Maintaining the original appearance of earrings is not easy; they need to be cleaned periodically. How and with what to clean earrings, read about this in our article.

Why should you clean your earrings?

Any earrings are susceptible to contamination. Dust and dirt settle on them, like on any other thing. And gradually the jewelry loses its shine, becomes dull and does not look the way you would like. That is why earrings need to be looked after periodically. This also applies to many pieces of jewelry.

Why do silver earrings darken?

Silver has its own characteristics and can turn black. Many silver jewelry, including earrings, contain copper molecules, which tend to oxidize, as well as amino acids containing sulfur. It is sulfur that causes blackness on silver. WITHSilver easily reacts with sulfur and sulfur compounds, forming black silver sulfides. This plaque is the very darkening of silver

Problems in the body, endocrine system, and increased sweating can also contribute to the blackening of silver earrings.

Is it possible to clean earrings at home?

Almost any earrings can be cleaned at home. In this case, you need to be as careful as possible and follow certain rules. Let's start with the most simple ways, which are available to everyone at home.

Wipe the earrings with a cloth. The material with which you will wipe the jewelry should be soft so as not to leave small scratches on the jewelry. This method is suitable for the lightest stains.

Soap solution or shampoo. Dilute the soap solution and leave the earrings for a few minutes, and then wipe thoroughly with a cloth.

These methods are universal, suitable for gold and silver earrings, but still each metal has its own characteristics, including cleaning characteristics.

How to clean silver earrings?

The most famous way to clean silver is toothpaste or tooth powder. Take a toothbrush and toothpaste and gently clean your earrings. When cleaning, do not rush or use much force to avoid breaking the jewelry.

Ammonia. Dilute ammonia in a ratio of 1 to 1 with plain water and place the earrings in the resulting solution. Depending on the degree of contamination, earrings can be kept in this solution from several minutes to several hours. Then rinse the earrings thoroughly under running water and dry them well.

How to clean gold earrings?

Table vinegar It cleans gold very well. Dilute table vinegar with water in proportions of 1 to 1 and rinse (wipe) gold earrings in this solution using a cloth. Then rinse the jewelry in running water and wipe it dry.

Here's the toothpaste and toothbrush Not good Suitable for cleaning gold. There may be minor scratches on the gold.

How to clean stones in earrings?

If the earrings have stones, then long-term cleaning in an aqueous solution may not be suitable. Stones can be attached to earrings not with special metal “claws”, but with a special glue, which can lose its properties after prolonged water procedures.

By the way, any Jewelry those with stones require more careful care, and earrings with stones - even more so. Most often, earrings with stones are washed under running water using a cotton swab or cotton pad.

You can clean the stones themselves using alcohol. Apply alcohol to a cotton swab and gently wipe the jewelry, then rinse under running water.

Advice: Do not allow temperature changes, that is, do not wash the earrings alternately in hot and cold water.

What is the most effective way to clean earrings?

The most effective way to clean earrings is at a jewelry salon. For example, in jewelry stores they use a special paste, or an ultrasonic bath, or other methods depending on the condition of the earrings. The choice of cleaning method is chosen by the jeweler after examining the jewelry.

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Fashionistas use various techniques to decorate your images for any event: clothing, accessories and jewelry. Gold earrings certainly have a special place. Not only ladies, but also men can wear earrings made of gold. Over time, plaque may form on the product and dirt may appear, so it is important to know how to clean gold earrings at home.

To ensure that the problem of cleaning gold earrings concerns you as little as possible, you need to provide the products with proper and timely care.

  • Contact of gold jewelry with acids and alkalis is prohibited. These components are found in various detergents and modern powders. It is forbidden to wipe the jewelry with nail polish remover, otherwise black spots will appear.
  • In the solarium and bathhouse you must be without gold jewelry.
  • It is prohibited to store gold earrings and other gold jewelry in cardboard boxes, as this material contains sulfur, which will cause the jewelry to turn black.
  • Sometimes it is necessary to clean gold jewelry.
  • Before cleaning the house, it is recommended to remove gold earrings, as they may come into contact with hazardous substances. You can also lose your jewelry.
  • After you have removed the earrings, you need to wipe them with a flannel napkin. Using rough cloth will result in scratches and other mechanical damage to the surface of the product.
  • After each removal of earrings, they should be wiped to remove traces of sweat and cosmetics.

