Packing your suitcase to take your items to the dump after their winter hibernation? The same ones that were affected by the unknown “yellow fungus” or “leopard disease”? It is incredibly difficult to wash off this disgrace, and its causes often remain a mystery. How to remove a yellow stain from white clothes at home, and why do these mysterious, untidy marks stick to things?

See the contents of the article to quickly find the answer to the problem. Or read the article back to back to learn ALL the secrets to easy and effective stain removal!

One day, after taking out his favorite blouse from the closet, Neat suddenly notices yellow spots of unknown origin. Where do beige, yellowish and even brownish marks appear on things that have been stored in the wardrobe for a long time on fabrics made of cotton, synthetics, wool, and so on? To figure out how to remove a stain on your favorite item, it is important to understand when it appeared.

Experienced housewives divide the problem into stains that appear after washing and those that may appear after long-term storage in the closet. By the way, there are often complaints about the appearance of untidy marks on new, unworn and unwashed items. So, the novelty of each garment is questionable: who knows how many times they tried it on, with what hands they picked it up - managers aren’t wearing sterile gloves when hanging out the assortment! Yes, and they also pack it at the factory, most likely, without any protective equipment. Agree?

Advice from Chistyuli. Horrible yellow spots are often caused by improper care. The internet's most complete collection of clothes will save your clothes from the trash bin and help keep them beautiful. Go ahead and bookmark it!

Yellow spots on things appear as if out of nowhere. What is the reason?

I will not divide the reasons into “after washing” and “after storage” - most likely, they complement each other, or it is impossible to accurately determine. So, yellow spots on clothes, which are then so difficult to get rid of, arise for the following reasons:

  • incorrect washing powder;
  • washing at the wrong temperature;
  • a greasy mark undetected in time;
  • traces of sweat mixed with antiperspirant;
  • traces of perfume;
  • improper ironing;
  • the iron “spits” rust;
  • using bleach;
  • hard water for washing;
  • improper storage of things;
  • mold.

How to counter these troubles? Very simple.

Prevention of yellow spots

Male logic will never learn all these rules. And for women it’s easy! That's why we girls can cope with any problem. So:

The right washing machine

How to remove yellow stains from white and colored clothes? Repair experts washing machines They say: in 60% of cases, the drum of a machine over 3-4 years old is rusty. If small reddish spots and dots consistently appear on your clothes, instruct a technician to inspect your assistant for rust.

By the way, washing machines with a water-saving function harm fabrics: by reducing the amount of water in the tank, they rinse the laundry worse; powder remains in the fibers, which also turns yellow.

The right washing powder

Many powders for colored fabrics contain special additives that stick to the laundry and accumulate dirt. At first the spots are yellow, then red and then finally brown.

While collecting materials for the article, I came across a curious phenomenon: many women’s forums are full of negative reviews of Procter&Gamble products (Tide, Ariel, “Myth”, Tix, Dreft powders). If every second review criticizes Ariel, should it be abandoned? However, the problems described by forum members are very similar and somehow the brand’s opponents support each other too much in unison.

I am sure that this is a planned action (I myself do not use the company’s products and cannot say anything about the quality of its powders). Girls, let's figure it out and find the truth by answering the survey:

Survey. Procter&Gamble products: can we trust them?

Ariel washing powder: does it leave yellow stains or not?

Poll Options are limited because JavaScript is disabled in your browser.

    I don't know, I can't say 32%, 12 votes

    Negativity about "Ariel" - the machinations of competitors 18%, 7 votes

    I use other washing powders, there are stains 16%, 6 votes

    I use Ariel, I like everything 11%, 4 vote

    I use Ariel, there are yellow spots on things 8%, 3 vote


Also measure out enough, but not excessive, amount of powder. If you add any more detergent, the total amount washing powder we need to cut back. Let's go back to our sheep. How to remove yellow sweat stains from white clothes using the right remedy for washing? Select the powder carefully, do not use the detergent for washing colored laundry, putting white clothes in the drum and vice versa. Among other things, powders with colored granules often leave multi-colored traces - these are not dissolved granules that stick to the fabric. Most of the time they start to come off after washing again, but sometimes they don’t.

Experienced Cleaners wash expensive snow-white items with liquid detergent. According to reviews, the spots disappear and do not appear again. If it's all about the powder, of course.

Proper washing

How to remove yellow stains on white linen? Incorrect washing mode and insufficient rinsing leads to the fact that powder and dirt remain in the fibers and turn yellow after washing.

Also, do not use hot water if you can do without it. High temperatures cause certain types of contaminants to become even more ingrained into fabrics. And the fabric itself turns yellow.

The same thing happens if perfume gets on the fabric, Eau de Toilette– they all contain rich compositions of various essential oils.

Sweat marks

Sweat contains urea, which, when it gets on clothes, begins to turn yellow. Deodorant only makes the situation worse: mixed with sweat, antiperspirant leaves even yellower, even more persistent stains.

The armpit area should be washed with soap twice a day (morning and evening). Then you need to thoroughly wipe the skin with a cotton towel and only then treat it with deodorant. You should also remove hair in time (which accumulates sweat and odor), and do not drink hot tea or eat spicy foods in hot weather - they provoke profuse sweating.

In hot weather, you can wipe this area of ​​the body with an alcohol solution. I carry hand sanitizer with me. If I feel that the antiperspirant is not doing its job, I spray my armpits with disinfectant and wipe it dry. paper napkin and apply deodorant. All! You don't have to worry until the end of the day.

And to protect your clothes from yellow spots under the arms, on the back and in other sweaty places, try wearing a T-shirt or T-shirt under blouses, sweaters. Thin items can be easily saved with the help of armpit pads: they are attached to the armhole. Very convenient and reliable.

Save this useful table to your computer!

Hard water

Water saturated with salts reacts with washing powder. Add a softening agent to the washing powder: table vinegar 9%, citric acid, soda ash, Calgon. Or install a filter for the water entering the washing machine.

