Using antiperspirants for excessive sweating means finding the simplest and most affordable solution to this problem. Specially developed deodorants and antiperspirants are presented in a huge range for men and women. The substances included in their composition help neutralize harmful bacteria, reducing sweating and blocking unpleasant odors.

Almost all antiperspirants for sweating contain aluminum or zinc salts to reduce sweating. Using the products in the mornings or evenings allows you to create reliable protection against sweat for the whole day. The disadvantage of drugs is considered negative impact on the condition of the ducts. Their regular use leads to blockage, which can cause local swelling in the armpit area.

Commercially available antiperspirants come in several types:

  1. Ball (roller) - based on a liquid substance that is used to treat the skin through a ball-shaped dispenser. The composition often includes soothing and anti-inflammatory components.
  2. Sticks are visually similar to soap bars and are compact in size for use outside the home.
  3. Sprays are liquid substances placed in aerosol cans with a sprayer. The composition often includes ethyl alcohol, which causes allergic reactions in sensitive skin.
  4. Anti-excessive sweating creams contain potent ingredients and can be used no more than once a week.

Antiperspirants can be used by people for whom sweating and the accompanying unpleasant odor have become a delicate problem. Choose suitable option It will be easier by reading the ratings and studying reviews of antiperspirants from real people.

Women's antiperspirants - the most popular

An example of a specialized medical antiperspirant is Excelsior drydry, which is extremely popular in the country of production, Sweden and far beyond its borders. The product allows you to reduce the level of sweating in the armpits and is effective for 3-4 days. One package lasts for several months.

The antiperspirant is excreted through the kidneys and can be used for severe hyperhidrosis, even on wet armpits. Regular use of the drug will allow you to get rid of excessive sweating over time, if the cause is not a serious pathology or illness.

Apply antiperspirant an hour before going to bed, and after shaving your armpits - no earlier than 48 hours later. There are no restrictions on the frequency of use of the product.

Another deodorant for excessive sweating in the pharmacy that can be bought as a treatment for hyperhidrosis is Odaban from the UK. The drug is based on alcohol and can be used to treat any part of the body, including the face. Among the presented means to combat excessive sweating and unpleasant odor, it is considered one of the most effective.

Anti-sweat products for men - which antiperspirants are better

Considering that the problem of excessive sweating is even more pressing for men than for women, the rating of working antiperspirant products will be no less useful for them. Anti-sweat products on the modern market of cosmetic and medical products are represented by the following drugs:

The above ratings of antiperspirants for men and women include products in dry form, in the form of cream and liquid placed in a can with a roller dispenser. In addition to them, with moderate hyperhidrosis, it is allowed to use deodorants that are less aggressive for the skin in the form of a spray.

Spray deodorants for women and men – what are they?

The right anti-sweat deodorant for women should not irritate the skin, providing reliable protection throughout the day. Antiperspirants in the form of sprays, compared to products in the form of creams, often used rollers and solids, are lighter and more convenient to use due to the ability to treat a larger area of ​​the body. In addition, such products dry faster and are suitable for application to the skin immediately after shaving.

The most well-known brands of antiperspirant sprays for women are:

Among men's products, the following well-proven brands can be distinguished:

In order to solve the problem of local hyperhidrosis, at least temporarily, it is not enough to choose a high-quality drug. You need to learn how to use deodorant correctly, following the manufacturer's instructions.

Alternative treatment for hyperhidrosis

Efficient and affordable way improve the situation with hyperhidrosis - use Teymurov's paste. An antiseptic, deodorizing product with a skin drying effect that allows you to reduce the level of sweating without side effects.

Teymurov's healing paste includes salicylic and boric acid, sodium tetraborate, zinc oxide, natural oil peppermint and a number of auxiliary components such as water, talc, glycerin. Regular use of the paste helps reduce the level of hyperhidrosis.

Makes a person feel “out of place,” and this is especially true for girls.

When entering the cosmetics department of a store, many people do not know which product they should choose: deodorant or antiperspirant and which one is most suitable.

First, let's look at some general information.

Letters from our readers

Subject: I got rid of hyperhidrosis!

To: Site Administration


I have recovered from excessive sweating. I tried powders, Formagel, Teymurov ointment - nothing helped.

Few understand, and often when buying, in their opinion, the best remedy, they expect the wrong effects from it.

Deodorant is a product that is used to eliminate the unpleasant odor of sweat. This is achieved thanks to the flavored fragrances included in its composition. It also blocks the growth of bacteria, which is the cause of the appearance of a strong amber in problem areas. This can be facilitated by alcohol and farnesol, which are part of the deodorant.

