Your childhood dream has finally come true - a cute fluffy ball has appeared in the house! One problem remains unsolved: how to train a kitten to use a litter box? This is exactly the question we will tackle by talking about the simplest and effective ways allowing raise a neat and clean pet.

Cats by nature love cleanliness, so in most cases, owners do not have any particular difficulties in effectively and quickly teaching a kitten to go to the toilet in the same place. Of course, in this very place there must be a special tray, in which your pet will relieve itself. This question is especially relevant when you get an animal in an apartment, where it is not possible to let it out into the street or take it to the yard every time to use the toilet.

Domestic cats have no need to go outside at all; they get used to the atmosphere of the house and adapt to almost any conditions. It should be borne in mind that even in a city apartment, cats walk on their own, choosing their favorite places to sleep, play and relax. But as for the toilet, here it is necessary to slightly adjust their behavior, because the baby must know where to go if necessary so that the owners are happy and satisfied. By the way, it is not worth intimidating and scolding an animal if it first relieves itself in the wrong place. To clearly understand how to teach a kitten to go to the litter box, zoologists recommend following two simple recommendations:

  • Firstly, you should provide the kitten with round-the-clock access to the toilet (keep the door of the toilet or bathroom where the tray is located always open);
  • and secondly, the tray should be clean and comfortable for the animal and preferably located in a secluded place that the kitten has chosen on its own.

Some owners teach their pet to use the toilet immediately, which is very convenient in terms of hygiene. However, to do this, you must have a very decent experience of interacting with animals and real “pedagogical” talent. This practice is suitable for an adult, established cat, so we will talk about toilet training for a domestic cat a little later. But we’ll tell you right now what to do if a wonderful meowing baby has just moved into your house.

How to teach a street kitten to go to the toilet: a simple solution to a spicy problem

We have all dreamed of sheltering an unfortunate street kitten at least once in our lives. However, not everyone brought this noble cause to completion. We dedicate this section to those who were not afraid of temporary difficulties and gave a street kitten a home. To begin with, it should be understood that a cat's baby his behavior reminds small child : he can also be capricious and protest, he also requires your attention and care. Therefore, so that you don’t have to clean up “traces of a cat crime” day after day, wondering why I couldn’t immediately train a kitten to the toilet, you should understand some rules that will help you prepare both yourself and the animal for cohabitation in a comfortable, and most importantly, clean environment.

Let's remember school and imagine the entire process of teaching an animal in the form of a task. So, the task: you almost simultaneously got both a kitten and a litter tray, in which he must subsequently learn to go to the toilet. Initial data: you live in a city apartment, the animal does not go outside, and you do not plan to let it out. Exercise: how to train a cat to use a litter box, without extra effort and problems?

The solution of the problem consists of several steps

How to train a cat to use a litter box in 1 day?

Some novice owners dream of how to train a cat to use a litter box in 1 day. In principle, this is possible if you follow simple recommendations.

  1. Place the tray with the filler in a visible place. It is ideal for the cat's litter box to be located between its bowl and the place where the kitten sleeps or plays. Along the way, he will pass by the tray and will definitely become interested in it. Over time, you will move the litter box closer to the bathroom or wherever you plan to install the cat's litter box.
  2. Limit the space in which the kitten will move. At least for the first time, so that he looks in corners less and is more often near the tray.
  3. If your miracle is still shits where it shouldn't, take a piece of paper and blot it with cat urine (after your cat has peed). It is this “smelling bait” that should be placed in the tray so that the animal can find out where its toilet is. If the kitten has passed a lot, do the same with its excrement. Don't forget to put on rubber gloves first and wash your hands with soap afterward.

Some pet owners think that toilet training a cat is a rather strange and incredibly troublesome task. However, in such a delicate matter you should rely only on your patience and the individual characteristics of your kitty. Eg , it is worth considering the age of the animal. A very small kitten should not be trained to use the toilet - he may simply fall into it. First, you should accustom the cat to the litter box, and then gradually move it towards the toilet so that the animal moves to its final goal without any special obstacles or psychological trauma. Once the litter tray is near the toilet, lay down newspapers or plywood, and then install the cat litter on them. Increase the height of the tray every day until it reaches the toilet, and then move the tray itself onto it. Over time, the animal will get used to the “high” toilet, and you will be able to hide the tray and give the cat the opportunity to go to the toilet.

