Creativity has been known since ancient times, and it has always been used as a powerful means of education. The reason is that the stories underlying each parable for children are as close as possible to real life and therefore understandable to everyone. They also help to identify vices without directly condemning a specific person. Let's remember the most interesting of them and see how you can use them for educational purposes when communicating with children.

About the bad and the good

Once two friends were walking through the desert. Tired from the long journey, they argued and one rashly slapped the other. The comrade endured the pain and did not say anything in response to the offender. I just wrote in the sand: “Today I received a slap in the face from a friend.”

A few more days passed, and they found themselves at an oasis. They began to swim, and the one who received the slap almost drowned. The first comrade came to the rescue in time. Then the second one carved an inscription on the stone that said: best friend saved him from death. Seeing this, his comrade asked him to explain his actions. And the second replied: “I made an inscription in the sand about the offense so that the wind would quickly erase it. And about salvation - he carved it in stone so that he would never forget about what happened.”

This parable about friendship for children will help them understand that bad things cannot be kept in memory for a long time. But the good deeds of other people should never be forgotten. And one more thing - you need to value your friends, since in difficult times it is they who often find themselves next to a person.

About love for mother

Equally important are the relationships between family members. We often explain to children that they should show respect to their parents and take care of them. But parables for children, like the one below, will say everything better than any words.

An old man and three women were sitting by the well, and three boys were playing next to them. The first one says: “My son has such a voice that everyone will be heard.” The second boasts: “And mine can show such figures - you’ll be amazed.” And only the third is silent. The old man turns to her: “Why don’t you tell about your son?” And she replies: “Yes, there is nothing unusual about him.”

So the women fetched buckets full of water, and the old man stood up with them. They hear: the first boy sings and sounds like a nightingale. The second one walks around them like a wheel. And only the third approached the mother, took the heavy buckets and carried them home. The first two women ask the old man: “How do you like our sons?” And he answers: “Where are they? I only see one son."

It is these short parables for children, close to life and understandable to everyone, that will teach children to truly appreciate their parents and show the true value of family relationships.

Lie or tell the truth?

Continuing the topic, we can recall another wonderful story.

Three boys were playing in the forest and did not notice how evening came. They were afraid that they would be punished at home, and began to think about what to do. Should I tell my parents the truth or lie? And that's how it all turned out. The first one came up with a story about a wolf attacking him. His father would be afraid for him, he decided, and would forgive him. But at that moment the forester came and reported that they did not have any wolves. The second one told his mother that he had come to see his grandfather. Lo and behold, he’s already on the threshold. This revealed the lies of the first and second boys, and as a result they were punished twice. First for being guilty, and then for lying. And only the third came home and told everything how it happened. His mother made a little noise and soon calmed down.

Such parables for children prepare them for the fact that lying only complicates the situation. Therefore, in any case, it is better not to come up with excuses and not to hide your guilt in the hope that everything will work out, but to immediately admit the wrongdoing. This is the only way to maintain the trust of your parents and not feel remorse.

About two wolves

It is equally important to teach a child to see the boundary between good and evil. These are two moral categories that will always accompany a person, and, perhaps, fight in his soul. Among large quantity Among instructive stories on this topic, the parable of two wolves seems to be the most understandable and interesting for children.

One day, an inquisitive grandson asked his grandfather, the leader of the tribe:

Why do bad people appear?

To this the elder gave a wise answer. Here's what he said:

There are no bad people in the world. But every person has two sides: dark and light. The first is the desire for love, kindness, compassion, mutual understanding. The second symbolizes evil, selfishness, hatred, destruction. Like two wolves, they constantly fight each other.

“I see,” the boy answered. - Which one of them wins?

“It all depends on the person,” the grandfather concluded. - The wolf that is fed the most always wins.

This parable about good and evil for children will make it clear: the person himself is responsible for much that happens in life. Therefore, it is necessary to think about all your actions. And wish for others only what you wish for yourself.

Oh hedgehog

Another question that adults often ask: “How to explain to a child that you can’t blindly trust everyone around you?” How to teach him to analyze the situation and only then make a decision? In this case, parables for young children similar to this one will come to the rescue.

Once a fox and a hedgehog met. And the red-haired woman, licking her lips, advised her interlocutor to go to the hairdresser and get fashionable hairstyle"under the turtle" “Thorns are not in fashion these days,” she added. The hedgehog was delighted with such care and set off. It’s good that he met an owl on the way. Having learned where, why and on whose advice he was going, the bird said: “Don’t forget to ask to be smeared with cucumber lotion and refreshed with carrot water.” “Why is this?” - the hedgehog didn’t understand. “And so that the fox can eat you better.” So, thanks to the owl, the hero realized that not every piece of advice can be trusted. And yet, not every “kind” word is sincere.