Triclosan can sometimes be found in the drug, but in many countries it is a prohibited substance, as it can cause diseases of the endocrine system.

Antiperspirant is a product that blocks sweating. It contains aluminum salts and zirconium salts. When applied to the skin, these substances form a gel and clog the tubules of the sweat glands, thereby stopping the secretion of sweat. Antiperspirants do not have any odor.

Recently, many cosmetic companies have begun to produce antiperspirant deodorants. These products help not only get rid of unpleasant odor in problem areas, but also reduce the secretion of sweat glands.

The choice of product depends on several factors:

  • During the hot season, it is not recommended to use antiperspirants, as sweat will accumulate under the skin and swelling may form on the body, which is not only harmful to the body, but also looks extremely unattractive. In such weather, you should avoid deodorants with strong scents, since if you sweat heavily, it will not be able to cope with the growth of bacteria, and the perfumed aroma of the product will mix with the smell of sweat. In hot weather, it is better to use 2-in-1 products with a light, fresh scent.
  • People suffering from hyperhidrosis are not recommended to use deodorants, as they will not help solve the main problem - excessive sweating. To eliminate the symptoms of this disease, it is better to use antiperspirants. By blocking the tubules, they prevent sweating. No sweat - no unpleasant odor.
  • If a woman does not sweat much, then it is best for her to use deodorants with light floral scents.
  • If in moments of excitement a girl sweats a lot, then before an important event it is better to use an antiperspirant.

Rexona invisible

This product has been specially developed for sports women. Blocks unpleasant odors and reduces the amount of sweat produced during a workout. Thanks to the special composition, sweating is reduced by 10 times. And the cream-gel, located in the middle of the stick, gives the body a light floral aroma.

The advantages of this deodorant include:

  • ease of use;
  • efficiency;
  • efficiency;
  • long-term effect.

Despite the high price of this product, many women consider it the best and most effective. In addition to the fact that this drug reduces sweating, it also cares for the skin and slows down hair growth, which allows you to shave your armpits less often.

Women suffering from hyperhidrosis note that with constant use of this remedy, overall body sweating decreases.

The benefits of antiperspirant are:

  • high efficiency;
  • skin care;
  • light aroma;
  • does not leave marks on the body and clothes;
  • absorbs quickly and dries.
  • slows down hair growth.

This drug has no disadvantages as such, but many people include its price in this category. One bottle of this product costs an average of 1000 rubles.

Garnier NEO

The products in this line are available in three forms:

  • roll-on deodorant;
  • antiperspirant spray;
  • dry cream pencil.

In the store you can find deodorants not only with floral and fresh scents, but also without scent. They have a good effect on the skin of the body, prevent sweating and eliminate the unpleasant aroma of sweat. The bottles fit well in the hand and are suitable for travel.

The advantages of these funds include:

  • efficiency;
  • long-term protection;
  • ease of application;
  • wide range of release forms and flavors;
  • does not leave stains on things

Based on reviews, we can say that this is a good deodorant in spray form. This remedy is suitable for allergy sufferers, as well as pregnant women and women during breastfeeding. The line of these drugs has a wide range of flavors.

Benefits of the spray:

  • the product contains natural ingredients;
  • light unobtrusive odor;
  • economical;
  • effective;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • convenient application;
  • does not harm the body.

The disadvantages include:

  • effectiveness lasts 8-12 hours;
  • does not cope with excessive sweating.

This spray works great active women who don't have a single free minute. The tool copes well with its tasks and has a number of advantages:

  • ease of use;
  • has a disinfectant effect;
  • copes with excessive sweating;
  • does not leave stains on clothes.


  • takes a long time to absorb and dry;
  • The first time after application there is a slight stickiness.

Before using deodorants and antiperspirants, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with some tips:

  • Before applying the product, it is necessary to remove all hairs from the application area. Bacteria multiply more strongly between the hair, and excess vegetation can cause uneven action of the product.
  • The drug should be applied to clean and dry skin. You must first thoroughly wash the problem areas of the skin using soap.
  • It is forbidden to apply the product to the body if it has open wounds or ulcers. The use of deodorants is not recommended during periods of exacerbation of psoriasis and dermatitis.
  • It is not recommended to use these products before visiting a solarium or the beach, as this may cause the appearance of age spots on the skin.
  • Deodorant can be applied every 8-12 hours. Antiperspirant - once a day.
  • If allergic reactions occur, wash the product off the skin with water and stop using it.