Also, rust particles falling off the walls of old pipes, or water with a high iron content, stain things directly during washing and rinsing. After washing, rinse especially valuable items in water filtered through a thick cotton cloth.

Preparation for storage

Items that you put into storage for the winter should not be washed with fabric softener. Employees of elite sewing workshops and dry cleaners know, like no one else, how many damaged items fall into their hands after such processing.

Before storing, dry the items thoroughly, then iron them.

Want ? Read detailed material on this topic!

Proper storage, mold

This is important even before washing. The basket for dirty laundry should have holes so that moisture can evaporate. Dry items thoroughly after washing. Ventilate the closet and combat high humidity in the room.

Dampness and remaining dirt are very popular with the ubiquitous and extremely tenacious mold. When it starts to eat into the fabric, it can be difficult to get it out. Especially if the fungus has infected the cabinet walls.

Cabinet disinfection. Wipe the walls and shelves with 9% table vinegar mixed with water. Dry thoroughly. Ideally, it is advisable to use a quartz lamp, or expose the inside of the cabinet to sunlight.

Also, persistent marks are left by wardrobes made of chipboard or coated inside with varnish: chemicals react with wood, shavings and release substances that color white clothes. It is almost impossible to remove such stains.

Placed on shelves white paper(remnants of light wallpaper are very good for this purpose). Change the paper to new one periodically. Place things in open bags, leaving access for air. Once every 2-3 months, shake things up, rearranging them.

How to wash such things correctly

How to remove yellow stains from colored, white clothes yourself? It is important to prepare for washing correctly:

  • Warm water. Wash soiled items in warm or cool water - when high temperature the stain may become even stronger.
  • Sweat stains and chlorine. Such bleaches cannot be used to remove sweat stains: the protein reacts with the chlorine and leaves even darker, more permanent stains.
  • Baby clothes. After bleaching, children's clothes need to be rinsed more thoroughly or even washed again with soap. Then the baby will wear his things calmly, without dermatitis. If there is a newborn baby in the house, it is better to avoid the powder altogether until it is the immune system, the liver will not get stronger.
  • Test! Test any substance in an inconspicuous place.
  • Latex gloves. To protect the skin of your hands, use gloves.

Table. Express recipes for yellow spots on white clothes

Main substance
Warm water
Baking soda3 parts1 part
Hydrogen peroxide 3%3 parts1 part
Vodka, alcohol1 part1 part
Dish gel1 part1 part
Table vinegar 9%1 part1 part
Ammonia 10%1 part1 part
Aspirin4-5 tabletsuntil thick paste

Home Remedies Recipes

How to remove yellow stains from white, dyed clothes and fabrics at home? Surprisingly, it is impossible to name the most effective remedy: in some cases this remedy works better, in others - another. Moreover, it is also impossible to determine the most effective method depending on the type of fabric or active substance. Therefore, Cleanies have to experiment. What can you do!

Recipes for colored fabrics are suitable for cleaning jackets, down jackets, and other dyed clothing. They are also used for washing swimsuits (sports fabrics cannot be bleached, even white ones), delicate tablecloths with embroidery (you can never worry whether the pattern will fade or not) and other special occasions. Here's how to remove stains from clothes by soaking them properly.


  • Citric acid + baking soda. It is very useful to soak affected items in a solution of citric acid (1 pack per bowl of water). If the dirt is particularly stubborn, add a couple of tablespoons of soda to the lemon juice.
  • Table vinegar 9%. Add a few tablespoons of vinegar to the water and soak the items overnight.
  • Hydrogen peroxide 3%. Soaking with peroxide is especially effective if things smell unpleasant. This recipe is only suitable for white items.

The old way

The recipe is effective against old yellow stains that appeared after long storage in the closet.

Bring 5 liters of water to a boil. Add ¾ cup of washing powder, 2 tablespoons of bleach, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Mix water and soak items in this homemade stain remover. Leave it overnight. Wash it in the morning. There will be no yellowness.

Non-standard methods

How to remove yellow stains from white clothes, yellow marks from colored fabrics? Desperate Cleanies come up with incredible recipes! Here are the remedies that helped one or another housewife:

  • floor cleaner “Stork”;
  • any rust remover: Domestos, “Duckling”, “Komet for toilets” and others. Apply the product to the stain and rinse after 15-20 minutes. These gels contain oxalic acid, which effectively removes yellow stains on clothes. Recipe for undyed fabrics.
  • cleaning product "Profoam 2000" + "Domestos". Mix in equal proportions and treat the stain. After 30 minutes, wash the item.
  • laundry soap - thoroughly lather the stain and leave for several hours. Wash as usual.
  • "Sanox" for cleaning baths. Saturate the stains with gel and leave for 10-15 minutes.

Urotropine (dry alcohol)

Another name for the drug is “Dry fuel”; it is sold in hardware and tourist stores, and in pharmacies. Grind one Urotropin tablet and dilute with water until you get a paste. Apply to the stain, rubbing lightly. Leave for 2-3 hours.


Aspirin can gently remove yellow spots from white clothes. Grind a few tablets and add warm water to make a paste. Apply to the contaminated area, cover with plastic and leave overnight. In the morning, shake off any remaining aspirin and wash the affected clothing.

Hydrogen peroxide 3%

Spray the stain generously with peroxide. If you see foam, a hissing sound is good, the reaction has begun and the peroxide penetrates the fibers, breaking down the dirt. When the reaction is over, wash the item in the machine.

Lemon is an effective and environmentally friendly remedy. Read the recipe below!

Hydrogen peroxide 3% + soda + dish gel

Prepare a paste consisting of peroxide (2 teaspoons), soda (2 tablespoons), dish gel (2 teaspoons). Rub this mixture thoroughly and treat the problem area.

Leave for 20-30 minutes. Rub with a brush. Rinse and wash.

