Decoration serves as a magnificent addition to a person’s beauty. It is for this reason that every person strives to maintain his jewelry in in the best possible way. Let's look at what kind of care should be taken for silver items so that they serve and delight us for many years.

Researchers believe that the first jewelry and objects made of silver appeared in ancient Egypt. This happened in the period from 500 AD. Considering that silver is not found in perfectly pure form in nature, it was highly valued by people in ancient times. Even gold was sometimes less valuable in the eyes of our ancient ancestors. Moreover, silver has been given symbolic meaning since ancient times, as well as magical meaning. It was believed that it had some unearthly power.

Today, many homes contain silver items. different types. It can be:

  • Jewelry;
  • interior items;
  • cutlery.

Over time, silver can lose its original beauty. It may simply darken. Sometimes you can notice a green or blue coating on an object made of silver metal. What about shine? Is it possible to restore the product to its former charm? Let's try to figure out whether it is possible to do this on our own, at home. Let's find out in more detail how soda and foil can help us.

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Reasons why silver darkens

Silver can tarnish from time to time. One of the reasons may be increased humidity levels. Moreover, this effect occurs on this material as a result of long-term contact with human skin. In order to avoid the process of silver tarnishing, it is important to know all the reasons for this action. It is also important to know how to clean such products. Some of the reasons why silver can turn black are:

  • moisture;
  • cosmetics with sulfur;
  • features of human sweat.

So, the product darkens when it is exposed to humid air or skin. Although silver is resistant to acids and alkalis, it is susceptible to hydrogen sulfide in the air. When silver encounters sulfur in cosmetics, blackening occurs. And human sweat can have this effect on metal. Scientists have proven that the color is precious metal, like silver, can change. It all depends on the composition of human sweat. Excess nitrogen in the human body contributes to the accelerated process of darkening of silver.

In order to know how to clean this metal in the right way, some factors need to be taken into account. For example, the alloy of the product is important. The following alloys exist:

  1. sterling;
  2. monetary;
  3. nielloed;
  4. matte;
  5. filigree.

In addition, it is important to take into account the presence of additional elements such as stones and other inserts. You should be careful if the product contains elements such as:

  • corals;
  • amber;
  • pearl.

In this case, it is better to entrust the cleaning of the product to a professional. These stones are sensitive and gentle to the influence of chemicals and acidic agents. At home, without skills, you can easily ruin them.

The most effective option for cleaning silver metals is to clean them with professional product. You can find and purchase such goods in hardware stores or jewelry store. If you don’t have it at hand special liquids and funds, they will come to the rescue traditional methods cleaning silver.

Cleaning silver from tarnishing with soda

The lightest and affordable way, which is used to clean silver, is soda. To make the solution, we need half a liter of plain water, as well as two tablespoons of baking soda. Mix the soda and place the container with the solution on the fire. It's very easy to do at home.

When the water boils, place a small piece of food foil in the container. Now we can put our silver items into the water. Keep them in water for just a few minutes and they will be clean and sparkling again.

You can make another solution with soda to clean the products. We take an aluminum dish, fill it with water, add a little liquid detergent, and also put a little salt and soda. We boil our decorations over low heat for half an hour.

If you have valuable silver items that you wear only on special occasions, you can store them in a dry place. It is better to wrap each decoration in foil, one at a time. This will protect the silver from oxidation, and it will serve you for many years.

If your silver cutlery has turned black, you can also clean it with baking soda. To do this, you need to put them in a container with foil at the bottom. You can sprinkle up to three tablespoons of baking soda on top of the utensils. You should again put food foil on top. Now fill the container with boiling water. The soda will do its job, and after fifteen minutes you can rinse the devices with running water and use them again in everyday life. This makes it easy to clean cutlery at home.

You can take a container, wrap it in foil, and fold the silver into one layer. Then you can sprinkle salt and baking soda on top, as well as a few drops of dish liquid. All this also needs to be poured with boiling water for ten minutes.

You can also make a solution for cleaning silver from tooth powder, soda, and ammonia. This method is considered the most effective. The mixture is applied to the silver with a soft brush and washed off with cold water.

Do not forget that silver cleaning is carried out only when necessary. For example, there is no need to clean the following types of silver:

  • blackened;
  • filigree.

The fact is that blackness creates a special charm in such silver. It’s stupid to spoil such sophistication. Therefore, do not attempt to clean these types of silver.

Cleaning silver items with stones

There are liquids for cleaning jewelry and household silver. They help prevent harm to the product during the process. Moreover, these products create a protective film on the silver product. But there is a way to clean your silver yourself, at home.

If the product contains stones, then it is not necessary to resort to the help of specialists. You can make a good cleaning solution. We will need:

  1. water;
  2. laundry soap shavings;
  3. ammonia.

Let's bring this solution to a boil. Once the mixture has cooled, it can be applied to any silver item with a toothbrush. This will clean the metal. Blackness directly next to the stone can be removed using cotton swabs. We wet the stick in the solution and lubricate the product around the stones. Our silver is pure. As you can see, it can be cleaned at home without any problems.

There are three good advice. If the product is dirty, just place them in a soap solution. Let the products sit in this water for some time. You can then clean your silver jewelry with a soft, flexible brush.

If the product does not contain stones, then it can be easily lightened. We will need a solution of such products as:

  1. lemon acid;
  2. or ammonia.

To enhance the effect, you can heat our solution. You can also use regular potatoes. It needs to be grated and then filled with water. Decorations are immersed in this water for a couple of minutes. The wool should then be used to polish the silver to a brilliant shine.

You can also use an eraser to clean silver inserts at home. You need to rub with the light side of the rubber band. With a little effort, you will soon notice that the blackness will come off the silver. Instead of an eraser, lipstick is often used. With its help, silver is cleaned without scratches.

At all times, women loved to wear jewelry made of expensive metal. The most accessible of these metals is silver. In ancient times, people attached symbolic meaning to it. They believed that this metal had magical powers and protected against evil forces. Therefore, it is especially popular. Unfortunately, when you constantly wear your favorite rings or earrings, they fade. Having lost their shine, they no longer look as attractive as new ones. The same fate applies to cutlery, which is the pride of housewives.

A change in color or loss of shine of a product occurs especially quickly when it comes into contact with sulfur compounds contained in some cosmetics oh and detergents

How to prolong the shine of such things? You can clean expensive metal efficiently using improvised means without any special financial costs. Regular baking soda and foil will help with this. Sodium bicarbonate has alkaline properties, thanks to which it will easily remove fatty components, traces of corrosion and dirt deposits, and it also has antibacterial properties. Soda can always be found in the kitchen or at the nearest store.

