Goryunov - 07/21/2017 15:35

The wedding of the daughter of the deputy chairman of the Krasnodar Regional Court Elena Khakhaleva and an employee of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for Krasnodar Vadim Badalov, at which Joseph Kobzon, Valery Meladze, Vera Brezhneva, Nikolai Baskov and Soso Pavliashvili sang for the newlyweds and noble guests, turned into a scandal on an all-Russian scale.

Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov, State Duma Deputy Anton Guetta, Chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Anatoly Kucherena, lawyer Sergei Zhorin, TV presenters Vladimir Solovyov and Ksenia Sobchak - this is just a small list of famous people who immediately assessed the sensational celebration organized by a high-ranking judge .

Sensing that something was amiss, Elena Khakhaleva herself, perhaps for the first time in her biography, made public comments in the media, saying that she was under pressure in connection with her judicial activities. True, who exactly is putting pressure on her and on what matters - she did not say. In reality, everything that Khakhaleva said in her defense only worked against her, raising more and more new questions, the answers to which we will try to give.

Explain yourself, citizen judge

Provincial Krasnodar rarely finds itself at the top of the federal news agenda, and if this happens, it is exclusively due to high-profile crime stories. The Tsapkov gang and their judicial “roof”, the gang of the regional Legislative Assembly deputy Sergei Zirinov and his connections in the regional court, accusations of corruption of the leadership of the Regional Court, judges V. Kislyak and others by their colleagues, judge of the Khostinsky court Dmitry Novikov and many other similar stories assigned Kuban a special place on the “criminal map of Russia.”

Therefore, the story of the wedding of the daughter of a high-ranking judge Elena Khakhaleva, which became public thanks to Moscow lawyer Sergei Zhorin, fell on well-prepared soil and instantly “blew up” the majority of the federal media. “The main news of our country, apparently, is Krasnodar. Judge Khakhaleva,” famous presenter Vladimir Solovyov said on July 16 on the “Full Contact” program on Vesti FM radio, explaining to listeners that a wedding is just the beginning. The press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov did not stand aside, recalling that there are “departments that can monitor such manifestations much more closely.”

Initially, the main question that the public had about Elena Khakhaleva was where did the judge, with an income of only 2.6 million rubles, according to the official declaration, get the money to organize her daughter’s wedding with the participation of leading Russian pop stars, which allegedly cost 2 million dollars (although, according to Ksenia Sobchak, the wedding cost “only” 500 thousand dollars, which, of course, does not change the essence of the matter).

But Khakhaleva quickly found an answer to this question: her husband Robert Khakhalev, who was also an ex, paid for everything. “There is no information about my spouse in the declaration, because we are divorced and I am not obliged to indicate him. But he continues to be the father of my child. The ex-husband was completely involved in organizing our daughter’s wedding. He is a fairly large entrepreneur and is able to pay for his daughter’s wedding,” the judge stated for one of the federal media. Some of the artists who performed at the wedding also played along, saying that their appearance in Krasnodar was a gift to the newlyweds, and there was no talk of any fees at all.

Based on this version of Mrs. Khakhaleva, the law should not formally have any claims against the judge (we will not take into account the ethical side of the issue for now) - ultimately, conspicuous consumption is not punishable by articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Officials of the Krasnodar Regional Court first tried to talk about this, in particular the Chairman of the Council of Judges, Vladimir Kislyak, who became the mouthpiece of the regional court in this scandal, explaining that social media messages are not a reason for an audit. But after statements by Dmitry Peskov and Anatoly Kucherena, who stated the need for verification, the regional court reluctantly began this procedure.

LDPR Chairman Vladimir Zhirinovsky also expressed indignation at the situation, in his usual manner without mincing words. “You take part in the weddings of mafia structures, cover up for those who rob our people, haven’t you collected enough money yet that you’re going to serve crooks around the country? Money doesn’t smell, but human memory does, and we despise those who play swindlers, adventurers and criminals at weddings!” - he turned to famous artists.

But if it was just about the wedding

A few days before the Krasnodar scandal spilled into the federal media, a number of well-known bloggers published information that the diploma from Tbilisi State University, on the basis of which Elena Khakhaleva (by Trebushnaya’s first husband) at one time became a judge, was a fake. This information was not taken out of thin air - it is confirmed by an official letter from a Georgian university, which states that no student Khakhaleva (previously, by her first marriage, Trebushnaya) studied there, and the diploma that appears in her personal file in the Russian judicial authorities is generally was not issued to anyone.

It was this fact that became central in the mentioned broadcast by Vladimir Solovyov with the participation of the famous investigative journalist Oleg Lurie. Moreover, as it turned out from their discussion, the fake diploma of Khakhaleva (Trebushnaya) is just “flowers”, because behind this piece of paper were hidden Elena Khakhaleva’s long-standing connections with very authoritative people in Georgia, from whose circle her husband also came out (since October 2013 formally former) Robert Khakhalev-Zilpimiani. Oleg Lurie obviously reasonably believes that it was Khakhaleva Elena Vladimirovna (“Khakhaleva Lena”) who was referring to the famous thief in law “Petso” Bukhnikashvili in a video recording made by operatives in Krasnodar back in 1997, saying who was renting living space for him in Krasnodar.

After such a sensational statement about the diploma and possible connections with crime by Khakhaleva (Trebushnaya) herself and her husband Zilpimiani-Khakhalev, made on the air of Vladimir Solovyov, the chairman of the Council of Judges of the Krasnodar Territory V. Kislyak, of which, by the way, Elena Khakhaleva is a member, was forced to declare , which will check not only the wedding expenses, but also the authenticity of the Georgian diploma. True, the results of the audit on the wedding were not long in coming - a day later, the head of the Council of Judges, Vladimir Kislyak, stated that all expenses for the wedding allegedly amounted to just over 4 million rubles, and they were officially paid by ex-husband Judge Khakhaleva.

Such speed of verification is frankly astonishing, since the court is not a law enforcement agency and does not work in a hurry. Obviously, the answer regarding the cost of the celebrations, voiced by Mr. Kislyak, could have been predicted, because Robert Khakhalev had previously reported that the wedding cost him only 5 million rubles, since the stars did not work for a fee, but came as friends (Iosif Kobzon) or relatives (Valery Meladze with his wife Vera Brezhneva). And the “golden voice of Russia” Nikolai Baskov himself stated that it was actually a “gift” at the wedding from family friends, without specifying, however, who ordered this surprise and how much it cost the customer as a gift.

By the way, the prestigious concert hall Galich Hall, where the celebration was celebrated, belongs to Krasnodar billionaire Sergei Galitsky, owner of the Magnit chain of stores, where Elena Khakhaleva’s daughter Sofia, who got married, works in the legal service. Therefore, the “necessary” answers on expenses, including the official representative of the regional court, Vladimir Kislyak, obviously did not take long to arrive. But we can hope that State Duma deputy Anton Guetta, who submitted requests for a wedding to the Prosecutor General’s Office and the High Qualification Board of Judges, will achieve a real objective verification and receive answers to questions about the rather strange position of the chairman of the Council of Judges of the Krasnodar Territory, Vladimir Kislyak, in this dark story.

