Catnip is a plant that makes some cats delighted, some fall into erotic ecstasy, some behave inappropriately, and others are indifferent to it. Sometimes it is a component of cheap animal feed. It is dripped onto toys and scratching posts to arouse the pet's interest. But questions remain. Why do cats love catnip? How does it affect cats? Is it harmful or beneficial for cats? How to use catnip? And why do you need catnip?

Catnip - what is it?

This plant has official name- catnip. What is catnip? This is a perennial herb of the Lamiaceae family. Cats are attracted to it thanks to its lemon-scented essential oil, which contains a special substance - nepetalactone. Inhaling the aroma, cats and even lions and panthers experience ecstasy. And all thanks to the gene that programmed such a reaction in the cat’s body.

What catnip looks like: photo and description. The plant has a purple flower and green leaves.

Although the main use of this plant is not related to the pet industry. It is a spice that is added to food and also to perfumes. Catnip also has healing properties: it is used for inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, anemia, migraines, poor appetite, depression, and is used against worms and infections. Some people manage to take it as a hallucinogen. And in ancient times, catnip was added to love potions, attributing to it magical properties. Although this opinion is based, rather, on the fact that the plant acts as a pheromone.

Where does catnip grow?

This is a wild plant that is found everywhere in Russia, Europe and Asia. INIt is also grown at home: in the front garden and on the windowsill. To grow it, you need to plant seeds. True, there is not enough light in the apartment, so the bushes will not grow large. But for a cat this is enough. The owners will still have some time left to make tea.

Is catnip a drug?

Some smells act like drugs and hallucinogens on cats. These include, for example, valerian. If the animal smells it, it will fall into a state of euphoria, and when the valerian is taken away, the cat may run around the apartment looking for it. If you suddenly come across spilled valerian along the way, the cat may lap it up. But this is very harmful: after that comes a hangover, headache, depression and similar delights. If an animal drinks valerian, it may even fall into a drug-induced coma.

What about catnip? Is it a drug that gives you a hangover? Is catnip harmful?Most often, inhaling it causes cats to imitate sexual behavior - they become excited, that is, the plant acts like pheromones. Aggressive cats often experience a state of peace due to the smell of mint, while passive cats, on the contrary, experience stimulation of the nervous system. When inhaling the aroma, such an animal becomes excited, begins to lick and bite the plant (or scented object), jerks its body and shakes its head, purrs, and rolls on the floor. This state lasts about 10 minutes, after which it subsides. The mint still retains the smell, but the cat simply stops reacting to it.

Other reactions also occur. Some murkotik become violent. For some, particularly small kittens, catnip has no effect.

However, catnip, being similar in its effect to a drug, does not cause addiction. There is no hangover after inhaling the smell either.

If the grass is not inhaled, but eaten, it acts as a tranquilizer - a psychotropic drug. Despite the fact that if a cat chews catnip, nothing fatal will happen to it (maximum - diarrhea), you still shouldn’t just let it chew such a delicacy every day. And it is still better to use only a mint flavor, and not the plant itself.

For most cats, mint acts as a pheromone: it causes imitation of sexual behavior.

Where can you buy catnip?

Catnip is sold in pet stores in the following forms:

  • as part of tablets and vitamins;
  • as spray and drops;
  • as incense sticks for chewing;
  • as part of scented toys.

If you're wondering how much catnip costs, it depends on the manufacturer. Usually this is very little money, so anyone can afford the purchase.

Why is catnip needed?

Most owners do not buy a plant or products with its scent so that the animal falls into ecstasy, which can be filmed and posted on YouTube. This is necessary for practical purposes. Among them are:

  • training to use a scratching post;
  • stress relief and calm;
  • accustoming to the place of lying;
  • attracting attention to a new toy;
  • for coaxing while combing.

It is worth noting that recently you can find domestically produced catnip on the market, which has absolutely no effect. A saleswoman from one of the pet stores told the MURKOTIKI portal about this:

Previously, they brought us foreign-made goods, and they worked. Now they have begun to import domestic products - and buyers have begun to complain that they do not work. Apparently, in fact, there is no trace of catnip in these products. As always, our manufacturers decided to save money and are selling a dummy.