How to properly clean gold earrings

Before you start cleaning your gold earrings, it is important to pay attention to the presence or absence of stones in them. Jewelry with stones must be cleaned in a special way.

In order to clean gold earrings, you will need to follow a number of simple steps:

  1. Prepare a soap solution in which to immerse the decoration.
  2. Use an old toothbrush to clean problem areas.
  3. You can put the diluted solution in a bottle, put the earrings in it and shake it gently, after which it is recommended to send the jewelry to dry on a towel.
  4. If the earrings are decorated with stones, then dirt accumulates in the area under them, which needs to be gotten rid of. To perform this procedure, you can use ordinary cotton swabs and ammonia solution. Soak the sticks in ammonia and wipe the dirty areas.
  5. You can use the following home remedy. Prepare a solution of ammonia, detergent and water. This composition cannot be used if the following stones were used to decorate gold earrings: turquoise, coral and pearls. For such earrings, it is recommended to use a water-alcohol solution. It’s easy to prepare: dilute water and alcohol in a 1:1 ratio. Rinse the earrings thoroughly and dry with a flannel cloth.

Traditional cleaning methods

Our grandmothers remember how they cared for their mother's gold earrings. Usage traditional methods Cleaning gold jewelry can save you time and money.

  • You can use ordinary tooth powder. Apply a small amount of product to a soft cloth and wipe problem areas. Then wipe thoroughly with a clean damp cloth.
  • Egg white and a small amount of beer will help restore your earrings to their original purity and shine. Apply a small amount of the mixture to a flannel napkin and wipe the product.
  • Prepare onion juice. Wipe the product with it, then rinse thoroughly and dry with a soft cloth.
  • Fashionistas can use lipstick to remove black spots from your earrings. Use a dry and soft swab; use it to apply a little lipstick to the surface of the product and wipe.
  • To clean white gold earrings, you must use a solution of water and ammonia. Wipe the product with this composition.
  • Prepare water, 15 ml. ammonia, 15 ml. liquid soap, a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide. Add the listed components to warm water. Wipe the product with the composition.
  • To carefully clean gold earrings, you can use a simple recipe: prepare one glass of water, heat it, add 2 tablespoons of soda to the glass. Prepare a deep container; place foil on its bottom. Then place the earrings in a glass and fill everything with a soda solution. Leave in this position for 12 hours, then rinse the product thoroughly under running water and wipe with a soft cloth.

The attractive appearance of gold earrings depends on proper care after them. Clean your items carefully and enjoy the shine of gold!

Silver earrings are a very popular decoration today. Such products are preferred, for example, by people who do not like gold. In addition, this is a great option for a very young girl. Also worth special mention here are representatives of the informal environment, who traditionally prefer silver.

This metal has many advantages, including purely visual appeal. However, it also has one serious drawback. The whole point is that jewelry are not made of pure silver. After all, this metal is too soft for jewelry. The presence of impurities leads to gradual oxidation of the product due to constant contact with a number of chemicals. The consequence of this is the darkening of the decoration.

The highest quality cleaning will be done in a jewelry workshop. You should also contact specialists if your earrings are not just made of silver, but also with some kind of stone - topaz, pearls, emerald, and so on. Such jewelry requires special care when cleaning. An incorrectly chosen product will cause the stone to become cloudy or even fall off. Accordingly, one more problem will have to be solved.

Radical cleaning of silver jewelry, including earrings, in jewelry workshops is carried out in 2 main ways:

Steam generator;

Both are gentle on the precious metal, but at the same time they perfectly remove dirt and brighten the product. Ultrasound is most often used to clean silver. The product is cleaned of dirt very quickly, and most importantly, without any marks on its surface. If ultrasound does not help to cope with the problem, a more serious procedure is performed. A steam generator is much more effective in cleaning silver, especially items such as earrings. Indeed, in this case the problem lies in their small size. In addition, many such decorations do not have a smooth surface, but, say, openwork or decorated relief pattern. You can penetrate into all places where dirt accumulates using ultrasound or steam.

Another cleaning method is napkins soaked in a special composition. They can be purchased at many jewelry stores. In addition, such napkins are often used by specialists in workshops.

However, this option has one drawback - high cost. Often, paying that kind of money to clean a pair of earrings is simply not practical. After all, it is quite possible to cope with such a task at home. Moreover, in this case there are several effective means at once.