Many questions, according to the media, have also arisen for another person involved in the wedding, who for some reason remains in the shadows - Sofia Khakhaleva’s newly-made husband Vadim Badalov, who holds the post of deputy head of the investigative department of the RF Investigative Committee for the Western District of Krasnodar. Despite his young age, investigator Badalov has already distinguished himself in a number of high-profile criminal cases and the scandals that accompanied them in the Kuban. It was he who led the investigation into the case of a gang of Anapa businessman and deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory Sergei Zirinov (allegedly a good friend of Elena Khakhaleva and the chairman of the regional court himself, Alexander Chernov). Thanks to the work of Badalov and his colleagues, Zirinov received 22 years in prison last year. But how and why Badalov did not see the connection between the accused Zirinov and Khakhaleva and Chernov, what episodes of the criminal activities of the “master” Anapa Zirinov the investigator did not “see”, will hopefully still have to be sorted out by the leadership of the Russian Investigative Committee.

In the story of his own wedding, Vadim Badalov (quickly transferred from Gelendzhik due to a “change” in his marital status) took, to put it mildly, a strange position, handing over all management of the event, including expenses and expensive gifts from people unknown to him, to his new relatives of Elena and Robert Khakhalev. Do Vadim Badalov and his leadership know who gave what sums to the young people, that is, to him personally? If they don’t know, then we’ll refer to informed sources who claim that the bulk of the guests at the wedding were representatives of the Kuban judicial community, controlled by Elena Khakhaleva. For lower-ranking judges at the wedding, the entrance fee was set at 300 thousand rubles, and not showing up to the celebration with such a gift for ordinary and non-ordinary judges meant saying goodbye to career advancement. The offerings were watched attentively and cheerfully by honored guests: Chairman of the Krasnodar Regional Court Alexander Chernov and one of the major officials of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, long-time patron of Elena Khakhaleva.

But there was another noticeable group of guests at the wedding - long-time “friends” of the Khakhalev family from sunny Georgia, who also showed Sofia Khakhaleva and Vadim Badalov all sorts of attention (which also needs to be sorted out by the leadership of the RF IC). The celebration could not have happened without these respected people, because it was they who stood at the origins of Elena Khakhaleva’s ascent to the judicial Olympus. Again, did Vadim Badalov know about this?

Holiday romance with continuation

Thus, the situation with the wedding is more or less cleared up, but the story with Judge Khakhaleva’s Georgian diploma still remains in the “fog.” If the information of Oleg Lurie and Vladimir Solovyov about the fake diploma is confirmed, then the Supreme Court of Russia will face an unpleasant fact - a large “foreign body” has been present in the judicial community of Kuban for almost two decades.

The story with the diploma began in the last century and in another country - the Soviet Union, when Elena Trebushnaya (nee Khakhaleva), a student at the Faculty of Biology of the Kuban State University, in the late 1980s, being married to Vasily Trebushny, met a resident of this country on vacation in Georgia solar republic by Robert Zilpimiani. The “resort” romance continued: a few years later, after Elena divorced her first husband Vasily Trebushny, Robert Zilpimiani officially became her new husband. The couple registered their marriage in Krasnodar, and Zilpimiani, a citizen of the then sovereign Georgia, took his wife’s surname and became Robert Khakhalev.

Citizen Zilpimiani did not make this decision by chance - he hardly should have once again emphasized his Georgian origin. In addition, even after the collapse of the USSR, the information from the archives of law enforcement agencies did not disappear that Zilpimiani was a person very close to a number of criminal authorities who, even under Soviet rule, became the true masters of Georgia, and then their influence only strengthened - and not only in my homeland.

One of these authoritative people is thief in law Rezo Bukhnikashvili, also known by the nickname Petso, who was “crowned” back in 1979. In the early nineties, after another “strike,” Bukhnikashvili, who belonged to the thieves’ clan of Tariel Oniani, settled in Krasnodar, and the Khakhalev couple and Elena Vladimirovna personally played an important role in this. Let us recall that in the operational recording of Bukhnikashvili’s interrogation by Krasnodar police officers in 1997, he says that one of the apartments where he lived was rented for him by “Lena Khakhaleva.” Robert himself carried out the instructions of his powerful “boss”.

This is how operational reports characterize the patron of the Khakhalev couple: “R.V. Bukhnikashvili, being a thief of the “old formation,” enjoys enormous authority in the criminal environment. He was an active participant in a number of thieves' gatherings in the Krasnodar Territory, at which key organizational issues of the activities of local leaders of the OPF were resolved. His “specialization” is robbery and robberies. At the same time, it is believed that “Petso” is one of the few, if not the only thief of his generation, who not only plans daring crimes, but also takes personal part in them.”

At the same time, another thief in law from the Georgian SSR, Amiran Gegechkori, also settled in Krasnodar, under whose control were the Goryacheklyuchevsky, Apsheronsky, Tuapse and Armavir districts of the Krasnodar Territory, as well as a significant part of the business in the regional capital. The Gegechkori criminal group specialized in committing extortion at the Krasnodar clothing market “Veshnyaki”, selling foreign cars, fictitiously concluding contracts, smuggling agricultural products to Georgia, and selling ferrous metals. Gegechkori had common affairs with “Petso” Bukhnikashvili on the Black Sea coast.

At the beginning of the 2000s, Bukhnikashvili was detained several times in Moscow and the Moscow region, but he always managed to be released without any special consequences. In 2013, he was finally caught red-handed during an armed raid on the apartment of an Armenian businessman in Moscow and, according to the verdict of the Moscow City Court, he was sentenced to 22 years, but in June 2015 the court decided to release him early for health reasons. They say that it was the secret participation of Elena Khakhaleva that made it possible to do this. These are the fellow countrymen...

From “garbage dumps” to the heights of power

In October 1993, Elena Khakhaleva (Trebushnaya), with the support of “Petso” Bukhnikashvili, established Adamm OJSC, in which another partner was the notorious lawyer Lvov in those years in Krasnodar, who was repeatedly convicted under the “profile” article. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud). The Adamm company itself, having accumulated debts, was liquidated in 2007. The same fate, but much earlier, in 1996, befell the Yugpromavtoservice enterprise, registered at Khakhaleva’s home address in Krasnodar: it was closed after a series of dubious transactions.

