of a bad deed.


    We always miss her, and that’s why we often wish her to someone who is leaving or leaving.

    She accompanies someone and therefore he is happy.

    When it happens, they say: “Well, lucky!”

Yulia Sergeevna
Scenario festive event for the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity

Scenario of a festive event for Family Day, love and fidelity.

Target: fostering a responsible attitude towards family as a basic value of society.


1. Develop communication skills;

2. Develop positive emotions and feelings;

3. Raise in minors an awareness of their own share

participation in

creating warm family relationships;

4. Form a highly moral approach to the issue of maintaining

family well-being;

Progress of the event:

Russian folk music sounds. Alyonushka is walking through the clearing with a large daisy in her hands.

Alyonushka: Hello guys! You came to visit me, how good you are! Let's get acquainted. I am Alyonushka, a Russian beauty. Congratulations to everyone on the big holiday - Happy Family Day! Today, July 8th, we celebrate the day families, love and fidelity This is precisely the day of remembrance of the Orthodox saints, the spouses Peter and Fevronya. They have long been revered in Russia.

In Rus' there is a tale about

Like Fevronia and Peter

Were an exemplary couple,

Friendly, loving and true.

We suffered a lot of troubles,

But they couldn't part,

They kept the marriage by faith and truth

And they respected each other!

The time has flown by

No Fevronya, no Peter.

But they are an example families,

Honest, sincere love.

I have a chamomile in my hands. Chamomile is the most famous and beloved flower in Russia. Since ancient times it has been a symbol love. Therefore, the symbol of today holiday this particular flower became.

To the backing track "Chamomile Fields" children read poetry.

Daisies bloomed on the field,

Lots and lots of beautiful flowers.

And the white sea sways -

Like a dream from impossible dreams!

How I want to plunge into it.

Fall into them and look at the sky.

And smile with happiness in your soul.

Fly with your heart to the sky like a bird!

Ah, daisies! Meadow flowers –

Golden-white dope...

You are like someone's holy souls,

Like a healing balm for the heart.

Alyonushka: Guys, this is not a simple Chamomile, but with a secret. Each petal is magical, with tasks that the flower asks us to complete.

(9 petals)

White chamomile - the sun in the middle.

On a hot fire - ice petals.

Ice petals slowly I'm tearing it down:

I'm doing a fun task with chamomile.

First petal game "Collect a chamomile"

To the song "Smile". Children collect chamomile from petals

Second petal warm-up game "Our friendly family» .

Our friendly family: March on the spot

Mom, dad, brother and me. Tilts left, right, back, forward

We like to play sports, jerking our arms in front of our chest

And, of course, toughen up. Jerking your arms up and down.

We are happy family, Jumping in place

Mom, dad, brother and me. Inhale - arms up, exhale - arms down.

The third petal is a fun competition "Who is faster".

To the song of Barbarika- "Hymn of Friendship."

Players line up in columns in front of the starting line. At the control landmark - the cone, each team has 10-15 yellow balls and a children's net. At the presenter’s signal, the first numbers run to the flag, take a net and put one ball in it, then carry it to a bucket that stands near the starting line, put the ball in the bucket, and pass the net to the next participant.

The fourth petal of the Riddle.

Without anything in this world

Can't adults and children survive?

Who will support you, friends?

Your friend. (family)

Who is the cutest in the world?

Who do children love very much?

I'll answer the question directly:

Ours is the cutest of all. (Mother)

Who will teach you how to hammer a nail?

Will let you steer the car

And he will tell you how to be brave,

Strong, dexterous and skillful?

You guys know everything -

This is our favorite. (dad)

Who never gets tired of loving

He bakes pies for us,

Delicious pancakes?

This is ours. (grandmother)

He didn't work out of boredom,

His hands are calloused

And now he is old and gray -

My dear, beloved. (grandfather)

He shares his joy with me,

Always stand up for me.