How to clean silver earrings at home

At the initial stage of contamination, products such as toothpaste and shampoo will be effective. They have a fairly soft effect, so they definitely won’t cope with serious darkening. If you just want to refresh earrings that have lost a little of their original beauty, then this is just the best suitable option. The main thing is that the paste does not contain abrasive particles - they are guaranteed to leave scratches on the surface of the earrings. The consequence of this will be the appearance of microcracks - a very undesirable phenomenon.

The most convenient way to apply the paste is with a toothbrush. In this case, we simply hold the earring in the palm of our hand. Make sure that the cleaning agent is distributed over the entire surface. Next, wait a few minutes, and then rinse the earrings with running water. After this, they should be wiped dry. It is clear that the task is not the easiest, given the size and shape of such jewelry. However, try to ensure that the earrings are dry immediately after cleaning.

If you decide to use shampoo, then the procedure is carried out according to a different principle. Simply pour a small amount of this product into a suitable container and place the earrings there. It is best to use thick shampoo for this procedure. It is recommended to soak the earrings for a day. After this procedure, all that remains is to rinse and wipe the jewelry, which will return to its former shine.

Soda will help deal with more serious darkening and old dirt. To do this you need to prepare a special gruel. Take 2 tablespoons of soda, add a little water and stir to the desired consistency. Apply the product to the earrings using a toothbrush. Next, wait 10-15 minutes and repeat the steps described above - rinse the earrings and wipe them dry. Jewelry without stones can be pre-boiled for 5 minutes. This will increase the efficiency of the cleaning itself.

Table vinegar also works well to clean silver earrings. It should first be heated in a suitable container. Then we place the earrings there. 10 minutes in this case will be quite enough. After this, the procedure is completed by rinsing and drying. Another cleaning method is using citric acid. The procedure itself in this case looks like this. Take half a glass of water, pour it into a small saucepan and add 1 tablespoon of citric acid. Place the container on the stove and heat it up. You need to boil the earrings for 10-15 minutes. After this, we complete the cleaning according to the standard procedure.

Silver is a noble, durable alloy, which is also cheap. Often inherited. Despite the fact that this alloy is characterized by rapid darkening, it happens that the product reaches its new owners in good condition. All because people knew how to clean silver earrings and did a great job with it. If your jewelry has lost its attractive appearance, below we will describe the most effective ways how to return it.

Reasons for the appearance of black plaque on silver jewelry of different standards

Blackening is to silver as rust is to iron. It appears through contact with sulfur, household chemicals, cosmetics, sebum, sweat and even water. The earrings are in close contact with the skin, so they darken quite quickly. To avoid premature blackening, remove jewelry before contact with water and household chemicals.

How quickly silver darkens depends on the grade of the alloy. The earrings are not made from the metal itself, but from an alloy. Because silver itself is soft and easily deformed. Therefore, copper is added to it, and the sample depends on its quantity. The more it is, the lower the sample and the tint becomes yellowish. Most often, 925 alloy with a minimum copper content is used for earrings.

High-quality cleaning of silver using ultrasonic devices and traditional methods

You can clean silver earrings at home or take them to a workshop. But the process itself is not complicated, especially if the product does not precious stones. Let's take a closer look at both options.

  1. Ultrasonic cleaning using special baths is popular in jewelry workshops. This way you can remove plaque and dirt quickly, and most importantly, safely.
  2. Another popular method is a steam generator. Allows you to remove various contaminants without damaging the surface of the product. Often used where ultrasound has not brought the desired result.
  3. They use special napkins, which, by the way, can be purchased and used independently, which is what the owners often do. They are impregnated with a substance that cleans the surface until it shines.

Traditional methods for use at home

Using folk recipes You can clean silver earrings. Moreover, there is one big advantage here - you do not spend extra money. Everything can be done with the means available at home. The following methods are intended to remove contaminants from silver, but may not be suitable for items containing stones.