Who is stronger?

Parables often remind folk tales, especially if the heroes are forces of nature endowed with human qualities. Here is one such example.

The wind and the sun argued which of them was stronger. Suddenly they see a passerby walking. The wind says: “Now I’ll tear off his cloak.” He blew with all his might, but the passer-by only wrapped himself tighter in his clothes and continued on his way. Then the sun began to warm up. And the man first lowered his collar, then untied his belt, and finally took off his cloak and threw it over his arm. This is how it happens in our lives: with affection and warmth you can achieve more than with shouts and force.

About the Prodigal Son

Now we quite often turn to the Bible and find in it answers to many moral questions. In this regard, it is necessary to especially note the parables given in it and told by Jesus Christ. They will tell children more about goodness and the need for forgiveness than long instructions from their parents.

Everyone knows the story of the prodigal son, who took his share of the inheritance from his father and left home. At first he led a cheerful, idle life. But the money soon ran out, and the young man was ready to eat even with the pigs. But he was driven out from everywhere, as a terrible famine struck the country. And the sinful son remembered his father. He decided to go home, repent and ask to become a mercenary. But the father, seeing his son returned, was happy. He raised him from his knees and ordered a feast. This offended the older brother, who told his father: “I’ve been next to you all my life, and you even spared a kid for me. He squandered all his wealth, and you ordered a fattened bull to be slaughtered for him.” To which the wise old man replied: “You are always with me, and everything I have will go to you. You need to rejoice in the fact that your brother seemed to have died, but now he has come to life, was lost and has been found.”

Problems? Everything is solvable

Orthodox parables are very instructive for older children. For example, the story of the miraculous rescue of a donkey is popular. Here are its contents.

One peasant's donkey fell into a well. The owner pushed. Then I thought: “The donkey is already old, and the well is dry. I’ll cover them with earth and solve two problems at once.” I called my neighbors and they got to work. After a while, the peasant looked into the well and saw an interesting picture. The donkey threw the earth falling from above off its back and crushed it with its feet. Soon the well was filled, and the animal was at the top.

This is how it happens in life. The Lord often sends us seemingly insurmountable trials. At such a moment, it is important not to despair and not give up. Then it will be possible to find a way out of any situation.

Five important rules

And in general, you don’t need much to become happy. Sometimes it is enough to follow a few simple rules that are understandable to a child. Here they are:

  • drive out hatred from your heart and learn to forgive;
  • avoid unnecessary worries - more often than not they do not come true;
  • live simply and appreciate what you have;
  • give more to others;
  • For yourself, expect less.

These wise sayings, on which many parables for children and adults are based, will teach you to be more tolerant of others and enjoy everyday life.

a wise man

In conclusion, I would like to turn to the text of another parable for children. It is about a traveler who settled in an unfamiliar village. The man loved children very much and constantly made unusual toys for them. So beautiful that you won’t find them at any fair. But they were all painfully fragile. The kid is playing around, and lo and behold, the toy is already broken. The child is crying, and the master is already giving him a new one, but even more fragile. The villagers asked the man why he was doing this. And the master replied: “Life is fleeting. Soon some person will give your child his heart. And it is very fragile. And I hope that my toys will teach your children to take care of this priceless gift.”

So, any parable prepares a child to face our difficult life. It unobtrusively teaches you to think about each of your actions, to correlate them with the moral norms accepted in society. Makes it clear that spiritual purity, perseverance, and readiness to overcome any adversity will help you navigate the path of life with dignity.

A parable is a short story that has a deep meaning. Her heroes are simple people, sometimes not very educated. Their stories and stories contain essential life lessons.

Parables have always given people a reason to think about the meaning of human life, about the role of man on earth. This is very effective remedy development, education and training. Wisdom, which is presented in a simple and clear form, teaches children to think, develops intuition and imagination, and also teaches them to find solutions to problems. Parables make children think about their behavior and sometimes laugh at their own mistakes.

These short stories will help you understand that one problem can always have several solutions and life cannot be divided into good and bad, black and white.

Parables are like seeds, once they get into the heart of a child they will definitely grow and bear fruit.

When is any harbor good?

One day, a rich merchant wanted to show his son the world, introduce him to his companion from another country, and so he took him on a trip. During the journey, father and son stayed in very expensive hotels, the father always taught that the son demanded to be treated as a master, then he would be given the best room in the hotel, the horses would be given an excellent stall in the stable, and the ship would be given a good place in the harbor.