Taking this into account, the MURKOTIKI website advises purchasing drugs only from foreign manufacturers from Europe and the USA.

In conclusion, I would like to say that it is advisable not to use catnip for those pets who fall into a violent state from it. It is also contraindicated for pregnant women. Catnip will not harm others, however, using this product every day seems dubious, because it affects the nervous system. However, with daily contact with this plant, most tailed animals sooner or later stop reacting to it.

People all over the world have known and gratefully used this plant for about a thousand years - for medicinal and culinary purposes. But much earlier, attention was paid to him... cats - big and small, wild and domestic. It is no coincidence that the main names of this familiar herb are catnip and catnip.

What is catnip

This attractive perennial herb is familiar to many. Wild varieties of catnip (catnip) are often found in meadows, forest clearings, and simply along roads in all regions of Europe and Asia. And cultivated, very decorative plant varieties are widely used in landscape design - they decorate gardens and parks. But not everyone knows what truly magical properties this beautiful and unpretentious plant is endowed with.

Cats love the scent of catnip

By the way, it also has other names - budra, fragrant horehound.

Difference from other types of mint

Externally, Népeta catária (this is the Latin name for catnip) is not much different from other varieties of mint. This plant has many varieties, up to a dozen of which are widely known and used for both medicinal and culinary purposes. But cats unmistakably choose their favorite catnip from all the mint variety - they will not confuse its specific smell with anything else.

Photo gallery: variety of mint types

Oregano or wild mint - effective remedy for colds and bronchitis Moth mint is grown primarily as a houseplant to repel moths. Catnip has a lemon scent and is attractive to cats. Curly mint - spearmint, garden mint, meadow mint, German mint - it's all the same plant Menthol mint has a very high menthol content Lemon balm - also known as lemon balm, honey balm or bee mint - is an excellent honey plant. Field mint is used by Tibetan healers in the treatment of tuberculosis Flea mint repels harmful insects well Scandinavian ivy grows well both in flower beds and on windowsills Peppermint is the most famous and popular type of plant; it has a pronounced aroma.

The aroma of budra is delicate and subtle, and its bushes good conditions grow up to a meter in height. The erect stems are decorated with bright green velvety leaves, and from late spring to early autumn - panicles of delicate inflorescences. Catnip has a generous range of blooms - all shades of white, pink, lilac and even blue.

Catnip thickets are a paradise for cats

Wild varieties of catnip have spread almost throughout the globe - the plant can be found on all its continents, except, perhaps, Antarctica. Budra, despite being somewhat demanding in terms of growing conditions, easily adapts to the climatic characteristics of various territories and feels “at home” everywhere.

Catnip - a medicinal and ornamental plant

Catnip leaves are virtually indistinguishable from many other mint varieties. But the panicle inflorescences and individual flowers are larger than those of other species. This is perhaps the most decorative type of plant. If you rub a fresh catnip leaf with your fingers, its unique aroma will remain on your skin for a long time - subtle and complex, with notes of lemon, menthol and freshness - you won’t confuse it with anything else.

Useful composition of the plant

Catnip has a very rich and interesting composition, which, however, has not yet been fully studied. The plant contains the following valuable components:

  • glycosides;
  • saponins;
  • tannins;
  • bitterness;
  • ascorbic and ursolic acid;
  • essential oil.

Only the above-ground part of the catnip has value: leaves, flowers and stems

It is the essential oil that is the main active ingredient of catnip, due to which it is effectively used in a variety of areas. The aboveground part of the budra, primarily flowers and leaves, contain up to three percent of ether, which, in turn, is represented by the following components:

  • Geronol;
  • limonene;
  • citral;
  • nepetalactone;
  • citronellol;
  • pulegone;
  • inerol;
  • carvacrol

How to grow

Catnip is quite unpretentious, but prefers fertile soils, loves moisture, warmth and light. Only when such conditions are combined will its flowering be abundant and long-lasting. Knowing this, it will not be at all difficult to grow catnip yourself in the garden or even in a pot on the windowsill.

The plant is easily propagated in various ways:

  • seeds;
  • dividing the bush;
  • cuttings.

It’s not at all difficult to grow such beauty yourself.