After moisturizers, deodorants firmly occupy second place in sales, once again emphasizing the importance of combating the unpleasant odor of sweat. How to choose a deodorant? Which deodorant is better - spray, roll-on, stick, gel, cream? Which is better - antiperspirant or deodorant? What hygiene product do you need?

Dermatologist about anti-sweat products

We live in a world of sounds, colors, tactile sensations and... smells, but, unfortunately, not all of them are pleasant. From ancient times to this day, people have done and are doing everything possible and impossible to make the body smell fragrant, because the smell of sweat can spoil the mood not only for ourselves, but also to alienate those around us. We all understand perfectly well that sweating is a natural physiological process necessary to maintain normal body temperature, but this consoles few people. Our invisible helpers are called upon to solve the problem; this is exactly what they should ideally be - deodorants and antiperspirants. They should be selected taking into account the type of skin and the degree of its sensitivity, the intensity of sweating, and the severity of individual odor.

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Why do we sweat

Sweating performs the function of thermoregulation in the body, i.e. maintains a constant body temperature, preventing it from overheating. Also, along with sweat, the body gets rid of toxins. The whole body sweats, not just the armpits. Sweat is secreted by more than three million sweat glands, and it itself is just moisture and has no odor. Where does the unpleasant smell come from? The fact is that in the armpit area, as well as on the soles of the feet and in delicate intimate places Numerous microbes and bacteria love to settle. Sweat, containing hormones, fatty acids, lipids and proteins, is an ideal environment for the proliferation of microorganisms, the waste products of which cause the appearance of an unpleasant odor. A specific persistent odor to sweat is also given by isovaleric acid, which is secreted by apocrine glands located in the armpits, which are not involved in thermoregulation, but secrete enzymes that determine the individual unique body odor.

In women, the intensity of sweating may increase during menstruation. Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) can also be associated with abnormal metabolism, hormonal disorders, diseases of the vegetative-vascular system and constant stress, so in some cases, to effectively solve the problem you will need not only a good deodorant or antiperspirant, but also the help of a doctor.

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Basic criteria for choosing a product

  • a good deodorant not only gives you a feeling of freshness throughout the day, but also has a long-lasting antibacterial effect;
  • absorbs quickly, leaving no traces on clothes or body;
  • has a convenient release form and dimensions that make it easy to carry in your purse;
  • corresponds to the individual level of sweating and degree of skin sensitivity;
  • A high-quality deodorant takes care of the skin: moisturizes, soothes, makes it softer and more delicate.
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Deodorant or antiperspirant - that is the question

To prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor or reduce sweating, we use deodorants and antiperspirants; fortunately, there is no shortage of this type of cosmetic product. On the contrary, in the boundless sea of ​​brands and forms of release it is not at all difficult to get lost, therefore, in order not to buy a pig in a poke, before going to the store, you need to figure out how they differ different types deodorizing agents and decide which one you need.

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How deodorants work

Eliminates the smell of sweat, but does not affect sweating. They contain bactericidal and disinfectant additives that destroy or prevent the proliferation of microorganisms that cause a specific odor. Fragrances, aromatic substances included in deodorants, not only mask the odor, but also bring a feeling of cleanliness and freshness. Triclosan and farnesol most often act as bactericidal agents. Triclosan is too powerful and aggressive, leaving bacteria no chance. Farnesol, which is obtained from essential oils, is less effective, but it is gentle on the skin and natural microflora, so people with hypersensitivity It is better to give preference to products with farnesol. Many deodorants contain alcohol, which also has a bactericidal effect. Alcohol-containing products dry quickly, but degrease the skin too much, often causing dryness and irritation, so the presence of such natural softening components as chamomile, mint, string, and ivy extracts in alcohol deodorants is desirable.

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How does antiperspirant work?

Due to the content of organic salts of aluminum and zinc, antiperspirants narrow the ducts of the sweat glands, thereby suppressing sweating, which is reduced by almost half. True, they practically do not destroy microbes. Antiperspirants either have no scent at all or are mild and neutral. You should not use antiperspirants during intense physical activity, in a bathhouse, sauna, or anywhere you need to sweat intensely. If sweat does not have an outlet, local swelling and even inflammation of the sweat glands may occur in the armpits. And in general, you should not abuse antiperspirants. They should be used only on areas with heavy sweating - in the armpits and on the soles of the feet.