Causes of the problem

Over time, silver items become tarnished and black spots appear on them. There are several reasons for the loss of original attractiveness:

  • increased environmental humidity;
  • cosmetics containing sulfur;
  • sweat secretion by a person.

Although silver is resistant to acids, it is very sensitive to hydrogen sulfide in the air. If sulfur-containing cosmetics get on the surface, black spots appear. Human sweat secretions have the same effect on this metal, and an excess of nitrogen in the body causes its darkening. This information was proven by scientists during experiments.

Preparatory stage

Before cleaning silver, a number of preparatory procedures are required. It needs to be removed from the top layer of contamination and the surfaces degreased. Regular detergent is perfect for this. To achieve the best effect, use brushes or hard sponges.

When the jewelry contains any additions other than metal, for example, coral, amber inserts or pearls, it is not recommended to clean it yourself.

A well-washed metal surface reacts better with soda solution. Since silver is a very soft metal, cleaning it too aggressively can damage its surface, leaving scratches. Do not forget that when cleaning a sprayed surface you need to be extremely careful. If you overdo it, the coating can be completely removed.

Silver will be completely restored due to the ability of aluminum foil to react with silver sulfide

Cleaning things with sharp objects, even in hard-to-reach places, is strictly prohibited. This method can ruin your favorite thing.

Getting rid of dark spots and dirt

Specialized products will help you update your silver jewelry. You can purchase such substances in jewelry stores and hardware departments of supermarkets. But they are adequately replaced by folk methods.

One of the effective folk recipes is cleaning silver with soda and foil. The method is quite fast, simple and does not require any special financial costs, because all the components can be found in the house.

To prepare the product, you need to dissolve two tablespoons of baking soda in half a liter of water. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil. Add a small piece of foil to the boiling water. Then place the product in the solution. Leave them for a few minutes, stirring gently wooden stick. At the final stage, remove the jewelry with a fork and rinse well under running water. If desired, you can polish them with a soft cloth. After this procedure, the cleaned products will be like new - clean and sparkling.

The second method differs slightly. In an aluminum bowl with water, add baking soda and salt in equal parts, as well as a small amount detergent with liquid texture soap. It is necessary to boil the products in this mixture for half an hour.

When silver cutlery turns black, you can save it with the help of improvised means. Take a deep bowl, spread foil on the bottom, arrange forks and spoons evenly. Sprinkle three tablespoons of baking soda on top and cover with foil. Next, pour enough boiled water into the bowl to cover the entire structure. After twenty minutes, the devices must be removed and rinsed with cold water. This procedure will clean their surfaces from plaque and stubborn dirt.

Don't forget to thoroughly dry and wipe your silver after cleaning.

There is another method for cleaning silver; it is considered one of the most effective. It requires sodium bicarbonate and tooth powder. To prepare the solution, mix these components and add ammonia. It is recommended to clean jewelry with this mixture using a soft brush; you can use an old toothbrush. After the procedure, rinse everything under running water.

Don't forget that not every piece of jewelry can be cleaned. Black and filigree items will be damaged in the process. Since blackness gives the product a special sophistication, it is not the best solution to get rid of it.

Mortar for products with stone

To update appearance products with inserts, it is necessary to use more gentle methods. There are special solutions on sale that do not harm the decoration. In addition, such substances create a protective shell. But their price will not greatly please thrifty housewives. Moreover, in the archive traditional methods There are analogues to such products that clean silver using soda.

  • grated laundry soap;
  • a glass of plain water;
  • a few drops of ammonia.

Mix all ingredients together and bring to a boil. After the mixture has cooled, clean the rings or earrings with it using a soft brush. Black plaque around the stone can be easily removed with cotton swab, soaked in this solution. At the end of the process, rinse the products with water.

Prevention and protection

To avoid having to often resort to harsh methods of saving jewelry, they need to be stored correctly. To do this, you can use boxes or plastic bags with a sealed clasp. To protect products from moisture, it is recommended to use special bags, such as those used for shoe boxes.

It is recommended to store those jewelry that is worn only on special occasions in a dry place, having previously wrapped each of them in a piece of foil. This simple method will protect the item from oxidation and extend its service life.

Greetings. The unique shine of silver (Ag) products is due to its white color and ability to reflect 95% of the visible spectrum.

Pure metal is quite soft and easily changes shape, but is practically not susceptible to oxidation. To give Ag items strength, other components, such as copper, are added to the alloy. Because of this, the precious metal becomes susceptible to oxidation in order to maintain its shine.

One way is to clean silver with baking soda and foil. I will tell you in what situations this processing method is appropriate, and how not to harm the jewelry.

The following factors can lead to oxidation:

  • storage in a room with high humidity;
  • direct contact with household chemicals;
  • contact of cosmetics with metal;
  • frequent contact with water (for example, if you take a bath without removing jewelry);
  • dirt settling on a fatty base (sweat).

Copper, which is part of the alloy, reacts with sulfur contained in human sweat and air. It is because of this reaction that silver is coated with a dark, thin layer of Ag25 (silver sulfide). The more impurities in the jewelry, the more actively it darkens. Especially cutlery.

Is it possible to clean silver with baking soda and foil?

Baking soda is an excellent absorbent that, when used correctly, can restore the lost shine to silver. And together with foil it causes a combined chemical reaction that reverses the oxidative process.

Advantages and disadvantages of this method

Unlike mechanical removal of dirt with polishes, which remove part of the precious metal along with plaque, cleaning with soda and foil has virtually no disadvantages. The aluminum contained in the foil attracts sulfur atoms, converting Ag25 back to silver.

This cleaning method is suitable for openwork jewelry and twisted chains, because it allows you to remove plaque even in hard-to-reach places.

There is only one drawback - the item may become cloudy.

Which samples can withstand this treatment?

Expert opinion

Vsevolod Kozlovsky

6 years in jewelry making. Knows everything about samples and can identify a fake in 12 seconds

The lower the silver standard, the more susceptible it is to blackening. Pure silver is not prone to oxidation, which means it does not need cleaning with soda and foil at all. Therefore, the method will be effective for 800, 830, 875 stamps. In rare cases required for 925 and 960.

You should never clean gold-plated or blackened silver using this method, since along with unwanted contaminants you can remove the decorative coating and oxide layer.