If trouble suddenly happens,

Will help me loyal. (Friend)

Fifth petal fun competition "Tumblers"

To the song of Barbarika - "What color is summer"

Four hoops lying on the floor each have one pin. The first participant in the relay runs, puts the pin on the floor with his hand, goes around the cube and returns in a straight line. The second team member runs and puts pins in the hoops, goes around the circle and returns running in a straight line.

Sixth petal "Mushroom Pickers"

To the song of Solovyov Alina - Oh, mushrooms, mushrooms. (possibly L. Zykina)

From the total number of guys, 2 players are called up. Each person is given a basket. At the signal, you need to find and collect mushrooms. Whoever has more wins. is carried out several times.

The seventh petal game "Hang up the handkerchiefs"

To the song of Barbarika- “What is Dabrota?”

Children are divided into two teams and lined up in two columns. A basin with ribbons is placed near each column (handkerchiefs) and brushes, a long clothesline is stretched at a distance of 5 meters. At the command of the leader, children in columns wash the handkerchief one by one, rinse it, wring it out, then run up to the rope and hang it with clothespins.

Eighth petal competition "Family portrait"

To the song I draw happiness.

Several girls and boys are called in turn and draw their own on whatman paper. family

Alyonushka: The kindergarten can also be called large and friendly family.

(Alyonushka draws the children’s attention to the chamomile)

Dear guys, we have completed almost all the tasks of our chamomile; you and I have the last petal left.

Ninth petal "I like dancing"

Children dance to Russian folk songs. (Quadrille, Russian dance, Kalinka-malinka, Korobochka)

Alyonushka: So it's come to an end holiday. Today, when you come home, do not forget to congratulate your parents and wish them love, Health and happiness.

Love it! And appreciate happiness!

It is born in family,

What could be more valuable than that?

On this fabulous land!

The anthem sounds Families.

Wonderful childish laughter rings out.

And the mother sits by the cradle,

Caressing the child with a quiet song.

And the house is illuminated by prayer,

It stands open to all winds.

And the grandmother teaches her grandson

To the words Fatherland, mother, temple.

Live in peace and harmony,

Love Peter and Fevronia!

Family love great kingdom,

In it is faith, righteousness and strength,

Family is the support of the state,

My country, my Russia...

Family original source,

Guarded by a heavenly angel,

And sadness, and joy, and sorrows

Some are inseparable for all.

Keep each other safe at all times.

Live in peace and harmony,

And may your life be illuminated

Love Peter and Fevronia!

Let them be repeated in generations

Blessed days of life,

God bless the family hearth,

The love of loved ones is protected...

Keep each other safe at all times.

Live in peace and harmony,

And may your life be illuminated

The love of Peter and Fevronia.

Publications on the topic:

Scenario for a holiday dedicated to the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity “Give your loved ones daisies!” V senior group Children with daisies enter through.

Scenario of the bilingual holiday “Ball of Flowers” ​​dedicated to the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity (middle and senior groups) Festive scenario on the theme: “Flower Ball” dedicated to the Day of “Family, Love and Fidelity” Middle + senior groups. Characters: Fairy of Flowers.

Project for the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution, general developmental kindergarten No. 6 Short term project in the younger group.

Scenario of a kindergarten-wide event with the participation of parents “Day of Family, Love and Fidelity” To the song “Day of Love, Family and Fidelity,” children and guests are located on the territory of the kindergarten 2017 Presenter: Good morning to everyone present today.

Scenario of the holiday for the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity “Let’s Help Chamomile” Celebration script for Family Day of Love and Fidelity. “Let's help Chamomile” Educator: Savenko M. A. Goal: to create conditions for development in children.

Scenario dedicated to the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity.

Leading: Good evening, dear friends! Thanks to old friends for new meeting, and to new acquaintances - for their desire to make friends with us. We are pleased to welcome you to our holiday, which will focus on family, love and fidelity. Family is home. Family is a world where love and devotion reign. This is joy and sorrow, which are the same for everyone. These are habits and traditions. This is a fortress, behind whose walls only peace and love can reign. I am sure that all these words apply to your families and your loved ones.

Leading: The seeds of kindness are planted in us
The memory of the past is called upon
The Tale of Peter and Fevronia,
A story about beautiful love.