Another “office” existed longer than others - LLC Firm Prominvestcenter, in which Elena Khakhaleva was at one time a director. This organization was liquidated in 2010, having completed its task of laundering funds of Georgian “authorities”, which were circulated through another structure registered in the name of Khakhaleva’s relatives - Kubanshina LLC. The co-founder and management of the last company was Robert Khakhalev, and the accountant at the time of the creation of the company was Elena Khakhaleva’s sister Natalia Khakhaleva, now the chairman of the Arbitration Court of the Krasnodar Territory (how she became a judge is also to be figured out). The activities of Kubanshina were carried out with numerous violations of the law, tax evasion (one of the co-founders of the company, a certain Gusev, was convicted in 2001 under the relevant Article 199 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), and failure to fulfill obligations. Finally, Kubanshina ceased its activities by joining another “garbage dump” - KubWest LLC, whose founders also included Robert Khakhalev.

“Running in” Elena Khakhaleva E.V. in the “entrepreneurial” field, Georgian authorities in the late 90s apparently decided to move her to the judiciary, since “Petso” needed its people in the judicial system. But the problem was that Khakhaleva only had a biologist diploma from KubSU, received back in 1990, and with such a diploma they don’t take on judges. Moreover, according to the law “On the status of judges in Russian Federation“, a judge can be a citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached 25 years of age, has a higher legal education, has worked in the legal profession for at least five years, has not committed any discreditable acts, has passed a qualification exam and received a recommendation from a qualification board of judges.

Naturally, Elena Khakhaleva did not have any work experience in the legal profession at that time, and she would hardly have passed the exam with her biologist knowledge. Therefore, the problem with a legal diploma was solved by the same “authoritative” people, for whom it was easy to produce a piece of gold on their knees, not to mention a diploma. With them light hand and the notorious diploma of Tbilisi State University RV No. 523043 appeared in the name of Khakhaleva (Trebushnaya) about the completion of correspondence studies in the specialty “law” allegedly on August 19, 1991.

But since all this was done in a hurry, a completely phantasmagoric picture arose. It is reliably known that in 1985, Elena Khakhaleva, at the age of 17, entered the Kuban State University at the Faculty of Biology, which she graduated in June 1990. A month later, Khakhaleva (at that time Trebushnaya) gave birth to a son, Kirill, now a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory. And a year later, it turns out, with little Kirill in her arms, she received a diploma from Tbilisi State University, where she was supposed to enter no earlier than 1986. As they say, where is Krasnodar, and where is Tbilisi, and also family life with the birth and raising of a child plus holiday romances. There is only one conclusion from all this: Khakhaleva did not enter Tbilisi University at all, never studied there and never graduated from this state institution, and her diploma form itself was forged.

But in the late nineties, no one paid attention to these inconsistencies in Khakhaleva’s biography (or did not want to pay attention), therefore, as we assume, having received a fake diploma from the criminals, she was fraudulently registered as a lawyer, after which she applied to pass a qualifying exam to the position of district court judge. How she passed this exam, God alone knows, but the qualification board, obviously misled by the “leftist” diploma and certificate of work experience as a lawyer, gives a conclusion on the recommendation of E.V. Khakhaleva. for the position of judge of the Dinsky District Court of the Krasnodar Territory. Who and how checked all these documents remains to be determined by the investigation. At the same time, the investigation is guaranteed not to remain at the “local” level, since Khakhaleva’s appointment as a judge of the Dinsk District Court took place on the basis of a decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

So, a big deception took place - crime “registered” in the judiciary, after which Elena Khakhaleva, to consolidate her initial success, issued a diploma stating that she additionally completed her studies at the Kuban State Agrarian University in June 2000 with a degree in jurisprudence. Whether she studied there or not remains to be determined by the investigation. And at the same time, it is worth checking the degree of originality of Elena Khakhaleva’s candidate and doctoral dissertations, since, according to many professional lawyers, their content is outright plagiarism.

The subsequent story is well known. In our opinion, having tricked her way into the judicial system, Elena Khakhaleva became increasingly influential person. Having entered the inner circle of the Chairman of the Krasnodar Regional Court, Alexander Chernov, at a certain point she was able to establish family ties with him. The son of Elena Khakhaleva, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory Kirill Khakhalev is the common-law spouse of the granddaughter of the chairman of the regional court Anastasia Ryazanskaya, the young people have two joint children. But why do they have a civil marriage? – yes, because if young people register an official marriage, one of their older relatives will have to leave the walls of the regional court due to an obvious conflict of interest. So the children hang around due to the fault of their older fellow parents, not being able to get legally married.

Iceberg of family business

But why are citizens of a neighboring state suddenly concerned about personnel issues in a Russian court? The answer, again, is extremely simple: many decisions of the regional court, which were made on the direct orders of Khakhaleva, were made in favor of land raiders closely associated with Georgian authorities. That is why both Khakhaleva herself and her husband Robert Khakhalev-Zilpimiani have been frequent and, without exaggeration, honored guests in Georgia for many years and regardless of the vicissitudes of Russian-Georgian relations.

“He is a fairly large entrepreneur,” let us recall this characteristic spoken by Elena Khakhaleva to her own husband (there is no doubt that their divorce is a pure fiction). Robert Khakhalev’s “business empire” resembles an iceberg, the underwater part of which is much larger than the visible part - those assets that officially belong to him.

In particular, back in the last decade, Robert Khakhalev became the shadow owner of the large farm Novoivanovskoye OJSC in the Novopokrovsky district of the Krasnodar Territory, which was acquired through court decisions based on far-fetched circumstances, secured with the support of his wife in a judge's robe. Subsequently, the assets of the farm were transferred several times to dummy legal entities, which were then liquidated, and ultimately ended up on the balance sheet of Novoivanovskoye LLC from the village of Novopokrovskaya, where, however, Robert Khakhalev is not officially a participant.

“We are run by Khakhalev Robert Onikovich. All court decisions are in his favor. And the same thing - everything is registered in the name of dead souls. Villages Pervomaisky, Novoivanovsky; the land is being squeezed out. Robert Khakhalev is married to the deputy chairman of the Council of Judges of the region, Elena Khakhaleva, and the chairman of the Krasnodar Regional Court, Alexander Chernov, is their relative. Khakhalev stated that he was an investor and allegedly wanted to improve agriculture. His land may be in use, but he doesn’t pay taxes, and his wife protects him,” one of the area’s farmers said last year, without hiding his face. More than a dozen people have already confirmed this to the First Channel of Russian television after the scandal surrounding Elena Khakhaleva.

Not only has Robert Khakhalev become the shadow largest landowner in the Novopokrovsky district, he is now seeking to bring power in this territory under his control. Khakhalev and his Georgian associates are actively promoting their protege Vasily Generalov, the brother of the well-known “authority” in the Kuban, Sergei Generalov, also known by his nickname General, to the position of head of the Novopokrovsky district administration. The connections of the Khakhalev family with these individuals can also be clearly traced from the mid-nineties, when “General” led one of the organized groups that controlled the shadow turnover of the “Veshnyaki” clothing market (analogous to the Moscow “Cherkizon”). And then, using criminal funds and through the same Vasily Generalov, Robert Khakhalev began to acquire thousands of hectares of land in the Novopokrovsky, Dinsky, and Caucasian districts, registering them, as already mentioned, in the names of dummies.