Choose the sunniest areas for planting catnip - in the shade it will turn pale and will not bloom. Light soil is ideal for sowing seeds, and the optimal time for this is mid-April. It should be taken into account that at first the seedlings will develop quite slowly - the plant will concentrate all its forces on the formation of the root system.

In exactly the same way, you can grow catnip in a pot on the windowsill. Only a small pot will not be suitable for the plant; you will need not so much a deep bowl as a wide one. The bush will have to be formed from time to time, pinching the top leaves on each shoot. And, of course, if you want to keep this houseplant, don’t let your cat near it.

Catnip in a pot is beautiful and useful

Video: growing fragrant horehound seedlings

Why cats love the smell of mint

The aroma of catnip is unusually attractive not only to pet cats and leopards - all wild cats, even huge and menacing tigers, lions, jaguars, lose their composure from it in the same way... Representatives of the cat family are partial to budra essential oils. Volatile ethers act on them as pheromones and as... a kind of drugs, causing hallucinations that are very pleasant for animals.

Catnip is a favorite plant of cats and kittens.

The mechanism of action of catnip specifically on cats is interesting. A special substance, nepetaloctone, present in the essential oil of the plant, causes males to directly associate it with the smell of a cat in heat, ready to mate.

The period of active influence of horehound on the brain centers of cats is short - only ten to fifteen minutes. After this time, the animals become absolutely indifferent to this stimulus and do not pay attention to it for at least another three hours.

Catnip only affects adult animals

Since the effect of catnip esters is directly related to the functions of the reproductive system of animals, catnip does not affect kittens and adolescents in any way - only sexually mature male cats. By the way, adult animals are not always susceptible to the effects of catnip - up to a third of them do not react in any way to its “charms”.

Video: how catnip works on cats

How to use catnip

Horehound is used for both humans and cats. It is mainly used as a medicinal plant, but plays a significant role in landscape designs and cooking. And yet, it is no coincidence that catnip received its name - its special properties allow the plant to be widely used in various forms in order to regulate many aspects of pet behavior.

In addition, catnip essential oils have found their use in cosmetic and perfume production: in their pure form they are included in complex formulas of perfumes and eau de toilette, and as perfumed fragrances they are used for flavoring, soap, shower gels, shampoos, toothpaste, etc. d.

Where budra grows there are never flies and mosquitoes

Interestingly, “smart” grass has a selective effect on insects: it attracts beneficial ones and repels harmful ones. Budra is an excellent honey plant. If it grows in your garden plot, then there will always be a lot of bees. But mosquitoes, flies and even many garden pests will disappear without a trace.

For pets

Most often, budra is used to concentrate the cat’s attention and attract it to some objects or actions: for example, to a scratching post, a sleeping place or a tray. Catnip can normalize psychological condition and your pet's behavior. An overly excited animal is calmed by the aroma of catnip, while a lethargic and depressed animal is cheered up.

Catnip-scented scratching post is very attractive to cats

It is very convenient to use catnip sprays, which are sold in pet stores. A couple of sprays are enough for a new scratching post - and your cat’s interest in it is guaranteed. Knowing these properties of catnip, manufacturers place several of its dried leaves into toys. These toys are sure to become your pet's favorite.

A toy with catnip leaves hidden inside will become your pet’s favorite.

Cats not only enjoy the aroma of budra, but also They eat it in small quantities for treatment: improving digestion and getting rid of worms. The bitterness contained in the plant improves the peristalsis of a sluggish intestine, and ursolic acid stimulates the “production” of enzymes and relieves inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, at the same time improving the animal’s appetite.

In landscape design

Flower growers actively use decorative varieties of catnip in landscape design to decorate garden plots and parks. The plant looks especially impressive in spacious areas and framed by artificial reservoirs. Breeders have developed many cultivated varieties of fragrant horehound, which differ from wild ones in their rather large inflorescences and a wide variety of colors.

Decorative varieties of catnip have larger and brighter flowers than wild varieties.

It is very important to remove dry, already faded “panicles” in time so that the plant has fresh flower shoots. Thanks to this, the flowering of the catnip will become longer and more abundant. Some gardeners practice a more radical approach - in mid-July, areas overgrown with bud are mowed and generous regular watering is provided.

The moisture-loving plant quickly recovers, and within a month the catnip bushes will delight the eye with lush greenery and beautiful inflorescences.