They traveled in their own wagon, which was drawn by two horses. One stormy day, their cart got stuck in the mud and the place was deserted. Soon it got dark and rain started pouring down. Father and son unharnessed their horses and were forced to ride to the nearest village. There was no hotel there and they began knocking on houses. People, hearing an unfamiliar language, did not open the doors, but shouted something in response. So the tired wanderers walked through the entire village and only the door of the very last house opened. An old woman, all in rags, invited them in. The merchant's son, seeing the blackened walls and ceiling, retreated to the door.

“Father, let’s not spend the night in such a dirty shack,” said the young man.

“In a storm, any harbor is good,” the father answered and gave the old woman a copper coin. The hostess pressed the coin to her heart and laughed.

“She is so sincerely happy about the copper coin, as if it were gold,” the young man grinned.

“Just as any harbor is good in a storm, so in poverty any coin is golden,” the father noted.

Real mother

One day, a whining, still completely blind puppy was thrown into the yard. The cat, who lived in this yard and had kittens at that time, took the puppy to her cubs and began to feed him milk. The puppy very soon outgrew his adoptive mother, but he obeyed her as before.

“You should lick your fur until it shines every morning,” the cat taught the puppy, and the baby tried, licking himself with his tongue.

And then one day a shepherd dog ran into their yard. Sniffing the puppy, she said good-naturedly:

Hello puppy! You are also a shepherd. You and I are of the same breed.

Seeing the cat, the shepherd barked angrily and rushed at her. The cat hissed and jumped onto the fence.

Come on, puppy, let’s drive the cat away from here,” the dog suggested.

“Come on, get out of our yard and don’t you dare touch my mother,” the puppy growled menacingly.

She can't be your mom, she's a cat! Your mother must be a shepherd like me,” the shepherd said, laughed and ran out of the yard.

The puppy was thoughtful, but the cat purred affectionately:

He who feeds a child is his real mother.

Why didn't the mouse get married?

Dear mouse, will you marry me?” the brave gray mouse asked the mouse.

Okay,” the mouse lowered its eyes, “but bring me something sweet as a gift.”

Tomorrow I will go to the kitchen and be sure to bring you a piece of sugar. “He’s so sweet,” said the groom, twirling his mustache.

The next day, the brave groom crawled into the kitchen through a hole in the floor and, once under the cabinet, did not dare to crawl out from under it.

That evening the mouse came to the mouse and said:

Dear mouse, I thought about it and decided to bring you a piece of candy, not sugar. The sugar is simply sweet, but the candy is fragrant and sweet.

“I’ve never tried sweets before,” the mouse sighed.

The next morning the mouse went to the kitchen again and was again afraid to get out from under the cabinet.

He again came to visit the mouse without a gift, but at the same time declared:

I changed my mind about treating you to sugar or candy. Tomorrow I will bring you halva. This is the most delicious treat in the world: rich, sweet and buttery.

You know, little mouse, I won’t marry you,” the mouse said dryly.

Why? - the mouse was very surprised.

No matter how many times you repeat the word “halva”, your mouth will not become sweeter.

If you read parables to children in kindergarten, you may encounter many questions. We discuss our actions and the actions of other children. The following parable made a huge impression on the children. It is quite difficult for children from 5 to 6 years old.

The parable of the nails.

Once upon a time there lived a hot-tempered and unrestrained young man. And then one fine day his father gave him a bag of nails and ordered him to drive one nail into the fence post every time he could not control his anger.

On the first day there were several dozen nails in the pillar. Then gradually he learned to control his anger, and every day the number of nails he hammered became fewer. The young man realized that it was much easier to control his anger than to drive nails.

And then the day came when he never lost control of himself. He told his father about this. He looked at him and said that now that his son manages to control his anger, he can pull one nail out of the pillar.

Time passed, and the day came when the young man came to his father and said that there was not a single nail left in the pillar. Then the father led his son by the hand to the pillar and said:

You did a good job, but look how many holes there are in the pillar? He will never be the same again in his life. When you say something evil or bad to a person, he is left with a scar, like these holes in a pillar. And no matter how many times you apologize after that, the person will still have a scar.

In God's store.

One woman had a dream: God himself stood behind the store counter.

God! Is it really you?” the woman exclaimed with joy.

Yes, it’s me,” God answered.

“What can I buy from you?” the woman decided to ask.

“You can buy absolutely everything from me,” God answered.

Then please give me happiness, health, success, a lot of money and love.

God smiled back at her and went into the utility room to get everything he had ordered. After some time he returned with a small paper box in hand.

Is that all?!” the disappointed woman was surprised.

“Yes, that’s all,” God answered. “Didn’t you know that only seeds are sold in my store?”

Here is an amazing book: “Little parables for children and adults. Volume 1", written by the Russian writer, poet and playwright - monk Barnabas (Sanin).