What not to clean silver

Silver should not be treated with aggressive detergents, as instead of restoring shine, the opposite effect will occur.

Oxidized products and jewelry with pearls.

Using hard brushes and sponges will scratch the coating, because silver is very sensitive to mechanical stress.

How to clean silver with baking soda and foil at home

This method of cleaning silver is the most gentle and affordable, since almost every home has a package of baking soda and foil for baking. And even if not, they can be purchased at the nearest mass market.

The complete process, including boiling water, preparing and waiting for the result, will take no more than 10 minutes.

Precautionary measures

Some people recommend cleaning jewelry in boiling water along with baking soda and foil, but this should not be done because pieces of the material may peel off and damage the jewelry.

If objects with stones or pearls require cleaning, then this method should be abandoned so as not to spoil their appearance.

Cleaning Solution Recipes

For 1 liter of hot water you need 50 g. soda You can dissolve the powder in an already heated liquid, stirring thoroughly, or add it before boiling. No further additional components are required.

Preparation of the solution

The reaction occurs faster when the solution is warm, or even better - boiling water.

You need to act according to the following scheme:

  • add sodium bicarbonate to the water and stir thoroughly;
  • Place foil on the bottom of the prepared container;
  • lay out the decoration;
  • pour the resulting mixture;
  • wait 3-5 minutes;
  • remove the product and rinse under water;
  • polish.

You can also use another method:

  • cover the bottom with foil;
  • put decoration;
  • add the required amount of soda;
  • to fill with water.

If not all blackening has been removed, the procedure can be repeated until the desired result is obtained.

Preparing Jewelry for Cleaning

Before processing, it is necessary to wipe the product from dust and rinse under warm water.

Cleaning process

The reaction between Ag25 and aluminum occurs only when they come into contact. Therefore, after covering the surface of the bowl with foil, you need to place the blackened object on it. Only then is soda added and everything is poured with boiling water (or a ready-made soda solution).

The compound transfers sulfur from the silver to the aluminum so the Ag25 can attach to the foil or form into small flakes. Since a slight electrical charge is formed between the connected components, the reaction process begins to hiss and foam rises. Therefore, the best place for the procedure will be the sink.

If the product becomes cloudy, you should use a soft fleece cloth and remove the sediment.

How to restore the shine of silver in 3 minutes, watch the video:

Other cleaning methods

Soda solution can be used not only with foil.

For 0.5 liters of hot water and 2 tbsp. l. soda can be added:

  • 100 ml 6% vinegar and 2 tsp. salt (leave for 10 minutes, rinse and wipe);
  • 1 tsp. salt (leave for 3-5 minutes, then rinse and wipe);
  • 2 tbsp. l. ammonia (immerse in the composition for 15 minutes, wash, wipe);
  • ammonia and tooth powder in a ratio of 5:2:2 (apply with a soft brush, remove blackening, rinse and wipe).

If you don’t have baking soda or foil at home, but you have citric acid, you can use it to clean silver:

  • dissolve 100 g in 0.5 ml of water. substances;
  • put on fire and bring to a boil;
  • soak the decoration in a water bath for 15-30 minutes;
  • rinse and dry thoroughly.

For silver without impurities, the following recipe is suitable:

  • mix ammonia and 3% hydrogen peroxide in equal proportions;
  • add 1 tsp. soda;
  • mix;
  • lower the decorations for 15-20 minutes;
  • cutlery - for 60 minutes.

In addition to improvised means, you can purchase special chemicals designed to clean silver.

How to clean jewelry with stones

Products containing:

  • pearl;
  • amber;
  • ivory;
  • corals.

It is best to entrust such jewelry to craftsmen, since these elements are sensitive to any influence.

An additional way to clean silver with precious and semi-precious stones from contamination is to soak it in a soapy solution for an hour, followed by brushing with a toothbrush. Be sure to polish with a soft cloth at the end.

Rules for wearing, caring for and storing silver items

It is necessary as blackening progresses or at least once a year.

At the same time, jewelry must be stored in a dry place, away from medicines, cosmetics, perfumes and household chemicals. It would be good if these were special cases or jewelry boxes. And storage in foil can protect silver from moisture, mechanical damage, and oxidation.

Jewelry must be removed before cleaning, washing dishes, taking a bath, or using face and body creams.

Silver items are rarely used, so they need to be cleaned once every two months.


I hope the article was useful, now cleaning silver at home will not be difficult. Subscribe to site news, leave comments, visit pages in in social networks. We have a new one every week helpful information. Best regards and see you again!

From time immemorial, jewelry was intended to evoke in others emotions favorable to the person being decorated. After all, you must admit that it is pleasant for a person to look at clean, shiny decorations. Therefore, it is necessary to store it properly, clean it occasionally to maintain beautiful view decorations. Silver is one of the favorite materials for making jewelry, because it looks beautiful and is inexpensive. But since this metal has a very characteristic, and not at all pleasant, feature of darkening over time, a lot of methods for cleaning it have been tested in practice. Cleaning silver at home with foil and soda is one of the most effective, simple, and therefore popular. This and other options will be discussed in this article.

Why do jewelry spoil?

From time to time the silver becomes dull, one of possible reasons- increased humidity level. Metal is also affected by contact with human skin:

  • Moisture;
  • Cosmetics with sulfur;
  • Features of human sweat.

In order to know how to clean silver at home, we must look at the types of this metal:

  • sterling;
  • monetary;
  • nielloed;
  • matte;
  • filigree.

Important! There is no need to clean filigree, blackened types of metal!

It is also necessary to take into account the location of additional elements. You should be careful if the inlay contains:

  • corals;
  • amber;
  • pearl.

Methods for cleaning silver

Below is a description of what is used to clean silver plate and dishes. Each proposed method is simple and will not require much effort from you. The effect is usually noticeable literally immediately.


  1. The first and one of the main steps is to wash the metal in a thick solution of detergent.
  2. For the best effect, bring the solution to 50 C, soak the devices or decorations for 30 minutes.
  3. After this, we wash everything soaked with a sponge.

Cleaning silver at home with foil and baking soda:

A solution of salt, soda, detergent

We will need aluminum cookware:

  1. We fill it with water and add detergent (liquid).
  2. Next, add salt and soda.
  3. Boil our decorations over low heat for 30 minutes.