In this article you will learn how to train a kitten to use the litter box yourself. Step-by-step instruction for those who just bought a kitten, is it worth using training products, answers to all questions on this topic.

How to toilet train a kitten

  • Limit your kitten's movement around the house. Try to keep it where you are most of the time. This will make it possible to observe the baby’s behavior and react in a timely manner if necessary.
  • Take the kitten to the litter box, give him the opportunity to sniff everything around to get familiar. It’s not scary if the baby doesn’t immediately use the tray for its intended purpose.
  • Place the kitten in the litter box after the baby has eaten and immediately after sleep.
  • Show me how to row. Place the kitten in the litter box and wait a bit. If the baby himself does not make rowing movements with his paws, show him how to do it - scratch the filler with his paw.
  • Watch your pet carefully. As soon as you see that the kitten sits down to go to the toilet, begins to scratch and rake with its paws - without fuss or sudden movements, transfer it to the tray. As soon as the cat does “his” job, praise him and pet him.
  • Praise and encourage. For every successful trip to the litter box, praise your baby, pet him gently and talk to him. Even if, don’t even think about getting angry and scolding her!

Once, by screaming and frightening the kitten, you can permanently discourage the desire to go to the toilet in the right place. And treat the place itself.

What to do if your kitten is reluctant to use the litter box

  • Make sure the litter box fits your kitten. It should not be too large or have high sides. Closed and automatic models are convenient for the owner - they can scare away kids. Read about.
  • Attract your kitten with the smell. Blot the area of ​​the bowel movement with a (unscented) napkin and place it in the tray. The smell will tell the baby what he should do in the tray.
  • Clean the tray regularly. All representatives of the cat world are terribly clean. Does the toilet meet high standards of neatness? Not only the filler and the tray should be clean - pay attention to the hygiene of the place where the toilet is located.
  • Place the cat litter box in a quiet and secluded area. The cat strives for privacy. The best place is in the corner of the room. The kitten will feel more secure and calm. Make sure there is no one nearby washing machine, a rattling sewer pipe, or to prevent the baby from being scared by the toilet flush. A frightened kitten may refuse to go to the litter box in the future.
  • Change brand or . Experiment with different brands and types of litter - find one that your pet likes. Start with wood types, try corn, silica or mineral. Kittens may not like the “clean paws” format toilet at first - they simply don’t understand what to do in it! Tear a few pieces of paper into pieces and let the baby play with the pieces of paper - they rustle so charmingly, you can wet yourself with happiness... which, in fact, is what we need!

If the kitten has chosen an inappropriate place to fulfill its needs, move bowls of water and food there. Natural instincts will not allow the baby to defecate in the place where he eats.

Useful video

Tools for litter box training

In pet stores and veterinary pharmacies, so-called “smart sprays” are widely available, the purpose of which is either or, on the contrary, to quickly attract her to the potty. “”, “My place”, “Toilet training” - make the life of the owner of a small kitten much easier.

The best means

  1. Ms.Kiss “Accustoms you to the tray” - a zoohygienic spray, can be bought in Ukraine for 53 UAH, in Russia for 150 rubles. Pros: convenient bottle with ergonomic spray nozzle, high efficiency, affordable cost. The downside is the specific aroma.
  2. Himola “Toilet Training” is a bio-spray for toilet training, sold in Russia for 120 rubles, in Ukraine can be ordered through online stores. Pros: Sprays easily and attracts the cat's attention to the litter box. The downside is a pungent, persistent smell.
  3. Api-san “Toilet training” - a smart spray, cost in Russia 240 rubles, in Ukraine for 78 UAH. It is highly effective. The downside is the strong smell.
  4. StopProblem “Litterbox training” – a hygienic spray to make it easier to get used to the litterbox. can be bought in Russia for 130 rubles, in Ukraine for 47 UAH. The product has a pleasant smell and effectiveness. Among the disadvantages, users note that the product is not effective enough for training adult animals.
Remember! Due to the stress of moving, a kitten may not go to the toilet for up to several days. Be patient and do not scold your baby.

Home remedies for litter training

  1. Mountain lavender. The scent of lavender is believed to attract kittens. Several lavender sachets or lavender-scented filler are good helpers for acquiring the desired skill.
  2. Cat mint. A pinch of dry mint poured into a tray will attract the attention of a small pet and make the training process easier.
  3. Kitten urine. Get wet paper napkin puddle of the kitten and put it in the tray. The smell of your own urine is guaranteed to tell your baby what the toilet is for.