  • Heat the table bite until warm and immerse the product there for 10 minutes. Now take it out, rinse and wipe dry.
  • Take half a glass of water and add a tablespoon of citric acid. Now place the earrings inside and slowly heat until hot. Hold in this state for 10-15 minutes.
  • Remove, rinse in clean water and dry.
  • Immerse the decoration in ammonia for 3-5 minutes. Remove, rinse and polish to desired result.
  • You can also remove dirt using laundry soap.
  • Every home has a toothbrush and toothpaste. Apply it to the product and leave for 10 minutes. Now soft cloth easily rub the surface. Rinse and dry.
  • Purchasing an ultrasonic bath will allow you to not worry about cleaning your silver earrings in the future.
  • Previously, silver items were cleaned with ash. To do this, the surface was lightly rubbed with it, then thoroughly washed with clean water, followed by polishing.

See also video:

How to remove iodine stains from earrings

At home, different situations occur. It happens that iodine spills on your favorite piece of jewelry at the most inopportune moment. Of course, you can see that after the incident the color of the product also changed. It turned yellow-brown. To remove upper layer plaque, make a soap solution and add ammonia. Immerse the silver earrings there and leave for 5 minutes. Rinse in water while wiping off any remaining residue with a cloth.

If a dull tint occurs, do the following. Line the bottom of the container with foil, add baking soda and salt on top, top up hot water. Immerse the decoration for a few minutes, remove, rinse and dry.
Do not use hydrogen peroxide to clean silver items. The alloy will react and as a result a new coating will appear.

How to clean silver earrings with stones

Silver earrings with stones are cleaned differently at home. Any abrasive substances can cause harm. By doing everything with brute force, the harm can be even greater, even to the point that the stone will fly out.

Therefore, to clean a product with stones, use alcohol, soapy water or laundry soap. For the process to be successful, do not forget to dry the jewelry after the procedures. Polishing with a woolen or other soft cloth will not be superfluous.


Gold jewelry should be cleaned approximately once a month. Then they will constantly delight you with their unique shine. You can, of course, take rings, earrings, chains and other jewelry to a jewelry store. There is a service for cleaning them. But it is quite easy to clean gold jewelry yourself.
The traditional method is rubbing with a special paste, which is sold in the same jewelry stores. It is inexpensive, about 60-70 rubles. But you can get by with improvised methods. For example, put gold jewelry in a solution of soapy water or a solution of detergent. If desired, you should add a little mineral water; it loosens contaminants well.
Then you should hold the jewelry in this solution for 10-15 minutes, chat them a little so that the dirt comes off better. After this, the jewelry can be removed and wiped with a soft-bristled brush. There are special jewelry brushes, but a regular toothbrush will do. Now you need to dry the gold jewelry by wiping it with a soft flannel cloth.

Gold jewelry with precious and semiprecious stones It is necessary to clean especially carefully. For example, if the stone is glued, the product cannot be immersed in water. Pearls, corals, turquoise and other soft stones should never be cleaned in aggressive agents, especially ammonia. Zircons, citrines, cubic zirconias, on the contrary, can be safely dipped into a solution of ammonia (one part alcohol to six parts water): they will shine even brighter.

A universal way to clean gold jewelry with stones is with alcohol. The product with the stone must be dipped in alcohol and then wiped with a soft cloth soaked in a soap solution. Then you should arrange the decorations so that the remaining moisture evaporates or drains, rather than being absorbed into the base.
You can use large transparent precious stones this way: light a match, when it burns for just a second, extinguish it. Then break off the phosphorus head and rub the stone with the burnt end of a match.

Helpful advice

To quickly clean gold decoration, it must be dipped in sweetened water and wiped. You can also rub the product with lipstick and wipe with a cloth until it shines.


  • how to clean gold jewelry

High-quality gold jewelry retains its excellent appearance for a very long time. However, they still need cleaning from time to time. How to put them in order so as not to damage the metal surface and preserve the shine of the stones?

You will need

  • - soft suede and flannel cloths;
  • - shampoo or dishwashing detergent;
  • - ammonia;
  • - vodka or cologne;
  • - cotton buds.


Small stains can be removed by soaking ring for several hours in a soapy solution. Dissolve a little mild shampoo or detergent in warm water and place in a container with the solution ring. After a few hours, remove the jewelry and wipe with soft flannel. If the result does not satisfy you, the procedure can be repeated.

Do not attempt to remove dirt with a stiff brush or abrasive pastes– you may scratch the metal. Mechanical impact is especially harmful to gold-plated products - the top coating can simply be wiped off.

Surface underneath stone You can use cotton wool. Dip a stick or cologne and wipe the surface around the stone from the outside and inside of the ring. Do not under any circumstances try