Tooth powder, ammonia, soda:

  1. All ingredients are mixed.
  2. The mixture is applied to the silver with a soft brush and then washed off with water.
  3. Finally, be sure to dry the products well and polish them.

Mortar for products with stones and other elements:

  1. We take: water, laundry soap shavings, ammonia.
  2. Bring the solution of these substances to a boil.
  3. After it has cooled, apply it to any silver items with a toothbrush.

Important! Hard-to-reach areas can be cleaned with ear sticks.

Another solution for simple products without stones:

  1. We heat citric acid or ammonia to enhance the effect. You can also grate the potatoes and then add water.
  2. Dip the products into the chosen product for a couple of minutes.
  3. Then we take the wool and rub it until it shines.
  • Clean silverware and cutlery separately from other types of household utensils to avoid scratches and damage to finishes.
  • When cleaning and washing silver, do not use rubber gloves, as they may cause microcracks.
  • It is advisable to give products with French or oxidized metal to professionals.
  • You should not “go too far” with cleaning silver, as you can tear off the decorative coating, for example, mistaking it for plaque.

How to properly store silver?

It is advisable to store silver separately from other metals - in boxes or velvet bags. If they are not there, then you can use plastic bags, the main thing is that they don’t scratch each other!

The following materials cannot be used for storage:

  • Paper packaging;
  • Cardboard;
  • Viscose silk.

Important! Such packages contain sulfur, which causes the silver to darken.

From time immemorial, jewelry was intended to evoke in others emotions favorable to the person being decorated. After all, you must admit that it is pleasant for a person to look at clean, shiny jewelry. Therefore, it is necessary to store it properly and clean it occasionally to maintain the beautiful appearance of the jewelry. Silver is one of the favorite materials for making jewelry, because it looks beautiful and is inexpensive. But since this metal has a very characteristic, and not at all pleasant, feature of darkening over time, a lot of methods for cleaning it have been tested in practice. Cleaning silver at home with foil and soda is one of the most effective, simple, and therefore popular. This and other options will be discussed in this article.

Why do jewelry spoil?

From time to time, silver becomes dull; one possible reason is increased levels of humidity. Metal is also affected by contact with human skin:

  • Moisture;
  • Cosmetics with sulfur;
  • Features of human sweat.

In order to know how to clean silver at home, we must look at the types of this metal:

  • sterling;
  • monetary;
  • nielloed;
  • matte;
  • filigree.

Important! There is no need to clean filigree, blackened types of metal!

It is also necessary to take into account the location of additional elements. You should be careful if the inlay contains:

  • corals;
  • amber;
  • pearl.

Methods for cleaning silver

Below is a description of what you use to clean silverware and dishes. Each proposed method is simple and will not require much effort from you. The effect is usually noticeable literally immediately.


  1. The first and one of the main steps is to wash the metal in a thick solution of detergent.
  2. For the best effect, bring the solution to 50 C, soak the devices or decorations for 30 minutes.
  3. After this, we wash everything soaked with a sponge.

Cleaning silver at home with foil and baking soda:

A solution of salt, soda, detergent

We will need aluminum cookware:

  1. We fill it with water and add detergent (liquid).
  2. Next, add salt and soda.
  3. Boil our decorations over low heat for 30 minutes.

Tooth powder, ammonia, soda:

  1. All ingredients are mixed.
  2. The mixture is applied to the silver with a soft brush and then washed off with water.
  3. Finally, be sure to dry the products well and polish them.

Mortar for products with stones and other elements:

  1. We take: water, laundry soap shavings, ammonia.
  2. Bring the solution of these substances to a boil.
  3. After it has cooled, apply it to any silver items with a toothbrush.

Important! Hard-to-reach areas can be cleaned with ear sticks.

Another solution for simple products without stones:

  1. We heat citric acid or ammonia to enhance the effect. You can also grate the potatoes and then add water.
  2. Dip the products into the chosen product for a couple of minutes.
  3. Then we take the wool and rub it until it shines.
  • Clean silverware and cutlery separately from other types of household utensils to avoid scratches and damage to finishes.
  • When cleaning and washing silver, do not use rubber gloves, as they may cause microcracks.
  • It is advisable to give products with French or oxidized metal to professionals.
  • You should not “go too far” with cleaning silver, as you can tear off the decorative coating, for example, mistaking it for plaque.

How to properly store silver?

It is advisable to store silver separately from other metals - in boxes or velvet bags. If they are not available, then you can use plastic bags, the main thing is that they do not scratch each other!

The following materials cannot be used for storage:

  • Paper packaging;
  • Cardboard;
  • Viscose silk.

Important! Such packages contain sulfur, which causes the silver to darken.

Also, the storage location should not be in damp places, direct sunlight or high temperature.

How to clean silver with soda and foil?

The easiest and safest way to clean silver jewelry and cutlery is to clean the silver with baking soda and foil. Foil is necessary in order to prevent the oxidation reaction of the metal during boiling in a metal container.

For cleaning, ordinary food foil is suitable; it must be laid so that it completely covers the bottom and edges of the pan:

  • Place a piece of foil in a metal pan and add 0.5 liters. hot water. Add 2 tbsp. baking soda, mix thoroughly and put on fire.
  • When the solution boils, lower the decorations into boiling water.
  • Leave the items for 5-10 minutes; do not boil for longer - this may damage the coating of the decoration.

Cleaning silver with soda and salt

After boiling, remove the jewelry, rinse it with running water and wipe dry with a soft, lint-free cloth. If the dirt has not come off, use a regular toothbrush with soft bristles to remove the blackness, gently wiping the dirty areas.

In the next article we will talk about cleaning gold at home with soda.

Cleaning silver with soda and salt

If after the soda “bath” the stains have not gone away, you can try to bleach the “jewelry” in this way:

  • Prepare a pan with a piece of foil, pour a solution of 0.5 liters into it. warm water, 2 tbsp. soda, 1 tsp. salt and 50 gr. any product you use to wash dishes.
  • Dip the decorations into the solution and leave over low heat until it boils.
  • Let the products sit for 3-5 minutes, then rinse with plenty of water.
  • After cleaning is complete, dry the product thoroughly with a soft cloth.

Cleaning silver with soda and salt - effective method, allowing you to carefully remove almost any contaminant.

Remember - silver jewelry with glued stones cannot be boiled. When boiling, the glue will dissolve and the stones or rhinestones will fall out.

How to clean silver with baking soda and vinegar?