The Khakhalevs also showed up in the construction business of Krasnodar. In 2016, a major scandal occurred in the regional center when Tsentrstroyinvest LLC, which was backed by a family, tried to carry out commercial development in the Pervomaiskaya Grove, which has had the status of a natural monument since 1988. However, the Krasnodar mayor's office leased part of the grove to developers, including a certain Dmitry Levchenko, who acted in the interests of the Khakhalevs (together with Robert Khakhalev, he is a co-founder of the Mirgrad construction company). This story was helped by the intervention of Governor Veniamin Kondratyev, who criticized the head of the city, Vladimir Evlanov, for reducing the area of ​​​​green areas and becoming an obstacle for the Khakhalevs, for which he later received more than a judge from the PR people.

Everyone knows about the tough, if not cruel, disposition of Elena Khakhaleva: both her subordinates and her business partners, with whom she does not stand on ceremony. This was thoroughly experienced by Sergey Fursa, the owner of the Krasnodar shopping and office center “Oscar” and many other real estate properties, a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory. In order to take away part of Fursa’s business, Khakhaleva E.V. through the local Investigative Committee initiated criminal prosecution of the deputy.

But Khakhaleva built the main work of her life precisely in the Krasnodar Regional Court. By becoming, we believe, a fraudulent federal judge, she created a virtually parallel system of judicial power there, which is based solely on corruption. Not a single land case in the district courts of the Krasnodar Territory can be considered without the personal approval of Khakhaleva, who is the shadow “arbiter” of land disputes. This probably allows her to personally receive criminal proceeds from interested participants in the trial, and also, in our opinion, through obviously illegal court decisions to “squeeze” land from citizens and legal entities both in her own favor and in favor of her environment, including and Georgian criminal circles.

Therefore, we must call things by their proper names. In our opinion, Elena Khakhaleva is a corrupt judge and leader; in our opinion, she has long been considered the “shadow chairman” of the Krasnodar Regional Court, and it is no coincidence that she is called the “golden deputy” in terms of the level of bribes and shadow income.

Why they turned a blind eye to this for a long time, including the competent authorities called upon to fight corruption in the judicial community, remains to be understood. Elena Khakhaleva herself does not hide the fact that she has high-ranking patrons in regional security forces, solving necessary “economic” issues together with them.

A teetering pedestal

This fall, elections for a new convocation of the Legislative Assembly are coming up in the Krasnodar Territory - the first under the current governor Veniamin Kondratyev, who headed Kuban in 2015 - and now for many deputies the question of extending their powers is on the table.

Among them is 27-year-old Kirill Khakhalev, a member of the committee on issues of legality, order and legal protection of citizens, who has long been aiming for a promotion - according to available information, the current chairman of the legislative assembly Vladimir Beketov (another long-time business partner of Elena Khakhaleva) promised him the post of vice -speaker. As they say, a favor for a favor: Beketov’s daughter has been working as a judge in the Krasnodar Regional Court for some time now, and a peasant farm has been fictitiously registered in the name of the speaker’s wife (a former ordinary employee of the Legislative Assembly of the region), to which more than 1000 hectares of state land were transferred without competition. Materials on this story - and the damage to the state is estimated at 200 million rubles - have been in the Dinsk department of the Investigative Committee for the Krasnodar Territory and the regional prosecutor's office for a long time without movement. Does the new prosecutor of the Krasnodar region, Tabelsky, know about them? And if he knows, then why is he silent?

In Kuban, Vladimir Beketov himself is called another major shadow latifundist. Like Robert Khakhalev, he does not seek to advertise his property, which smoothly migrated from the treasury to his personal pocket. It is not surprising that with such baggage one can go to the Federation Council, where it is actively pushed by the judges’ friends and their Georgian partners.

Suddenly, the governor of the Krasnodar Territory, Veniamin Kondratyev, stood in the way of Elena Khakhaleva’s political ambitions, having collected significant material about judicial lawlessness and the latifundia of people in robes. The governor openly announced flagrant violations in the judicial system of the regional court, and is it any wonder that after this a real information attack began on him, organized by Khakhaleva?

But the entire system of “parallel justice” created by Elena Khakhaleva and her associates, with the silent participation of the chairman of the court Alexander Chernov, consists entirely of vulnerabilities. Not long ago, for example, a former judge of the Kushchevsky District Court of the Krasnodar Territory and the Arbitration Court was arrested Rostov region Svetlana Martynova, one of the very significant figures in land fraud that is associated with the name of Elena Khakhaleva and her business partner Fyodor Streltsov, known as a manager in the Tsapkov gang. For Khakhaleva, Martynova’s arrest is another problem comparable to the wedding scandal, because the former judge, while in prison, is already testifying about the corruption system in the Kuban justice system, of which she herself was a “cog.” Not everything is simple with Fedor Streltsov, over whom clouds have gathered - it is obvious that in the near future the investigation will decide to bring him to criminal responsibility. Trying to avoid this, Khakhaleva and Streltsov apparently tirelessly turn to their “security” patrons, convincing them not to allow new criminal cases to be initiated and, probably, at the same time convincing the security forces to continue to seize other people’s property together with them. But openly helping them becomes dangerous for the patrons themselves - the scandal flares up too much.

Information regarding the noble judge Khakhaleva and her assistants - judges of the Kushchevsky District Court Anosov, Korbkov and the chairman Seroshtan himself, business partner Fyodor Streltsov and others - began to be procedurally received by the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, the Prosecutor General's Office, the FSB, the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Numerous applicants from literally all regions of the Krasnodar Territory report the seizure of land and other property, outright judicial “lawlessness,” and extortion organized by Elena Khakhaleva.

Regarding the facts of corruption schemes involving judges of the Kushchevsky District Court as part of the investigation of a criminal case against ex-judge Martynova, the investigative authorities have already sent a notification to the Chairman of the Krasnodar Regional Court Alexander Chernov with a proposal to conduct an audit in relation to specific judges and take response measures, but with specific results the check did not bring any results. This, however, is not surprising: one cannot expect serious results from investigations at the level of the regional court, which has been headed by the same person for almost a quarter of a century. It is not surprising that the chairman of the council of judges of the region, Vladimir Kislyak, openly took a “pro-Chernov” position, probably doing everything possible to quell the scandal and please his boss and his relative.

Moreover, the leadership of the regional court, it seems, still has not realized how serious everything is, because this is the first time in many years that its real activities are becoming public knowledge. How else can we explain the recent vacillations of the Chairman of the Council of Judges of the Krasnodar Regional Court, Kislyak, who feverishly tried to give at least some intelligible answers to the media and the public about scandalous wedding. By the way, in open sources you can find a lot of materials about how exactly Mr. Kislyak was accused of “all serious things” by Khosta judge Dmitry Novikov. Should we expect any objectivity from the chairman of the Council of Judges of the region in this regard? It is possible that we need to return to checking Dmitry Novikov’s statements regarding Kislyak himself about facts of corruption, if Mr. Kislyak considers “guild” solidarity to be above objectivity. Only the President of Russia or, on his instructions, the competent authorities can “shake up” the entire leadership of the Krasnodar Regional Court.