Catnip looks impressive on the shore of a pond

In cooking

Experienced chefs enjoy using the fragrant plant. Dried and powdered budra is included in spice mixtures for flavoring various dishes:

  • soups;
  • salads;
  • marinade for herring;
  • baked meat;
  • savory cheeses;
  • sauces;
  • baking;
  • desserts;
  • cocktails.

Dried catnip retains both aroma and benefits well

For culinary and other purposes, dried catnip is often used, which retains most of its aroma and beneficial qualities. Catnip is harvested for drying from July to August, until mass ripening of the seeds begins. The collected grass is dried in a well-ventilated place, protected from direct sunlight. Finished raw materials are stored for no longer than two years in tightly closed glass or ceramic containers.

In folk medicine

Since ancient times, people have used catnip as a medicinal plant to heal various ailments:

Ursolic acid, which is part of catnip, has the ability to normalize salt metabolism, increase the elasticity of capillaries and activate the work of enzymes. Interestingly, this valuable substance does not lose its beneficial qualities even with prolonged heating.

Make yourself tea with catnip - you will forget about insomnia

A cup of delicious tea with a couple of budra leaves, drunk before bed, will relieve you of insomnia and night cramps.


People who have been diagnosed with the following diseases should avoid consuming catnip:

  • severe heart disease;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • tachycardia.

You should not take budra or drugs based on it, even in small doses, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Overdose or too frequent consumption of catnip can lead to increased heart rates and the development of cardiac diseases.

The plant is absolutely safe for cats. Unless your pet eats too much of this fragrant herb, his intestines may become upset for a short time.

But for cats, catnip is completely safe

Among the many varieties of such a plant as mint, there are quite interesting specimen, which is very popular among cat owners. But in order to use this plant, which is not well known to everyone, you should first find out in more detail what the benefits of catnip are for cats, how and in what cases it can be given to an animal. This article will tell you about the characteristics of the plant, answer the question of why cats are attracted to such mint, and also talk about the benefits and contraindications of catnip.

What is catnip, its features and photo of the plant

As you know, everything varieties of mint, can be distinguished by size, peduncles and leaves. A representative of mint plants, catnip, is also called “burda” or “catnip” and, due to its properties and smell, attracts cats, but has less effect on animals than valerian. The plant has a strong, alluring aroma, with hints of lemon. As a rule, the grass does not grow too large, and its stems are tetrahedral in shape. The grass does not grow upward, but spreads along the ground. In places where the stems come into contact with the ground, roots appear, which allows the plant to grow very quickly and form a real living carpet.

Cat grass flowers have a funnel shape, with elongated colored dark dots, lower petals, and the inflorescences themselves are located in whorl beds. The inflorescences can be colored brown, white, pink, and less often purple.

The grass contains a huge essential oil concentration, which spreads in the air even with the slightest damage to the stem. The stem itself has irregularities, and the height of the plant, as a rule, does not exceed one meter.

If we talk about the aroma, then in addition to lemon notes, cat grass also interweaves notes of rose and geranium.

Today, more than two hundred species of catnip are known. The photo below shows the most common species that can be easily found in gardens, forests, hills and wastelands.

How does the catnip plant affect cats?

Feline mint attracts cats with its aroma, and when the animals approach the plant, they begin to purr, rub their muzzle and body against the plant, roll around in the grass, and sometimes even meow loudly. But as a rule, the effect of euphoria in an animal can last no more than ten minutes, after which the cat begins to behave more habitually and calmly. But, if an animal tastes mint, it instantly becomes calm.

This phenomenon is due to the fact that mint contains soothing and de-stressing components. It is worth noting that consuming grass does not harm animals at all, since it does not contain substances that could harm the animal’s body.

If we take a closer look, we can note that essential oils when ingested through the respiratory tract, due to the content of nepetaloctone, they can cause short-term hallucinations. At the moment of connection of nepetaloctone with the protein of the receptors responsible for sensory neurons and their stimulation.

When exposed to the aroma of grass, the neurons of the animal's nasal hair follicles affect a certain part of the brain that is responsible for the cat's emotions. This causes an immediate excitatory reaction to the irritating phenomenon that is the aroma of grass.