How to train a cat to go to the toilet outside

If you live in a private house, you can train your cat to go outside to the toilet.

To do this, you need to gradually move the tray closer to the front door.

Over time, the tray will be behind the door and the need for it will disappear. To do this, you will need to observe the kitten, and once he sits in the litter box, you will need to take him to a place where he can go to the toilet outside the litter box. To make it clear to the baby what they want from him, pour a little filler from the tray onto the ground.

Is it possible to train a cat to go to the toilet?

Every pet owner has at least once encountered the bad habits of their pet. When buying a puppy or kitten, many people rarely think about the difficulties that come along with it.

And when a little kitten begins to mark corners and tear apart wallpaper, instead of tenderness, irritation appears. To prevent this from happening, you need to know how to train your pet. If you just bought a pet, then it needs to be accustomed to a certain place. It's not difficult, but you need to be patient. Read our article on how to train a kitten to use the litter box and avoid mistakes.

Choosing a tray for a kitten

One of the first mistakes cat owners make is buying a small litter box. There is excessive concern for the pet, they say that a small one will not be able to get into a large tray, and a short one is more convenient. Actually this is not true. The baby will jump into the tray perfectly if its height is 10-12 cm (for small trays the walls are half as low) and if he knows where to go. Kittens grow quickly. Before you can blink your eye, yesterday’s baby will weigh 5-6 kg today. Try to imagine such a hog in a small tray.

Here the following picture emerges. The cat has completely climbed into the tray, but its loin is hanging down. It is not difficult to guess where the puddle will be made. In this case, scolding the animal is pointless. He did everything right.

Therefore, the tray for kittens should initially be large.

Place the tray

Cats, like people, have different personalities. Some are even embarrassed to sit on the potty if someone is nearby. And some, on the contrary, do not mind demonstrating the whole process to other residents of the apartment. Place the litter box as if the baby is shy: a quiet, out-of-the-way place will do, but don’t hide the litter box so that it’s difficult for the kitten to find. If you have a small apartment and there is not enough space in the bathroom and toilet, then you can put a tray under the bathtub in a slope where a kitten can easily fit. To prevent the animal from being tempted to do its business just under the bathtub, past the potty, it is worth separating the toilet from other contents under the bathtub, for example, powders and other chemicals, with plastic bottles. These water bottles are inexpensive, but they will definitely come in handy around the house. It happens that cats are terrified of the toilet or bathroom. The water there might be too loud, or he might be too scared in his parents' house. Then the tray can be placed, for example, in an inconspicuous corner in a corridor or room.

How to train a kitten to go to the litter box

As a rule, when we adopt a kitten, we hear that he is potty trained and can go to the litter box even without a piece of paper or just a newspaper is enough. In fact, this is very rare. Not every owner is lucky enough to take such a pet into their home. Usually a small kitten with a blank and proud look ignores both the empty tray and the tray with a piece of paper. But he happily sits down in the farthest and most inconspicuous corner. Strange, but most often it also turns out to be empty. What to do in this case? If you are fundamentally against cat litter, as well as against your own peace of mind, then simply teach the kitten to relieve itself in an empty tray or a tray with a newspaper. Then, to teach the kitten to go to the litter box, just tear up some paper (an A4 piece of paper is enough), put it in a puddle so that the sheet is soaked and transfer it to the cat potty. This is necessary so that the smell settles in the tray. After this, take the kitten (but remember, he is a baby and does not understand your language), put him in a puddle, hiss menacingly (yes, that’s the language you need to speak), take him to the tray, poke him in wet pieces of paper, dig with his paw , they say, this is the place where you need to go to the toilet.

Then you should clean the unauthorized toilet and eliminate the smell. To prevent the kitten from going there further, put something in this place. You can place the same plastic bottle, it will also help if you need to close the entrance under the sofa. Of course, it doesn’t look aesthetically pleasing, but remember that this is not forever. If another puddle forms in an undesirable place, you should do the same with it. Repeat the same procedure with the kitten and don’t get irritated, be patient, because this is only for the training period.

By the way, a spray gun or a water pistol is a good way to scare cats away from their favorite, but “wrong” places. As soon as the animal starts to misbehave and already wants to sit down, immediately shoot a stream of water at it, pick it up and send it to the tray. Try to always pay attention to the cat's behavior. He begins to worry and sits down when he wants to go to the toilet. Don't scare him, but calmly take him to the litter box. And try not to let him out of your sight until he does his business. After several such procedures, the kitten will understand where to sit. Try to make sure that the kitten does not hate the toilet and tray. Do not resort to too aggressive teaching methods. Otherwise, all attempts to accustom the kitten to the tray will be in vain. He will walk around corners out of spite.