Parables are a special genre that is very rare not only in Russian, but throughout world literature. Short allegorical and instructive stories enable a person to look at his shortcomings from the outside, think about eternal values, and help find answers to various questions of our existence.

Monk Barnabas (Evgeniy Sanin), creating in his parables an amazing fusion of high spirituality and morality with folk wisdom, at the same time managed to write them in a very capacious, fascinating, intelligible language, which allows you to read these instructive stories not only for adults, but also for children.


U I saw a beautiful lily on the shore of a pool. And he decided, at any cost, to take possession of her.

What he didn’t offer the beauty: a ride on his fast waves, the gentle coolness of the water in the unbearable heat and a whole whirlpool of all kinds of entertainment and pleasure.

The beauty hesitated.

The bug that hopelessly loved her noticed this and began to dissuade her:

- He will destroy you! You'll be lost!

Just where there!

“He’s so strong, beautiful and all sorts of mysterious...” Lily objected. - No, I guess I’ll still accept his offer!

- Ah well? - the bug cried. “Well then, look what awaits you if you do this!”

And he, folding his wings, rushed to the surface of the whirlpool, which immediately mercilessly swirled, spun him, and soon disappeared forever from the eyes of the lily, who only now understood what true love is...


P Envy went to the store with some money to buy some bread.

He looks and there is a guy buying a pie for a ruble...

And so the envy jumped out of the store!

She then decided to at least drink water from the well. She took the biggest tub so that everyone would envy her!

And at the well, the man’s wife – light buckets, painted rockers...

She threw away her envy and completely ran away from the village - without food, without drink...

She lay down on a higher hill and began to envy herself that there was a time when she did not envy anyone...


Z The wind blew out the candle and became proud:

- Now I can pay off everything! Even the sun!

A wise man heard him, made a windmill and said:

- What a miracle - the sun! Even the night can extinguish it. Try to stop this wheel!

And, with all his strength, he spun the large, heavy wheel.

The wind blew once, blew again - but the wheel did not stop. On the contrary, the more he blew, the more it spun.

Flour flowed into the smart man's bags, and he began to live: he himself was in abundance, and do not forget the poor!

And the wind, they say, still blows on this wheel. Where exactly? Yes, wherever there is room for pride!


U a man fell into a deep abyss.

He lies wounded and dies...

Friends came running. They tried, holding each other, to go down to his aid, but they almost fell into it themselves.

Mercy has arrived. He lowered the ladder into the abyss, but - oh!.. - it doesn’t reach all the way!

The good deeds once done by man arrived and threw down a long rope. But the rope is also short...

They also tried in vain to save a person: his great fame, big money, power...

Finally, repentance arrived. It extended its hand. The man grabbed it and... climbed out of the abyss!

- How did you do it? - Everyone was surprised.

But there was no time to respond to repentance.

It was rushing to other people whom only it could save...


R I told a person’s conscience that he was wrong, another, a third...

On the fourth he decided to get rid of her. Not for a day or two - forever!

I thought and thought about how to do this, and came up with an idea...

“Come on,” he says, “conscience, play hide and seek!”

“No,” she says. – You’ll deceive me anyway – you’ll peep!

Then the man pretended to be completely ill and said:

“I’m sick for some reason... Bring me some milk from the cellar!”

My conscience could not refuse him this. I went down to the cellar. And the man jumped out of bed - and closed it!

He called his friends in joy and with a light heart: he deceived one, offended another, and when they began to be offended, he completely kicked them all out. And no remorse for you, no reproaches - your soul is good, calm.

Good, good, but only a day passed, then another, and something began to be missing for the person. And a month later he realized what - conscience! And then such melancholy fell upon him that he could not stand it and opened the lid of the cellar.

“Okay,” he says, “come out!” Just don't give orders now!

And in response - silence.

He went down to the cellar: here, here - there is no conscience anywhere!

Apparently, he really got rid of her forever...

The man began to sob: “How can I live without a conscience now?”

- Here am I…

To rejoice, the man called his friends, apologized and gave them such a feast!

Everyone thought it was his birthday and congratulated him on it. But he did not refuse, and his conscience did not object. And not at all because I was afraid of ending up in the basement again.

After all, if you look at it, that’s how it all happened!


Sh whether there is good and evil along the way. Two men met them.

“Let’s test,” says evil, “which of us is stronger?”

- Let's! – agreed goodness, who does not know how to object. - But as?

“Let these two men fight for us,” says evil, “I will make one of them strong, rich, but evil!”

- Fine! - says good. - And I am different - weak and poor, but kind!

No sooner said than done.

Instantly one man found himself on a horse, wearing rich clothes. And the other one is in rags, and even with a stick...