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Antiperspirant deodorants 2 in 1

The most popular products today have absorbed the advantages of both deodorants and antiperspirants, which allows them to kill two birds with one stone: reduce sweating and prevent the growth of bacteria.

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Which deodorant is better - spray, roll-on, stick...

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What attracts sprays

Aerosols are most effective for excessive sweating. Gives a feeling of freshness and coolness. Due to the lack of direct contact with skin, they can be used by several people at once. They compare favorably with other forms of deodorants because they contain the least amount of aggressive chemicals, so they are suitable for people with sensitive skin.

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Compact deo sticks

Available in “stick” form with a practical dosage system that allows you to use the deodorant sparingly. Convenient for travel - will not spill or fall apart. Compact - easily fits even into a tiny handbag. They have a mild effect, so they rarely cause irritation. The only disadvantage of sticks is that in very hot weather the applied layer can “roll” into balls, leaving whitish marks on clothes.

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Deodorizing creams and gels

Available in special bottles with a convenient dispenser. Not only eliminates the unpleasant odor of sweat, but moisturizes, softens the skin, and heals small wounds. The most expensive innovative deodorants in the form of creams and gels need to be used only once a week! Usually contain natural oils and plant extracts are odorless. Well tolerated by dry, sensitive, prone to allergic reactions skin. Deo-gels differ from deo-creams in their lighter texture.

Perfumed types of deodorants

Combines the properties of eau de toilette and deodorant. Neutralizes the smell of sweat due to the high concentration of alcohol content and the abundance of aromatic substances. Perfumed deodorants, as a rule, do not contain bactericidal and disinfectant additives, so their effect is short-lived. Suitable for people with moderate sweating and a not very pronounced individual odor. Since aromatic compositions increase the skin's sensitivity to sunlight, these products are not recommended for use in very hot weather or before going to the beach.

And finally, it would be useful to remind you that deodorants and antiperspirants are applied exclusively to clean, dry skin. It is advisable to remove hair in the armpits, as they increase sweating and unpleasant odor. Antiperspirants should not be used every day! It is recommended to use antiperspirant deodorants no more than once a day.

Use of such cosmetics has long been a prerequisite for a successful image. The smell of sweat, although completely natural, causes a lot of discomfort and makes you feel not at your best. This is precisely why modern antiperspirants were invented, which successfully combat this problem. A review of the best antiperspirants for women is presented in our article.

Antiperspirant composition

For the product to be effective against sweating, special active ingredients are needed.

Composition of funds different manufacturers may differ radically, but, in fact, one of the active substances is always used.

The principle of antiperspirant action is based on suppressing the functions of the sweat glands, which means that the composition contains unique “blockers” that can provide just such a function.

The composition of antiperspirants is discussed in more detail below.

What is included in antiperspirants:

  • Aluminum salts. It is this ingredient that provides protection against sweat.
  • Zinc compounds. Stabilizing base for durability and effect.
  • Triclosan. Destroys bacteria and microflora on the skin.
  • Farnesol. It also provides an antibacterial effect, but is gentle on other microorganisms.
  • Cyclomethicone. Forms a film on the skin similar to the now popular silicones.
  • Butyl ether. Dries out the skin.
  • Stearyl alcohol. Antiseptic effect, usually found in antiperspirant sticks.
  • Lecithin. Softens the skin.
  • Natural extracts and vitamins. Promote care and provide additional benefits for the skin.

The presence of perfumed fragrances is considered almost mandatory for such products. At the same time, most medicinal antiperspirants, on the contrary, are produced without unnecessary odors, which ideally correspond to the main purpose.

Types and forms of release

Of course, in addition to composition, products from different companies also differ in appearance and use. Basically, the choice of one form or another of antiperspirants is influenced by the personal preferences of users. This is also a matter of habit, but the effectiveness of the chosen product depends on it.

According to the release form, the following options are distinguished:

  • Spray is an aerosol. It is convenient to apply such a product over a large area at once, but due to the gaseous state of the product, the coating surface is quite small. Among all types of modern antiperspirants, they are considered less effective, but the wide range and popularity of these products is not limited in any way. In addition, unlike other forms of release, this product can be used by several people at once without violating hygiene rules.
  • Antiperspirant with roll-on applicator. Typically, such products are presented with a minimum “set” of aromatic fragrances; there are products without any smell at all. Convenient to apply good coverage and a large selection of suitable manufacturing companies. Important nuance: Be sure to wait until the product has completely dried, otherwise there is a high risk of getting an unaesthetic stain on your clothes.
  • . A disposable hygiene product designed to absorb sweat gland secretion products. Inserts are also indispensable in special cases - on various events when a person is forced to be the center of attention.
  • Solid antiperspirant. Among the main “complaints” about this option are marks on clothing and skin, but here everything can also depend on the manufacturer. Usually this is the case with products that contain the well-known talc. The coating occurs in the thickest possible layer, resulting in a fairly large consumption of the product.
  • Paste, cream or gel. Applying this product is a little inconvenient, but this usually depends on the applicator provided in the kit. It is convenient to apply such antiperspirants with a cotton pad or swab. Usually released in this form pharmaceutical products from sweating. There is a special series of such products suitable for gentle skin care. They contain no alcohol; priority is given to natural extracts and fragrances.

To avoid leaving marks on clothes, it is best to use clear gels and roll-on antiperspirants.

If you have sensitive skin, you cannot use alcohol formulations, and in case of increased sweating, only special pharmaceutical products designed to combat this particular problem are suitable.

Video about antiperspirants and deodorants

Which type provides better protection against heavy sweating?

In addition to the release form, there is an equally important gradation, but here we are talking about the principle of the effect of the product.

Depending on the product chosen, there is a clear division into deodorants and antiperspirants.

First view helps destroy bacteria on the surface of the skin, so no unpleasant odor appears for a long time. This will not affect the intensity of sweating, so if you have this problem, deodorants will be useless.

Using antiperspirants is aimed at suppressing the functions of the sweat glands, which means there will be no odor either. On the other hand, frequent use of such products can disrupt normal thermoregulation, so such products are not suitable for constant use.

The principle of application is also considered different.

Deodorant Use immediately after shower, on dry, clean skin. It is best to apply it in the morning, repeating the procedure after a few hours if necessary.
Antiperspirant in this regard, it is much stronger, because its effect lasts up to 72 hours. There are special pharmaceutical products that can block sweat glands for up to 7 days. It is also necessary to use antiperspirant on clean skin, but in the evening, so that the product is completely absorbed before the morning, providing maximum protection for the day.

Figuring out which remedy is better is not so difficult; it’s enough just to decide on the purpose.

If you need to stay fresh throughout the day, deodorants with a light scent and convenient application form are perfect. Antiperspirants are not suitable for sports at all, as they can retain fluid, causing overheating of the body and swelling of the tissues.

TOP rating of the best women's deodorants

Of course, the choice is not always based on a thorough analysis of the components and possible effects on the skin. Most often, we simply give preference to a certain brand, scent, or easy-to-apply form. Among the most popular products are usually trusted manufacturers of cosmetic products. The most popular options are listed in our rating information.

In addition to the excellent effect, the composition contains caring components that can soften and soothe irritation from frequent depilation of the armpit area. Reflective particles visually make the skin even softer and velvety, and hair growth blockers prolong the effect of hair removal.

The cost of the product is approximately 600 rubles.

The hard stick provides all-day protection, and the special formula based on plant extracts is suitable even for sensitive skin.

The cost of such an acquisition will be approximately 80 rubles.

The product is available in spray form and provides maximum effect without harm to sensitive skin. The composition contains an emollient complex that restores and softens well, and also relieves irritation.

The price of such an antiperspirant is about 160 rubles.

Despite the name, there is no talc in the composition, and newly discovered kaolin microparticles that absorb moisture protect without leaving marks on clothing.

Easy application and an absolutely fresh aroma provide an additional advantage, and the price for such a product is very attractive - only 70 rubles.

The special “dry cream” formula ensures ease of use and instant drying, without leaving marks on the skin.

The composition also contains wax and natural oils, which provide additional hydration and nutrition to the skin.

The cost of the product is approximately 200 rubles.

The range of such products is not limited to the above options; there are many more worthy candidates.

To ensure maximum protection and diverse effects, the best solution would be to purchase several suitable products “for all occasions.”

The video shows the opinion of the Control Purchase

What do you know about? More in the article.

Intensive means

If there is severe sweating, cosmetic tricks may not be enough, because they cannot completely solve the problem.

If such a symptom appears, you need to consult a doctor to find the real cause and eliminate it. Pharmacy products can help in this case, but their use must also be agreed upon with a specialist.

The fact is that most of these formulations contain an increased concentration of potent components, which, if used uncontrolled, can cause harm to the body.

Among these options, the most effective are:

  • Maxim.
  • Dry Dry.
  • Odaban.