Liquid soap + baking soda + hydrogen peroxide 3%

Mix soap (1 part), baking soda (2 parts) and peroxide (4 parts). Apply to the stain and rub in with a brush.

After 2-3 hours, shake off any remaining product and wash your clothes.

White spirit + ammonia 10%

The stain remover consists of equal parts of white spirit and ammonia. Treat yellow marks. Leave for 5-15 minutes. The recipe is effective against fresh and old stains.

Table vinegar 9%

Soak the stains in vinegar, cover with plastic and leave for several hours.

Table vinegar 9% + laundry soap

Recipe for white dense fabrics. Soak the problem area with vinegar. After 10 minutes, rub with laundry soap and leave for 12 hours. To enhance the effect, cover the stain with polyethylene. Do the laundry.

Vinegar is not suitable for silk or wool.


How to get rid of yellow stains on white, colored clothes using a simple means at hand? Here's a recipe for fresh stains. You will need white toothpaste without colored granules. Apply paste to the yellow marks and leave until dry. Gently scrape off the dried paste with a blunt object. Rinse the item under running water and send it to washing machine.

Lemon acid

Dissolve 4 tablespoons of lemon in 5 liters of boiling water. When the water has cooled slightly, soak the item in the solution.

Oxalic acid + laundry soap

Recipe for white fabric. Soap problem areas with laundry soap. Prepare a solution of oxalic acid (1 teaspoon) and water (200 ml) and saturate the problem areas with it. Wash after 5-10 minutes. Oxalic acid can be replaced with citric acid, but it removes stains less effectively.

Salt + ammonia 10%

For several hours, place the item in a solution of salt (1 teaspoon), ammonia (1 teaspoon) and water (1 glass). When finished, rub the stain with laundry soap and wash the product in the machine.

Video. How to remove stains from clothes

Stubborn stains

How to remove stubborn yellow stains? These methods are especially effective when it comes to old stains. Recipes will help if an item has been lying in the closet for a long time and stains of unknown origin have begun to form on it, or the smell of old age has appeared.

Refined gasoline + denatured alcohol + ammonia 10%

Apply a homemade stain remover to the fabric, consisting of gasoline (30 ml), denatured alcohol (40 ml), ammonia (20 ml). After 5 minutes, wash the item.

Lemon juice + salt

Squeeze lemon juice onto the stain, then sprinkle it thickly with salt. Leave it overnight. Then soak the item in washing powder for a few more hours.

Lemon acid

Lay the contaminated clothing on the bottom of the bathtub and wet it with warm water. Sprinkle the problem areas with lemon juice and moisten them with water again so that the acid powder is thoroughly moistened. After 15 minutes, rinse and wash.

Citric acid + medical alcohol

Dissolve 1-2 pinches of lemon in 0.5-1 tablespoons of alcohol. Dampen the stains and leave for 5-10 minutes. Wash it in the machine.

Refined gasoline (turpentine)

Recipe for thick fabrics. Apply one of the products to the stain and leave for a few minutes.

Both gasoline and turpentine have a very pungent odor. After removing stains, wash the item properly, adding conditioner to the rinse water. And then hang your clothes outside to air.

Video. Checking myths about removing stains from clothes

Boiling clothes

  • White cotton fabric. Add a glass of “Whiteness” or a few tablespoons of persalt to the boiling water. Add washing powder or laundry soap shavings. Dip things into the water and put the pan on the fire. When the water boils, reduce the heat and leave for 40 minutes to an hour.
  • Dyed thick fabric. Add washing powder and some “Vanish” for colored laundry to the boiling water. Boil for 30-40 minutes.

Read about this in a detailed article at this link.

Whitening old stains

You will need ammonia 10% and purified gasoline. First, dampen a rag with gasoline and rub the stain. Then treat problem areas with ammonia. When the stains lighten, wash the item with added fragrant conditioner. To completely get rid of the smell of gasoline, air your clothes in the fresh air.

Various fabrics and materials

Some fabrics need individual approach: Cotton and silk are washed differently, not to mention wool, synthetics and other special materials. How to do it?

Kids' things

Wash things with Sarma bleaching laundry soap. Then put the laundry in the machine and add the Eared Nanny washing powder. This is a hypoallergenic product created specifically for children. Wash on boiling mode.

Children's clothes are washed carefully, otherwise baby dermatitis, allergies and other “charms” will upset the family 😞


Hyposulfite (white crystalline powder) is sold in photographic and household supply stores, household chemicals. Dissolve a few pinches of hyposulfite in warm water. Wet the stains. Do the laundry. Hyposulfite is suitable for white things.


Soap yellow marks with any laundry soap. Place it in the washing machine without overloading the drum. Pour Antipyatin stain remover (0.5 cups), Vanish liquid bleach (0.5 cups) into the powder receptacle and add washing powder. Wash at 60℃.


Squeeze lemon juice onto the yellow spot. Or place the item so that the problem area “floats” in the juice (use a saucer). It may be possible to replace the juice with citric acid, but its effect is somewhat weaker. After removing dirt, wash your jeans.

Wool and silk

Mix 3 drops of ammonia with 10-15 drops of glycerin. Apply the solution to the stain for 15-20 minutes. Wash the item as usual. For wool, ammonia and glycerin are diluted in a small volume of warm water.

For silk. Wet the stains and sprinkle baking soda. After 20 minutes, shake off the soda and soap the contaminated areas with laundry soap. Rinse.

For wool. Wet the stain with acetone or refined gasoline. Leave for 1-2 hours, then iron through the paper with a warm iron.

Do you love silk? Get ready for war on stains! How to wash delicate items correctly?


Fur products are cleaned with one of the following compositions:

  • Denatured alcohol (1 part) + ammonia 10% (1 part).
  • Ammonia 10% (1 teaspoon) + salt(3 teaspoons) + water (0.5 liters).
  • Purified alcohol + washing powder. Add a pinch of powder to gasoline, shake and wet the brush. Clean the fur. Then wipe it with clean gasoline.