- Get out of my way! - the man turned into a rich man shouted at him, hit him with a whip and quickly galloped home to count the money.

The one made poor sighed and silently trudged behind.

- Yeah! - Evil rejoiced. – Is it clear now which of us is stronger?

“Wait,” says kindly. – Everything is easy and fast for you, but not for long. And if I do something, it’s forever!

And this is what happened. For a long time, no, the poor man walked, but suddenly he saw that the rich man was lying under the horse that had fallen on him and could not get up. He's already wheezing, choking...

A poor man approached him. And he felt so sorry for the man who was dying that where did the strength come from! He threw away the stick, strained himself and helped the unfortunate man free himself.

The rich man shed tears. He doesn’t know how to thank the poor.

“I,” he says, “I whipped you, and you saved my life!” Let's go live with me. Now you will be my brother instead of me!

Two men left. And evil says:

- What are you doing, good? She promised to make her little man weak, but what a heavy horse he was able to lift! If so, then I won!

But the good didn’t even argue. After all, it did not know how to object - even to evil.

But since then, good and evil do not go together. And if they walk along the same road, then only in different directions!


N It was no longer possible to carry the strength of people along the country road.

They've been trampling on it for a hundred years, trampling on it: it's time to retire - she knew about pensions from those who walked along it all their lives. And who needs it: now more and more highways and asphalt are in fashion!

The road curled up and lay down to rest on the sidelines.

People came out the next morning: there was no road!

What should I do? What to do?..

You can’t walk on the asphalt - the asphalt couldn’t withstand the spring streams, it’s all cracked, and now they’ll have to resurface it until the fall.

The highway is also soft, sticky in the heat. This is how the soles stick to it.

The road saw this, sighed and - nothing can be done! – began to serve people again.


U The watercolor paints knew that they were going to be diluted with water, and they were indignant:

- Why can’t we handle it ourselves?

“No,” she said, tired of rubbing even the softest brush over dry paints.

- You can’t handle it! – confirmed the paper, which has seen a lot in its time.

But the artist said nothing.

He diluted the paints with water and painted a picture.

Such that everyone was satisfied.

And first of all, the watercolor paints themselves!


E the hero roamed across the field.

Helmet, armor, shield, spear, mace and even a sword in a sheath...

An old monk meets you.

A faded scarf on his head, a patched cassock, and a rosary in his hands.

- Be healthy, honest father!

- And you, baby, don’t get sick! Where are you going?

- To the war. And you?

- And I’m already at war. Like you, I don’t even need to look for her!

The two heroes looked at each other with understanding.

And they hurried to save Rus' from visible and invisible enemies!


TO They were looking at paintings of icons in the museum and didn’t understand anything:

“And why did they hang her among us?” No bright colors, no beauty of movement, no vividness of the image! Right, black square?

But the black square did not answer. Behind silence he hid his complete emptiness and therefore was known as the wisest and even mysterious. Moreover, due to his price, he was very rich, and therefore even more respected.

The icon itself was very upset. And not at all with these gossip addressed to you. And the fact that people walked past and just looked at her.

But she was created not to be looked at, but to be prayed in front of her!


R I wanted to fly the hammer into space.

Others fly - and why am I worse? At the same time, I’ll pin the stars to the sky so that they hold on tighter and don’t fall so often!

Maybe I would have flown, but I just didn’t know how to get there and where to find free time.

So he worked tirelessly during the day. And at night I looked out the window at the falling stars and sighed: oh, I’m not there now!..

And I sighed in vain.

He was really needed on earth too...


P They left a chair on the table when the windows were washed, but forgot to put it away. He became proud.

“I,” he says, “are now the most important in the house!”

And he ordered all things to call themselves the throne.

The fly heard it. She sat down on a chair and said:

“I’m a queen now, since I’m sitting on the throne!”

The fly swatter smacked a fly and announced that there was a coup d'état in the house.

It is not known how all this would have ended, only the hostess came. She put the chair in place, sat down on it to rest and said nothing.

But all things already knew: now the house is in order!


R the crane boasted:

“If it weren’t for me, everyone in the house would have died of thirst!”

How can you argue with that? Everyone can see that water is actually flowing from it.

Only once did an accident happen somewhere. The repairmen came and turned off the water.

After that we turned and turned the tap: no water!

And then everyone realized that it wasn’t all about the tap.

And the most important thing is that he understood it too. Because he almost died of thirst then!


P The poor baby went to the mug to ask for alms.

- Give it to me, for Christ's sake! We are almost namesakes, and maybe even relatives!

- Go to the lid! - the mug turned away from the gate. “If you and I are related, we are only second cousins.” And there is only one letter difference between you and her in the name. Maybe my cousin will give it to me!