Leading: Probably, now each of you remembered Valentine's Day, a holiday so popular among young people. However, Valentine's Day is a Catholic holiday that came to us from the West. But few people know that we, in Rus', have our own saints - patrons of lovers, marriage, family happiness.
The day of July 8th is dedicated to the memory of these saints.

Leading: In Great Russia there is a beautiful holiday,
They gave it the name “Valentine’s Day”:
July 8, new style –
This day is dedicated to true love!

Leading: The wonderful story of Peter and Fevronya
I want to tell you, listen people!!!
There is infinite power in eternal love!
May she always have a place in your hearts!

Leading: On July 8th we have been celebrating the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity for 5 years now. This is the day of remembrance of the Orthodox saints, the spouses Peter and Fevronia of Murom, who have long been revered in Russia as guardians of family and marriage. According to legend, the wise Prince Peter fell in love with a simple peasant girl, Fevronia, who was not only beautiful and honest, but also cured him of leprosy.

Leading: The lovers got married, but the boyars did not want to see a princess of humble origin on the throne, and therefore Peter voluntarily renounced the principality. However, soon unrest began in Murom, and the boyars again called Peter and Fevronia to the throne. They ruled happily ever after and died on the same day and hour, July 8th. (new style) 1228. This family is an example of love, fidelity, and holiness for all of us.

Ph.D. An anthem song maybe???

Leading: How great it is that in the life of every person there is not only work and friends, but also a strong, Friendly family. And the continuation of every family is, of course, children. We hope that each of you has already met your soul mate. Well, for those who are still actively searching, we wish to find her as soon as possible.

Concert number “Oh God, what a man”
Concert number “Thank you for the day, thank you for the night”

Leading: Well, since we’re talking about family, let’s try to understand family ties. Who it…
- Brother husband (brother-in-law)
- who arranged his bride (groom)
- husband of daughter or sister (son-in-law)
- mother of grandfather or grandmother (great-grandmother)
- husband's father (father-in-law)
- wife's sister (sister-in-law)
- wife's father (father-in-law)

Who do you think they are...
- bro, bro (cousin)
- and bro (cousin's wife)
– sister-in-law (husband's sister, sometimes brother's wife)
- godfather (godfather in relation to the parents of the godson and godmother)
- ancestor (parent of great-grandfather, great-grandmother)
- matchmaker (parents of one spouse in relation to parents of the other spouse)
– brother-in-law (brother-in-law)

(those who answered correctly receive tokens with daisies)

Leading: Great! It is immediately obvious that you grew up in large and friendly families. What is most important in a family? Love! The world blossoms from it, the eyes and hearts of lovers light up. Love can be different: happy and bitter, mutual and unrequited, love is joy and love is suffering. But real love always elevates a person, makes him better. And I invite everyone to the dance of love.
On a clear and moonless night, the sky is strewn with thousands of stars. Some sparkle like diamonds, others are barely visible. They send their distant greetings to lovers. Dear friends! May these stars shine on you throughout your life. Happiness and love to your families!

Ph.D. Love song.

Leading: Dear friends, look around: what a beautiful summer evening. Today I just want to hug, kiss, look into each other’s eyes... I ask you, caress each other now, show

Leading: And now we will check how fast, dexterous and friendly you are.

Game "Chamomile".(by type of beauty).

1. One of men's favorite drinks. Especially formidable pirates - ROM
2. Part of the ship. Usually located at the back. – FEED
3. This rectangle can tell a lot about the envelope's travels. – BRAND
4. Sleepy flower. – MAC
5. Horrible dream- NIGHTMARE
6. Symbol of Family Day, love and fidelity. - CHAMOMILE

Leading: Indeed, the symbol of the day of love and fidelity has become the chamomile - the flower of Russian fields and meadows. Why do you think? Chamomile is a flower of Rus'. And besides this, chamomile most directly relates to love. Who knows how? (They used a daisy to guess – “loves or doesn’t love”)
They call it the yellow-eyed flower,
They picked a flower - they use the petals to tell fortunes,
But to truly become happy,
Believe me, you shouldn’t pick daisies.