To clean silver with soda and vinegar you will need 6% acetic acid, baking soda and water:

  • Line a glass container with aluminum foil. Pour in 100 ml. 6% vinegar essence, 1 tbsp. soda powder and 1 tsp. table salt. Mix everything with a wooden spatula, then lower the decorations into the container.
  • Cover with a lid and leave for 10 minutes. A change in the color of the water will indicate the cleaning process.
  • After cleaning, rinse and polish the items.

This method will help you quickly remove bluish or greenish plaque from your favorite jewelry or cutlery, which appears as a result of oxidation of silver.

This method will help you quickly remove bluish or greenish plaque from your favorite jewelry or cutlery, which appears as a result of oxidation of silver.

Cleaning silver with peroxide and soda

The peroxide and soda cleaning method is only suitable for all-silver items. If the jewelry consists of a metal alloy or has additional coating, peroxide cannot be used.

To prepare the cleaning solution:

  • In a deep glass container, mix 3% peroxide solution and ethyl alcohol in equal proportions.
  • Add 1 tsp to the solution. soda powder, stir.
  • Immerse jewelry in the solution for 15-20 minutes, silver cutlery for 60 minutes.

Soda and toothpaste

Regular toothpaste and a soft-bristled brush will help you effectively clean silver items:

  • Mix water, ammonia and toothpaste in a ratio of 5:2:2.
  • Dip the brush into the mixture and gently wipe the product.
  • Then rinse with water and wipe with a soft cloth. It is better to use soft, lint-free cloth napkins.

Soda and ammonia

Soda and ammonia

Jewelry can also be cleaned with ammonia. To do this, you will need to prepare an alcohol solution, diluting it in 1 liter. water 2 tbsp. l. ammonia. The decoration is immersed in the solution for 15 minutes, then washed and wiped with any soft cloth.

When working with ammonia or acetic acid, take precautions - try to ventilate the room, use rubber gloves and avoid contact of caustic substances with the skin or mucous membranes.

Acids should not be used when cleaning irradiated silver. If you want to clean such a product, use more gentle methods, without the use of acetic acid, ammonia or hydrogen peroxide.

The video shows the most popular method for cleaning silver jewelry.

Reasons why products lose their appearance

Silver may tarnish over time. The main reason for this unpleasant phenomenon is high humidity in the room. Can ruin the appearance of metal and constant contact with human skin. Upon contact with sulfur, a reaction occurs that leads to just such consequences. Therefore, all products containing sulfur should be kept away from silver.

When cleaning products with some inserts made of precious and semi-precious stones you should be especially careful. Namely, it is better not to clean products containing:

  • pearl;
  • amber;
  • corals.

Such elements are very sensitive to chemistry and mechanical stress; if handled incorrectly, they can easily be damaged. The most effective products for cleaning silver are those that can be bought in stores. However, if this is not possible, traditional methods will also work.

Cleaning with improvised means

How to clean silver with baking soda and foil? For this method of cleaning silver products at home, you will need:

  • a saucepan for filling with water;
  • baking soda, two glasses;
  • a quarter glass of salt;
  • soft cloth;
  • tooth cheek with soft bristles;
  • aluminium foil.

The process itself will look like this:

  • Line the bottom of the pan with aluminum foil until it covers the bottom completely.
  • The walls do not need to be covered with foil, provided that the silver product does not touch them.

  • Fill a saucepan with water. The water should not boil, somewhere around 60–80 degrees. Just pour enough to completely cover the product.
  • Add a mixture of soda and salt, mixing everything thoroughly.
  • Leave the item to be cleaned in the solution for 5–10 minutes.
  • After this time has passed, remove the product and remove any remaining plaque and dirt using a toothbrush.
  • Rinse the jewelry with cold water and wipe dry with a lint-free cloth.
  • Your decoration is cleaned.

The amount of ingredients added to the solution, soda and salt, will depend on the size of the product to be cleaned. In addition, more of these components should be added if the product is too dirty.

If your jewelry has not yet become very dirty, you can quickly clean it with a soap solution. How to clean silver this way? After soaking the jewelry in this solution for a while, simply brush it with a toothbrush, applying gentle pressure.

A product without stones can be clarified using ammonia or citric acid. To enhance the effect, heat the solution.

You can wash silver items in potato broth. Just put the item in there for a few minutes and take it out. Use wool for wiping and polishing.

Jewelry is usually worn to attract attention. You will also attract him with blackened silver, but only in the bad sense of the word. Cleaning such a product at home is not only possible, but also quite easy.

Why does silver tarnish

All silver coins will tarnish, whether they are sterling silver or silver plated. Tarnishing occurs because silver reacts chemically with sulfur in the air to form silver sulfide.

The combination of aluminum, soda, salt and hot water changes the properties of the chemical reaction, which allows the silver sulfide to be removed from its surface. Cleaning silver with foil can be a fun process that will help brighten up the weekend with your kids. Not only will you be able to teach a science lesson yourself, you will also get pure silver as a result.

Silver Cleaning Tools

To clean silver with aluminum foil, you will need the following materials:

  • Silver that needs cleaning
  • A saucepan or plate deep enough to fill hot water and cover the silver item.
  • 2 cups baking soda
  • About a quarter cup of salt
  • Soft bristle toothbrush
  • Soft, lint-free cloth

Cleaning process

Line the pan or plate with aluminum foil, making sure it completely covers the bottom of the container. Also, make sure the sides of the pan/plate are also lined with aluminum foil if the silverware touches them.

Fill a saucepan with enough hot (but not boiling) water to cover the dirty silver item. Add baking soda and salt, stir evenly throughout the container. If you want, you can rotate the pan on its axis to mix the baking soda and salt, but this solution is not really necessary.

The chemical reaction will occur regardless of the quality of the ingredients dissolved in water. Leave the silver in the water for 5-10 minutes. Once the soaking is complete, remove the silver item from the pan/plate and gently scrub it with a soft-bristled toothbrush to remove any sulfate residue and dirt that was not washed off before. Rinse with cold water and wipe dry with a lint-free cloth.

Adjusting consistency

Please note that the amount of baking soda and salt you add to the water container will depend on the size and quantity (volume) of the silver item that needs to be cleaned.

For example, if you're going to clean that one tiny, silver spoon you bought on a weekend wine tour in Napa, you could use 1/4 cup baking soda and a tablespoon of salt.

Start with a little baking soda and salt and use the baking soda and foil to clean your silver. You can always add more if soaking doesn't work.