There is no doubt that the discovery of the schemes of Khakhaleva and her entourage will soon be undertaken at a higher level, given the fact that in fact the second person in the regional court (if not already the first in influence) has long-standing ties with Georgia, a state with which Russia has since There have been no diplomatic relations since 2008. As is known, under the ex-president of this country, Mikheil Saakashvili, many Georgian thieves in law found themselves behind bars, which was presented to the whole world as a victory of the state over organized crime, but there is every reason to doubt this formulation of the issue.

Firstly, many representatives of the Georgian criminal community continued to operate on Russian territory as if nothing had happened, and secondly, as the ongoing visits of the Khakhalev couple to Georgia show, certain representatives of this environment could easily find an approach even to the Saakashvili regime, which was ostentatiously fighting against corruption. And here a logical formulation of the question arises: what are the actions of Khakhaleva and her entourage if not deliberate damage to the national interests of Russia in favor of a state that, to put it mildly, does not have any warm feelings towards Russia (unlike, of course, the hospitable Georgian people) ? The criminal past and present of Robert Khakhalev-Zilpimiani require close attention. The answer to this question should be given by the competent authorities, as Vladimir Solovyov said on his broadcast.

And if we return to where Judge Khakhaleva’s dizzying career began – to the fake diploma from Tbilisi State University, then equally large-scale questions arise. It is clear that the very fact of infiltrating the judicial system using forged documents is at least a scandal throughout the country, and the official information already provided by the university may lead to several criminal cases against Elena Khakhaleva and those who helped her in this. Moreover, if Khakhaleva had no reason to become a judge, then how legitimate are the literally hundreds of court decisions made by her personally and with her participation? As the famous lawyer and member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation Shota Gorgadze wrote on his page on social networks about the fake diploma of Judge Khakhaleva, “This is a scandal that the judicial system has not seen for a long time! And this must be investigated most thoroughly. The feds. It's scary if the facts are confirmed. But it’s worse to hush up such facts and consider them the norm.”

However, one thing is clear for now: the impunity of Elena Khakhaleva and her accomplices must be put to a decisive end - ultimately, this is a matter of trust and reputation of the current government, and, given the scale of the corruption octopus named after Judge Khakhaleva, all its branches at once. After all, the principle of the rule of law, laid down in the Constitution of Russia for the benefit of society and the country as a whole, was turned by Khakhaleva and her circle exclusively for the benefit of personal gain and to the detriment of citizens, society and the state. The only recipe against this is openness and indifference to what is happening, which these days was so clearly demonstrated by lawyer Sergei Zhorin, whose justified indignation at the “judicial octopus” in the Krasnodar Regional Court was so actively supported by the public.

Probably, no wedding has caused such an immediate and loud resonance as the marriage of Sofia Khakhaleva and Vadim Badalov. Everyone in the Kremlin has heard about the feast! They are gossiping about him in the Supreme Court! And in Kuban, the wedding seemed to come into every home.

MK sources in the highest spheres claim: the scandal was ordered. They have long dreamed of discrediting Khakhaleva, but here is such a great occasion. And the reason for compromise is not simple class hatred, but a conflict around a large agricultural concern. Moreover, one judge has already been burned by this story.

Just a couple of weeks ago, investigators arrested a former judge of the Rostov Arbitration Court on suspicion of fraud. Allegedly, for 40 million rubles (definitely enough for a wedding!), she did not re-register the lands of the notorious Nadezhda Tsapok in the Kushchevsky district. It was where Nadezhda’s son carried out a bloody vendetta, together with his accomplices, killing 12 people in a farmer’s house.

And then judge No. 2, who, according to rumors, was also involved in the affairs of the concern, got into a scandal. But is the wedding worth the fuss that has arisen around it?

What are you, two million? “It’s funny,” one of the wedding ball guests shared with us. - There were a lot of people at the wedding, about 300–400 people, maybe a little more. But it’s unlikely that Khakhaleva’s family will waste money. I can say one thing: there was no luxurious celebration there; at least, I didn’t notice any black caviar on the tables. The artists performed, so what? We often invite stars to weddings. Moreover, all the guests and the newlyweds themselves are not from ordinary families. Gifts were also given according to status. I don't understand your surprise. We have even cooler weddings here, it’s a common thing. And newlyweds are given more expensive cars.

Bride Sofia Khakhaleva. When the scandal broke out, the young wife prudently closed her social network pages from prying eyes. I also removed personal photos. Of the available information, only the place of her studies remains - Kuban State University.

On the university website, the girl was listed as a student of two faculties - economics (department “Economic Security”) and law (“Jurisprudence”).

We study together with Sofia at the Faculty of Law,” shared Khakhaleva’s classmate. “They didn’t know that she had a rich fiancé.” She didn’t really communicate with us at all - she came and went. It seems like I didn’t invite any of the guys to the wedding. The fact that she is from a wealthy family is what everyone in Krasnodar talks about. We are not surprised that the wedding was celebrated on a grand scale. And her circle of friends is appropriate, it seems that her parents themselves carefully chose who she should be friends with and whom she would marry.

Groom Vadim Badalov. In 2013, the young man held the position of senior investigator for the investigation of particularly important cases (crimes against the person and public safety) of the regional investigative department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. At the same time, he was awarded a diploma of honor from the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory “for his significant contribution to strengthening law and order and for impeccable service.” Soon he was appointed deputy head of the investigative department of the Investigative Committee for the city of Gelendzhik. And shortly before the wedding, Badalov transferred to Krasnodar. Now he holds the post of deputy head of the investigative department for the Western District of the regional center.

Read also: "Juicy Chop", or who framed Zolotov

This is the first time we hear that Vadim Eduardovich got married. Congratulate him from us,” Badalova’s former secretary was surprised. “He left us recently, but he never spoke about his fiancee.” Do you know who he married?

- On the daughter of a judge from your region, Elena Khakhaleva. Have you heard of this one?

Of course I heard it. This is a very influential woman in our region. Everyone here knows her name. Well, her daughter and our former boss are a worthy couple. A good choice made by Vadim Eduardovich.

Have you really not heard anything about the scandal? They say the wedding cost the newlyweds about $2 million. Famous artists performed.

This is the first time I've heard about the scandal. What surprises you? Not a wedding simple people played, I don’t see anything strange. The hype was inflated out of nowhere. In our region, such banquets are thrown all the time, and this no longer shocks anyone.

