The simplest costume witches can be made in 10-15 minutes. All you need is any black clothes (this will be the base) and holiday decor. Decor - cobwebs, spiders, bats, insects, etc. before the holiday can be found in any store or, at worst, cut out of cardboard, fabric or even a mouse pad.

Rags and decorative elements (it is better to paint them black or shades of gray) are attached to the base clothing - and your costume is ready. All that remains is to complement it with appropriate makeup, and you will be ready to go to the holiday.

You can make a witch costume for Halloween with your own hands and in 5 minutes. It is enough to dress in black, tousle your hair, and paint the visible areas of your skin with green makeup. A good addition to such a suit is striped socks or tights and pointed shoes, but these are also optional.

Witch hat

Your only carnival attribute may well be a pointed witch's hat. The easiest way to make a witch's hat is from a hard material - cardboard or felt.

You can decorate your hat with the same bugs, mice or, for example, autumn leaves, feathers and ribbons, small vials with “poisons”.

A witch hat can be very small and decorative. The main difficulty is to securely fix it in the hair. To do this, you need to glue a headband, a hairpin, a hairpin to the finished hat and be sure to check in advance whether the hat will hold.

An interesting alternative to a hat - “fluttering” the bats. They are cut out of black paper and attached to the rim using wire. To make the bats look convincing, bend them as shown in the photo.

Broom for a witch costume

If you do for Halloween baby suit witches, be sure to complement it with a broom! A broom can be made from grass and branches - spray paint them black and assemble them.

If you live in a big city and you don’t want to dig out wet grass from under the first snow, stop by any flower shop. A luxurious witch's broom can be made from baby's breath, asparagus or any other inexpensive lush flowers.

Left - asparagus, right - gypsophila

Pointed shoes

Shoes for a Halloween witch costume must be black, long-toed and with heels. You can make the perfect shoes from any old ones - scratched, ugly, or simply boring.

Create a pointed nose using masking tape and foil. Attach it securely to your shoes. Cover the shoes with newspaper or prime them with a layer of paint. Apply a final coat of spray paint. When the shoes are dry, coat them with PVA glue and sprinkle with glitter.

Skirt for a witch

The young witch can afford a brighter outfit: black leggings and a turtleneck combined with a bright full skirt. This skirt doesn't even need to be sewn! Long colored and black pieces of mesh are simply tied to an elastic band. A budget alternative - a skirt made from bags - often looks no worse.

Another significant plus is that even a dozen witches wouldn’t hurt a good party. Moreover, it is simply impossible to make two identical witch costumes for Halloween.

Halloween witch costume in 5-10 minutes

A simple witch costume can be made in 10-15 minutes. All you need is any black clothes (this will be the base) and holiday decor. Decor - cobwebs, spiders, bats, insects, etc. before the holiday can be found in any store or, at worst, cut out of cardboard, fabric or even a mouse pad.

Rags and decorative elements (it is better to paint them black or shades of gray) are attached to the base clothing - and your costume is ready. All that remains is to complement it with appropriate makeup, and you will be ready to go to the holiday.

You can make a witch costume for Halloween with your own hands and in 5 minutes. It is enough to dress in black, tousle your hair, and paint the visible areas of your skin with green makeup. A good addition to such a suit is striped socks or tights and pointed shoes, but these are also optional.

Witch hat

Your only carnival attribute may well be a pointed witch's hat. The easiest way to make a witch's hat is from a hard material - cardboard or felt.

You can decorate your hat with the same bugs, mice or, for example, autumn leaves, feathers and ribbons, small vials with “poisons”.

A witch hat can be very small and decorative. The main difficulty is to securely fix it in the hair. To do this, you need to glue a headband, a hairpin, a hairpin to the finished hat and be sure to check in advance whether the hat will hold.

An interesting alternative to a hat is “fluttering” bats. They are cut out of black paper and attached to the rim using wire. To make the bats look convincing, bend them as shown in the photo.

Broom for a witch costume

If you're making a kid's witch costume for Halloween, be sure to include a broom! A broom can be made from grass and branches - spray paint them black and assemble them.

If you live in a big city and you don’t want to dig out wet grass from under the first snow, stop by any flower shop. A luxurious witch's broom can be made from baby's breath, asparagus or any other inexpensive lush flowers.

Left - asparagus, right - gypsophila

Pointed shoes

Shoes for a Halloween witch costume must be black, long-toed and with heels. You can make the perfect shoes from any old ones - scratched, ugly, or simply boring.

Create a pointed nose using masking tape and foil. Attach it securely to your shoes. Cover the shoes with newspaper or prime them with a layer of paint. Apply a final coat of spray paint. When the shoes are dry, coat them with PVA glue and sprinkle with glitter.