Causes of the problem

Over time, silver items become tarnished and black spots appear on them. There are several reasons for the loss of original attractiveness:

  • increased environmental humidity;
  • cosmetics containing sulfur;
  • sweat secretion by a person.

Although silver is resistant to acids, it is very sensitive to hydrogen sulfide in the air. If sulfur-containing cosmetics get on the surface, black spots appear. Human sweat secretions have the same effect on this metal, and an excess of nitrogen in the body causes its darkening. This information was proven by scientists during experiments.

Preparatory stage

Before cleaning silver, a number of preparatory procedures are required. It needs to be removed from the top layer of contamination and the surfaces degreased. Regular detergent is perfect for this. To achieve the best effect, use brushes or hard sponges.

When the jewelry contains any additions other than metal, for example, coral, amber inserts or pearls, it is not recommended to clean it yourself.

A well-washed metal surface reacts better with soda solution. Since silver is a very soft metal, cleaning it too aggressively can damage its surface, leaving scratches. Do not forget that when cleaning a sprayed surface you need to be extremely careful. If you overdo it, the coating can be completely removed.

Silver will be completely restored due to the ability of aluminum foil to react with silver sulfide

Cleaning things with sharp objects, even in hard-to-reach places, is strictly prohibited. This method can ruin your favorite thing.

Getting rid of dark spots and dirt

Specialized products will help you update your silver jewelry. You can purchase such substances in jewelry stores and hardware departments of supermarkets. But they are adequately replaced by folk methods.

One of the effective folk recipes is cleaning silver with soda and foil. The method is quite fast, simple and does not require any special financial costs, because all the components can be found in the house.

To prepare the product, you need to dissolve two tablespoons of baking soda in half a liter of water. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil. Add a small piece of foil to the boiling water. Then place the product in the solution. Keep them for several minutes, stirring gently with a wooden stick. At the final stage, remove the jewelry with a fork and rinse well under running water. If desired, you can polish them with a soft cloth. After this procedure, the cleaned products will be like new - clean and sparkling.

The second method differs slightly. In an aluminum bowl with water, add baking soda and salt in equal parts, as well as a small amount of detergent with liquid soap. It is necessary to boil the products in this mixture for half an hour.

When silver cutlery turns black, you can save it with the help of improvised means. Take a deep bowl, spread foil on the bottom, arrange forks and spoons evenly. Sprinkle three tablespoons of baking soda on top and cover with foil. Next, pour enough boiled water into the bowl to cover the entire structure. After twenty minutes, the devices must be removed and rinsed with cold water. This procedure will clean their surfaces from plaque and stubborn dirt.

Don't forget to thoroughly dry and wipe your silver after cleaning.

There is another method for cleaning silver; it is considered one of the most effective. It requires sodium bicarbonate and tooth powder. To prepare the solution, mix these components and add ammonia. It is recommended to clean jewelry with this mixture using a soft brush; you can use an old toothbrush. After the procedure, rinse everything under running water.

Don't forget that not every piece of jewelry can be cleaned. Black and filigree items will be damaged in the process. Since blackness gives the product a special sophistication, it is not the best solution to get rid of it.

Mortar for products with stone

To update the appearance of products with inserts, it is necessary to use more gentle methods. There are special solutions on sale that do not harm the decoration. In addition, such substances create a protective shell. But their price will not greatly please thrifty housewives. Moreover, in the archive of folk methods there are analogues to such means that clean silver using soda.

  • grated laundry soap;
  • a glass of plain water;
  • a few drops of ammonia.

Mix all ingredients together and bring to a boil. After the mixture has cooled, clean the rings or earrings with it using a soft brush. Black plaque around the stone can be easily removed with a cotton swab dipped in this solution. At the end of the process, rinse the products with water.

Why does silver darken?

Silver is a type of metal that tends to tarnish and darken, and this may be due to time.

But on the other hand, the cause may be moisture and contact with human skin. To avoid the process of darkening and dulling of silver, it is important to know all the reasons for this action. And also how and with what to clean it. If the silver chain has darkened on your neck, the reasons can be identified here.

Reasons for silver blackening:

  • high humidity;
  • sulfur, which is contained in cosmetics;
  • features of human sweat.

Many people have noticed more than once how silver turns black on a person’s body or in humid air. The metal is resistant to acids and alkalis, but not hydrogen sulfide.

For proper cleaning, it is imperative to know and take into account the alloy of the product. It can be sterling, coin, matte, filigree and blackened. When cleaning, do not forget about additional elements and stones.

Be careful with amber, pearls and coral. If the jewelry contains gems, then it is better to give the product to professional cleaning. Please note that exposure to chemicals and acidic agents will negatively affect the stones and you will damage the product.

An effective and reliable way to clean silver metals is through jewelers. Take the product to a specialist, he will quickly clean it. You can also use special professional products that can be purchased at a jewelry store. This means cleaning with a professional product. But these methods are not always feasible, so proven and simple methods will come to the rescue.

Cleaning silver with foil

  1. The simplest and most effective way to clean silver from black deposits is baking soda.. To prepare the product you will need 500 ml of water and 2 tsp. soda Mix well, put the liquid on the fire, bring to a boil. Pour the solution into a container, on one of which place foil. Dip the product into the liquid. Hold the silver for a few minutes and again you can see how the silver becomes sparkling and clean.
  1. You can clean silverware with baking soda. To do this, place all the utensils in a bowl, with foil on the bottom. Cover the utensils with soda, you will need about 3 tbsp. l. soda Pour hot water over everything, but not boiling water. Leave for a quarter of an hour, then rinse each device under running water. This is the simplest and effective method cleaning cutlery at home.
  2. You will need a container with a wide bottom. Wrap the container in foil and place silver in one layer. Sprinkle salt and soda on top, add a few drops of liquid soap. Cover the utensils with foil and pour boiling water over them. Leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Potato water and foil will help clean your silver. Everyone prepares mashed potatoes, and the liquid in which the vegetable was cooked is drained. Should not be doing that. Drain the broth into a container, put a piece of foil and lower the silver item. Take out the jewel in five minutes. At first glance, this method seems simple, but effective and simple.

Other folk recipes for cleaning silver

  • Let's prepare another product based on soda. You will need a container (preferably aluminum) into which to pour water, about a glass. Add 0.5 tsp to water. salt, ¼ tsp. soda and 0.5 tsp. detergent.

Put the liquid on the fire. As soon as it boils, place the silver item in the water. Boil for 30 minutes.