It is worth noting that cats at this moment experience a condition that is similar to estrus. That is why breeders note that the grass tends to artificially produce cat pheromones. And it is important to note that the addiction to catnip in animals is inherited, so some pets may be completely indifferent to this plant.

The benefits of catnip herb and its use

Many breeders claim that catnip is a behavior corrector for cats. For example, overly active or aggressive pets begin to behave affectionately and calmly, while lazy and passive representatives become more active, cheerful and playful. In addition, special preparations that contain catnip essential oil in the form of a spray or essence can teach the animal to sharpen its claws in a certain place to avoid damage to upholstered furniture. As veterinarians note, catnip is capable of providing:

  • bactericidal effect and work as a remedy against worms;
  • anti-stress effect;
  • analgesic effect and relieve stomach cramps.

Catnip herb can help a cat behave calmly when moving or traveling, and due to the fact that catnip has a mild narcotic effect, the animal does not get used to it and there can be no negative effect with controlled use.

Today, many companies that produce pet products produce catnip-flavored preparations, while some owners independently make toys for animals, sewing catnip leaves into them.

All owners know that some representatives of the earth's flora have a certain effect on pets. For example, it is well known that cats love the smell of valerian. There is a plant in nature called “catnip”. What is it, what effect does it have on cats, how to give it to pets correctly, is it a drug?

Description of the plant

This is a perennial herbaceous plant reaching a height of 1 meter (see photo below). In various sources, the description of the herb also indicates its other names: lemon catnip, catnip, budra, fragrant horehound. The grass looks like a thick and low bush. The bushy crown of mint is decorated with oblong oval leaves with pointed tips. If you rub the leaves, the plant begins to secrete an essential oil with a specific odor that excites the smell receptors of cats.

In addition to the aroma, animals are also attracted to the taste of the leaves, which they eat with pleasure. In summer, mint bushes are covered with purple, white and blue inflorescences consisting of small flowers. By appearance Lemon catnip is very similar to regular mint, but its aroma is different, reminiscent of lemon. The plant contains a lot essential oils, ascorbic acid and various tannins.

Wild varieties of the plant are distributed throughout Europe; its bushes can be found in Central Asia and the Far East. Horehound is actively cultivated on the Eurasian continent; various species grow in India and Pakistan. Once introduced, the plant has taken root well in Japan, North America and South Africa. Today, about 200 species of catnip are known.

How does the plant affect cats?

Why do cats love catnip? The secret is that the essential oil of the plant contains a substance called nepetalactone. Having a certain effect on the neurons of the cats’ brain, it causes short-term hallucinations in them, leading to a change in the animal’s behavior. A sexually mature cat, having smelled nepetalactone, becomes excited and behaves inappropriately: rubs its head on the grass and other objects, rolls on the ground, meows loudly.

From the outside, a cat that smells catnip looks drunk. It is difficult to predict how a pet will behave after trying an attractive herb. Depending on the strength of the impact and the nature of the animal, different effects of budra are observed. A calm animal can become violent and uncontrollable, and a pet that is active on ordinary days can suddenly turn into a phlegmatic sleepyhead.

Experts' opinions on the mechanism of action of catnip on the cat's body vary. Some of them classify the plant as a narcotic drug, but without the addictive effect. Others suggest that the grass produces special pheromones, similar in composition and effects to those found in the urine of animals during sexual activity. Whatever the reasons that cause cats to crave the plant, one thing is clear: it gives them pleasant sensations without negative consequences. What is the product used for?

What is the plant for?

Veterinarians classify catnip as a natural corrector of cat behavior, which affects the animal’s body in different ways. Why use catnip:

  • Having bactericidal properties, the plant relieves stomach cramps;
  • if in a stressful situation you give your pet some fresh or dried grass leaves, for example when moving, he will more easily endure a negative event for him;
  • if you add a little dried plant to the food or treat it with a spray with the smell of catnip, the animal’s appetite increases and it becomes possible to feed a pet that refuses to eat;
  • The aromatic herb is also used as an anthelmintic.

The main advantage of the plant as a mild psychotropic drug is that it does not cause addiction in animals. The state of excitement or rest does not last long and passes without leaving a trace on the cat’s health. Dried herbs should be stored in completely airtight packaging, otherwise the essential oils will quickly evaporate and it will lose medicinal properties. This flower is also useful for humans.