The use of these funds should be carried out in courses of 5–10 days, after which it must be stopped for a while. Most products are not designed for daily use, for example, drugstore antiperspirant Dry Dry is intended for use once a week.

The best deodorant for sweat.

I've ruined an awful lot of chic clothes with white and yellow stains from deodorants, and sometimes I smell myself. It’s a shame and ugly, you know, and I also sweat a lot, and this causes a lot of discomfort and waste, so my clothes are immediately thrown away. What deodorants for women do you use? I'm okay.
What can you do to minimize all of the above, especially odor? What procedures, oils, etc. can Recommend the best anti-sweat deodorant, reviews. Save, help!

I use mineral deodorants and antiperspirants. That is, this is just a piece of mineral. It is almost odorless and does not overpower the perfume. It does not protect against sweating, but there is no smell either. Plus, irritations after shaving heal immediately. The skin is great. You can also call it crystal deodorant.
There are no stains on the skin or clothes.
Clothes in the armpits (both black and white) from these terrible yellow and white stains can be easily washed salt. Apply a thick layer of wet salt to the stain, let it sit for a while, then wash the item as usual. It even helps with old deodorant stains.

Dry Dry deodorant to the rescue. Just take the regular classic one. And follow the instructions carefully.
Wipe with alcohol or vodka every day instead of deodorant - grandma’s recipe.
In a couple of days you will notice the effect.

I have dav deodorant, and it helps me a lot. Smells nice even when I'm sweating. I also heard that salicylo-zinc paste helps in such cases.

Rexona unscented roll-on deodorant is currently #1 for me. It does not leave stains if applied and allowed to dry (literally a minute).

By the way, about odorless rexona. Their deodorant spray is also very good, I myself suffered from sweating. And this miracle solved all my problems!

Crystal deodorant from iHerb. Of course, it won’t stop liters of sweat in the heat (and who will?), but it’s a cool thing.

With dry dry, your armpits are dry even in the hellish heat. Moreover, I use it rarely, once every 2 months. Or even less often. As for deodorants, the new Garnier with a cotton scent and dry spray is excellent.

I didn’t ask others, but for me Garnierite mineral is the most normal deodorant, the others give me spots.

Plus Dove, which is a spray deodorant, I noticed a pleasant smell even in our thirty-degree heat.

Plus for crystals. They don't clog pores, which is good. It is better to wear a sleeveless T-shirt so as not to be afraid of wet spots from deodorant. No smell.

At first I used dry dry deodorant, but then it stopped helping, Odaban came to the rescue! Super powerful stuff, and the original, if you sweat, it smells like you just got out of the shower.
I've been praised for the salt ones, but I haven't tried them yet.

And I support, crystal deodorant is really a good thing.
I can only say that Neo from Garnier is 2 out of 10.

Dry dry the best. Initially, I smeared it once every three days, after a month or two - about once every five. Now there is only one problem - it is impossible to distinguish fresh T-shirts from worn ones by smell.

Summer, winter, autumn, spring, in any season my armpits are sweaty, but the strong gel roll-on deodorant from Ladyspittik helped me.

I like this very good deodorant with Aloe from Body Shop.
A friend says I use nivea stick with pearl extract, even in the heat - everything is ok.

I have Rexona roll-on or Amway roll-on deodorant, but Dav and Garnier stink.
According to a survey of Rexon's relatives, the unscented deodorant stick is my mother's winner.

I've been liking Garnier invisible lately, but I don't wear white, so I don't even know about deodorant stains.

Dry dry helps a lot! The only thing that burns the first 10 minutes. The main thing is to read the instructions and under no circumstances smear it after shaving.
Many people really like Oriflame’s with raspberry flavoring. It saves you from the smell with a bang.

The best anti-sweat deodorant is dry dry, max-f.
Dry dry never leaves any traces.

The same problem, I began to constantly change deodorants. The skin will just get used to it - immediately from a different brand, series.
I love men's antiperspirants. Especially old spice gels. They protect better, smell awesome, and don't leave stains. I don't like the smell of women's deodorants.
And I'm generally a maniac. I have men's deodorants, gels and all sorts of lotions. I simply love it.

I have the same problem, I have been tormented for a long time about which deodorant is better. And the more I think about it, the more I sweat. In the morning I wipe it with alcohol and spray it on a little later - I found the ideal version of Deonika for myself, the smell is just gorgeous, there are no traces, and my smell is not there even after a whole summer day(when Nivea and Rexona 72 hour deodorants were given up after half a day).