  • Cleaning with citric acid. To prepare the solution you will need a glass of water and 50 grams of citric acid. the acidic liquid is poured into an enamel container and placed in a water bath.

Place the products in the liquid and boil for 15 minutes, constantly checking the degree of cleaning.

Heavily contaminated items can be boiled for up to 30 minutes. It is recommended to put a small piece of copper wire into the lemon liquid. If you have gold jewelry in your home, you can find out how to clean gold and stones at home here.

  • Vinegar will help remove black stains from silver. For cleaning you will need table vinegar (as for canning), which is poured into an enamel bowl. It is recommended to heat the vinegar over low heat and place the jewelry in the warm liquid.

The action time of the product is 15 minutes. Remove the silver, rinse with water and wipe dry with a cotton cloth.

  • Ammonia. Immerse the product in 10% alcohol for a quarter of an hour. Then rinse with water and dry. Please note that if the product has stones, then there should be five drops of ammonia per glass of water.
  • Try cleaning it with Coca-Cola. Pour a small amount of drink into a ladle and put on fire. Place the product in boiling water. Let stand for five minutes; this method will eliminate darkening.

Mechanical cleaning of silver

  1. To clean silver items, you can use a solution based on tooth powder. To prepare the solution, you will need tooth powder and soda in equal proportions, add ammonia so that you get a mushy mixture. It is applied to the product using a toothbrush and rinsed off with cool water.
  2. A stationery eraser will cope with blackness on silver. Take the jewelry and slowly, slowly, gently rub the eraser onto the silver. This method will give the product shine. The method is suitable for rings. It will be impossible to clean the circuit.

Cleaning silver items with stones

Special cleaning compounds have long been invented to clean all jewelry.
They not only clean the metal, but also create a protective film on it. It is not always possible to buy the product, because you need to know where it is sold.

And it happens that you need to clean your silver here and now. Therefore, proven methods and ingredients come to the rescue. It is better to clean all products with stones from specialists, but you can also clean them at home. Let's prepare the solution.

You will need 100 ml of water, 1 tbsp laundry soap shavings. l., 1 tsp. ammonia. Mix all ingredients and bring to a boil. Wipe the silver with the prepared mixture. Remove blackness and dark spots near the stone carefully using a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.

How to care for silver?

Like all jewelry, silver is no exception, it can lose its shine. To prevent this from happening, he needs constant care.

To clean, use soft cloth and products with non-aggressive composition.

You can remove dark deposits from the surface of the product using ordinary soapy water or a cloth soaked in ammonia. After any cleaning, be sure to rinse the product with water and dry.

Remember that silver comes in several types, some jewelry with decorative coating that are not cleaned.

The peculiarity of silver is that it can only get prettier over the years, but this is subject to constant wear. By nature, metal is very vulnerable. Therefore, contact with air, in which a high content of hydrogen sulfide can lead to loss of shine and the formation of a dark coating.

How to wear silver correctly?

To avoid having to clean your jewelry, start wearing it correctly.

  1. Wearing silver jewelry is a must. The longer you wear it, the better the metal looks.
  2. It is necessary to remove jewelry before using medications and especially ointments.
  3. When wearing silver metal, you should avoid using cosmetics that contain sulfur. The metal may darken.
  4. During homework Be sure to remove your favorite jewelry. Since there is a high probability of damaging it.

After each wearing of silver, wipe it with a dry soft cloth. Remove residual moisture and sweat in a timely manner. For storage, choose a dry place protected from the sun. Keep silver separate from gold. If you wear gold jewelry, they also need cleaning. How to clean gold jewelry at home, read here.

How to quickly and effectively remove blackness from silver at home

Cleaning your jewelry consists of four simple steps:

  1. You need to wash the product in warm soapy water (you should use regular or liquid soap, shampoo, or dishwashing detergent).
  2. Clean using any of the methods suggested below.
  3. Rinse thoroughly in clean water and dry.
  4. Rub thoroughly with a soft cloth (microfiber, flannel, piece of suede), achieving a bright shine.

Give your jewelry a separate, always used (it has softer bristles) toothbrush. With its help you can remove dirt from the most difficult to reach places.

Let your silver please the eye and adorn you for a long time!

Ammonia to help

The most popular and effective means For cleaning silver items from blackness at home, ammonia is considered. Be sure to keep a bottle in stock if you are a fan of chains, rings and earrings.

You need to prepare a solution of two tablespoons of alcohol per liter of clean water. Want to achieve an even stronger effect? You can add a little detergent and hydrogen peroxide to the mixture. Next, the jewelry should be placed in the liquid, wait 15 minutes, remove and wipe with a soft cloth with lint.

Cleaning with alcohol, salt, soda

Another recipe option: per liter of water, two large spoons of alcohol and peroxide. The jewelry should take a bath for about 15 minutes. Next, place it in clean water, dry and polish.

The next helpers in the fight against pollution are salt and soda.
Take half a liter of water, add a couple of tablespoons of soda. Bring the solution to a boil, remove from heat and immerse the decorations in the liquid along with a small piece of regular food foil. Wait 10-15 minutes and you will be amazed at how shiny and beautiful your things have become.

You can do a similar trick with salt. You will need 2-3 teaspoons per half liter of water. In this case, the jewelry must either be soaked for a couple of hours or boiled for 10-15 minutes.

Recipe with foil - clean silver in a couple of minutes

  • Take half a glass of boiling water, add half a glass of table vinegar.
  • Place a piece of foil on the bottom of the bowl, add a tablespoon of salt and soda.
  • Then the dry ingredients need to be filled with the prepared liquid.
  • Place decorations in the solution so that their contact with the foil is maximum.

This is a quick way to clean your jewelry, it will take less than 5 minutes. It is also effective with old silver.

Another variation of the recipe.

  • Take a bowl, place a piece of food foil inside it, and wrap the excess around the edges. It should look like a foil plate in a plate.
  • Place jewelry (chain with a cross, bracelets, rings, earrings) at the bottom of the container.
  • Sprinkle dry baking soda powder on top. Don't skimp, the jewelry should be well covered with it.
  • Next, take a kettle of boiling water and pour the water over the soda. Waiting for the violent reaction to end.
  • Use a spoon to remove the decorations and rinse them in clean water. Now, most likely, there will be a strong reaction on your part (admired, of course).

Just a couple of minutes - and things look like they came from a store, you don’t even need to rub anything. It is convenient to clean silver cutlery in this way, especially when there is a lot of it.