Use Cases

The study of the properties of this type of mint and its effect on cats led to the fact that manufacturers medicines For animals, preparations with essential oil contained in the plant have been developed. For example, drops with catnip essence are sold. Cat owners use budra (leaves, seeds) in fresh and dried form. How to use catnip:

  • At aggressive behavior The cat should be allowed to sniff a leaf of the plant. This technique will help when visiting the veterinarian and will calm the animal if it needs to undergo an unpleasant procedure.
  • Mint will also help if the pet is very naughty. Having sniffed the leaves or stems, the animal will stop rushing around the apartment, knocking down flower pots, vases and other valuable objects.
  • By putting a few dry catnip leaves in the carrier, you don’t have to worry about your pet: inhaling the attractive smell, he will calmly endure the journey.
  • If an adult animal refuses to go to the litter box, put two or three dried bud leaves into the litter or use catnip spray - and the cat will quickly get used to the toilet. In the same way, you can accustom your pet to a new bed or house.
  • Furry pets often ignore special scratching posts and mercilessly tear up furniture and carpets. The situation can be corrected by applying a few drops of peppermint spray to the scratching post.
  • Can be filled with grass Stuffed Toys for pet. You can purchase dried mint leaves at the pharmacy or dry mint leaves yourself. Toys with catnip can be purchased at a pet store, and scratching posts with mint are also sold there.

The developed intuition of cats, gifted by nature, allows them to determine the duration of aromatherapy with catnip. The pet itself will refuse to eat or inhale the smell of its favorite bush, but it will not be superfluous to keep an eye on it.

Veterinarians advise giving mint no more than once a week. Increasing the dosage is justified in stressful situations when you need to calm the animal.

Contraindications and harm

A plant that affects the psyche of an animal requires careful handling. Scented mint can be harmful if used incorrectly or in high doses. Veterinarians warn that with frequent use of catnip, the animal’s nervous system is depleted. The list of contraindications includes:

  • Cat pregnancy. The stress caused by the plant can lead to the loss of offspring.
  • Acute reaction of the pet. In case of pronounced aggression or, conversely, apathy of the animal, its access to the plant should be limited. The cat’s nervous system may not be able to withstand sudden and frequent mood changes, which will result in the death of the animal.

Kittens that have not reached the age of sexual maturity do not like catnip and do not respond to it. Some animals are indifferent to the essential oils of the plant due to the lack of a special gene. Doctors have found that this happens in every third pet.

Catnip should be used with caution on adult cats. An overexcited pet whose behavior is difficult to control can injure not only itself, but also its owner.

Preparations based on catnip

Where is the easiest place to get catnip? Many cat owners, having learned about the amazing properties of catnip, plant catnip bushes in their garden plots and in pots on windowsills. However, you can simply go to a pet store and buy dried raw materials or preparations containing them. Among the popular products are the following brands:

  • “Village delicacies” is a plant extract in the form of a spray, sold in 100 ml bottles. The product is suitable for spraying on a scratching post, toys, tray. The approximate cost is about 100 rubles.
  • "Gimcat Nutri Pockets" are a product in the form of crispy pillows without sugar or preservatives. Contains multivitamins and catnip. It is used as a reward when training an animal and for calming during moving and other stressful situations.
  • "Catnip" (dried herb). Premium product, sourced from the Netherlands. Convenient to use for filling toys, offering to your pet as a treat, or pouring into a tray.
  • Beaphar is a feed additive in the form of pellets. In addition to the main component, they contain minerals, vitamins and shrimp meat. Price – 160–165 rubles.

Cats never cease to amaze us with their unique habits and characteristics that set them apart from other pets. One of the cats' passions is their love for mint. But this mint is not ordinary mint, but cat mint, and has a certain effect on the brain of furry pets. Observations of cats have shown that the same individual can react to this plant differently depending on its age, however, most representatives of the cat family cannot remain indifferent near catnip.

What it is?

Catnip (or catnip) is a perennial herbaceous plant from the Lamiaceae family. The biological description of mint is presented below.