Ph.D. Song

Leading: Dear friends! All of you were given tokens with daisies at dinner. A little later we will use these daisies to guess “Will you be lucky or unlucky?” I ask everyone who wants to receive their prize to save their lottery tokens until the end of the evening.

Leading: Today at our evening there are many married couples. Tell me, are there any couples among you who have been married for 5 years? You've already celebrated wooden wedding. And as you know, wood is the most environmentally friendly and at the same time durable material. Congratulations, your union has passed the first strength test! Are there you who have been married for 15 years? Your anniversary is glass. Relationships sometimes become fragile, like glass, and therefore we congratulate you - you have preserved your happiness! Tell me, who has been married for 40 years? Behind is the ruby ​​wedding. Ruby is a precious stone; it excites love passions. So your relationship has moved to a new level, love is growing stronger every hour. We congratulate all the couples gathered at the Niva Sanatorium on the holiday of family, love and fidelity. Let your every day prove that your love is not a coincidence!

Concert number about love.

Leading: My friends, agree that the most beautiful songs were written about love. And now we will remember compositions about trees and love.

Song quiz. (with backing tracks).

1. What trees and how many stood on the Murom path? (There were three pine trees on the Murom path)

2. This old tree not only knocks on the window, but also invites you for a walk. (old maple)

3. They sing about this tree while watching a dark-skinned Moldavian woman picking wine berries. (Maple green leaf carved)

4. What trees does a guy turn to when looking for his beloved? (I asked the poplar, I asked the ash...)

5. A song about a bush whose flowers drive you crazy. (White acacia clusters are fragrant)

6. The hardworking hero of the song calls his beloved the same as this tree. ( Because of you, my sweet cherry, I quarrel with my friend)

Leading: Tell me what is a symbol of love and fidelity. Certainly wedding ring. This is what lovers put on each other’s fingers on their wedding day. This is what the spouses keep all their lives. It is the rings that are changed to golden wedding, because even such durable metal tends to wear out. Your rings symbolize the infinity of your relationship, may your love last forever, and may the weather in your homes always be clear.

Concert number “Weather at home.”

Leading: The classic said: “Everything begins with love.” And we will continue these words...
Love at thirty-five and twenty,
Love at sixty and at forty,
Love so as not to breathe too much,
May your age of love be long
Love greedily, hopelessly,
To tears, to pain in the hypochondrium,
Love, if it’s impossible,
And if mistrust gnaws
Unhappy - who does not know love,
And without her he will end his fate, -
Love never lasts
Love cannot last!

Concert number - “I will always love you.”

Leading: Yes...we women have many different responsibilities. But every woman, when choosing a life partner, places great demands on him: Which ones, who knows which ones, please share.
(guests share their requirements.)
That’s right, at a minimum, he shouldn’t drink, don’t smoke, and always give flowers. Tell me, dear ladies, do you often get flowers? We'll fix it now. Only men answer questions. Let's give our soulmates the most truly bright flower bouquet. So…

The flower is a fortune teller. (Chamomile)
Flower is a feminine name. (Rose, Lily, Daisy)
Flower - girl's eyes. (Pansies)
The flower is the shoe of the goddess of love. ( Lady's slipper)
The flower is a selfish person. (Narcissus)
Flower - a boy and a girl. (Ivan da Marya)
Flower - with a good memory (Forget-me-not)
A flower that lives forever. (Immortelle)
A flower is a small bell. (Bell)
Flower - star (Aster)
Flower is an affectionate male name. (Cornflower)
Flower is a relative of fabric with pile (Marigold)

So we gave our wives and girlfriends so many flowers that for a couple... weeks is enough. I wish, dear friends, that in your life there will be more flowers and good mood.

Concert number

Leading: What bird has long been considered a symbol of fidelity in Rus'? This is a swan.
They recognize each other in the same way as we humans do - “by sight.” The swan will not confuse his wife with anyone! The swan family is never separated: they swim together, get food, build a nest, raise children, fly to distant places. warm countries. Let the theme of swan fidelity and quiet warm happiness resound in your families.