Choosing a filler for the tray

It happens that a kitten goes to the tray with newspapers several times, and then periodically begins to do its business in an unspecified place. In addition, some animals are squeamish and will not go into a dirty litter box again. In this case, it is worth using a litter for the tray, which will absorb both odors and the contents of the tray. You can leave your cat with it for quite a long time. Let the kitten get used to the litter box. The filler should be poured onto the bottom of the tray. If you plan not to use newspaper as a filler when toilet training your kitten, then you should resort to the method described above. With poking into unauthorized puddles and carrying dirty pieces of paper. By the way, it is much easier to accustom an animal to a tray with filler from a pet store. The kittens' instinct kicks in and they start digging into it. True, it’s worth making a warning here: you don’t need to buy expensive fillers.

How to choose litter for a tray?

Remember that you should never allow your kitten to eat litter. This is quite dangerous for his body. Kittens with appetite can eat clean, freshly poured balls, however, they do not do this, preferring used ones, those with a smell. You can fight this too. For example, you can ask for a lump of used litter from the owners of your neighbor's kitten. And put it in your tray. The animal will understand that the smell is not its own. And this will stop him from trying the filler. The editors of the site sincerely hope that our simple tips will help you quickly and easily train your furry friend to the litter box!
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Cats are naturally very clean. But a small kitten, especially if it is separated from its mother, will not always be able to learn to relieve itself in the “right place” on its own. Find out how to train your kitten to use the litter box as quickly as possible. After all, if you don’t raise your pet, unexpected “surprises” can await owners in a variety of places.

Does age matter?

Kittens are the same children. Like any baby, a kitten learns everything gradually from its mother. A mother cat living in an apartment can, over time, teach her cats to go to the litter box. But when a pet is taken away from its parent, its owners will have to raise it.

Age matters. It is best to adopt a kitten when it is already 3 months old, then it will be easier to teach him. By this period, the animal already understands the hierarchy of surrounding creatures and is ready to obey those whom it considers stronger than itself.

The gender of the kitten is not important, and both the cat and the cat will master the task quickly if done correctly.

Kitten in the house, where to start?

Tray training a kitten begins with three main tasks:

  • Selecting the tray itself.
  • Choice of filler.
  • Choosing a place where the “toilet” will be located.

Let's consider all these points in detail.

How to choose a tray

The opinion that a small kitten needs a small tray is wrong. These animals grow very quickly.

It will be more practical to immediately take a full-sized container. The stronger the plastic of the product, the better.

Trays can be with or without bars. The grid is placed over the filler and prevents the pet from getting its paws wet. The device is convenient, but there is also a drawback - obeying its instinct to bury feces, the kitten will constantly cling to the plastic grate with its claws and may even damage them. The practice of “cat breeders” shows that it is better not to use a net, but just take a good filler that immediately absorbs moisture.

If the cat experiences pain, it will not be possible to accustom him to the cage.

The shape of the container does not matter (there are oval, square, angular), you can accustom it to any. A protective rim, which is placed on top of the tray, will be useful - it will prevent the filler from falling apart when your pet carefully cleans up after itself.

Important! It is necessary to choose a tray for a kitten even before a new family member appears in the house. If the purchase of an animal happened unexpectedly, it is worth purchasing everything you need on the same day.

Which filler to take

Fillers for cat litter are:

  • Woody.
  • Clay.
  • Based on paper and grain waste.
  • Mineral.
  • Silica gel.

Silica gel filler is considered the highest quality, followed by wood filler. They perfectly absorb moisture and block bad smell. Mineral and clay ones, when wet, stain the cats' paws. “Toilets” made from paper and grain waste are also considered good.

It is much easier to accustom a baby to the tray when the container is not empty and the smell of waste remains in the litter. You shouldn't use deodorized litter, cats don't like them.

Where to put the tray to quickly train a kitten?

There are two important rules to select the place where the pot will stand:

  • It should be located away from the area where the animal will feed.
  • Nothing should interfere with the cat's path to the litter box.

You should not place the container in a toilet room with tightly closed doors. The baby may not have the strength to open such a door and he will do his job anywhere. At least for the first time, it is recommended to find a place where the “fluffy ball” will not have any barriers on the way to it.