Natural fur, yellowed with time, is bleached with hydrogen peroxide, adding a few drops of ammonia to it.

After cleaning, the fur is dried and combed with a metal comb and ventilated in the fresh air for several days. To restore shine to the fur, lightly wipe it with a rag soaked in 9% table vinegar or glycerin. You can treat the fur with crushed walnut kernels wrapped in gauze, moving along the pile. When the nut oil is absorbed, the fur will acquire a beautiful, noble shine.

Yellow spots can even appear on colored items, jeans!

Review. Ready-made products from the store

Store-bought products help to scrub, wash and remove yellowness from various surfaces and fabrics.

  • Dr. Beckmann "Expert stain remover". Sprinkle the stain with this powder, moisten it with water and leave for 15 minutes;
  • Sonett gall soap. Rub the stain and leave for 15 minutes;
  • gel "Ace gentle whitening". Pour onto the stains and leave until the stains are removed. Or soak for 1.5-2 hours in a solution (4 tablespoons of “Ace” per 1 liter of water);
  • Amway bleach for colored laundry. Soak the laundry (hot water + a cap of stain remover);
  • stain remover soap “Stork”. Rub the contaminated areas, after 10 minutes wash in the machine with regular powder;
  • oxygen "Vanish". Wash the laundry in a machine at maximum temperature, adding washing powder;
  • Laundry soap "Antipyatin" Follow the instructions;
  • stain remover pencil Udalix ultra (“Udalix”);
  • gel "Domestos". Soak the laundry in a solution of gel and water for 1.5-2 hours. Carefully! Domestos bleaches fabric;
  • stain remover Oxy plus (Oxy plus)
  • stain remover Oxy multi (from Heitmann);
  • washing gel Perwoll (Pervol);
  • “Whiteness” (don’t forget to read the instructions for the products and test them).

Use these products separately or combine them for maximum effect.

Yellow stains can be washed off!

Opinion from forums: what are the causes of stains?

  • Rust in water. Wash delicate items by hand using water that has been strained through a thick sieve. The rust that abundantly covers the pipes and gets into the washing machine leaves those same red marks. Straining the water will get rid of the problem.

Advice from Chistyuli: you can also install a water pre-purification filter for household appliances. The device purifies water from rust and makes it softer.

  • Insect larvae and eggs. Before storing items, turn them inside out and pack them in bleach bags. If stains appear, then at least on the wrong side.
  • Sticky rust. Yellow stains are rust from water adhering to stains from sweat and grease. First, wash off the sweat (in cold water with laundry soap) or grease (in hot water with special means). Then treat the stain with Sillit for teapots and coffee makers. Throw it in the machine and wash it. It is curious that if the sweat and grease are not removed, the rust will not be removed either. Read about it here.
  • The seal in the washer leaked. This is a rubber clamp that protects the washing machine bearing from water. All bearings are filled with greasy grease, which gets into water and stains things. One of the signs of a leaking oil seal is oil stains and rust under the machine.
  • Mold. Keep your closet dry and thoroughly dry items being stored. It is very useful to dry things in the sun - ultraviolet light perfectly disinfects fabric.
  • "Linen fungus." The popular name for mold that has settled in the closet, which affects not only white, but also painted things, often “eating” their color. The wardrobe must be disinfected with Formidron (tread carefully, it is poison), and the laundry must be washed with chlorine.
  • Sebum. It's enough for you to do it yourself, or Small child I grabbed your dress with my hands, and immediately invisible greasy marks left on the fabric. They appear after washing or long storage in the closet.

There will be no signature - I have no words

This section may contradict others that describe the same remedies as effective. The reason is that in different cases one and the same stain remover acts differently: it can either save a thing or be powerless.

The problem is solved by the selection method: test different products, and you will definitely find the right one. So, the following are noticed in powerlessness:

  • Antipyatin soap;
  • Udalix oxygen bleach;
  • bleach Sarma Active (Sarma Active);
  • powerful Profoam;
  • Fairy dish gel;
  • bleach "Vanish";
  • ammonia 10%;
  • lemon juice;
  • lemon acid;
  • bleach "Ace";
  • chlorine bleach, “Whiteness”;
  • hydrogen peroxide 3%;
  • laundry soap 72%;
  • bleach "Eared nanny";
  • and other means.


Dear Clean! Let your things shine with crystal purity!

Dear Clean! I wish you a direct hit the first time! Let all the stains on your clothes disappear without a trace, and let the reason turn out to be banal and simple.

How can you remove stubborn stains? Methods for removing stains depend on their chemical composition and the duration of exposure to the fabric structure. The later contamination is detected on a product, the more difficult it is to discolor and etch it. For some stains, improvised means such as salt, vinegar, and turpentine may be suitable. In more complex cases, professional stain removers are used.

Knowing the properties of household products, you can try to remove stains with their help.

Common stains

Contaminants that can be easily removed within an hour and more difficult as they dry:

  • dirt;
  • water-soluble paints;
  • milk;
  • ice cream;
  • eggs;
  • urine.

Have salt, vinegar, soda, laundry soap on hand, pharmaceutical products can help solve problems with stubborn stains on clothes, furniture, car upholstery, and bed linen.

Laundry soap

Laundry soap has a good effect when washing dried clay, watercolors, gouache, ice cream and milk. To do this, apply soap gel to a well-moistened cloth. After 20 minutes, rinse in warm water.

Aspirin and hydrogen peroxide

To wash dirty children's clothes, add aspirin or hydrogen peroxide to the soap solution. With their help, green marks on trousers and jackets are washed off. 2 tablets or 2 teaspoons of preparations are dissolved in 0.5 liters of soap concentrate.

Salt and soda

A mixture of salt and soda will help get rid of stubborn sweat. Ingredients of homemade stain remover: 1 teaspoon each of salt and soda, 1 tablespoon detergent for dishes. The product is applied to the moistened stain for 20 minutes, then rinsed in warm water.