Garnier Neo itself is excellent and does not leave stains from the word at all - neither on white, nor on black, nor on gray-brown-crimson speckled.

By the way, I noticed that not all white clothes leave yellow marks. On some sweaters it’s really scary what’s going on, and some have not been touched at all. Maybe it depends on the fabric? Because I use the same dezik.
I heard from a colleague that the absolutely ideal deodorant is Malin+Goetz Eucalyptus deodorant, but it costs about 700 UAH.

I support. For some reason the coolest is *old spice*, I’ve been buying it for myself for several years now - the label has wolf cubs, it smells like sweet citrus. Friends praised the "perfume", and the young man uses *blue water*.
But it doesn't save me from sweat.

Try changing your diet and giving up alcohol, coffee and cigarettes if you have them. Typically, by excluding fried, fatty foods and fast food from your diet, and adding fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs to your diet, you can significantly reduce the odor problem. This will not eliminate the need to use deodorant, but it will significantly alleviate the problem.

Never! Never! I will never again buy a desicion from Nivea with a powder effect, because everything that is written on this damn phallus-shaped jar is exactly the opposite!
It sounds crazy, but I use baking soda! Just sprinkle it on your armpits after a shower.

It dries instantly and leaves no trace on clothes. From the Body series.

I have from the beginning adolescence almost always wet armpits, several years ago I unsuccessfully bought mass market. At the moment, the Vichy roll-on deodorant is saving me; by the evening the effect fades away, but at least during the day I am dry, the most the best choice- with a red lid for 72 hours, there are also blue and white ones, they are a little weaker, the fragrances do not interrupt the smell of perfume and do not make their smell unbearable.
It doesn’t combat sweating, but when I want to take a break from antiperspirant, I use a crystal; I have Dry Dry in stock for special occasions.

If you shave your armpits, I advise you to do depilation instead; sugaring is ideal for this; it hurts the first time, but the pain goes away with subsequent procedures. And try to focus less on this problem and think as if you are sweating all the time, this will make it even worse. And deodorants are unlikely to help you fundamentally solve this problem.

I always apply Vichy at night; if I use it during the day or in the morning, it saves no more than Rexona or Nivea. VICHY are good.

A friend uses Nivea talcum powder and is satisfied.

Dry Dry. You shouldn't take one that's labeled "for sensitive skin" - it's of no use. True, there are nuances in use. If you walk over the razor before use, a night without sleep with a hellish burning sensation is guaranteed. In principle, this is written in the instructions. But you quickly get used to the “wash in the evening, shave in the morning” routine. Yes, and you don’t need to use it every day. Once you've smeared yourself, you're ready to go. Gorgeous thing. And all the store desiks are one chamber, the stickers are just different.

Garnier neo that splashes.
Regarding dry dry, I can say that I had high hopes for it, but the one I had for sensitive skin, alas, did not live up to its price and my expectations.

Hmm, I had a young man who received Botox injections and remained without problems for many months. It's not the cheapest method, but it works.
I tried Dry dry, it says it stinks and doesn’t work.

And I was also so mistaken at first. But she quickly corrected the problem by purchasing a new, already adequate dry dry deodorant. It's like two completely different products!

The crystal doesn’t really help, I bought TOMS on iHerb, I like it and there’s no smell.

Sauber deodorant cream is a really strong product.
But for every day, especially in the summer, I add crystal and sleeveless clothes.

They write about crystals that there is no irritation, but it burned me very badly.

I’ve been using this one for many years, it saves me from sweat, and especially from smell, it’s the only thing that helps, but I have deodorant stains on my clothes.

I like drydry. Don’t be alarmed by the hefty price: its consumption is homeopathic.
And I have no traces.
By the way, for profuse sweating, Botox is injected into the armpits, the effect is said to be long-lasting. I'm going to try it myself soon.

ODABAN - will definitely help with the smell of sweat under the arms, I also had dry dry for sensitive skin, but - as already written above - this is garbage.
A bald friend of mine used drydry. As a result, my armpits were ok, my head started to sweat.

Are you seriously ready to do this because of an unpleasant smell? It's terrible what's happening in our world.

Are you serious about alcohol? After a couple of days there will be a serious irritation effect. There is no need to do this or at least advise others.

I know that no one was irritated who did this.
I’m not telling you to put on compresses.

Okay, okay, but let's not generalize, okay?
I once burned the skin on my face by rubbing it with vodka. And you offer alcohol to your armpits, with their delicate skin and the consequences of getting rid of hair.

The Vichy with the blue lid is also great.