It is worth choosing an area where it is calm enough for the kitten to feel comfortable during “important matters”. If you constantly move the potty, it will be much more difficult to train.

The process of training a kitten to the tray

When everything is prepared, it's time to begin the learning process. This should be done as soon as the kitten appears in the house. Let him sniff around, get used to it a little, and after a while get down to business.

Stage one - getting to know each other

To accustom a small kitten to the litter box, he must first be introduced to the “place”. The baby should be carefully placed in the container and allowed to sniff it. It’s worth taking the animal’s paw and digging: this way, the pet, at the level of instinct, can realize that this is “the right place.”

Stage two – we observe and help

The first time, a small kitten may not understand where to defecate or may not remember the place. But by the behavior of the animal you can always understand when it is preparing to relieve itself. The first day you will have to closely monitor your pet. As soon as you notice that the kitten has begun to fuss, dig in some place (sometimes even just on the bare floor), spin around, meow - he is getting ready for “business”. Quickly transfer him to the litter box and don't let him get out of it.

The main rule is that you cannot use force.(hit, push, poke the kitten) and raise your voice. This can cause fear in the animal. From now on, he will associate it with the tray and will become afraid to approach it.

If everything went well and the baby did what was needed, pet him and say sweet words. Approval will help train the kitten to go to the litter box. Do not clean up the feces right away; let the kitten remember the place by smell.

Stage three - fixing it

Even if the cat already goes to the litter box, he can still place a “surprise” in another place. You can scold your pet for this, but not too much. The “bunch” should be transferred to the litter and the kitten should be transferred to the tray. If it is a puddle, blot it with a napkin and also leave it in the tray for a while.

To prevent the problem from recurring, the places where the pet shits must be thoroughly disinfected.

On average, if everything is done correctly, animals get used to the toilet in 2-3 days.

What not to do:

  • hit a kitten;
  • being locked in a room as punishment;
  • as punishment, deprive him of food and drink.

Possible difficulties

Cats have a wayward character and not always everything goes well. It happens that all the conditions have been created for a little hooligan, but he still behaves outrageously and cannot be trained. Let's look at the most common problems.

A kitten ignores the litter box, how to train it?

If your kitten won't use the litter box even though you've tried your best to train him, he may be uncomfortable in the litter box or don't like the litter. Try moving the container to another room or changing the contents. See if there are any nearby smells that repel cats (they cannot tolerate any strong smells, especially citrus fruits).

You should not have automatic air fresheners or other sources of scents that are pleasant to you, but terrible for cats, near the cat litter box.

Sometimes a kitten shits in places where small children have peed (on the carpet, sofa, bed). Don't blame him, he just acts according to his instincts, guided by smell. In this case, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the “marked” area, otherwise potty training will be much more difficult.

Sight glitch

It also happens that a kitten goes to the toilet past the tray.

There may be several reasons for this:

  • The sides of the container are too high and it is difficult for him to climb over them.
  • The pet is still very small and poorly oriented within the boundaries of space.
  • He understands that this is a toilet and he needs to go here, but he doesn’t like the filler.

Analyze which of the reasons seems most likely to you. It may be worth changing the container, its contents, or just wait until the baby is a little older and will better understand where the boundaries of his toilet end.

How to toilet train a kitten

What could be better when a cat goes to the toilet on its own? There is no need to buy fillers, change them, or wash pots. Toilet training a kitten is not an easy process.. While the pet is small, it will not be able to jump to such a height on its own, and there is no point in putting it there by force - you will achieve nothing but fear from the animal.

The process should begin when the cat is 5-6 months old. They do it this way:

  • Bring the tray into the restroom and place it next to the toilet.
  • When the cat gets used to it and calmly goes to the toilet in a new place, begin to gradually lift the container. You can put newspapers (magazines, old books) or something else under it. Once a week, increase the height of the container by a few centimeters.
  • Having thus brought the container to the level of the toilet, start leaving it, for example, overnight, right on top: fold back the lid with the toilet seat and place the tray in the space. By this time, your pet should be able to easily climb onto the raised potty.
  • When the cat calmly goes into the container on the toilet, do this: hide the tray at night and throw a small part of the litter into the toilet. In the morning you can return the tray and leave it nearby for the day. Do this at night first. When you see that the cat is sitting calmly on the toilet, do not return the tray.