Table vinegar

Acetic acid is useful in household not only as a food ingredient, but also:

  1. To remove tea - an aqueous solution of vinegar (1:1).
  2. A 1:10 vinegar solution removes stubborn urine stains.
  3. A slightly acidic solution removes egg marks on fabric.

After soaking, the items are rinsed in warm water.

From coffee

Coffee contains tannins that quickly penetrate fabric fibers. A combination of 2 ingredients is used to erase coffee traces.

Salt and glycerin

Salt and glycerin are mixed to form a paste and applied in a thick layer to the coffee stain. Cover the top with film and leave for 10 minutes. Rub the mixture into a cloth with your hands and rinse with warm water. Repeat the manipulation. After 20 minutes, the product is washed by hand or in a washing machine.


The stain remover is suitable for all types of fabrics.

It includes:

  • 1.5 cups boiling water;
  • 0.4 cups of ammonia;
  • 0.25 soap bar crushed on a coarse grater.

The resulting mixture is kept covered for 10 minutes, then applied using soft fabric or sponges onto the contaminated area and wipe. Wash off with warm water and repeat the procedure 2 times. After which, without rinsing off the soap-ammonia solution, wash it manually or by machine.


Component ratio (parts):

  • powder – 3;
  • soda – 1;
  • vinegar – 1;
  • water – 1.

The resulting paste is applied in a thick layer to the stain and left for 5 minutes. Then rub the mixture into a cloth and rinse off. Rinse and wash with cool water.

Alcohol with water

The method is used to clean white, light-colored fabrics. Use 70% ethyl alcohol, chilled water. The edges of the stain are moistened with ice water, alcohol is applied to the outside and inside of the fabric. Cover tightly with film on both sides for 10 minutes. Then washed in warm water.

From the grass

Traces of grass do not need to be erased without first removing them if several weeks or months have passed since they appeared. If home remedies are not effective, you will have to use professional bleaches.

Hydrogen peroxide

Dilute 25 milliliters of hydrogen peroxide in a glass of warm water. Wipe the stained area with a cotton swab until it becomes dull. Wash with laundry soap and hot water.


Ammonia is taken pure or diluted with water 50x50, depending on the type of fabric. Denim fabric treated with undiluted ammonia, silk with a diluted solution. A cotton pad is soaked in liquid and rubbed until the greenery disappears, after which the item is washed in hot water with powder.


Tar stains are very sticky. When removing them, you must be careful not to stain other things. Freezing in the refrigerator will make the layer of resin on clothing thinner: it can be removed with a knife and crumbled.


Vegetable oil must be carefully applied on top of the resin, preventing the fat from spreading. After 30 minutes, remove the softened resin with a paper towel and wipe with alcohol.


Soak a cotton swab in gasoline and place it on the resin for 20 minutes. Blot the resin and wipe with alcohol.


Washing will make it even more durable. Pre-treatment of products is required.

Ammonia solution

To clean things from iron hydroxide, use a 10% ammonia solution (ammonia). Add 2 teaspoons of ammonia water to a glass of water and soak the stain for 5-7 minutes. Rinse in cool water.

Lemon juice

Squeeze the juice from the lemon and soak the rust on the fabric. Iron the area through a paper towel with a hot iron until the rust marks disappear. The method is suitable for all types of fabrics.


Moisten the rust with turpentine and sprinkle with talcum powder/starch, cover with a sheet of paper. After 20 minutes, iron through a sheet of paper with a hot iron until the stains disappear.


Stains can be from oil, latex, acrylic paint. Each tissue has its own removal method.


On dense fabrics, turpentine is used as a solvent. Soak the stained area with a moistened cotton pad.

After a few minutes, remove the paint, constantly changing the cotton swab.

Sunflower oil

On delicate fabrics, oil stains are treated with vegetable oil. After the paint layer has softened, wash it off with dishwashing detergent.


You can remove traces of berries and juice from clothes using laundry soap or washing powder. Prepare a soap solution and soak things for 2-3 hours. Wash by hand.


You can get rid of deodorant on clothes using salt or vinegar. The wet spot is sprinkled with salt and left overnight. In the morning, wipe with dry salt and wash. Only colored and plain fabrics are treated with vinegar. Stained areas are treated with acid. In the morning, things are washed as usual.

Red wine

On cotton fabrics use a soda solution (50 grams per 1 liter of water). Stains on woolen products are soaked in milk. For silk and synthetic products, prepare a glycerin-ammonia mixture (3:1). After soaking, items are washed in warm water.


Lipstick stains can be removed using ammonia. They are wiped until removed, after which the item is rinsed or washed.


Old greasy stains are removed in stages:

  • things are soaked in a solution of dishwashing detergent;
  • stains are treated with white spirit;
  • sprinkle with talc or starch on top;
  • rub over the stain with a toothbrush.

The item is washed in warm water and laundry soap.


There are two ways to get rid of tobacco traces:

  1. Process with raw egg yolk. Rinse with alcohol and hot water. Wipe with heated glycerin, wash with soap.
  2. For white fabrics, use a mixture of ammonia, ethyl alcohol, and 3% hydrogen peroxide. The ratio of components is 2:4:13. Then rinse, dry, sprinkle with talcum powder.

Yellow-brown spots with a clear outline and a characteristic odor will disappear.


Traces of chocolate are removed using glycerin heated to 40 degrees. Use a cotton swab to wipe the contaminated area. Another cleaning method is to use gasoline, followed by a solution of ammonia.


White spirit is used to remove adhesive traces. Wipe the stain, then rinse in warm water.


Iodine stains are removed using starch: the moistened stain is rubbed until it disappears.


You can remove the stain using hydrogen peroxide or ethyl alcohol. The treated stain is left for 15 minutes and then washed.