The baby went to the lid. And she didn’t even get off the pan. This is what she answered from above:

- There are a lot of you walking around here! Either a pot, or a cat... I have nothing! Don't you see what times we live in? The pan itself is not enough for us. Right, friend? – she turned to the pot-bellied pan.

But she was so full that she couldn’t even answer.

The little one went home, slurping unsalted. And towards her is a hammer. He learned about her need and said:

- Don’t worry, I’ll help you in any way I can!

“But I’m not your relative, and we even have different last names!” – the baby whispered in tears.

- So what? – the hammer was surprised. – We need to help each other!

And, although he himself was not rich at all, rather even poor, he gave her so much that it lasted for a long time. How much does a baby need? And when it was over, he told me to come again. Although he was neither a relative nor even a namesake!


Z A lark was flying over the field.

He praised God, who gave him this beautiful day, this beautiful earth, sky, air and beautiful life itself!

People looked at the tiny ringing dot and were surprised:

- Wow, he’s so small and sings so loudly!

And the lark sometimes looked down at people and was amazed:

- Wow, they are so big and strong - the crowns of God’s creation, and they sing so quietly...


IN Two roads met at a fork. Narrow and wide.

“You’ve completely neglected yourself: you’re covered in sharp stones, potholes, and overgrown with thorns!” – the wide one began to reproach the narrow one. “Your travelers are about to die from fatigue or hunger!” It’s just me: beautiful, smooth! Alongside me are cafes, restaurants, houses with all amenities. Live - have fun!..

- Why are you suddenly silent? After all, judging by your words, your life is good! – the narrow road was surprised.

“Okay, that’s good...” the broad one sighed in response. “But at the end of me there is an abyss.” Bottomless, black, gloomy. Something that I can’t even describe to you. Many people don't even know about it. And those that know just brush it off. Apparently they don’t know the whole truth. And I’ve seen so much of this abyss that more than anything else I’m afraid of one day sliding into it. After all, I’m afraid this will happen forever! Well, how are you living?

- Difficult! – the narrow road sighed. “And it’s not easy for those who follow me.” But at the end of my path there is a mountain. And those who ascended it were so bright, joyful, happy that I can’t even describe to you! And you know, most of all I want to be there too. I hope this will last forever!

The roads talked and went in different directions.

And at that fork in the road there was a man who heard it all.

And here’s what’s strange: he’s still standing there, still thinking about which road to take!


P made friends with a haystack and a match.

- She’s not a match for you! - everyone told him. - Stay away from her, otherwise how far from trouble is it?

But he didn’t want to listen to anyone. I admired my friend all day. And even at night he wanted to see her.

The match could not refuse him and struck itself against the stone...

People came in the morning and looked - only a stack of dark circle in the meadow. And there was nothing left of the match at all!


R yeshil evil person become kind.

I prayed to God and began to do good to people.

And evil is right here:

- Well, no, I won’t give my spoils to anyone!

It seized the moment and forced the man to do evil.

He sits and rubs his hands contentedly:

- He won’t get away from me!

But it was not there!

The man only became smarter after that. He prayed again to God, asking him to protect him from evil, and with even greater zeal he began to do good. And he no longer paid any attention to all the entreaties of evil.

And evil left, trembling with anger, from its habitual place.

Yes, to the first house where they don’t remember God...


IN the young oak became indignant:

- Why are you, wind, not giving me peace? You keep blowing and blowing! You just stroke and preen the grass, but I’ve already broken off so many branches!

- Silly! This is for your benefit! - the old oak tree groaned.

- For mine?! - the young oak tree was indignant, thinking that the old man had already lost his mind. And he, as if nothing had happened, explained:

- Eh, youth, youth!.. The wind rocks you, and your roots sink deeper and deeper into the ground. Soon he will knock me down too, so that you have more sunshine...

And then the young oak tree thanked the wind. And he regretted that he could not move aside so that he would not have to fell this old and wise oak...


P The hare looked at himself in winter, looked at himself in summer and thought: why do I only have two fur coats: white and gray? Let me sew myself a red one - like a fox! First of all, it's beautiful. And, secondly, the rest of the hares will be afraid of me, and all the carrots in the garden will be mine!

No sooner said than done. The hare sewed a new fur coat and went for a walk in it.

And when I realized that it was a hare, I was even more delighted, because I had not had lunch in the morning.

Only the hare himself was not happy then.

He forcibly took his paws away. After all, you always want to live more than you eat!

All the fox had to do was lick his lips. And from then on the hare did not even dare to think about changing anything of what the Lord Himself had given him!