There are special toilet seats for cats. They are sold in pet stores. You can easily remove the device when you go to the toilet and put it on again later. At first, you can sprinkle a little filler into this nozzle so that the cat can navigate by the smell. The nozzle also blocks water in the toilet, which can frighten the cat.

The most important thing is to do everything correctly, step by step, without scaring the animal. This will require patience and perhaps 1-2 months of time.

Advice! If you bring a kitten into your home, treat it as an equal member of the family. Animals feel the emotions of people, and how more love they receive, the more they obey.

  • Pet stores provide special aerosols that discourage cats from pooping in a certain area. They are used to treat those areas where the animal often shits in order to accustom it to one place.
  • Ammonia or acetic acid will help neutralize the smell of cat feces.
  • Large flower pots filled with soil are an attractive place for cats to go where they can relieve themselves happily. If there are such flowerpots in the house, sprinkle upper layer soil with small pebbles - this will not harm the flowers and will protect them from “fertilizers”.
  • Keep the container clean, the cat will not go where it is very dirty.
  • If the house or apartment is large, it makes sense to place two pots in different parts of the space and teach each one.


If you do everything with love and patience, then quickly accustoming a kitten to the litter tray is quite possible. The most important thing is to show maximum attention in the first days. Stories about cats pooping out of revenge on their owners are myths. Animals are deprived of such feelings as the thirst for revenge or deep resentment. They may wander in the wrong place just out of fear or attracted by the smell. Provide your pet with comfortable conditions and he will quickly get used to the tray.

By nature, kittens have a need to relieve themselves in the ground or sand, but, having become acquainted with the cat's litter box, they do not always begin to use it with pleasure. If you start toilet training your kitten as soon as you bring him into the house, he will quickly learn to use the litter box. It is important to choose the right size litter box and encourage your kitten to use it, but the process of training kittens is different from training puppies. You won't need to be shown what to do with the tray - your instincts will do their job. All you need to do is buy a litter box that is comfortable and suitable for your cat.


Purchasing everything you need

    Choose a large tray. Of course, a small kitten will be enough, but babies grow so quickly that you will have to look for a replacement in the near future. When replacing the tray, you will have to retrain the kitten, so it is better to immediately install a tray that you plan to use for a long time.

    • Kittens can easily climb into large litter boxes if they have a low threshold. If you have your eye on a large tray, but are not sure that the kitten will be able to climb inside, make a ramp for it from plywood or any other non-slip flat object. Attach it to the tray with tape and remove it when the kitten grows up.
  1. Consider purchasing a covered litter box. The closed tray resembles a house. The advantage of such a tray is that the filler will not fly out and there will be less odor, which is especially important if the room is small. In addition, many cats feel safe in such trays.

    Buy cat litter. There are many types of litter, and almost all of them are suitable for young and adult cats (8 months and older). Choose litter that contains minimal dust, as this can irritate cats' lungs. When choosing, keep the following in mind:

    Buy a scoop and a special mat for the tray. Latest items The list of equipment necessary for training a kitten to use a litter tray includes a scoop for cleaning the toilet and a mat that is placed under the tray so that the kitten does not carry litter around the house on its paws.

    Remove large potted plants from your home. If you notice that the kitten goes to the toilet in flower pot, remove the plant or cover the ground with foil during tray training. Kittens' instincts tell them to bury urine and feces, so they are attracted to soil and sand. The litter box should be the only place where the kitten wants to go to the toilet.

    Feed your kitten at the same time every day. This will give you the opportunity to understand when the kitten wants to go to the toilet. As a rule, kittens need to go to the toilet 20 minutes after eating. If you think that this time has come, take your pet to the litter box and let him climb in there.

  • As your kitten grows, you will need to add more litter to the litter box. When he is six months old, start adding 5-7 centimeters of litter.
  • It is best to keep the tray on a tile or wood floor, as it is easier to clean up urine there with a cloth.
  • If you have a relatively large house or apartment, try placing several trays. This will increase the likelihood that if your baby urgently needs the toilet, he will go to the litter box rather than elsewhere in the house. Once your kitten starts using the litter box regularly, you can begin to gradually remove the litter boxes until there is only one left.
  • If your kitten is hesitant about getting into the litter box, make sure the litter box is not difficult to access. You can also change the filling, especially if it has a flavor.
  • Replace the filler gradually. If you have to switch to a different type of litter, start mixing the litters gradually, increasing the amount of the new one. Everything should take about two weeks.