Ink stains on clothes can only be removed with fresh ones using folk remedies.

Berries and fruits

After several weeks, fruit and berry splashes are removed using whey (for white fabrics), a mixture of protein and glycerin (for silk and wool), and white spirit (for natural, dense fabrics). The products are applied for 2-3 hours, after which they are rinsed and washed.


Blush, mascara, and nail polish can leave stains on clothes. Each case requires its own method:

  1. Blush and self-tanner are removed:
  • detergents;
  • hairspray;
  • soda with lemon juice;
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide.
  1. Mascara and eyeliner are removed with makeup remover.
  2. Nail polish that gets on clothes is removed with tape.

The hardest thing to get rid of is hair dye stains.

Unknown origin

If it is impossible to determine the nature of the contamination, use either a mixture of soda and vinegar, or a cocktail of ammonia, ethyl alcohol, borax, laundry soap and water.

The stain is treated and left for an hour, after which it is rinsed and washed.

Special stain removers

It is easier to remove long-standing stains with special wide-spectrum stain removers, according to the manufacturers’ instructions.


  • bile;
  • glycerol;
  • salt;
  • caustic soda;
  • nitrates based on saturated acids.

Removal method:

  • moisten the stained area with warm water;
  • lather, rub, leave for 15 minutes;
  • wash;
  • rinse.

Water temperature for washing is up to 55 degrees. Rinse the washed item in warm water.


For stubborn stains on white and colored items, the use of active oxygen is effective. For cotton fabrics, stains are removed during the washing process by adding 60 grams of Vanish. Dirt from wool and silk fabrics disappears after soaking in bleach for 1 hour in warm water. Wash by hand.

Ace Oxy Magic

Oxygen-based bleach is intended for washing all types of fabrics (colored and white), with the exception of wool and silk, at a temperature of 30 degrees.

Udalix Oxi Ultra

Oxygen stain remover is used for washing clothes and linen with protein, oil, and mineral stains.

Astonish Oxi Plus

Old stains are removed after pre-soaking. A powerful oxidizing agent discolors stains:

  • from greenery;
  • blood;
  • mold;
  • red wine;
  • milk;
  • sauces;
  • juices;
  • buttered;
  • resinous substances.

The product is used for machine and hand washing.


To remove stubborn stains, the manufacturer offers Bos plus Anti Stain spray. The main component is oxygen, which is able to remove food contamination from chocolate, wine, mayonnaise, milk, eggs. Suitable for all types of fabrics, including wool and synthetics. Not effective against stubborn stains of blood, juice, or wine.

Eared nanny

Concentrate Eared nannies is designed to remove organic contaminants. It contains 5 enzymes and oxygen bleach. The liquid product is used in diluted form, according to the instructions. The temperature at which the components remain effective should not exceed 35 degrees.

Any stains on clothes and shoes, old or new, spoil them and often render them completely unusable. There are many of them - from green grass, soil, drinks, various sauces, fallen food or even blood. How to remove yellow stains on white clothes, what are the causes of their occurrence, as well as professional and home remedies for their removal.

Reasons for the appearance of yellow spots on clothes after long-term storage

Many housewives sort clothes by season. For example, in the summer, all warm clothes are folded and put away deeper in the closet, in the attic, or stored on the balcony. The same goes for summer clothes winter period. But at the onset of the new season, strange spots of varying color intensity (from light yellow to red) are found on clothes. Moreover, they appear both on new and already worn items. The causes of which are:

By identifying the root cause, you can prevent future stains from appearing.

Basic methods for removing stains on white clothes, depending on the type of clothing

Note! The effectiveness of removing yellowness from a particular garment directly depends on the fabric. For some, one method is suitable, but for others it is disastrous.

Effective on cotton:

  1. Table salt and alcohol. You will need 15 ml of each ingredient, dilute in 200 ml of water. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the stain for 1 hour. For difficult-to-remove stains, take half a teaspoon of salt and alcohol and rub the resulting paste into the stain, leaving for a couple of hours. In both cases, the item will need to be rinsed and washed.
  2. Boiling in a concentrated soap solution (in severe cases, you can add washing powder). This is a last resort method, as the process thins the fibers and the fabric loses its elasticity.
  3. Ethyl and ammonia in equal proportions. The prepared solution is applied on average from 1 to 2 hours per stain. After which the item must be washed with a water temperature of no higher than 30 degrees.
  4. Any dishwashing detergent. The gel is applied to the stain for several hours, after which it is washed off, after which the item must be washed, preferably in the “boiling” mode.

Effective on silk:

  1. Vodka and water in a one to one ratio. The prepared solution should be applied to the stain for about 2 hours, then washed in the washing machine.
  2. Thiosulfate. The product must be used according to the instructions.
  3. Washing powder (1 tsp) and white soap. The powder must be applied to the stain for 30 minutes, then washed by hand with soap. And then wash it again in the washing machine.

Old stains on fur are difficult to remove. The fabric is very delicate and can easily be damaged. Therefore, ordinary laundry soap without fragrances and parabens is most often used. It must be grated on a coarse grater, and do not add to the resulting shavings. a large number of water until the consistency of thick porridge. Then apply it to the stain and leave for 4 hours. Next, wash on the “wool” cycle, setting the maximum number of rinses.

How to bleach a white bolognese jacket that has turned yellow

If a white jacket has lost its freshness and yellowness has appeared on it, then it is first necessary to understand the etiology of its appearance. If it is ordinary dirt, stubborn dust, traces of sweat or cologne, then it is easy to solve the problem. It is enough to wash it by hand or on a delicate cycle using silicone washing balls. It is better to choose powder in the form of a gel intended for white things. Set the maximum number of rinses and turn off the spin function. It is strictly not recommended to wring outerwear, especially at high speeds. If the yellowness remains after washing, you will need the help of bleaching products. Namely:

Important! The use of chlorine-containing products to bleach synthetic items and boiling are strictly prohibited. It is chlorine that provokes the appearance of yellowness in the future. You should also not use metal containers for soaking and washing, only plastic products.