Since ancient times, many peoples have used parables as a quick and effective method instilling in children basic life concepts and values. Since the parable is a short story, the child will have enough patience to listen to it to the end. And the fascinating form and interesting, understandable characters will convey to the little fidget: what is good and evil, what is love and respect for elders, as well as many other such important things.

It is very important that the parable does not condemn the negative hero, does not ridicule his shortcomings, but at the same time still points out them, so that the child understands how to act and what not to do.

The stories behind each parable tell children, in a language they can understand, what real life and what difficulties may be encountered on this difficult path. And most importantly, in each parable you can find more than one way out of the current situation.

Unfortunately, many parents believe that at an early stage of development their child is not able to perceive parables as such. This opinion is wrong. You can start reading parables to a child from the cradle. Of course, at first he may not understand their true meaning, but at the subconscious level the trace will remain in any case.

Short parables for children

Already from an early age, parables contribute to the formation in a small person of the correct attitude towards the world, himself and his actions. It is also interesting that in the process of forming this relationship, the child begins to understand that you need to appreciate what you have.

Reading short parables gives children the opportunity to share joy and sadness with their heroes, and this, in turn, will teach the child empathy, compassion and mercy.

Good parables will relieve a child from anxious thoughts, develop confidence in his abilities, and help him give up manifestations of greed and bragging. Short parables can show a child in an accessible form that envy is bad, and if he wants something, then he needs to work for it and achieve his goal. Naturally, “work” at this age means good behavior, obedience, study, and so on.

IN early age, up to about six or seven years old, short parables are ideal for reading to children. It is easy for a child to perceive them, but at the same time the imagination draws colorful pictures and the vocabulary is enriched. You will very soon notice that it is increasingly easier for the child to express his thoughts, he no longer rushes into fights in the yard so often, but tries to decide conflict situations verbally.

In a short story, at first glance, there is so much deep meaning... In simple words, they demonstrate to the child that life is multifaceted, and dividing this or that event into good or bad is pointless. Having thought through any situation, you can turn it to your advantage, and by definition there are no hopeless situations.

Parables for children: read

We all know how beneficial it is to read books to children, especially parables. Let's figure out why. As you know, all psychologists and teachers unconditionally agree that reading parables to a child is simply necessary. Unlike fairy tales, which largely distort actual reality by the fact that their heroes are talking animals, and often completely fictional creatures, parables convey reality as correctly as possible; their heroes are completely real people, we can observe their actions every day in our lives too. In addition, many teachers believe that reading parables is appropriate even at the level of intrauterine development; perhaps this is a myth, but this practice will not bring anything bad.

Along with the already mentioned beneficial effects, reading parables to children can bring into our lives:

  • Harmony in relationships with your beloved child. Think and answer honestly the question: “How much time do I devote to the inner world of my child?” Unfortunately, the frantic pace of life, when we are forced to work hard in order to provide a decent standard of living for ourselves and our family, rarely allows us
  • have a heart-to-heart talk with your child. Often we are deprived of the opportunity to tell the child what is good and what is bad, to analyze and draw conclusions from the situation that happened in the kindergarten, in the yard, at school, and so on. All communication between modern parents and their children comes down to going to the store together to buy the next toy. Thus, many fathers and mothers calm their conscience and mistakenly believe that this is enough. But family tradition Reading parables together in the evenings will give you much more.
  • The child calms down and receives answers to his questions. Don't think that Small child he is devoid of experiences, on the contrary, he is at that age when there is confusion in his soul, and his mind is constantly working, trying to independently comprehend the secrets of the universe, naturally at a more primitive level than what happens in an adult. Help your baby! Read short parables to him, give him answers and food for further thought.
  • The child's intelligence develops. Read short parables to the little man more often at night; before going to bed, his state is relaxed, he is calm and information is perceived best. Together with your child, try to discuss what you read, listen carefully to his opinion. Please note that the language of the parables is simple and understandable; soon your baby will speak at this level too! And you will only be surprised at how reasonable he is and that he talks like an adult.
  • Instilling in a child a love of reading. Again, in contrast to fairy tales, parables tell the story of the lives of adults. Therefore, it is more interesting for children to read them rather than fairy tales. The love of reading can hardly be overestimated; moreover, it takes children away from the TV, tablet and other “flaws” of the modern age. Don’t waste time, read parables to children while they are at an early age, then it may be too late, since the child will be influenced by high technology, books will be abandoned, values ​​will be distorted, and you will not be able to do anything.
  • Development in the child of imagination, analytical thinking and the ability to overcome situations with dignity, even the most difficult ones. Using the example of the main characters, the parable tells kids how to behave with friends and older people, as well as how to look for ways to resolve controversial issues. This is how a model of relationships and behavior with different people, he begins to understand the limits of what is permitted.