Meanwhile, rumors about the groom have already spread on social networks. Lawyer Anna Stavitskaya left a comment: “And the groom in the photo is investigator Badalov, who actually “created” the case of Sergei Zirinov, the largest businessman in the Krasnodar Territory, from whom they wanted to rob his business by initiating a criminal case. The initial evidence on which the entire criminal case is based was artificially created, which we will prove in the appeal. A successful family enterprise - mother-in-law in court, son-in-law in the UK.”

Mother of the bride Elena Khakhaleva- judge of the Krasnodar Regional Court, is also a member of the presidium of the Krasnodar Regional Court and deputy chairman. How a woman took such a high position is anyone's guess. Moreover, until 2010, Elena Vladimirovna was still listed as the head of Prominvestcenter LLC - the organization was engaged in the production of rubber products. Judge Khakhaleva herself commented to reporters that all expenses were covered by her ex-husband.

Father of the bride Robert Khakhalev- an active man. From official sources it is known that he is an individual entrepreneur, his own company is engaged in the cultivation of annual crops. Khakhalev also has a stake in Lombard LLC and is listed as a co-owner of Invest-Stroy, Kvadrat-Taxi, SEC Kuban-Agro and a microcredit company. According to rumors, Robert Zilkimiani, who took his wife’s surname, was once a driver for a very authoritative person in Georgia. The man has maintained friendly relations with his fellow countrymen to this day. They say that the Khakhalevs often travel to Georgia. And each of their visits is accompanied by a meeting almost at the government level. In turn, Elena and Robert provide a worthy welcome to Georgian businessmen in Kuban.

Read also: In the Poltava region they began catching pigs that were free three months ago

According to Krasnodar farmers, in the Novopokrovsky district, more than three thousand hectares of land are cultivated under the control of Khakhalev.

He came to our region 15 years ago as an investor who was supposed to raise the agricultural enterprises of the region,” says farmer Alexander Matvienko. - But it so happened that many of them went bankrupt after a few years and, by court decision, were transferred to a large holding company.

As Matvienko says, all enterprises “burned down” according to the same scheme.

A man appeared who offered to lend money to the heads of households who were in a difficult financial situation. For development, salaries, livestock feed. Then a receipt appeared, according to which it was necessary to return this money with interest. The farmer could not do this - the land was given to the creditor by court decision, says Alexander Grigorievich.

And the agricultural holding, to which Robert Khakhalev is related, has grown to 3 thousand hectares. The main profile of the farm is the cultivation of sugar beets.

Is it possible to make a multimillion-dollar fortune from beets?

If everything is done according to the rules, then no. The fact is that according to crop rotation, sugar beets can be sown on the same land every five years. This crop sucks all the minerals out of the earth. According to the rules, the land must rest for four years between harvesting sugar beets - other crops must be sown in the fields. And in the agricultural holding in question, beets are planted every other year. Our land will soon be polluted due to chemicals, like in Chernobyl...

In the same area, the Khakhalev family has a stable for 44 horses. Horse racers regularly travel to competitions in Krasnodar and Sochi.

I used to have several horses; our chieftain kept a stable. But then they were forced to sell everything - it is very expensive to keep even several mares. And they have 44 individuals! - Alexander Matvienko is surprised.

According to the farmer, the entrepreneur does not appear in the fields often.

If he comes, he travels exclusively in a luxury SUV. The family also has several other cars. Moreover, what is interesting is that all cars have a complex license plate - with the letters ASK. In our region, everyone knows that this series belongs to the judicial community of the region.

Alexander Matvienko was one of the participants in the “tractor march” this year. Farmers, tired of the arbitrariness of local officials, who openly called the situation with the land “raider takeovers,” decided to ride on tractors to Putin. Then they never got to the president. They expressed their problems to local authorities.

07/18/2017 at 13:28 , 1056 read, 0 commented

Probably, no wedding has caused such an immediate and loud resonance as the marriage of Sofia Khakhaleva and Vadim Badalov. Everyone in the Kremlin has heard about the feast! They are gossiping about him in the Supreme Court! And in Kuban, the wedding seemed to come into every home. MK sources in the highest spheres claim: the scandal was ordered. They have long dreamed of discrediting Khakhaleva, but here is such a great occasion. And the reason for compromise is not simple class hatred, but a conflict around a large agricultural concern. Moreover, one judge has already been burned by this story.

Just a couple of weeks ago, investigators arrested a former judge of the Rostov Arbitration Court on suspicion of fraud. Allegedly, for 40 million rubles (definitely enough for a wedding!), she did not re-register the lands of the notorious Nadezhda Tsapok in the Kushchevsky district. It was where Nadezhda’s son carried out a bloody vendetta, together with his accomplices, killing 12 people in a farmer’s house.

And then judge No. 2, who, according to rumors, was also involved in the affairs of the concern, got into a scandal. But is the wedding worth the fuss that has arisen around it?

- What are you, two million? This is funny,” one of the wedding ball guests shared with us. — There were a lot of people at the wedding, about 300-400 people, maybe a little more. But it’s unlikely that Khakhaleva’s family will waste money. I can say one thing: there was no luxurious celebration there; at least, I didn’t notice any black caviar on the tables. The artists performed, so what? We often invite stars to weddings. Moreover, all the guests and the newlyweds themselves are not from ordinary families. Gifts were also given according to status. I don't understand your surprise. We have even cooler weddings here, it’s a common thing. And newlyweds are given more expensive cars.

Bride Sofia Khakhaleva. When the scandal broke out, the young wife prudently closed her social network pages from prying eyes. I also removed personal photos. Of the available information, only the place of her studies remains - Kuban State University.

On the university website, the girl was listed as a student of two faculties - economics (department "Economic Security") and law ("Jurisprudence").

“We study together with Sofia at the Faculty of Law,” shared Khakhaleva’s classmate. “They didn’t know that she had a rich fiancé.” She didn’t really communicate with us at all - she came and went. It seems like I didn’t invite any of the guys to the wedding. The fact that she is from a wealthy family is what everyone in Krasnodar talks about. We are not surprised that the wedding was celebrated on a grand scale. And her circle of friends is appropriate, it seems that her parents themselves carefully chose who she should be friends with and whom she would marry.

Groom Vadim Badalov. In 2013, the young man held the position of senior investigator for the investigation of particularly important cases (crimes against the person and public safety) of the regional investigative department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. At the same time, he was awarded a diploma of honor from the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory “for his significant contribution to strengthening law and order and for impeccable service.” Soon he was appointed deputy head of the investigative department of the Investigative Committee for the city of Gelendzhik. And shortly before the wedding, Badalov transferred to Krasnodar. Now he holds the post of deputy head of the investigative department for the Western District of the regional center.

— This is the first time we hear that Vadim Eduardovich got married. Congratulate him from us,” Badalova’s former secretary was surprised. “He left us recently, but he never talked about his fiancee.” Do you know who he married?

— On the daughter of a judge from your region, Elena Khakhaleva. Have you heard of this one?