An important nuance: do not use this recipe with blackened silver; all the decorative niello may come off the jewelry.

By the way, if you have jewelry that you rarely wear, store it wrapped in food foil; it will stay clean for a long time.

Detergent, acid until shiny

An effective method, according to reviews, is a solution of salt, soda and dishwashing detergent (a tablespoon of detergent, salt and soda per liter of water).

Silver should be placed in an aluminum container, filled with solution, and boiled over low heat for 20-30 minutes. The process needs to be controlled; it may take less time.

According to people, this is the most effective way, jewelry after such cleaning shines like new.

Another option is with soda. Mix it with water until you get a paste. Rub the resulting paste onto your jewelry with a toothbrush, then bathe thoroughly in clean water.

Important nuance: not suitable for matte and smooth products, scratches may appear.

Every home is sure to have a bag of citric acid. A useful thing in the household. It is also good for cleaning silver.

  • Take 100 grams of lemon, pour in half a liter of water, place the container in a water bath.
  • Then put your jewelry into the solution, but first they need to be strung on a piece of copper wire, the ends of which must be twisted together (the contact of silver and copper is the fundamental point of this method).
  • You need to boil for 15 to 30 minutes.
  • Then rinse thoroughly.

6% vinegar will also help in the fight for cleanliness. You need to warm it up a little, dip a cloth in it and wipe the jewelry. Or soak items in liquid for 15 minutes, then rinse and polish with a dry cloth.

When items are too dirty, more radical methods are needed. Take toothpaste and an old brush. Or you can make a paste of water, ammonia and tooth powder (5:2:2).

Recipes with chalk

Another option is to mix crushed chalk with ammonia. Clean the jewelry with paste, then rinse thoroughly with water. This method is especially suitable for chains.

Instead of paste, it is permissible to use regular tooth powder. Dip the product into it, and then brush thoroughly.

In this video you will see with your own eyes how the method works with tooth powder, soda and foil, as well as with peroxide and ammonia.

When things are too dirty, use soaking in pure ammonia, without dilution. You need to stand for 10-15 minutes. Do not leave jewelry unattended during this time, control the process. Do you see that the time has not yet run out, but things are already clean? Take them out; excessive soaking is not recommended.

If you suddenly use Amway products, then their whitening product helps a lot. You need to pour boiling water over it and lower the jewelry into the solution for 5 minutes.

This advice also works. You need to put your jewelry (without stones) in your clothing pocket, which is securely locked. Then place the item in washing machine and wash as usual. According to network users who recommend this method, everything is washed very well and shines perfectly.

Folk remedies from a notebook

Some folk remedies. You will be surprised, but they also work well.

  1. First option. Take the warm water in which you boiled the eggs and put the decorations in it. Then wipe with a cloth.
  2. Second option. Peel a few potatoes, put them in a saucepan with water and the silver in it. After 3-4 hours, remove and rinse with water.
  3. Third way. Add garlic peels to the water, along with decorations, and boil everything.
  4. Fourth way. Boil silver with Coca-Cola.
  5. Fifth way. Take an egg and separate the yolk, shake a little. Then separate a piece of cotton wool, soak it in yolk and wipe the product. Leave it like this for a while. Then you need to rinse and rub thoroughly.

An ordinary white soft eraser also helps in the fight against blackness. To avoid getting bored, try polishing your jewelry while watching an exciting movie. The result will surprise you.

Using special cosmetics

For some reason you don't trust home remedies? I can recommend you jewelry cosmetics. For example, "Aladdin". It is made on the basis of ammonia, but does not have such an unpleasant odor.

The advantage of it is that it is inexpensive, and is suitable not only for silver, but also for gold, as well as costume jewelry, even the most inexpensive. You can choose from solutions, pastes and polishing pads. It cleans cosmetics quickly and is sold in jewelry stores and online stores.

A regular ring will also suit a smooth ring. lipstick. You need to walk over its surface with a sponge and leave it like that for a few minutes. Then you need to take a woolen cloth, wipe the lipstick off the item and polish it thoroughly.

Cleaning a ring with a stone

The choice of method greatly depends on what kind of stone your ring is decorated with.

  • Is it a dense mineral (emerald, sapphire, aquamarine)? Any method will do. But it is better to give preference to ammonia with water.
  • Opal, malachite, turquoise, moonstone cannot be rubbed with brushes, pastes, or soda. These are not such dense stones; scratches may appear on them. Bathing in soapy water is acceptable.
  • Ruby, topaz and garnet do not like hot water; it can change the color of the stone, so the solution must be cool (soapy or with ammonia). Wipe the surface of the stone itself with cotton wool moistened with an alcohol solution.

Pearls, amber, and mother-of-pearl require careful handling. They are afraid of any acids, alkalis, or alcohol. Apart from a soft, damp cloth, nothing suitable at home can be used for such decorations.

Even the water should be boiled and filtered, since chlorine can also damage the stones. Heavily soiled jewelry can be washed with soapy water, but only when the stone is not set with glue.

Read the recipe good remedy for cleaning jewelry with stones.

  • Prepare water, laundry soap, rubbed with shavings, and ammonia.
  • Everything needs to be mixed, put on fire and brought to a boil.
  • The warm mixture is collected with a toothbrush and the metal is cleaned. Near stones you need to treat with a cotton swab.

Cleaning gilded silver

This type of decoration must be handled with care so as not to spoil the layer on the surface. Even mild abrasives will damage your jewelry.

It is permissible to wipe such products with a soft cloth, ideally suede.

To remove greasy deposits, dust and stains, dip a cloth in alcohol or a weak solution of vinegar (2 tablespoons of 8% vinegar per glass of water). Then you need to wipe the product dry and polish it with suede.

You can soak gold-plated jewelry in beer for 30 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly in clean water and rub until shiny with a cloth.

Is your decoration too dirty? You need to prepare a solution of warm water, soap and a few drops of ammonia (per liter of water, a small spoon of liquid soap, dishwashing detergent and 6 drops of alcohol).

You need to soak things for about 30 minutes.

Cleaning products with enamel

Contact with chlorine, acid and alkali is contraindicated for enamel. Thus, all detergents and cleaning agents are excluded. Sudden temperature changes also damage enamel.

It is permissible to wash such jewelry in cool water with a few drops of ammonia. Then the surface should be rubbed with a soft brush and a small amount of tooth powder.