Wise parables for children

No matter how trivial it may sound, the parables contain age-old wisdom that has been accumulated for more than one generation. Not many of us are able to choose words and convey the meaning of this or that edification as briefly and accurately.

Wise parables will show a child the true meaning and value of life, teach that good deeds towards other people are beneficial, and most of all, to himself. Oddly enough, children are better disposed to such perception than any adult, probably because their minds and consciousness are not yet clogged with the ideas of modern society.

Instructive parables for children

Instructive parables will demonstrate to the young explorer of the universe that everything secret will definitely become clear and that evil will definitely be punished.

The child will learn to look at his actions through the eyes of another person, as if from the outside. Over time, he will understand that before committing any act, he needs to think about whether it will harm his comrade or just a random passerby. In addition, the parable will help the child realize that some of his desires need to be relegated to the background, and some should be completely feared and fought against.

Of course, whether to read parables or fairy tales to your little one is up to you to decide. However, even at an early age, it is worth trying several ways of communicating with a child in order to help him get comfortable in a world full of contradictions, false judgments and vanity.

Parable about the glass
At the beginning of the lesson, the professor raised a glass with a small amount of water. He held the glass until all the students were paying attention, and then asked, “How much do you think this glass weighs?”
“50 grams!”... “100 grams!”... “125 grams!”... - the students suggested.
“I don’t know myself,” the professor continued, “to find out, you need to weigh it.” But the question is different: what will happen if I hold the glass like this for several minutes?
“Nothing,” the students answered.
- Fine. What will happen if I hold this glass for an hour? - the professor asked again.
“Your hand will hurt,” one of the students answered.
- So. What will happen if I keep the glass like this all day?
“Your hand will turn to stone, you will feel a strong tension in the muscles, and even your hand may paralyze, and you will have to be sent to the hospital,” said the student to the general laughter of the audience.
“Very good,” the professor continued calmly, “however, has the weight of the glass changed during this time?”
“No,” was the answer.
- Then where did the shoulder pain and muscle tension come from?
The students were surprised and discouraged.
- What do I need to do to get rid of the pain? – asked the professor.
“Put the glass down,” came the response from the audience.
“Here,” the professor exclaimed, “the exact same thing happens with life’s problems and failures.” You will keep them in your head for a few minutes - this is normal. If you think about them a lot of time, you will begin to experience pain. And if you continue to think about it for a long, long time, it will begin to paralyze you, i.e. you won't be able to do anything else. It's important to think through the situation and draw conclusions, but it's even more important to let these problems go at the end of each day before you go to bed. And thus, without stress, you will be able to wake up every morning fresh, alert and ready to cope with new life situations.

Fedyaeva Tatyana Gennadievna

"Where do grandfathers go"

Parable from Shalva Amonashvili

A girl was born, and on the same day and hour Grandfather was born. They became inseparable friends. Every evening, before going to bed, Grandfather sat by his granddaughter’s bed and told a fairy tale, which then continued in his sleep.

Days passed - a hundred, two hundred, three hundred... a thousand... three thousand. And Grandfather kept telling fairy tales - one every evening. The fairy tales were kind, smart, funny, sad. And the girl grew up in fairy tales - she grew smarter and became more and more beautiful.

Grandfather, where do you get so many fairy tales? - the girl sometimes asked in surprise.

From there! - Grandfather answered and smiled mysteriously.

Every morning, at dawn, quietly, so as not to wake up his granddaughter, he opened the door and went somewhere.

Where are you going, Grandfather? - the girl sometimes whispered in her sleep.

When the grandfather told the girl the seven-thousandth fairy tale, she was already a completely grown-up girl - a beauty. Then the first suitors were found. And because of Grandfather’s seven thousand mysterious wrinkles, joyful eyes shone.

But the girl, and now a girl, was still looking forward to Grandfather’s fairy tale. However, that evening Grandfather said:

Seven thousand will not be the first fairy tale!

Why? - the girl was upset.

I've run out of them...

How so... without fairy tales... - the girl became worried. She wanted to cry.

The grandfather was also worried: he really didn’t want to leave his granddaughter without fairy tales that made her mature, smart, modest and beautiful.

“But I don’t have any more fairy tales,” he thought sadly, “and she also needs other fairy tales, fairy tales of life... Where can I get them from?”

And the girl kept begging:

Tell me a story…

“Okay,” Grandfather said then, “I’ll go get some fairy tales, just go to sleep that night without her.”

No one saw Grandfather get up early in the morning and leave. He left forever and never returned. And that evening the girl learned her grandfather’s fairy tale of life, and there was this last fairy tale about love and the grief of loss.

Grandfather left for new fairy tales for me! - she told everyone in tears.