  • The plant can be found throughout almost the entire territory of the European part of Russia, as well as in the Caucasus, Siberia and the Far East. This perennial is better known as a weed.
  • Catnip looks like an upright plant with a pubescent woody stem, ovate leaves and dense semi-umbrella-shaped inflorescences consisting of many small white-bluish flowers.
  • The root of the plant is branched and quite powerful.
  • Flowering of the perennial grass begins in June and continues until the end of July.
  • The aerial part of the catnip contains nepetalactone, glycosides, saponins, tannins and bitterness, as well as ascorbic acid.
  • The leaves of the plant contain the most essential substances, while the stem contains very few of them.

The essential oil of catnip smells like a mixture of lemon and tart geranium, which is why this perennial is also called lemon catnip. Sometimes people confuse catnip with lemon balm - both of these herbs look similar to each other, and lemongrass also has a smell with lemony fresh notes. However, if a person can confuse these herbs visually, then cats, with their unique innate sense, are not mistaken in this matter.

Catnip attracts the attention of cats and kittens precisely because of its ethereal lemon smell, however, kittens up to six weeks of age remain completely immune to the plant.

In addition, scientists found that Not all representatives of the cat family react to catnip, but only 75% of their number.

And this phenomenon is explained, from a genetic point of view, by the absence in the animal’s brain of special receptors that perceive the substance nepetalactone.

Comparison with regular mint

Externally, lemon catnip is similar to a plant called peppermint, but there are significant differences between them. For example, catnip contains the substance nepetalactone in its essential oils, and peppermint differs from it in that menthol predominates in its essential components.

These two aromatic substances have a fundamental difference from each other, and it is expressed in the fact that cats react to nepetalactone, but not to menthol. Even the smell of these two plants is different: catnip always smells of tart lemon, and peppermint has a peculiar menthol aroma.

Catnip affects the brain receptors of not only cats - the smell of the aroma of this spicy herb attracts insects called lacewings to it. This smell can also repel mosquitoes or a certain type of cockroach.

Ordinary peppermint does not have such features.

Benefits and harms

The effect of catnip on cats is a change in their habitual behavior. Breeders of furry pets often use this property of the plant to influence the behavior of animals, changing it as required by a particular situation. For example, if a cat behaves aggressively for no reason, then a spray with the substance nepetalactone will help to quickly calm the animal and put it in a more friendly mood, while literally before our eyes the pet will become affectionate and peaceful.

If your furry friend is often withdrawn and does not want to play or have contact with humans, then catnip will help correct the situation here too - under the influence of the essential oil of this plant, the animal will become cheerful, active, and will want to move and play.

Using this method and periodic rewards with treats, you can not only strengthen the cat’s conditioned reflexes and correct behavior, but also teach her useful skills.

But that's all beneficial features lemon catnip. Thanks to its specific chemical composition, the plant has a pronounced antibacterial effect, and when a cat eats fresh leaves or flowers of this plant, it not only changes its mood, but also eliminates pathogenic bacteria in its digestive tract, and also improves the process of intestinal motility due to relaxation smooth muscles. In addition, under the influence of nepetalactone, the cat’s body is cleared of helminths.

It often happens that furry pets are exposed to various stressful situations. For example, such cases may occur after moving to a new apartment, painful medical procedures, or unsuccessful contacts with other animals. To reduce the effects of stress on the animal, Veterinarians recommend giving them catnip, which will have an anti-stress effect.

Cat breeders have noticed that if you put a few fresh sprigs of mint in your cat's carrier, the journey for your pet will go almost unnoticed.

Sometimes, for one reason or another, pets begin to be picky about food and show poor appetite. Catnip, added to food in dry or fresh form, will help to establish a good appetite in a picky cat. Catnip can also be used to train a cat to use a litter box, scratching post, or sleeping place. Experienced breeders know this feature of four-legged pets and use it to good effect.

Cat mint does not contain narcotic substances and for this reason does not cause addiction or dependence in the animal. But in some cases, this herb is still harmful to four-legged pets. For example, it is not recommended to give mint to pregnant and lactating cats for the reason that the animal may experience severe overexcitation and exhaustion of the nervous system under the influence of nepetalactone. In addition, an overly active animal can harm itself or its offspring.