Skirt for a witch

The young witch can afford a brighter outfit: black leggings and a turtleneck combined with a bright full skirt. This skirt doesn't even need to be sewn! Long colored and black pieces of mesh are simply tied to an elastic band. A budget alternative - a skirt made from bags - often looks no worse.

On the eve of Halloween, many people are thinking about creating a costume. One of the most popular characters of this holiday is the witch. This image does not go out of fashion, since it allows for a diverse approach to its creation. A witch can be either old and scary or young and very sweet. Depending on the intended image, you should create a witch costume for Halloween.

Main details

Photo various options images of witches will make sure that a given character can look varied, however, you can highlight the main details carnival costume, This:

  • dark dress;
  • hat or other original headdress;
  • shoes with upturned toes;
  • accessories - broom, magic staff, poisoned apple, etc.


To make a witch costume for Halloween, you should start by choosing a dress. This piece of clothing can be, in principle, anything, the main requirement for color. The dress should be black or purple, you can use a combination of these two colors.

You can make a suit from ordinary clothes, because the dress can be long or short, fitted or have a straight silhouette. A lot depends on the chosen image. So, an old scary witch may have tattered, worn and not particularly clean clothes. If you are creating the image of an elegant witch, then you should choose a fitted A-line dress with a floor-length skirt.

If the costume is created for girls with perfect figure, a short, tight-fitting dress or, conversely, a long one, but with a high slit in the skirt, is perfect.

You can decorate the dress with lace or mesh by sewing details from these fabrics on the skirt or sleeves. You can decorate an outfit with a “web”; it can be easily made from gray woolen threads.

If you are sewing a suit for girls, then it is better to choose the option with a fluffy skirt. If you don't have it in your wardrobe matching dress, then the costume can be easily made at home. To do this, you need to take a wide elastic band and, after taking measurements, make a belt. On this belt in several layers sew pieces of colored organza, tulle or, in extreme cases, gauze, starched and tinted in required colors. Don't have any suitable fabric or gauze in your house? Never mind, this costume can be easily made from improvised materials by sewing triangles cut from elastic onto an elastic belt. plastic bags suitable colors.

All that remains is to put a dark T-shirt and leggings on the girl, and a prepared skirt on top, and the children's witch costume for Halloween is ready.


Most often, a witch's headdress is a pointed hat with a brim. You can make such a headdress with your own hands from cardboard. You need to cut out two parts - the cone and the brim of the future hat. To connect the parts together, the cone is bent outward along the wide edge and cuts are made on the bent part at intervals of 1 cm. The parts should be glued together and, after the glue has dried, painted black or purple.

All that remains is to decorate our hat. You can paint stars on the cap with gold or silver paint, and “plant” spiders on the margins, of course, not real ones, but plastic ones. You can decorate the brim of your hat with a wreath of autumn leaves, weaving small plastic pumpkins into it.

If you plan to do beautiful hairstyle, then, of course, you shouldn’t hide your hair under such a hat. In this case, you can make a very small hat and glue it to a hairpin or hairpin. Such an accessory will only decorate your hairstyle.

If you want to be original, then instead of a hat, you can make a headdress with horns, like Maleficent. The base of the figured horns can be made of cardboard or foil, which will need to be tightly wrapped with black electrical tape. It is convenient to glue the horns to a wide hairband.


Shoes must be selected in accordance with the chosen image. So, if you are creating an attractive sexy character, then you can wear any suitable high-heeled shoes. But shoes with sharp, upturned toes will look more interesting. Any old pumps that you no longer plan to wear are suitable for making them.

The original toe of the shoes can be made from foil or papier-mâché. It is glued to the front of the shoes. And then the entire surface of the shoe is covered with paper (you can even use newspapers).

It's backwards to just paint the shoes and decorate them. You can use glitter, make large shaped buckles from foil or cardboard, or put plastic spiders or mice on the surface of the shoes.

Stockings for a witch costume can be striped or black, fishnet. If a scary image is created, then the stockings can be torn deliberately, and instead beautiful shoes, put on old slippers.


When creating a costume, accessories play a big role. If the image of an elegant witch is created, then the costume should be complemented with jewelry - multi-tiered beads, bracelets, massive rings. You can make these decorations yourself using Halloween themes (pumpkins, spiders, skulls, rats, etc.)

A decent witch does not leave the house without a means of transportation - a broom. This “vehicle” can be made from an ordinary broom and a mop shaft. It's very easy to make. You need to attach the broom to the shaft with a wire, and then put a cardboard “cap” on the broom to hide the attachment point.

Instead of a broom, you can make a “magic staff” as an accessory. To do this, a piece of a mop shaft can be wrapped satin ribbons, strips of fabric or colored paper. You can decorate the accessory to your own taste.

If you don’t want to carry a rather massive staff or broom with you, then instead of these items, you can make a “magic” wand. You can hang it on a ribbon from your belt to keep your hands free.