How to remove a yellow stain on a white down jacket that has been sitting for a long time

In cleaning and washing outerwear There are many pitfalls, the main one of which is the deformation of the insulation. Therefore, housewives often use a proven method - dry cleaning.

Both folk remedies and mass-market products do an excellent job of removing stains from synthetics. Namely:

It doesn't matter which method was chosen. Initially, you need to wash the down jacket by hand with the addition of washing powder for hand washing and white items. Then rinse thoroughly. Synthetic fabrics for outerwear should not be wrung out or twisted. This can lead to creases that cannot be straightened, deformation of the filler and the item itself. The down jacket must be carefully straightened and laid on terry towel to remove excess moisture. Next, test your chosen stain remover on the inside of the cuff. This is required in order to check the reaction of the fabric, whether the color will fade or the integrity of the fibers will be compromised.

When choosing store-bought products, you must strictly follow the instructions for use located on the box. With folk remedies you should adhere to the recipe and technology of use:

  1. Baking soda helps remove mild stains. It must be mixed with water and the resulting slurry gently rubbed into the contaminated area, left for several hours, and then removed.
  2. Refined gasoline is used extremely rarely; it is toxic and has a strong bad smell and there is a high risk of fire. Therefore, it is recommended to use it as a last resort. It is better to use a cotton pad for application. It is moistened in gasoline and applied to the stain, removing the dirt with light movements. If there is no result within 10 minutes, it is better to use another method of removing yellowness.
  3. The technology for using ammonia and laundry soap is identical to using baking soda.

How to remove yellow stains from white sneakers

In white outdoor shoes, the areas most likely to stain are the sole, toe, and heel. If these are white sneakers, then each owner strives to prolong this whiteness as much as possible. The following are considered effective in this matter:

How to remove a yellow stain from thick knitwear

Knitwear is a delicate fabric, so the means to remove yellowness that appears must be gentle. A solution of baking soda, peroxide and dishwashing gel will help remove stains on a shirt, underwear, pants and other things. For this you will need:

  • 15 g soda;
  • 1 small bottle of peroxide;
  • 1/2 tsp. detergent.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply to the stain for half an hour. After which it must be washed off and the item washed.

The second effective method includes table vinegar and 72% solid soap. Moisten the cloth with vinegar and rub the problem areas with soap, leaving for 12 hours. Next, rinse thoroughly and wash on a cycle according to the type of fabric.

Top household chemicals in the fight against yellow spots

If you can’t remove the yellowness with home remedies, professional stain removers will do. Among them:

Traditional methods

Popular and effective home ways to remove yellowness from white things:

Almost each of them helps in the fight against yellow spots, but depending on the etiology of their origin and the type of tissue they show different results.

The product helps get rid of stubborn stains of grease, blood, traces of berries and vegetables, as well as grass and dirt. To do this, simply apply a large amount of liquid to the stain for 30 minutes. Rinse and wash. Hydrogen peroxide is also used in combination with soda, laundry soap and alcohol.

Alcohol and citric acid

You can wash away ingrained yellowness using heated 1 tsp. ammonia, 1 tsp. citric acid and 2 liters of water. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed until the acid is completely dissolved. Immerse the item in the resulting solution for 2-3 hours, then wash and rinse thoroughly.

Whitening with Aspirin

You can remove yellowness from clothes using 2 acetylsalicylic acid tablets, which must be filled with a small amount of water. As soon as they get wet and turn into a thick mixture, apply it to the stain for a couple of hours. After removing the stain, washing with powder is required.

Vinegar with laundry soap

Table vinegar combined with 72% laundry soap helps remove stains from antiperspirant, sweat and grease. This method is not suitable for woolen items. Vinegar should be diluted in equal parts with water, the soap should be grated on a coarse grater and mixed. Treat the stain with the resulting mixture and leave for 3 hours, then wash the item. The method is ineffective on old stains.

Bleach + vegetable oil

To whiten clothes from old stains, you can use the following method:

  • combine 30 ml bleach (no chlorine), 30 ml vegetable oil and a quarter cup of powder;
  • dilute the mixture in 5 liters of hot water.

You can add a small amount of any stain remover to the main composition. Place the item in the solution for about 8-12 hours. Then rinse and wash.

Is it possible to paint over stains on fabric and how to do it?

If neither professional nor folk method It didn’t help in removing the yellowness, you can try to paint over the stain. Suitable for this:

  • dye;
  • permanent marker;
  • acrylic paint for fabric.

In the first and second cases, there is a high probability that the tone of the entire product and the stain itself will be different and, therefore, will be very noticeable. But as for acrylic paint, covering it in 2 layers will hide any flaw in the fabric. And if after 12 hours you iron it with reverse side the entire thing, the paint will set and will never wash out.

Pick up the best way Removing yellow spots from white things can only be done by trial and error. In any case, it is worth choosing a product depending on its aggressiveness and type of fabric.

It is almost impossible to avoid the appearance of stains on clothes and furniture, but the most trouble is caused by old pollution, which are very difficult to remove. The question of how to remove stubborn stains interests many housewives. There are many ways to help fix this problem.

Tough stains

If untidy marks on clothes are discovered late, it will be much more difficult to wash them and you will have to put in more effort. Such contaminants are called difficult to remove. Sometimes you have to use strong bleaches to eliminate them, and in some cases only proven ones help folk remedies, because you don’t want to throw away your favorite things.

There are several types of stains that are very difficult to wash off. This category includes stains from:

  • sweat;
  • herbs;
  • cosmetics;
  • paints;
  • blood.