Any stains from deodorants can be removed with bleach, and you can rock your new clothes.

I use crystal, I like it, there is no unpleasant smell.

Lancôme Bocage cream. It's the cream. Of course, it costs a lot, but a tube lasts me about a year, if I don’t smear myself from head to toe. There is no smell of sweat under the arms, it does not clog pores (because of this, in the heat, water flows, of course, but it does not stink), there are no stains (if you wait a couple of minutes until it is absorbed and then just pull on a black jacket). Sold in RIVE GAUCHER and Ile De Beaute. I usually buy it at Duty Free if I'm flying somewhere.
P.S. And after shaving and showering I also use crystal - it’s also a good thing. But it’s not enough for me, I sweat like a running pig.

I completely agree about Botox, however, this procedure is not cheap.
And explain what you think is so scary about this procedure?

Now, in my opinion, this is simply unjustified measures, injecting yourself with botulinum toxin so as not to sweat. That is, injecting yourself with who knows what, in order to stop a natural process that can be controlled by other means. Well, everyone has different paths to achieving their goals, in principle.

Well, firstly, botulinum toxin is one of the most frequently used drugs in cosmetology, it has been studied a little more than completely, and all the excesses associated with it happen only due to the dishonesty of doctors (the number of successful procedures still exceeds the number of unsuccessful ones in the thousands once). Secondly, there are no products that can stop sweating as effectively. For me personally, even dry dry is not a panacea. Well, and thirdly, if you are an ardent supporter of naturalness, I remind you: all deodorants are made on the basis of metal salts (for example, aluminum). It sounds so-so, but it’s okay - we live after all.

No, I am not an ardent supporter of naturalness. I am an ardent supporter of the fact that our people are already going crazy with all the bells and whistles of modernity. Soon they will start injecting something so that you never blink, so that you never hiccup, or they’ll come up with something else. This is simply taking on the scale of the disease.

Plus to the girls who wrote about VICHY. Both my friends and I have been buying VICHY for sensitive skin with a white lid for many years; for me its main advantages are the absence of the smell of sweat under the arms and overall neutrality. So far I have never noticed any deodorant stains on my clothes! I can’t say that it protects against moisture very powerfully; it seems to me that when it’s hot or stuffy, everyone has to sweat, no matter what you use. The smell is ok, just right for simple everyday use. But, of course, I don’t trust the label that says it lasts for 48 hours, and I apply it every day when I go somewhere. My husband uses Dry Dry, but I’m somehow afraid to try it, I have very sensitive armpit skin, and I don’t want to use such radical measures.

I had this blue one and liked it, but the purple one was somehow not so good.
And now with red, it’s generally ok.

Holicaholic aloe gel works well for me as an antiseptic (from odor) plus it helps with irritation from shaving.

Very cool Korres. There are two of them, but in fact both are absolutely odorless and I didn’t notice any white spots from deodorants either. In summer, where fate finds me, I buy there; it very rarely happens that somewhere is not there. I bought it on Tverskaya, Savelovskaya, and in the RIO Dmitrovka shopping center.

And for me, Garnier neo deodorant (cream) helps me a lot with armpit odor.

I use Odaban antiperspirant. No sweat, no smell, no stains - that's why it's an antiperspirant.

I also used dry dry before, yes, it helped, but it’s not worth it. I read that it causes breast cancer, because if you think about it, sweating is a completely natural process, but then you just stop doing it, visually there is no sweat, but it accumulates inside. In general, this dry dry sits on my shelf and collects dust.

I use dry dry for unpleasant odors, but rarely. Before very important events, for example, I used to use it once a week, then I forgot about it, but I began to sweat much less. What kind of magic I don’t know.

I put up with it all day and didn’t comment. I bought it yesterday saline deodorant some kind of crystal. I used it today. For the first time in my life I walk completely dry! This have not happened before. Before this I used old spice, it’s good. But crystal deodorant is simply a miracle.

And you apply dry dry only to your armpits, and you don’t only sweat there. Sweat just comes out more on other parts of the body, that's all. And you don't need to read horror stories. They also write about ordinary desiccation products that they cause breast cancer. And that everyone immediately abandoned them?
By the way, baking soda and peroxide together are great for getting rid of yellow spots from deodorants.

Garnier ball invisible. That's what it's called.
Judging from all of the above: to each his own.
And I removed yellow stains from white clothes with some mixture of ammonia, soda and fairy dishwashing liquid. But I don't remember the ratio.
Volare also rules.