Veterinarians advise paying attention to how the animal reacts to the effect of mint essential oils. If, under the influence of nepetalactone, a cat becomes uncontrollable, aggressive, or frightens with its apathy and stupor, then with such extremes in behavioral reactions, it is best to refuse to use catnip.

How does the plant affect cats?

The substance nepetalactone, which is part of the catnip, affects cats and cats through irritation of brain cells, and the reaction from this effect manifests itself in animals in the form short-term hallucinations. These hallucinations can be compared to intoxication - they change the behavior of animals, provoking them to take one or another action.

Cats can roll on the floor, purr or meow loudly, actively rub their faces with their paws, jump unnaturally high, climb up the curtains, or, conversely, a furry pet can lazily roll over on its back and fall asleep.

The cat's brain reacts to the action of nepetalactone for a short time: only 7-10 minutes. Then the animal goes through a period of immunity: even though the plant is near the animal and smells strong, the cat’s brain no longer reacts to it. But after an hour or a little more, the neurons in the animal's brain again become receptive to nepetalactone, and the effects of catnip begin to manifest themselves again.

Cats love to feast on fresh catnip, but inside they have a certain barrier to satiation with such grass, and the animal will not be able to eat much of this plant. No one has ever seen a cat standing near the catnip and eating this grass continuously. If your pet still manages to overeat catnip, then there is nothing terrible in this situation. The only danger that overeating can cause is indigestion and loose stools.

However, this phenomenon goes away on its own and does not require any emergency medical procedures.

How to use?

You can buy catnip at any pet store that sells products for cats. The herb is sold in dried and crushed form, packaged in bags or bottles of various shapes and volumes, as well as in the form of a spray with a spray device, sticks for chewing and cleaning teeth. It is even included in some cat toys. The smell of catnip makes the toy especially attractive to your pet, but only at first - over time, interest in it may disappear. Dry grass or essential oil included in the toy loses the brightness of its aroma over time and gradually disappears.

The spray is considered the product with the longest shelf life - it can be sprayed where necessary and at the required frequency. Dry grass or crushed powder made from it can be added to your cat's food or scattered in small quantities in certain areas of the house. A stick with catnip, intended for chewing, will help accustom your cat to the procedure of cleaning its teeth if for some reason it ignores the usual means.

Cat owners who are familiar with the effects of catnip consider it necessary to have products with this plant at home and spend considerable sums on their purchase:

  • a 100 g bag of dried catnip leaves will cost 100-150 rubles;
  • a 50 ml bottle of liquid spray with catnip costs 350-500 rubles;
  • a small package of cat treats in the form of crispy pads containing catnip, weighing 50 g, costs 130-150 rubles;
  • cat toys and chew sticks are in the price range from 150 to 250 rubles.

To save money on the family budget, experienced cat breeders grow catnip themselves. This plant can be planted in your dacha or even at home in an ordinary flower pot large volume. Catnip is unpretentious, grows well and quickly, and does not require any special care. Cat mint is not afraid of pruning and replanting and takes root well.

And for breeding, you can find its specimens in any vacant lot or even in the process of removing weeds in the garden.

Lemon catnip can be used in a variety of ways.

  • Soap bubbles with mint. The product contains catnip essential oil extract. This product is intended for active games with your pet. The cat reacts not only to the iridescent bubbles floating in the air, but also catches the tart lemony smell of mint, which additionally encourages the animal to play.

  • Canned cat food. Some manufacturers produce canned meat with the addition of nepetalactone. This food usually arouses the cat's interest and appetite, and the animal willingly eats the offered dish. Such nutrition is necessary in cases where a weakened animal suffers after childbirth or illness. poor appetite or even refuses to eat.

  • scratching post. A small structure is built, inside of which dried catnip herb is placed, and material is attached to the outside of the structure on which the cat can sharpen its claws. The animal's interest in the scratching post arises under the influence of essential oils that the cat's catnip evaporates. This device allows you to discourage your pet from scratching furniture and teaches him to sharpen his claws in a specially designated place.

  • Toy. It can be sewn from fabric and look like a ball, mouse, banana or any other shape and color. An important detail This product is that it has crushed catnip grass sewn inside it. This toy attracts cats with its smell and stimulates the animal to play actively.