So, creating a witch costume yourself is not at all difficult. You can do without buying expensive fabrics and accessories, and make do with what you found in the pantry. A little imagination - and junk items can turn into an excellent carnival costume.

Halloween began to be celebrated in our country relatively recently, but this unusual holiday almost immediately gained incredible popularity, reviving the tradition of carnivals. As you know, no carnival is complete without costumes of witches, ghosts and other evil spirits. Let's take a step-by-step look at how a witch's hat can be made quickly and easily with your own hands from scrap materials - paper, felt and fabric.

How to make a witch hat with your own hands from paper in a step-by-step MK

The easiest and fastest way to make a hat is from paper and cardboard. It will take very little time, and the result will look impressive and attractive.

Necessary materials:
  • thick plain cardboard;
  • scrapbooking paper with suitable patterns;
  • ink;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • compass, ruler, pencil;
  • decorative elements as desired.
Operating procedure.

To begin with, we decide on the size of the hat: the product can be large enough so that it can be freely put on the head, or small, which can be secured in the hair with clips. We cut out a cone in the form of a quarter circle, for which, using a compass on colored scrapbooking paper, we draw two arcs with increments of 14 cm and 13 cm. One centimeter of difference will be used to form teeth for gluing. We cut out the part with the teeth, carefully roll it up and glue the cone using PVA glue. We bend the cloves outward, as shown in the photo.

We cut out the brim of the future hat from paper and cardboard (you should get two identical parts). We measure the diameter of the base of the resulting cone and divide the resulting number in half. We set the pitch of the compass and draw a circle. Then add 3-5 cm for the margins and draw a second circle, cutting out the part.

We collect the hat. To do this, using the teeth on the cone, glue the top part of the hat to the paper part, and glue a similar cardboard part on top of it. The resulting structure can be placed under a press for a few minutes, pressing down the brim of the hat.

We eliminate visible defects, cut off uneven sections of paper, and tint the edges of the cardboard with black ink. We decorate the hat at our discretion: glue on buckles, ribbons, paper or fabric appliqués. The witch hat is ready!

We sew a decorative felt hat in a hurry

A miniature decorative hat can be made from felt. It will last longer than paper and, in addition, will become a wonderful decoration for the festive interior.

Necessary materials:
  • felt in dark green and purple;
  • black threads;
  • needle;
  • black half beads;
  • black ribbon or braid;
  • cardboard;
  • padding polyester;
  • scissors, compass, tweezers;
  • glue gun;
  • additional decor upon request.
Operating procedure.

Prepare a felt cone for the top of the cap. To do this, build a circle with a diameter of 14 cm and cut out one fourth of it. Glue or carefully sew the edges of the workpiece, and if desired, sew in a loop of thin braid. We fill the cone a little with padding polyester so that the product holds its shape better.

For the base of the hat, cut out a circle of felt with a diameter of 8 cm and sew its edges with a buttonhole stitch using black threads. Glue the cone with a loop strictly in the center using a glue gun. We try not to allow excess glue to get on the workpieces; it will be difficult to remove it from the felt. We close the base of the cone with a silk ribbon and decorate it with a felt buckle of purple or any other color.

We decorate the hat with black half-beads, placing them on glue using tweezers. Bend the upper part of the cone slightly to the side. So that the hat can be worn, we sew or glue a hair clip to the base. The felt witch hat is ready!

Let's try to sew another version of a fabric hat with a description of the work

If you decide to sew a witch's hat from fabric, it is best to give preference to dense materials that hold their shape well. If desired, the product can be starched or treated with gelatin. Fabrics with a glossy sheen or unusual texture look great.

Necessary materials:
  • black fabric;
  • cardboard for patterns;
  • wire;
  • needle and thread;
  • scissors;
  • wire cutters;
  • decorative buckle and ribbon.
Operating procedure.

We measure the circumference of the head and draw a pattern on cardboard. The fields can be of any diameter. We cut two pieces of wire, one of which is equal to the circumference of the head, the other - the length of the hat brim along the perimeter. We close the wire in a circle and twist it tightly or carefully solder it using a soldering iron.

We transfer the pattern to the fabric, adding allowances of 1.5-2 cm for each size. It is necessary to cut out one piece for the crown and two for the brim. We sew the cap together, securing a wire circle of smaller diameter in its lower section. We starch the crown, except for the tip, which will hang down effectively. You can not starch the fabric, but decorate it with folds and secure them with several stitches around the perimeter.

We fold the fields with the right sides facing each other and sew along the contour, sew in a wire circle of a larger diameter (you can replace it with a piece made of thick cardboard), turn it inside out and iron it. We sew the crown to the brim and decorate the product with a ribbon and a decorative buckle. The Halloween witch hat is ready!

Video on the topic of the article

You can make other options for carnival witch hats by watching the master classes below in video format.