Concert number.

Leading: What a family is is clear to everyone. Family is home. Family is a world where love, devotion and self-sacrifice reign. These are the same joys and sorrows for all. These are habits and traditions. And it is also a support in all troubles and misfortunes. This is a fortress, behind whose walls only peace and love can reign.

Concert number.

Leading: People have come up with many proverbs and sayings about family. Let's remember them. Now for a little warm-up. You need to correct what is wrong.
– Don’t be born beautiful, but be born rich (happy).
– Love is a ring, and a ring has no problems (there is no beginning and there is no end).
- Seven nannies have a child in sight (without an eye).
- Darlings only fight on Fridays (amuse themselves).

Now continue the proverb.
– A guest on the doorstep means happiness in... (at home).
- A house without a mistress... (orphan).
- Lead the house... (don't shake your beard).
- An apple from an apple tree... (doesn't fall far).
-What are they rich in... (that's why we're glad).
- It’s good to visit... (and home is better).

You know so well folk wisdom... And this means that family is the most important thing in life for each of you. Family is close and dear people, those whom we love, from whom we take example, whom we care about, to whom we wish goodness and happiness. It is in the family that we learn love, responsibility, care and respect.

Concert number.


Leading: And the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity has a wonderful motto: “love and cherish.” So I wish you to love and take care of your family and loved ones.
Our festive program is coming to an end, but the evening is not over yet.
Family is work, caring for each other,
Family means a lot of housework.
Family is important!
Family is difficult!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!
Always be together, take care of love,
Drive away grievances and quarrels,
We want our friends to say about you:
How nice your family is!

Years will pass, your family will only grow and get stronger. Appreciate your soul mate, who walks through life next to you, sharing joy and sorrow. Let our common path be sanctified by the light of the gracious love of the great saints Peter and Fevronia.

Warm-up on site.

Leading: Somehow it seems to me that you, my friends, have stayed too long. Do you want to dance? But I can’t let you out without a little physical education or a little warm-up. So, dear guests, put all your hands on each other’s shoulders, let’s stretch the shoulder girdle. Music!

Musical background – “Sirtaki”.

Imagine that you are on a sea liner, the sun and sea are all around, a gentle wave is rocking you. The Greek coast is visible... I suggest everyone start swaying from side to side, great! It is immediately obvious that you are a friendly and united team. Eh, that’s good! There are seagulls all around, a light breeze, olives are ripening on the shore, and we are all served light Italian wines on a tray. And now I suggest stretching that part of your body that has become deformed and stuck too long. So we go to America, to the rodeo, and take part in cowboy horse racing. Eeh! Let's gallop!

Musical background - country.

and now I suggest stretching your hands. Find, dear guests, a free 10 square meters on the table in front of you and place your palms there. And I invite you to Georgia, to Abkhazia, to listen to how these Caucasian drums sound! Let's play the drums boldly!

Musical background - horse riding.

Amazing! The drums are beating louder, louder, and we are again at sea, only on Cherny. Sun, sea air and mountains! Kebabs and mashlyks, Georgian wines “Kindzmarauli”, “Khvanchkara”... What could be better? And now all we have to do is stretch your legs - and you can go out on the dance floor completely fearlessly! So, the sound of heels sounds!

Musical background - Russian dance.

Win-win lottery.

Some men travel far and long for this
This is available in any store
Many jokes are told about those people who mine it.
It can be salted, smoked, dried.

You can’t tear your husband away from her.
With her you know everything.
Local - twice a week
“AIDS-Info” is also her.

It's wooden, small, thin.
There is a head, it plays an important role.
They are warm.
Necessary for smokers.

There is one in every home.
Smells delicious.
You can blow bubbles.
They take it with them to the bathhouse.

This is useful for everyone - children and adults.
They come in different colors.
They are small. Round or in tablets.
They are sold at the pharmacy.