Difficult to remove food stains can be divided into several categories. These are untidy blots from vegetables or fruits, drinks, fatty meat dishes. This also includes any derivative products:

  • coffee;
  • wine;
  • sauce;
  • jam;
  • ketchup;
  • jam;

Food stains are easily removed at the very beginning. The more time passes from the moment they appear, the more difficult it will be to clean things up. Before choosing a method to eliminate the problem, you need to determine the type of fabric, the type of stain and the period during which the stains remained on the clothing. After studying the product label, it will be clear what types of processing are acceptable.

How to remove a stubborn stain

To remove stubborn stains from velor, cotton, wool without ruining the item, you should conduct a small test before starting treatment - apply the selected product to the fabric from the wrong side. After a positive experiment, remove contaminants in other places. Spots that have a large area are treated from the edges to the middle to prevent streaks from appearing.

You should definitely try to remove dirt using a liquid or powder stain remover, if there is no prohibiting sign on the label, and then try other methods. It is easier to choose the appropriate cleaning method if you study the table of effective means:


What washes

Oil, paint, dried dirt

Grass, sweat, ketchup, clay


Sweat, grease, ink

Salt and soda

Chocolate, sweat

Hydrogen peroxide

Rust, blood, old dirt

Citric acid or vinegar

Berries, juices, ketchup

Medical alcohol

Sweat, tar

Refined gasoline

Oil paints


Grease, paints

Dried Blood

Dried blood stains cannot be removed by simple washing. The best remedy To remove such contaminants, ammonia is used. You need to moisten a cotton pad in this product, carefully apply it to the blood stains from the edges to the middle, and leave on the fabric for 5-8 minutes. After this, the composition is washed off with water, which has a temperature of 30–35 degrees.

Old dirt

If dirt gets on your laundry, you can remove it by following the instructions:

  1. Grate laundry soap on a coarse grater.
  2. Add 2 tbsp. l. boiling water
  3. Stir until gel-like.
  4. Wet the stains with water.
  5. Apply to dirt and leave for 15–18 minutes.
  6. Rinse 1-2 times in hot water.

Traces of clay, fuel oil or grass on children's clothing are removed in the same way. White cotton linen can be washed well with Whiteness bleach, but first you should make sure that it is suitable for this type of fabric. If dirty traces of plant origin are not eliminated from the first dose, then you need to add laundry soap 2 aspirin tablets or 2 tsp. hydrogen peroxide.

From sweat

Untidy traces of sweat are visible on any clothing. To eliminate them, you will need a stain remover that can cope with such stains. Another method of getting rid of such stains is ethyl or ammonia. This method is not suitable for white clothes, because wool and silk items turn yellow after processing. Products made from natural fabrics of other colors are processed in the following way:

  1. Place a waffle towel under the stain.
  2. Alcohol is applied to a cotton swab and the stained areas are treated.
  3. After 10 minutes, items can be washed by hand with powder.
  4. If traces still remain, then repeat the procedure.

You can use another method to remove stubborn stains from sweat on things made of synthetic fabric:

  1. Mix one teaspoon each of salt and baking soda.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. l. dishwashing detergent.
  3. Apply to stained area for 15–20 minutes.
  4. Rinse under running water.

Paint and ink

To remove old stubborn stains from ink or paint, you need to mix 1 teaspoon of ammonia and glycerin. Spread the solution on the stain and wait 12–15 minutes. Rinse and repeat the procedure until the stains are completely gone. After this, the items can be placed in the washing machine, selecting a mode with a temperature of 50–60 degrees.

Oily stains

It will be more difficult to remove greasy marks than other types of dirt, so it is recommended to pre-soak things in hot water using Fairy or Drop detergent. After this you can start removing:

  1. Take purified gasoline or white spirit.
  2. Pour a small amount onto the contaminated area.
  3. Sprinkle chalk or talc on top.
  4. Distribute evenly with a toothbrush.
  5. Microwave for 1–1.5 minutes.
  6. Wash in warm water with laundry soap.

Food stains

A mixture of table vinegar and citric acid works well to remove food stains. Stains are removed according to the instructions:

  1. Mix lemon juice and vinegar in equal proportions - 1 tablespoon each.
  2. Pour the mixture onto dirty clothes.
  3. Wait 10–15 minutes.
  4. Place items in a quick wash at 40–45 degrees.


No person, even the most careful one, is immune from pollution. If something gets dirty, it is not always possible to clean it right away. And the problem turns out to be how to remove the stain.

It should be noted right away that any dirt should be removed as quickly as possible; sometimes simply washing it is enough. It is difficult, and sometimes almost impossible, to remove stubborn dirt.

Classification of pollution

Dirt on clothes comes from different substances; some types are easy to remove even with improvised means. But some are very difficult to remove.

Difficult to remove stains include marks from:

What will help remove the stain?

There are many chemical stain removers available to remove all kinds of stains. For example, the well-known “Vanish”.

But before using them, you should carefully study the instructions; perhaps this particular remedy is not suitable in this particular case.

You should not grab the bleach, it can bleach the damaged area and you will end up with a discolored piece on the fabric. First, you should try the cleaning product on an inconspicuous place on your clothing. It may not be appropriate in this case.

You should start cleaning from the edges of the dirty place, and not from the middle. This way you won't get streaks on the fabric. When washing silk items, you should wash them completely; stains often form on silk.

How to remove stains

If the dirt is fresh, then it can be washed off with many means, not only chemicals, but depending on its origin. Some products will help remove fat, others will help remove splashes of wine or blood.

Will help remove stains:

  1. Soda.
  2. Citric acid or fresh lemon.
  3. Mustard.
  4. Acetylsalicylic acid.
  5. Petrol.
  6. Hydrogen peroxide.
  7. Alcohol, vodka.
  8. Turpentine.
  9. Soap solution.
  10. Vinegar.
  11. Laundry soap.
  12. Salt.
  13. Acetone.
  14. Ammonia.

How to remove stains at home

It can be a shame to throw away expensive but dirty things. Therefore, it is better to try to clean them. There are many cleaning products available, but if you don’t have them on hand, you can use old, proven methods.