- Of course, I heard. This is a very influential woman in our region. Everyone here knows her name. Well, her daughter and our former boss are a worthy couple. Vadim Eduardovich made a good choice.

— Haven’t you heard anything about the scandal? They say the wedding cost the newlyweds about $2 million. Famous artists performed.

— This is the first time I’ve heard about the scandal. What surprises you? It wasn’t just ordinary people who played the wedding, I don’t see anything strange. The hype was inflated out of nowhere. In our region, such banquets are thrown all the time, and this no longer shocks anyone.

Meanwhile, rumors about the groom have already spread on social networks. Lawyer Anna Stavitskaya left a comment: “And the groom in the photo is investigator Badalov, who actually “created” the case of Sergei Zirinov, the largest businessman in the Krasnodar region, from whom they wanted to rob his business by initiating a criminal case. The initial evidence on which the entire criminal case is based was artificially created, which we will prove in the appeal. A successful family enterprise - mother-in-law in court, son-in-law in the UK.”

Mother of the bride Elena Khakhaleva- judge of the Krasnodar Regional Court, is also a member of the presidium of the Krasnodar Regional Court and deputy chairman. How a woman took such a high position is anyone's guess. Moreover, until 2010, Elena Vladimirovna was still listed as the head of Prominvestcenter LLC - the organization was engaged in the production of rubber products. Judge Khakhaleva herself commented to reporters that all expenses were covered by her ex-husband.

Father of the bride Robert Khakhalev- an active man. From official sources it is known that he is an individual entrepreneur, his own company is engaged in the cultivation of annual crops. Khakhalev also has a stake in Lombard LLC and is listed as a co-owner of Invest-Stroy, Kvadrat-Taxi, SEC Kuban-Agro and a microcredit company. According to rumors, Robert Zilkimiani, who took his wife’s surname, was once a driver for a very authoritative person in Georgia. The man has maintained friendly relations with his fellow countrymen to this day. They say that the Khakhalevs often travel to Georgia. And each of their visits is accompanied by a meeting almost at the government level. In turn, Elena and Robert provide a worthy welcome to Georgian businessmen in Kuban.

According to Krasnodar farmers, in the Novopokrovsky district, more than three thousand hectares of land are cultivated under the control of Khakhalev.

“He came to our region about 15 years ago as an investor who was supposed to raise the agricultural enterprises of the region,” says farmer Alexander Matvienko. “But it so happened that many of them went bankrupt after a few years and, by court decision, were transferred to a large holding company.

As Matvienko says, all enterprises “burned down” according to the same scheme.

“A man appeared who offered to lend money to the heads of households who were in a difficult financial situation. For development, salaries, livestock feed. Then a receipt appeared, according to which it was necessary to return this money with interest. The farmer could not do this - the land was given to the creditor by court decision, says Alexander Grigorievich.

And the agricultural holding, to which Robert Khakhalev is related, has grown to 3 thousand hectares. The main profile of the farm is the cultivation of sugar beets.

- What, you can make a multimillion-dollar fortune on beets?

- If everything is done according to the rules, then no. The fact is that according to crop rotation, sugar beets can be sown on the same land every five years. This crop sucks all the minerals out of the earth. According to the rules, the land must rest for four years between harvesting sugar beets - other crops must be sown in the fields. And in the agricultural holding in question, beets are planted every other year. Our land will soon be contaminated by chemicals, like in Chernobyl...

In the same area, the Khakhalev family has a stable for 44 horses. Horse racers regularly travel to competitions in Krasnodar and Sochi.

“I used to have several horses; our chieftain kept a stable. But then they were forced to sell everything - it is very expensive to keep even several mares. And they have 44 individuals! - Alexander Matvienko is surprised.

According to the farmer, the entrepreneur does not appear in the fields often.

— If he comes, he travels exclusively in a luxury SUV. The family also has several other cars. Moreover, what is interesting is that all cars have a complex license plate - with the letters ASK. In our region, everyone knows that this series belongs to the judicial community of the region.

Alexander Matvienko was one of the participants in the “tractor march” this year. Farmers, tired of the arbitrariness of local officials, who openly called the situation with the land “raider takeovers,” decided to ride on tractors to Putin. Then they never got to the president. They expressed their problems to local authorities.

But were they heard? After all, in Kuban, local authorities are, in fact, the same dragon with one body and ten heads. Let's continue to study the biography of the Khakhalev family members.

Brother of the bride Kirill Khakhalev is one of the youngest deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the region of the last convocation, was a member of the committee on issues of legality, order and legal protection of citizens, participates in the formation of the public part of the qualification board of judges.

Wife of the bride's brother Anastasia Ryazanskaya reported by her closest relative to Alexander Chernov, the chairman of the Krasnodar Regional Court.

Enough? So it turns out that the celebration served only trigger for the people's anger. All comments from local residents boil down to one context: “It is no secret to hundreds of farmers that the entire land sector has long been under surveillance in the regional court.”

“I’m not going to comment on my personal life,” Khakhalev quickly interrupted the conversation when he heard what was being discussed. We agree with you, dear Robert Onikovich. And the truth is that personal life is inviolable. We also agree with our sources: the scandal was most likely inspired by the judge’s ill-wishers. But, unfortunately, the authority of any government in Russia today is so low that such scandals are very much expected. They are willingly believed. And if you have already decided, while working in the civil service, to widely celebrate your daughter’s wedding, be prepared for questions. Unpleasant, and sometimes even indecent. This is the lot of a Russian official.


We called 6 wedding agencies and found out that inviting an artist to a wedding is not so difficult - it all depends on the size of the budget.

The most accessible are the participants of the “Voice” project. The cost of their services starts from 100 thousand rubles. For example, inviting Dina Garipova to the celebration will cost 300 thousand, while the performance of Alexander Panayotov will cost those interested 1 million rubles. From one to two million rubles will have to be given to such musicians as Yolka, L’One, Yegor Creed, and the group “Hands Up!” It is noteworthy that in one wedding agency we were offered a performance by the singer Yolka for 1.5 million, and in another - for as much as 2.5 million. Further, the fees are no longer calculated in rubles, but in thousands of euros. Valery Meladze, Nikolai Baskov, Timati, Vera Brezhneva, the groups “Mushrooms” and “Leningrad” will cost from 30 to 70 thousand. Stas Mikhailov is breaking all records, asking 100 thousand euros for a performance in Europe. Also, the wedding agencies told us that each artist has a list of conditions and requirements. For example, in Polina Gagarina’s rider, a special item is wine of a certain brand, the cost of which is 18 thousand rubles per bottle.

yurisokolov c About the judge - a Jewish woman from Krasnodar.

There was plenty of material in the press about a judge from Krasnodar who arranged a gorgeous wedding for her little one. And I would not like to write about it... But... Numerous publications did not say the most important thing. After all, everyone modestly kept silent about the fact that the Jewish judge arranged a luxurious wedding for her Jewish blood...