This is such a fruit.
The fruit is southern, but can also grow on our window.
It is very good for tea.
Sometimes that's what money is called.

Felt pen.
This is great joy for children.
They can dry out and then they are thrown away.
A frugal person can refill them.
They are better than colored pencils.

Southern people love this very much.
There's plenty of everything here.
Add to soup.
It's very hot, but tasty.

Adhesive paper.
Tears off like calendar pages
They are small and colorful.
You can stick it anywhere.
This was invented recently.

This is a small medical device that almost everyone has at home.
It's very accurate.
It is used in the treatment of the nose, ears, and eyes.
It drips drop by drop from there.

And it can foam.
You can make money from foam.
Previously it was in barrels.
There is “Zhigulevskoe”.

Chupa Chups.
A treat for everyone.
It comes with filling.
Always on a stick.
Round like a ball.

Most often it is long and thin.
This could cause a fire.
An indispensable attribute of the holiday.
They also go to church.

It is important to decide on the venue, venue design and musical accompaniment. It is better to hold this holiday in an open space so that the guests who come feel comfortable. If space allows, then you can set up several stalls with food, water, ice cream, and souvenirs self made. If your budget allows, you can also hire animators who will amuse the children.
What you will need: prizes for competitions, several tables with drawing supplies for the competition and for the family tree, signs with responsibilities, several baby dolls, tables and diapers, backpacks, books, sets of things, notebooks, Plasticine, pine cones, plastic cups, tape, scissors, colored paper,

Presenter, Host, dance groups, singers, readers, Mayor (if the celebration is planned on a city scale).

The stage is set in the park. Music is playing. The presenters appear.

On this July day,
It’s not in vain that we gathered with you,
We want to remind you all,
That family is important to us in life!

That love is also necessary,
That we can’t live without loyalty,
That our loved ones are most precious,
That you need to love them all your life!

Welcome friends! We are glad to welcome you all to the next holiday dedicated to family, love and fidelity!

A lot of pleasant events, bright emotions and a good time await you!

Now, I would like to gladly invite to this stage, dear (Full name of the mayor or other high-ranking official if the event is supported by a company or organization).

(The mayor comes on stage and makes a congratulatory speech)

There is so much meaning in the word family. Hidden here is support, support, unity, mutual respect, warmth, kindness, tenderness, help.

Don’t forget about love and loyalty, which are an integral part of any family.

And without children, it’s hard to imagine a real family. After all, children are a continuation of the family, great happiness and joy, which gives the most vivid emotions and impressions.

Therefore, now, I would like to invite the smallest citizens of our town to this stage.

(Children come up to the stage different ages and read)

I was just thinking, shouldn’t we hold a competition for the best drawing?

Lets do it! I propose to determine only the winner at the end of the event, and our respected jury, which includes (Lists several artists, art teachers).

This competition is open to everyone between the ages of 5 and 11 years old. All you need to do is just come to our special tables and draw a picture on the theme: “My big, friendly family.” Each drawing must be signed, indicating your last name, first name and age!

We will be looking forward to your work, but in the meantime, I want to invite a dance group to this stage (Name) with a fiery dance (Name).

(The group appears on stage. After the performance the presenters come out)

Tell me, do you have responsibilities in your family?

Is being beautiful considered a duty?

I'm serious. So, I regularly take out the trash, fix sockets, and sometimes even wipe off the dust.

And I cook, clean, wash, create comfort, work part-time as a psychologist, designer and also delight everyone with my beauty!

But I’m wondering, what are the responsibilities of our citizens?

So, why guess, let's find out!

Competition "What do I do around the house".
3-4 married couples are invited to the stage. Everyone pulls out a sign with a list of household chores. One shows (without words), the other guesses. Then they change. The couple that guesses the most will win a prize. To avoid confusion, pairs perform in turns. There should be no more than 3 things on one card. Time for one pair is 1-1.5 minutes.

List of responsibilities:
1. Peeling potatoes;
2. Ironing curtains;
3. Repair of electrical appliances;
4. Carpet cleaning;
5. Sewing socks;
6. Cooking;
7. Wiping off dust;
8. Grocery shopping;
9. Checking lessons;
10. Washing;
11. Garbage removal;
12. Cleaning;
13. Flower care;
14. Pet care;
15. Placement of washed linen;
16. Killing a Spider;
17. Change of bed linen;
18. Washing floors.

Who would have thought that family life so rich and varied!

And do not say. But, besides household chores, there are so many advantages and happiness! There is always someone who will hug you, who will listen, who will help.

I won't argue with you here. By the way, I heard (name of performer) thinks so too.

(A performer/performer comes on stage with a song about family)

By the way, I would like to note that each family that comes can depict their own family tree.

Just visit our artistic corners and let your imagination run wild.

They say that in the family there is always
The kids know for sure
Who came home from work
Who turned on the cartoon in the morning!

This is what I want to check
And make riddles
So that smart kids
We were able to tell secrets!

(Children aged from 3 to 6 years are invited to the stage. They are given riddles about relatives, family. Whoever gives the most correct answers will receive a prize)

Continuing our concert,
I want to say now
What today, on this holiday,
Mothers will perform!

Moms won't be easy
Moms will be golden!

(Business mothers, successful ladies of the city are invited to the stage, perform a song, or simply read. However, for this you will need to first coordinate everything with them)

Dads are important to everyone too
We really need dads!

Now, I invite the most courageous, the strongest, the most faithful and the most beautiful to the stage.

Announced "Dad Can" competition.
Several popes are invited to the stage. They are asked to complete several simple tasks. The one who copes will receive a prize. List of tasks:
1. Swaddle the doll (you need to prepare several baby dolls, tables and diapers). Execution time 1 minute;
2. Get your older child ready for school (you can invite dad’s children to the stage. You need to prepare several identical sets of things, scatter a couple of books, notebooks, pens, backpacks). Execution time 1-2 minutes;
3. Make a fake from available materials (Plasticine, pine cones, plastic cups, tape, scissors, colored paper). Execution time 1-2 minutes.
4. Lay the baby down. Write a bedtime story. Execution time 2 minutes. (The last stage should be carried out one by one. If the stage is small in size, you can use the area in front of it).

(Announces the entrance of the dance group)

Every family has grandparents. And sometimes they spend a lot of time with their grandchildren. So, what if there is a non-standard situation?

Competition "Grandma Knows Everything".
Several grandmothers are invited to the stage. The presenter offers several non-standard situations. The grandmother who finds the best and most creative solution will win a prize. Voice the options one by one.

1. When going for a walk with your grandson, you take with you a bag of toys, a bag with all kinds of goodies. While playing on the playground, your favorite child saw something tasty from another child and demanded it. But as luck would have it, there was no such thing in your package. What will you do?
2. While walking around the shopping center, your child broke an expensive vase; a couple with another child was walking nearby. Your actions?
3. Parents punished your child. Prohibition: watching cartoons. But, bad luck, your favorite cartoon has started at the cinema, and you have two tickets. What will you do?
4. Your child wanted to make pancakes for you. After kneading the dough from sugar, eggs, flour, salt, soda and pepper, the child managed to fry the “pancakes”. It’s impossible to eat it, but you can’t offend your child either, what will you do?
5. Due to your carelessness, you left your lipstick in a visible place. The child took a couple of minutes while you were away to decorate your new wallpaper. And so, you enter the room and see a new picture drawn with your lipstick. Your actions?

Family is the most sacred thing in every person’s life. This is a huge, painstaking work, an incredible puzzle consisting of thousands of different parts.

Family saves you from loneliness, promotes harmony and warmth.

It is not without reason that poems and songs are written about family, basically as about love and fidelity.

Speaking of songs. Now, a very talented person will appear on this stage, with a very soulful composition!

(Song being played)

Our concert is coming to an end,
Unfortunately friends,
Let's sum it up now,
Competition "My Family"

(The jury determines the winner. The award ceremony takes place)

Thank you everyone for the warmth,
It was good with you
And now it's time to go home
To your own family!