And her Jewish daughter, Sofya Albertovna Khakhaleva, married a Jewish employee of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for the Krasnodar Territory, Vadim Eduardovich Badalov. Than in Investigative Committee is this Jewish figure involved?... Lawyer Anna Stavitskaya left an exhaustive comment on social networks: “And the groom in the photo is investigator Badalov, who “created” the case of Sergei Zirinov, the largest businessman in the Krasnodar region, from whom they wanted to take away his business by opening a criminal case. All initial evidence , on which the entire criminal case is based, were artificially created, which we will prove in the appeal... A very successful “family” Jewish enterprise - the mother-in-law in court, and the son-in-law in the Investigative Committee...

The press especially emphasized that this judge, they say, considered property cases. Meanwhile, the corruption component in property cases is no less than in criminal cases... After all, in Russia 90% of judges are Jews... Why then are you surprised at the wealth of judges and the injustice of decisions?..

Russian people, you should know that the most corrupt nation on earth is the Jews... It was the Jews who invented corruption... And that is why I constantly repeat in my blog - by clearing Russia of such Jews, we will deal a colossal blow to Russian corruption. ..

And one more thing... Jews, I don’t really care about your threats regarding me personally and my website... I don’t really care about the criminal cases that the Jewish authorities have brought against me. Because your days on the territory of Russia are already numbered... I crushed you creatures, I press and will crush... You cannot even imagine what a powerful force is behind me... And this force is the Russian people...

Goy Sergey Selyunin. Rus' - Mother (destroyed by foreigners)...

A total and strict purge of such Jews is urgently needed.
There are no other options.
Otherwise, the Russian people will never be able to get out of chronic poverty and lawlessness...

As Kommersant has learned, the council of judges, which is investigating the situation that has developed around the chairman of the judicial panel for administrative cases of the Krasnodar Regional Court, Elena Khakhaleva, has prepared a request to Tbilisi State University to check information about her diploma. At the same time, the council has already actually figured out the peculiarities of the Krasnodar wedding, because of which the judge was in the top news. Your version of what happened Elena Khakhaleva shared with Kommersant.

- Elena Vladimirovna, how is the situation developing?

Everything is fine, I'm working as normal...

- What about your daughter’s wedding for $2 million?

The wedding went well. The young people are happy, and this is the main thing, and what they wrote in in social networks, I don’t even want to give a rating. Moreover, the Council of Judges of the Krasnodar Territory is currently looking into this. I was a guest at this wedding like everyone else. I have nothing to do with her organization or her payment.

- Usually, such events are held by parents of young people by pooling money...

Apparently, everything is unusual with us. No collapsing! Dad (former husband of Mrs. Khakhaleva Robert Khakhalev.- “Kommersant”) said: “My daughter and I will pay for everything myself.”

- There was information in the media that his official annual income does not exceed 200 thousand rubles.

To be honest, I wasn’t very interested in what his income is, since we are divorced, but because of this situation I had to clarify. I can send you his official declarations for recent years. So, he earned 50-60 million rubles, and recently entered into a major deal, with which he paid 40 million rubles in taxes alone. (documents are available to Kommersant.- “Kommersant”). Therefore, he could well afford to pay for the wedding of his only daughter. It, as confirmed by the council of judges, cost approximately 3.5–4 million rubles.

- Are most of the expenses incurred by artists?

As far as I know, smaller. Joseph Kobzon is an old friend of our family, he just came to congratulate the newlyweds. Valery Meladze, a distant relative of Robert, also did not come to Krasnodar to earn money, and he also captured his friend Soso Pavliashvili.

- And Nikolai Baskov?

His performance, I’ll tell you a little secret, was paid for by our friends. It was a wedding gift for the newlyweds. The main costs, as Robert explained to me, are renting a hall and organizing a wedding event. We submitted all the documents to the Council of Judges of the Krasnodar Territory, which is conducting an inspection in connection with publications in the media. The council, as far as I know, requested and received information from the owners of the restaurant and the rental premises. In total, it turned out to be about 4 million rubles. Agreements were concluded with Robert Khakhalev. He also acted as the payer of the bills.

- Did you give him a Bentley?

No, although I could.

- What did the newlyweds receive from their parents?

I gave Sophia earrings, and Vadim - nothing, just my daughter. Dad gave her his house. He can afford it.

- Did the wedding gifts cover the costs of the event?

They gave it not to us, but to the newlyweds, and we didn’t ask them.

After the publications, obviously, problems arose not only for you, but also for your daughter’s husband, ICR investigator Vadim Badalov?

We all gave the necessary explanations. I - to the council of judges conducting the inspection, Vadim, who did not participate financially in any way in preparing the wedding - to my colleagues. But Robert had to explain himself the most, and he insisted on this format of the event.

- Don’t you think that the participation of a judge in a wedding on such a scale does not look very ethical?

Well, it’s my daughter’s wedding after all!

You are blamed not only for the magnificent wedding, but also for the diploma from Tbilisi State University, which you allegedly did not graduate from. In any case, it seems strange that, having become a certified lawyer in Georgia in 1991, you subsequently received a similar diploma from the Kuban Agrarian University.

This may look strange at first glance, but let's remember the events of 1991. Unrest began in Georgia in January. In April, Georgia declared independence, Zviad Gamsakhurdia became president, and in August, when I received my diploma, the war was already in full swing in Georgia. To put it bluntly, attitudes towards Georgia at that time were ambiguous. Part of my diploma is in Georgian, and they simply didn’t want to hire me with it, recommending that I graduate from a university in Russia.

A copy of the Tbilisi diploma is in my personal file, which was studied by government agencies most carefully, because judges are appointed by presidential decrees and undergo a multi-level check. Nevertheless, the Council of Judges has already prepared an official request to Tbilisi regarding my diploma (the answer, obviously, will not come soon, since all official contacts between the Russian Federation and Georgia are conducted through a third country - Switzerland.- “Kommersant”). I think that the answer will dot all the i’s and this topic will be closed after the wedding one.

- Do you yourself have a version of why you were at the center of the scandal?

Yes, I have a clear understanding of why this information attack occurred and who is behind it. I think that I will not discuss this topic publicly anymore. Everything is already in the press, but who my ill-wishers are is already clear. This is related to my professional activities. I cannot discuss specific cases, because there are judicial ethics.

One of the first videos from your daughter’s wedding was posted on his website by the famous lawyer Sergei Zhorin. Was he a participant in cases that you or your colleagues considered?

Yes, he acted as a representative of one of the parties in the case of 86-year-old pensioner from the village of Kushchevskaya Anna Danko, to whom thousands of hectares of land were registered.

Will you sue the same Mr. Zhorin if the council of judges confirms that there were no violations on your part?

Filing a lawsuit is not an emotion, but a verified position. Who, if not me, should know this. In the near future we will analyze all the materials and then make a decision.

Interview prepared by Nikolay Sergeev