It would be nice to supplement the day with several family, perhaps relay races, competitions. To do this, then it would be necessary to organize several additional sites.

Galina Gerasimenko
Plan of events dedicated to the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity at the preschool educational institution

Target: spiritual and moral education of children preschool age, introducing children and their parents to folk culture. To form in children an idea of family, cultivate love for your relatives.


1. To increase the educational, professional, theoretical knowledge of teachers on the spiritual and moral education of preschool children.

2. To form children’s ideas about the traditions of Orthodox holidays.

3. Raise in children respect for their people.

p/p Events Coverage of participants Responsible

Working with teachers

1. Meeting with employees and teachers of preschool educational institutions on planning and carrying out events Employees of the preschool educational institution Senior teacher Gerasimenko G. A.

2. Instruction on protecting the life and health of students during holidays events Preschool staff Senior teacher

Osadchaya S. A.

3. Consultation for teachers: "Day families, love and fidelity» , Preschool teachers Senior teacher

Osadchaya S. A.

4. Making a holiday symbol - chamomile Educators Preschool teacher Educator

Uskova Yu. S.

Working with students

1. Conversations on the topic: "My family» , "What do I know about mom and dad", "My friend family» , “What do my parents do?”, "Friendly everyone needs a family» , “What games do I play with mom and dad?”, "Day families, love and fidelity» , "How I help my mother"

2. Looking at photographs "My family» Middle, senior, mixed age senior preparatory group Group teachers

3. Didactic games : "Let's call mom and dad""Guess who I am to you" "Mother Daughter",

“Who needs what for work” Junior, middle, senior, mixed-age senior preparatory groups Group teachers

4. Reading thin. literature:

E. Blaginina "Let's sit in silence", “That’s what mom is like”, R. n. With. "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka", V. Oshiwa "Sons", "Bone", E. Taranova « Family is dad and mom, and grandfather", E. Uspensky "Grandma's Hands", Yu. Yakovlev "Mother". Junior, middle, senior, mixed-age senior preparatory groups Group teachers

5. Finger games "My family» , "Mother" Junior, group average Group teachers

6. Role-playing games : "Mothers and Daughters", "House", « Family» , "Mom's Helpers", Middle, senior, mixed-age senior preparatory groups Group teachers

7. View the presentation "My family» . Mixed-age senior preparatory group Educator

Sklyar I. S.

8. Asphalt drawing competition "My family» Senior, mixed-age senior preparatory group Teacher Nesterenko E.V.

9. Watching an animated film "Peter and Fevronya" Junior, middle, senior, mixed-age senior preparatory groups Educator

Nazareva N. A.

10. Entertainment: "Day families, love and fidelity» Junior, middle, senior, mixed-age senior preparatory groups Teacher Trunaeva A. S.

Working with parents of students

1. Design of a mobile folder "History of the holiday" Teacher Pereverzeva T. A.

2. Consultations: “Mom, dad, I’m friendly family» , "Day families, love and fidelity» , "Role families in raising a child" Group teachers

3. Booklet "Day families, love and fidelity» Educator Shevchenko S.S.

Publications on the topic:

"Day of Family, Love and Fidelity". Scenario plan for entertainment for kindergarten children and their parents“Day of Family, Love and Fidelity” Plan - scenario for entertainment for children kindergarten and their parents Goal: to form primary.

Traditionally, residents of our Nesvetaevsky village celebrate this holiday on the stage of the Nesvetaevsky club, where all social institutions are invited.

Family means happiness, love and luck, Family means trips to the country in the summer. Family is a holiday, family dates, gifts, shopping, pleasant ones.

MBDOU No. 31 “Blue Arrow” Tuapse, Krasnodar Territory Educator Strokan Olga Nikolaevna All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity.

A holiday of family, love and fidelity Goal: to introduce children to Orthodox holiday"On the Day of Peter and Fevronia." Objectives: 1. To involve parents in joint participation with their children.

A small sun on my palm, - A white daisy on a green stem. Yellow hearts with a white rim... There are so many of them in the meadow, so many of them.